HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1941-05-29, Page 3Thursday, May 29th, 1941
►O'ships came from Navy Secretary Frank
Knox, who said guardedly that the
navy is “very busy” on the underiak-
Britain Warns Vichy
London >— The Vichy Government
of' aged Marshal Petain, was warned
bluntly by Great Britain that, unless
it calls an instant halt to its policy of
helping Hitler, Britain will seek out
and attack the Germans on the soil of
so-called Unoccupied France, The
warning, was delivered jn the House of
Commons by Foreign Secretary Eden.
be 20%. The tax does not apply on
amateur theatricals and similar per
formances, performances for religious
or charitable purpose's where the spon
sors do not make any money, are ex
Nazi Equipment Crossing Turkey
New York — An Associated Press
dispatch from Vichy q-uoted "diplo
matic sources” in Vichy as reporting
that German military equipment is
crossing Turkey en route to Iraq by
rail, “due to a Nazi squeeze play,
First Canadian Tank
Montreal — From behind a canvas
screen there bust upon an assembly of
high Government and army officials,
newspapermen, radio broadcasters,
'mechanics and others, the first great
infantry tank produced in the Canadian
Pacific Railways Angus shops at
Montreal. It was described as an his
toric occasion,
Graydon Conservative Chairman
Ottawa — Appointment of Gordon
Graydon (Cons., Peel) to the position
of national chairman of the Conserva
tive Party of Canada was announced
at the conclusion of a caucus of Con
servative members of Parliament. Mr.
Graydon will take over the organiza
tion of the party, headquarters admin
istration, publicity and the proposed
nation-wide survey,
Britain to Use Prisoners
London. -— The Duke of Norfolk in
formed the House of Lords in a
speech reported by the British Broad
casting Corporation that prisoners of
war will be used for farm labor in Bri
$100,000,000 Cargo Convoy Safe
New York — The largest ocean
convoy in history, more than 50 ships
loaded with $100,000,00 worth of war
supplies and food, has crossed to Great
Britain safely from Canada. The re
port came from Quentin Reynolds,
staff correspondent of the magazine,
who made the crossing aboard one of
the vessels.
I ......................
Death Sentence Commuted
Ex.-Gnr. James B. McGuffin has
cheated the hangman. He will not die
on the scaffold in the yard at the coun
ty jail, London, on Friday morning for
the beverage room 'slaying of two men
•he didn’t know, but will spend the rest
of his life behind the walls of Kings
ton penitentiary.
Canadian Tanker Lost
Ottawa — Thirty persons, including
a number of Canadians, are feared to
have been lost aboard the big Canad-
ion oil tanker Canadolite, it was learn
ed, here. Officials said report had been
received from London that the Can
adolite was feared sunk off the West
Coast of Africa.
German Admiral Warns U.S.
Berlin — Grand Admiral Erich
Raeder, commander of the German
navy, in an unusual interview warned
the United States two days before a
scheduled speech by President Roose
velt that American convoys for mat
erials going to Britain would consti
tute an "open war act” which wogld
be prevented- by guns of the German
navy if necessary.
Ford Workers Vote for C.I.O.
Detroit — The United Automobile
Workers (C.I.O.) won collective bar
gaining rights in the Ford Motor Com
pany’s giant River Rouge and smaller
Lincoln plants in the employee elect
ions and announced it would immedi
ately seek negotiations for a contract.
........ •
Warns New York Might Become
A Second Londo>n
New York — Sidney Hillman, ap
pealing for increased aid to Britain,
warned that New York might ''become
a second London.” “We can not wait
until our whole seaboard becomes a
line of flaming cities,” said the assoc
iate defence director in an address to
.the National Industrial Conference
Vichy Regiment Joins De Gaulle
London — An entire French regi
ment in Syria was believed to have de
serted to join the ranks of Free French
forces advancing into Syria from Pal
estine, a Reuters news agency dispatch
Greek King in Egypt
Cairo — King George of Greece and
his emigre government found a temp
orary haven in Egypt en route from
embattled Crete to British soil, and
the king himself told the stirring story
of how the first swarm of Nazi para-
chiuitists concentrated on an area about
his house. He reached Cairo after a
hair-raising withdrawal from the be
sieged Greek island, and, besides es
caping the clouds of air-borne troops,
his party had to dodge bullets of his
own soldiers, who thought they were
’chutists disguised in British and
Greek uniforms.
Queen Mary 74 Monday
London—Queen Mary had her 74th
birthday Monday with heart saddened
by war and older wounds but with the
certainty she is more than ever firm
ly enthroned in the affections of her
There’s a place for YOU at the wheel of a roaring tank; behind
a spitting Ack-Ack gun; astride an armoured motorcycle • • •
and YOU are not the man to hang back. It’s YOUR fight: the
weapons are being forged ; the way prepared. The call is to
ACTION from the minute you step into uniform. You and
your PALS are needed NOW. Canada and the Empire, your
home, your loved ones, must be protected; get into the fight.
The Canadian Active Army requires men for Artillery, Engineers*.
Signals, Armoured Cars, Tanks, Infantry, Transport arid Supply*.
Medical, Ordnance and other branches of the Service. The Army
is prepared to teach many trades, and to train you to efficiently
handle Canada’s weapons of war.
