HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1941-06-26, Page 5Thursday, June 26th, 1941 WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES PAGE FIVE- FORaB’fo0t§W WKM1QNERS Holiday Needs For the Summer Home TERRY TOWELS Time to stock up on these extra large towels at this low price arid they are always handy to have in your cot­ tage or at the beach. Smart stripe or check designs on white grounds. Size 20x40. 29c each WABASSO PILLOW CASES The .name “Wabasso” is one which careful housekeepers appreciate in the world of household cottons. Well jaiade in every detail and nicely hem- -stitched. Size 21x33. 39c to 55c Each SHEETS These sheets are just the sheet for summer home as they are well made from good quality cotton, fully bleach­ ed and come in two handy sizes. 72x86 $1.19 each 81x99 $1.49 each JUMBO FLANNELETTE BLANKETS You can count, on a lot of splendid service from these softly napped blan­ kets in snowy white, and whipped . singly for easier handling. Extra large <_70x90. $2.69 a Pair FLOOR COVERING * Borderless Rugs 6x9 Rexfelt Rugs............... . . . 6x9 Rexoleum Rugs................ 6x9 Feltol Rugs....................... $1.75 $1.98: $3.49 CHENILLE TYPE BEDSPREADS 80 x 100 inches ' Two beautiful designs in tufted J? Chenille Bedspreads patterned in love^ ly Pastels and White on firm White ground. $3.59 each , WINDOW SHADES ; Cream or Green t . Paper Shades ......................3x6 ft. 15c Washable Paper Shades .. 3x6 ft. 49c Opaque Shades........... 3x6 ft. 79c 'rnW ■ ■ ’ t BATHING SUITS Be Ready For The Swim Fetching Swimming Suits in color- ’materials, Satin Lastex, Printed ‘ Seersucker and Printed Cottons, and ...-so dnexpensiv e. ,$1.49 - $1.98 - $2.98 Telephone 36 “The Store Where Lower Prices Prevail”Wingham, Ont. OBITUARY Jonathan Pattisqn Another of Wingham’s older resi­ dents has passed on. After an illness of some length, Jonathan Pattison, William Street, died Friday night, June 20th, in his 84th year. Born in the Township; of Ermosa, near Guelph, the family moved to East Wawanosh while he was yet a small boy. He con­ tinued. to reside on the 12th Conces­ sion of that township until he came to Wingham 27 years ago. His wife, for­ merly Esther Plunkett, passed on two years ago. Mr. Pattison was the last of a family of ten. The funeral service was conducted at his late residence on Monday afternoon by the Rev. W. A. Beecroft,, pastor of Wingham United Church, of which he was a member. Burial took place in Wingham Cem­ etery. The pallbearers were six of his ne­ phews, Anson Pattison, Lome Mc­ Kenzie, Raymond Finnagan,’ Edgar. Pattison, Alan Pattison and Wilfred Plunkett'. . , ■ * John, Grieve On Monday^ afternoon, June 23rd, Mrs. John Grieve, of Downie gown­ ship, ned’r Avdntph',',.passed suddenly away at,$'the honi6*o£ib^'s.bn®in-!aw, Mr. Donhld Rae, of town;. Mrs. Grieve had beer} visiting,with,.her., daughter, Mrs. Donald Rae, for the past week. On Monday afternoon they were pre­ paring to call on Mrs. Rae’s daughter, Mrs. W. W. Gurney, When Mrs. Grieve passed on. Slit was in her 82nd year. Her maklen ’name was Mary Murray an<| her husband predeceased her in 1933. In her yoii’nger days Mrs. Grieve was a teacher of music and she always retained a great love for music. Surviving are two daughters,’ Mrs. Donald Rae of town, and Mrs. Alex­ ander Miller of Fullerton Township, and a son, Adam. Leslie, of Sarnia. She is also survived by three sisters, Mrs. Bella Murray and Mrs. ’ Elizabeth Thompson of Avonton! arid Mrs. Chris- "topher Burnard of St. Marys. A short service was conducted by Rev. Kenneth MacLeah' at the home of Mr. Donald Rae on Tuesday‘after­ noon after which the remains were taken to the home of Mr. Alexander Miller, Fullarton Township-where the funeral service will be. held this^after- noon, Wednesday. , The' Officiating ministers are Rev! Mr., Williams of the Avonton Presbyteriatf;: GhurchV of which she was a member, and Rev, Mr. Leitch of Avonton United Church. Burial will be in Avonbank Cerpetery. William,-S.-Kiiig . , Following an illness 'of* ijyd and a 'half'years, Willi^n..