HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1941-07-03, Page 5Thursday, July 3rd, 1941
Summer Fabrics
A summer suit, dress, or play clothes cost a niere
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fresh summer fabrics’ Hundred of '-yards;, ••in’“a’-
breathtaking variety, are awaiting your selection.
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25c Yd.
Flock Dot and
Printed Voile
35c Yd.
“Walker Stores. Clmited
“The Store Where Lower Prices Prevail”
Telephone 36 Wingham, Ont.
6 --------
Thompson - Reid
Decorated with standards of Del
phinium, Madonna Lilies and baskets
of ferns, Wingham United Church was
a beautiful setting, for a very pretty
wedding Thursday afternoon, at 2.30
O’clock, when Miss Tena Reid, A.T.-
C.M., only daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Alex. Reid, of Whigham, was married
to Rev. John Crossley Thompson, B.
A., of .Arntfield, Quebec,.son of Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon V. Thompson, Tor
onto. Three ministers officiated, Rev.
John F. Anderson of Sarnia, Rev. W.
A. Beecroft, and Rev. E. Cfossley
Hunter, Hamilton, uncle of the groom,
who administered the sacrament.- Prof.
W. A. Anderton, of' Clinton, was at
the consol^^the organ and the choir
rendered tyro “anthems.
Given in marriage by herfather, the
bride wore a , gbwh ‘.Of white sheer
trimmed with' chantilly lace and short
train, her. tulle Veil arranged With a
$25 In Cash Prizes
$10 First Prize; $5 Second Prize
and Ten $1 Prizes.
Every Sat. Night/-
Club 9
9 A lucky ticket with every 25 cents you, spend, -i
headdress in poke bonnet style. She
carried a white Bible with markers of
rosebuds. Miss Mildred Hunter, Ham
ilton, maid of honour, gowned in blue;
Miss Caroline Wellwood and Miss
Mary Cruicksliank, bfitlesmalds, wore
pink. The junior- bridesmaids,’; Misses
Lois and Audrey 'McLeod, were, (rock
ed in yellow. The-'gpwn's ’of 'Sll^the at
tendants were of ’sheer fashioned on
similar lines with siweethearFnecklines,
All wore matching Bo-Beep hats with
crowns of roses and carried, fans of
delphiniums and roses.1' Mr.'1 Fred
Thompson, of McMasietville, .Quebec,
brother of the groom,, was grqqmsman
and the ushers were -Mr. './(Gordon
Thompson, Torero, th.e groom’s bro
ther, an/ Mr. Clifford Wylde, Hamil
ton, co m of the bride. •
The Fbceptioil .waS held'at ffie Home
of the bride’s parents. jMp; J^eid. wore
a gown of Queeh feltaabeth’blUe'sheer,
beige accessories “and her corsage-.was
Talisman roses-and1-Hbuvardta. Mrs.
Thompson, the-'grdbjti’s. rnOthqr;' was
gowned in dusky pink Jeroma crepe
with blue accessories. Her flowers
were Ohpelia roses.
^Following .the serving of a buffet
Idncheon Rev. and Mrs, Thompson
left on a trip through the Muskoka
district after which they will reside at
Arntfield, Que, For travelling the
bride chose a blue crepe redingote en
semble with beige accessories and a
corsage of Talisipan roses.
, Guests were present from Winston,
Tara, Toronto, Hamilton, Clarkson,
Sarnia,, Blenheim, Ripley, Kincardine
and Clinton,
Craig - Robertson
Peacock - Robertson
A very lovely double wedding jyas
held at the residence of the brides' fa
ther, East Wawanosh, at High Noon,
Wednesday, June 25th, when two dau
ghters of Mr. Adam Robertson and
the late Mrs. Robertson were married
by the Rev, John Pollock, Miss Janet
Annie Robertson became the .bride of
Mr. John Dawson Craig, of White
church, son of Mr, and Mrs, John
Craig, of Whitechurch, and Miss Mary
Margaret Robertson, Reg.N., of the
Wingham Hospital staff, was married
to Mr, William James Peacock, Blue
vale, son of Mr, and Mrs, James Pea
cock . of Bluevale,/The former given
in marriage by her father, wore #
gown of aqua sheer crepe with white
accessories and the latter, given in
marriage by her father, a turquoise
crepe redingote ensemble, hat to
match, and white accessories. The
wedding music was played by Mrs,
Carl Johnston, and Mrs. Robert Hall
sang a solo during the signing of the
Following the ceremony a wedding
dinner was served to thirty guests af
ter which the happy young couples left
on their wedding trips. ’ Mr., and Mrs.
