HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1941-04-17, Page 5Thursday, April 17th, 1941 WINGHAM ADVANOWMKS
For the Youngest Generation
IT’S 1
Ho, hum, and a bottle of milk! But milk’s not the only thing that’s need
ed to keep the small folk happy and contented. There are bootees, socks,
night-gowns, dresses, carriage robes, rattles, vestees, etc.,—just to men
tion a few. There are a host of other things and we have them all—styled and priced so exactly right that we’ve
become a favorite rendezvous for wise mothers.
she had witnessed in 1930,
Mr. Earl Cranston held a successful
sale last week and on Monday he,
Mrs. Cranstoii, Evelyn and George
left for their new home at Bervie
where he will be employed with Mr.
Mrs, John Webster, who has spent
the winter with her daughters in Tor
onto, has returned to her home here.
M$ M. Brown, of Kitchener, was
an Jester guest at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. R. Woods.
Teachers and students home for the
Easter vacation, included Misses W.
D. Rutherford, of Kirkland Lake, Ir
ene Woods, of Waterloo, Norma Wea
therhead of Stayner, Dorothy Webster
of London, Jean and Lois Webster, of
Clinton, Marie McCrostie of Toronto,
.............. " ' ' ' ■ ' ' J...... .. .... .'.'■I . ...... .
Baby’s Vests ..................
Flannelette Gowns ................. . . .
® Flannelette 8-Piece Sets'........... .
Bunny Blankets..................
Flannelette Diapers, 27 x 27 ....
Crib Sets, Sheet and Pillow Case
.............................. $1.39
Kapok Pillow, Pink or Blue
....................... 39c
Chenille Carriage Cover Set
Chenille Carriage Cover $1.00
Bonnets ..... 59c, 79c, $1.00
Wool Sweaters ................
............. 89c, $1.25, $1.75
Madeira Bibs........ . 25c
Madeira Slips..................49c
Bath Sets .... 59c, 75c, $1.00
Wash Cloths ..... 2 for 25c
Terry Feeders ......... 15c
Scientific Teethers................
Kenwood Crib Blankets ... $2.95
25c, 50c, 75c
........ 39c, 49c
... 59c, 85c, $1.00
... .I Dozen $1.00
Baby’s Wool Suits .. . . .................................$1,98, $2.25
Voile Dresses ....... J ...................................... $1.00
Voile Slips to match ...................................................59c
Silk Crepe Dresses.......................................$1.00, $1.39
Diaper Bag, Damp Proof..........................................59c
Rompers..........79c, $1.00, $1.25
Shoes, White only .. $1.00, $1.25
Harness for Carriage, etc.
...................................., 98c
Play Pen Pad 40x40 .. $2.25
Plate and Cup Sets 79c, $1.00
Stay Warm Feeder Plate
Pictures......................... 59c
Novelties - Rattles 19c to 49c
Hi-Lo Safety Blocks .. . 49c
Books keep the Baby’s ’
Record ... 50c, 79c, $1.00
Spoon and Fork Sets ... 49c
Nonspill Spoons ..............25c
Johnston’s Bath Sets: Cloth,
Soap, Powder and Q-Tips. 89c
Make Our Store Your Headquarters For Baby Supplies
======= See Window ===^=
Telephone 36
/ (ASUXfy
“The Store Where Lower Prices Prevail”
Holiday Visitors:
(Misses Hazel and Minnie Weir, of
Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Weir, of
Niagara Falls, with Mr. and Mrs, D.
L. Weir; Mr. A. B. Longley with
friends in Toronto; Miss Laura Ben
nett, of Toronto, with her mother, Mrs.
Edwin Bennett and other friends; Mr.
Eldred Gathers, of Toronto, with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cath-
ers; Mr. Wm. Palmer and grandson,
Willie Buschart, of Sudbury, with Mr.
and Mrs. Edwin Palmer; Miss Evelyn
Sharpin, south of Gorrie, with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Sharpin.
William Andrew Lackie
William Andrew Lackie, well-known
resident of Lucan district .for the past
22 years, dropped dead from a heart
attack Monday. He was in his 73rd
Mr. Lackie was born in Thedford
and had lived in Wroxeter district in
Huron County prior to coming to Lu
can. He farmed near the village until
he retired and moved to Lucan four
'years ago. He was a member of the
United Church. Surviving are his wife,
formerly Miss Mary Ellen Neill; three
daughters, Mrs. White, Brantford;
Mrs. Franey, Hamilton, and Mrs. W.
Wadsworth, of Lucan; three sons,
John, of Waterloo; Neil and George,
■of Lucan; three (brothers, John, of Chi
cago, George S. and Crosbie, of Lon
The funeral will be held from the
C. Haskett & Son funeral home, Luc
an, on Wednesday at 1.30 p.m. Inter
ment will be in Wroxeter Cemetery.
This is your opportunity to save on these
dresses as we have gone over our range arid picked
out a lot of broken sizes and colors from our reg
ular stock. Sizes 14 to 22%.’
