The Wingham Advance-Times, 1941-06-12, Page 3Thursday, June 12th, 1941 WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES FA®feW
L /7
in every price clan to ®oit every other lower priced Firestone tires*
Firestone Champion tire, we have th"® $Firettohe> coit no wore
new selling at rock-bottom pncee. Not <mly «> ? tbey gr0 by far th®
than ordinary tirei, but on the wiiaot on your w now.
cheapen you can own. Put aaie, now r 'y*
Drive in today.
Phone 99
. Wingham
King Replies to Hepburn
Ottawa — Premier King said in a
telegram to Premier Mitchell Hepburn
of Ontario that if the “premiers of the
several provinces should unite in a re-
[You Roll Them Better Withl
OGDEN'S cute
quest for another Dominion-Provincial
Conference, the Dominion Govern
ment will be prepared to give immedi
ate consideration to any such request.”
The telegram was in reply to one re
ceived iby iMr. King in which Mr. Hep
burn suggested a Dominion-Provincial
Conference be called to discuss out
standing problems to ensure -the full
est possible war effort.
Roosevelt Raps Nazi Rumors
Washington — President Roosevelt
mg to the extent of planning a joint
German-Rumai/ian invasion by mid
Royal Family Obey Clothing Order
Rondon — The' King has instructed
members of the Royal Family to com
ply strictly with the clothes rationing
flatly accused <Nari Germany of
spreading rumors that .Britain was
ready to seek peace; and declared cer
tain Americans had been*duped by the
Nazi propaganda, •
Given Great Power
■ Ottawa Civil authorities admin
istering the Defence of Canada Regu
lations were given far-reaching pow
ers to prevent slowing up or unauth
orized stoppage of coal mine produc
tion by an Order-jn-Counril adopted
and announced by J, McG* Stewart,
coal administrator.
Refuse Japs’ Demands
Batavia -r- The Government of the
Netherlands East Indies ^ejected im
portant sections in Japan’s demands
for a large share of the rubber, oil and
tin of these islands, but there was no
Sign of the subsequent crisis which the
Japanese had intimated would come in
the event of an unfavorable answer,
Demands Grain Business Inquiry
Ottawa — A demand for a full par
liamentary inquiry into “the whole
grain handling business” when Parlia
ment .reassembles in the fall was made
in the House of Commons by E. E.
Perley (Cons., .Qu’Appelle). “The
whole grain business as carried on to
day is a racket ‘and won’t stand the
light of day,” said Mr. Perley.
U.S. Using Foreign Ships
signed legislation permitting the Gov
ernment to take over and operate the
approximately 80 .foreign ships
idle in United’States waters.
President Roosevelt
Former Relief Officer Sentenced
Kitchener — Mrs. Olive B. Prowse,
former Galt relief officer, was sen
tenced to six months each on three
Many people think that backache
is a trouble that comes naturally
with advancing years, but this
woman of 71 proves that it is not.
‘T suffered for a long time from
backache/' she writes,’’but put it
down to my age (71). Reading your
announcement, I thought I would
try Kruschen Balts, I have been
taking it for some time and have
found great relief. I thought you
would like to know it has done me
a world of good.”—(Mrs.) E.R.
When pains in the back are
caused by inactive kidneys and
failure of the digestive system to
throw off poisonous impurities,
Kruschen Salts will give real help in
setting the matter right. Because
Kruschen has a diuretic action
Which helps to Rush your kidneys
and liver. After that, your blood
throws off all impurities; you get
happy relief from pain.
t--—,—■ ...... s ,
charges of false pretenses, to which
she pleaded guilty, and on two charg
es of forgery on which she was found
guilty by a jury. All terms to run con-
currently. Two other charges of
pretenses were withdrawn by
Navy Sunk Supply1 Ships
London — The Admiralty announc
ed that the Royal Navy had sunk three
supply ships and an armed trawler in
tended to supply the German battle-
shijo Bismarck and other Nazi war
Germans After Ukraine Wheat
Ankara—Turkish,, and foreign quar
ters exchanged reports saying Germ
any is putting heavy pressure on the
Soviet for access to the wheat gran
aries of the Russian Ukraine,“even go-
Hitlerism—Enlist Now!
men to fight
F This is Canada’s fight—and YOU are Canada. Everything for which
you have worked and planned—you* life, your home-rare threatened
by the fiendish attacks of the Huns and though we toil in the factories
to produce weapons with which to crush them, these weapons
are useless without MEN.