Craig went to Ottawa and on their re
turn will reside at Whitechurch. Mr.
and Mrs. Peacock, to Toronto and Ni
agara. They will reside on the groom’s
farm at Bluevale. For travelling Mrs.
Craig wore a printed silk dress with
white accessories, and Mrs. Peacock a
dress of navy blue poika dot with ac
cessories of white. 5
Kelly - Graham
On Wednesday, June 25th, a quiet
wedding took place at Wellington St.
United Church parsonage, London,
when the Rev. J, W. Hunt united in
marriage -Mary Norma Elizabeth Gra
ham, of Wingham, and Gordon E. J.
Kelly, of London. The bride wore a
dress of ice blue sheer with white ac
cessories and corsage of pink roses and
was attended by her sister, Mrs. W.
R, Mayberry, of Woodstock, who wore
pink taffeta with pale green accessor
ies and corsage of yellow roses. The
groom was attended by Mr. May-
Heimpel - Musgrove
A quiet wedding took place at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Mus
grove, Turnberry Township, in the
presence of the immediate families,
when their second daughter, Eva Mar
garet, was united in marriage to John
Wesley Heimpel, youngest son of Mrs.
Louisa Heimpel and the late John
Heimpel, of Sebringville. Rev. A. L.
Sanderson officiated.
The bride entered the living-room
on the arnrof her father to the strains
of Lohengrin's Wedding March play
ed by the bride’s sister, Miss Gladys
Musgrove. . The bride wore a street
length dress of powder blue sheer and
carried a bouquet of orange blossoms
and white foxgloves. There were no
attendants. Following the ceremony a
wedding dinner was served. The brid
al couple left for a short motor trip,
the bride travelling in a British :navy
blue crepe dress, blue coat and, .white
accessories. On their return they will
reside in Clinton.
* James t- Moore
A wedding of interest to this com
munity was, solemnized at the Parson
age, St.’Helens, ort Monday, June 30,
by the;Rev. G. A, Barnard, when Ruth
Eliza, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Moore, 2nd Con. of Kinloss,
became the bride of Walter Henry
Moffat - Coulter
A very pretty'June wedding took
place at High Nooil, Saturday, June
28th, at the home .of Mr. and Mrs.
William J. Coulter, Turnberry, when
their daughter, (Miss Jean E. Coulter,
Reg.N., became the bride of Mr.
George Cedril Moffat, son of Mr. and
Mrs. J. J» Moffat of'Turnberry. Rev.
John, Pollock officiated. The bride
wore a gown of white triple sheer ov-
satin. Her veil was shoulder length
and was caught with a coronet of or-
.auge blossoms. She carried a bouquet
of American Beauty roses ahd wore a
beautiful wrist watch, the gift of the
groom. Miss Flora Coulter was her
sister’s bridesmaid. Her dress was
pink organza and her flowers pink
carnations. Mr. John 0, Deans, of
Wingha’mr was best man. The wed
ding music was played by Mrs. Har
old Moffat, and during the signing of
the register Miss Doreen Edgar play*-
ed a violin selection accompanied by
Mrs, Harold Moffat at the piano. Fol
lowing the ceremony a reception was
held and dinner was served to thirty
For travelling the bride wore navy
blue sheer, white accessories and hat
to match. Following a trip to North
ern Ontario, Ml and Mrs. Moffat will
reside on, the groom’s farm in Turn
Guests from a distance were; Mr.
and Mrs. Alvin Edgar and family, of,
London; Misses Loreen’and Frances
Edgar, of London; Mr, and Mrs,
Ralph ElJiott and Joyce of Ripley,
Mrs, Richard Palmer
The death occurred of Mrs. Richard
Palmer, formerly Julia Annie Lott, on
Monday evening, at the home of Miss
Margaret Jardine, Wroxeter, in her
85th year. For the past thirteen years
Mrs. Palmer has made her home with
Miss Jardine, Her husband predeceas
ed her thirteen years ago. She leaves
to mourn her passing three sons, Wil
liam of Sudbury, Edward and Leslie,
of Wroxeter. She is also survived by
three sisters and two brothers, R, L.
