The Wingham Advance-Times, 1941-04-17, Page 3Thursday, .April 17 th, 1941 WJNGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES
★ When yoq let us write your auto
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Mr. Kenneth Campbell, of Toronto,''
visited on Friday -with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Campbell,
Several from this vicinity attended
the Easter Cantata at Auburn Friday
evening and enjoyed it very much.
Mr. Bob Henry has returned home
- after spending se.veral weeks at Guelph
taking a short course in agriculture.
Miss Jean Campbell, of Kitchener,
spent the week-end with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Campbell.
Mr. and * Mrs. R. Stonehouse and
Mr, Donald Stonehouse, of Goderich,
visited Friday with Mr. J. L. Stone
house and other friends.
Mrs. Wm. Blair, of Brucefield, spent
Sunday at the home of her son, Hugh
Blair and Mrs. Blair.
Mrs. Mansel Cook and children vis
ited with Mrs. Eddie Johnston, Blyth.
Misses Minnie and Elsie Snell, Fort
jBbErie,, were week-end guests at the'
W^home of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McDowell..
Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Jenning and fam
ily, of Windsor, were guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walden.
Master Donald Cowan, of Blyth, is
visiting at the home of his uncle, Mr.
Marvin McDowell.
.Misses Alice and Zella Cook, Wing
ham, spent Sunday with their parents,
Mr. and. Mrs. Fred W. Cook.
Mr. A. H, Carter, of Toronto, Mr.
and Mrs. Norman Carter, Mrs. Jamie
son, Miss' Joyce Carter, of Seaforth
were guests on S-unday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Campbell.
Mrs. Wm. McDowell is visiting at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Daub
of Brantford.
Master Donald Campbell is visiting
at he home of his sister, Mrs.. Arthur
Speigelburg of Kitchener.
Miss Mae Mason, of Blyth, spent
Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Mason.
Master John and Jim Sibthorpe,
Blyth, are holidaying at the home
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McDowell.
At the Sunday School service on
Sunday an Easter trio was rendered
by Mildred Carter, Dorothy Govier
and Janetta Snell. At the church ser
vice Rev. H. C. Wilson took his text
from St. John 19: 41. An Easter an
them was rendered by the men’s choir,
and the Jr. quartette, Norman Mc
Dowell, Douglas Campbell, Harvey
McDowell and Lloyd Walden favored
with a number,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lockwood, of
Clinton, visited with Mr. and Mrs., W.
4 Mr. and Mrs, W. A. Campbell visit
ed on Monday with Mr, and Mrs. Ar
thur Speigelburg at Kitchener.
Mr. Warren Bamford, of Cumber
land, is visiting his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Bamford.
Mr.^qnd Mrs. Norman McDowell,
Mr. Wm. McDowell were recent Lon
don visitors.
Mr. and Mrs, W. F. Campbell, Miss
Winnifred, visited on Monday with
Mrs. J, Tamblyn, Londesboro.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Vincent, Walk
erburn, were Westfield visitors Sun
Mrs, Wilson, of Clinton, visited on
Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. Wm.
Mr. and Mrs. Pat O’Malley, Tor
onto, visited on Sunday with Mr. R.
Mr, and Mrs, Earl Wightman and
family visited Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Pharis Mathers, of Lucknow.
But His Indigestion Was Relieved
by Kruschen
The treatment which put this man right must surely be worth
trying in every case of indigestion.
Read, what he says:—-
’’Two years ago I suffered very
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stomach. I felt most miserable
after meals, and had. no desire or
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and I am most happy to testify that
after a short time I felt the greatest
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till I felt myself quite better and a new man. I feel as light-hearted as
I did twenty years ago.”—W.B.
The several salts in Kruschen
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lions take the ’’little daily dose.” At
all drugstores.
of Sec.-Treas. President’s Address, 1
Report of Convenors of Standing ’
Committees. Report of Nominating i
Committee and Election of Officers.
Come prepared to discuss the new ‘co
operative programme. ,
Easter Visitors;
Mrs. M. L. Aitken, of Hollen, and
Mis§ Dorothy Aitken, St. Marys, are
spending the holidays with Miss Duff,
Mr. and Mrs. James F, Scott, Sea
forth, were Sunday visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. G, A. Love. Mr, and Mrs,
A, D. Scott returned home to Seaforth
after a two months’ visit with Mr. and
Mrs, Love.
Mrs. Neil B. McEachern, Louise,
Gilbert and Neil,
spent the holiday
Mr. and Mrs. R. F
Mr. and Mrs. S.
ter, of Detroit, Mr.
ridge and family, of Fordwich, were
week-end visitors with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W, W, Mann.
