HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1941-04-17, Page 8PAGE EIGHT WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, April 17th, 1941
Show Starts at 8.00 p.m., Except Saturday
Saturday Night, Two Shows, at 7.45 and 9.45 p.m
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, . April 17th, 18, 19th
‘Love Thy Neighbour*
The Allen-Benny feud engaged in for several years
on the radio is carried forward on the screen,
Also “Ray Whitley” “Information Please” “News”
Matinee Saturday afternoon at 2.30 p.m.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, April 21, 22, 23
One of the year’s best-sellers presented on the
screen by two famous dramatic stars.
Also “Short Subject”
Misses Winnifred and Olive Farrier
of Toronto, are spending the Easter
holidays at the home of their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Farrier.
Mr. and Mrs. George Broomer of
Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr.
and Mrs. John McGee.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tichbourne of
Go'derich, spent Sunday with her mo
ther, Mrs. David Kennedy.
Miss Murdeen Simpson of Langside
spent the week-end with Miss Merle
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hall, Wingham,
spent the week-end with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Craig.
Miss Jean Forester of Stratford
Normal is spending her holidays with
•her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Forester,
Mr. and Mrs. Aldin Purdon and son
Billie, spent the week-end with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Goyeau of
Mrs. Arthur Cronin and son, Jack,
who s,pen± the past weeks with her
When your
tubes require
Phone the
ofOne of the largest selections
tubes is carried in stock. Latest
tube checking equipment insures
accurate testing of all tubes.
Phone 171
brothers, Jas. and Cecil Falo,cner, re
turned to her hbme in Caledon with
Mr, Richard Welwood.
Mr. and Mrs, Len Westbrook of
Goderich, spent Sunday at the home of
his aunt, Mrs. Jas. Cornelius.
. Miss Flora Coulter, of Walton, is
spending her holidays at the home of
her parents, Mr, and Mrs. wAj- Coul
Mr. Roy McGee, Toronto, and Mrs.
McGee spent Sunday with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs, Henry McGee.
Rev. J. Pollock, on Sunday, took his
last service as Pastor of the Presby
terian Church here, and., next Sunday
the moderator will declare the pulpit
vacant. Mr, and Mrs. Pollock intend
to leave shortly for their cottage at
Bruce Beach, and their many friends
in this district hope that the change
will be of great benefit to his health,
Mr. Norman Welwood who is with
the air force at Manning Pool, and
who had been isolate there with an at
tack of measles, spent the week-end
with his parents, Mr-, and Mrs. Ezra
Mr. Jack Pollock, who is with the
intelligence Dept, of the Essex regi
ment at Toronto, spent the week-end
with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. J.
Mr. Jack Gillespie, who is taking a
course in welding at Toronto, spent
the week-end with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. G. Gillespie.
Mr. Melville Beecroft of Otterville,
is spending his holidays at the home of :
his father, Mr. John Beecroft.
Gunner Lawrence Henderson, who
has been at Petawawa Camp left Hali
fax on April 4th.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pollock are
spending their holidays at Ripley and
Pine River.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Gaunt and chil
dren, Marnoch, spent Sunday with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Davidson.
Miss May and Mrs. Adam McBur-
ney of Kingston, returned to their
home in E. Wawanosh to spend the
Formaldehyde, Ceyrsan Reasonably Priced
New Full Line of Farm Tools and Equipment
It Pays t6 keep Dr. Hess Udder Ointment, Medicat
ed Powder on hand.
If you are not getting the best from, your chickens;
and hens try Dr. Hess Pan-a^Min
for quick results.
Mr. Bill Burgman, of Wingham, is
spending the summer at the home of
Mr, Victor Emerson, being one of the
many Hi’^h School students out on
farm leave.
Mr. Jas. Weir and Mr. Harry Geary
of London, spent last Friday with the
former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
The regular monthly meeting of the
Womens Institute was held on Tues
day last in the hall, with the president,
Mrs, Grain, in charge. After the op
ening exercises the roll call was ans
wered by “something that I learned
this winter”. The ladies decided to
attend the Summary Day in Lucknow
on May 2, from the project fruits for
food and flavour and decided to hold
a dance on April 17 with a program
for intermission, and Ortoji Grain or
chestra to supply music, All sang
Rock of Ages. The Easter motto was
ably taken by Mrs, Walter Lott, Gen
evieve Watt gave two readings, Agnes
Gillespie had charge of the topic, What
out community needs, stressing the
need of a library, open air rink and
ball team for competative sport, Mrs.
