The Wingham Advance-Times, 1941-06-05, Page 6PAGE TWO WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, June Sth, 1941 therefore personally a part of the newspaper, because their contributions! to its columns are helping to record* the history of the age in which they; live. ( DISTRICT I! Accepts Lucknow Call Rev. J. Stewart, of Drayton, has ac­ cepted a call to the Lucknow United Church and will commence his miuis- l try here the first Sunday in July, sue- j ceeding Rev. R, C. Todd, who goes to S Georgetown | — .'(Escaped from France ■] William McKinnon, who for 26 I years lived in France and who escaped j from Faris just two days before the (j German occupation, has finally been j able to reach New York and is ex- ' pected to risk his brother,. Dan. T. AIc- dlmnns of their local n^s-jKim^q 6111 ^^essfou of Kinloss are therefore doing a valuable j Towashsp. those who follow in their i ;(Estate Case Settled At Goderica on Tuesday, before .County Judge Costello, Miss Minnie. '■ Jetfray of Belmore, was awarded j j judgement in an action brought ag- i I ainsi rite estate of her sister, the late j ■j Eleanor Jeffray. She was awarded; $745.50 and costs, Richard Jeffray isi ie community as a whole, j f®r Jbe estate. : 1 the territory served by weekly news- ’ struggles of this day they trill gain papers was virgin forest or prairie, mt- ■ inspiration for the struggles of their | touched by the hand of the white man. ■ day. The newspaper preserves the 4 It was a territory upon which the story of our ideals., our problems and wpoint had never turned a furrow,our lives, and those who contribute to country in its nat-the new: eamime men have ! paper xmcd and planned and , sendee for wake". For this reason it is essential that contributors write so that the reader twenty-five or fifty years hence may understand the import of the story, did not; For instance some writers are apt to 1 come about by chance or by natural ’ consider a story as of interest only to '< evolution. They came about because'( their particular organization, rather | men toiled ceaselessly to leave behind] than tot* . _................. ] them a better world than that into 1 Occasionally one reads an Stem about( j which they came. Their devotion, their ] a young people’s meeting in which,] Goderich Elevator Makes Profit •] struggles, their ideals, their initiative j John does this, and Mary does that, t Shareholders of the Goderich Ele- i and determination should be an inspir- ’ To the average reader this doesn’t | vator and Transit Company, Limited, ation to succeeding generations. And ■ convey anything even at the time, and 1 elected the following directors: G. L. the record of their achievements ap- ( it would convey still less a quarter of ?[ Parsons, Goderich; Charles R. Hunt, pears in the fyles of the local news- i a century after it is written. If the 1 Landon: Charles S. Band, Toronto; papers, and that is why they are such ; same organization ■ wanted to check 3 D. B. Weldon, Toronto; H. J. A. Mac- ■ historical purposes many ] Ewan, Goderich; Senator N. M. Pat- years after John and Mary would not < ersou, Fort William; K, A Powell, Few people who contribute to the ] convey to them who were the active ■ Winnipeg. At a meeting of directors ■of their group in bygone: G. L. Parsons was named president * ■< and general manager; Charles R. Hunt j The newspaper is truly the archives ■ rice-president; and R. G. Sanderson, Wingham Advance-Times Published at WINGHAM - ONTARIO j I pkwpoint had never j 4 wild and beaaiiml c ;i oral stale. In the me ■1 worked, and sc I today we have every modem conven- ® fence, churches, schools, libraries, fee- ,i atres, electric lights, sewers, sidewalks, paved streets and a hundred and one other conveniences our forefathers nev- ( er dreamed of. These thfo; Subscription Rare — One Year $2.00 : Six months, $1.00 in advance To fe S. A., $2,50 per year. Foreign rate, $3.00 per year. Advertising rates on application. THE PRESS AND LOCAL HISTORY Few people, as they read their week­ ly newspapers realize that they are reading perhaps the only contempor­ ary history of their community jt is .possible to read. It is doubtful too if they realize that as each issue gets old, the more valuable at becomes, and that, the oM fyles of a 'newspaper are from a historical standpomt, of mcalculable; worth. ,i The newspaper fyles are the most. r-s.w.