HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1941-04-03, Page 2page two A ..........,, ......-.■Tnrr . WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES 'Thursday, April 3rd, 1941 Pledge for War Savings farm. The deer didn’t m^kp it, catch­ ing its hindLhoQfs on the wire and breaking its hip in the ensuing fall. This was two miles south of Port Al­ bert. Soon Provincial police arrived with a local butcher, the animal was killed and the carcass brought to God­ erich, where it was dressed, cut up and divided among public institutions. —Goderich Signal-Star. Reported Recovering From Air Crasl AC. J, Flowers, R.A.F, wireless op erator, only survivor of thO airplan crash in which seven British airmei were killed near Bond Head, on Mar. 13, has been removed from Barrie Hospital to Camp Borden, according to the issue of The Compass News, newspaper of Port Albert Airport. Wingham Advance-Times Published at WINGHAM - ONTARIO Subscription. Rate — One Year $2.00 Six months, $1.00 in advance To U. S. A,, $2.50 per year. Foreign rate, $3,00 per year. Advertising rates on application. what she took to be a door slamming upstairs but upon investigating found •.moke pouring from the attic. The Hensail firemen responded, saving the residence. Considerable damage was done to the roof, attic and bedrooms. Origin of the fire is not known. Nest of Wolves Uncovered, Boys Take Four Young While cutting wood in J. Melville’s bush, Biondyke road, Bosanquet Township, the woodcutters’ attention was drawn to the roots of an old tree where their dog was pawing viciously. On investigation they discovered a wolf’s nest, with the mother wolf and four baby wolves ,presumably about two days old, WALKERTON EDITOR SERIOUSLY ILL From the Walkerton Herald-Times we learn of the serious illness of its editor, Mr. J. A. Wesley, who suffered a slight stroke from which he has shown only meagre signs of recovery. Mr. Wesley is a clever writer and many of his news articles carry a hum­ orous vein, a gift which very few pos­ sess but many envy. While in Mr. Frank Eidt, he has an able assistant, who is very capable of publishing a newsy weekly, we look forward to the time when Mr. Wesley is recovered and occupies the editorial chair once more. Seaforth Man. Charges Theft of Securities Theft of a quantity of stock certifi­ cates from Thomas Dickson of Sea­ forth, is charged against Neil C. Reid, 34, of Woodlawn avenue, Toronto, who was arrested in the office of Ar­ thur Verity of the Ontario Securities Commission at Queen’s Park. Mr. Reid was taken into custody after a charge had been laid against him, by the Seaforth complainant. Select Rink Site The committee named by Kincard­ ine Business Men’s Association and the town council has been busy the past three months procuring estimates and plans for erection of a new skat­ ing rink, This work has been com­ pleted and shortly a number from the committee will lay the plans before Ontario Municipal Board for its ap­ proval. Sanction of the Board is ne­ cessary before the council can have a by-law drafted for voting.—Kincardine News. An Out of the Ordinary Birth Announcement— The writing of a birth notice or an­ nouncement is usually a matter of fol­ lowing some recognized form by the different papers. One which appeared in a repent issue of. the Globe and Mail, however, does not follow any re­ cognized form and without a doubt wins the prize for its originality. Here it is: Chesher — Finally, on Saturday morning, March 8, 1941, at St. Mich­ ael’s Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. Merton Chesher (nee Gloria Barr) a son, Noel Merton (seven pounds, five ounces). Mother and son fine. Father slowly recuperating. E E NEWS of the DISTRICT StieiiiiMiiiirtiiiiuiHiiiiiiiitiiiitiuiiiiiaiaiHiiMMiiiiiiitittuiiif Hensail Residence Is Damaged By Fire The brick residence of Mark Drys­ dale, <of Hensail, was damaged consid­ erably by fire Thursday night. Mrs. Drysdale, sewing downstairs, heard o Orangemen Elect At a meeting of the West Bruce County L.O.L. held/in the Orange Hall, Lucknow, the following officers were re-elected for the year: County Master, Earle Hodgins; deputy Mast­ er, Earl Tout; chaplain, John