HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1940-09-26, Page 4Save Money!REMNANTS w $8.45 NOTICE TO CREDITORS K f HIGH SCHOOL HELD ATHLETIC MEET Championships Awarded in AU Sec­ tions AUTUMN BARGAINS WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, Sept. 26th, 1940 The High School Athletic Meet was held in two parts this year. Friday afternoon the jumps were held at the school campus and on Monday after­ noon the track events were held at NOTICE TO CREDITORS Shoe the Family Now! It will pay you well to attend this Sale and Buy at Greatly Reduced Prices. Remnants of Flannelettes, Wrapperettes, Wool- ettes, Cottons, Prints, Ginghams, Cretonnes Table Linen, Toweling, Dress Goods, Silks Velvets and Coatings. Special — Ends of White Flannelette, full yard wide. Ends are one to ten yards. Regular 25c On Sale....................................... . •....................19c : ; t ■* ' f 1-—--- si* BIG VALUE IN HOSIERY 5 Doz. Women’s Cotton Hose .... 15c Children’s Worsted Ribbed....................... 25c Women’s Lisle Hose, Now .. . . ............... ... 39c Broken Lines of Women’s Hose .... 25c A Line of Women’s Silk Hose ... 69c Girls’ Sport Hose, Fancy Cuff Tops ........ 35c Sale of Women’s Slips, Sizes 34 to 42, Reg. $1.00 H. E. ISARD & CO. .; ‘7 .' :• PHONE 68. , . < AUCTIONEER — For experience, courtesy and a successful sale, phone or write Matt. Gaynor. Sales conducted anywhere, charges reas­ onable. Write or phone Lucknow, Phone 101,____________• FARM FOR SALE—67 acre farm of the late William G. Dunbar on Highway No. 4, in Morris Town­ ship. south of Belgrave; frame bank barn, frame, driveshed and frame house and about five acres of bush. Terms very reasonable. Apply to J. W. Bushfield, Wingham, Ontario. FARM FOR SALE—20 acres choice loam. Good buildings. Good water. Reasonable. Mrs, Robert Scott, Brussels, Ont. ___________ ____ _ FOR SALE—Brick house, one and one-half storey, 7 rooms, John and Leopold. Apply to George or Jas. • Carr.__________________________ FURNITURE FOR SALE—Antique, four small and one arm chair, sofa, table to match, walnut, in good con­ dition. Mrs. Jean Bingham, Gorrie., .FOR SALE—1%-storey Brick House with garage, on the south side of Alfred St. This property was for- • merly owned by the late R. A. Din- slevand must be sold to close the estate. For particulars apply to J. FI. Crawford._________________ _ F. W. KEMP, Listowel—Monuments and Monumental Work. 100 monu­ ments from which to choose. Auc­ tion Sales conducted. Phone 38 or 121, Listowel. FOR SALE—Six roomed house, in good location and repair. Apply Ad­ vance-Times. FOR SALE—A good used Tractor, rebuilt. Priced very reasonable. Apply Massey-Harris Shop. HOUSE FOR RENT—Available Oc- tober 1st. Apply Ed. Williams. HOUSE~FOR SALE—In Belgrave, 6-roomed frame house to be moved off property. Apply to Alex Young, Phone 622r22,______________ ___ MODERN 6-roomed Dwelling For Sale—Hardwood floors, fireplace, all newly decorated, insulated; on Patrick St. Apply T. Fells. PULLETS FOR SALE — Barred rocks and white leghorns reared on free range and now ready to lay. Also younger birds from 3 months old up. Wingham Hatchery, Phone 38.______________________ _ STRAYED—White Calf, to Lot 6, Con. 2, Morris. Owner may have sprite by proving property and pay* " mg expenses. Phone 618r21. WOMEN? GIRLS WANTED—Earn from $10. to $15. weekly selling FAMILEX HIGH QUALITY GOODS to relatives and establish­ ed clientele. Everyone spends mon­ ey on household and toilet articles, etc. Every FAMILEX customer is a satisfied customer Work 5 oc 6 hours per day, profit by our exper­ ience, and yoti Will succeed, NO RISK—good earnings assured to workers. Let us help you. Write at once tb Miss St George, 570 St. Clement Street, Montreal, WANTED*-# men over factory age for Rawlfeigh Routes-. Large organ­ ization. Good . pd'ofltS'Jt# willing workers; Steady work, Write. Raw* leigh-j. 4^,^453-1134, real. Can?®, . FOR SALE—Double house. Reason­ able price. Handy to school and Main St, Apply F, J, Mooney.