Robt, Ross and Velma Scott sang
“Beautiful Isle ,of Somewhere”, and
Mrs, Ezra Scholtz gave an interesting-
paper on Gardening. Mrs. Mowbray
gave a reading, “When peace comes”,
and the meeting was closed by the Na
tional anthem. The Red Cross meet
ing followed with Mrs. J. Pollock in
•charge, twenty-one quilts were on dis
play, beautifully and contributed as an
effort of the people of this community,
Mrs. J. G. Gillespie was in charge
of the meeting of the Y. P. S. in the
United Church on Monday evening,
and gave the call to worship. Mildred
. McClenaghan read the scripture lesson
and Florence Beecroft sang “Christ
' the Lord is risen today”, Clifford Laid
law gave a reading of Bible verses, as
an acrosticon the name of Rev. H. C.
Wrinch. Agnes Gillespie led in pray
er, Genevieve-Walt gave a reading on
the different seeds and ambitions of
life. The topic was taken by Eileen
McClenaghan and Mildred Moore tell
ing of the life of Rev. and Mrs. Wrinch
among the Indians in Hazelton, B.C.,
and his life and work of seryice as a
surgeon, administrator and minister,
Millan Moore read the Shepher Psalm
as the Indians understand it, and the
society prayer closed the meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Pettapiece and
Jamieson were at Kinlough on Sunday
visiting with his sister, Mrs. Hoddkin-
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnston and
Bobbie, Lucknow, and his parents, Mr.
and Mrs.-Will Conn spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs, Hardie Simpson Culross.
Mrs. Victor Emerson, Mr. Reuben
Tiffin and Air. and Mrs. Fred Tiffin
spent Sunday at the home of Air. and
Mrs, Russell Ritchie, Ripley.
Mr. and Mrs. Perrie Pennington and
family of Turnberry, spent Sunday
with her brother, Mr. Wendel Taylor.
Mr. Gordon. Ball, teacher at Lang
side sent his resignation from his home
at Ottawa this week. He leaves to
• join the R.C.A.F.
Mr. MacNeil stationed at Woods
tock, spent the week-end with wife
and family. ♦
Mr. Mason Robinson and Air. and
.Mrs. Calvin. Robinson, Windsor,, spent
the week-end with their people in E. ;
and W. Wawaaosh. .
Airs. Harold Sparling returned from
Toronto' on Tuesday last, and, since
then Mr. Sparling has been able to.
leave the hospital, and is visiting with
his mother, Mrs. Ed. Browning of Kin
cardine for a few days,
Mrs. Phillip. Hogan, Askfield,, spent
a few days last week at the home of
her daughter, Mrs. J. Kennedy, Culross
Mrs.. Jas. Wilson and Tom visited
oil Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. John Richardson.
Archie Pardon is spending a few'
days- with his sister, Mrs. Gordon Rin*
toul, Lucknow.
Mr. and Airs. Jas. Curran and baby,
Dick, attended a family reunion on
Sunday at the home of his sister, Mrs.
Tlios. Anderson, Lucknow.
ed churches since 1935, announced to
the Official Board at its meeting last
week that he would seek a change of
Pastoral Relations at the coming con
ference to be h'eld-in June.
Mrs. Tavener Addresses Belgrave
W. M, S.
Mrs. J. Wheeler presided over the
Easter Thank-offering service in the
United Church last week with memb
ers of the Presbyterian and Anglican
Auxiliaries present.
The meeting opened with prayer
and God Save the King. During the
business it was decided to make two
quilts for 'the June bale. The roll call
was responded by and Easter thought,
and a reading by Mrs. H. Wheeler;
Airs. A. Manning and Miss Freda Jor
dan favored with a duet “Let us sing
for joy”, Mrs. J. Michie and Mrs. S.
Proctor were appointed as delegates
to the Presbvterial to be held April
22nd at Thames Road. Mrs. Taverner
then gave a very interesting Easter
message on
freshments were served and a
hour spent.
“Passion Week”. Re
Duncan Stewart of Stratford, teach
er in the Public School here since Sep
tember, has been called to report for
military training. Mrs. L, G, Turvey
has been engaged to finish the school
George Peacock of Ottawa Public
School staff is spending the holidays
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jattics
Additional Bhtevale news on page 3,
Y. P. S. Plan Banquet
The Young People's Society
Belgrave United Church met
school room of the church on Wednes
day night last week with the Mission
ary Committee in charge. Elsie Cook
presided with Elaine Walsh at the
piano. The lesson was read by Thel
ma McGuire. The topic for the even
ing consisted of an address by Mrs.
N. Keating on the Hospital work and
its origin among the Indians of Brit
ish Columbia.
Arrangements . were made for a
Young People’s Banquet to be held at
a later date.
