HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1941-05-15, Page 8PAGE EIGHT WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, May 15th, 1941
Show Starts at 8.00 p.m., Except Saturday ■
Saturday Night, Two Shows, at 7.45 and 9.45 p.m.
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, May 15th, 16th, 17th
A musical comedy starring, Fred Astaire, the
screen’s greatest dancer.
Also “Sport Subject” “Cartoon” “News”
Matinee Saturday Afternoon at 2.30 p.m.
Get Them Now!
from the
: “Follow
with the
of Christ
May 19, 20, 21Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
------Double Bill
Brian Donlevy and Akim Tamiroff in
Charles Cobuyn and Beulah Bondi in
Two pictures bringing you action and comedy.
Starting Monday, May 19th, the government tax
will be added to the price of admission.
Miss Bertha Mackay, Toronto, spent
the week-end with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Hector Mackay. ..
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Miller and
family, of Lanes, spent Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Purdon.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Curran and baby
Dick, spent Sunday with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Curran, of Ash
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Newman and
family, of Wingham, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. John Purdon.
Mr. Roy Mackay and daughter, Hel
en, from Florida, and his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Chas. Mackay, of Brussels,
- spent Sunday at the home of the lat
ter’s daughter, Mrs. Walter Lott.
Mrs. Lance Grain spent the week
end with her mother, Mrs. J. Currie,
The W.M.S. of Brick Church are
holding a social evening in S.S. No.
11 "on this Friday evening when Miss
Clara McGowan of Blyth will give a
lecture and show her slides of China.
All are invited to attend. Brick Church
meets .at 9.45 a.m. for the summer I
months. At the Mother’s Day serv-1
ice on Sunday, Mary Louise, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Taylor, and
Roy Thomas, son of Mr. and Mrs. C.
Robinson, were baptized.
Mr. and Mrs.. Len. Westbrook, of
Goderich, spent Sunday with his aunt,
Mrs. Jas. Cornelius.
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Laidlaw and-Iv
an, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Falconer, Mr.
and Mrs. Jas. Falconer and Lois, Miss
C. Laidlaw and Mrs. Henderson and
her granddaughter, spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. John Kerr, Bluevale.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hey, of Hamil
ton, Mr. and’ Mrs. Edgar Gaunt, of
Marnoch, spent Sunday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davidson.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Wightman and
children spent Sunday with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Vipond of
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McLean and Jack
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ira
McLean and family, of Port Stanley,
and Mrs. J. G. Gillespie accompanied
them and visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Gillespie of Yarmouth Centre..
Quality Hardware
We remind you that Now is the time to ihvest in a
New Frigidaire.
Now is the Time to get your Fishing Tackle and
Sporting Goods and avoid extra costs. We
bought at the right time and now pass
this advantage to qur customers.
Remember Bank Nite Tickets.
War Savings Coupons - Ask For Them.
Donald Rae & Son
===== FHONE 27 —WE DELIVER ——
Lime - Plaster - Gyproc Coal and Coke
Heavy and Shelf Hard- Coal is Cash with the
ware. Order.
I Announcing New Spring Range
— Of —
Now that our Sprang Lines are complete, we invite you to
drop around and see for yourself the fine range of smart new shades
and fabrics available in Hanna’s Made-to-Measure Tailoring.
Among them is a shade and pattern just suited to you and
your needs* The Hanna standard of tailoring guarantees the quality
—your comfort and your complete satisfaction, Valdes are excep
tional, But drop in soon while there’s a wide choice. Wedding Suits -
a specialty,
$24.50 $27.50 $30.00 $35.00
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cox spent
Sunday at the home of her sister, Mrs.
Sprung, of Londesboro, and Miss El
eanor Sprung, London, accompanied
them home,
The church, service in the United
Church here will commence at 9.45
a.m. for the summer months. On Sun
day during the Mother’s Day service,
John Albert, little son of Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Coultes, was baptized. The ser
vice was in charge of the S. S. Supt.,
Jas. Falconer, and Miss Mildred Mc
Clenaghan read the Scripture lessons,
and Florence Beecroft read the story,'
The Quest. The choir rendered spec
ial Mother’s Day anthems, and Rev.
