HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1941-05-01, Page 8PAGE EIGHT WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, May 1st, 1941
Show Starts at 8.00 p.m., Except Saturday
Saturday Night, Two Shows, at 7.45 and 9.45 p.m.
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, May 1st, 2nd, 3rd
A western melodrama about Hopalong Cassidy.
Also “Short Subjects” and “News”
Matinee Saturday afternoon at 2.30 p.m.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, May 5th1, 6th, 7th
The Original
See the greatest screen
entertainment of all
time with nothing cut
but the price.
Evening Admission:
All Seats - 50c.
Matinee Wednesday
afternoon at 1.45 p.m.
Matinee Admission:
Adults - 40c
Children - 25c
Wed., Thur., g
Fri., Sat. i. ■Next Week ■■This is your chance to ■
secure Real Bargains. ■
One Cent Sale S
| McKibbon’s Drug Store |
• Phone or Mail Orders receive careful attention.
Mrs. David Kennedy, Annie
Pete, moved on Monday to their
^home across the street, the property
»of the late Mrs. Alec Reid, and Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Pollock are moving
in a few days to the house they vacat
Mrs. Thos. Moore, Mrs. J. G. Gilles-
■pie .and Mrs. Ben McClenaghan at
tended the W.M.S. Presbyterial at Ex
eter last Tuesday,
A.C. Graham Ganbutt, of Winnipeg,
Who is stationed at St. Thomas, spent
the week-end at the home of his cous
in, Mrs, George McClenaghan, and he,
with Mr. and Mrs. Mildred McClena-
ghan, Mildred and Ed, visited with her
'sister, Mrs. Wilmer Nicholson, of Au
burn, on Sunday.
' Mr. Ezra Schultz had his car badly
ftm&en up in an accident in Wingham
«on Saturday night, while it was park*
ed. Mr. Cecil Falconer’s car was also
in the line-up of parked cars.
Mr. and Mrs. Mac Ross spent Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hender
son, Lucknow.
Mr. Jackson, of London, had charge
of the service in the Presbyterian
Church here on Sunday; he was ac
companied by his sister, Miss Jack-
son, and both were guests of' Mrs.
The young people of the Langside
district held a miscellaneous shower
in the Flail on Friday night in honor
of the newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs, Fred
Mr. Levi Marwood, an old resident
of E. Wawanosh, passed away at his
home, at Auburn, on Saturday.
The W.M.S, of the United Church
held a tea and quilting at the home-
of Mrs. Chas. Martin on Thursday
-Mr. Harold Sparling- and Miss Lil-’
.................. ' '....................I ...............................
ian Browning, from Kincardine, spent
Sunday here with Mrs, Sparling and
their family.
Quite a numbey from here attended
the Massey’•Hanis exhibit in Lucknow
Town Hall on Friday night.
The young people of Langside
Church are presenting their play,
"Grandfather’s Twin Sister” in the
Hall here this Thursday night for the
young people .of the Presbyterian
Church here.
Pte. Hubert Keiswater, stationed at
Camp Borden, spent the week-end with
his parents here,
Miss Marie McCullough and Mr.
Kenneth Fair, of Guelph, and their
aunt," Miss Lizzie Richardson, Tees
water, spend Sunday with Mr, and
Mrs. John Richardson.
Mrs, Fraser and Lois, Mr, John
Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Pollock and
Mr, Robt. Pollock, spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs, Harold Pollock.
Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Laidlaw and Ken
neth, visited on Saturday with Mr. and
Mrs. Oliver'McBrien, Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gillespie and
children, of Yarmouth Centre, spent
the week-end at Kinlough, and Miss
Louise Martin, who has had a position
at St. Thomas, is spending this week
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Mr, and Mrs. MacMacLaughlin and
his daughter, Joanne, of Detroit, spent
the .week-end with her mother, Mrs.
Jos. Chamney and other relatives in
this district.
Mr. Clarence McClenaghan attended
a Y.P.U. executive meetinf in London
Saturday, and spent the week-end with
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dobie, of St. Marys.
■ Dr. Harold Robinson and son
Campbell, of Walkerton, visited last
Wednesday with his parents, tMr. and
Mrs. Wm. Robinson, and Mr. and
Mrs. Cecil Wheeler, Morris, spent
Sunday there.