The Canadian Active Army requires men for Artillery, Engineers
Signals, Armoured Cars, Tanks, Infantry, Transport and Supply
Medical, Ordnance and other branches of the Service. ‘ The Army is
prepared to teach many trades, and to train you to. efficiently
handle Canada’s weapons of war*
Go to your nearest District Recruiting Office. Find out about these
Units; how they Work, what they do. See just where you’ll fit in.
See where any particular skill you possess can best fie utilized.
Then join up for ACTION,
Apply to nearest District Recruiting Office
Any Local Armoury
$1.30 per Day with Board, Lodg
ing, Clothing, Medical and Dental
care provided EXTRA: (1) Rates
varying from 25£ to 750 per day
for skilled tradesmen while em
ployed. (2) Dependent Allowances
in Cash: $35 to Wife, $12 each per
month for 2 children — only 31
, dependents per soldier.
Consider Gasoline Ration
Washington «—• With the populous
eastern seaboard of the United States
faring a possible ban on all pleasure
car driving, the House of Representa
tives hurriedly passed a bill providing
for pipelines to carry oil to the area.
Such lines are necessary because of the
transfer of one-fifth of the country’s
tanker fleet to the service of Britain.
Kaiser Buried Monday .
Doorn, Th? Netherlands —> Dressed
in a field marshal’s uniform of the Im
perial German army he led to disaster,
the body of former Kaiser Wilhelm
lay in the small bedroom where he
died Wednesday. The former emperor
was buried Monday with military hon
ors on Hitler’s orders.
♦ r—’
Say Terminal Election Debt
Ottawa — Canada was being called
upon to pay “an election debt of $30,-
000,000“ in construction work on the
Montreal terminal, Conservative House
Leader Hanson declared i“n the House
of Commons.
Scores Rescued by Airplanes
Chicoutimi, Que. — Scores of per
sons were rescued from flaming back-
woods districts by airplane as forest
fires raged uncontrolled over 1,500 to
2,000 square miles of bush country in
this northern Quebec region.
Conservative Leader to Tour
Ottawa — Conservative 'sources said
it was likely that Conservative House
Leader Hanson, accompanied by some
other Conservative members, would
make a tour of Western Canada before
the House resumes after the summer
Heads Presbyterian Church
Toronto — Rev. J. B. Skene, pastor
of Central Church, Vancouver, .was un
animously elected moderator of the
Presbyterian Church in Canada at the
67th General Assembly which opened
here. He succeeds Rev. William Bar
clay, of Hamilton. The new moderat
or was born in Durham, Ont., and
graduated from Queen’s University in
1920 in the arts faculty. He took his
19?0 in the arts 'faculty. He
theological degree at Knox
Toronto, graduating in 1920.
Newell Jury Again Disagree
Toronto — Fate of Aircraftsman
Hugh Alexander William Newell,
charged with the murder of his 22-
year-old wife here last fall, remained
undetermined as a Supreme Court jury
for the second time in six months fail
ed to reach a verdict. The jury was
dismissed by Justice W. D. Roach
when the foreman reported that after
10 hours’ consideration no agreement
could be reached.
Nazi Subs Getting Close
New York — Maritime sources, dis
closing the recent torpedoing of eight.
British ships, totalling 54,268 tons, re
vealed that Axis 'submarines had ex
tended their work of destruction two-
thirds of the way across the Atlantic
to within 700 miles of .the American
Wroxeter, June 5th, 1941
The Council met in the Township
Hall, according to adjournment, the
members were all present, the Reeve,
J. W. Gamble, in the chair.
The minutes, of last regular meeting,
also special meetings, were read, and
on motion of Strong and Winter, were
Moved by McCallum and Winter
that a grant of $10.00 .be given the
Clifford Agricultural, Society, for the
year 1941. Carried.
Moved by McCallum and Strong
that By-Law No. b for the year 1941,
re Mun. Drain No. 15, as read the
third time, be finally passed. Carried.
Moved by Winter and Weir that
By-Law No. 6 for the year 1941, re
Bolton iMun. Drain Amendment Main
tenance Schedule, as read the third
time, be .finally passed* Carried.
Moved by Weir and McCallum that
the Township Road Supt. be hereby
instructed to investigate the situation
on the Peter Litt Award Drain, and
if feasible, to have the necessary re
pairs made. Carried.
Moved by Strong and McCallum
that the report of the School Attend
ance Officer for the month of April,
be accepted and placed on file. Car
Moved by Winter and McCallum'
that George Sanderson be granted per
mission to repair that portion of the
Hyslop Mun. Drain situated on the
North half of Lot 17, Com C, How-
ick Township. Carried.