$8.95 Values................. $3.89
$6.95 Values........................... $2.89
$2.98 Values........................... ..................1 CQ
Walker Stores, Limited
“The Store Where Lower Prices Prevail”
Telephone 36 Wingham, Ont.
Mr. John Baiers spent the week-end
with his son in Mitchell.
Mr. ‘’Buss" Doig and Miss E. Jack-
son, of Arthur, spent Easter with the
former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Sergt, R. G. Newton who is station
ed at Kitchener, is at his. home, here
for a few days . Mrs. Newton accom
panied her husband to Toronto for a
few days this week.
Miss Eleanore Carson is spending'
this week with friends in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Johnson' -and
Mrs. Harry King, London, spent Eas
ter with Mrs. Johnston’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Steve King.
Misses Jean Gadke and Lenora Wil
son, of Fordwich, were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Chas. Black on Monday.
Congratulations are extended Jo Mr-,
and Mrs. Clifford Willitts, Port Dov
er, Easter bride and groom, who are
spending part of their honeymoon
with Gorrie friends.
The Easter dance held here Monday
night was very successful despite ex
tremely bad road conditions, and the
committee in charge are to be com
mended on the hall decorations, car
ried out in Easter colors, with bal
loons added, making it a nice setting
for the jolly party,
.. Twelve members were in attendance
’at the regular meeting of the C.G.I.T.
held on Thursday evening last week.
During the business period it was de
cided that the girls continue making
two quilts under the leadership of Mrs..
Mundell. Miss E. Stephens and Elea
nore Carson were appointed to attend;
the G.G.I.T. Conference held in Tor
onto’this week. Margaret Thompson
and Margaret Ruttan were appointed;
to-attend the W.M.S. Presbyterial at a.
later date. Hymn “Jesus, lover of my,
soul” was sung. Margaret Thompson
began the devotional period by quot
ing the meditation. A poem “The Path
of God” was read by Helen Irwin-, fol
lowed by Margaret Ruttan,, Jean and
■Wilma Heibein, Lucille Underwood
and Doreen Hamilton each taking part
in the reading on an article on “What
Religion Does. Hymn “Just as I am’*
was sung. The C.G.I.T. Purpose was
repeated in unison and “Taps” was
sung.' Miss Stephens presided over the-
singing games which brought the:
meeting to a close.
Mrs. Hiseler and family spent Eas
ter in Kitchener.
Pte. Stewart’ Carter, London, was
home for the week-end.
Mr. John Lamb, Brantford, was a
week-end guest of his mother.
Miss Ida Lutton, London, was an
Easter visitor at her home here.
Mr. Ken. Crawford, Waterloo, was
in town for the Easter vacation.
Miss Kate King, ' Sarnia, is visiting
with her mother, Mrs. T. C. King.
Mr. Frank Hopper, Toronto, was a
visitor in town over the week-end.
Mr. Benson Hamilton, of Seaforth,
spent the week-end with his parents.
Mr. Thomas Simpson, of Windsor,
was a visitor in town over the week
iMr. Harvey Burgess, Toronto, was
a visitor over the week-end with his
SUNDAY, April 27, 1941
Full Information from Agents
Canadian National Railway
.. . ... y..»,,...,. ■
Mr. Harry Posliff, of Western Uni
versity, ^London, was home for the
Miss Isabel Habkirk, of the Toronto
General. Hospital, was home for the
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hillman and Miss
Alice Dore, of Galt, visited with Mrs.
Wm. Dore.
Private Alvin Potter, Camp Borden,
was a visitor at his home, in Lower
Mrs. E. Zeigler, Kitchener, is visit
ing her mother, Mrs. W. Williamson,
at present.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Harris were visit
ors with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
H. Rintoul.
Mrs. J. E. DuBray, of Midland, is
spending a week with her sister, Mrs.
S. Bateson.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith and son
of Chcsley, visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. James.
Miss Joyce Elliott, of Ripley, is vis
iting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. J. Moffatt.
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Fox and baby,
of Guelph, were week-end visitors with
their parents.
Miss Margaret Mason, of Stratford,
was a visitor at her home here over
the week-end.
Miss Louise Hanna, Guelph, was an
Easter viistor with her mother, Mrs.
G. C. Hanna. ,
Miss Annie Stewart, of Toronto,
spent the Easter week-end with Mrs.
Adam Johnston.
Misses Marjorie and Margaret Fish
er are spending the Easter holidays at
their home here,
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wilson, of
St. Thomas, were week-end visitors
with his mother.
Miss Jean Fralick, Toronto, was tlie
guest of her parents in Turnberry ov
er the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Currie and Jack,
of Islington, spent a few days in Wing
ham and vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Miller and dau
ghter, Helen, visited in London over
the Easter holiday.
.Mrs. Wilson Turner and daughter,
Phyliss, Toronto, were guests of Dr.
and Mrs. Geo. Ross.
Miss Mary Johnson, of Ottawa, was
a week-end visitor with her mother,
Mrs. Adam Johnston.
