HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1941-07-17, Page 8PAGE EIGHT WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, July 17th, 1941 * Show Starts at 8.00 p.m,, Except Saturday Saturday Night, Two Shows, at 7.45 and 9.45 p.m. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, July 17th, 18th, 19th -----DOUBLE BILL------ William Boyd and Russell Hayden in “STAGECOACH WAR” ----- And ----- Bob Burns and Unti Merkel in “COMIN* ROUND THE MOUNTAIN” A western picture and a hillbilly comedy. Matinee Saturday afternoon at 2.30 p.m, a week at and Mrs. also Mr Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, ) July 21, 22, 23 The iong .VOYAGE home ‘I I ‘I. WHITECHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Cox, Goderich, spent the week-end at the home of their son A story of the sea starring John Wayne, Thomas Mitchell and Ian Hunter. Also “March Of June” Mr. Clarence Cox. , Little Shirley and Donald Gibson of Niagara Falls, are holidaying with their granparents, Mr. and Mrs, J. F. • McLean. Mr, and Airs. Ben Naylor, Lucknow and their daughter, .Mrs. McGee of Wingham, also Bert Cullimore, Tor­ onto, also Mr, and Mrs, Young and Mr. and Mrs. John Haggitt of Blyth, visited on Sunday at the home of Mrs. A. Emerson, and Eldon Emerson left with Mrs. Haggitt to spend Blyth. Mrs. Colwell sr, and Mr. Emerson Colwell of Glamis, and Mrs. Harry Peppier of Tavistock, attended the funeral 'of the late Alfred Emerson on Wednesday last. Mr.-and Mrs. Gordon Elliott and fa­ mily visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Stewart of Luck­ now. Mr. and Mrs. Len Westbrook of Go­ derich, and her mother, Mrs, Furlow of, Brantford, visited on Sunday with 'the former’s aunt, Mrs. Jas, Cornelius, Mrs, Amos Cornelius received word last week that her brother-in-law, Mr, Jas. Hueston of Saltford was very ser­ iously ill in Goderich hospital. , Quite a number of the W. M, S. lad­ ies of, the United Ch’urch attended the meeting at St. Helens on Wednesday last and enjoyed the message of Miss Dorothy Douglas, who returned from her missionary work in Formosa and Japan last January. The musical num­ bers we(re contributed by members of the Whitchurch and the Hackett’s W. M, S. Lunch was served and a social half hour much enjoyed by all. Mrs. Walter Lett and Fred spent a day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Browning of Kincardine, whom with their daughter, Lillian, are moving to Toronto the last of this month. Mr. and Mrs, Lance Grain attended the wedding anniversary gathering at the home of her brother, Mr. Robert Currie, Wingham, on Sunday. is spending •x, jhnston and Mr, and Mrs. Eli Jacques spent Sun­ day ■with Mr, and Mrs. Walter Lott. Mrs. C. Williams of Toronto, was a .recent visitor at the home of her sis­ ter, Mrs. Robt, Ross. Rev. J. Pollock has not been as well during the past week0 as his many friends would like to see him. He is with his daughter, Mrs. H. Cooper, at his cottage at Kincardine. Mrs. Odium Of London, this week with Mrs. A. F< Mr. find Mrs, Harold J' son, Bobbie of Lucknow, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Conn, and Miss Jean Simpson of Tees- water, has spent the past two weeks with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Morris and five children, of Chicago, arrived last Thursday to spend a holiday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T, Hill. Miss Bertha Mackay, Mr. Athol Purdon, Mr. Relisson Falconer and Mr. Bert Cullimore, all of Toronto, spent the week-end with relatives here, Mrs, Archie Clow, who has been ill during the past week, is visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Wal­ ter Mason, of Westfield. The family of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Boyle met at the home of John. Boyle on Sunday. Those who attend­ ed this gathering were: Mr. and Mrs., Joe Kurtz and Helen of ,Galt, Mrs, Walter Lettner and Jack, Jim and Rose Marie of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs.-. Jack Kelly, High River, Alta., Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cummings and Jim of St. Augustine, Mr. and Mrs. Gus. Dev­ ereaux and family of Donnybrook, and Mr. and Mrs. Gus Boyle, Wingham. All enjoyed the family re-union. 'Miss Anna May Carrick was taken to Wingham Hospital on Monday ev­ ening and underwent a operation for ORIENT’S matchless Nylon hose are now av­ ailable in summer shades - - soft rosy tones or glowing Suntans. Styling by ORIENT, plus wearing.qualities of i NYLON, make ' this a ; really superb stocking. $1.65 Pr. Please note that our •supply of Nylon is limit­ ed. It will .pay you to an­ ticipate your needs. I and Miss Dorothy Aitken spent the week-end in Toronto and were guests at the wedding of Miss Olive Travers Douglas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Ross- Douglas and Mr, William Stan* ley Martin, of Toronto. The wedding was solemnized at Hart House,Chapel. Mrs. C. Tavener was the hostess this past week for the monthly meet­ ing of the Busy Bees Club .from the Ebenezer charge. Duncan McDougall has the contract for building a new floom at McKinney Bros, mill, when completed a new wat­ er wheel will be installed. Miss Isabel McKinnon, Kitchener, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. R. H. McKinnon. Mr. and. Mrs, Ken Howard, Toron­ to, were recent visitors with Miss Fraser and Mrs, Robertson. Of |KING*SI Miss appendicitis. She is progressing fav­ orably. A miscellaneous shower was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Coul­ ter on Monday evening by relatives and neighbours who met to honor Mr. and Mrs. Cedril Moffat, recent' newly­ weds. The bride received many beau­ tiful and useful gifts from the two hundred assembled guests. Lunch was served and the evening.spent in games dancing and social chat Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tiffin spent Sun­ day at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Fred McQuillan, of Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs. Albert McGinty, Doris and Lloyd, of Stratford, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson. Mrs. -Robt. Mowbray, Catharine, Roberta and Angus, motored to Woodstock on Monday to -meet Mc­ Kenzie Mowbray, who was coming home from Mossbank, Sask., where he has been stationed,at the Bombing' and Gunnery School for the past, few months. He will be home for three days and then leave for Calgary where/ he will attend the Wireless School, re­ porting there July 21. Miss Dorothy , Douglas, returned missionary from Formosa and Japan, will address the W.M.S. of the Pres­ byterian Church here Thursday, July 24th. The Londesboro softball team play-' ed here Monday night, the game end­ ing in a tie 10-10. The local team plays at Goderich Wednesday evening. Rev. Hagen, Toronto, was in charge of the Church services in the Presbyterian here on Sunday. Honor Newly-Weds A very large number of relatives and friends gathered in the C.O.F. Hall, Monday night, to do honor to Mr. and Mrs, J, W. Peacock, who were recently married. Rev. Campbell Tavener presided over a programme of solos by Mrs, Wickstead, Ross Smith, Donald Robertson, Allan Rant- say and Mr, Tavener, piano selections by Mrs. Donald Robertson and num­ bers by the orchestra^ Littfe Francis Shaw gave a patriotic recitation and Helen and Leona, little daughters of Councillor Harvey Johnston, charmed all hearts with their Dutch song an’d dance. Mrs. Sparling Johnston read the address to which the bridegroom responded. Many useful and beautiful gifts were received. After refresh­ ments, dancing was enjoyed to the music estr a, Here is a special week­ end. value in summer pants. Trousers regularly selling for 1.95 to 4,95 are clearing in two groups, which * mean a big saving. Cotton wash pants — light ^’colours in fancy checks and strides $1.49 . Summer Flannels and worsteds in % greys and fawn $2.69 • of the Gulley Jumpers Orch-KING’S BELGRAVE V Mrs. J. Hutclijnson, Toronto, spent week with Mr., and Mrs. Yule.' Mr. R. Yule is relieving