HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1941-04-24, Page 3* Thursday, April 24th, 1941 the appointment of WINGHAM APVANCE-TIMKS♦ received the Government said the Italians are pre­ pared to drop “captured British bombs i upon Vatican City” should Rome be I raided by the RA.IL » if RKLEY MOTORS JOSEPHINE and VICTORIA Sts. as authorized dealers in WINGHAM AND DISTRICT McLAUGHLIN-BUICK I C.I;Q, Orders G.M, Strike Detroit — R. J, Thomas, president of the United Automobile Workers (C. I.O.), announced that his union, which just concluded a 10-day strike at the Ford Motor Company, is filing a five- day notice of intention to strike ainst General Motors Corporation. Premiers May Meet in London London ■— Reliable sources said British Government is seeking the pre­ sence in London of as many Dominion prime ministers as possible for war consultations. Defence Plan Set Up Montreal — Completion of plans for the military and naval defence of the Eastern and Western coasts of Can­ ada and the United States were an­ nounced by the Canada-United States Joint Permanent Defence Board. Study War Purchase Financing Washington — Problems faced Canada in financing war purchases in the United States will be the subject of intense study by treasury officials of the two countries in the next few weeks. by Car Makers Cut'Production Washington •—William S. Knudsen said that the United States automobile industry had agreed to a 20% reduc­ tion in the output of cats for the model year beginning August 1. We are pleased to announce this appointment which provides modern, ef­ ficient sales and service facilities for present and prospective owners of Pon­ tiac, McLaughlin-Buick and GMC trucks. This new dealership will have the able direction of C. N. Merkley, who has had long experience in the automotive business and is, widely known in Wingham and district. He cordially invites you to visit the conveniently located headquarters for Pontiac, McLaughlin-Buick and GMC Trucks. Be sure and get all the facts on the Pontiac Fleetleader - newcomer to the low- est-price field. Arrange to see and drive the great new McLaughlin-Buick and you’ll quickly realize why we call it the “Best Buick Yet!” Check up on GMC Trucks and you’ll find the world’s most extensive range of trucks - a unit for every purse and purpose, with prices which start with the low­ est. For top value in new cars, used cars or service, j'ust call Merkley Motors. You’re sure to get satisfaction. Japs Increase Blockade Area Shanghai — A communique the commander-in-chief of Japan’s China Seas Fleet, said that additional areas off the coast of Kwangtung Pro­ vince, Southern China’ had been in­ cluded in the Japanese blockade zone. from Say Singapore To Be Attacked Singapore, the first defence line for Australia, India and South Africa will be attacked, K. G. McNab, assistant, agency superintendent of the Manu­ facturers Life, and former resident Japan .and South Africa, predicted. of GENERAL MOTORS PRODUCTS OF CANADA, LIMITED Oshawa — Ontario Plotted Against Rumanian Premier Bucharest, Rumania — Premier Ion Antonescu announced the discovery of' an alleged Iron Guard plot to murder him and members, of his Cabinet. I “Well, take Jim Hamilton, for in- ; stance,” I said. * “Oh, Jim’s away in the big city run­ ning a high class beauty s^lon, no less.” “And what about some of the girls?’’ “Well, Mabel Covites and Edith Mo Clenaghan are the top chorus girls of the year. Right now they’re working in Jud Rimmer’s big Hollywood pro­ duction “Highlights of 1952,” “You don’t mean to say these fam­ ous Rimmer productions are the work of Jud!” “Nothing else but,” she replied. “Well,” I said, ‘can you beat that, from High Shcqol to Highlights, as it were. But wait a minute, aren’t those girls just a little too old to be chorus girls?” “Oh, haven’t you heard? Mr. Hall, the one who used to be principal at Wingham High, has perfected some kind of solution that will make you appear younger than you really are. He stumbled on it one day when he was vainly trying to make an experi­ ment work. Right now he’s working on*a solution that will guarantee that ■ all his experiments will work.” “Then there’s Grace Hogg, Where's she now?” z “Oh, when she got through