Miss Agnes Gillespie was in charge
of the Y.P.U. of the United Church on
Monday evening and gave the call to
worship . Millan Moore read the Scrip
ture lesson and Clarence McClenagh
an, the president, led in prayer. The
t^pic, The Social Responsibilities of a
Christian” took the form of a discus
sion based on the theme "Am I My
Brother’s Keeper?” The society'pray
er in unison closed the service.
Mr. Eltoj’- Laidlaw was in charge of
the young people’s meeting in the
Presbyterian Church on Monday even
ing, Mitchell Elliott read the Scripture
lesson, and Mrs. J. Conn led in pray
er, .The topic, Sunday, its origin and
purpose, was ably taken by Mrs. Robt.
Mowbray, who stressed its purpose of
rest for man, and the doing of neces
sary and unnecessary work on the Sab
bath Day. Mrs. J. Pollock read sev
eral poems by the former Anne Suth
erland, of Hamilton, and the society
prayer closed th’e meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kerr returned
from their honeymoon trip on Monday-
last, and. spent -Sunday with her par- ‘
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Laidlaw. ;
Mr, and Mrs. Harold Johnston and
Bobbie, Lucknow, spent Sunday with ;
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Conn. 1
Mr. and Mrs. J. D, Beecroft and 1
Florence spent Sunday at Seaforth and j
Mrs. Kirk returned home with them.
goe.$ to the winner of the
Annual Congoleum Con
test at KING’S, Just see
how many 4-letter words
you can make out of the
letters in the two words
’’Congo 1 eum ” add
“ K i n g ”, The person
having the highest* num
ber wins a free Congol-
eum rug.
Entries must be in by
Saturday, May 2nd. Get
your entry slip now.
daughter, Pasty, of Brantford, visited
over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs.
Herb. Shiell.
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Love visa
ed on Sunday with Mrs. Love’s par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Scott, at
Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Geddes, of Bel
grave, spent Sunday with Mrs. Rob
ertson and Miss Fraser.
• Eldon McKinney, Toronto, was a
week-end visitor with9his brother, W.
H. McKinney.
Miss Jean Scott, Seaforth, is visit-"
ing with Miss Florence Fowler.
Harvey Messer, Toronto, visited his
father, Mr. John Messer.
Mr.’ and Mrs. Edward Johnston and
son, Carl, and Mr. and Mrs. Sparling
Johnston attended a shower in honor
of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sparling at
Gorrie Friday evening.
Neighbors and friends of Mr. and
Mrs, Ross Button, 2nd concession of
Morris, gathered at their home Fri
day evening and presented them with
a show. • Mr. and Mrs. Button (nee
Miss Salter) were recently married.
Mr, anil Mrs. Fred Hollenbeck and
family have moved to Stratford where
Mr. Hollenbeck and sons, Clarence and
Russel, Have secured 'positions. Mr.
Hollenbeck has operated a garage in
are .the choice of the lady
who wants a fine quality
felt .hat. Smartness of
line and wearabality
make STETSONS out
standing favourites.
the village for a number of years. The ’ ffll
garage is dosed for the present time. ■
Mr. Edward Johnston has purchased ffl
the house -and lot belonging to Leon
ard Elliott just south* of the bridge.
Mr. Elliott’s plans for the future are
not definite.
Mrs, Joseph Breckenridge has re
turned to her home here after spend
ing the winter with her daughters in
Blyth and Wingham.
No Stir At Last Train
The closing of .the railway service
through Belgrave, caused very little
stir in the village on Saturday. A
press photographer was aboard and he
took a few pictures and a few spectat
ors also took a few pictures of the last
train. The discontinuance of this rail
way service will be a great inconven
ience to the rural community here,
which is a great livestock-raising
“ Mr, R, Yule, C.N.R. agent, who has
been here the past 24 years, will con
tinue to make his home here for a
West Half of Morris Gave $450
C. R. Coultes, in chargjj of the War
Services Campaign for >the west half
of Morris, has beep able to forward to
the County Treasurer over $450 to
date and a few amounts are expected
in yet and will be forwarded later. Mr,
Coultes wishes to thank the canvass
ers who carried out the work on the
various lines andoto all who contribut
ed and helped to put this district over
the top.
Mr. Earl Anderson took charge of
the services in Knox United Church
and Brick Church on Sunday.
Buttons tor Red Cross Workers
The monthly meeting of the Red
Cross Society was held in the work
room on Friday, April 25th. “Discus
sion. was held over various routine
matters and appropriate action taken.
