HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1941-07-17, Page 4’PAGE FOUR WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, July 17th, 194J * — MEN WANTED — To Work During Tomato Season beginning about August 15 th. Make Applications To LIBBY McNEIL & LIBBY CHATHAM, ONTARIO, Applications from those engaged in war industries will not be considered. Rev. Mr. Tavener, of Bluevale United f Church, addressed the minister. Rev.* J. L. Ball of the Anglican Church and; Rev. Mr. Fowler of Bluevale Presby-1 terian Church, were present and took' part in the service. The choir, under | the leadership of Mr. G. A, Wearring,' favored with an anthem. Following! the service, Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Foster and daughter, Miss Marjorie, were in­ troduced to the members by Mr, Rann. A social hour was enjoyed in the church schoolroom where refresh­ ments, were served, ^will bp holidaying at Tobermory, Mr, W. H. Campbell is spending a few weeks at the home of his son, Mr. Colin Campbell, of Ottawa, Mr,. Bob Govier has joined the army and left for London on Monday, JAMESTOWN Ella Fraser has been visiting home of Mr, and Mrs, John FOR SALE—Charles Bondi Property | June, A-D. 1941, are notified to send on Josephine Street. Terms can be arranged. Albert Shifrin, 100 Ade­ laide W,., Toronto# FOR SALE—1 Massey-Harris Bind­ er nearly new, 6 ft. cut, in good shape. Owner is not now farming. To see apply to A, E. Nethery, Bel­ grave., FQR SALE—Gramaphone and Re­ cords, Extension Table, Bed, Mat­ tress, Springs, Toilet Set, Sealers, Dishes, etc. (Morning or evenings). Mrs. W. H, Willis.______________ FOR SALE—-10 Pigs, six weeks old. Apply to John Norman, R. R. 3, Wingham, Phone 626r6. FOR SALE—21 Pigs, 7 weeks old. Apply Milas McMillan, 2nd Con. Kinloss, R. R, 5, Lucknow. to J, H. Crawford, Wingham, Ontario, on or before the second day of Aug­ ust, A.D. 1941, full particulars of their claims in writing, Immediately after the said second day of August, 1941, the assets of the said testator will be distributed amongst the parties entit­ led thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executors shall then have notice. DATED this tenth day of July, A.D. 1941. J. H. CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the -Executors; NOTICE TO CREDITORS FOR SALE—Massey-Harris Binder, . ..7 ft. cut, in good repair. Apply to ... "S. Morton, Phone 624rl5. FOR SALE—One Robert Bell Separ­ ator, size 32x50 Cutting Box Ma­ chine with Milverton feeder and grain thrower. Can be seen at Clif­ ford, Ont. Information at Clifford Hotel or write H. Parker, at 30 Page ' St., St. Catharines, FOR -SALE—Work Horse, 5 years old, and good cow, fresh. Apply to Jerry Casemore, B Line, Turnberry. MAID WANTED—For small family ■ in Stratford. Apply to Mrs. G. L. Griffith, 158 John St., Stratford. TEACHER of Music Theory, Violin, Clarinet, all Brass instruments, and expert\Piano Tuning;^tuning price $3. Repairs extra. Geo. J. Wright*, late Bandmaster of Wingham. Leave orders at Advance-Times.________ TENDERS will be received up to July 25th, 1941, for painting outside of School and front fence of S.S.. No. 7, Morris. A separate tender will be received at the same time for the er-, ection of a new fence. Particulars may be had from Jas. Campbell, R. R. 4, Wingham. All persons have claims against the estate of Maria Louttit late of the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, Spinster, deceased, who died on or about the third day of July, A.D, 1941, are notified to send to J. H. Crawford, Wingham, Ontario, on or before the second day of Aug­ ust, A.D, 1941, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said second day of August, 1941, the assets of the said testatrix will be distributed amongst the parties entit­ led thereto, having regard only to claims of which the’ executor shall then have notice. DATED this tenth day of July, A.D. 1941.J. H. CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Ced. Moffat wish to take this opportunity to express their .appreciation to the friends of the B. Line and Whitechurch for the many beautiful and useful gifts received at the several showers. CARD OF THANKS . I . - Mrs. A. Emerson and family wish to take this opportunity of expressing their appreciation to their friends and neighbors for their kind expressions of sympathy and