HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1941-07-03, Page 4■PAGE FOUR WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES '•iSiSS'SS; .Ay /A * /.••Si i» <5^ FISHING TACKLE If you are a fly-caster, just plain caster, or still be­ lieve in the bamboo pole and cork • we still have equipment that you will want and need. Comes in all metal, green tackle box, convenient size, ample space ......... $1.35, $1.39, $1.98 Fishing Rods............... 49c, 95c, $1.35 to $2.50 Fishing Lines................... 5c, 10c, 20c, 25c .. — . ■ - -- . ■ . ■ ■ ■ - —<■ SPECIAL—Black Joe Waterproof Fishing Line, 25 yards, 25 lb, test .... . .................................., 89c Fishing Lures . Fishing Plugs ...., .. 35c and 50c 65c, 75c, $1.15 t after their names must write a supple­ mental in September to qualify for a certificate. The following students have passed. Grade IX to Grade X Class I—Ruth McGuire; Bruce Wil­ son; Elizabeth Young; Lillian Angus; Shirley Nethery. Class II—Elaine Walsh, Elisabeth Hare, Donald Hoffman, Donna Buch­ anan, Marjorie1 Falconer, George Copeland, Donald Darling, Frances Powell, Joyce Walker, Shirley Edgar, Mary Powell. Class III—Doris Finlay; Gordon Wilkinson; Helen Carr; Marjorie Kerr; Bernice Anderson; Grace Coul­ ter; Dorothy Hamilton; Lauretta Ev- erick; .Murray McDowell (French); Grace Bryce; Florence Wallace, Pass—June Burke; James Elston; Wilfred Haines (French); Irene Rob­ inson; Lome Gardner (French); Car­ rie Higgins; Marie Lockridge; Keith -Dunbar (French); Edwin Elston. Grade X to Grade XI t. Class I—William Galbraith, William Henry, Dorothy Boyle, Elizabeth Brydges, Mildred Fitzpatrick, Lois Kelly. Class II—Glenn Wylie, Ada Brophy, Grace Parker, Dorothy Wade, Jack- son DUnkin. ” Class III—Edna Jenkins; Craig Armstrong; Ada Dow; Eileen Snell (Math.); Norma Brown Alan Wil­ liams, Donald Hastie. Pass—Kenneth Allin; Eva Lediet (Math.); Jean Norman; Florence Bee­ croft; Grace Hutcheson (Math.); Ed­ na Brophy; John McLaughlin; Lloyd Mundy; Wilfred Ramage; Margaret MacLean.; Douglas Fry; George Ed­ gar. with his brother, Mr, Thomas Jardine, that you are about to leave opr com­ munity, wish to. convey to your our regret, and to give some expression to our admiration and respect for you. During the twelve years you have been with us, you have guided many small ‘ boys and girls through the first excit­ ing days of school. Quite a number have passed beyond the public school stage, having had not other teacher. That in itself speaks well for your re­ cord- . At all times you have set before us an example of prtience and kindliness, and we feel sure our community is the better for your having lived in it, As a slight token of our regard, we ask you to accept this gift, May it ever remind you of your Westfield friends and may the moments it ticks away be filled with happiness. Signed on behalf of the Section and Children, by Earl Wighjman, Sec’y- Treas. Hattie Wightman and Violet Cook then presented Miss Jefferson with a lovely white and silver bedroom clock. Rev. H. C. Wilson spoke a few words of appreciation," stressing the point that Miss Jefferson’s honorable character had counted for much among her pup­ ils and in the community. In a‘ few, well-chosen words, Miss Jefferson thanked those present for their thoughtfulness. The singing of “For She’s A Jolly Good Fellow” brought a pleasant evening to a close. Mrs. Jennie Fox and daughter, Isa­ bel, of Whitechurch, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wightman. A number from this vicinity attend­ ed the concert at Belgrave on Friday evening in aid of Red Cross. CHILLIWACK PAPER 50 YEARS OLD EOR SALE—100-foot 6-inch endless Belt in good condition. Apply Rob­ ert Golley, 2nd of Morris, Phone— 618R3. ________________ ' EOR IMMEDIATE SALE or rent— Point Clarke cottage, beautifully sit­ uated, furnished, formerly the late Dr. Spence’s; open for inspection. Write Box 48, Oshawa. BORN PICKELL—In Culross Township, on Saturday, June 19th, to Mr. and Mrs. W*.