^ 4i4stc 1S w.<v ws authentSc history of the community av-j va5aay^ records oF the triumphs of ( back for aSable. They tell the story of the cam-.( ptoneers. munlty’s life as at happens. Fast his-,’ tory is impbitani. to those who live m;| news columns of the newspaper are ; members fee present«Those of us who live in j ^^-are that they are contemporary his-' days, modem surroundings are sometimes j torians, 'They are chronicling the ev-, _ _ , m _ __ __ ______, apt to forget fee sacrifices of those j ^is of community life for posterity, j of the community, and as such is of; Secretary-treasurer. In fee .year end- who made fee community what it is j generations hence will read fee! increasing value to the community as I lug March 13 fee company pro- iofcy. It is not so very long ago when $ .story they have told, and from the I its fyles grow olden. The readers are ] fits ©f $55,515, or 77 cents on each out- Running Water is an Everyday Necessity in Kitchen, Laundry, Bathroom and Barns s., Wingham’s Can Do a Lot • • the eyes of the world ♦ » . are on Wing- ESI W DURO Pressure Water System will furnish an ample supply of water under ^TX pressure to all parts of your home and farm. Without running water,, sanitary conveniences and modem facilities, so essential to health and happi­ ness, are not available to your family. The cost of EMCO Bathroom, Kitchen and Laundry fixtures and fittings is very reasonable and can be spread over a period of time under our Easy Payment Plan. EMCO products are modernly finished, of high quality, and will give years cf satisfactory service. A THREE-PIECE EMCO BATHROOM—Tub on Legs, Toilet and Wall Lavatory with all Trimmings can be purchased for as little as............... . $84.50 [Soil and iron .pipe and fitfings extra) THE DURO SPECIAL PUMP, shown above, has a capacity of 250 gals, per hour. With 25 gal. Galvanized Tank and 25 or 60 cycle • Moton it costs only.__ ___________________________________________ $86.00 For Sale by MACHAN BROS., Wingham EMPIRE BRASS MEG. CO., LIMITED, LONDON, ONT. * KKHUTOK TOSOHTO SUD3UBY WINNIPEG , VANCOUVS8 r standing share. Last year profits were'i ed fee Cdntoa Rifle Club that won the, his son, Wilfrid. The accident occur- . cpjj. championship three (red last June on the 10th concession of ; years ago. 3 Carrick Township as the little girl ran ■-------- | across the road just after school had New Doctor at Lucknow .^. J been dismissed. Dr. ar.d Mrs. D. D. Carpento arriv- FJre at Kincardine (ed in Lnckrnw’ on M orMay upon their | Fire p.lreatened a section oi Kincar- , re.ura a wedafog .rip to Quebec.; dine’s business block on Saturdav (They have taken up residence.in the 1 when h spread to an outbuilding at the . rear of McGaw’s variety’s store, where But whatever they do ... wherever they go . , ,. they will be con­ verted into fighting dollars. ; Buildmg Permit for Theatre Refused j Plans for fee erection of a $35.Ph9 (theatre in the Main Street ’^hollow"; J were shattered last week by 'fee refus- ' al of R. C. Berkiushaw, head ©i fee I priorities branch of fee Munitions and !Supply Department, to issue a permit;home of Mrs. J. W. Murray on Have-___ ____ ____ (for fee new buildiag. “Cannot gmntljlozk St. Dr. Carpento is associated■( refos^wal befog burna Dense cfoud^ license for theatre in Hanover. Dm-jwfe Dr. W. V Johnston in conduct-,cf black smoke billowed through fee sector of PrioritW was fee reply re-’in? his medical profession. (building, which is next to a garage. ; reived T-mrsdaj* afternoon to the tele-1 Ei^emeu, using gas masks, were able ; graphed query: "’Will you grant permit fHeifor Goes Wild (to check the Maze before fo could •for erection of a SS5$a$ theatre fo( a hrifor belonging to Wnf Frayndspread. ! Hanoven"—Hanover Fast. (feat urns bring delivered to the Hm-;pire ,at Forest | .nflafo beef ring went wild while beB Fin, undetermfoed origin gutted m * '*as a- G. Stldons weigji;fee interior of the sawmill at fee For-Efcaris. l,-yrar<M Itaas- est Basta Company dnringaeoariv WF“”ra! o( SmitiaJ. 