floral tributes during their recent bereavement. TENDERS—Whereas the Fire Insur­ ance now in force on the. Huron County Home and Outbuildings ex­ pires on the 1st day of September, 1941. Whereas there is now under construction at the said Home a Fire Alarm System which will be com­ pleted within a few weeks. There­ for the County Home Committee are requesting’ Insurance Agents within the County of Huron, to sub­ mit tenders for this insurance, to the undersigned, on or before 12 o’clock noon Saturday August 9th, 1941. The lowest or any tender not necessarilv accepted. Information regarding’this insurance may be had ’a* the County Clerk’s Office, Court House, Goderich, Ont. Signed, N. W. Miller, County Clerk 1I i i i WORN TIRES are unsafe in hot wea­ ther. Play Safe. Get Quality and still save money. Buy at Campbell’s Garage. Canadian Tire Corporation Associate Store. WANTED—Waitresses. Apply Venus Restaurant, Goderich, or Phone 170. WANTED — Housework, preferably with an a’dult family, by an experi- enced girt Apply Advance-Times. .,$38 BUYS 1927 Buick 4-passenger Coupe, in good condition. Would make good autotrac. Apply J, Rin- toul, Whitechurch, notice to_creditors $ ALL persons having claims against -the estate of Jonathan Pattison late of the Town of Wingham in the Coun­ ty of Huron, Gentleman, deceased, who died on or about the twenty-first day of June, A.D. 1941, are notified to send to J. H. Crawford, Wingham, Ontario, on or before the nineteenth day of July, A.D. 1941, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediate­ ly after the said nineteenth day of July, 1941, the assets of the said test­ ator will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executor Shall then have notice. DATED at Wingham, this second day of July, A.D. 1941. J. H. CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL persons having claims against the estate of John Gray late of the Township of East Wawanosh In the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased, Who died on or about the thirteenth day of June, A.D. 1941, are notified to send to J, H. Crawford, Wingham, Ontario, on or before the nineteenth day of July, A.D. 1941, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediate­ ly after the said nineteenth day of July , 1941, the assets of the said intestate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the administrator Snail then have notice. DATED at Wingham# this second day of July, A.D. 19411 J. H. CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Administrator. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons have claims against the estate of William & King, late of the Township of Turnbetry in. the County of Huron, Farmer# deceased, who died W or about the twenty-third day of WROXETER Mr. Barry Rann, London, spent the week-end with friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. J. Riddell and daugh­ ter, Florence, New Hamburg, also Mr. , Murray Fraser, of the R.C.A.F, train­ ing school at St. Thomas, were week- ■ end guests of Mr. and Mrs, J, Lovell. Mr. and Mrs. R. Thomson and dau­ ghter, Jean, Ponoka, Alta., Mrs. Mary Thomson, Mrs. Andrew Grant and son, Rae, Wexford, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Mac- Naughton. Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Moffat and fam­ ily spent a day recently in Goderich. Mrs. Westlake and daughter, from Goderich, visited Mrs. Ben Wade on Thursday of last week. Recent guests of Mrs. D. W. Rae were Dr. Fraser and Mrs. Strachan and two children, from Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wightman, of Belgrave, Dr. and Mrs, Grose and two children, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. James Rae, of Brantford. , s: { Mf. Bill Hart has been very ill with pneumonia. We are glad to report his condition is much improved. Mrs. Jeanette Pye, of Owen Sound, spent several days with Mrs. Alex. Sanderson who came to be present at her mother’s funeral, the late Mrs. Sandy McDougall. We regret the illness of Mrs. James Wray, of the village, who has suffered an attack of pneumonia. Mrs. Graham Wray, of Brantford, is staying with Mrs. Wray during her illness. Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Mines, of Ni­ agara Falls, N.Y., were recent visit­ ors with his father, Mr. Wm. Mines. Mrs. Mary Mitchell, Toronto, has been a guest of Mrs. Sangster during the past two weeks. Mr. Cliff Denny, Toronto, spent the week-end at his home here. Women’s Missionary Society The July meeting of the W. M, S. was held on Thursday in the United Church school-room. The president, Mrs. G. A. Wearring, presided and op­ ened with the singing of the hyftifi, “Come, let us slug of a wonderful love.” The Scripture lesson was taken from James, chapter 3, and read by Mrs. L. VanVelsor. The second hymn was “Lord, speak to me that I may speak,” Mrs. Howe gave a splendid talk on the Stewardship of Time, stressing the thought that time is di­ vinely given. During the business per­ iod It was decided to omit the August meeting. The prayer for peace was taken by Mrs. Cooke and the closing hymn ”0 God of love# O king of peace,” New Minister Inducted The Induction Service for Rev, Mr. Roster was held on Friday evening of last week. Rev, R, C« Copeland, Cor­ rie, presided and addressed the people# Red Cross News Th? Wroxeter Red Cross group have made shipment of their June quota which is as follows; 9 suits py­ jamas, 1 dressing gown, 8 pairs- socks, 3 pairs seamen’s socks, 14 pairs fly­ ing mitts, 3 helmets, 4 scarves, 5 sleeveless sweaters, 3 turtle-neck sweaters, 5 pairs rifle mitts, 4 pairs or-' dinary mitts, 1 quilt, 1 boy’s outfit, which consisted of 1 shirt, 1 pair pants with belt, 1 coat, 1 pair socks, 1 sweat­ er. ^Special mention might be made of a donation from the Rainbow Club, a group of small girls, under the direc­ tion of Mrs. A, J, Sanderson. Their contribution consisted of babies’ lay­ ettes: 12 diapers, 2 slips, 2 dresses, 4 bonnets, 2 night gowns, 1 quilt, 2 pairs bootees, 1 double flette. jacket,. 1 card safety-pins, 2 nursing bottles, 1 moth­ er’s night gown, infant’s mitts, 2 knit­ ted afghans, 1 crochet afghan, Dr, John Munroe, who has been on the Hospital staff at Copper Cliff for some years, has located in Strathroy where Mr. and Mrs. Allan Munroe and daughter, Winnifred, visited he and his family, over .the week-end. Red Cross Mystic Tea Miss Florence Fowler will open her home on Friday of this week, July 18, 3 to 6 o’clock, when the ladies of the community1'will hold a Mystic Tea, which promises to be something novel in the way of entertainment. Come and enjoy an afternoon at Miss Fow­ ler’s farm home on Friday and help a worthy cause. Mr. H. Hillman, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Martin and daughter, Eleanor, all of Weston, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gibson. andRev. *John and Mrs. Barnard children and Miss Weatherhead, of Courtright, were visitors with the for­ mer’s parents, Rev. G. A. and Mrs? Barnard. Miss Mills, of Detroit, is a visitor at the home of Mr. John Aitchison. Miss Laurine Miller, of the Hos­ pital Staff, Wingham, spent thg week­ end at her home here. Miss Jean Thom, iMothercraft nurse, of Toronto, is holidaying at her home here. The Annual Social meeting of the Women’s Missionary Society was held on Wednesday afternoon with a large attendance including guests from Hac­ kett’s, • Crewe and Whitechurch who provided the musical numbers. Miss Dorothy Douglas, of Lucknow, form­ er principal of our school, and jvho has spent 12 years as a missionary in Formosa, was the guest speaker. She delighted her audience with her inter­ esting and informative address. At the conclusion a pleasant social hour was enjoyed over the tea cups. WESTFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harbourn and babe, of Staffa, were week-end guests at the home of Mrs. Harbourn’s par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Walden. Mrs. Earl McKnight and children, of Auburn, are spending a few days with Mr, and Mrs. Walter Cook. Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Walsh, BJyth, were Westfield visitors on Sunday. Master Jim Sibthorpe, Blyth, visited last week at the home of Mr. and,, Mrs, Wm. McDowell. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cook and family of Belgrave, were guests cln Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Cook. Masters Bobbie and^Ronald Jenning of Windsor are holidaying with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, William Walden, Master Douglas Wilson, Seaforth, is holidaying with his cousin, Gordon Carter. Master John Sibthorpe/Blyth, and little Miss Barbara Smith, Goderich, spent last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McDowell, Mr, and Mrs. John Bateman# Tor­ onto, were Westfield visitors Sunday. Guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Anderson, on Friday were: Mr, Donald Patterson and son of Peace River district, Mr. Roy Patterson and Mrs. D. Patterson of Goderich, Mr. and Mrs, W. A, Campbell# Don­ ald and Mr, W. H« Campbell, were Kitchener visitors on Sunday. They were accompanied home by Mr. Ken* neth Campbell, of Toronto# who leaves on Wednesday to join the army. Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Sibthorpe and family, of Blyth, were Westfield visit* ors on Sunday# Mr# and Mrs. Wm. McDowell# Mr, That Extra Touch It’s that extra touch, that brings SP many customers back to us again and agaiiv You’ll appreci­ ate our taking care of the small­ est details that make your driv­ ing a pleasure, Come in. You’ll leave us with a song in your heart. SERVICE OUR MOTTO Bert Armstrong PHONE 181 and Mrs. Norman McDowell and children, Miss Mildred Thornton, vis­ ited with Mrs. Wesley Taylor, Guelph. Mrs. Alice Tyerman, Leamington, is visiting at the home of her cousin, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Campbell. • Mr. \V. A. Campbell is spending a few days with Michigan friends. Mr. Jim Walsh, of Clinton, spent Sunday under the parental roof. Miss at the Fraser, •Mrs, have been visiting with friends, here, returned to Detroit on Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mitchell', of the 16th of Grey, were recent visitors at Mr, Alex, McDonald’s, Miss Ruth McAllister, of Toronto, is holidaying at her home here. Mrs. Burnett and children, Detroit, are visitors with Mrs. Jas. MacFar­ lane. Miss Gertrude Payne, of Hanover, was home for the week-end. A little boy has come to gladden the home of Mr, and Mrs, John MAcKay, Congratulations, Miss Isabelle Clark is spending part of her holidays at the home of Mr. 'Alex. McDonald. A presentation was held in James­ town Hall in honor of Mr. and iMrg. George Johnston, recently married. On Tuesday evening of last week, friends and neighbors of Private Wal­ ter MacFarlane, of the H.L.I., gather­ ed at the home of Mrs, Jas, MacFar­ lane ‘and presented him with a watch and cigarette lighter. James Wallace and Bert, who. of Cool Distinction The sort of frocks that can go ev­ erywhere on a summer’s clay, Fine spun-rayons in soft pastels ancl darker shades, many of them smartly highlighted by touches of contrasting embroidery or crisply fresh lingeries notes. An exciting collection at gold MORRIS HI s M s Ladies Wear ■ On Wednesday afternoon the Mis­ sion Band entertained the ladies of the W.M.S. in the basement of the church. There were-about forty-five present. Dorothy Govier, president of the Mis­ sion Band, was in.charge. Winnifred Campbell, who had trained the child­ ren, presided at the piano. The meet­ ing opened with a hymn after which Mrs,. Frank Campbell led in prayer. Mrs. Carter spoke a few words of wel­ come to the W.M.S. members.- Scrip­ ture reading, 23rd Psalm, was read by Mildred Carter.. Chorus, by the band “Jewels.” Readings were given by Lorna and Jim Buchanan, Gwen Cook and Ila Taylor; solo by Roberta Mc- Vittie, Kathleen'Mason; duet, Violet and Nora Cook; duet by Dorothy^Gov­ ier and Janetta Snell; quartette, Violet Cook, Mildred Carter, Lloyd Walsh” and Gordon Mason; chorus by Band, “Jesus bids us shine”, Mrs. H. C. Wil­ son and Mrs. James McGill, of Clin­ ton, both gave very fine addresses. Af­ ter the leader, Mrs. W. Carter, had thanked those who took part in the programme, she led in the mission band prayer, and the W.M.S. held a short meeting, with Mrs. Albert Walsh in charge of the devotional program. Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. H. Blair. A devotional leaflet “The Gift of a Loving Heart” was given by Mrs: Wm.-Carter. Duet by Mrs. Wm. Mc­ Dowell and Mrs. Wm. Walden. Read-’ ings were given by Mrs.