^’Kliii^ parsed on Monday morning,' June 23rd, al his home, 12th Concession Turnberry, in .his 81st year. Borm at Markhaih, On­ tario, he moved with the family to the “B” line, Turnberry*, whjle he- ip^-yet ,a.j small child, latW'thby' farfned 'in Grey .township. He attended .Clinton x■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ I BE A WINNER I $25 In Cash Prize, | ■ $10 First Prize; $5 Second Prize fi and Ten $1 Prizes.■! Draw Every Sat. Night ■ , • -.....t < I Wingham Bank Nite Club ■ - ..vilBIi g A lucky ticket with every 25 cents you spend ■ | at flanRlNih Stores. | •»■<’£ -g ■1■■ ■Ia 4lS Model School and taught in Culross. After‘his marriage in 1888 to Mary McKinney, of Bluevale, they went West to Bosievane, Man,, where Mr. King taught school and also took up a homestead. In 1891 they returned East and since 1893 have resided at lot 27, concession 12, Turnberry. He was a member of Wingham United Church and for many years was sup­ erintendent of Holmes' Sunday School. For eleven years he served as Assessor of the township and was well known throughout the district being agent for the Woodstock Western Weather In­ surance Co. He leaves to mourn his passing be­ sides his wife, two sons and three dau­ ghters, J. Ross King of Turnberry; Mrs. Wm. R. (Stella) Davidson, Hen­ sail; Mrs. Stuart (Sadie) McBurney and Mrs. Alex (Lavina) Leaver of E. Wawanosh, and Perc. J. on the home­ stead. He is also survived by a. broth­ er and a sister, John King of Ethel, and Mrs.' Allen Hersey, Brussels. Rev. W. A. Beecroft, pastor of the Wingham United Church will conduct the funeral service this afternoon (Wednesday) at the residence, Turn­ berry. ’Burial will take place in Wing­ ham Cemetery. The pallbearers will be five nephews Harvey Messre, Gordon Messer, Eld­ on McKinney, Wm. McKinney, Rus­ sell McKinney, and grandson, Alan Davidson. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. J. M. Howell of Toronto, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. Y. Smith. Miss Lilia Taylor is spending a va­ cation at Toronto, Kingston and Ot­ tawa. Mr. John Hopper of Brussels, is vis­ iting this week with his son, Mr. Robt. Hopper. Master Neil McLean of Toronto, is visiting with his grandmother, Mrs. T. J. McLean. L.A.C. David Rees of Port Albert, was a visitor over the week-end with Craig Armstrong. Mrs. W. Reid and daughter, Willa, of London, were Sunday visitors with Mr. anti Mrs. Alex, Reid. l^frs. Nellie Schultz of Walpella, Sask., was a visitor last week with her cousin, Mrs. Donald Rae. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Greer and Mr. Jack Greer of Toronto, visited at W. J. Groats, over..the weck-eud. , ’ XyeBre 'bki^d.to report, tl^at W. ;J< Greer, who had a Severe attack of bronchitis, is much improved. ’ Mr. and Robt. Johnston of Guelph, spent Sunday at the home of her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hopper. Rev, A. E. C. and Mrs. Pentland of Assumption, Ill., are visiting with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Christie, Mr, and Mrs, James Finley, also Mr. and Mrs. A, Finley were week-end guests with Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Bell of Wallaceburg. Mr, Carmen Hetherington, V.S., of Weston, r^peiit the week-end .with /his” parents, Mr. and Mrs; Chris. Hether­ ington, Bluevale Road. Mr. and Mrs, R. A. Hartley and Miss Marion McPherson of Brantford were visitors with Mr. and Mrs, W, J. Henderson, Bluevale Road, Miss Patricia Parker was successful in obtaining her first year Honour Arts at Victoria University, Toronto. She with Miss Ruth Hamilton is spen­ ding the summer at Grand Bend. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. J, Walker over the week-end were Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Fox and daughter, Ju­ dith of Guelph, Miss Vern Walker of Hickson, and Miss M. Meyers of Strat­ ford. iMrs. C, A. Willson and two child­ ren of Uchi Lake, are vacationing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, T. H, ‘Gib­ son. M^s, James Ziegler and son of Guelph, were week end guests at the Gibson home. Mr. and Mrs. James Isard are at present visiting in Toronto. ,Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Currie of Islington, also Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Stewart of Toron­ to, were guests with Mr. and Mrs. Is­ ard over the week-end. week-end in Wingham with her sister, Miss Lois Appleby. Mr. John Campbell of