«N^I?ickell, Culross, a dau­ ghter, 'Doris..Eileen, Former Wfnghamite Mr. Charles A, Barber Is Publisher-Editor FOR SALE—Charles Bondi Property on Josephine Street. Terms can be arranged. Albert Shifrin, 100 Ade- laide W.., Toronto. ______ _ HIGH SCHOOL ENTRANCE EXAMS. MEN WANTED—BIG MONEY for YOU. Sell Familex Line of over 200 guaranteed household necessit­ ies. People buy on sight. Big. repeat business sure. Now is the time to make vour start. Everywhere busi- - ness is booming! If you are indust­ rious and willing to work, send your name and address, and you will re­ ceive our illustrated catalogue and ; plan. FAMlILEX; 570 St. Clement, MONTREAL. MUSIC TEACHER WANTED—For S.S. No. 8, Morris. Applicants state number of lessons taught per year and salary expected. Ralph Shaw, Bluevale, Ont, STRAYED on Farm of Robert Gol­ ley, 2nd of Morris, Collie Dog, light jn ^olor, tag No. 1940 — 360 Hol- land* • : ! -........ ^TENDERS will be received by the .Undersigned up to Tuesday, July 8, for the shingling of the south half - of the roof of the Wingham High School. Specifications may be ob­ tained at the office of the undersign­ ed. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. , W. A. GALBRAITH, Secretary, Wingham High School Board. CARD OF THANKS Wingham Centre Angus, Margaret; Bailey, Edward; Bailey, Grace; Barbour, Kenneth; Bar­ nard, Alan; Bell, Raymond; Bennett, Iona; Brown, Arthur; Brown, Isabel; Brown, Milton; Burgess, Walter; Cummings, Theresa; Currie, Cathar­ ine; Currie, John; Edgar, Maitland; Ernest, John; Evans, Evelyn; Field, William; Forbes, Helen; French, Mar­ jorie; Gannett, Wilfred; Gardner, Iv­ an; Gilmour, Marjorie; Giousher, John; GoIIey, Grace; Hall, Norma; Higgins, Chester; Hollenbeck, Floyd; Holmes, Lois; Johnston, Lois; Kerr, Robert; Lloyd, Donald; McKinney, Eileen; McIntosh, Evelyn; McLennan, Jean; MacDonald, Lois; MacEwan, Tom; MacNaughton, John; Manning, John; • Mellor, John; Montgomery, Wilba; Phippen, George; Pocock, Harold; Porter, Donald; Procter, Ross; Pym, Jack; Scott, Jack; Sinna- mon, Marjorie; Smith, Ross; Spivey, John; Stainton, Ralph; Stewart, Jearf;. Towne, Jean;WahCamp, Glen; Walk­ er, Dorothy; Weiher, John; Wheeler, Mary; Yeomen, Cecil. Passed under section 16-2, Stacey Alvin. » Brussels Centre Bennett, Ronald, Blake, Bowman, Doris; Cameron, James; Cassidy, Daniel; Clark, Gloria; Deit- ner, Marie; Fraser, Glen; Griffith, Elizabeth; Kelly, James; Lamont, Gra­ ham; McLennan, Edythe; Martin, Na­ omi; Mitchell, Lillian; Mitchell, Ted; Nichol, Stuart) Parr, Gordon; Ross, Alex; Spejr.( Laura; Stiles, Junior; Turvey, William; Willis, John, Wil- , son, Betty; McDonald, Dwothy. Fordwich Bride, Lorfte (Horn); Brown, Camp­ bell; Cooper, Allen; Cdoper, Mary Eella (Hon); Corbett, Jean; Doig, Margaret; Fleet, Erlma; Hill, Vera; Johnston, Noreen; Matthews, Betty; McCann, James; McDowell, Donald; Murray, Audrey; Patterson, Willough­ by; Reddon, Clifford; Reidt, Jack; .Renwick, Thelma (Hon*); Roberts, Harold; Siefert, Fred; Wolfe, Wilfred (Hon); Inglis, Jack* WrOxeter Durst, Mae; Farr, Edwin; Gibsoft, Bonnie; Harrison, Doreen, Heibein, Bill; Heibein, Wilma; Heinmiller, Bet­ ty; Howes, Edith; Howes, John; How­ es, Edwin; Hutchison, Hugh; Irwin, Helen;.-Metkley, Pauline; McMichael, Isabella; Moffat, Margaret; Under­ wood, Lucille. This week, we received at our office two copies of the Chilliwack Progress. •They are special editions, one com­ memorating the start of the paper’s 51st year. It is well illustrated and on the front page is a picture of the mod­ ern building that houses the plant. There is an apartment on the second floor. Tiwo other pictures on this page show Chilliwack in 1891, and the press room in 1906. The publisher-editor of the paper is Mr. Charles A. Barber, a former Wingham man, a brother of Miss Minnie Barber, of town. Mr. Barber served his apprenticeship at the old Advance here, so it is with a great deal of pleasure we extend to him congratulations on these splendid editions. The paper is well known throughout British Columbia and the West as being very progressive, more than bearing