- Jack Buch­ anan, Mrs. Wm. McVittie, and Mrs. A. E. Walsh. After a short business period, lunch was served by the mem­ bers pf the Mission Band. The Westfield Sunday School Jicnic was held on Friday afternoon at the river, on Mr. Earl Wightman’s farm. Both children and adults enjoyed the refreshments at the booth. Sports were enjoyed under the leadership of Mr, A, E. Walsh. The races were won by the following, boys hnd girls under 5, Johnnie Buchanan, Lois Campbell, girls from 6 to 9, Shirley Radford, Lorna Buchanan; boys 6 to 9, John Wilson; girls 10 to 12, Ruth Wilson, Janetta Snell; boys 10 to 12, Harvey Wightman, Lloyd Walsh; girls 13 to 15, Dorothy Govier and Helen McGill; boys 13 to 15, Ralph Rodger, Billie Buchanan; young women, Doreen Vin­ cent, Fern McDowell; young men, R. Vincent, Elvin Wightman; girls’ three* lagged race, Janetta Snell, Ruth Wil* son# Doreen Vincent, May Mason; boys’ 3-legged race, Roy Buchanan, Gordon Mason, Lloyd Walsh and Bob­ bie Jerining; wheel barrow race, Billie Buchanan, Jack Cook, Arnold Cook, Murray McDowell; girls’ shoe race', May Masonf boys’ shoe race, '-John Sibthorpe, Jimmie Miller; carrying beans on knife, Mrs. Charles Smith; kicking potato# Wm. Carter; neck-tie race, Mrs. Fred J. Cook, Wm. Carter; heel and toe race, Ruth Wilson. Pic­ nic lunch was served. Mrs. Bradford and Mrs. Brown, of Bruke’s Falls, are visiting at the home of Mrs. Elwtn Taylor and Mrs, J. L. McDowell. At the Church Service on Sunday# the pastor, Rev. H« C. Wilson, spoke front 1st John 4j 21, He that loveth God loveth his brother, * Mr# George Brunton, of Toronto, rendered two fine solos which were enjoyed by alt Next Sunday the service will be in charge of Mr, Geo, MeClenaghan. On July 27th ReV. Bremner, of Seaforth# will take the service, as Rev. H. C. Wilson Mrs. Roy King, Toronto, spent a couple of weeks with friends in Blue­ vale and the 1st line, returning to Tor­ onto Friday. Mrs, George Agar and two daugh­ ters, of Stratford, are spending a few weeks with Mr. Chas. Agar and Miss Etta, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Agar and other friends. Mr. Wm. Scott received word that his mother was very sick in Philadel­ phia, and left on Saturday morning to go to see her. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Mathers and two daughters visited for a few days last week with friends in Bluevale and the 1st line, and spent the rest of their holidays with her parents at St. Marys. This communiy held a kitchen show­ er in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Will Pea­ cock on Monday night in Bluevale. The little son of Mr. Wm. Scott was bitten on the toe by a black snake last Thursday. He was rushed to Dr. Red­ mond who treated it. He is getting on nicely now. Glad to hear Miss Loreen Hamilton is home .and feeling better after her operation at London. Mr. Vernon Hamilton arrived home Saturday after spending a couple of months with his brother, Gordon, near Hensail. tawa Sunday. Mrs. Ewans has been on the sick list, also Mrs. Shurter. Carl Douglas was in Hamilton on Wednesday on business, Week-end visitors- with Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Hunkin were Mr. and Mrs. Thos. B. Allen, of Farquhar, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Pollen and Miss Vera of Ex­ eter, Betty Hunkin returned with them. 1 Audrey Hunkin is1? visiting at her aunt’s, Mrs. C. Miller, of Staffa. Miss Jean Inglis-is now’a graduate of Canada Business College, Toronto, and has accepted a secretarial position. f SOFTBALL SLANTS BORN General Hos- Mr. and Mrs. Lucknow, R.R. 2, a Wingham General Tuesday, July 8th, GAUNT—In Wingham pital, on July 8th, to Harold Gaunt, daughter. RINTOUL—In Hospital, on 1941, to Mr. and Mrs. Gibson Rin- toul, a son. McGILL—In Wingham General Hos­ pital, on July 11th, to Mr. and Mrs. Allan McGill, R. R. 1, Wingham, a son. GOETZ—In Wingham General Hos­ pital, on July 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. John Goetz, Teeswater, a daughter. MUNN—In Wingham General Hos­ pital, on July 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. James Munn, Wingham, a daughter. McTAVlSH—In Wingham General Hospital, on July 14th, to Mr. and Lucknow, Gurneys 7 - High School 6 ■ The High School nine lost a heart­ breaker to Gurneys on Wednesday ev­ ening when the Glovemen shoved over six runs in the last inning to nose out the Students who led 6-1. The kids appeared to have the game in the bag. but Lady Luck was looking the other way. The Win put Gurneys in second place and the setiback put the High School lads in‘the basement. **.