Lott of Wingham, Walter, of White
church; Mrs. David Farrier, Lucknow;
Miss Mary Lott and Mrs. Charles Mc
Kay of Brussels. One daughter, Mrs.
David Cathers, predeceased her by 20
years. The funeral was held Wednes
day afternoon with interment in the
Wroxeter Cemetery.
Mrs. R. S. McGee, of London, spent
the holiday with friends in town.
Miss Theresa Fitzpatrick is visiting
with Patsy Carmichael in London.
Mr. George Fitzpatrick spent the
week-end with relatives in Guelph,
Craig Armstrong is spending a va
cation at Camp Pine Crest, Torrance,
Mrs. R. J. Tindall was a visitor last
week with Mrs. M. J. Shoebottom of
Mastei1 John Crawford is spending a
vacation at the Rotary Boys’ Camp, at
Lake Erie.
Mr, and Mrs. T. Y. Smith are
spending a vacation at Howdenvale,
Bruce Peninsula.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Merkley, Lon
don, visited with his brother, C. N,
and Mrs. Merkley.
Mr. Murray Roberts, of Toronto,
spent the week-end with his wife and
daughter, Barbara.
Mrs. John McCool visiting this
week with her daughter;*:Mrs. George
Schaefer, Goderich.
Mr. Clyde Louttit, of Long Branch,
was a visitor last week with his moth
er, Mrs. A. Louttit.
■ Pte. Carl Bondi, of Petawawa, spent
the week-end with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Bondi.
Misses Marjorie and Margaret Fish
er, Toronto, nave opened their home
here for the summer.
A.C. Stanley Hare, R.C.A.F., Man
ning Depot, Toronto, spent the week
end at his'home here.
Mr. arid Mrs. Clarkson Martin and
Mrs.. Young, of Belgrave,^ were holi
day visitors in Guelph.
Mr. and Mrs."Alva Fleming, Chat
ham, were week-end visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. A. J. Walker.
A.C. Jack Bateson, R.C.A.F., has
been home for two weeks. He reports
Thursday at Camp Borden.
Miss K. Fitzpatrick is on a trip to
the Pacific Coast in the United States
with relatives from Detroit.
Miss Earnscliffc Musgrove, Buffalo,
was a week-end visitor with her mo
ther, Mrs. A. H. Musgrove.
Mrs. Ollie Thompson, of Listowel,
is visiting this week with her daugh
ter, Mrs. R. S. Hetherington,
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Williamson and
family, of Toronto, spent the week
end with Mrs. W. Williamson. .
Mr. and Mrs, Robert Brooks, Tor
onto, were visitors with Mrs. Margar
et McLean over the week-end.
Miss Nora Finlay, of Toronto, is
spending a holiday with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. David H. Finlay.
A.C. Douglas Waram, R.C.A.F., St
Thomas, was a week-end guest with
his mother, Mrs. W. H. Waram.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Vogan, Peter
borough, were visitors with friends
and relatives over the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Jones and dau
ghter, Helen, were guests last week
With Mr, and Mrs, W. H. Haney.
Pte. Willis Hall, of the Perth Regi
ment, WaS a week-end visitor with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hall.
A.C. Don Nasmith, R.C.A.F., has been
home on leave for the past two weeks,
reports to Camp Borden, Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hodgins and
daughter, of London, Were visitors at
St, Paul’s Rectory on Dominion Day,
Mr. and'Mrs. Fred Wiles and fam-,
ily, of Toronto, were guests over the.
week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Albert
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Burchill over the week-end were (Mr.
and Mrs. James McGladry, Miss Mar
garet Bttrchill, Miss Alice Hodgson,
of Guelph/ also Me and Mrs, Robert
Burchill and Mr. and Mrs, Jack and
baby of Mitehell*
Miss Jean Morley, of Kitchener, and
Mrs. Allan McLean, of Arthur, were
Saturday guests with Mrs. T. J. Mc
Rev, E. O. Gallagher assisted the
service of Holy Confirmation in St.