Mr. Murray Rae, Listowel, is spend
ing his holidays with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Donald Rae.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Key and family,
of Sebringville, were visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. E. Armitage. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Sid Johnson, Toronto,;
were week-end visitors with Mr, and
Mrs. G. T. Robertson,
Miss Ann Wilson, Toronto, was a
week-end visitor with her mother, Mrs,
John Wilson, Edward St.
Mrs. O. Thompson, Listowel, was a
week-end visitor with her daughter,
Mrs. R.S. Hetherington.
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Williamson and
family, Toronto, spent* the week-end
with Mrs. W. Williamson.
Sapper James Bowman, of the Roy
al Canadian Engineers, of Petawawa,
was home for the week-end.
Bandmaster Geo. J. Wright, Ches-
ley, is spending the Easter holidays
with his sister, Mrs. E. Jacobs.
Mr. and Mrs. Russel Farrow, Galt,
were week-end visitors witli her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Clark.
Misses Jean and Mary Louise
Towne are visitors this week with Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Connolly, Stratford.
Miss Ver.n Walker, of Hickson, is
spending the Easter vacation with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Walker.
Mrs. Alvin Edgar and children, of
London, are visiting at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Mof
Miss Norma Coutts, Orangeville, is
home or the holidays. Mr. Carmen
Coutts, Ottawa, was a week-end vis
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Cronkwright
were week-end visitors with the latter’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Temple
AQ. Charles McKibbon of the R.C.
A.F,,^Manning Depot Pool, Toronto,
was home for a couple, of days last
Miss Betty Lloyd, of Alma College,
St. Thomas, is spending the holidays
with her parents, MN’and Mrs. R. H.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert White, Port
Colborne, and Mr. and Mrs. Garnet
Baker, Galt, were guests of the Misses
Johns. ,
Misses Jean and Ruth iMitchqll, of
Toronto were Easter visitors with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
Mrs. W. W. Armstrong was a Tor
onto visitor over the week-end. Mr.
Armstrong and Craig were in Peter
Mr. and Mrs. Will Coleman, also
Mr. and Mrs, C. E, Steward, Toronto,
spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs.
Jas. Isard.
Guests with Mr, and Mrs. Donald
Rae over the week-end were, Mr. S.
C. Rae and Mrs. E. Porteous, of Lon
don, Mrs. N. Richardson, Kay and
Jean, of Ingersol. 9
Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Forgie and fam
ily, Islington, al$& Mr. Wm», Forgie,
Toronto, were week-end? visitors with
Mrs. Wm. Forgie.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Carmichael and
daughter, Patsy, of London, were
week-end visitors with her brother,
Mr. Robert Hopper.
Mr. W. G. Gray and Mrs. W. H.
Waram were week-end visitors with
the former’s son, Mr. Howard Gray,
Niagara Falls, N.Y.
Miss Mary Elizabeth McKibbon, of
MacDonald Institute, Guelph, was a
week-end visitor with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. W. McKibbon.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Connolly, Strat
ford, were week-end visitors with Mrs.
Harry Towne, and Lieut. Towiie, who
was home for the week-end.
Miss Irlma Harrison, who is attend
ing Shaw’s Business College, Toronto,
spent the week-end with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Harrison.
AC “Ace” Bateson, of Victoriaville,
Que., and Miss Helen Bateson, Lon
don, were visitors at the home of their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Bateson.
Sgt. Alex Corrigan of the 11th Pro
vost Comp., Chatham, also Mr. and
Mrs. Stanley Doubleday, of Toronto,
were Easter guests with Mr. and Mrs.
W. H. Blundell.
Capt.. T. W. Platt, Bdr. Cliff. Tam
an, Bdr. Hugh Cummings, Gnr. Hen
ry Ross and Gnr. Cliff Jenkins, of the
100th Battery, Petawawa, were home
for the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hetherington,
of Toronto, also Dr. Bert and Mrs.
Hetherington, of Brampton, were
week-end visitors with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Hetherington.
Mrs.- George Mason Sr., who has
spent the winter at Cookstown, re
turned home Saturday with Mrs. Beat-
tie, who has viisted at Ingersol and
Cookstown. Mr. and Mrs. George T.
Gregory motored them here.
Mrs. R..J. Woods has returned to
her home here after spending the win
ter with members of her family.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Douglas and fam
ily, of Mitchell, were recent guests of
Mr. and Mrs. John Cameron.
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Collyer and lit
tle son, Teddy, of Westwood, are vis
itors for the holidays with Mr. and
Mrs. E. J. Thom.
Miss Anna Stuart, of Toronto, spent
the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Geo,
The weekly meeting of the Y.P.U.
was held on Sunday evening with
Winnie Barnard presiding. Irene
Woods read the Scripture lesson and
Mrs. E. W. Rice favoured with a solo.
Miss W. D, Rutheford delighted her
dpdience with the story of the famous
Passion Flay of Oberammergau which
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