HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1941-07-03, Page 2Thursday, July 3rd, 1941 MODELS FOR EVERY HOME • One-Piece Stainless Porcelain Cooking Top • One-Piece Porcelain Cabinet • Cooking Top Lamp • Thermizer Well Cooker • Warming Oven New, Exclusive Radiantube Cookins Units each with five practical cooking speeds. • ' * WXMGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES ■1 vious years. United States was second I with 231.5 conversations, i There are 42,642,252 telephones in the world, of which abmtt 56rC are dial telephones. Of this total North America has more than half, with 22,558.72". New York ity has 1,669,904 telephones, while ie whole of Canada has 1.897,272. NEWS Jams and Jellies Set Perfectly ^f«1iH«l&M*UH1umilUlll»Mnil|HUHUIMHIHDHtmnuilDH»pj( Book oj/2 Tested Recipes under label o/ every CERTO Bottle EI6I QUtCK—'EASY—ror making jam with Otto you give only a one-minute to ttvo-mimite full rolling boil —for jelly a half-minute to a minute, ECONOMICAL-So little juice has time to boil away that you get up to one half mote jam or jelly ft •osn the same amount of fruit. FRESH TASTE—NATURAL COLOUR—Ja the <p.rick Certo boil jams and jellies retain both the fresh taste and the nat­ ural colour of the fruit SPLENDID RESULTS — With even- bottle of Certo you get tested recipes. Follow them cwd/y. You’ll get good results -,, always! CEBTO IS PtCUW EXTRACTED EROM FRWT Wmgh&m Advance-Times Published at WINGHAM - ONTARIO Subscription Rate — Ofte Year $2.00 ■Six months, $1.00 in advance ] To U. S. A,, $2.50 per year. Foreign rate, $3.00 per year. Advertising rates on application. A HOT WEATHER IDEA ] Through this column, from time to’ time, we hate suggested that a swim- ] mtog pool would be a great asset to ] pur town. Several municipalities about { the size of Wingltam have facilities of j this kind and the people both young j and c-M. especially the j-eunger, find it I > most useful addition to the life oil the -comv.m-.'.:ty. The hot spell last! week was a reminder that we could I have used a swimming pool to great] advantage. The advantages -of a swim- ? ming pool are not confined to the] pleasures it affords, encouraged to learn 1 a-ery young and to th .great deal of the community W-ondd be at this place, It was s ®d a short time ago that the rb the fair grounds could be used purproe. A careful study made to get the most snita; and we hope Club named dittos o: xnarkcvl i DISTRICT Clinton Girl Breaks Leg hauny Lavis, one of the ten Clinton collegiate girls who left there recently io help in the Niagara fruit district, had the misfortune to have her leg ken in a fall, Fanny was on a fruit a about live miles from Niagara Falls, and was taken to the hospital there to have the leg set. sounds emanating from a small frame addition to the building. Here he dis­ covered four 2-year-oM cattle that had been evidently there nearly a week without food or water. The door of tins building had always been kept dosed, and how they’got in is difficult ta explain. They were in a very wob­ bly condition, and upon being liberat­ ed they fairly wallowed into the grass, —Mildmay Gazette. I ! } Sorry He Played With Bullets Young Donnie MacDonald had a narrow escape frem serious or fatal in­ juries on Monday evening, while ex- ’ ploding bullets, when one of them en- 1 tered his arm. Having found a box of j bullets they were passed around am- j ong a number of young chaps, who ! were quite willing to give them up af- | ter Donald’s mishap, which required i medical attention.