McQuil- lin; recording secretary, C. E. McDon- agh; treasurer, Harold Gardner; fin­ ancial secretary, Arthur Hodgins; marshal', William Stanley; lecturer, I. Pinnel, Ben S. Logan. —s-------- Faces Charge of Dajngerous Driving Earl T, Williams, young Goderich Township farmer, was committee for trial at the June sessions on a charge of dangerous driving arising after a preliminary trial before Magistrate J. A. Makins. Bail was fixed at $2,000. The prosecution arises out of a fatal motor accident on No. 3 .highway, one j and a quarter miles west of Clinton, at 6.30 o’clock on Christmas Eve, 1940, when Mrs. Emma Kirby, 30, of Oshawa, was killed when a car driven by Williams struck a buggy in which Mrs. Kirby was riding.. Two Eggs In One tin the Review office window is an egg within an egg, It was laid Tues­ day by one of Mr. Martin Stewart’s Leghorn hens. The outside egg meas­ ures 10 inches by 7 inches in circum­ ference, and the inside egg is a good sized hen’s egg enclosed in another perfect shell. The weight was 5'ounces after some of the “white" of the out­ side egg had been emptied out.—Har­ riston Review. Deer Hits Car A deer jumped from a snow bank into the side of H. B. Allen’s car on Monday evening. As Mr. and Mrs. Al­ len were driving along the north grav­ el road about eleven-thirty the deer, apparently attracted by the lights, hit the side of the cay -when they were just north of town in front A. Wood­ row’s. Mr. Allen stopped the car but the deer was apparently uninjured for it had immediately bounded away out of sight.—Brussels Post. BRAIN-TEASERS 1. Who were know as (a) “Lady of the Lamp”; (b) “The Iron Chancel­ lor"; (c) “The Iron Duke”; (d) “The Swedish Nightingale”? 2. Name the authors of (a) “The Pied Piper of Hamelin”; (b) “Alice in Won­ derland”; (c) “Kenilworth”; (d) “Pyg­ malion”. 3. How are these British family names pronounced? — Cholmondeley, Mainwaring, Strachan, Colquhoun. 4. What were the former names of — Oslo, Leningrad, Istanbul? 5. Which of the following were Ir­ ish? — (a) Lord Nelson; (b) Duke of Wellington; (c) Earl of Ypres; (d) Lord Kitchener. 6. Who; commanded the English fleet at the defeat of the Spanish Armada? Try and answer then turn to page answers. these questions, Six for correct WORDS OF INSPIRATION “It • Si* 12 pure breeds and several crosses. "Xtra-Profit" and Standard grades. See me for full particulars. Place your order here. A. C. Adams Wingham CHICKS ON DISPLAY Car Deal Brings Sentence Goderich — Found guilty of theft by converting the automobile of the late Wesley G. McCausland to his own use, J. B., Lavis, former Clinton gar­ ageman, was sentenced to one month in jail by Judge Costello in county criminal court. Bat Disrupts Service A bat, a species of flying mammal which is usually associated with the lower regions, awoke from its long winter siesta in the eaves of the Unit­ ed Chtirch and entering the sacred ed­ ifice, so disrupted- the evening wor­ ship on Sunday last that an early clos­ ing was made necessary—Walkerton Herald-Times. Thought A Week , For A People At War - is up to us to see that the wheels of our war industry are kept turning .to maximum capacity, to ac­ cept the sacrifices and readjustments that are necessary to feed the war ma­ chine and to do so ungrudgingly, to find the money to finance our.effort and to give it with both hands, to sink our petty differences and present a united home front to our enemies.”— James S. Duncan, President, Massey- Harris Company, Toronto. C-I441B and Light. IjnWlBUlAlft. G Now is the time to see your dealer about a new Chevrolet. Now—while you can get so much motor car value for your money! Now—-while low price buys “all the necessities and most of the luxuries of modern motoring”! Never has a car carried more advancements and advan­ tages than this year’s value-leading Chevrolet . . . Concealed Safety • Steps . . . comfort-increasing Knee- Action . . . quality Body by Fisher ... Vacuum-Power Shift, at no extra cost. , . 41 great features for ’41! The new Chevrolet has been sized ahead, styled ahead, designed ahead for your protection. Eye it, try it, buy it today. Enjoy immediate delivery and make sure of depend­ able motoring in the years ahead. 