It was decided to obtain a supply of
official Red Cross Workers’ Buttons
to be distributed to all workers in. the
Society. The cost to the society will
be very small and the buttons are quite
attractive in appearance.
Y. P. S. Met
The regular meeting of the Belgrave
Y.P.S. was held in the schoolroom of
the church on Wednesday evening
with the Citizenship group in charge.
The .chair Was taken by Clarence
Yuill with Margaret Beattie at the or
gan. The lesson was read by Mary
Yuill. The topic for the evening was
taken by George Cowan who gave an
able and interesting address on Tem
perance as if affects Young People
Today. There was an attendance of
We have a complete choice of mews papers,
lovely stripes, gay patterns and shades that are dif
The newest shade for living rooms is soft
peach, it yvill blend with any color of accessories,
Browns, Blues, Greens and Rusts.
Buy Paint along with your wallpapers, then
you will be sure to have blending shades.
* We have two complete lines:
and the Ever-Poular
Wallpapers as low as 9c per roll.
Wilkinson’s Wallpaper Shop
Announcing New Spring Range
- Of -
Now that our Sprang Lines are complete, we invite you to
drop around and see for yourself the fine range Of smart new shades
and fabrics available in Hanna’s Made-to-Measure Tailoring.
Among them is a shade and pattern just suited to you and
your needs. The Hajnna standard of tailoring guarantees the quality
—your comfort and your complete satisfaction. Values are excep
tional. But drop in soOn while there’s a wide choice. Wedding Suits
a specialty.
$24.50 $27.50 $30.00 $35.00
Extra Trousers at Low Cost,
..................................................if- ............
Mr. and Mrs. Wharton and family,
of Teeswater, have moved into the va
cant house on the farm onwed by Mr.
Good, on the 4th Con. of E. Wawa
nosh, and a family, by the name of
Siptie,r, of Teeswater, are moving into
the vacant house on the farm owned
by Mr. Hugh Blair, on the 4th Con.,
E. Wawanosh.
Crozier, Crewe.
Mr. Howard Campbell had the mis
fortune to lose one of his work horses
last week.
Mrs. Frank Kershaw and Miss Jean,
Miss Gladys McDowell, Miss C. Mc
Clinton, of Goderich, were guests on
Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Marvin McDowell.
Mr. W.F. Campbell was a Clinton
visitor Monday.
Miss Mildred Thornton is spending
a couple of weeks with Miss C. Mc
Clinton, Goderich.
At the church service on Sunday,
Rev. H. C. Wilson spoke from Heb
rews 10: 34. The Sr. Quartet, Messrs.
Wm. McDowell, Alva McDowell, J. L.
McDowell and Maitland Henry, rend
ered a number.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F: Campbell and
Miss Winnifred visited last week'with
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hpopei\ Granton,
and with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Carter
of Seaforth.
Mrs. J. A. Brandon has returned to
her home after a couple of weeks with
London friends..
Mrs. W. G. Reid and sons, Dwight
and Creighton, also Mrs. Tisdale, all
of London, were in Wingham on Sat
Mrs. Hodder, Mrs. Finlayson, Mrs.
E. Wray and Miss Margaret Wray, all
of London, were Sunday visitors with
Mrs. Brandon.
Low-Priced Batteries
for your radio, the
Pattison Radio Service
offers Quality Batteries
at $2.49 Each
Reg. Price $2.95.
Y.P.U. Held Pie Social
A Pie Social marked the last meet
ing of the Y.P.U. of the United
Church for the season. Miss Helen
Thomson led the: meeting and all re
peated the Lord’s Prayer in unison.
Miss Alba Shiell. and Miss Helen
Thomson arranged, the following pro
gramme: a duet by Mrs, R, H. Mc
Kinnon and Mrs. Earl Hamilton; an
instrumental selection by Alba Shiell,
and a vocal solo by Edith Mann.
Games were played and some very en
joyable contests kept the crowd guess
ing. The evening closed with a pie
eating contest and drinking one an
other’s health in delicious coffee brew
ed by Miss Emma Johnston. We wish
our Y.P.U, a-u revolt.
Priced from
$5.00 up.'■
» ' -
Mn and Mrs. Graham Wray and
If you are in need of pipes,*
now is the time to stock up.
