The Wingham Advance-Times, 1941-06-05, Page 8WINGHAM ADVANCE’-TIMKS
Thursday, June 5th, 1941
1J4 cents a word per insertion, with -a minimum charge of 25c.
;ok=io iocxo:1OK3O?
Slowly, but surely, Hitler is being pushed
to the wall,
A steady stream of supplies, mechanism,
munitions, of war ... a mounting aval
anche of the tools that bring victory . „
is pouring from Canada’s mines, mills and
. factories.
The flow must go on . . . must increase in
speed and volume.
Your fighting dollars, put into ‘Victory
Bonds, will help to provide these tools of
victory. Every dollar is needed . . . this
is how you can help.
Stainton Hardware
all conveniences. Apply Mrs. Jessie
Louttit, Shuter St.
BULL FOR SALE—Registered Pure
bred Durham, 5 years old. Good re--
cord. Apply Russell Gaunt, R.R. 5,
•COOK WANTED — By Wingharn
General Hospital. Good Wages.
Apply Miss C. Schultz, Superintend
light housekeeping or work as com
panion, Apply Advance-Times.
FOR SALE—Two modern homes,
very cheap, to close estate. Apply
T. Fells. i
FOR SALE — Bedding Out Plants,
Petunias, Snapdragons, Asters, Cab
bage, Cauliflower, etc. Window
Boxes and Hanging Baskets Filled.
George Orvis, Lower Wingham.
ham) Brick House with Barn and
Garage; lights and water, and few;
acres of land. Apply . Advance-
FOR SALE—Tudhope Electric Stove
and Mason & Risch Piano, also
modern House with good property
and barn. Apply Joe Wilson.
Applications for a lady teacher for
S.S. No. 9, Turnberry, will be re
ceived by the undersigned until June
20th. State salary expected, experi
ence and religion. A personal appli
cation preferred. Gordon Wray,
Secretary, R.R. No. 1, Wingham.
Experienced in Electrical Appliance
Selling. To handle well-known line
of Electrical Appliances. Wingham
and District $150.00 monthly guar-
Advance-Times. i
| total of $325.58 in the district receipts,
* with expenditures of $193.08, leaving
I for balance $132,50,
Mrs, B. Hearn, Clinton, sang
pleasing solo and responded to an <
core, Mrs. M. Agnew playing the ;
Mrs. T. Burn of Brownsville, 1
federation representative, gave a
port of the provincial board meeting
in November!
The invitation from Kintail to hold
the 1942 meeting at Kintail was ac
cepted, and Belgrave gave an* invita
tion to hold the 1943 rally there, which
was accepted.
An expression of appreciation was
tendered to Mrs. Oster for her six
years’ service as .president, and the new
president was introduced,
The singing of the National Anthem
closed the meeting.
! a
Sunday Next Day of Patriotic Devo
progress surely, and quickly. For
free catalogue and complete details:
MISS' G. ST. GEORGE, 570 St.
Clement, MONTREAL._________
WANTED—-Woman or Girl for light
Housekeeping, good wages. Apply
Clarence Shiell, B. Line.
, The next meeting of the Huron
’ ’County Council will be held in -the
Council Chambers, Court House, God
erich commencing June 10th, 1941, at
, 2 p.m.j AU accounts, notices of deputations
I and other business requiring the atten
tion of Council should be in the hands
of the County Clerk not later than
Saturday, June 7th, 1941. * ,
County Clerk,
Goderich, Ont.
The Christian people of Wingham
are called to regard the services of
next Sunday as a summit-point in the
religious experiences of the year. Let
our people be stirred, not only to the
support of the- present Victory Loan,
urgent and vital though this he, but al
so to an “all-out” effort in every de
partment of our national life, which
will assuredly result in victory and a
righteous and abiding peace.
In every village and town and city
of Canada, hearts and minds must be'
quickened to a strong and sacrifical
loyalty on behalf of the Cause of Free
dom, RigheousnesS and Peace.
Let those who until now have been
comfortable and complacent begin to
fulfil in themselves, in their prayers
and work and giving, our King’s claim
for us that “this time we are all in the
front lines.”
The strong hands of our brothers
and sisters overseas are holding the
Torch aloft with unexcelled courage
and unwavering determination. Every
day their strength grows and the
Torch increases in lustre and radiance.