station ag- net at Paisley. Miss Margaret Brandon, of Regina, Sask., visited for a few days with-her aunt, Mrs. Brandon and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. K. Howard, Toronto, spent part of their holidays and Mrs. J. A. Geddes accompanied them to Kincardine' for a few days. Miss Berna Yule has returned home after a week in • London, and St/ Thomas. Miss^Verna Johnston is home from Ottawa for her holidays, with her aunt Mrs.) R- Owens, Mrs. VanCamp and Mrs. Owens have the sympathy of their friends in the loss of their, sister, Mrs. Noble. Mr. and Mrs. W. Byers and daugh; ter, Jean, of Royal Oak, Mich., are visiting with her sister, Mrs. and Mr. a KI BLUEVALE Women’s Institute Jean Elliott was the hostess this week for the monthly meeting of the Women’s Institute. The meeting was in charge of the local leaders.and the classes for the Junior Girls* Club projects. Jean Elliott =,and her class demonstrated “Being Well Dressed and Well Groomed.” They exhibited sewing, record books, certificates and spoons, which each girl receives wh’en she completes a project, Ope young lady poised in a correct fashion to at­ tend a ball game. Care of the hair, teeth, hands and feet was included in the study. . ” Leia- Agar add her class demonstrat­ ed a meat loaf, from the project “Meat In The Menu”, A reading by Helen Thomson and a trio by Barbara Thynne, Dorothy Fraser and Shirley Agar were enjoyed. The business part of the meeting was . spent arranging for the Mystic Tea to be held at the home of Miss Florence Fowler on Friday afternoon. The proceeds to be used for Red Cross work. The meeting also decided to send the price of 100 pounds of Sugar to a cetitre in the fruit growing area to assist in the overseas jam-making project. The girls served a 15c tea, the proceeds to go toward defraying ( the class expenses. Mrs.- Robertson, Stratford, is with her sister, Mrs. R, J, McMurray, -William Thomson and Miss Sander­ son are spending a few days 'With Mayor Thomas E, Henry attd Mrs, Henry at Stratford. Thomas Dickson, Seaforth, and his son, Charles Dickson, London, spent Sunday with Mt. and Mrs. R. F. Gar- ltiss, / Mr. O, Moffatt, Woodstock, visited recently with his father, C. B.'Moffatt. Mr, and Mrs, Harold Holmes, of Toronto, arc holidaying with Mr, and Mrs, Andrew Holmes. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Love spent Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Scott, at Seaforth, Miss Mary Duff, Mrs. M. L. Aitken Haselgrove’s Smoke Shoppe Featuring* . His Own Brand Cigar— Omar’s Invincibles — 5c ■■■KnKMBKKUB J. C. Procter. Mr. and Mrs, E. Smith, Norman and Eleanore, of Detroit, spent the, week­ end with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. MacKen- zie. ’ Miss Verna Johnston, of Ottawa, is spending her vacation ‘ with Mrs. Owens, Wanted Green Cedar Poles 30ft. - 35 ft. - 40 ft. - 7 Inch tops / ... APPLY TO ... Wingham Utilities Commission H. CAMPBELL PHONE 161\ - EMB PROMPT DELIVERY ■ HEALTGLO,. i MAPLE LEAF SOAPCARBOLIC SOAP 3 Cakes 15c I FLAKES ..... Family size’65c Smith’s FOUR O’CLOCK TEA . Dalton’s MELCOURT COFFEE •s Lb. 79c Lb. 49c LELAND TOMATO I FRESH SALTEDCATSUP..... 14-Oz. Bottle 19c I PEANUTS ..........Lb. 15c Weston’s Cellophane Wrapped Assorted Biscuits - - CALUMET BAKING I MADE-RITE PASTRYPOWDER ........ . 1-lb. Tin 25c 1 FLOUR *.......... 24-Lb. Bag 79c Pkg.15c Miracle Whip SALAD DRESSING 32-oz. Jar 49c Glengrove CREAM CHEESE ..... 2-lb. Box 59c 14-CUT WHITE RUBBER i HEAVY ZINC•RINGS ....................4 Dozen 25c I RINGS ................ Dozen 25c TLarge 20-oz. Tins * DEVON NO, 4 PEAS_____________ Bottl° 25c I MEMBA S°EAJLS Pkg, 10c York All Pork SAUSAGE . L ...... ‘. Lb. 25c Maple Leaf Skinless WEINERS ........... Lb. 29c • . York Good Qualify BOLOGNA ......... Lb. 21c SWEET JUIC Y • ORANGES. FIRM RIPE BANANAS .. Tin 11c SIZE 300’s CHOICE Dozen 20c LEMONS 3 for lOc CALIFORNIA 20c GRAPEFRUIT 4rfdr 25c ................... *•BANK NITE Tickets and War Savings Stamp . Coupons Given Here.