Miss Kay Townend, of London, was
an Easter viistor .with her parents,
Rev. J. B. and Mrs, Townend,
Come In and See the New Frigidaire
Electric Hot Elates, Ovens, Etc. at Reduced
We now stock Sheetroc for building, sizes 4
ft K 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 ft, also Fresh Lime, Mason’s
and Finishing, Plaster and Plaster of Paris*
Donald Rae & Son
Gifts for Bazaar Received
The, Ladies’ Guild of Trinity Angli
can Church met at the home of the
President, Mrs. C. Wade, on Thurs
day afternoon. Mrs. J. McGill, the
Vice President/’was in charge of the
■meeting, Several donations for the
bazaar were received, A quilting was
to be held on Wednesday afternoon at
the home of Mrs. R, McCrea, Lunch
was served by the hostess.
Pastor to Change Charge
Rev, J, B, Townend, who has been
minister d Betgrave and Brick Unit
R. A. Reid R. 0.
Eyesight Specialist
Wingham Office „
At Williams’ Jewelry Store
Every Wednesday Morning
9 to noon.
Miss Louise McKenzie, of Sturgeon
Falls, is spending the Easter vacation
with her parents here.
Miss Nora Wheeler, of London, was
a week-end visitor with her parents,
Mr, and Mrs. C. Wheeler,
Mrs. Hodder, of London, is the
guest of her cousin, Mrs. J, A, Bran*
don, for the holiday week.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Yule and Miss
Berna, visited with friends at Strat
ford and Mitchell on Sunday,
The pupils of S. S, No. 7, East and
West Wawanosh, and their teacher,
Miss MacDonald, were at home to the
ladies of the -community on Saturday
afternoon from three until four. After
a program of patriotic and Easter se
lections by the pupils and a solo by
Miss Marjorie MacDonald of Ripley,
the draw for the quilt which was made
by the girls of the school under the
supervision of their teacher, was made
by little Miss Freda Cook, the holder
of the lucky ticket being Mr, George
Webster of Fordyce, Following this,
work done by the pupils was displayed
each pupil having charge of and ex
plaining the display assigned to them,
and this was very interesting to the
visitors. On behalf of those present
Mrs. Mark Armstrong moved a vote
of thanks to Miss .MacDonald and the
pupils for their splendid efort in doing
their bit for a worthwhile cause, as ov
er thirty dollars was raised for the
Red Cross from the sale of tickets on
the quilt and the tea which followed.
The table at the front of the school
was lovely with Easter decorations,
Mrs. Cecil Chamney and Mrs. Mark
Armsrong poured tea and were assist
ed in serving by. Misses Lavina M-c-
Burney, Ruth Robinson, Mary Mason;
Donna Armstrong, Ruth Thompson,
Marjorie MacDonald, Mildred Jones
and Irene Robinson.
Mrs. Geo, Naylor and Miss Jean Ro
binson are spending this week with
friends at Chatham and Wallaceburg.
Mr. Arden Aiken and sons of Lon
don, were week-end guests at the home
of Mr. and — rs, Clarence Chamney.
Mr, and Mrs. Elwin Chnamey and
daughter of Wingham, and Mr. and
Mrs. Erne Doerr and family of Hen-
sal, spent Sunday with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. R. Chamney.
Mr. W. L. Craig of London, was a
visitor o’n Good Friday with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ciraig.
Thcsse-’are shoes that know
the meaning of real work,
They’ll take a clay’s found
ing and come up ready for
more. Here’s value’—for at
any price you’ll get no long
er wear or greater comfort.
$2.39 a"d $3,45
$2.98and $3.95
With Steel Plate '
The congregation of St. Michaels
Church are holding a dance and euch
re party, Wednesday evening in Me
morial Hall. Arthur’s Orchestra will
supply the music.
. Dr. and Mrs. Gordon Ferguson,
Toronto, spent Easter with friends
this vicinity.
Mr. Robert McKee is able to be
round again and assisting Mrs. Diana
Cowan with her sale this week.
A special thank-offering meeting of
the W.M.S. Of the United Church will
be, held Friday afternoon. Mrs. Camp
bell Taverner of Bluevale, will be the
guest speaker.
Miss Annie Mains of Ottawa, is vis
iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Mr. Norman Sinclair of the College
of Education, Toronto, is spending the
holidays with his parents, Rev., Arthur
and Mrs. Sinclair.
Rev, A. M. Boyle visiting his daugh
ters and son in Toronto during the
past week.