out the name it carries. The other’edition is Victory Loan in make-up and on the front tp°age, Mr. Banber, who is also Mayor of Chilli­ wack, is shown receiving an applica­ tion for a $10,000 Victory Bond from one of the Chilliwack firms. Both editions are in two sections, the one commemorating the paper’s fiftieth anniversary comprises twenty paggs and the other sixteen. WESTFIELD Bride and Groom of 25 Years Ago On Sunday, June 29th, Mr. and Mrs, Henry Armstrong celebrated their 25th wedding anniverysary, at the old home place where Mr. and Mrs? Har­ vey Wells now reside. A dainty wed­ ding dinner wars served to the immed­ iate family of the bride and groom, The bride was given in marriage 25 years ago 'by her brother, Mr, Robt. Wells.! The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Turner of the Presbyter­ ian Church, Blyth. Mrs. Norman Shepherd, a cousin of the bride, play­ ed the wedding march and Mrs. Frank Marshal, a cousin, sang during the signing of the register. Mrs. Arm­ strong was the daughter of the late William Wells and Rebecca Watson, After a trip to North Bay, the bride and groom settled on the groom’s farm in East Wawanosh on the divis­ ion line between East and West Wa­ wanosh. Tq this happy union were born two sons, Jack and Robert, both at home. We extend congratulations and best wishes for a continued happy married life. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Bosman were Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Bosman, of Leamington, and Mr. Harry Bosman of Wingham, also Mr. and Mrs, Duncan McNichol, Wal­ ton. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Campbell were visitors on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Good. At the church service on Sunday, Rev. H. C. Wilson spoke from Prov­ erbs 29: 18 “Where there is no vision, the'people perish. But he that keep- eth the law, happy is here.” Mr. Wm. Bush, Toronto, was. present and fav­ ored with a solo “Spirit of God” which was greatly enjoyed by all present. Mr. .Warren Bamford, of Cumber­ land, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bamford. Mr. W. H. Campbell spent the week-end with his daughter, Mrs. W. Crozier, Crewe. A number from this vicinity attend­ ed the memorial service at Balls Cem­ etery on Sunday.- Guests- at the. .home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wm. : onto, ener, 1 field. School closed , Friday night. Most of the pupils passed their exams. . Campbell on Sunday were Mr.. Bush, Mr. Orvie Link, of Tor- Miss Jean Campbell, of Kitch- Miss Annette Stewart of Ash- On Wednesday evening the mem­ bers of S.S, No. 6 and pupils met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Cook to honour Miss Margaret Jefferson, who for the past twelve years has been their very efficient teacher, and who has this year resigned from the school. During the evening social chat and community singing was enjoyed, led by Rev. H. C. Wilson. Then Jack Bu­ chanan was called on to give the fol­ lowing address: Dear Miss Jefferson: Your pupils and friends of U.S.S. No. 6, E. Wawaosh, having learned Helen; WROXETER Mr. Jack Durst has taken a position in a bakery at Stratford. Jack’s friends here will wish him every success. Mrs. Muir, of Turnberry, and her son, Mr. Norman Muir, of jRidgetown, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. Lovell. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gold and baby, Toronto, were week-end guests of Mrs. George Paulin and other friends. Miss Beatrice Howe, of Learning­ ton, is spending her vacation with her sister, Miss Mary Howe. Mr. and Mrs. D, S. MacNaughton and John, were in London for the week-end and attended the Hilton-Aik- enhead wedding. Rev. A. M. and Mrs. Grant and fam­ ily left on Tuesday for their new charge at Kippen. Their nfany friends wish them continued success in .their ministry. Miss A. B. Fraser, of La, Riviere, Man., arrived on Monday and will spend her vacation with her sister, Mrs. J. Lovell and Mr. Lovell. Mrs. John MacNaughton and Miss Eleanor Wearring, London, are visit­ ors at the home of D. S. and Mrs. MacNaughton. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Timm loaned their home for the Gedcke Family Re? Union on Tuesday of this week. Miss Viola Thacker left for her. Mrs. Wm. S. King and Family wish to thank their many friends and neigh­ bours for the kindness and sympathy during their- recent sad bereavemetn, also for, the lovely floral tributes. Special thanks to Rev. W. A. Beecroft and Dr. W. A. Crawford. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL persons having claims against the estate .of Jonathan. Pattison late of the Town of Wingham in the Coun­ ty of Huron, Gentleman, deceased, who died on or about the twenty-first day of June, A.D. 1941, are notified to send to J. H. Crawford, Wingham, Ontario, on or,before the nineteenth day of July, A.D, 1941, full particulars of their tjlaims. in writing. Immediate­ ly after the said nineteenth day of July, 1941, the assejteof the Said test- ator will be distriomed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executor shall then have notice. DATED at Wingham, this second day of July, A.D. 1941. ' J. H. CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor. r NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL persons having claims against the estate of John Gray late of the Township of East Wawanosh in the Count.v of Huron, Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the thirteenth' day of June, A.D. 1941, are notified to send to J, H. Crawford, Wingham, ■Ontario, oft or before the nineteeftth day of July, A.D, 1941, full particulars ■ of their claims in writing. Immediate­ ly after the said nineteenth day of July 1941, the assets of the said intestate Will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to elalms of which the administrator shall then have notice* DATED at Whigham, this second day of July, A.D. 1941, V ■ J* H. CRAWFORD LOWERSCHOOL EXAM RESULTS Final Results for Wirigham High Schoolf Lower School Wingliafti, OnUricH ted ■r - v i 1 r * ! *, i The following ate the results of the Hov/er School of the High School. Eighty per cent of the pupils were stic- Class 1, is*75% of’^ver; Class Hr grsLia 60 to 65%; ur U^tdadnts with a* subject in brackets r& Born—In Kitchener Hospital, Tues­ day, June 24th, to Mr. and Mrs, Ar­ thur Spiegleberg (nee Marjorie Camp­ bell) a son (Barkley). Congratula­ tions. Mrs. Belle Medd and Miss Josie Medd, of Chatham, Mrs. Josie Tam- blyn, Londesboro, viisted on Wednes­ day at the home of tMr. and Mrs. W. F. Campbell. Mr. Wm. Bush, Toronto, visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Taylor. Mr. Kenneth Campbell, of Toronto, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Campbell. Messrs. Norman and Leslie Rodger, of St. Catharines, spent the week-end with their brother, Mr. Emmerson Rodger. ‘ Mrs. Voddeu, of Londesboro, was the guest on Sunday of her sister, Mrs. Alva McDowell. Miss Elsie Snell, of Fort Erie, vis­ ited at the home of her aunt, Mrs, L. McDowell, Miss Fern McDowell spent the week-end with her cousin, Mrs. Leslie Vincent of Belgrave* Guests at the home of Mr. and (Mrs* Maitland Henry, were Mrs. Harvey Jewel and daughter, Janice,' of Cros­ well, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Donald Henry, of Michigan, Mr* and Mrs. F. Keshaw and Miss Gladys McDowell* Mrs. Ross Robinson and babe, of Tillsdnbufg, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Fred W. Cook, Mr. Tommy Steep, Clinton, was a Westfield viistot on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. McDowell, (Mr. And Mrs* Morman McDowell and children were London visitors on Fri­ day, Mrs, Gordon Smith and babe, God­ erich, were Westfield visitors Sunday, Mr. and Mrs, Howard ..Campbell and children visited orr Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Johnston, W. Wawa- nosh* Mr, L, Jardin^ 6f Toronto visited Thursday. July 3rd, 1941 H. E. Isard & Co. a ? " r' home in Teesw^ter on- Friday. Miss Vera Jpifist, ‘‘Stratford, was recent guest with heE* parents.'