HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1941-04-24, Page 4T" Stainton Hardware WEEK-END SPECIALS FOR YOUR GARDEN Garden Forks ... Garden Seeds ..., Dutch Set Onions pkg. 5c .... 98c 6 for 25c ............Lb. 10c Lawn Mowers, 4 Blades, 14 iilch, Ball Bearing Only............................... $7.95 Hand Garden Set — Fork, Trowel, Cultivator - Special.39c Grass Seed Mixture (No. 1 Seed) .,. $12.00 Bus. 35% Red Clover, 65% Alfalfa. Rubberized Traces, set of four, complete with Billets..................♦...........<»♦$7.95 WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES A Thursday, April 24th, 1941 HOUSEHOLD NEEDS Aero No Rubbing Liquid Wax, Pints . Quarts . Clothesline, Wire 100 feet Clothesline Pulleys........ Dust Mops....................... ....... 29c ........... 49c ....... 49c 15c and 25c ............89c Motor Oil (bulk for cars or tractors ... 49c gal. AUCTION SALES of every kind con­ ducted. For courtesy, experience, successful sale, engage Matt Gaynor, Lucknow. -CARLOAD — Of Certified Seed Po­ tatoes have arrived at C.N.R. Sta­ tion. Get yours now. Also table stock potatoes for sale. All Prince Edward Island stock. Canada Pack­ ers, Wingham, or at Roy Adair’s. DOG STRAYED—A collie, onto the property of Alex. Rintoul, Lower Wingham. FOR SALE—7-room Brick House on John St. Apply to James or George Carr. FOR SALE—8-roomed Frame House, nice location on John Street. Close to Public School. A* snap for some­ one. Apply to Thomas R. Garrett. FOR SALE—100 Rock Chicks, six weeks old. Mrs. Walter. Pocock, phone 613r32. FOR SALE—O.AC. No. 21 Barley, also some Thousand Dollar and Al­ aska Oats. Apply McBurney Bros, 620r22. TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF E. WAWANOSH Tenders will be received by the un­ dersigned up to 1 p.m., Tuesday, May 6th, 1941, foh’.uSfushing and trucking gravel,. screen, to be no larger than 1 inch. "A marked cheque for $50 must accompany each tender. Lowest and any tender not necessarily accepted. For further particulars apply to, STUART (McBURNEY, Road Superintendent. „Thnm), who lost their youngest and 4-year-old son on Friday of last week. Besides his parents, three sisters and one brother survive. Rev. W. A, Leitch, of Fullarton, had charge of United Church service and at Salem Sunday last, W.M.S. Meeting The Easter Thank-Offering meeting of the W.M.S. was held in the United Church school room on Thursday ev­ ening of last week. The president, Mrs. G. A. Wearring, presided over the devotional period, The guest speaker, Mr. Gordon Hargraves, Ford- wich, gave a very interesting address, touching on his experiences as a stud­ ent missionary in the West. A duet was contributed by Misses Vera Wright and Thelma Denny. Mrs. B. Cook will have charge of the May meeting on the afternoon of May 8th. Roll Call—Favourite Hymn, with one verse of hymn. Canadian Girls In Training The weekly meeting of the C. G. I. T. was held on Friday evening at the home of Mrs, A. M, Grant, with Mrs. Robertson in charge. Meeting opened with the theme song "There's A Boy Coming Home On Leave”, all repeat­ ing the Purpose and prayer. A piano duet by contributed by Elizabeth and Sybil Grant. The evening was spent making a quilt for Red Cross. All joined hands and sang “Taps” to close the meeting. Mission Band Do Their Bit ■ Hats off to the Mission Band of the United Church and their leaders, Mrs. A. J. Sanderson and. Mrs. A. M. Grant who are at present making a Layette for British War victims. These busy members are- also- making an afghan, materials for same are run­ ning short, if anyone can donate odds and ends of wool,, enough to make a 6-inch square, the workers very grateful. -This group donated a bonnet toward Class Layettes being made. Women's- Institute Meets May 1st The first meeting of the new- year will be held at the home of Mrs. Wal­ ler on Thursday, May 1st, 3 p.m. The Roll Call—Paying of Fees. Current Events. Report of Horticulture Con­ vention, by Mrs. Waller. Dr. Shirk will be guest speaker, and will choose his own subject. Hostesses: M.rs. J. J, Allen, Mrs. Clarence White. Delegates from local branch will attend an exec­ utive meetin at Bluevale April 30th, in the afternoon. joyed by all present. For