Miss Isobel McKinnon, Kitchener,
spent the week-end with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. McKinnon.
Miss Dorothy Greenway was an
Easter visitor with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Jos. Greenway,
Miss Rhoda Robertson was a holi
day visitor at her home here,
Mrs. Raymond Elliott spent the
week-end with her daughter, Miss Lois
Elliott, in Toronto.
of Mount Forest,
with her parents,
Ralph and daugh-
and Mrs. R, Aid*
Dr. Wilson, of Toronto, Preached
Easter Thanksgiving services were
held in Knox Presbyterian Church on
Sunday when Rev. James Wilson, D.
D., of Toronto, was the guest speak
er, At the morning seryice he based
his remarks on the story of the ten
lepers who were cleansed and only one
returned to give thanks. He mention
ed some of our blessings today, Life,
the" country in which we live, the
Church of. the Living God; and God’s
gift-of love, pointing out that bless
ings require sacrifice. In the evening
he took as his subject the action of
Levi, how he instantly obeyed when
Christ said “Follow Me.” Special Eas
ter music was rendered by the choir.
A pot of beautiful Easter Lillies, the
gift of Arnold Lillow, R.C.A.F.,
training at Moncton, N.B., added
the significance of the service.
Thank-Offering Meeting Held
The Women’s Missionary Society of
the United Church held the annual
Easter Thank-Offering meeting Sun-
day morning. The president, Mrs. R,
J. McLennon, presided, Mrs. C. Tav
ener assisted in the devotions. A duet
“God Will Take Care Of You” was
sung by Mrs. Earl HamiRon and Miss
Isobel McKinnon. Dr. Annie Ross, of
Blyth, who has had a wide missionary
experience, was the guest speaker. Her
address was on “Answers to Prayers
of Faith,” The church was beautiful
with daffodils.
Mr, Shaw Addressed Y.P.U.
Flemming John.ston presided at the
Y.P.U. meeting at the United Church
on Friday evening. The devotions,
prayer and Scripture reading were tak
en by W, J. Johnston and Mrs. Earl
Hamilton.. Mrs. Robert .Shaw gave an
address on “Easter and What It
Means to the World.” A solo by Mrs,
Bert Mann was enjoyed.
Institute Meets April 21st
The monthly meeting of the Wo
men’s Institute will be held on Mon
day, April 21st, at 2.30 at the home of
Miss Duff. Roll Call, How I intend
to help the Women’s Institute next
year, and paying fees. Motto: Pluck
not luck, is the reason why women
succeed, Mrs. Chas. Johnston. Report
These Advantages Are
Available To You
* )——■
1 _ >f
The following is the East report for
the senior room. Grade A 75 to 100%,
B, 65 to 74%, C, 55 to 64%, D, below
, 55%,
Grade 8—Hugh Hutchison A, Dor
een Harrison B, Lucille Underwood
B, Betty Heinmiller B, Helen Irwin C,
Mac Hutchison G, Bob Nay C, Bill
Heibein C, Wilma Heibein, absent.
Grade 7—Mary Ritchie A, Norman
Carson A, Greta Hyndman C, Lome
King D.
Grade 6—Jim Tamin B, Clara Harp
er B, Laura Anger C.
Grade 5—Pauline Heinmiller A, Er-
land Gregg B, Stewart Strong C.
Teacher—J. Gordon Mundell.
Junior Room
Grading—A, 75 to 100%; B, 65 to
74%; C,' 55 to 64%; D, 45 to 54%. .
Grade IV—George Gregg A, Boibby
Harrison C, Betty Harper B, Grace
Harper A, Tom Newton, B, Helen
Strong A.
Grade III*—Florence Anger B, Bill
Nay D, Hilda Neill B, Patricia Strong
B, Dorothy Watson C.
Grade II—Bruce Anger C, Dorothy
Downey C, Marion Downey A, Bobby
Edgar A, Nelsen Harper B, Donald
Irwin A, Shirley Newton B, Bobby
Stephens A, Jim Walker A.
Grade I—Evelyn Anger C, Norman
Anger B, Norma Nc h B, Gladys Har
per B, Edith Hastie A, Donald. Hues-
ton A, Eleanore, Stephens - A, Betty
Zimmerman A.
Edna M. Davidson, Teacher,
You may open an account for as small a
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Applications invited for first mortgage or
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Even after the head of the house can no
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Eor less than one cent a day you can assure
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Owen Sound, Ont.
O. E. Manning,
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Dual Windshield Wipers
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HAVE MADE PLYMOUTH SO FAMOUSI 1941 Plymouth Roadking Special 4-Door Touring Sedan
You’ll Be Surprised How Small An Amount a Month Will Put You
Behind the Wheel of This Beautiful Plymouth Roadking Special!