G. A. Barnard based his address on
“Mother” and “The Home Influence.”
Rev. Mr, Hagan, of Toronto, had
charge of the services in the Presby
terian .Church here on Sunday, pre
paratory service will be held on Fri
day with Rev. K. MacLean in charge,
and Communion Service next Sunday.
Anniversary Services will be held on
May 25th with Rev. Mr, McCurlie of
Walkerton, as the guest speaker. The
W.M.S'., Home Helper meeting will be
held at the home of Mrs. Robert Ross
on Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. Simpson, of Langside, visited
on Sunday at the home of her sister,
Mrs. Jas. Wilson.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hutchison, Mr.
and Mrs. M. Templeman and children,
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Will
Conn. Mrs. Hardie Simpson, of Tees-
water, visited there on Thursday last.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Mackay, Mr. and
Mrs. Chester Grainger and children,
all of Guelph, visited on Sunday with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hector Mac
kay, Mr. and Mrs. Grainger leave in
June for Winnipeg where they will
make their home.
Mrs. Jack Johnston and Mrs. J. B.
Morrison quilted a quilt and donated it
to the local Red Cross last week. Mrs.
Morrison had a long distance call on
Mothers Day from her daughter, Mrs.
Donald Cameron of Long Beach, Long
Island, and Mrs. Ab. Taylor of Wing
ham visited there over the week-end.
Mr. Dan Martin of London has been
visiting his family and other relatives
here during the past week.
Mr. Ermine Copeland, Wingham,
will be the guest speaker at the con
cert being held in the Institute Hall
on May 23, by the three local schools
in aid of the Red Cross.
Mrs. A. Fox and. Miss Isabel spent ■.
Sunday at the home of the former’s ‘
brother, Mr. Zechiel Phillips, Auburn. .
Miss Merle Wilson and Tom spent I
the week-end at Whitby, and Miss Ag- "
nes Wilson R.N., who has nursed for i
the past five years in the Ontario Hos
pital there, returned with them and on
June 1 will take a position in the Co
chrane Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Mac McNeil and chil- :
dren and her mother, Mrs. D. Martin '
spent Friday last at Welland at the •
home of Mrs. Emerson Austin.
Mrs. Walter Gowsell, who spent
last week with her sister, Mrs. Robt.
McClenaghan left on Mdn^ay to visit
relatives at Foxboro before returning
to Kenora.
The young .people of the Presbyter
ian church met on Mondajr evening
with the young people of the United
Church, Miss Agnes Gillespie, presi
dent, was in charge and gave the call
to worship, Mildred McClenaghan read’
the scripture lesson and Genevieve
Watt led in prayer. Winnifred Barn
ard was in charge of the topic “Poets ■
of note across Canada.” Jean Welwood
gave two readings from Edgar Guests
book, Miss Agnes Robertson gave a
reading “Faith without works”, and
Mrs. J. Pollock and Velma Scott sang
"Christ’s redeeming love”, Rev. G. A.
Barnard .closed the meeting with pray
er. Mrs. Jas. Falconer and Mr. J. H.
Pollock were in charge of the.recrea
tion period of games and contests.
Lunch was served and a social half-
hour enjoyed. The National Anthem
brought the evening to a close.
■ Mr. and Mrs. Aldin Purdon and Bil
lie, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Dawson and
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Henderson and
daughter, Isabel, Wingham, spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Tif
fin, Langside.
Among those in this district who re
ceived trees of white pine and Norway
j spruce to plant in their woodlot were
. John Purdon, Millan Moore and Rus
sel Gaunt.
Mr. John Gaunt left last week to
work for the summer with the Tow
land Construction Co,, London.