Refugees, the bale consisted of the following: 11 quilts, 1 pair pillows, 4 pair boys’ long pants, 4 pair boys’ shorts, 7 boys’ ov­ erall suits, 5 boys’ suits, 1 child’s py­ jamas, 2 nightshirts, 3 girls’ night’ dresses, 10 girls' slips, 4 ladies' slips, 6 pair bloomers, large, 16 pair child­ ren's bloomers, 5 pair boys' drawers, 7 girls’ dresses, 1 child’s pyjamas, 3 ladies’ desses, 3 babies* binders, 3% dozen diapers, 4 hot water bottle cov­ ers; For Soldiers; 7 suits men's pyjam­ as, 16 pair sox, 3 pair seamen's sox, 2 pair mitts, 2 helmets, 6 sleeveless sweaters, 1 turtleneck sweater. BUY NOW! V MORRIS Miss Jean Wheeler spent a few ddys last week at her home on the 1st line. Miss Isabel Douglas returned Sun­ day, after spending her holidays at her home in Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jones, Auburn, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Rob­ ert McLennan and family. We are glad .to hear Mr. Alex. Mo- Ewen is able to be up and around. Miss Pearl Mathers, of Toronto, vis­ ited over the week-end with her sis­ ters and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Warwick. Miss Isabel Douglas spent the Eas­ ter holidays at her home at Lucknow and returned to her school at Brown­ town on Monday. y Mr. Jas. Moses and Archie, and Miss Bessie Moses, visited on .Sunday after­ noon with Mr. and Mrs. Robt, War­ wick and Mrs. Moses, who has .been sick there, ■ PAINTS — ENAMELS Made by the makers of PAINTS *<Rk Apr. 26* May 3 md. Here is a real opportunity to buy your paint needs at savings from 20% to 30% Old Colony Paints, Enamel and Varnishes brush out smoothly and evenly, have a fine appearance and give real satisfactory wear. Users of good paint have long recognized Old Colony finishes as among the best you can buy at a medium price, Check over the paint, enamel or varnish you need this Spring, Buy Old Colony now and save money, . Old Colony House Paint Old Colony Floor Paint Old Colony Flat Wall Paint Old Colony Varnish Stain SALE PRICE HALF-GALLONS QUARTS 69c Regular 95c COURT OF REVISION MORRIS TOWNSHIP The Municipal Council of the Town­ ship of Morris will hold a Court of Re­ vision on the Assessment Roll for 1941 in the Township Hall at 2 o’clock p.m. on Monday, May 12th, 1941. Parties interested please attend. A. Mac Ewen, Clerk. Bluevale, April 15th, 1941. NOTICE would be have also the Red ST. HELENS COVERT CASUAL SALEM The classic spring coat you’ll wear everywhere — with everything, and never tire of its simple smart lines and beautiful covert cloth material. Handsomely tailored—a real buy at only $16.95 i Isard’s Stores FASHIONS spent Mrs. spent FOR SALE OR RENT—100-acre farm just north of the Town of Wingham, large amount of fall plowing done. For particulars, ap­ ply to R. S. HETHERINGTON, K.C., Wingham. FOR RENT—Six-roomed house, cor­ ner Victoria* and Catherine Sts. Double garage. Apply Mrs. B. Ben- ninger. FOR SALE OR RENT (in Wing­ ham) Brick House with Barn and Garage; lights and water, and few acres of land. Apply Advance- Times, FOR SALE—Annex Heater in good condition. Cheap for quick sale. Apply Advance-Times. FOR SALE—Good Qaulity Seed Peas. John McGee, R.R. No. 3, Wingham, phone 615r5. FOR SALE—6 pigs 212 months old. Apply to Mrs. Fred Churchill, Blue­ vale, phone 30r4, Brussels. FOR SALE—Coach Pups. Apply to Fred Saint FOR SALE—4-plate Gurney Electric Range in’splendid condition. Inquire at office or phone 609r2. FOR RENT—Garden on Minnie St. Apply Miss Nelson, opposite United Church. Written applications will be received by the undersigned until 12 o’clock noon, April 30th, 1941, for the position of County Constable for the County of Huron. All applicants, to appear in person at the Court House, Goderich, p.m. on the 2nd day of May. N. W. MILLER, County Clerk, Goderich. Ont. at 2. NOTICE TO CREDITORS TAKE NOTICE that all persons having claims against the Estate of John Laidlaw late of the Township of East Wawanosh in the County of Hur­on, Retired Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the 6th day ,of March, A.D. 1941, are hereby notified to send their claims, duly verified by declara­ tion to the undersigned on or before the 10th day of May, A.D. 1941. FURTHER take notice that immed­ iately after the said date the assets of the estate will be distributed having regard only to claims which have been properly filed. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this 22nd dav of April, A.D. 1941, R. S. HETHERINGTON, K.C., Wingham, Ont., Solicitor for the Executors. WROXETER Mr, George McQuillin, of the R. C. A. F., training at Malton, was a visitor at his home here. 1 Mrs. Short, of Oak Lake, Man., Mr. and Mrs. John Cunningham and Ger­ ald, Walkerton, were recent guests of M,r. and Mrs. E. J. Thom and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Miller. Miss Muriel Hall, of Toronto, was a visitor last week with her : friend, Miss W. D. Rutherford. The annual meeting of the Women’s Institute will be held in the Commun­ ity Hall on Thursday afternoon, May 1st, at 2.30. Roll Call—Paying of fees. Program Com.: Mrs. Ewart McPher­ son, Mrs. Tom Todd. Hostesses, Mrs. Balls, Mrs. George Stuart and Mrs. C. McDonald. It is requested that all completed blocks for the autograph quilt be brought in and that all com­ pleted Red Cross work be handed in before Saturday. Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. Wood and Mrs. Helm were; M,r. and Mrs. Will* Helm and children, also Miss Kathleen Gardner, all of Zion. Mrs. Ewan McKenzie and Muriel, of Lucknow, and Mrs. Sandy McDon­ ald and Alex., of Stratford, were re­ cent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Cameron. Miss M. C. Rutherford is making favourable recovery at St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, following an opera­ tion performed on Monday. cast over the proceedings by the sad fatality of the Freiiburger children. M. Jeff ray was' a holiday visitor with Mr. and Mrs. W. Mundell, Wing­ ham. Mr. and Mrs.. Alex. Corrigan were visitors at the- same home. Miss Jean Herd and Mrs. Campbell, of Riversdale, were in the village the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Weir and fam­ ily, of London, spent the week-end with ‘the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Weir. Rev. Mr. Leitch, of Fullarton, oc­ cupied the pulpit here last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Jacques, near Lakelet, called on Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Palmer last “Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bolt Sunday evening with Mr. and Wm. Bolt. Miss Gladys Weir, Wroreter, the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W/-E. Weir. Mrs. Stewart Edgar, south of Gor- rie, spent a few days last week with her sister, Mrs. W. A. Cathers and Mr. Cathers. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stafford and babe of Port Burwell, spent a few days with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McMichael. Mrs. Stafford and babe remained‘for a longer visit. Mr. Eldred Cathers, Fort Erie, vis­ ited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Cathers, a few days lately. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McMichael, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stafford and babe, visited on Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Cathers, of the B line corner, Howick,. LOCAL AND PERSONAL w WESTFIELD SELF-RESPECTING WOMAN de­ sires house-keeping position. Town and elderly folks preferred. Apply Advance-Times. JOIN the thousands who are buy TWEDDLE CHICKS for 1941 the thousands wl:_ ___ _____ that TWEDDLE offers the quality you want at the price you want to pay! TWEDDLE offers quality at the top with prices on the bottom. Hundreds of repeat orders prove the .. quality is there —- a comparison of prices wil show the’price is right. If you want bigger, huskier chicks that can make money order TWED­ DLE CHICKS now. H, T. Thom­ son, dealer for Tweddle Chicks. have learned “TREES AND SHRUBS—For guar­ anteed Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, Vines, etc., see Geo. Mason, Wingham, authorized agent for Pel­ ham Nursery. Order now for Spring delivery. No down payment re­ quired. WANTED—Cedar rails, any number up to 8,000. Apply Borden Jenkins, care of Western Foundry. WANTED—Caretaker for Alps Golf Club. Apply Herbert Campbell, Hy­ dro Shop. WANTED—Girl for Housework. Ap- ; ply Advance-Times. - WANTED—Experienced Tool Mak4 Mrs. W. A. Sawtell and Miss Helen Sawtell spent the past week with Tor­ onto friends. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brandon and daughter, Norma, of Toronto, visited* last week with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stocks. Mrs. John Wright, who spent the winter season with Mr. and Mrs, H. Wright, is now spending some time in Toronto. Master Malcolm Adams spent the Easter vacation with Mr. and Mrs. An* drew Adams. (Miss Laura Bennett has resumed her course of studies at Canada Busi­ ness College, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Timm, also Mr. and Mrs. “Henry Timm and Mr. Bill Timm were in Listowel on Sunday attending the funeral of the late Ross Felker^ 4-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Felker. We regret to know Mrs. Isabella Fleming, Toronto, mother of Mrs, T. Brown, is quite ill. Her many friends here hope there will soon be an im­ provement. . The many friends of Mrs, Vernon Denny will be pleased to know she is making good progress following an ^operation iti Listowel Hospital Wed* • nesday last. f Sincerest sympathy of ,many. friends BELMORE Jean «rs amt Machinists. If now on war .„ XXwork do not apply. Precision Mach*'}1*1 , JA. 12s, e^tep4ed to Mri inc Company, 70 York St., UttdotJ .Wd Felker (nee Gladys Miss .Edna Johann and Miss Inglis have resumed their studies at Canada Business College, Tdronto. Word was received of the 'death of Mrs. Abe Sinder (formerly Miss Alice Irwin, of this place), at New Liskeard, iVhere Mr. Sinder owned and operated a saw-mill. Deceased is a sister of Mr. W. Irwin, of town, and Mrs. Jas. Hall, also of New Liskeard. Mr. Sind­ er passed on about a year ago leaving one son, Irwin, to carry on, to whom we extend our deepest sympathy in the loss of his paren.ts. Mr. Clayton Newans, son of Mrs. Vina Newans, is quite poorly at time of writing, A Red Cross quilting was held on Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Lorne Evans. Mrs. John Shurter entertained the Triple D Class Friday night at her home. Mr. and Mts. Alvin Fitch, Mrs. Jas, Auotin, were Mildmay visitors Thurs­ day. Mrs, Dickinson and daughter', Tees- water, called Friday evening at Neil McNeil-a Mess^. Ed. Lawfence and Nbtman Baiers attended the reception of “Maty Kelly in Teeswater when a gloem^as Capt. A. W. Irwin, of Fingal, spent the week-end with his family. Miss B. Reynolds was' a Hamilton visitor for a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Dunlop and baby were week-end visitors with rela­ tives in Chatham. Mr. Ralph Carr, of Toronto, was a week-end visitor with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Carr, Miss Barbara Holmes, of Goderich, was a visitor last week with Mr. and Mrs.-H. C. MacLean. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Williamson and family, of Toronto, spent the week-end With Mrs. W. Williamson. Mr, and Mrs. Archie Peebles were visitors with relatives in Hamilton for a couple of days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rose, of Blen­ heim, visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Currie. Miss Mary Helen Schaefer, of God­ erich, was the guest of her grandmoth­ er, Mrs. John McCool, last week. A.C. John Preston, of St. Thomas, spent a few days this week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Preston. Mrs. Margaret Gorrel, who spent the winter with her sister, Mrs. R. A. Spotton, has returned to her home in Harriston. Mr. and Mrs. .Alex. Elliott are vaca­ tioning this week at the Canadian Na­ tional Convention at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto. JAMESTOWN Misses Margaret and Bonnie Rich* ardson spent their holidays with Mr, and Mrs. Ossie Simpson. Mrs. Leslie McDonald, of Silver C.Otners. spent a few days with her bro­ thers, Aldine and Gordon Holt, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Keffer and children have moved to the 6th line of Grey. Miss Doris McAllister is attending Canada Business College, Toronto. The ladies held their sewing as us­ ual-on Thursday afternon in the hall, during the afternoon another bale was packed for the Salvation Army. A tea was also served by four ladies of the group, Mrs. Jas. McFarlane, Mrs. M/ Dennis, Mildred Turnbull, and