—Lucknow Sentinel. Barn Near Clifofrd Burned Fire of undetei mined origin late on Wednesday did several thousand dol­ lars damage when it totally destroyed a large bank barn on the farm of Tel­ ford Scip, half a mile south of Clifford, Neighbors noticed the flames and im­ mediately rallied in a successful at­ tempt to save the nearby Seip resi­ dence from destruction as the wind was blowing in that direction. The Harriston fire brigade responded and was assisted by a strong bucket brig­ ade. The fire-fighters were handicap-; ped when the main shaft of the wind-! mill burned in two. Several pigs and; Other livestock were reported burned; with the barn, ■ 1 > i ! could not lose this war have been told this past week by some who have lots of information that we have to use tot­ al effort if we are to win. Vi e in Can­ ada, so far away from the par opera­ tions, are very apt to develop a false sense of security, in fact, many have this attitude. Dealer B. Pearson, coun­ selor at Canada House in Ixrndou, just- back from Britain, in an address at Ottawa, warned Canadians, He said;- ’’People nrn^t not rely on the assur­ ance that ■‘there’!’, always be an Eng-; land' or ‘don’t worry Britain always wins the last battle’ or that ‘time is on’ .■■ur side'. Time is on our side only if; we take advantage of it. We might; lose the last battle without realizing, it was the last battle. Any empire can : lose any war," This is a direct cliail-! enge to Canadians to make total ef-! tort, the only effort that will bring the; results that we are fighting to obtain.; Others have said as much but not in- t so direct a way. We must face the cot confined to the ] facts, we must not waste a day or an ■; Is. The kiddies are] hour. to swim while yet ] St is ie summer time a j CANADIANS GREAT i telephone users : suggest- ’ iver near ? I for thjs I A careful study should be] the most suitable location j the committee the Lions to investigate the possib> such a will make progress, if: WE MUST USE OUR BEST EFFORT Per-pie « i An Industrious Goat Many ot our citizens, who find cut­ ting lawns a tedious ordeal, will emy our townsman, Mr, C. R. Tobey, who possesed a trained goat, which is a real labor saver. In the summer time you will see the goat hitched to a lawn mower, cutting the spacious lawns around the residence, and in the winter it is hitched to a snowplow and makes a fine job of the paths. In addi­ tion, it is trained to draw a'sleigh, and' nian5T children enjoy a sleigh ride be­ hind the novel .animal.—Tara Leader, : Caught Whitefish Off Dock Mr. Sam Lynas, while fishing off one of the docks this morning, caught an 8 lb. whitefish. He was using min-’ nows for bait. This is about the first' time that a whitefish has ever been caught by a hook and line off the dock here.—Wiarton Echo. If s Packed with Features for Low-Cost Cooking! • Super-Size Twin Unit Oven • High-Speed Broiler The Canadian people rank fourth in telephone development with 12.35 tele-, phones for every hundred persons.- United States ranks first with 15.85, Sweden is second with 13.64, New; 7Zealand third with 13.28, Denmark is- jfifth with 11.25, The dictator count*: ’ries .are well down the list, Germany ; had only 5.28 telephones per hundred i ; people, Japan 1.89, Italy 1.49 and Rsis- jsia 0,75. On the average each person ] :n Canada, placed 246.3 telephone calls •n 1939 as compared with 235 the pre- Holyrood Store Changes Hands The general store business at Holy­ rood conducted by the Purvis family for sixty years, changed hands the end of the week, with George Colwell of Kinloss the new proprietor, George purchased the store, stock, and fifty­ acre farm as well as the building a- cross the corner, known as the old Caln Hotel.—Lucknow Sentinel, Cancel Ripley Fall Fair There will be no fall fair an Ripley this year as last, it was decided re­ cently by the directors of the society. Various factors entered into the de­ cision, not the least of which is de­ creasing attendance at the fair and a certain lack of interest in the continu­ ance of the fair. Wiarton Youth German Prisoner Jack Butchart, of Wiarton, who shipped from Halifax a year ago, has written his mother from the Marlag prison camp in Germany. The last previous word his parents had of him was a letter from Port Sudan, Egypt, and mailed in India. Bridge Blocked Crane Passage Traffic on highway 21 was blocked for four hours Thursday and forced to detour when the roof of a cab of a large power crane mounted on a trail­ er became wedged on a steel girder of the C.P.R. overhead bridge on Dun­ lop’s Hill, just north of Goderich. The big crane, en route to Dungannon to dismantle a. rock crushing plant, was being towed by a truck by the Boyce Cartage Company, Toronto, with Wil­ liam