training in one of those big city hospitals, she caught the eye of the man who owned the place and married him. Say I’m afraid I haven’t any more time to talk to you but if you want'to know any­ thing about anybody just go across the street and you-’ll be able to find out.” I went out and across the street. I recognized the old place, but it had a new sign — Burgman & Clark Enter­ prises, Pool Swimming and Otherwise. I went in and took a seat. Right away George and Bill recognizbed me and at once began to talk. After I had an­ swered a thousand questions or so, I thought I’d see if I could find out a bit more about the old school. “Can you tell me what’s become of some of the old gang?” “Well,” said George, “let me see. I suppose you know that Agnes Darling runs a “Missing Husbands” bureau and her motto no less is “We can find Jor lose a husband for you.” “Well,” I laughed, “I .always thought Agnes had a way or did away We Invite You to Call Your With in and Discuss Estate Problems Us in Confidence. GREY & C. A. Fleming President the Mediterranean zone,” that Egypt and North Africa are quite as much a part of this struggle. Danish Envoy Dismissed Copenhagen — Denmark’s minister to Washington, Henrik de Kaufmann, was formally dismissed from the for­ eign service on the grounds of “mis­ using the king’s name,” the Foreign Office announced. “As the Estate of which I was co-executor with your Company is now settled, I just want to express my entire satis­ faction with the manner in which you have hand­ led the affairs,” THE & BRUCE TRUST SAVINGS CO. , O. E, Manning Manager with men. And whatever is Gordon Keith doing now?” “You know,” replied Bill, “Gordon’s running a factory that manufactures shock absorbers. A new patented ab­ solutely noiseless rubber heel is the latest product of the plant.” I notice in the corner of the shop that a new television radio was runn­ ing. A big swing band was blaring forth with what seemed to be a swing version of one of the better classics. I wasn't close enough to see who the leader was, but the boys informed me I was listening to Bill Beecroft and his Classic Clashers. “And, speaking of music and bands,” said Bill, “George Johnson has gone into writing symphony, if you can im­ agine that. Oh, look! there's the voc­ alist with Bill’s band, there, on the television screen. Maybe you wouldn’t' recognize her but that’s none other than Eva Horsburgh. The whole unit is hoping for a network show soon, so maybe you’ll see and hear them soon in the big city.” The program ended and after sta­ tion identification, the announcer in­ formed u.s that it was time again for “Hearts and Flowers”, a program ded- (Continued on Page Seven) Greek Premier Dies Athens — The sudden death of Al­ exandras Korizis, for less than three months premier of Greece, was an­ nounced late Friday night in broad­ casts from the Athens radio. A short time later.a proclamation by Christos Cavrakos said he had assumed the dut­ ies of supreme military governor, on orders of the War Ministry. Salvage Campaign announced the Do­ minion Government has released for salvage guns captured from the Ger- -mans in 1914-18, now on public dis­ play in Canadian cities and towns. Former Trophies for War Effort t Ottawa — Hundreds of guns used by the Germans during the First Great War will be used in Canada’s present war effort. Officials of the National Hard Fight Ahead-Hitler Berlin — Hitler, in an appeal for contributions to the German Red Cross, admitted “a year” of tremend­ ous battle confronts the nation. “His- oric decisions unique in extent and proportions will fall,” his proclama­ tion said. May 20th New Training Date Ottawa — Opening date for the 3rd compulsory military training period under the 4-month training plan has been fixed for May 20, it was learned, The period will be the sixth compul­ sory training started, the periods being under the training plan. Quints’ Doctor Underwent Operation Toronto — Dr. Allan R. Dafoe, physician to the Dionne quintuplets, Was reported in satisfactory condition, following a major operation here. His condition is satisfactory. first three one-month PROPHET’S ADDRESS Germans To Press On Berlin — Nazi spokesmen asserted that the end of the Yugoslav campaign does not mean there will be any letup in German military activity. They said that even the military defeat of Greece would not mean a pause such as en­ sued after the Polish campaign. They asserted that the Balkan campaign “is but one .sector of a great struggle in Heads Armoured Brigades Ottawa — Appointment T. J. Rutherford, of the Grey and Sim­ coe Foresters, and Lt.