HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1941-06-26, Page 2i I MODEL B-60 PHONE 27 school i Wrecked in German Spite Raid on London in patting them out without•t l ! New XoaicrAobe Cooking Unii wfth 5 -CsoHng 'Hests Swbserlption state — One Teat S2.X Six. months, frt advance To U. S. A., SL5-3 per year. Fore<n rate* kS.OO per year. Advertising rates on appbcatloau Made by GENERAL MOTORS Makers of the Famous FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATOR WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Ontario iy b us were Eat it; si is a grape-fruit. Powdered sulphur. Leathenv-orken (a) Hawaii; (fe) Italy; (c) Sicily; NASIS TFUS TO ROHM XVton tto 'German, toraes crossed xbe bonder mtn Rttssrs. an SsnSay it was wl re- expec t- -cd by a an: gang Gessaany to With Russia kaevru, carr ■" r . sth.xtg a ipeapue. •er axd &ny w.: ® .yaats, AT OUR LOW MONEY^SAVING PRICES! REPLACE WORN TIRES NOW WITH GUARANTEED • Make sure that you’ll be free from annoying tire trouble this coining holiday. Take a look at your tires today and then decide to have worn, uncertain tires replaced with extra-mileage, money’Saving Goodyears. We have eleven different Goodyears for cars at different prices . , .« each is tops in mileage, quality and value in its price class. No matter what you pay < . , you can’t get better tires than Goodyears, That’s why: MORE PEOPLE RIDE ON GOODYEAR TIRES THAN ON ANY OTHER KIND. Drive in for Goodyears at your price today! Murray Johnson Wmgham Wingh&zn Advance'Times Published at WINGHAM' - ONTARIO it a later and pftb own benefit. There hese people and . A full-put ef- o this job and cd ready to car­ ask Canada. has t developing tor lastly. We have spire's de- trpou tot we are. we this added those w» •' Xagtefi w»W wara petmiess nwex, lseY»x?s^3wMpsb»rBtng wfteji yofc 1-nve your Fame leaf the ewurng, ^Smews’ tor, b tois&i ligb: Ser sfrnssffls toaev e«m only 1« «a Hyfcft sates. Tabfc OWS X3?e at? J frtoh tekto d ■? • they a wry stccaNe casaa'jy SistJ tod tak«n •:'!uv4sa'Ad, six hundred ar.-d fifryKtot to c..-: re killed in accidents, Ontat;o head- F “ tw.c* yts: w’.i,. < klt*crrc was ^cc-J 1 with 44S. Tto ipjnrcd numb$rc-d1 BSAiSS. Many miltons rf waU to erst o: acctdcnts, bestde? tnc^ cavy 11$: ci dead and injured, ar.d in i< ?n tA that there was the >u:frv-■ rso who test their kve.I rxesj r traffic -frr the r.cxt two] , j$ tao great-; the year and, i k to assume| ca Icr.ts in these I . Car friends I New Agent at £lyth here in large < Mr. and M be travelling _ moved :nta i :e year wruld the CP.R. St. lyt Do yaw’been the C.P.R. ■"dems. ts.-n, and will i ie> nt Blysh.- Diamond Jubilee The Rev. J. W. I toated lais dia.ts. istry to wh.it tftorch to Cana sal ordistatiota 1 sen: to the Slut Edward Island arxoU suc-c? ■; the loan was launched &' ■ zero hour -camo an army "■went forth and in three ■ their efforts were crew; ij cess, Canada may well 1 this fme venture and Hi ] may be very proud fra that it was the t! ■ second coxhiy to reach its objective. ‘‘ Xels< 1 This is one of the answers that we are . 1 giving to Hitler and we are ef the; r ] <vpm’0Ti that the people of this country ] of the ThMrwfey, June 2Gth, 1941 WINGHAM Busier Whitby is now a member she 7:h Army Field Regimen: and —. •- training at Pe-tawnwa with his t e before i older brothers. Gecrgc and Ted. Bus’ •hen the i Jer joined, the Highland Licht Infant- workers ] yy &t London, to: was ela 1 weeks ] toothers and : -jih sac-1 —Lucknow 1 One meal cooked on this fast, thrifty dependable range v/iff show you why so many housewives are changing to Frigidaire’s carefree electric cooking. Deluxe Features Throughout. Here are a few; • Cook-Master Oven Control _ (It Operates the oven while you’re away) • One-Piece Porcelain Cooking Top • De Luxe Cooking Top Lamp • De Luxe Thermizer Well Cooker • Extra-large T^in Unit Oven • De Luxe Cabinet Design • High-speed Broiler "■*-» -M • 5-Speed Switches—a heat for every cooking need. Models for every home — a price for every purse. EASY PAYMENT TERMS Saturday. It has been estimated that 5,000 fell in the Borough, and that our own share in the District reached four figures. The behaviour to the people was magnificent, even at times bord­ ering on the rash side. It should be carefully ed that a certain propor- tkn of incendiary bombs are of a new explosive type and should not be ap­ proached for a couple to minutes or so after they have fallen. These ex- pmsluas were the cause of injury and bums to a -certain number of people living near the church. I trembled as, I saw small toys rush up to newly fallen bombs and unload bags of sand onto them. Howbeit they all seemed, successful injury, I stHl marvel at the speed with which •j proved invaluable. Six bombs encir- | tied the church, the only damage be- j ing to a portion of the .gutter, Laus i' Deo. Wembley Hall had a narrow es- jc2pe, a bomb going -through the roof jand setting the floor and some fumi- | ture alight Orang to the blackout this ? burned undetected for some time, but the pump proved its effectiveness and saved, the situation More than one person has said "Why ever was it put out? AVe do sb want a new frail?” I note with regret that .at least six per­ sons had to be taken to hospital. AVhen I last saw them they were wonderful­ ly cheerful.” burning houses were saved I destmeton, especially those | whose ceilings were ablaze. I thought I of toe nhagrin which the enemy must] have felt when on his return he could I n&i see a single house burning when; he must have expected a '-conflagration i The Church stirrup pump and ladder] ANSWERS TO BRAIN-TEASERS sbsss S'* M H ■ UU s»to*5f .frirfitot :.e. toatog s «a ssfrnt: frana ths- !>i totoS to we *s®' to th* mtmlmry fr&a .of < i Sotftts bi the «*,I»bhSan, which wWb> fajvk xJjb-M, * «. «» « tbfe SS by *to midst t®esi j» the tto ifeU