Miss Lorna McClenaghan of Glen
coe, spent the week-end with her par
ents, Mr, and Mrs. Ben McClenaghan.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack McIntyre and
children spent Sunday at the home of
her sister, Mrs. deorge Tiffin.
Miss Frances Wilson, Wingham,
spent the week-end with Mrs. James
Mr. Nat Dunbar of Guelph, spent a
few days this week at the home of Mr.
John Richardson.
Extra Trousers at Low Cost.
Discontinued patterns of
Cong’oleum Rugs, clear
ing at bargain prices,
will help to balance that
Congoleum makes your
rooms look brighter, eas
ier to keep clean.
Don’t miss this week
end sale.
Assorted sizes
from 6’x9’ to 9’xl2
.89 up
Low-Priced Batteries
for your radio, the
Pattison Radio Service
offers Quality “B” Bat
teries at $2.49 Each
Reg. Price $2.95.
citations were given by Alba Shiell,
George Thomson and Jean McLennon.
■Rev. C. Tavener gave an address on
“The boy Samuel and his mother.”
Appropriate anthems were rendered
by a Mothers’ Choir. During the ser
vice the two daughters o<f Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Gerrie were baptized.
Presbyterian Mother’s Day Service
The order of service for Mother’s
Day, as prepared by the Board of Sab
bath Schools and Young People’s Soc
ieties, was carried out at Knox Pres
byterian Church. The Supt., Mrs.,H.
Robertson, acted as leader. Scripture
passages were read by Nor.a Shaw and
Harold Elliott, Norma Moffatt and
Frances Shaw gave recitations. A trio
was sung by Ruth McKercher, Mar
garet Messer and Eliene McKinney.
Rev. F. G. Fowler, tin speaking on the
subject “The Christian Home” stated’
that Christian teaching started in the
Home and was' the foundation of the
Christian Ch-urch and National Life.
Messrs. W. S. Davidson and Archie
Messer were named by the congrega
tion to attend the meeting of Maitland
Presbytery on May 20th at Kincard
Organize Mission Band
A Mission Band in connection with
the W.M.S. of Knox Presbyterian
Church, Bluevale, was organized on
Friday afternoon at the Manse by Mrs.
F. G. Fowler, The following officers
were elected: Supt., Mrs. F. G. Fow
ler; President, Margaret Messer; vice
pres., Nora Shaw; Sec., Eva Fraser;
Treas’., Ruth McKercher; Pianist,
Elienp McKinney, The president read
from Mark 4: 18-23. Mrs. Fowler led
in prayer and read a story
Mission Band Study Booh
The Leader" which dealt
birth and young 'boyhood
and how he grew into such a great
leader. Attendance 14. Meetings will
be held every month..
Institute Name Delegates
Mrs. George *Lov.e was the hostess
for the May meeting of the Women’s
Institute. The president, Miss Jean
Elliott, presided. During the business
discussion projects were chosen for the
local leader’s training school for the
-district, Mrs. Roy Tjirvey, Miss Flor
ence Fowler, Mrs, J, H. Smith, Miss
Jcap Elliott and Miss Olive Scott wefe
named to attend the District Annual
meeting to be held at Ethel on May
22nd, A paper entitled “Mothers” pre
pared by Mrs. Archie Messer, was
read pointing out some of the respon
sibilities of mothers in the care of their
families and the part they plaj' in
moulding the child’s character. A
poem “Mother’s Posy" was read by
Mrs. Earl Hamilton and Miss Margar
et Curtis read a beautiful article “Mo
ther. A gift from God." A social time
was enjoyed and refreshments were
served by the hostess.
Red Cross Shipment
Bluevale workers shipped to the Red
Cross Society at Wingham this week:
■ 10 pneumonia jackets, 15 girls’ night
dresses, 15 suits pyjamas, 15 woman’s
house dresses', 5 quilts, .47 pair socks,
2 scarfs, 2 sweaters sleeveless, 5 wo
man’s sweaters with sleeves, 30 pair
woman’s gloves..