Stephen's Church, Gorrie, Sunday af
A.C. Harold Cantelon, of the R.C.A.
F. depot at Brandon, Man., returns
this week after visiting with his par
ents for two weeks. X
A.C, Charles McKibbon, of the R.
C.A.F., Mountain View, was a week
end visitor with his parents, Mr, and
Mrs. J. W, McKibbon,
A.C.- Kenneth Somers, R,C,A.F,
Radio Training Course, University of
Toronto, spent the week-end with his
father, Mr. Dave Somers.
Mr, and Mrs, J. J. Traill and son,
Allan, of Toronto, and Miss Gladys
Johnston, of Toronto, spent the week
end with the former’s daughters.
A.C. George King, R.C.A.F., Victor-
iaviile, Que., spent Sunday in London.
His mother, Mrs, «T. C, King, and sis
ter, Mary, motored to London andl
spent the day with him,
Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Hetherington,
Toronto, also Dr, Bert and Mrs..Heth
erington and daughter, Helen, Bramp
ton, were week-end guests with Mr,
and Mrs. Chris. Hetherington, Blue
vale Road and Mrs. S. N. Gallaher.
Friends who attended the funeral
of the late Wm. S. King last week,
were,' Mr. and Mrs. Lyle McKinney,
Ottawa, Ohio;. Mr. and Mrs, Archie
McKinney, Leamington; Mrs. Sarah
McKinney, Mrs. Frank Sharpe, Mr.
Eldon McKinney, Mr. Russel McKin
ney, Mr. Harvey Messer, all of Tor
onto; Mr. and Mrs. Horace Bedwell,
of Atwood; Mr. and Mrs. John King,
Ethel; Mr. and Mrs,.Allan Hersey, of
Grade VII to Grade VIII
Armstrong, Ellen; Brophy, Gerald;
Colborne, Jim; Connell, Mary Lu;
Cowan, Wanda; Dickinson, Norman;
Edgar, Joan; Everick, June; Finlay,
Betty; Forbes, Mary; Forsyth, Mary;
Gannett, Ruth; Hall, Helen; Kress,
Bill; Lewis, Betty; Lloyd, Jack; Lock
ridge, Helen; Lockridge, Bud; Lock
ridge, Tom; MacLeod, Donald; Ohm,
Fred; Ross, Barbara; Schatte, Donald;
Templeman, Bill; Tervitt, Donna;
Thompson, Alma; Tucker, Fred; Wal
ker, Dawna; Wells, Dorothy; Will
oughby, Jean.
Teacher, Goldie Wheeler.
-Grade VI to Grade VII
Armitage, John; Arthur, Helen;
Beninger, James; Burgman, Ruth;
Cowan, Pauline; Dark, Wilma; Deyell,
Madaline; Ernest, Grant; Finlay, Bob
by; Fitzpatrick, Theresa; Foxton, Bar
bara; Gallagher, Lionel; Hall, Jimmie;
Harris, Florence; Henderson, Iona;
Hutcheson, Betty Mae; Johnston,
Ross; Lee, Charlie; Lockridge, Donna;
MacKay,- Alan; Newman, Donald;
Newman, Barbara; Ohm, Rose; Rid
ley, Thelma; Sanderson, Betty; Sturdy,
Helen; Swanson, Gloria, Templeman,
Edna; Town, George; Wall, Leslie
Mae; Wild, Patricia.
Teacher, Myra J. MacDonald.
Grade V to Grade VI
Adair, Jean; Angus, Fay; Baker,
Gwendolyn; Bondi, Tresina; Bowman,
Violet; Everick, Irene; Hingston,
Kenneth; Hopper, Clare; Laidlaw,
Alice; Lockridge, Lois; Lockridge,
Ruth; MacLean, Gwen; Montgomery,
Donald.; Mundy, Bob; Ridley, Andrey;
Ross, Mary; Seddon, Ralph; Seli Wil
fred; Shiell, Gladys; Stainton, Mur
ray; Wild, Bud; Yoemen, Shirley;
Williams,* Gerald; Fitpatrick, Marie.