Taylor, Toronto, driving. A PRICE FOR EVERY PURSE Easy Payment Terms Available Made by GENERAL MOTORS Makers of the famous FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATOR SEE A DEMONSTRATION TOOAY! Donald Rae & Son Hardware PHONE 27 WINGHAM placed in each of the spaces between the corners; this hay rests on the cross bars, and is not allowed to fall into the centre of the tripod. Keeping the centre open is an important feature of tripod curing. The hay is then built on top of this base to form an invert­ ed cone-shaped cock. The nearer the' sides are to a vertical position, the better will the cock shed the rain. The final forkful of hay is placed directly above the apex of the tripod to form a pointed roof. None of the hay rests on the ground, but is suspended in the ’ air on the tripod frame-work, thus al­ lowing a current of air to pass under the hay and up through the open cen­ tre to facilitate the drying process. A well built tripod cock can be left ’ in the field for two or even three weeks. About three -or four indies of hajr on the outside will bleach consid­ erably but in the remainder there should be little change in coIout from that at the time of cocking. fact that the garden hasn't been work­ ed up. The ultimatum is handed out over the breakfast table, “Uunless you work that garden up today, I’m not ; going to do any preserving this year,” Needless to say, the garden is worked up. You know what a garden looks like when it .has been worked up. There’s still ‘the process of drilling it up into rows. Mrs. Phil generally has another battle on her hands to get the garden drilled into rows. Somehow men folks never seem to mind planting early potatoes. One. part of the garden is set aside for this1 purpose and the cut potatoes dropped into the holes. Perhaps, it’s because we’re looking ahead to that first day when “new potatoes” are in. Why does .a man hate to plant a gar­ den? Give him a package of beet seeds and tell him to start planting and *see what happens. He starts off bravely, dropping the seeds as they should be. The sun warms up and the perspira­ tion starts dropping . . and the chanc­ es are the majority of the package of seeds is dumped in a neat heap in a row. That’s what puzzles Mrs. Phil. She ’can nevey imagine how it is that the beets seem to grow quite regularly to a certain point, and then there will be a whole plantation of them. One of the most exasperating jobs of all in regard to the garden in my opinion is that of planting Dutch Set onions. You are faced by a very large hag of these very small onions and ex­ pected to plant them. Mrs. Phil supervises the job at first Every four or five inches an onion is io be gently pressed down in the ground and then just barely covered | with soil. Dawn the row you go . . . j planting . . . planting . You ions how have onions. You be upside vhattv fin to pray igetit or a in. But, ' e warded, nd three one place . . • and finally end up by burying about half the bag in a hole at the end of the row. Mrs. Phil can’t imagine why the onions more ground. I’m firmly convinced would be further ahead garden themselves. didn't plant that women to plant the MOLESWORTH (Too Late For Last Week) The War Workers’ Auxiliary shipp­ ed a box of supplies to Mrs. Aitkens* Toronto, to be sent to England. The box contained 7 quilts, 2 pr. boys’ pans, 7 boys’ shirts, 10 girls’ dresses and 7 women’s gowns. The shipment to the Salvation Army contains sec­ ond hand clothing of 2 men’s coats, 1 owman’s coat, 1 man’s suit, pair mitts, 1 woman’s knitted suit, 1 knitted wrap and 1 pair boys’ trousers, and to the soldiers were 25 yair sox, 5 scarves, pair of gloves and 1 pair of mitts. 6 PHIL OSIFER OF LAZY MEADOWS Concealed Deserted Son Charge Samuel Baird, Owen Sound, 66, leged by the crown to have permitted his son, Walter Ross, to hide in his home after deserting from the Royal Canadian Navy, was committed for trial on a charge of concealing, assist­ ing and receiving. The son was .arrest­ ed June "th by R.C.M.P, Constables A. Langille and J. Jefferies. al- BRAIN-TEASERS 1. ounces, a knife weighs as much as spoon and a fork, five spoons weigh as much as a knife and a fork, and a plate weighs as much as a knife and a spoon, can you find out the correct weight of each? 2. If you heard two men talking of a “bending movement’’, which ot the following would they be discussing? - an exercise in physical training; an oc­ casion m a schoolboy's life; an engin­ eering term; expression used in horse­ racing circles? 