London, was a week-end guest at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Johnston re­ turned to their home in Blenheim on Tuesday last, after visiting friends on the tenth. i and Mrs. Alex, Corrigan visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Oliver Stokes, ST. HELENS The July meeting of the Women’s Institute will be held in the Commun­ ity Hall on Friday, July 3rd. Please note the change in day. Roll Call-r-A Current Event. Subject “Education” in charge of Mrs. D. Phillips. Pro­ gram Committee, Mrs. J. Cameron, Mrs. Allan Durnin. Hostesses, Mrs. Lome Woods, Mrs. J. Cameron, Mrs. McKenzie Webb. Born—In Kincardine Hospital, on June 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. John Swan of Bervie (formerly of St. Jielens), a daughter. Observer George McQuillin, Malton, was a week-end visitor at his home here. Miss Dorothy Barbour, of Fergus, is a visitor with her grandmother, Mrs. R. J. Woods. iMr. and Mrs. T. J. Salkeld and Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Miller were recent vis­ itors with Mr. and Mrs. "V^m. Dalling, Monkton. ’ . /' ■ The following articles have been forwarded to the Red Cross, Luck­ now:' 1 pr. seaman’s socks, 5 pr. sold­ ier’s socks; 4 sailor’s scarves, 2 pr. 2- way mitts, 1 helmet, 1 sleeveless sweater, 1 turtle-neck sweater, 4 blouses, donation of 8 quilts. Miss Laurine Miller has received word of her success in the recent ex­ aminations for Nurse Registration. Mr. George Gillies of Saskatchewan, is a visitor with his sister, Mrs. D. C. McDonald and Mr. McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Woods and little osn, of Guelph, were’ week-end visitors with Mrs. R. J. Woods. Messrs. G. A. Webib and Gordon Miller motored to Toronto on Tues­ day. They were accompanied to Bur­ lington by iMr. J. A. Webster who will visit his brother there. SALEM Mr. and .Mrs. Eli Bolt, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bolt and Mr. Andrew Gemmill spent last week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Fraser of Kent County. Mrs. Thomas McMichael, Miss Geor gina McMichael, Mrs. McTavish of London, and Mrs. Wm. Smith of the West, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stafford of Port Bur­ well. Mrs, Smith returned to home in the West and Mrs. McTavish to her home in London. ,Miss Evelyn Cathers spent the week end with friends in Toronto. Mr. Thomas Martin is at present under the doctor’s care. We hope to see him all right soon again. The garden party was a decided suc­ cess in every way. The weather was ideal, The play by the Gorrie folks was well rendered and very much en­ joyed by all present. The supper was up to its usual standard. The pro­ ceeds were $90. Miss Mary Fitch of Toronto, is spending her holidays with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Fitch. GLENANNAN Gnr. Walter Oslen of Petawaw.a, spent a couple of days lost week with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wallace. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Clack of De­ troit, ate spending a few days visiting their nephew, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. El­ liott. , Mr. and Mrs. Robert Metcalfe, of Sault Ste. Marie, left for their home after spending a week visiting with Mr, and Mrs. John iMetcalfo. Mrs. Arthur Lincoln spent a few days last week with her daughter, Mrs. Harry Brown in Wingham. Mr. iJavid Metcalfe is visiting his. brother, -Mr, John Metcalfe, , Miss Bernice Appleby spent the GORRIE Mrs. Archie Scott, Mrs, Craig and little son, Donnie, of Blyth, were guests on Tuesday of the former’s mother, Mrs. Hamilton. Mr, Walker Hastie, Toronto, spent the week-end with his brother, Mr, Kenneth Hastie. Mrs. Hastie Sr„ who has spent the past several months with her son, Kenneth, returned to Toronto with Mr. Hastie and will spend a few weeks visiting her sons. Mr. Hector Hamilton spent Mon­ day in Toronto. Congratulations are extended to iMr. and Mrs. Isaac Wade, who on Friday last quietly celebrated their 58th wed­ ding anniversary at the home of'their son, Mrs. R. W. N. Wade and Mrs. Wade. Miss Annie Anger spent last week with friends, in Listowel. Among those from here who attend­ ed Farmers’ Week at the O.A.C., at Guelph, were: Mrs. Hartwell Strong, Mrs. Withrow, Mrs. Percy