The Wingham Advance-Times, 1941-06-12, Page 2PAGgtWO Thursday, June 12th, 1941 ■WW*W»rw*™ HWfTORWStinpPWBWWW^JpW!!^ —* <hs^ Yw Wx-.r.'.hs. $;X .r. Y© S. A.<s $S$5S) Foa^igti W&-, jjsr ytaar, t»ss «n wwsBoii - osmwa wiwi iJ 1 J1- mi1 ijiji '-ii u J! x> rtterx, ar. J said to th ! r-k jive; v-es. toe by M ary Wbes cr; < ,'T1 tohT-IY Pr. 7a: ■w;ife»?' i 4 * ■<W-‘ SSAi”'XI' istissex.,: S’^si*h 3 air. n •SS? fi'X'b X.UfehjM: && -h? h'ia<tx? hr ^^w&Ky/naY rn 5 ■.;:h*.S‘'.niyt^wt Ti^? ■tchith «5fc- - '-hr d:nrt:sX rd Tr«s»n; t 3a, '7.“d?nt?r5' ■rsitht, unU fijs1 re raiar i Hhlf-rV X'd AKMORFP €AK FOR W7X ST'-l^X. XriTEt^ $;■ e'ffiirCe’e'y -Sst-^: ■i'itrerrs- beTK“?ra. Petrhera??' s»r taahr!' a y.’rK^a: ’hr- -r> ar.5 :5 ® ar&&&5SYyy es^ wssaxm ^esiiss^ y-4 S«. xr^* cJfoijBB tsn:h hs-txr ^fci. .^xrk^is. ;, Ah j<:xsa?4 t SS'Kiipj ^tk»hsl SEbt '.“ «ss;:t :j ■&».'>£*' '1Wi*S4.»«» ■*.<../ Vi. i;: sa^fefesi •saS’X’^bi&.pe: Y.bt- r»r..rp.\ss dti arr.osezl oars, ssrromCeil hy e’^ahorate ^aaxls. Wx$:r® OarchcT! fetfo abort* his coor/lTy sresh'. w;ih a tia hat as rr? W:a: ssw 5,HWsm (toy ,£ aha": hiyh Bor or*?' Ari in an- .- other 5K®at;-ab?c *7,xeh. he $a:5’: 1“‘L« ■ns feaie -vOTSiTfo to i«T toy ani $0 'bear i^Tsou-s that, st Ce oConmoiMeakh an.2 Btopto 3ast th.-rsara ^rar.v, won to jwas their iroi-t hoar? *" ' 4f> * W ' WCBLLP L* Apm Mr. Car. : has braai$h 5 ar.i to tree ■ row hr.ye, :k airt? toe &s : haste ; ir.artotoX T.xlay. W: 2f-a.2 e toh Me £ ' tostrnv* ?% '-bx’* 7 am yo»a .am the <ana.ii,an h.rme town Ttews-' 1‘Pf* Ioer*. ara wtorrt a» yoar bbttoes > woalol Taxisb" j SKC5PASS CA TSACSSSg -j S;«me j^hori Kotos A»3 t ask T'hem they coTTerto ’ a *3s<.*Jhe-T. i he ro..»s.*n ■ e nxtstoer ;c xry4.toti.TJs ’ * -& to T Mow, we v-tojd^ *s.^ <*& fxohi?^ iert the Cssa»: ifs^wt xitonjb ksS >;>i ■s.-xxr Ber’asrat- W This iST££- iArM-nts xi?t- ax. Txrtosr to Txrrias.'^- a&4£) to> than SHtH rr.nrhe?s» nor.TSw The- /ohtores ;. ®nrj ar-rir- .■*; ^naKiier; towtors. Stio U*-10 j. &&=. bx*rr rrutnii •»«- Tjsiarto voxtrnrsy. txehrrf ux ito O’.iTA xtrsod to anti*xri. v ”tob- 'i tod o x>: .her.r: ew.ttK.mt’xxt r»i nr. twer^un- x’nwfcx .to; m ito* jwC 5« Mievithotu by tbt > .“■ the jwhwesst.® to a tonite! ■■ rwST’tol rtatouhs. wbr-sr « ..cxissitto feer JKSSfet- str'.hto At-v-; hAes.-s. eitonef;® tot stoto i: :the.i rrtodme&is its -tbe wbttax: ■sewtok ifc | mi moxase uttom, the' m.A: T’ or tores? 3to*s> Su»aras.j ; totter. kwete8 ilttritiit tom: axlfed the itol xtswfs, fento bessst nfeU ; ntn’tois nxtertoij’ «to*x SSSS. * Ji3^-.J»..>., . ed w:th th was nH * ti ■id**.*? s***,**) BWWOUI WORRY LIFEGUARDS < TKs®sft$«to7t’.wW»sys«<*s^'w?;‘'pr«'^» ^js-trsg. ssiw wsftttsK'sg ^wsfor?, * «. mj&igihsi fosfo wo tfcj. <®w$r ow?.