Pipes we have in stock cannot
be replaced.Don’t miss seeing the play “Aunt
Tillie Goes To Town,” staged by the
members of the Y.P.U. of the United
Church the middle of May. Watch for
fuller particulars later, ;
Ladies’ Shop
All Spring Coats on sale with
a 2()% Discount. These coats
are of all wool cloth in differ
ent weaves. If you arc in need
of a coaL now is a good time to
buy one, The. colors are Black,
Navy Blue, Beige, Grey, Light.
Blue, and Spring Green.
Sizes 13 to 22%.
Pw n v c * Mr S
In ‘the United Church on Sunday
morning Rev. C. Tavener spoke from
the text "Remove not the landmarks
of thy father". At the service in Knox
Presbyterian Church Rev. F, G. Fow
ler used as his text "They journeyed
from Obotli toward the sun-rising,”
Mr. Fowler conducted the evening
service in the Presbyterian Church in
Teeswater on Sunday,
Rev. C. Tavener had charge of the
Devotions over CKNX on Monday,
He was assisted in the service of song
by Mrs. W. J. Johnston and Mrs. J.
Mrs. C, Tavener addressed the W.
M. ,S, at the morning service in the
United Church, Brussels, on Sunday,
Rev, F. G. Fowler attended the
meeting of the Synod of Hamilton and
London of the Presbyterian Church in
Canada In Hamilton this week,
Omar Haselgrove’s
Smoke Shoppe
R. A. Reid R. 0.
Eyesight Specialist
Wingham Office
At Williams* Jewelry Store
Every Wednesday Morning
9 to noon,
Misses. Catharine McGregor, Viola
Thompson and Bertha McDonald, of
Lucknow, were week-end guests of Mr.
and Mrs. George Stuart,
Mr. and Mrs. John Cameron and
Don, Miss Mary Murray, Mrs. Cliff
Murray, Donald and Norina were re
cent visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Jas.
Douglas Mitchell, ( \
Rev. ,G, A. and Mrs, Barnard and
Miss Winnifred are spending-a few,
days with Rev. John and Mrs. Barn
ard at Courtright.
Mrs, • Gordon, Mr, and Mrs, T. J.
Salkeld, Mr. W. I. Miller and Mrs.
W. A. Miller attended the funeral of
Mrs. Wilson Salkeld at Stratfprd on
Saturday, Just four weeks ago they
attended the funeral of Mr, Salkeld.
Mrs. W. I, Miller, Isobel and Dor
othy, Mrs, T. J. Todd and Anile and
Mr, Hugh Rutherford were visitors on
Sunday with Miss M. C, Rutherford
who is making a favourable recovery
in St, Joseph’s Hospital, London,
Word has been receive by friends
here of the death of Mrs, Hethering
ton at the home of her daughter at
Wilcox, Sask. Mrs. Rutheford, form
erly Miss Kate McCrostie, was a for
mer well-known resident of this com
Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Brown, of Bell
view, Wash.) Mrs. J, E, Ellis, Miss
Mary Ellis, Miss Kathleen- Elsley of
Molesworth, visited on Thursday with
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Campbell.
Mr, Raymond Redmond was a re
cent London visitor.
Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Vincent, Bel
grave, were Westfield visitors Sunday.
Mr, W, H. Campbell is spending a
few days with his daughter, Mrs, W,
•> WITHIN . i
fcYOUR 1
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PICKLES t....... 27-oz. Jar 27c | NO. 4 PEAS
FRUIT JUICE 50-Oz. Tin 25c
SPECIAL! Miracle Whip
Salad Dressing ei” 19c ,6i“' 33c “fr 49c
----------------> ...... 20-Oz. Tin 11c
CORN.. .............16-Oz, Tin 12c
With Measuring Cup Pkg. With TUMBLER
KELLOGG’S ALL-BRAN 23c p-t—-------— “
Fresh Ground While You Wait
Dalton’s Meicourt Coffee - 49c
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PUMPKIN ... 2 Large Tins 25c
FLAKES ........ Large Pkg. 25c
Family Size - 4-Lb. Box
Maple Leaf Soap Flakes
York AU Pork SAUSAGE w .
Macaroni and Cheese Leaf ....................
10c Lb. SODAS............... 2-Lb. Box 29c
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Medium Size ....... 19c Large Size............25c
BANK NITE Tickets and War Savings Stamp
Coupons Given Here.
9 a