This is no lost cause we seek to bol
ster, We share in the awakening of a
mighty Empire to its full majesty and
This Sunday must be a full gather
ing of the Household of God — and
let us all make our Pledge,
“I hereby declare my belief in Al
mighty God, and reaffirm my loyalty
and allegiance to His Majesty the
King, and further declare my support
for British institutions.
“I pledge myself and my all to hold
the Torch on high, and to march
shoulder to shoulder with the Moth
erland and the Empire in our right
eous cause through victory and endur
ing peace.”
Tenders will be received by the un
dersigned until 12 o’clock noon Satur
day, June 7th, for the sale of the wood
en hangar situated on Sky Harbour
For nartlculars see the County Clerk
at the Court House, Goderich, Ont
N, W} MILLER, County Clerk.
(Continued from Page One)
Officers Are Elected
I The afternoon session opened with
j community singing capably led by H.
I V. Pym, of Wingham, after which el-
’ ection^bf officers was conducted by
__ _ ■ MrsL’T; Burns of Brownsville and re-
antee and^bonus. Apply Box No. T, I suited aS follows: President, Mrs. W.
J. Henderson, Wingham; 1st vice-
presidfent, Mrs. N. Keating, Belgrave;
2nd vice-president, Mrs, L. Ivers, Dun
gannon; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. W.
H. Fraser, Wingharn; auditors, Mrs.
E. Webster and Mrs. J. Kerr, Wing
ham; Federation delegate, Mrs. F. Os
ter, Blyth; delegates to Area Conven
tion, London, Mrs. W. J. Henderson
and Mrs. Adams, Clinton.
Conveners of standing committees:
Cattadlanization, Mrs, Price, Goderich;
legislation, Miss L. Brigham, Clinton;
education, Mrs. Durum Phillips, Luck
now, R.R. 2; home economics, Mrs/C.
R. Coultes, Belgrave; health and Child
Welfare,- Mrs. P. Manning, Clinton;
agriculture and Canadian industries,
Mrs. Hall, Blyth; historical research,
Mrs. J. McAllister, Auburn, R.R. 2;
peace education, Mrs. Bower, Wing
ham; community activities and relief,
Mrs. C, W. Alton, Dungannon; pub
licity, Mrs. R. Phillips, Auburn,
Miss M. Gray, representing the de
partment, addressed the gathering and
explained the co-operative program.
She advocated keeping the family well
with good food, growing more veget
ables for home use, purchasing Can
adian and British-made goods, buying
wisely" and economically by purchas
ing in larger quantities.
The district decided to ask the de
partment for an officers* rally.
The treasurer’s statement showed a
Applications for a lady teacher for
S.S. No. 6, Turnberry, will be re
ceived by the undersigned until June
15th. State salary expected, experi
ence and religion. A personal appli
cation preferred. Arnold Vint, Sec
retary, R. R. No. 2, Wingham.
No. 12, Fordyce. Duties to com
mence Sept. 1st, 1941. Applications
leceived until June 16th. State sal-
ary.^ qualifications, experience. Roy
Irwin, Sec.-Treas., R.R. 2, Lucknow.
TENDERS will be received by the
Undersigned for the supply of paint
and painting of the exterior of
School House No. 6. Turnberry, be
ing a frame building 30x39x14 feet
with porch 11x8x9 feet, also window
sash and screen. Tenders close June
15th, 1941. Lowest or any tender
not necessarily accepted. ’ Arnold
Vint, Secretary, R.R. No. 2, Wing
Trained practical nurse- Will bathe and care for patients in
her own home each day or as re
quired. Also capable of taking
charge of any out-cases. Charges
reasonable, Appointment made by
phoning 327, Wingharn.
WOMEN WANTED — Opportunity
Opett! Steady income full or part
time. Guaranteed Familex Products
are attractively packaged, create in-
slant eye-appeal, build aha hold cus
tomer’s confidence. If you are will-
jng to adopt our methods and invest
a few dollars, we will help you to
the presentation, Short addresses were
also given by Messrs. Bert McCreath,
Walter A. Buchanan and J. A. Mc
Laren. Mr. McDermid made a fitting
reply. .
The next gathering of the Huron
Old Boys Association of Toronto will
be their Annual Picnic which will be
held in Section 2 of the Exhibition
Grounds on Wednesday afternoon,
June 18th, commencing at <4 o’clock,
Everybody come and bring your bas
Victory Loan Vice-Chairman Appeals
to North Section of County
To Lead The Way.