Moved by Strong and McCallum
HpHE whole family will welcome a big, luscious berry pie baked
A with Robin Hood Flour. Strawberries, blueberries or any of the
current fruits may be used for a filling. It is easy to bake pies. If
you have an ice pox make a quantity of dough and you can have
fresh pies daily. Mrs. Wicks says, “It is a joy to bake bread, pies,
or any other baling, when you have a dependable Hour like Robin
Hood. I wouldn’t think of baking with anything else.”
Recipe:—2 cups Robin Hood Flour, sifted, 1 scant cup shortening,
Jxj tsp. salt. Enough cold water to make a very stiff dough. (Use as
little water as possible).
Recipe Method:—1. Sift flour with salt. 2. Cut shortening into flour.
3. Chill. Roll out and cover pie dish.
. 4. Fill with berries, sprinkle two table*
spoons flour mixed with two table
spoons sugar through berries. 5. Bake
in hot oven (45OQF.). In ten minutes
reduce heat to moderate and bake
evenly until crust is golden brown.
Thousands of women like Mrs,
Wicks depend on Robin Hood for
everything they bake. This famous
dependable flour makes baking a joy.
Next time you need flour, buy Robin
Hood, At local merchants everywhere.
* ___________041-3
Mrs, E, Wicks,
Kammistfauia, Ontario
Robin Hood Flour
Milled Washed Wheat
that the Road Accounts, as approved,
be paid. Carried.
Moved by McCallum and Winter
that the following accounts be paid.
Carried. Mrs. M. C. Knight, part sal
ary as School Att. Officer 1941, $30,-
00; County Treas., Hospital expenses
for Marie Linton $8.75; Municipal
World, Collector’s Rolls and supplies,
$15,24; Isaac Gamble, part salary as
Clerk $30.00; Milton Leonard, balance
salary as Assessor, 1941, $75.00; H. J.:
Hoffman, watches for active service
men $173.00; Prov. Treas,, Licenses
for Gorrie and Wroxeter Halls, $6.00;
T. A. Roberts, 500 envelopes for Clerk
$3.75; Relief $68.47; Road Expenditur
es, $336.78.
Moved byjMcCalhim and Weir that
this Council do now adjourn, to meet
in the Township Hall, Gorrie, on
5th day of July, or at the call of
Isaac Gamble, Clerk.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Alton, Elmira
and Russell, attended the anniversary
at Zion Church and spent .the after
noon* with Mr. and Mrs. L. Ritchie,
Mrs. Jim Burns, Mrs. Alf. Ritchie,
and little son, Billie, Lucknow, spent
Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. John-
Thursday afternoon Mr. Dan. Fergu
son and Mr. John Spindler, Lucknow,,
made a short visit with their old friend
and neighbour, Mrs. O. Nelson, and
other friends. -
Mr. and Mrs.' Harold MacLean and
little daughter spent Friday with his
aunts, Mrs. Roy Alton and Mrs. Geo.
Miss Elmira Alton spent a few days
last week with Mrs. David Little, near
Courey’s Corners.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Alton, Berna-
dine and Blake, attended the gradual
tion of the former’s daughter, Mtest
Janie Alton, as a nurse, in Hamiltom
on Tuesday.
There were no services in Hackett's"-
United Church on Sunday owing tO'
the Anniversary in Zion Church. Rev..
Mr. Tavener, a former minister of this,
circuit, preached in the morning?
Men of 30,40, SO
PEP, VIM, VIGOR, Subnormal!
Want normal pep, vim, vigor, vitalityT
Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets. Contain*
tonics, stimulants, oyster element**
aids to normal pep after 30, 40 or Mt
Get a special introductory size for only
W. Try this aid to normal pep and vim
today. For sale at all good drug storm*
CANADA’S telephone traffic is climbing to new peaks!
Engaged in all-out war effort Canadians are depending
on telephone facilities more thah ever. That’s why tele
phone workers are determined to maintain the fastest,
most efficient service under all conditions.
They are especially grateful for the sympathetic co-opera
tion of all telephone Users. Subscribers cati ai_ _
making severely-taxed telephone facilities yield maximum
• By looking up the number in the directory
• By speaking distinctly directly into the mouthpiece
• By answering promptly when the bell rings
Please be Sure, also, to replace the receiver on the hook.
Over 120,000 limes last year, tele*
phones were reported out of
Order” because of receivers left
off or improperly replaced.
These things are what we mean