Thomas and Mjss Beatrice Shearer
of Wroxetei;, spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs, P. S. MacEwen.
Dr. Arthur Shaw'and Mrs. Shaw of
Toronto, were recent visitors with the
doctor’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Curtis had a
Mothers day gathering at their home
on Sunday including Mir. and Mrs. H.
Procter and,daughter, Margaret, Mrs.
Margaret Rolph and Mrs. Laura Kir-
Mr. and. Mrs. McGowan and Mr.
Nash, Detroit, Mich., are visiting at
the home of M,r.. and Mrs. John Ho
cker idge.
Mr. Goldie Wheeler, Belgrave, was
a Sunday visitor with Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Shaw.
Rev. and Mrs. Tavener are at Wood-
stock this week. Mrs. Tavener is at
tending the London Conference W.M.
S. annual convention of the United
Church in Canada.
Miss Dorothy Aitken, of St. Marys,
and Mrs. M. L. Aitken, of Hollen,
spent the week-end with Miss Duff.
Silas Johnston, Walton, was a Sun
day visitor with his brother, W. J.
and Mrs. Johnston-.
Miss Donna Smith, Clinton, spent
Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Milton
Smith and brother, Ross.
Mr. "and Mrs. R. F. Garniss, Mac
and Olive Scott .and Miss Florence
Fowler spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Neil B. McEachern at Mount
Forest. i
Mr. and Mrs, Frank Hplyman of
Blyth, visitqtl on Sunday af ,thfc" hopip
of Mr. and
Mr. and
Miss Fern
Mr, Clifford Carter spent the week
end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Carter on his last leave before
leaving for overseas.
Miss Jean Campbell of Kitchener,
spent the week-end under the parental
Fourteen members of the Mission.
Band met at the home of Mrs. Wm.
Carter on. Saturday with Roy Buchan
an in charge. Readings were given by
Gwen Cook, Dorothy Govier and Lor
na Buchanan, a patriotic topic was -giv
en bjr Victor Campbell, piano duet by
Edith and Gwen Cook. The president
Dorothy Govier was in charge of the
business, plans were made to 'entertain
the W. M. S. in July. The girls of the
Mission Band were each to write a
letter to' Roberta McVittie, a Mission
band member whQ has been ill.
The devotional program of the W.
M. S. which was held on Friday after
noon with 18 present was in charge
of Mrs. Elwin Taylor, Mrs, Wm. Wal
den presided at the piano, Mrs. Taylor
led in prayer, the scripture lesson was
read from St. John 15th chapter by
Mrs ,R. Vincent, readings were given
by’Mrs. Walter Cook on “A task to
do", Mrs.’ M. Bosman on “Give ye
comfort", a ladies quartet, Mrs. Wm.
McDowell, Mrs. Alva McDowell, Mrs.
Fred J. Cook and Mrs. Wm. Walden
rendered a number. Tfyp study book
on Rev. Oliver Jackson was given by
Mrs. Marvin McDowell, prayer by
Mrs. Wm. McVittie who was in "char
ge of the business, It was decided to
have the W. M. S. quilting on Tues
day, May 27th. The report of the
Presbyterial meeting held at Thames
Road was given by Mrs. Marvin Mc
Dowell. Meeting closed with prayer.
The Sunday school service was well
attended on Sunday, Edith and Gwen
Cook rendered a Mothers Day piece
at the church service. Rev. H. C. Wil
son spoke on "Mothers”. The -choir
rendered a “Mothers" piece with Mrs.
Norman Radford.taking the solo part.
The junior quartet also sang a num-
Mrs, Wm. Carter.
Mrs, Alva McDowell and
were London visitors on
will help you to look
cool and keep cool this
summer. Light shades
and white give you a big
choice of patterns for a
suit, slacks or jacket.
Now is the time to
place your order.
