The Wingham Advance-Times, 1940-12-24, Page 8WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES'AGE EIGHT Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Dec. 30, 31, Jan. 1 WROXETER City, WHITECHURCH (Rev.) C. Lucknow Saturday. MacLean Conducted Radio Service Rev. A. M. Grant took charge Monday’s broadcast of the Church the Air from CKNX. He was assisted by the Junior Choir. Thus, Moore. F, McK. Paterson spent this tn Toronto at the home of his Mrs, Buschlen. the pupils and young people in S.S. 9 and 10, and each number was enjoyed by all. Over $13 was taken in for Red Cross work. Special New Year’s Service Rev. A. M. Grant will have charge of New Year’s Services in the United Church on Sunday next, Dec. 29th, at 11 and 7.30 p.m. Show Starts at 8.00 p.m., Except Saturday Saturday Night, Two Shows, at 7.45 and 9.45 p.m Thursday, Friday, Saturday, December 26, 27, 28 SPECIAL ----- f Shirley Temple and ra Johnny Russell search for the “Bluebird of Happiness” and find it in their own modest home. Also “Phil Spitalny & Orch.” “Cartoon” “News” Admission Adults 35c, Children 20c Matinee Saturday Afternoon at 2.30 p.m. Matinee Admission: Adults 25c, Children 15c. A 20th Century-Fox Picture >'1 with Shirley Temple • Spring Byington Nigel Bruce • Gale Sondergaard > Eddie Collins . Sybil Jason and a brilliant cast A mighty drama of the screen as men of the F r ench F o rei gn Legion challenge death to forget the dishonor of the past. AIso“ Walt Disney Cartoon” Thursday, Dec. 26th, 1940 1 •s -V Matinee Wednesday afternoon at 2.30 p.m. Admission Adults 20c, Children 10c The Lyceum Theatre wishes to extend Best Wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Happy Christmas to all! Born—On Monday, Dec. 9, in angeville Memorial Hospital, to and Mrs. Basil Thompson (nee Annie Moore) a daughter. Mrs. Kenneth Weaver and grand­ son, Billie Boyd, left on Friday to spent two weeks at the home of her son, Mr. Kenneth Weaver of Sudbury. Mr. Robert Lott; of Calgary, is spending the Xmas season at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Lott. .. Miss Flora Coulter, of Walton; is Or- Mr. spending the holidays with her par­ ents. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Coulter. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Curran and little son, Dick, spent Sunday at the home of her sister, (Mrs. Gordon Rintoul, of Lucknow. ’ Mrs. Jack McIntyre and two sons, of Langside, are spending some time at the home of her sister, Mrs. Cecil Falconer, while Mr. McIntyre works at Port Albert airport. Mr. Melvin McClenaghan and Miss Eileen were under the doctor’s care last week, suffering from bad attacks of the flu. Mr. Harold Sparling, of Camp Bor- Out wish is sincere SEASON’S GREETINGS Colborne Ladies’ Shop There’s more than enough Christmas joy to go around ... so we’re dividing our share into gen­ erous portions, and sending you a good measure in the wish—Season’s Greetings! den, spent the week-end with his wife and family at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Mr, week sister. Quite a number from-here attended the funeral of the late Mrs. H. MacDonald, held from Presbyterian Church on Rev. J. Pollock and Rev, K, had charge of the services. Miss Genevieve Watt left Tuesday to spent the Christmas season with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Watt of Toronto. Miss Elizabeth Mirehouse spent Christmas at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Robert Ross. Kenneth Laidlaw and Clifford Pur- don arrived home from Woodstock Training School on Saturday. Clifford expects to return there next week, as a mechanic or electric welder. Misses Winnifred and Olive Farrier, Toronto, and Mr. Carman Farrier, of Glenannan, are spending their .holidays with their parents,-Mr. and Mrs, W- R, Farrier. Miss Amelia Lever, London, spent Christmas with her brother, Mi*. Chas. Lever. Dr. and Mrs. Harold Robinson and family, of Walkerton, Mr. and Mrs. John Kilpatrick and family, of Luck­ now, Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Wheeler, of Morris, spent Sunday last with their parent?, ‘Mr. and (Mrs. Wm. Robinson. Mr. and Mrs, Walter Lott, Bob, and Mr. Jim