Mrs, George Warwick, which was much eft* Miss Margaret Lockwood, of Clin­ ton, visited with her cousin, Miss Mil­ dred Carter. Mrs. Norman McDowell is spending a few days this week with her mother, Mrs. Osbaldeston, of Goderich. Twenty-five ladies met at the church on Monday and quilted five quilts for the Red Cross. Miss Dorothy Govier visited last week at the home of her brother, Mr. Mervin Govier, of Morris Township. Mr. Mansel Cook was a recent St. Catherines visitor. Mr. and Mrs. Norman, Radford, Ross and Shirley, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Gibbings, of near Clinton. Mrs. Wm. McVittie attended a nom­ inating committee meeting at Clinton on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brown, of Seat­ tle, Mrs, J. E. Ellis and Miss Mary El­ lis, of Listowel, visited with Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Fear. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Daub, Brant­ ford, viisted on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McDowell. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Campbell and family visited on Sunday with Dr. V. Johnston and Mrs. Johnston, of Luck­ now. Mr. Janies Walsh has hired for a time with Mr. Percy Gibbings, Clin­ ton. The farmers have been working on the land preparing for seeding, but the recent rain on Saturday and Sunday, has held things up for a few days. Mr. W. F. Campbell Presbytery meeting at Tuesday. Mr. Howard Wilkens Mrs. Wilkins and Mrs. of Goderich, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Norman McDowell. Miss Minnie Snell intends having a sale of household effects May 7th, Mrs. Lydiatt and children, of Blyth, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs, Charles Smith. Miss Ada Stackhouse, of Blyth, vis­ ited cm Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, W. McDowell. Rev, E. Taylor and Mrs. Taylor, of Wheatley, visited with the former’s fa* ther, Mr, X . ,.a ■*.?*■ Mn John Vincent, Hamilton, spent the week-end at his home here. r ■ 9 attended the Elimville on of Hamilton,* Osbaldeston, PINTS 39c Regular 55c GALLONS • $2.39 Regular $3.00 OLD COLONY — Quick Drying Enamel Old Colony Enamel is specially prepared for use on furniture and woodwork. It produces a high gloss, porcelain-like surface which will withstand repeated washgig. SALE PRICE HALF GALLONS $1.69 Regular $2.15 $1.29 Regular $1.65 GALLONS $3.19 Regular $4.00 QUARTS PINTS »/2 PINTS y4, PINTS 89c 49c 29c 19c Regular $1.20 Regular 70c Regular 40c Regular 25c ELMER WILKINSON Wingham, Ont. Round Trip Rail Bargain From WINGHAM APRIL 25 - 26 To" OTTAWA MONTREAL QUEBEC $9.20 $10.55 $14.55 Trois Rivieres $12.75 Ste. Anne de Beaupre $15.15 First train from' Toronto 10.55 p.m. April 25th. Return Limit — April 28. Not good on 3 p.m. trains from Ottawa and Montreal. ’> < !TO THE MARITIMES - April 24 All Canadian Pacific Stations in New Brunswick ’ All Dominion Atlantic Ry, Stations in Nova Scotia For limits, detailed service, etc. Consult Agents — Procure Handbill Not Good Return On 3 P.M. Train From Montreal CANADIAN PA FIC Messrs. Wm. and Norman McDow­ ell were Ingersol visitors on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Duican McNochol, of Walton, yisited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Bosman, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Bosman attended the funeral on Monday of the late Mr. George Falconer of Culross. Prices effective until Sat- Night, Apr. 26 Domino Giant HAcSoap FLAKES pkg.^^ Perfection OOcFLOOR WAX lib.'3*3 Cake or Powder H A cBON AMI - - -14 Classic CLEANSER - 5c Five String OEJC BROOMS - - Ea. ” HaWe’s OQcLEMON OIL Bottle^ MOP STICKS - Ha. 15c STARCH Laundry lb. 10c Snow Flake r“cAMMONIA - - Pk. b Libby's Products PORKS BEANS3 ms25c & BEANS 2 tins' 25c 26 oz. | Hc Sauer Kraut Tin 1 ° CATSUP - Bottle 15e Firm Ripe < m*BANANAS-2 lbs.17 m >* OXYDOL 2 Lge. 45c 2 Small 19c Johnson’s - Pt. 59c GLO-COAT - Qt. 98c MONARCH FLOUR 7’s - 29c 24’s - 81c P.&G. SOAP - 6 for 25c S.O.S. Lg'e. 23c Small 14c Fry’s COCOA-%’s 19C l’s 31c PINEAPPLES Fresh Cuban Large Size2 for 37c Ea. 19c NEW CABBAGE - lb. 6c hearts p*c CELERY - 2 Bchs 25c Large Doz. 37c ORANGES Med. doz, 29c PteiM Dominion Store*, Ltd. Free Delivery 4-1