HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1940-11-28, Page 3Thurs., November 28, 1940 WINGHAM ADVANCE TIMES PAGE THREE- 3$ HI ______! txh*Won trouble to get your bread torise. It comes up so easily when, you set . it; I pm glad to see that the younger housewives pre learning to bake with Robin Hood Flour because it’s really easy to bake if you use a good flour like Robin Hood.” Here is the voice of experience speaking. With 40 years of bread­ baking to her credit, Mrs; Shaw is still an active woman, who turns out big loaves of snowy white bread for her admiring family and friends to enjoy; And in her long baking ex­ perience she has found no flour to equal Robin Hood! Are you still hunting for the perfect flour? Why Although Mrs- George Shaw won the first prize for white bread in the “Homemakers of Yesterday” con­ test, at the 1940 Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto, this genial lady is very much a homemaker of today! Every week she bakes for herself and her busband at their farm home near Bolton, Ontario; “I’ve been baking my own bread for forty years,” Mrs; Shaw said when she heard she was the prize baker in the grandmother's class for women-of 70 years or over, “and it's nice to'know that I can still turn outa winningloaf.” “I was careful,” - . - ■ - -- she continued, “to have everything doo® you try Robin Hood the flour just right for my prize bread and I ?at P^ewmners use? Try it for recently gave quite a bit of thought ' bread, buns, cake or pastry; Your and study to the modern methods of ^2°^* *5 bread-baking. One thing that's ” - »»--■» certain is that you must have good J flour. I have been using Robin Hood Flour for ten years. It’s a grand flour; I wouldn’t use any other; . Robin Hood helped me win the HOME BAKING SERVICE prize. With this flour it is never any ROBIN HOOD FLOUR MILLS LIMITED x are not pleased with Robin Hood Flour. Robin Hood Flour Mllledl fyiwt Wheat St Ulster Premier Dies Belfast — Viscount Craigavon, 69, first prime minister of Northern Ire­ land and bitter opponent of proposals for union with ■ Eire, collapsed and died Sunday at Glen Craig, his Coun­ ty Down home near here. His death was attributed to a heart ailment. onomic alliance made here last Sept. 27th, an official announcement said. including Instanbul, “in view of the general political situation,” This step was taken shortly after Germany's ambassador, Franz von Papen, return­ ed from Germany, presumably carry­ ing a virtual ultimatum that Turkey join in the Axis-planned, “new Europ­ ean order.” Hepburn Reduces Ministry Toronto — With the resignation of Hon. Eric Cross as minister’ of wel­ fare and municipal affairs, Premier’ Mitchell_Hepburn announced the port­ folio would be abolished, Administra- tion of municipal affairs will be trans­ ferred to Hon, T.|B, McQuesten,-min­ ister of highways. Administration of welfare, including old age pensions, .mothers’ allowances, and relief will be given to Hon. Norman Hipel, minist­ er of labor. The departments, Prem­ ier Hepburn said, had been establish­ ed as an emergency measure during the peak of depression. 3rd War Loan Next Summer Ottawa — An “excessive and dang­ erous” optimism as to the outcome of the war exists in Canada, Finance Minister Isley warned. “Instead of being conscious, every waking mom­ ent, of the deadly peril of a powerful enemy, many of 'us have h feeling that the Battle of Britain is won, that all is well.” The minister' announced to the House that the third war loan would be floated next summer. Canada's Population Over 12,000,000 Ottawa — Figures released on na­ tional registration indicated Canada now has a population considerably more than 12,000,000, compared with 10,376,788 qj the last census in 1931. Dutch Hunger for Meat London -7- Holland has a tobacco famine, the Nazi-dictated meat rat­ ioning is hopelessly inadequate and the conquerors even have issued an edict on the amount of laundry house­ wives can 'send out, the Free Dutch newspaper, published here, reports. RETIREMENT by giving expression to the feeling of gratitude toward Britain for the whole-hearted support that she gave our struggle, and particularly for the achievements of her unparalleled navy and air force.” Premier Metaxas