Mr. Gordon Johnston of St. Cather
ines, visited his mother, Mrs. Marjr
Special Easter music was a special
feature in all the churches. Mrs. Fer
guson very ably assited the choir in
the United Church with several fine
spent Sunday* with Ethel
church re-opened OH Easter
there being no service during
Mrs, Robert Jones of Toronto, visit
ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mer-
vin Grainger during the holidays.
Mrs. Walter MacFarlane and Janet
Spent Easter with the formers parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Raynard.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Keffer and
the winter months,
Mr, and Mrs, John Rutherford and
Miss Laura Savage spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Savage.
A mascellaneous shower was held at
the home of Mr, and Mrs. Lhwrence
Willis last Wedn&day night in honor
of Mr, and 'Mrs. Roy Koch of Gowan*
stonw (nee Gertrude Willis),
The Misses Franklins of Ethel,
spent Good Friday with their sisiter,
Mrs. Mervin Grainger.
Miss Edithe McDonald of Wroxet-
cr, is spending her holidays at the
home of Mr, and Mrs, Robert McDon
Mn and Mrs. Robt, Turnbull and
daughter spent Easter with her par*
cnts/Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Johnston.
Mr, and Mrs. Wilbert Mathers and
Dunlop’s Shoe Store
“The Home 'Of Good Shoes”
Nelson, and Mr, George Mathers spent
Sunday afternoon with Mr. Henry
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.
Melville Mathers on the arrival of a
baby girl on Sunday morning in Wing
ham General Hospital, Both mother
and baby are doing fine.
Mrs. Samuel Woods is spending
some time at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Melville Mathers,
Mr. .and Mrs. Jim Johnston and dau
ghter spent Easter Sunday with her
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Dobie> at
Mr. and Mrs. Donald .Robertson
spent Easter Sunday-with his mother
and brother, on the 1st line,
Mr, and Mrs. John Bosman and sons
of Dutton, visited with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. H. Bosman and other
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Turnbull’ and
daughter, of Byron, spent Sunday with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Johns
ton and Carl.
Misses Melda and Winnie Lane,
teachers in Orillia,, are spending the
week with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
George Lane.
Miss Ina Campbell, teacher, near
St-. Marys, and little Joan Fowler of
Toronto, are spending the holidays
with the formers parents, Mr. and Mrs
Cyril Campbell.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Miller and fa
mily spent Friday in Kitchener.
Mrs. Erving Zinn spent Friday in
Clinton. *
Miss- Lillian MacLean, near Amber-
ly, spent Sunday with-her friend, Miss
Jean Nelson.
BRAWLEY, Walter E.—-Suddenly on
April 9th, Walter E. Brawley, sur
vived by his wife, Annabel, and dau
ghter Helen,
Private funeral at his late residence
in Georgetown on Sunday at 1 p.m.
Interment in Forest Lawn Cemetery,
After the nice days some of the -far
mers have started to work on the land.
Mr. and Mrs. Robertson, Auburn,
visited with their daughter, Mrs. Spen
ce Irwin and Miss Irwin.
Mr. Glen Cameron, Windsor, spent
Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
T. A. Cameron.
Mrs. Wm. Bridge, Goderich, Mr.
and Mrs. Bill Durose, Sidney and Shir-
ly, .Mr. and Mrs. Bill Whiteside and
baby, Jean, Guelph, spent Friday with
Mrs. John Mullin and Mrs. Nelson.
If you are in need of pipes,
now is the time to stock up.
Pipes we have in stock cannot
be replaced.
Omar Haselgrove’s
Smoke Shoppe
Economy Food Store
SPREAD CHEESE ... 15c Pkg.
E. D. Smith’s Pure TOMATO . _.........
KETCHUP ............. 18c Bottle JUICE
APPLE JUICE...........10c Tin
7“ -■ ............. 50-Oz. Tin 25c
Garden Patch Choice
BLACK TEA .......
COFFEE ............
Tip Top Choice Quality
NO. 4 PEAS -
SOAP FLAKES......’ 3 lbs. 25c
16 oz.
Cocoa.............................15c lb.
FLOUR ......... 75c 244b. Bag
O 20-oz.
M Tin 25c
SOAP ............ 3 Giant Size 20c
Fruit Nappie Free, PRINCESS
SOAP FLAKES .......S5e
.,. 26c lb.
. 18c lb.
. 30c lb.
CHEESE ............ Sic lb.
York Pure PORK SAUSAGE ....
Maple Leaf HEAD CHEESE ....
Lean BREAKFAST BACON .. . . ...............
Sweet Juicy NAVEL ORANGES ... 29c Dozen
Urge Seedless GRAPEFRUIT 5 for 25c
Fresh Crisp RADISHES , 5c Bunch
We help you to Serve by Saving. Bonds redeemable
for War Savings Stamps Free with purchases.