'mOTnh,& raDsil^ : m dutotont dtretoions and then uead- damage estfonted at $201000, to fee , ed across the railways tracks and "" —‘ through the fawn of Preston Dearing' I into a bush where it was afterwards ■ shto.—Exeter-Times Advocate, our answer. Let it be strong and unmistakable ! Let us put every dollar to work NOW! Buy Victory Bonds Corporation Town of Wingbam W. A* Galbraith X B. Crawford i Clinton Youth Guilty of Theft t James j youth, pleaded guilty to the • $SS from Canada Parkers warehsc: .■ at Clinton, where be once wefeed. He. ; was given over in fee care H the Sal- i watfon Army and his case was remand- ', ed to fee first Thursday in September. I (Young Edwards maintained feat fee, I warehouse door was -open when he and another boy entered ©n fee might ©f| i May Sih. He also asserted feat fee! ; egg crate in which fee cash box was> i hidden was not covered by tfeers. ' A bell ore* fee daor of fee store ofi $200,000 plant. The mill, a modern, 2- storey frame structure,,40 x 4S feet, built several years ago, was not total­ ly destroyed, but the interior girders and supports were partially burned through and charred and will have to be replaced, The equipment may be a total loss. Former Agricultural Representative 'Pays Visit Mr. George R. Paterson, formerly' Frure County representative of the' Department of Agriculture, who left Walkerton two years ago to accept fee important post of Assistant Trade Commissioner in England of the Fed­ eral Government of Canada, Agricul­ tural Brandi, and who later stepped: up to fee higher -office of Commission­ er, is at present in Canada on three months' leave of absence from his post! pt Canada House, London, England • and spent a few days of fee past weak | :wffe friends m fee Brace Capital, —I Walkerton HeraM-Times. ’ ( 4 total loss* <. attontfom when customers enterefe- iawakened the proprietor at an sariyl ! hoar cn Sunday mnmmg when fefowes- 'jfoSt&S a way into foe briMmg. Fcur I men drove up to the stone ?n ivm ears J I The plate glass was broken and nne‘ ■ man entered and cpened the door soak-!- ’Sag the bell rfog. The men eridEntly* 'grabbed what they ctmld and made , rfL Mr, Adams,, trim resiles over fee ■ store foriked srd ?n fens to see the four ;msn femhs brio the tors automdnfos.- ;■ •*&-&» fetetprAe-Xews. i. fa rifle *a*get prart're. Sumtssss fa 5?.$ VeM States have' Bses fcEswed By MgbesJt’ . pr.-riit steres a Gma5a-t*52e eastm ; sphtsored by the Csmadiar. ! ] Ass-iristiou Mts seaje. Sfigh*.] lest ia- the D.o®m?csii, ptAajfcSj I t<t a po-Mibk Wft. Mr. WanJ-l i Awarded $LS0p Damage Damages for personal injuries to the ■ amount of $4,$00 and $1,700 for |WSJ pitolfoatfotv toedfoal aUentfoa and! mmsfog foes was granted to plalnfefj six-year-oM Jean Harris, thmgh her! of kin, Let iawfeer, Mrs. George Frlfoss, of Carrick Township, against WdlfoM Lani:*, sin of Ouo Lame, but.' cher and drom of Neustadt,* The ae* *fos was heard before Justice McKay- rat Smt Supr®^ Cwt sit-: ..(rings at Walkerion, The young girt ' snitered sariaus a^uries, broken whh ; 'bafe btokfo, and a fmfored skull wfom atfogedV hit by a light truck cm-wcd by Otfo UftU dtiwfl by BRAIN-TEASERS 1. One of the hymns known to sail­ ors best was composed by W. Whit­ ing. Give the first two lines. When was it composed? T. Taal is (a) metal, (b) language, or (c) precious stone? 3. What do these mean? (a) Sauve qui pent I (b) Toujours la politness, I (c) Nobfosse oblige. (d) Chef-d'oeuvre, (e) Hors-d'oeuvre, (0 Hors de combat Are the following right or wrong? (a) Moloch was mt idol to which children were sacrificed. CM Ahris 'the Goth was known. as the Scourge of God. ■ fo) Jordan almond comes principal­ ly from Palestine. < <d) Robert Burns wrote “The Land o‘ the Leal?* (e) Troglodyte means cave-dweller. t>. H a doctor says you have frac­ tured your occiput which of the fol­ lowing does he mean? — Your aiikfoj thigh bone; forearm? wrist, back of your head, Answers to Brain Teisttt on Page Ten,