Teacher, Harry Bjowm
Grade IV to Grade V
Beninger, Mary; Blatchford, Gwen;
Brophy, Jack; Buckman, ■ Ernest;
Bushfield, Joan; Calvert, George; Can
telon, Ruth; Champion, Panzie; Col
borne, Bobbie; Copeland, Marjorie;
Currie, Jimmie; Deyell, Eleanor; Ern
est, Vivian; Fryfogle, Connie; Hall,
Lorraine; Haselgrove, Wally; Hender
son, Jack; Hisele.r, Joan; Johnston,
Billie; Loney Milton; Machan, Ruth;
Pollock, Billie; Robert, Barbara;
Waine,, Annie; Wild, Allen; Willough
by Florence; Young, Hugh; Martin,
Roland (conditional).
Teacher, V, McLaughlin.
Grade III to Grade IV
Esther Bowman, Desmond Brophy,
Joseph Brown, Alice Buckmail, Donna
Chittick, Maxine Cowan, Mary Craw
ford, Lois Cruickshank, Stewart Ev
erick, Marion Gerrie, Lois Hayden,
Stanley Hiseler, Ross Hilbert, Grace
Hudson, John Hudson, Donald Hend
erson, Marion Irwin, Bobby Kress,
Billie Lockridge, Lorna Martin, Alice
Paris, Douglas Richey, Fred Riehl,
Barbara Templeman, Benny Wells,.
Bonnie Willoughby.
s • Teacher, V. M. Lennox.
Grade II to Grade III
Bain, Billie; Bell, Betty; Bushfield;
Mary; Campbell, Grace; Currie Jac
quelyn; Everick, Graham; Finlay,
Mary; Fitzpatrick, Albert; Gallagher,
Patricia; Greenwood, Charlie; j-tanna,
Johnj. H’olfiM, Ronald; Jenkins,
Floyd; Lockridge, Shirley; Loney,
Jimmy; MacKay, Barbara; MacLean,
Kenneth; Merkley, Raymond; Mac-'
William, Sally Lou; Newman, Le
Verne; Newman, Eleanor; Newman,
Marilyn; Platt, Willard; Sanderson,
Dorothy; Sanderson, Joyce; Scott, Jes-
step Sinnamon, Robert; Sparkes,
Eileen; Stainton, Barbara; Stainton,
Maurice; Skinn, Bervil; Toftmg,
Mary; Tucker, Marjorie; Waine, Billie.
Teacher, P, Johns;
Grade I to Grade XI
Bain, Jean; Brophy, Patsy; Buck
man, Mary; Crawford, John;. Chittick,.
Jimmy; Deyell, Bob; Fitzpatrick, Hel
en; Gorbutt, Betty; Gerrie, Gerald;
Gerrie, Murray; Hall, George; Hall,
John; Hopper, Bob; Hudson, Flor
ence; Lowey, Clinton; McQoy, Earl;
Murray, Ronald; Newell, Iris; Platt,
Shirley; Porter, George; Richey, Ron
ald; Seddon, Jimmy; Sand'erson, Don-,
aid; Sanderson, Margaret; Temple
man, Shirley; Tucker, Esme;-Willou
ghby, Josephine; Waine, Florence, *
Teacher, Agnes Williamson,
In the last war Canada found its na
tionhood; in this war that nationhood
is being put to the test. How well
Huron County has met thb test has
been demonstrated by Canada’s Vic
tory Loan appeal. The first six days'
saw our quota achieved and exceeded?
The hearthstones of this country are
safe.-so long as that spirit endures.,
Huron held its proud record of for
mer days an'd to the people on farms,
in villages and towns, belong^ the cre
dit for a job well and willingly done.