The price for a suit —
ber “God bless our mothers".
................... 1 ,
If you are painting your veranda floor, see our Lux
or Porck and Floor Colors — There are
12 different shades.
We have never had as large an assortment of Wall
papers. Lovely new colors and designs.
Papers as low ap 9c per roll.
WESTFIELD Wilkinson’s Wallpaper Shop
If you are iin need of pipes,
now is the time to stock up.
Pipes we have in stock cannot
be replaced.
Omar Haselgrove’s
Smoke Shoppe
United Church Mother’s Day Service
W. J. Johnston, supcrintehdent, led
in the Mother’s Day service in the
United Church, and followed the pro
gramme as prepared by the Education
al Council. Scripture readings and re*
R. A. Reid R. 0.-•------------- --------
Eyesight Specialist
Wingham Office
At Williams’ Jewelry State
Every Wednesday Morning
9 to noon.
M<. and Mrs. Wm. Carter attended
the funeral on Wednesday of their
aunt, Mrs. James Burges of Brussels.
Seeding in this district is almost "
completed. Some of the farmers are ’
busy preparing corn and root ground (
for planting.
Misses Edna and Audrey Walsh of
Hensal, and Mr. Jim Walsh of Clint
on, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
A. E. Walsh.
.Mr. and Mrs. Norman McDowell
and children visited on Sunday with
Mrs. Osbaldeston of Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cook and family
of Belgrave, were guests on Sunday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred J.
Mrs. Wm. Blair of Brucefield, spent
Sunday at the home of her son,''Mr.
Hugh Blair.
I Mrs. Albert Nethery and Mr, Alex.
Nethery of Hamilton, were guests on
Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Telford Cook
and other friends.
Mr. Kenneth Campbell of Toronto,
is spending this week with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Campbell.
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Bosman and
Harold visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. D, McNichol of Walton.
Mr, and ’Mrs. Milton Hooper, Mr.
and Mrs. Gladwyn Hooper and baby
Ruth of Woodham, were guests on
Wednesday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs, W. F. Campbell.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Radford and
family were guests on Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Gibbings
of Clinton.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Campbell spent
Monday with their daughter, Mrs. A.
Speigleberg of Kitchener.
Mrs. Will Alikins and children have
moved to Blyth where they expect to
Mr, Norman Carter" who has been
in training at Niagara on the lake,
spent Friday at the home of Ids uncle,
Mr, John Carter,
Mr, and Mrs. Walter Cook'1 visited
Mr, Ovral Tunhey at Clinton Hospital
on Sunday, where he underwent an Op
eration recently.
Sun-Tested Wallpapers.
COCOA................1-lb. Tin 25c
SALT ..................... 2-lb. Pkg. 8c
JUICE ...-.......... 26-oz. Tin He
Devon Brand
NO. 4 PEAS 2tOz- 11cTins 11L
FLAKES ................3 Pkgs. 27c
With Measuring Cup KEL-
•r A T t A -At AmLOGG’S ALL-BRAN ... 23c pkg. I KRISPIES ....
With Tumbler NEWPORT
FLUFFS...........13-oz. Pkg, 25c
................... 2 Pkgs. 25c
Pride of the Valley
TOMATOES 2 £' 27c
39c Pkg. OLIVE SOAP..... 3 Cakes 20c
Special Value! Miracle Whip
Salad Dressing 32i“ 49c lsi« 33c ’T 19c
SODAS .......... 2-Lb. Box 29c Chauteau PLAIN OR PIM
ENTO CHEESE >/2-lb. pkg. 18c
York All Pork SAUSAGE 7 . . .. ~
Maple Leaf Skinless WEINERS
York Visking BOLOGNA
.... Lb. 23c
.... Lb. 25c
.... Lb. 19c
FRUIT ..............«.........5 lor 25c
LEAF LETTUCE...... 10c BUiich
BANK NITE Tickets and Wai* Savings Stamp
Coupons Given Here.