Currie, visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lott, at Ayton, and on Saturday Bob visited at the home of his sjster, Mrs. Orval Newby, of London. Bob leaves Thurs­ day for Calgary. The regular monthly of the W. M. S. of the United Church was held on Wednesday in the church with the President, Mrs: Victor Emerson in charge, and reading the theme of the Christmas program “Homage to Christ”, and the Scripture lesson, the Christmas story in Luke 2, being tak­ en by several of the members. Mrs. Emerson led in prayer for the sick in the community. Reports were given by the leaders of the three missionary groups, the mission band Supt., and the Baby Band Supt., and all gave in­ teresting reports of a busy year, with the W.M.S. reaching its allocation of $120, and the Mission Band contribut­ ing $15. Christmas cards were sent by the Society to the older members of' the church, who cannot attend regu­ larly now, or who are ill, and Mrs. Emerson thanked the ladies for their co-operation throughout the yedr. The National Anthem closed that meeting. Mrs. Beecroft then took the chair for the business meeting and called for the report of the nominating commit­ tee. and the following officers were duly elected for another year: Pres., Mrs. V. Emerson; 1st vice, Mrs. J. G. Gillespie; 2nd Vice, Miss Laidlaw; 3rd Vice, Mrs. Tiffin; Rec. Sec., iMrs. W. Lott; Cor. Sec., Mrs. J. D. Bee­ croft; Mission Band, Mrs. Gillespie, Mrs. Pollock; Baby Band, Mrs/ E. Scholtz, Mrs. Cornelius; Musical Com. Mrs. B. McClenaghan, Mrs. Tiffin, Mrs. Morrison; Pianists, Miss Agnes Gillespie, Mrs. Beecroft; Miss. Mon­ thly, Mrs. Fox, Mrs. Cox; Study Book, Mrs. T. H. Moore; Temperance, Miss Laidlaw; Welfare, Mrs. Ross; Supply, Sec., Mrs. Gaunt, Mrs. Farrier, Mrs. Gillespie; Prayer Com., Mrs. Cox, Mrs. Ross. The officers of the W. A. were also elected: Pres., Mrs. Pollock; 1st Vice, Mrs. Scholtz; and Sec.-Treas. Mrs. Beecroft. A vote of thanks for the splendid leadership given by the President during the past years of of- ficcw as tendered to Mrs. Emerson, and the meeting closed with prayer. There was a splendid attendance at the concert in S,S. No. 14, W. Wawa- nosh last Thursday night, when the pupils and young people of the sec­ tion presented a pleasing program, ov­ er $8.00 -was realized, part of which goes to replace supply kits in the school, and part to Red Cross. Mr, and Mrs. H. Pollock are spend­ ing this week with relatives at Pine River and Ripley. NeitherJMrs. Sandburn nor Mr. H. Godkin have shown much improve­ ment from their illness during the past week, Mr. Kenneth Zinn is working fpr Mr. Fred Newman at present. Mr. Melvill Beecroft, Ottetville, is spending the holidays wit hhis father, Mr. John Beeoroft. Miss Nellie McGee and Mr. Roy McGee, of Toronto, spent Wednesday with their parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cameron, of New York City, and Mt, Jim Morris­ on, of Toronto, are holidaying with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, J, B. Mor­ rison. Mr. Tom Morrison left for ov­ erseas last week, and his wife and Marilyn; were in Toronto, where she attended the marriage of her sister, Miss Ethel Bucktom * Mrs, Orville Tiffin, who has been very ill with pneumonia during the past month, is able to be bp for a little while each day now. Mrs, Joe Tiffin was very ill last week with art attack of flu, A splendid crowd gathered in the Institute Flail here on Friday night to hear the Xmas concert presented by part of Simeon, Gert$ Gibson was Jo- seph4 Jean MacDonald, Virgin Mary, Jack Meahan, Bob MacDonald and Weldon Hanibly were the shepherds in long flowing robes; Elizabeth Grant Angel; Vera Wright, reader, and the angel choir in long white gowns trim­ med with silver were: Velma Denny, Bonny and Lulu Gibson, Sybil and Elizabeth Grant, Muriel Henning, Al­ ice Howe, Jean MacDonald, Mary Meahan, Margaret Moffatt, Pauline White, Frances Wylie very beautifully singing the Christmas Carols. Miss Mary Gibson was accompanist. tn * iw A HAPPY WISH FOR YOU! Busjr old St. Nick might have forgotten to stuff a great big wish of ours in your stocking, so wer’e taking no chances. Right here, we’re saying — Merry Christmas! Mr. Donald