It is my pleasant privilege toTHank
those who have been associated with1
this campaign for -their splepdid tef-.
forts. You have written your own eul
ogy in terms of tangible patriotism1
with a spirit that words cannot des
cribe. Deep appreciation is therefore
extended to the honorary and active
officers of the Loan Committee, to
those who canvassed, to those who
gave of their personal time and mat
erial, to the Press and Radio and to
the people of Huron County whose
immediate response to ap^Jjh<gmbl£z$
oned their “Torch of Victory” .on the
Dominion’s highest Scroll of Honour.
> J. D. Thomas,
Chairman, Huron County Victory
Loan, 1941,
Miss Bessie Wylie, of Toronto, is
spending her vacation with her moth
er, Mrs. John Wylie.
Mr. Jas, Hastie is spending a short
time in Listowel with his friend, Mr.
John Doig and Mrs. Doig.
Mrs. W. C. King spent the week
end with her mother, Mrs, Earls, at
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Butchard, of
Guelph, are holidaying this week with
Mr. and Mrs. H. E, Ashton and other
Mr. and Mrs, J. T, Shera and dau
ghter, Shirley, spent Sunday with the
20% more mileage . . * non-skid tread . . . Safety-
Weld blow-out protection . . . MORE TIRE FOR
YOUR MONEY* Trade In Your Old Tires Today*
formerirristefj-Mrs, Edgar Welsh awl
Mt,-Welsh at Drayton.
Sergt,-Major and Mrs, Bert Abell,
of Guelph, were Sunday visitors of
Mr. and Mrs, Anson Galbraith,
Master Clare Bolton, of London, is
visiting friends in Gorrie this week,
Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Jefferson and
family, Owen Sound, spent a few days
this week with Mr. and Mrs. George
Foster, Little Miss Given, remained for
a stay with her grandparents,
Mrs. Hoidge and daughter, Miss
Marjorie, Toronto, are guests of Mr.
and Mrs. R. H. Stephens this week.
Mr. and Mrs. James Graham and
daughter, Betty, Toronto, spent the
week-end with the former’s father, Mr.
R. Graham.
• Mr. Leland Ashton, R.C.A.F., of St.
Thomas, spent the week-end with his
mother, Mrs. R. A. Ashton. While in
■town the local committee took the ad
vantage and presented him with his
watch. The previous Saturday Sergt.
R, G. Newton, Kitchener, and son,
Jack,' R.C.A.F., Montreal, received
their watches.
Mrs. William Whitfield had the mis
fortune to fall in her home last Mon
day and while no bones were broken
it was necessary for her to be confin
ed to her bed for a few days. How
ever we are pleased she is improving
-and,up around again.
Mjss Dorothy poig, Toronto, is. holi
daying with her ^parents, Mr. and Mrs.
William Doig.
, Garden Party Was Success
On Wednesday night the annual
Garden Party of the United Church
was held in the church school rooms,
when the tables were nicely decorated
\yith flowers and laden with ample
good things to eat. Following the sup-
,per..the program, a play, “Aunt Tillie
Goes to Town” staged by Bluevale
talent, was presented in the township
hall, to a full house. This three-act
play was well presented, each of the
cast being well chosen for their partic
ular part, and the play ended by not
only Aunt Tillie going to town but
several others as well.
H Sunday School Anniversary
The members of the C. G. I. T. are
to b,e congratulated on the flower ar
rangements in the church on Sunday
mdrning, making it most beautiful for
the .setting of the Sunday School An
niversary which was held. Mr. Mer-
vin Stephen, Sunday School superin
tendent, occupied the pulpit with the
■ guest speaker being Rev. W. A. Bee
croft of Wingham, whose subject was
“I’m proud of my church”, pointing
out the great gains made by the Unit
ed Church since its organization 15
years ago, and the advantages gained-
by the co-operation and intermingling
and unity. During the service the choir
was assisted by Mrs. McCool and Mr..
Culimore of Wingham, whose numbers-
were much appreciated, as was the ac-
cordian solo by Miss Audrey Ray o£
Wroxeter and recitations given by Ed
ith Hastie,” Audrey Hastie and George
dr The T
fr Life-Saver
Tread acts like
a battery of1 wind
shield wipers. Sweeps
the dangerous film
Water front under
your car—dries the
t road as you