3. What authors created these characters in fiction? - (a) Hercule Foiot, (b) Lord Feter Wimsey, (c) Pliilo Vance. 4. What did these have tn common —- Thomas a Becket, Wolsey, More, de Quincey, Lawrence of Arabia, 5. Give the full name of the Re­ publican candidate in the last U.S. el­ ection. 6. How an! when did Germany gam the island of Heligoland? - (a) by conquest, (b) by^ cession, (c) by purchase. Compare your answers with those on Fage Three. Assuming that a fork weighs 4 aBy Harry J. BoyleSouthampton Application. Refused by Board What action the Southampton coun­ cil and ratepayers might have taken with regards to extending the water mains north of the Saugeen River to serve the citizens and cottage owners' in that area will $iow be of no avail, because of the action of the Ontario ; Municipal Board in refusing permis­ sion to allow a vote on the question. issuing §20,009 in debentures io; ver the^ost of the work. — South-] ipton Beacon. “GARDENING" man can talk in figures such as , . “fifteen acres in wheat . . twenty acres in oats" . . and so on, but just mention planting a w of beets and see what happens. How J love the seed catalogues! They come m the mail at that in-be­ tween time when you are sort of tired of looking at the mail order catalogues and the implement folders haven’t started coming. A profusion of colors' bloom in the catalogues, and usually there's a contest to name something ..ora puzzle of some kind to solve-' . . that passes away the time. Then come the bright Spring days, i Mrs. Phil b ' start mentioning; the fact t is brok-! eeds fix-, : into it,' k and a bay object A U tre i isjOgj. ic rest ;Ols which proitmlt of the trips send the bus toshes ft; S Plenty bt good light M tbs bridge t*bJe makes the .game mirl wiwersstton gt> b«tt« —mistakes *ttfi .ttasspsra. Be consid­ erate d yanr -guests by m»kmgsnrfcfbey can $he cards And the play wltbuhi eyrimhu A Pock ©1 Cigarettes Costs Mote Thun © Bright light ut 130 Hows TRIPOD METHOD OF CURING HAY (Experimental Farms News) The greatest amounts of digestible proteins and minerals are contained in alfalfa and red clover when .these plants are in the early bloom stage of growth. Hay, in early bloom, however, is full -of sap and difficult to cure. Fur­ thermore, this stage of growth is usu­ ally reached in mid-jime, a time at which poor hay-making weather often prevails in. rnauj’ districts. An attempt •o cure early bioo1 • ordinary nethods i'J evere loss of qnal- ? ueen m: overenmh Mooney, adry, Cen Ottawa. Wi: . . planting.! begin to wonder how many on- j you have already planted, and i many bushels of onions you’ll i in time. Onions . . onions . . . i in to tumble them in down and sideways . . and ; r way is the easiest. You be-'! earnestly that a fertilizer! ?ream separator man will1 they never come when Soon you’re planting' and four onions in the; MR. CHURCHILL INSPECTS BRITISH ARMY’S PARACHUTISTS Garrie,the little i may be raked or bunched wit trying itt k-wcr j. type of .rake pushed to front r door.:)i tar car ■it 13T -OT I)y 13 mdl? Instrad with ita SOO pounds of hay shmfic Cattle Without Food for Week Last Friday Hemry Fl Diet? vt to his far© oh the 18th srmrexslsfi or M.'Ww.k to msb&e* kt? grastotj' As he passed, t he tecs the he bxard Is jtasMtog & tt'ipsd cock a .ferktol n hay is first plated tm each wi the IttEn earners witese the tw pfotrnd- A lar&e .ferktol is then England too has >ar&eiiuto troops. Drilling to England *re an unknown number wf soldiers to whom foes the argument exf landing by parachute ©n important si use ol >. __ _ ___ ___ yet HoweV *xhw WiW W iinaWtt "1 .., . ... .......... .. . ..... ... . -J.an«r they« W JSattfcpt lor « brief kray aeahwt 5 tobojs by the British army » ’ equipped?Lmc Minister SS wiS.' sra*etw 4u*