■‘r I Women’s Missionary. Society The July meetjgg'of the W.M.S. will be held in theJ^iitrch;school-room on Thursday, July 1'0,' 3 p.m. jMrs. Henry Timm will HaVe ^charge £>/Jthe meet­ ing. AH’ ace- .cordially invited to at­ tend. ■ ’ I.,. ■»' Red Cross Quilting Ladies of the 4th and' 2nd lines of Turnberry met at the, school house on Monday after^^pn Ajid^q^lted two quilts for th^jjfiiti Cifos’Sj^A Cup and Saucer show4£w£&Jheld ’and,’ these will be left at the/school for future social events. SalVag'bl^S^Js^ Jjeiiig: gathered at the schq.bl';;5'any.one' ’having maga­ zines; iron<&luminibni/ clears rugs, or anything •vfigcb^hl'I^'UseiFjn the war effort, may'b'eilefbi;at,'1t;ii^;'shed of No. 2 Tprnberry schfxbi^hqM^ruckaAvill cal! .and deliver <tb /fijea'dqttSftpysi •. Institute PiSnid’-p) The The annual picnic of Institute members and their friends will be held at the home of Mrs. Clarence White on Thursday of this week. A .quilt will ■be quilted fof^tjie' RdT Cross ’ and a committee has .fc.een appointed to take charge of the programme. Each mem­ ber is asked to bring a :friend. •i as Gay as a Flower Garden Chores are lighter — housekeeping’s more fun — when you have a bountiful su p,p 1 y of frocks like these! Brightly flowered prints on nice quality percales, pique and cotton lawns —styled with an accent on youthful charm* Lots of styles—colors galore! Durst, John Harrison. f VII to VIII — Agnes Wearring Ar Roy Durst B, Lulu Gibson B, Jack Campbell B, ^udrey Wade B, Calvin Moffat B, Edith McDonald C, Verne Hambly C, Donald Townsend C. VI to VII — Helen Sawtell A, Rhea Durnin A, Barbara. Grant A, Gilberts Howes A, Neil Campbell B, Clarence Adams B, Allan Harrison C, Laura Anger (on trial), V to VI — Margaret Wearring B, Jean Moffat B, Lois Hambly B, Ron­ ald McMichael C. Jean S. Keith, Teacher. Junior Room » Grade IV to Grade V — Glenn Mc­ Michael B, Pat White B. Grade III to Grade IV — Joyce Durst A, Arthur Green A, Lyle Hart A, Joan Grant B, Leonard Drunin B, Bobby Gibson C, Bill Harrison C. Grade. II to Grade III — Max Ham­ bly A,’.Billie Hart A, Jimmie Wylie C, Dorothy Walker Ds * ^.Grade I to Gr^de. II — Ronald Ka.ake A, Dorothy Durst A, ‘Jimmie Allen C, Evelyn Anger D. • Grade I — Donald Pope, Shirley McMichael, Dohn Gibson, Billy Gib­ son. Margaret McDonald, Teacher. Two visitors to the Virginia moun­ tains observed a woman dousing the reclining figures of two lanky moun­ tain men with water. She had just emptied the third bucketful over them when she noticed the interest of her visitors. “Keeps the flieis off’n ’em,” she explained. Wroxeter Public School Senior Room Entrance Candidates Margaret Mof­ fat, John Howes,’Bonnie Gibson, Mae Middle School Examinations Grade XI successful* successful. Grade XII is, /rv 4 Bte MitEAce Beecroft, William Casemore, Olive . Chamne'V, Shirley Coulter, James Coultes, Louise Dark, Eileen .... Higgins, Norman Hingstoii, Grace . Johnson, George . Lloyd, George Lloyd, Louise Moir, Jean ..... Northorp, Jean St. Marie, Raphael Thomson, George .. Thomson, Helen ..... Vansickle, Adeline VanWyckj Ann ........ Yule, Berna ......... Zinn, Isabel —----- 92.5% of all papers tried were Connell, Margaret Coulter, Mae ........ Currie, Virginia ......... Edgar, Frances ......... Gannett, ‘Elizabeth Hamilton, Clarence Irwin, June ............... Johnston, Fleming Lamb, Isabel ... McGuire, Lois Moir, Ada ........ Mundy, Norman Morman, Bernice Procter, Charles Stewart/ Dorothy Thompson, Helen Underwood, Jean VanCamp, Norma Walker, Helen Wilson, Evelyn Simpson, Mary*w 93.5% oi Ml papers written were GO0WWI AT A BACK BATTOM PAICE • Pathfinder has dll these Goodyear quality features . you need and should get t In the fires you buy! • CENTRE-TRACTION TREAD • TWIN PROTECTOR CORD PLIES • NEW SUPERTWIST CORD CODY It Is built to give you more miles of service than any other tire at Or near Its low price, Drive in and see It today! WE HAVE YOUR SHE The tube is the heart of your tire. To get top service out of your new tires e q u ip t h e m With low-cost Goodyear tubes! L_„ ln|£l)£Uttl|