said. U.S. Boats May Carry Supplies Washington — A renewed congres­ sional battle over assistance to Great Britain is shaping up for the coming session of Congress with proposals that United States ships be free to carry cargoes into the-war zone and that thq Johnson Act be repealed ap­ parently destined to become the prin­ cipal issues. Life beqins at SIXTY ( 0 /SUN LIFE«l CANADA HEAD OFFICE • MONTREAL Mrs. E. A. VanStone Agent, Wingham taken prisoner. C.I.O. Scores Reds and Nazis Atlantic City, N.J. — The Congress of Industrial Organizations adopted a resolution describing the “the dictat­ orships and totalarianism of Nazism, Communism and Fascism as inimical to the welfare of-labor and destruct­ ive of our form of government.” Rumanian Joins, Axis Bloc Berlin — Rumania and Slovakia sealed bonds with Nazi Germany by joining formally the expanding Axis bloc of treaty-pledged supporters, Following Hungary info the bloc within four days, Rumania signed'up as a member of t(ie original Rome- Berlin-Tokyo 10-year military and ec- Bulgaria to Join Axis Sofia, Bulgaria — Soviet Russia has advised her little Slav friend, Bulgaria, to steer clear of outright membership in the expanding Axis alliance, a qual­ ified source said. Nevertheless, des­ pite underground tension in the coun­ try, most observers are convinced that Bulgaria eventually will join Hitler and Mussolini in their “new order.” French Ship Surrenders Algeciras, Spain — A French bat­ tleship of the same type as the Paris was reported to have entered Gibral­ tar and surrendered to the British au­ thorities. The battleship was anchor­ ed in the harbor at the entrance of the port. U.S. Releases Bomb Sight Washington -—-The United States army announced release to Great Bri­ tain of its famed Sperry bomb sight and disclosed negotiations are under way for early release to the Royal Air Force of 26 of its “Flying Fortresses.” Martial Law in Turkey Ankara — The Turkish Govern­ ment proclaimed martial law in virt­ ually all sections of European Turkey, Air Marshal Prisoner London — The Air Ministry an­ nounced that Air Marshall Owen Boyd, deputy chief of the Royal Air Force in the Middle East, is a prison­ er of war in Italy. The Italian high command indicated Boyd was taken prisoner in Sicily when the plane in which he was flying was forced to land. Four other officers also were War Savings $22,297,405 Ottawa — Investment by Canadians in war savings certificates and stamps up to October 31 totaled $22,297,405, according to information tabled in the House of Commons in reply to a ques­ tion from Gordon Graydon (Cons., Peel), Government to tpke 1940 Wheat Crop Ottawa ■— The Government intends to take delivery of all the 1940 wheat crop during the present crop year Which ends July 31, 1941, Trade Min­ ister MacKinnon announced in the House of Commons, To this end ad­ ditional wheat storage space will be constructed and the general delivery quota will be increased next week from .the present level of eight bushels an acre to 10. To Revamp Broadcasting News Ottawa—Munitions Minister Howe, who also has jurisdiction over the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, said “We have decided to. revamp our broadcasting of news to be effective the beginning of the year.” Mr. Howe was commenting on a report from Washington that the Dies Committee investigating un-American activities had issued a white paper linking the Transradio Press Service with opera­ tions of Transocean News Service which was alleged to be engaged in distributing German propaganda in Latin America. SHOULD TONSILS. ' COME OUT? There is substantial evidence that in about 20% of children the tonsils are either enlarged or diseased and there fore have an unfavourable in­ fluence on the physical development of the child. Such tonsils should be removed. The -tonsils have assumed an im­ portant role in the economy of the child during the last 30 years. The beneficial results following removal of tonsils, in selected cases has well justified the procedure. It has been shown that markedly hpertrophied tonsils and tonsils that are repeatedly inflamed, giving rise to •‘Isn’t this a New Line, Friend?”