Gorrie, April 5th, 1941
The Council met in the Township
Hall, according to adjournment, the
members were all present, the Reeve,
J. W. Gamble, in the chair.
The minutes of last regular meeting,
also special meetings, were read, and
on motion of Strong and McCallum,
were adopted.
Moved by Strong and Weir that the
insurance on Township Roads, as car
ried by the A. E. Wilson & Company,
be renewed for the year 1941. Carried.
Moved by Winter and McCallum
that the report of the School Attend
ance Officer for the month of Febru
ary, as read, be accepted and placed
on file , Carried.
Moved by Strong and Winter that
the time for the return of the Collect
ors’ Rolls be extended to the regular
meeting of the Council in May. Car
Moved by Winter ’ and McCallum
that the Road Accounts, as approved,
be paid. Carried.
’ Moved by Strong and Weir that the
following accounts be paid. Carried.
Isaac Gamble, part salary as Clerk
$35.00; Norman Wade, premium on
Road Insurance $203.00; Isaac Gamble
O.A.P. & M.A., 1940 $24.50; Herb
Collins, Part salary as Relief Officer
$12.00; Fordwich Cem. Bd., Interest
on Trust Fund $123.60; J. H. Rogers,
2 bulbs in Fordwich shed $1.10; >E. B.
Mahood, refund of dog tax, $2.00; Re
lief $107.86; Road Expenditures $239.-
Moved by McCallum and Winter
that this Council do now adjourn, to
meet in the United Church Hall, Ford
wich, on the fifth day of May, or
the call of the Reeve. Carried.
Isaac Gamble, Clerk.
Mr. Willium Townsend, of Jarvis,
spent a couple of days at his home on
the 4th Con.
Mr, Robert Wade, of London, spent
the week-end with his patents, Mr,
and Mrs. Horman Wad.e
Miss. Dorothy Dote, of Toronto, is
holidaying with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. William Doig.
Miss Evelyn Stephens is attending
the O.E.A. in Toronto this week.
Miss Dorothy Heinmiller, nurse-in
training, General Hospital, Toronto, is
spending a couple of week with her
‘ mother, Mrs. A. Heinmiller, .Miss
Ruth Heinmiller, of Chcsley, spent
Good Friday with her mother, also
Miss Emily, also of Chesley, was a
week-end guest at her home here.
Miss Edith Ritchie has accepted a
position in the office of R. J. Hueston
& Son Chopping Mill, beginning on
Monday of this week.
Mrs. Woodcock, of Toronto, is '.vis
iting her daughter, Mrs. Morley John
son and parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. A.
Mr. William McLeod, of Wroxeter,
visited with Gorrie friends on Wed
Miss Marlene Barton, of Myrtle, is
spending the Easter vacation with her
aunt, Miss J. Pearl Stinson.
Guests of Mr. and Mrs, Archie Mill
er are, Mrs. Arscott of Toronto, Mrs.
William Miller and daughter, Mrs.
John Krasko, of Calgaiy.
Sergt. John Neilson, of Petawawa.
spent a few days with his mother, Mrs.
Neilson, during, the past week.
Mr. George Copeland, of London,
spent Easter with his parents, Rev.
and Mrs. R. C. Copeland at the par
Miss Madeline Ritchie, of Toronto,
is spending this week with her moth
er, Mrs. Clare Ritchie.
Mrs. May and Miss Edna Laurence,
of Toronto, spent Easter with ’ their
parents, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Laur
ence. ’
Master Jimmie Allen, of Wroxeter,
was the little guest with his grandmo
ther, Mrs. Ross, over the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. Miles, of Toronto,
spent the week-end with the latter’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Wade.
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Irwin, of Long
Branch, were Good Friday guests of
the former’s father, Mr. and Mrs. W.
A. Irwin.
Mr, and Mrs. Walker Hastie, little
son, Donald, and niece, Arlene Hastie,
of Toronto, were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Kenneth Hastie on Good Friday.
Mr. Elgin King, of London, spent
Easter with his parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Steve King.
Mr, Harold Edgar, of Toronto,
spent the week-end with his patents,
Mt, and Mts» (Gordon Edgar.
I Miss Blyth Underwood has accepted'
a position in the newly opened egg
grading station in connection with R-
H. Stephen & Son’s general store.
Master Lome King was a recent'
London visitor.
Miss Davidson, local teacher-, is
spending her easter vacation at her
home in Brussel's.
On Sunday next, April 20th, Com
munion Service will be held in Gorrie
United Church.
Time Table Changes
SUNDAY, April 27, 1941
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