Munroe, Quebec was a recent visitor with his mother, Mrs. Janet Munroe and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Munroe. Mr. George Brown, Selby, was a holiday visitor with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brown. Mr. and Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton and their guest, Mr. D. P. Hainstock, Shaunanan, spent the week-end with London friends. Mr. and Mrs. George, St. Marys, and baby son, were holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Andy Adams. Friends of Mr, Hugh Harris regret very much his serious illness. Early last week Hugh was taken suddenly ill and three doctors were called in consultation, later he was removed to Victoria Hospital, London, where his condition is reported as fair. Miss B. Howe, Leamington, is with her sister, Miss Mary Howe, for the holidays. Rev. A. L.- Sanderson, Waterford, visited his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Sanderson, last week, hav­ ing come to attend the funeral serv­ ices of his aunt, the late Mrs. Mary Edgar. Christmas Service "United Church, its chancel beauti­ fully decorated in keeping with the Christmas season, was a fine setting for the special service held on Sunday morning when the pastor, Rev. A. M. Grant, spoke on “The Significance of Bethlehem.” The choir under the dir­ ection of Mr. G. A. Wearring, contrib­ uted two anthems. Christmas Pageant . “Simeon’s Wish Fulfilled” was title of the pageant put on by young people of the church on Sunday evening. Rev. A. M. Grant took the the the Yes, we’ve whispered to St Nick to be mighty generous in stuffing the stockings of our friends .. . and not to forget to leave our message of thanks to all who have been our patrons during the year. WILLIS SHOE STORE United Church S, S. Social The annual social evening given in United Church School-room for the Sunday School will be held on the evening of Dec. 30th at 7.30. Gaines will be played followed by a program by the Sunday School pupils and the usual Christmas treat and refresh­ ments will be served to which the par­ ents are asked to contribute. Young People’s Union The meeting of the Young People’s Union this week took the form of a Hot dogs and coffee were served, social. Table games were played. There was a good attendance. of of W.A. Annual Meeting The December meeting of the Wo­ man’s Association, of United Church, was held . on Thursday last at the Manse, with 11 members present. The president, Mrs. W. T. MacLean, pre­ sided and opened with the sinigng of the hymn “Stand up for Jesus” fol­ lowed by prayer by Rev. A. M. Grant. Mrs. Adams chose the Scripture les­ son from Luke, chapter 2. Roll call, a verse containing the word “Peace”. The hymn “It came upon the midnight clear” was sung and.the Lord’s Pray­ er repeated in unison. Mrs. Adams presented the annual report; 13 quilts were quilted and 2 donated for Red Cross work. A donation in cash was made to the church officers'. Mrs. Me- cutcheon favored with a solo “Star of the East”. Rev. A. M. Grant took the chair for the election of officers for 1941: Pres., Mrs. L. Douglas; Vice Pres., Mrs'. C. McCutcheon; Sec., Mrs. Adams; Treas., Dorothy Green; Asst. Treas., Mrs. J. N. Allen; pianist, Mrs. J. N. Allen; Manse Com.: Mrs. T. G. Hemphill, Mrs. J. Douglas; Auditors, Mrs. Hemphill, Mrs. Stocks; Flower Com.: Mrs. Allen, Mrs. Adams, Mrs. J. Douglas; Cutlery Com.: Miss M. Jardine; Press Sec., Jessie Green. El­ izabeth Grant contributed a piano solo. Mrs. MacLean expressed the apprecia­ tion of the members to Mrs. Grant for refreshments served and Mi*. Grant closed the meeting with prayer. / ___________ Powell’s School Concert Mr, I. J. Wright presided over the annual Xmas Entertainment at Pow­ ell's School on 6th of Turnberry on Thursday night when Miss Lorene Hamilton and her pupils presented their programme. Dialogues, drills, dances, recitations, chorus singing by the pupils showed excellent training. A play was presented by 14 ladies and one boy which was outstanding, the ladies all in old time cdstume. Miss Fowler drew the ticket on the Red Cross quilt which was won by Clar­ ence Henning. Miss Hamilton ex­ pressed her appreciation or the co-op­ eration given by all in making the con­ cert a success. Santa Claus appeared and distributed gifts and treats. Xmas Entertainment Friday evening quite a good crowd were on hand for the annual school concert put on by the pupils*of Turn­ berry S.S, No. 2. A splendid program of recitations, solos, drills, dances and dialogues were put on which were a credit to the teacher, Miss Viola Thacker. An amusing play put on by a 4th line group, depicting the coun­ try family listening in on the tele­ phone, was much enjoyed. Santa ap­ peared and delighted the children with gifts and treats. Mr. Jim McTavish acted as chairman. Women’s Institute The first meeting of the New Years will be held at the home of Mrs. FL Waller on Thursday, Jan,, 2, 3 p.m. Motto—Take off your hat to the past your coat to the future. Current Ev­ ents, Mrs. J. Adams. Roll Call, Some­ thing I would like to do this year. Musical number. Hostesses, Mrs. J. H, Wylie, Mrs. B. Cooke, C. 8, Literary On the evening of Dec, 17th, Mrs. H, Knight opened het home for the December meeting of C. S. Literary, A playlet "A Cat Pie” was much en­ joyed. Community singing interspers­ ed throughout. Games were enjoyed . ____ ...-----. fejx'A 1 FL % s.„ ______ iSg’ To all the greetings ad­ dressed to yojj^this joy, ous holiday add our ow hope .your, will be a m^g for an horu or two, also Chinese checkers progressively. A dainty lunch was served by Mrs. Knight as­ sisted by Miss Keith and Miss -Mac­ Donald. A lovely decorated Christmas Tree added to the charm of the living room. This year instead of the usual exchange of gifts each pupil contrib­ uted 25c and the total sum was sent to the Telegram sponsored British Wai* Victiins Bund. The meeting clos­ ed with the singing of the National Anthem. Public School Concert There was a large crowd at Town Hall on Friday evening of last week when the5Wroxeter Public School put on their annual concert under the dir­ ection of Miss Keith- and Miss Mac­ Donald, also the musical instructor, Miss Evelyn Stephen, Gorrie. The whole programme was an outstanding success. Special mention might be made of the final number a patriotic drill by the senior group when -each represented the provinces, costumed in navy and white R.A.F. caps and bear­ ing the shield of the different provinc­ es, finally repeating the pledge to Canada, with a large Union Jack held by a Boy Scout. The singing of “I Love You, Canada, the Land of the Maple” preceededt he National An­ them, which brought to a close a very successful concert. ' rson we fl jth the ln»-stmas meh one. tfrelp lie) i fuzzy- .1 i wind iU •ring whatq , . and her and an orart — u • • and ah, / j^lwack and white b/gg^ggfgw '■“^"X^on ^ie branch,* bed with her.»~" iii==: OA back and cocjj*"* ligand placed^ Mrs. Dou^aid, Early Saturday morning at Victoria Hospital, London, there passed into the Great Beyond one who was well known and highly esteemed in the community, in the person of Mrs. Douglas Fraser. The late Mrs. Fraser was in her 92nd year and since her - husband’s death some years ago in Manitoba, made her home with her daughter, Mrs. Joseph Lovell, Wroxeter. She is survived by two daughters, Miss An­ nabel Fraser, LaRivere, Man,; and Mrs. Lovell; five sons, Sandy and, Wil­ liam of Ridge town; Peter and Gordon, Pilot Mound, Man., and Douglas,, of Rosetown, Sask. Funeral services were conducted at the George’s Fun­ eral Home, London, at 2 p.m. Sunday by Rev. Mr. Lloyd and the body taken to Pilot Mound, Man., where inter­ ment will take place in the family plot on Tuesday. , ------------------ i P i /in Had Toe Fractured -•«. When Mr. Bernard Walter was do­ ing his chores, one of his cows step­ ped on his foot causing a crushing fracture of his little toe. The bone protruded through the flesh, .and the doctor thought that amputation,would be necessary.—Mildmay Gazette. In The Spirit Of the Season Merry, Merry Christmas to you and all our friends on this bright holiday occa­ sion. It is our'hope that the day finds you truly happy and joyous and grateful for Santa’s largesse. MERRY CHRISTMAS All signs point to a bright holiday for Us—and we’re hoping you share to the fullest in the joys of the season.