♦ * * Gurneys 29 - Lucknow 9 Thursday evening a good crowd was on hand to see the exhibition game be­ tween a team from Lucknow and Gur-, neys’ team, of the Town League. Gur­ neys were strengthened by three of the Cassidy'brothers, and they togeth­ er with the Cassidy battery, were a tower of strength <and were largely re­ sponsible for* the decisive victory. The boys from Lucknow play a good brand of softball and would give any team in the town league a. good tussle. “Toby” Greer, of hockey fame, was on the mound for the Sepoys and he pitched pretty fair ball despite the big score against him. * * * Clerks 10 - Foundry 6 On Friday niglit the Clerks ran their string of wins to five when they took the Foundry into camp 10-6. The Clerks were-not so hot at the bat as usual and made several errors afield, but were still good enough to take the Ironmen, who were minus several of- their regular players. Al. Small start­ ed on the mound for the Foundry in- the absence of Jim Lee, and was nick­ ed for enough runs to win in the first couple^of innings. The Clerks didn’t do so well after Lee arrived, but the- damage was already done. The Foun­ dry could have a strong team, and it is too bad if the players won’t turn, out in time for the games. ' * * * Lloyds 9 - Gurneys 5 On Monday night in a hotly con­ tested game, Lloyds took a fall out of. Gurneys and as a result exchanged- places in the standing with them. The- final score, 9-5, was not as close as the game itself, for Lloyds hopped on­ to Cassidy for six runs in the first inning but couldn’t do much with him after that. Vanstone, on the mound for the Woodworkers, was unbeatable, the most Gurneys could do in one inning was a pair of runs. * * * The appointment of Goldie Bucking­ ham as the regular umpire seems to have been a move in the right direc­ tion. His decisions, we believe, will always be “the way he sees them” and it eliminates the regular hun^for an “ump” which usually held up most of the games.•'* ♦ * The crowds attending the games ane slowly growing, and enthusiasm grows with the crowd. This is very gratifying to the league officials and to the teams as well. Get behind a team, any one of -them, and see how interested you wiil get. * * * STANDING Clerks .... Lloyds .... Gurneys . Foundry .. H. School Won' 5 . 3 ' 3 i 1 0 2 ’ 3 4 4 DOM IN ION Mrs. Gordon McTavish, R.R. 2, a son. BELMORE taking aMiss Ada dlark/ while course of training at Hamilton, was suddenly stricken with appendicitis. Mrs. James Harper (nee Hazel Har­ ris) is a patient in Walkerton Hos­ pital with the same trouble. The Institute ladies, their husbands and friends, met on Mr. Elmer Zinn’s lawn Wednesday evening for an ice cream social. There was aft abund­ ance of ice cream/1 cake and cookies. When all were satisfied, the following programme was enjoyed, address by Rev. Clarke, chairman /solos by Mrs. Norman Newans with Miss Grace Iti- glish at the pianoj guitar number and song by the Misses Renwick; duet by Betty and Muriel Abraham; Gordon Inglis, violin solo, with Isabel wick at tile piano; reading# M. ray “The City Man In The Field””# Mr, and Mrs. Zinn did best to make this a success and rewarded for their labor, All had a splendid time and something to re­ member, The Bible Society agent again visit­ ed our village and gave all the oppor­ tunity of seeing the Bombing of Eng­ land, also moving pictures of Strut* ford-On-Avon, Aberdeen and other large cities, Those who failed to see this missed much, Mr, Lor he Ewans returned to Ot- Sweet Mixed 28 Oz Sour or Mustard Jar PRINCESS SOAP CHIPS Lge. Pkg. ......... — 25c PALMOLIVE SOAP Lge. Cake.................... 7c I ZINC RINGS’ HEAVY DUTY..........Doz. 25c RUBBER RINGS WHITE OR RED.... . Pkg. 6e Libby’s Pork & Beans 20 3V"“ 25c SHREDDED WHEAT « f—J 2 Pkgs. .................. 23c I Reg, Size"QUAKER CORN FLAKES 1 ® — ‘ 3 Pkgs......................................25c I SUPER SUDS Reg. Size ODEX SOAP Cake.. .......*..... ..................6c Libby’s Grapefruit Juice 20 2%Jns 23c 23c Ren- Jeff* Hay their were LIBBY'S TOMATO JUICE 20 Oz. Tin..............................10c ’ LIBBY’S SPAGHETTI 15 Oz# Tin............. ......... 9C Cohoe Salmon Is 29c LIBBY’S MUSTARD ? Ja#F car*.............2 for 23c. LIBBY’S Mixed VEGETABLES 16 Oz. Tins .................. ...2 for 23c */2s 17c FRUITS and VEGETABLES ORANGES ' . • I BEETSMed. Size >. 25c Lge, Size ... 39c I LEMONS""COOKING ONIONS ... 2 Lbs. 9c | LGE. SIZE BEETS 3 Bunches 10c .......,.6 for 19c FRESH CHERRIES DAILY Phone 170 Dominion Store*, Ltd. Free Delivery