My place as vice-chairman of Hur
on County 1941 Victory Loan Cam
paign, in charge of the North Section
of the County, is insignificant when
compared to what you as citizens of
this county can do. I have lived am
ong you for many years and have al
ways thrilled to your accomplishments
and your successes of years gone -by.
Huron County is being asked to sub
scribe $1,300,000 as its quota of the
loan. In 1919 the amount that was al
lotted as our share was nearly twice
this figure. At that ime you respond
ed to the appeal in no uncertain man
ner as the amount subscribed was very
close to $3,500,000.
I feel confident we can reach our
1941 objective, but we must make ev
ery effort to exceed it and .if we can
duplicate the 1919 campaign how
heartening this will be, not only to
Canada but to Britain and. her Em
pire. Wingham, Turnberry, Howick,
Grey, Morris and Brussels, the dis
trict which I have the honour to re
present, I appeal to you to answer this
challenge of 1919. We must not fail!
When so many young Canadians are
offering their lives in the battle for
freedom, I feel most confident that
you will subscribe to this loan to the
utmost of your ability. Your money is
being loaned and not confiscated as
would be the case in Germany or oth
er dictator-governed countries. Your
dollars will help -crush Hitler and all
that'he stands for. And your ready
and liberal response to that loan will
assist in preserving for posterity that
right of freedom which is only enjoy
ed by the peoples of democratic coun
-Herbert Campbell,
There is too much of the complac
ent feeling in Canada that this coun
try is comfortably separated from
Europe’s war .by miles of ocean and
that the individual is putting forth a
satisfactory war effort if he. carries on
in his usual manner and does not too
greatly inconvenience himself financ
ially and materially. We talk big but
we do not -deliver the good commens
urate with our abilities.
Let Germany win and the assets of
Canada will dry up almost to the van
ishing point. It would require that
each man, woman and child consume
the following produce per year to use
up our regular production:
22 dozen eggs,
Several auto loads of members of
The Huron Old Boys and Girls Assoc
iation of Toronto, motored to Oak
ville on Sunday evening and attended
Divine Worship in Oakville Presby
terian Church. Rev, Dr. R.'C. McDer-
mid, formerly of Goderich, and for
several years past minister of St.
Paul’s Presbyterian Church, Toronto,
has recently raken over the duties ol
minister at Knox Church, Oakville,
and preached a splendid sermon. Af
ter the service a social hour was spent
in the basement where refreshments
were served by the ladies of the con
gregation. The members of the Assoc
iation presented Dr. and Mrs. McDer-
mid with a walnut coffee table, and an
address was read by the President, A.
G. Smith, while the Immediate Past
President, Dr. J. G. Ferguson made I pending catastrophe.
lbs. cheese,
lbs. beef and veal,
lbs. pork,
bus. wheat.
Should Germany win there will not
be one outside market for our farm
produce. A farmer with a 100-acre
farm will have a millstone tied around
his neck.
Buy War Bonds to the full extent
of your ability and help avert the im-
Mr. and Mrs. Cooper Nethery and
daughter, of Belgrave, spent Sunday
afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Johnston and Emma.
Mrs. Raimer and daughter, of Ed-
monto, are visiting with the Johnston
families on the 1st line and other
friends in Bluevale.
Mr. George Mathers visited on Sun
day afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Rich
ard Johnston.
Rev. C. Tavener is attending
United Church Conference at
Thomas this week.
A large number of friends and
ghbors attended the funeral of the late
Mrs. Alex. Forest on Saturday after
Mrs, Nellie Leslie and Miss Living
stone spent a few days in Toronto,
The Victory Loan Campaign got off
to a good start Monday morning. Mr.
A. R. Tasker is chairman. The citiz
ens have their places of business neat
ly decorated.
The annual meeting of the Blyth
Bible Society will be held in the Unit
ed Church Sunday evening. Rev. Wm.
McCleary, Secretary of the Upper
Canada Bible Society will give the ad
The Red Cross are holding a Rum
mage Sale early in June.
Rev. A. M. Boyle and Mr. John
Shortreed are attending the .. General
Assembly convening at Hamilton this
At the Court of Revision Monday
evening, twenty-five appeals were am
icably adjusted. \ .
Mr. John Mills has purchased the
residence of the late Mrs. Elijah Carr
on Dinsley St.
Week-end visitors included Dr. Wm.