Ashton and Mr. R'oy Strong, Mrs. J. T. Strong was a recent Tor­ onto visitor. Mr. and M.rs. V. Shera spent Sunday with the latter’s brother, Mr. Camp­ bell Ellis and Mrs. Ellis at Drayton. Mr. Muir Anderson, Guelph, was a week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. Black and other relatives over the week-end, and attended the Edgar Re­ Union on Saturday, Miss Marjorie Hockridge, Guelph, is spending this week with her brother Mr. Lloyd Hockridge. Gave Fifie Lecture On Friday night, Rex.. Frost, of CF RB, Toronto, was in town and gave his lecture and motion picture on “The Cavalcade of Europe,” in which he gave his large audience some first­ hand information as to these countries which are going through wars; of Hit­ ler’s army; his vast destruction of these helpless countries; of their beau­ tiful cities, which have been rent by incendiary bombs, and the destroying of mankind. Mr. Frost, only a short time ago visited these countries -and was well acquainted with the subject. Mr. H. E. Strong, president of the loc­ al Red Cross branch, thanked the speaker who so generously came giv­ ing of his time and talent so the soc­ iety might benefit. In the president’s remarks, he asked that all put forth a special effort in their work for the soc­ iety so that supplies would be avail­ able to be forwarded to England be­ fore October 1st and cold weather. We feel sure the people will do their bit as they have before and help out this needy, cause. About twenty trucks of soldiers from Listowel visited our town on Thursday afternoon. Being on regular route, and not dressed for making for­ mal calls, it gave the people of the village the idea that they too have work to do and do it. It was a surprise visit. $ Gorrie United Church Sunday School Anniversary, 11 a.m., June 2&. The guest speaker will be the Rev. W. A. Beecroft, of Wingham, Special mu­ sic by visiting talent. M.r. and Mrs. Archie Miller and daughter, Sandra, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. MacDonald, of Molesworth. Mrs. Earls and Mr. Frank Earls, of Wroxeter, spent Sunday at the home of the former’s daughter, Mrs. W. C. King and Mr. King. Miss Hazel Hamilton, Calgary, is the guest of Mrs. C. Hamilton. Mrs. Woodcock, Toronto, is holi­ daying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Irwin and daughter, Mrs. Mor­ ley Johnson, and Mr. Johnson. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray McIntyre were Mr. and Mrs. E. Ren­ wick and family, also Mrs. Inglis and Barbara, of McIntosh. Pte. Dean Earngey, London, spent the week-end with relatives in Gorrie, Miss Myrtle Short, assistant post­ mistress, is spending a few days with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. MacArthur, of Cap- reol, are guests'of Rev. and Mrs. Ball at the Rectory. Mr. Sterling Finlay, of Galt, and Henry Finlay, R.C.A.F., London, spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Finlay. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Roseborough, Owen Sound, spent the week-end with the latter’s brother, Mr. Walter King, also Mr. and Mrs. Ernest King. Mr. Jas. King returned with her daughter for a visit. 40 Vears Married . Congratulations ar<} extended to Mr, I and Mt§. Milton Watson, who on June} 15th celebrated the 40th anniversary of their liiarriage, at which their Jam® ily were all able to be present except Air-conditioned slumber for you on hot summer nights—if you wear these divinely cool pyjamas. They’re cute as can be, too, with their gay printed patterns, in “Butcher Boy” style. Sizes Small, Med­ ium and large. $1.00 and $1.39 This store will be open Monday night, June 30th. ^Walker Stores, Zjmited “The Store Where Lower Prices Prevail” Telephone 36 „ Wingham, Ont. Harry who is in Listowel; Miss-Isobel, Hamilton, Messrs. Jim and Keith of Fergus; Mrs. Hayes (Beatrice), Ken­ neth of London and Lyle, Gorrie, and Mr. Howard Stewart, Wingham, were all present. Gnr. Kenneth Galbraith, of Camp Borden, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George, Gal­ braith. Dr. Ross motored up from Kitchen­ er on Sunday and took his mother home with him for a short time. The Council presented Pte. Kenneth Watson with a beautiful wrist watch at the close of Mr. Rex-. Frost’s Trav­ elogue on Friday night. Reeve J. W. Gamble made the presentation. Sergt. John Neilson, of Petawaway spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Neilson. Sergt. R. G. Newton, Kitchener, and son, Jack Newton, R.C.A.F., Mont-, real, spent, the week-end at their home here, also Mrs. Wm. Newton, Guelph, spent the week-end with his family. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Short spent the week-end with the former’s brother in Toronto. Mr. Lloyd Harrison spent a few days this week with friends in Galt. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hyndman, Kitch­ ener, also ,Mr. and Mrs. J. Maguire, of Clifford, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Hyndman. Mr. and Mrs. Quinn, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Montgomery, of Detroit, and Mrs. Mary Prescott, of Toronto, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rob­ ert Cathers and attended the Earl Re­ Union held here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hutcheson ac­ companied Mr. and Mrs. C. Bennett and daughters to Sprucedale where they spent the week-end with Mr. Ben­ nett’s brother, William. Red Cross Shipment The Gorrie and District Branch made the following shipment to Red Cross headquarters on June 20th; Navy Comforts: 8 scarfs, 4 turtle neck sweaters, 5 ribbed helmets, 12 prs. of whole mitts, 4 prs. seamen’s stockings,' 1 sleeveless sweater; Array and Air- Force Comforts: 24 prs. socks, 3 sleeveless sweaters, 2 prs. 2?way 'mitts, 5 scarfs, 8 prs. flying mitts, 30 khaki hdkfs; Hospital Supplies: 9 prs. py­ jamas, 60 gauze hdkfs.* 12 washcloths, 2 personal bags; Refugee Supplies: 15 quilts, 4 ladies’ dresses, ,10 prs. boys’ pants, 1 afghan, 8 girls’ dresses, 2 pr- rompers, 2 pr. overalls, 2 boys’ suits, 4 pr. panties, 3 pullovers, 1 pr. child’s pyjamas. Accident Victim Buried A very large number gathered in Gorrie on Friday afternoon for the funeral of the late Donald John Hues— , ton, 7-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs.. K. J. Hueston. Donald’s death was a. tragic affair as he was drowned on his. way home from school the Tuesday previous. The service was held at the .residence and was conducted by Rev- E. C., Copeland and Rev. J. F. Ball. The pallbearers were Dick Carson, Norman Carson, Walter Hemingway, Billy Edwards, George Galloway, George Heinmiller. The flower bear­ ers were, Billy Nay, Tom Newton> Bobby Harriston, Norman Anger, Bruce Anger, Billy Strong.. Burial was in Gorrie Cemetery. Edgar Re-Union v The twelfth annual re-union of the' descendants of the late James Edgar,- was held on Saturday, June 21st, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wellesley Strong in Howick. One hundred and forty-three, guests signed the register,, and friends from many places includ-' ing Toronto, London, Guelph, Strath-- clair, Detroit, Ayrt Galt and many othr' ers, met for an enjoyable "get-tog‘efi> er.” Mr. Marr Black, of Strathclair, Manitoba, won the prize for the per­ son coming the farthest distance. Miss Elizabeth Lillico of Ayr, 78 years of age, won the prize for the oldest lady­ present, and Mr. George Black, Ayr„ 80 years old, won the prize for the old­ est gentleman present. Messrs. Wm.. Edgar, Ayr, George Black, Ayr, Alex.. Edgar Sr., Gorrie, and Miss Mary Ed­ gar, Ayr, and Mrs. D. F. Stewart, of. Molesworth, a group of five of the old­ er cousins, had their snapshot taken1 by Mr, Marr Black.LAnother group of interest who posed for a picture were* four generations composed of Mrs. D. F. Stewart of Molesworth, her daugh­ ter, Mrs. J. J. Elliott, Gorrie R.R., her- son, Edgar Elliott, of Rochester, Ont.,,, and his baby son, David. Dinner and. supper were served by the Howick re­ latives, and the afternoon was spent: in playing a friendly game of softball,. Ayr vs. Howick, also various novelty' races and contests were held. frerythmfr m this great is new and different. New Safety- Lock cords have 35% greater heat protection; tread and body have a 27% stronger bond between them; beads are Mist- proofed nud tied in and the new Gear Grip tread has 11% mare non-skid mileage. With all theio new feature* Firestona i Champion^tares do not cost one cent more. Drive fan today and put Champion* on your car. } HURON MOTORS Phone 99 ” Wingham