41 FEATURES FOR ’41 1. Concealed Safety Steps. 2. Tiptoe-Matic Clutch. 3. Reinforced Unisteel Turret Top. 4. Box Girder Frame. 5. Safe-T-Special Hydraulic Brakes. 6. Separate Parking Brake. 7. Shockproof Steering. 8. Valve-in-Head Engine. 9. Vacuum-Power Shift. 10. Unitized Knee-Action. 11. Thrilling New Bigness. 12. Automatic Dome Light. 13. Ventilation Drip Shields. 14. Dual Panel Door Construction. 15. All Doors Hinged from Front. 16. Concealed Door Hinges. 17. Harmonic Balancer. 18.58% "-wide Front Seat. 19. Two Arm Rests. 20. Convenient Front Seat Adjustment. 21. Full Horn Ring. 22. Dual Horns Mounted Behind Radiator Grille. 23. Weight 3250 lbs. 24. Glass Area 2264 sq. ins. 25. Automatic Locks on All Doors. 26. Left and Right Door Front Locks. 27. Instrument Panel Clock. 28. Glove Compartment with Lock 29. Accessible Trunk Lock. 30. Evenly Mounted Windshield Wipers. 31. Rear Axle Inspection Plate. 32. Individually Cooled Cylinders. 33. Self-Adjusting Tension-Type Rear Shackles. 34. Rubber Cushioned Rear Spring Mountings. 35. Steel-bound Felt Window Glass Channels. 36. Positive Crank-Controlled Vehtipanes with Lock. 37. Six Bolts Hold Rear Wheels Axle. 38. Two Adjustable Sun Visors. 39. Lavish Use of Bright'Metal. 40. Front Seat and Door Scuff Pads. 41. Hypoid Rear Axle. Spring to Flanged A Fatal Jump On Saturdaj' morning Wilfrid Stev­ enson watched a deer, a three-year-old doe, try to jump a wire fence on Iris SAFE AFTER DARK? t I I1 ► Is Your House Observe 51st Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. W, J. Walker quietly observed their 51st wedding anniver­ sary on Wednesday of this week at their home on High street. Mr. and Mrs. Walker were married in Brussels on March 26th, 1890-. They came to Seaforth in 1906 and engaged in the furniture and undertaking business, •which they conducted until retiring in 1940. Their family consists of two sons and two daughters, Sam, Tim­ mins; Mary, Ottawa; Mrs. Cameron (Grace), Toronto, and Jack, in the R. C. A. F., Toronto.—Seaforth News. Deer Fleeing Dogs Crash Hotel Window Durham — Two female deer, flee­ ing from dogs, raced through the town’s business district and crashed through a window of the Hahn House, Durham. The animals, which suffered cuts when they .fell on the slippery floor of the hotel, were bound and ta­ ken to Dr. J. B. Jamieson’s game pre­ serve where they were released. Rahns Will Build Modern Theatre On ‘Hollow’ Site Another gigantic step toward the guilding up of the Main Street “hol­ low" was taken Wednesday afternoon with the signing of the necessary pa­ pers, turning over the mer Henkel property Rahn for the erection ern theatre building. extending 110 feet west of J. G. Russ- wurm’s furniture store, was taken ov­ er by the town some years ago for arrears of taxes, and was sold to Mrs. Rahn for the nominal sum of $10, on condition’that a theatre building be erected thereon this year. The pro­ posed building is to be 110 feet by 60 feet and besides the theatre will house two, and perhaps three stores, — Haft* over Rost. title of the for- to Mrs. G. B. of a new, mod- This property, MOLESWORTH (Too Late for Last Week) Mrs. (Dr.) Howard Mitchell and two children, John and Jane, Montreal, Que., have arrived and will make their home here during Dr. Mitchell’s stay in England. We welcome Mrs. Mit­ chell and children to our village. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Cumming have moved into the house they, recently purchased from Mr. Bert Spence in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Beverly Mitchell and baby have moved to the Cumming farm which they purchased. The Y.P.S. Guild held their social pn Monday evening at the home of Archie and Neil Campbell, with about thirty present. The evening was spent in playing prorgessive crokinole, and lunch was served by Mrs. John Camp­ bell. The Ladies’ Aid held a quilting at the home of Mrs. Charlie McIntosh on Thursday afternoon. Pte. Glen Martin, of Hamilton, is spending two weeks’ leave at his home here and with his sister, Mrs. Spence at Seaforth and friends at Pine River. The Patriotic Society. held a St. Patrick’s tea in the United Church basement on Tuesday afternoon, with about fifty ladies .in attendance. The tea table was vety prettily decorated with shamrock, fern, and baby tear plants, tall green candles in glass hold­ ers and touches of green on the white tablecloth, had a very pleasing effect on the Irish eye. Two quilts were be­ ing quilted during the afternoon. Miss McKee conducted the business session Which opened with all singing the Na- On Guaranteed Trust Certificates CANADIAN-BUILT BY GENERAL MOTORS w Dfor\n RS TO COA CRAWFORD’S GARAGE Qeitk&n cd Ne&fadi Jlqdbia S/tap ................ ................ . in>S9 Put TOO-Wcrtt lumps inrKitchen, Living-Room, Basement HYDRO SHOP Phone 1SS Gnrf McGuffhi Sentenced To Die May 30th For the beverage room slaying of two tpen he didn't know, Gnr, James B, McGuffin, 22-year-oId London sol­ dier, was sentenced late Friday to die on the gallows. A spring assize court jury at London found him guilty of murder, after four and a half hours’ deliberation, and Justice Mackay fixed his execution for Friday, May 80th, 4 teffd Investment for Trust Funds Unconditionally Guaranteed THK STERLING TRUSTE CORPORATION STERUNG TOWER TORONTO tional Anthem and “God Sav§ Our Boys.”- After the business was con­ ducted the meeting closed with all re­ peating the Lord’s Prayer. Sandwich, cake and green jello was served to the guests. A collection of $5.20 was re­ ceived. The following article were shipped this week to the local Salva­ tion Army: 6 quilts, 4 pair boys’ pants, 2 girls’ skirts, 1 gown, 2 girls’ dresses, 1 pr. knee caps, 1 pr. wristlets, 2 scarv­ es, 6 helmets, 3 men’s sweaters, 17 pr. mitts, 4 pair gloves and 38 pair socks. The Molesworjh Patriotic Society held their annual meeting in the Com­ munity. Hall on March 14th, with a fair attendance, with the president, Jas. Hardie, chairman. A varied program of solos, readings and music was giv­ en, The reports were given, secretary’s report by Mrs. Mac Stewart, told where 36 meetings had been held dur­ ing the year when quilts were quilted, sewing and knitting done. Mr. Wat­ son Brown gave the Treasurer’s re­ port. The total sum of $821.55 was' collected and expenditures were $523.- 19. $25 was donated to the War Vic­ tims Fund and an additional $100 will ibe given at a later date. Boxes have been sent to England to the men from this district and also to Miss Jessie Sangster, R.N., also in England. Miss McKee gave the buying committee re­ port. There were 316 yards of mater­ ial bought, 132 lbs. yarn and also a large quantity of millends from Mil­ verton for sweaters and dresses for children. The work committee report given by Mrs. Andrew Simpson gave the list of articles shipped during the year: 48 pillow cases, 6' sheets, 18 quilts, 8 pr. pyjamas, 41 children’s sweaters, 4 boys’ wool suits, 7 girls’ dresses, 2 pr. bloomers, 4 gowns, 2. pr. babies’ soakers, 6 complete layettes, 1 doz. towels, 1 doz. wash cloths, 2 lad­ ies’ coats, 1 girl’s coat, 13 girls’ slips, 2 ladies’ slips, 8 ladies’ dresses; to the soldiers: i.02 pr. socks, 22 sweaters, 22 scarves, 8 pair mitts, 8 pr, •wrist­ lets, 12 helmets, 3 multiwraps, 5 pair gloves, 1 pair knee caps, 4 pair half­ mitts. These were given to the Salva­ tion Army. 15 woolen blankets, 20 bandages and 5 hospital gown^ were sent to the Red Cross. The officers for the year were elected as follows: Ylon. Patrons, Rev. -R. Acheson, Mr. Ed. Doan and Mr. Evans McKee; President, James Hardie; 1st vice- pres., Miss McKee; 2nd vice-pres., Mrs. M. Cumming; Sec., Mrs. Mac Stewart; Treas., Watson Brown; pur-1..., ____uaui1Wcu, nugu chasing com.: Mrs. Jim Cullin, Miss1 Smith. Lunch was served at the close McKee, Mrs. John Campbell, Mrs. G. and a collection of $3.20 received. McDonald; Work Com.: Mrs. Camer­ on Stewart, Mrs. Howard Smith, Mrs. John Campbell, Mrs. Watson Brown, Mrs. Ewart MicKercher, Mrs; Jack El­ liott, Miss Verna Harris, Mrs. Adair, Mrs. Mac Stewart; Parcel com.: Mrs. M. Cumming, Mrs. Roy Vogan, Miss Jean Stewart; Yarn convenor, Mrs. C. Felkar; presentation com.: Evans Mc­ Kee and Watson Brown; press report­ er, Mrs. Thos. McDonald, Mrs. Felk­ ar; auditors, Gordon Campbell, Hugh IS * m sony-but I ain’t divulgin’ luy (|cstiftation> rllArtttrtC