McGregor, of Chicago, and Miss Cath
arine McGregor, of Lucknow, with
Mr. and Mrs. George Stuart; Mrs. Ar
nold Barbour, of Fergus, Mrs. Tyson
and Jackie, of Toronto, with Mrs. R.
J. Woods.
Miss Laurine Miller has joined the
staff of the Wingham General Hos
Mr. John Aitchison has returned
from a week’s visit with friends at
The .May contribution to the Red
Cross included 1 sleeveless sweater, 1
turtle-neck sweater, 2 pr. two-way
mitts, 5 pr. soldiers’ socks, 1 pr. sea
men’s socks, 2 helmets, 1 sailor’s scarf,
1 pupils of S.S. No. 3; don
ation of 6 quilts.
M$. Cairns Aitchison is a patient in
the Wingham Hospital following a
weak spell suffered while working in
the .garden on Monday morning.
Rev. G. A. Barnard is attending the
meetings of the London Conference
at Windsor this week.
X,and obstinacy— one ypjMp Siam * strong will and the other from & strtmc
Mr* and Mrs, Bert Turner
Bert Turner, Evangelist, from Bel-1 begin June 8th. Mrs, Turner accom
fast, at the Baptist Church. Meetings’panics him as pianist.
“I can stay awake any length of
time simply by. forcing myself to it.’’
fOh, I see; the triumph of mind ov
er mattress 1”
The Department of Agriculture is
staging a determined war on weeds
this year, and a series of county meet
ings are to be held throughout the pro
vince. Every farmer interested, or with
a weed problem, is'invited to attend
the meeting in his county. The Huron
and Bruce County meetings will be
held respectively at Clinton and Walk
erton on the same day, Thursday, June
"Where a man’s treasure is, there will his heart
also’' . . , * today, as never before thousands
of Canadians realize where their greatest treas
ure in all thrworld lies .... right within the
circle of their- own family!
Thousands of‘Canadian would ♦ * . go out in
to the fields or woods, armed with a shot-gun
and willingly fight and die for their family
THAT, yet.
INSTEAD . , , Canadians are urged now to -
buy Victory Bonds to defend their homes . . .
Bonds to guarantee the safety of wives and
families and children.
How little to be asked to do when others are
doing so much! Every uniform, every war
; headline, every news broadcast from Europe, is
.a powerful reminded to Canadians of what
they should do,
Resolve now to buy and buy until you can buy
: nio more. You may not be in the front line
yourself but be sure that your dollars arel
Help"Finish the Job!
herd’s. Stores
Lend freely . . . generously
. i . promptly!
Lend now — for Liberty!
Help Finish The Job
Wilkinson’s Wallpaper Shop
Might, June 7.
7 lbs. 25‘Alabama No, 1 New
Potatoes -
Prices Effective Until .Sat.
Sweet, Thin Skin, Large
and Full of Juice. - .
Fresh Green
New Calif. ___ T *7cCarrQts^ichs^.?Firm Ripe'Golden ”
bananas -
doze 23c
Do2. 29c
9°lb. v
Making the modern bombing air
plane calls for three tons of aluminum.
Substitutes for butter and rubber
have been manufactured from coal by
Germany’s chemists.
In a recent week Britain spent $424,-
444,743, or just about $45,000 a min
Bird (Southern Ireland) has only 20
cargo ships, mostly of the smalt coast
ing type,
An expert American G-man can
draw and fire his revolver in just one
Rabbits multiply quickly; orfe pair
can produce up to 200 rabbits in a
Ripe Tomatoes lb 19c CELERY 5S2 for 25c
CHEESE - % lb. pkg. 10
Grapefruit Juiced 19c
Juice 2 2?> 17c
Bacon % lb 18c
BUTTER4 Gtad.e . ib. 35°
?eko^ 44c
Bags 18’s 23100’s 98
Five Roses FLOUR
24 lb. OEc 7 lb. HAc
Bag Bag
Durham i ac
Laundry Ivory Gloss OltfcSTARCH - 2 pkgs. *5
Blue Ribbon
Mayonaise “21c I? 39c
Tomato Juice 22tS 19c
Manning’s <■> r»c
SODAS - 2 lb. pkgs
SALMON Keta Tall Tin 17c
Let’s Help Finish
The Job « Buy
i94i War bonds
A Low Price For
Bee Hive 2 lb Tin s u. T;u
SYRUP 24c 53c"