-Col. A. C. R. Spencer, of the 6th Armored Regiment (1st Hussars), to command of the 1st and 2nd Armored Brigades of the new Canadian Armored^Division, with rank of brigadier, was announced by nat­ ional defence headquarters. of Lt.-Col. I ♦ by Scott Reid A The following paper was given by Scott Reid at the Easter High School Literary. Each year the Prophets' Ad­ dress is a feature of this meeting. So now Scott takes you with him to see those things that take place in 1952. The year is 1952, the war of course has been over for several years and the big bad boys of Europe put where they belong. Right now it’s spring­ time, early in June, and my vacation is Over. Oh, yes, I’m one of those fel­ lows who get a summer vacation shov­ ed onto, not offered to him, in practi­ cally the middle'of winter, the first two weeks in May, to be exact, Say, maybe you’d like to hear a little about that vacation, You would? Well then, just settle back in that old fashioned deck chair and I’ll tell you about the) trip 1 took back to the old home town during my holidays. Well, I steamed up old No, 4 in my 1952 Buick (it belongs to the com­ pany) around 9 o’clock oil a Wednes­ day evening, and boy, was I hungry! So I stopped at the first place that looked as if it might serve food — a certain Plot Spot Lunch, with a motto on the sign “There’s a spot reserved for you in the Hot Spot”. Somehow or other that struck a familiar ring and lio wonder, for upon entering the place my weary eyes fell upon none other than a certain Miss Gordoiij yes, the same one who taught- at the old school on the hill. She had appar­ ently made her fortune and retired, taking up tills business merely for a pastime, I ordered a hamburger, and who should serve it up but — lio it couldn‘t be — yes It was, NorCeti Benedict She said she had been a pro­ fessional hash-slinger for almost four years now. Here was a chance, I thought to learn a bit about some of the boys And girls of the old school. “Say, what’s become of everybody?” I ventured, ♦ “Well. who. for instance?” she ask* HOUSEHOLDERS! THESE ME YOUR WAD WFAMNC wwlrBSv wwfcinWr ’fc-Ow Save them,Give help WW THIS MM issued by authority of Honourable James 6. Gardiner, Minister DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL WAR SE Bomb Rome “If” London — The British Government warned It would commence “system­ atic bombing of Rome” if either Ath­ ens or Cairo, Egypt, is attacked. The EVERY SCRAP COUNTS We cannot all march info battle—but we can march into the attics, the cellars and store-away places in our homes. There are war weapons in these places—and in your household waste, which can be turned into a valuable contribution to Canada's war production and into funds for war auxiliary services. Many local volunteer organisations have already completed plans for a Salvage Cam­ paign in their districts. More will follow. Quickly, we hope, all Canada will be organized to "clean but and clean up on Hitler”! Every day of every week until this war is won, every scrap of material which can be profitably salvaged in the area in which you live must be saved, collected and turned into war production material and money. A careful study and survey is being made throughout Canada by this Department as to the type and Class of salvage which will realize the greatest return in your community. If this information is not now in the hands of your local Salvage Committee or your Municipal Council, have them communi­ cate with the Supervisor, National Sal­ vage Campaign, New Supreme Court Building, Ottawa. The complete facilities of the Depart­ ment are at the disposal of looal community organizations to aid in making their Salvage Campaigns a success. When the Campaign starts in your community, we ask that you give it your unqualified' support. • Put Them Out Carefully • They Will Be Collected • They Will Be Used