“Yes, H is •; • Farmer McDougan finally got a Telephone! Farmers now recognize the telephone as a friend in time of need and as a money maker. A telephone is vital to a farm—and the whole family living there. Nothing gives so much in service, useful­ ness and protection against danger as the telephone. That’s why Farmer McDougan has one now. What about you?. attacks of tonsilitis and swollen neck glands, frequently impair normal phy­ sical development. When such a con-, dition arises after four years of ‘age it is advisable to have the tonsils re­ moved, with the expectation that at least 50% of children so treated will be materially improved. It is undeniable that the child pop­ ulation of the country has experienc­ ed better physical development with fewer interruptions due to mild and prolonged illness in the last 30 years. Infant mortality has been reduced and fatal illness in the school age occurs of milk, the supplies and health educa- had the most less often. While the wide-spread ap- * plication of public health procedures- such as pasteurization safeguarding of water care of foods, and the tion of the public has influence in this direction, it must be admitted that eradication of unhealthy tonsils has played a considerable role in the physical improvement of the race. The single question to be determin­ ed in respect to the tonsils of a child is: Are these tonsils diseased? If so„ they should promptly be removed.. duawihcv tmip uouee u*vebfrtw bv w Uousuto AbMiMtat&AttoH A A coMPLPTt <K*T COfsiaiPTtNQ OP 4 9*10 O* MUfc POINTS A 4-NATIONAL HOUSING MtMOQANDUM Specific AT IONS f UWD , wcisy owxita. aho bmtotft ) may bt mcUAStb-Fou tute sum ep •Cooeft, bt NuMbeu tnow Mquoing AdmiKiistdation « bemTMtNT ortiNANct- * OttAwa *OMTaquo * Production Peak in 8 Months Ottawa — Completion in eight months of the present industrialization program will see Canada’s productive •capacity, at its “practical limit,” Sup­ ply Minister Howe said in tlie House of Commons. “The next eight months will be a’testing time for the morale of the Canadian people,” he warned. “At the end of that period Canada should be producing the practical maximum of war materials of which the Dominion is capable.” Hungary Joins Axis Vienna — Hitler annexed Hungary to the Gernian-Italian-Japanese Axis which he thus converted into a four- power alliance by means of which he hopes to defeat Britain and effect a totalitarian reorganization of Europe, 'Asia and Africa. Bomb Skoda Works London — In a flight over 1,400 miles 'of hostile airlanes, including the -return journey, British bombers start­ ed fires in the vast Skoda armament works in German-occupied Czechoslo­ vakia. Pincer Campaign Coming London ■— Britain’s military lead­ ens, striving to anticipate the Axis’ next stroke, are trying to piece togeth­ er its probable outlines. A military erpert said it could take the form of a grand-scale pincers campaign strik­ ing at the Suez Canal and Egypt from two directions, in an attempt to end Britain’s domination in the Eastern Mediterranean and Iraq’s oil fields. Anofher U.S. Blast Wreck Eldorado, Ark. — The huge No. 4 still at th£ Lion Oil Refining Com­ pany here was demolished by a mys­ terious explosion. The big tubular dis­ tillery was immediately enveloped in flames. The blast is the latest in a series of costly explosions in the Un­ ited States. Fatal Montreal Blast Montreal Joseph Raymond; 41, Was two other men were injured when •three explosions wrecked part of the plant of Dominion Oilcloth and Lin­ oleum, in the east end of Montreal. Greek Premier T'Bainks Britislf London *** Premier John Metaxas, of Greece, iti a broadcast to his nat* ion, paid tribute to the aid given by Britain in the struggle against Italy. rT am interpreting the common desire OE3O3O)[OE3O1 StotemcatB Order Forms OEJOE [OE3OK Command/ .Attention / The sale actually commences after the order is closed and the product has left your premises. It is the function of good printed matter to enhance your sale and stimulate interest so that your pro­ spects will want more merchandise just like it. No piece of printed matter is too small to create a good impression, and this organization is prepared with facilities and knowledge to help you in creating printed mater­ ial that commands attention! ’ Let us help you with your next problem. Telephone 34