-: <'to&s wtto <S«»&«W 2 -foS. tMsaMk JSfc&fofc Otofoi toV. . «JWW« » „ SS raWfof-SKfc'ts €S’t<a«« feweato Nm&.'WR «&» gwmait it. i&rcto w» cews 5»8» K* a®£it *&;«• <^ss, &y &fofcra &fc«fofc» sSssW OS WWSfR. Set ttoKiSWW 5U'*««k»iS* Sa> xssa? Wm dSSitaatfc *U S’wssi s&w SaKwrifeft, Way gsmtsst e&w* ov.t Avifottts.WenSixjfiywsT VOoSwvi 5s«. A^-Tis^TC® to wStoSss ■& »sc£'*x STbs- R&kt tN&tam ■em&iSBy taser <®s»c to jwecr kfos. 5’f » tsamsae oassrs. tos lUMitttoS T«eatos «tr tetsft e&ssBkti for S. s&fo, ststw^Si w:;b.ve': «*-<w- jx wfe«a X<st »S sbsS* Jivsswr isatfaeSafi o&KxyStfoJy ssj* ?WA% ^S.'.’w^-x.t s&E&fea'SS , , v «£jws Sa for ssTtsas^t sewfor sotoy! WE XWSp WJS XtiWOA'RtS to$T !SS> WR5 WS cwMtr «m t?yses • * , W W -Wu* ■; awas ^ror-e <w m-cE ®»f «w»> J1 &• ter *weeR WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES I *‘XOTH3KG BUT BS-.OCih AXP i SWEATY fe ^yrma eotutnanA jastt ,'as in the day when be was wito.at either o-ttke or W tost on Thartoto'>?.:;sea r.v tenees. To toe Hen.se o: Coro.nthns he saT: M -» xd;I to toe Hense> as I said *o those i.'ined this GevetT.nxtto T have tog to otter bto Kood. t.to tears ottd s^iisa... Ik.at', ae x.***e.*. - taKe to try task wito bnoyarej' ar.d Ta-'p-e.” The o.tv Govertotcto r.ow a nnheh Kto WAS 55'0 VSl.?’ Carte a to K-T;^ Mr. CbiarSh rnereS t>.eni ; Xatlrr.s, to share ar5 share alike. : Frar.ee's wdu to rests: J *hey <ave saj* the sira- StiT Mr. CharrhhTs hke a brarrn. 3n a broa&cas ’‘‘We haax 5?er:cx r'he $.-> < row 5n arras to ^efer.5 the raxsa, Yie sr.sui elo mr o <,Riii>i«W'lWil<»WWl*»lll ","'"<I»»»J-'-'' . '. "'I. I'.'T.1 - W It tw »? -IWvtefc wl^ <. Qimglns Timntoiwl rondituriK, w -Otenjiibs IW^W^ihiW^hs'Ortt'hWIlU. jritewminmh «Has to5 h^mfrr awy i>e ■<&«& 'WgH? ■.W^fafc.. TWR. .... OtSOK-W Thr B«sts» i^hit »5*a&d ^Wasttot. . ,“Itototo S3r! itmu too i.01- to.to v;&s rr xxu hands, iffl* tbe*<! wito iww* aiurtmrs xibAdt tou xrertetoJ ?:& ' dttst £»f tor <w «nd wfesr. tte K$s mF4it Ms. ^iucsstn • taaii wh^?£ad ”> hrramr fdr.-trm? *3ha? tM "Bbkst .Vr?£:^?mct as’dsxid ■’^nristfam^/te i feaifc'*' .:»' thr Wjy *r?no5»il tr s£i 4^T‘ -,'i- TiWn: hmted X’' ■ '*;*• rhuiijtew»:*w. 'Tit^ ’tail '&■> &Uh ! it i;i!r. ff" b:« ■■rudets. i 7h3; «j 5MB> tfoe SSuKi’i xk- ; tsrifc?E Tbipit®), 'Sriftw! ®»3 uJKEW* Tr»srx;. T'ub • rssifread M^tea: '£wikW. ’tewmt ^bitm W {tijsW''’. > ft, 0*2k i X's; "vif X. 4 4 S yetoo o? Sto BEEGRAVE That as ^?hy CamaadM xtotos s£A- Bus toMW ®s & U&to. Mzmy rmust Be jusd ®gi£jg>'eS <& The sncfs* snoS^En ^Bbhsgimadimss. SSMSS c£ ‘^torsE^ .bqS merchant vess'dls aimsftBsBxdj^Thoiisarids of asiust B& &mih&3 ct£> &hs same of waives. lOxsn ’bsjF Bands, isS Cwada as y^ar sscExtry. TSxese Bonds ^xe anox® readily iatj> ^EHsh shan. met ...4. , SiOW T^> 'BOT'—’G^s 3£«& toil Ortalnce 2ta& she; SnortSts^tHjiy BxantSi *ef „___. _ . ^<M*smAaEtt> ifisnuminttdii® <af 1^50, WiB, $1$^ tod feS 15^agux“^^uUJh£.gIad» wn evew MS&timae drnaHag- <om wexe? xrniafs tom ^giVM St xo Lane, (pf OdSiSa, was -a r with fden$5 here. - were lifted m the Belgrave discarded railway on