The latest group of Roy-
all ser-
Go to your nearest District Recruiting Office. Find out about
these Units ; how they work, what they do. See just where
you’ll fit in. See where any particular skill you possess can best
be utilized. Then join up for ACTION,
Air Force Pilotsi Reach England
al Canadian Air Force fliers —
geant pilots—has reached Great
tain safely, it was announced.
B. F. Goodrich Silvertown
B. F. Goodrich Commander
be trusted
other sup-
happen if George became a president
of the U.S.A, and a famous one at
The tire with the famous Kfe-saver tread.
Gives the quickest non-skid stops you ever
had. Built with DURAMlN. the amazing new
B. F. Goodrich discovery that fights tire
wear—Adds thousands of miles to tire life.
Here’s a big, fulkmoulded bargain tire for
the thrifty motorist* . The deep-grooved
tread insures long mileage at low cost; and
what’s more, it is fully guaranteed by B. F<
Taxes Extended
’ Ottawa — Taxes on soft drinks and
amusements other than moving pic
tures were added to the list of new in
creased levies provided in the budget
as the House of Commons approved
the last but one of the budget resolu
tions in Committee of Ways and
Means. The tax on amusements will
U.S. To Guard Ships With
Small Planes
Washington — A hint that the Unit
ed States is rushing preparations to
employ number of relatively small airA
craft carriers to safeguard merchant
Famous Rugby Star Killed Overseas
Fit. Lt. William A. “Bill” Rider, for
mer rugby and basketball star, at the
University of Western Ontario, was
killed in a flying accident overseas, ac
cording to a cable received by his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Rider, 659
Elias Street.
at these
B. F. Goodrich Standard
A huskier tire that is double Cured inside
and out; with wider, flatter, quick-stopping
tread and new streamlined sidewalls. Second
only 'to the life-saver Silvertown for per
$1.30 per Day with Board, Lodging,
Clothing, Medical and Dental care
provided. EXTRA: (1) Rates
varying from 25?! to 750 per day for
skilled tradesmen while employed.
(2) Dependent Allowances in Cash.
Germans Sink The Hood
London — Britain’s 42,100-ton bat
tle cruiser H.M.S. Hood, largest war
ship in the world, was blown to bits
in the waters between Greenland and
Iceland on Saturday by an “unlucky
hit” from the new German battleship
Bismarck and the British fleet furrow
ed the North Atlantic in pursuit of the
Nazi craft which escaped after one of
the boats being struck by a torpedo.
All Plane Training in Canada or U.S.
Washington — Practically all train
ing for the Royal Air Force will be
centred in Canada and the United Stat
es within a few months, freeing Brit
ish landing fields for combat work ag
ainst the Germans, it was reported
here? The Commonwealth Air Train
ing scheme has been in operation in
Canada for months and is .turning out
pilots and air crews at an estimated
rate of 25,000 to 30,000 a year.
King Peter to Canada
It has been disclosed in Ottawa that
the exiled Yugoslav , Government of
King Peter will make its headquarters
in Canada Until its territory has been
won back from Germany.
Manning Pools for Navy
Ottawa—‘Establishment of manning
pools to provide groups of expcrieiiced
officers and men to make up defic
iencies at short notice in crews of mer
chant ships sailing from Canadian
ports was announced by the Trans
port Minister, Hon. P. J. A. Cardin.
Two mice of Florence, NJ,, were
too inguisitive and so they are dead
■— shot to death. They chewed a hole
in a box of matches at William Brin-
Ing’s home. The matches fired Brin*
tag’s hunting coat, thus setting off a
Apply to nearest District Recruiting Office
any Local Armoury
box of shotgun pellets in a pocket.
The pellets exploded, and when Brin
ing, awakened by the bangs, investi
gated, he found the bodies of the two
mice, riddled with pellets.
* * *
A certain New York negro believes
in seizing opportunity wherever—and
whenever—it beckons, even in a pat
rol wagon . .. A woman was arrested
in Now York and taken to court in a
patrol wagon. When she started out,
she had a purse and $42. When she
reached her destination, she had nei
ther purse nor money. The only oth
er passenger, a negro youth, was
found in possession of both . . . Per
haps now he believes in the old adage
that "there’s a place for everything.”» ♦ •
A Toronto lady, Mrs. Elizabeth
Mary Hollinger, celebrated her first
birthday recently . . at the age of 83.
One of a large family born in North
ern Ireland, Mrs. Hollinger’s father
never bothered about birthdays, and
so she grew up without knowing what
day she was born. Her son, John, re
cently decided it was time to find out,
and so made enquiries, the birthday
partj^ following in due course.* » »
The Dunn family, of Omaha, Neb.,
need never worry about their birth
days, though. George Washington
Dunn celebrated his birthday recently.
His mother was born on Abraham
I,incoin’s birthday. And George’s sis
ter was born on Feb. 9, birthday of
yet a third American president, Wil
liam Henry Harrison . . Mrs. Dunn
probably often wonders what would
"Pilots defending Britain have no
feeling of personal hatred when they
shoot down 'attacking German planes.
They feel as though they are destroy
ing mad dogs.”—Flt.-Lt.
Molson, at Toronto.
* >i< ♦
"The United States can
to see that munitions and
plies are delivered to Great Britain.
Uncle Sam is1 a good postman. He
will not have his mails robbed or par*
cels delivered to the wrong address.**
—Lt.-Cmdr. Fletcher, Admiralty Und
* • . „ ............ ,z ' - '
. 1 • •
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