____ EXECUTORS’ SALE ‘ There will be offered for sale by public auction at the residence of the late Mrs. Jane Thomson on the west side of Shuter'Street in the Town of Wingham on Saturday, the 5th day of October, 1940, at 1.30 o’clock in the afternoon the dwelling house and lot formerly owned by the late Mrs. Jane Thomson being composed of Part of Lot Two in the Government Addi­ tional Survey of the Town of Wing­ ham. Upon the premises is said' to be situate a one and one-half storey frame dwelling house in good repair. There will also be sold at the same time all the household goods and ef­ fects, for particulars of which see sale bills. TERMS: Real Estate, ten per cent, deposit on day of sale, balance in 30 days, sold subject to a reserved bid, Chattels. Cash. THOMAS FELLS, Auctioneer. R. S. HETHERINGTON, K.C., Solicitor for Executor. NOTICE TO CREDITORS TAKE NOTICE that all persons having claims against the estate oi jane Thomson, late of tiie town or Wingham in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased, who died on or about the 7th day of September, A.D. 1940, are hereby notified to send their claims, duly verified by declaration, to the undersigned solicitor for the executor on or before the 12th day of October, A.D. 1940. FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that immediately after the said date the assets of the estate will be distributed having regard only to claims which have been properly filed. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this 24th day of September, A.D. 1940. R. S. HETHERINGTON, K.C., Wingham, Ont., Solicitor for Executor. FARM FOR SALE To close an Estate, 96 acre farm more or less, lot 4, Concession 4, Mmto Township. Brick House. Bank Barn with water bowls, Drill­ ed well Silo and good soil. This property will be offered for sale at of Harriston on October 19th, 1940, at 3 p.m. Terms, 10% time of sale, balance March 1st. Possession April 1st. For further particulars write: Executors Titos. Young Estate, Harriston, OnL NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of John D. McLean, late of the Township of Turnberry in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the fourteenth day of August, A. .D.,; 1940, are noti­ fied to send to J..H, Crawford, Wing­ ham, Ontario, ott or before the twenty­ eighth day of September, A.D, 1940, fall particulars of their claims in writ­ ing, immediately after the said twen­ ty-eighth day of September, 1940, the assets of the said testator will be dis­ tributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims then have notice, DATED fhjj* fifth d^df September, A.D. iWP'M' --t • J. H. CRAWRORD, ” Wingham,- Ontario, Solicitor for the < AU persons having claims against the estate of Robert Adam Hutchison late of the Town of Winghani in the County of Huron, Carpenter, deceas­ ed, who died on or about the thir­ teenth day of August, A.D. 1940, are notified to send to J, H, Crawford, Wingham, Ontario, on or before the twenty-eighth day of September, A. D., 1940, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately af­ ter the said twenty-eighth day of September, 1940, the assets of the said testator will be dis­ tributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims then have notice. DATED this fifth day of September, A.D. 1940 J. H. CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor. RICHMOND OXFORDS For Men, in Black Kid or . Calf, value up to $10.00. Sale Price $6.79 Greer's High Grade Shoe Stock Must Be Cleared. HEEL HUGGER AND GEORGINA TIES AND PUMPS Black and Brown Kid and Black Suede. Regular $9.00. Sale Price, $7.29 DR. LOCKE AND DR. SPICER SHOES All Lasts in Black and Brown Ties. Reg. $11.00. Sale Price YOUNG LADIES’ SHOES A group of smartly styled in patent and suede. > Sale Price, $2.39 AH persons having claims against the estate of Albert E. Louttit late of the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, Mechanic deceased, who died on or about the third day of Sep­ tember, A.D. 1940, are notified to send to J. H, Crawford, Wingham, Ontario, on or before the twenty-eighth day of September, A.D. 1940, full partic­ ulars of their claims in wrjting. Immediately after the said twenty­ eighth day of September, 1940, the as­ sets of the said -intestate will be dis­ tributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the administratrix shall then Rave notice. DATED this tenth day of September, A.D. 1940 J. H. CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Administratrix. BOYS SCHOOL OX- FORDSAND SHOES Of stout construction, styled just like Dad’s. Reg. value up to $3.50. Sale price, $1.89 $2.29 $2.89 HIGH GRADE OXFORDS A group of men’s high grade Oxfords in Black or Brown calf, all smart styles. Reg. up to $7.00. Sale price $5.35 FINE DRESS OXFORDS Your choice of wide, medium or narrow toe lasts in single or double soles, in Black or Brown. Value up to $4.50. Sale Price, BLACK SUEDE GORE PUMPS AND TIES Cuban and high Patent trimming. Reg. $4.50. $2.79 With heels. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of George Muir, late of the Village of Wroxeter in the County of Huron, Carpenter, deceased, who died on or about the twenty-fifth day of July, A.D. 1940, are notified to send to J. H. Crawford, Wingham, Ontar­ io, on or before the twenty-eighth day of September, A.D. 1940, full partic- luars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said twenty­ eighth day of September, 1940, the as­ sets of the said testator will be dis­ tributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executors shall then have notice. DATED this fifth day of September, A.D. 1940 J. H. CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario,' , Solicitor for the Executors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of- Robert A._ Dinsley, late of the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, Gentleman, who died on or about the twenty-ninth day of August, A.D. 1940, are notified to send to J. H. Crawford, Wingham, Ontario, on or before the twenty­ eighth day of September,. A.D. 1940, full particulars of thier claims.in writ­ ing. Immediately after the said twen­ ty-eighth day of September, 1940, the assets of the said testator will be.dis­ tributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which' the executrix shall then have notice. DATED this fifth day of September, A.D. 1940 J. H. CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executrix. NOTICE OF SALE FOR TAXES , TAKE NOTICE that copies of the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes, owing to the Town of Wing­ ham have been prepared and may be had in the office of the undersigned Treasurer, at the Town Hall, Wing­ ham, and that such list has been duly published in The Ontario Gazette on the seventh day of September,-A. D., 1940, and that Unless the arrears of taxes and costs are sooner paid, the said Treasurer will proce.ed to sell the lands on Wednesday, the 18th. day of A.* ID 1040 at ttio Hour of two o’clock in the afternoon at the Council Chambers in the Town Hall, Wingham. DATED this tenth day of Septem­ ber, A. D., 1940. W, A, GALBRAITH, Treasurer, VOTERS7 LIST 1940 MUNICIPALITY OF WINGHAM COUNTY OF HURON Notice is ^hereby given that I have complied with Section 8 of The Vot­ ers' List Act. and that I have posted up^ at my office at the Town Hall, Wingham, on the 14th day of Sep­ tember, 1940, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the. said Munici­ pality at municipal elections and that such list remains there for inspection, And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions correct­ ed according to law, the last day for appeal being the 7th day of October, 1940. Dated at Wingham, Ont., this 17th day of September, 1940. W, A, GALBRAITH, Clerk of Wingham, gARD OF THANKS I take this opportunity to thank my friends of Whiteehtitch and commun* ity for their kindness in presenting trie with a watch, Pte, Tom Morrison, Royal Canadian Ordnance Corps. 50 PAIRS OF LADIES’ SHOES High Grade Shoes. Per Pair $1.00 SPECIAL THIS WEEK ONLY Heel Hugger and Dr. Spicer Brown Ties. Ladies who know these famous shoes will take advantage of this Sale. Reg. $9.00 to $11.00. Sale Price, $6.19 Growing Girls’ OXFORDS FOR SCHOOL Ln all the newest colours and styles. $1.89, $2.39, $2.98, $3.39, $4.69 All Shoes are Priced for Quick Selling. Rare Value In CHILDREN’S SHOES Oxford and Strap 89c, $1.29, $1.39, $1.89 Men’s Work Boot Special Bargain prices that defy comparison — the biggest dollar value in Canada to­ day. $2.39, $2.89, $3.29, $3.95, $4.29 Every pair fully guaranteed to give you absolute satisfaction in fit, in comfort, in service. Dunlop's Shoe Store WINGHAM SUCCESSOR TO W. J. GREER WINGHAM Agricultural Park, The -track events were billed for Friday morning but, due to poned. track conditions, were post- Championships Events: Senior, Marion Mc- 20 points; runner-up, Jean Intermediate: Girls’ Donald, Harding, .18 points; Helen Walker, 18 points; runner-up, Norma Brown, 14 points; Junior: Grace Parker, 21 points; runner-up, Dorothy Hamilton, 13 points,f Boys’ Events: Senior, George John­ son, 34 points; runner-up, D. Irwin,- 17 points; Intermediate, J, Coulter, 28 points; runner-up, N. Higgins, 17 points; Junior, G. Edgar, 30 points; runner-up, F. Templeman, 13 points. Senior Girls Baseball Accuracy Throw 1 Jean Harding, Agnes Darling, Virginia Currie. Basketball Accuracy Throw: Agnes Darling, Isobel Lamb, Virginia Currie. Running Broad Jump: Marion McDonald, Jean Harding, June Irwin; 11 ft., 11% in. Standing Broad Jump: Marion McDonald, June Irwin, Isabel Lamb; 6 ft., imJ High Jump: June Irwin, Jean Harding, Agnes Darling; 4 ft, 5 in. Hurdles: June Irwin, Jean Harding. 100-yd. Dash: Marion Mc­ Donald, Jean Harting, Isabel Lamb; 14 4|5 sec. 150-yd. Dash: Marion Mc­ Donald, Isabel Lamb, Jean Harding; 20 sec. Intermediate Girls Baseball Accuracy Throw: Pauline Thomson, Norma VanCamp, No^ma Brown. Basketball Accuracy Throw: Ann VanWyck, Grace Kingston, Nor­ ma VanCamp. Running Broad Jump: Margaret Connell, Norma Brown, Pauline Thomson; 13 ft., 10 in. Stand­ ing Broad ‘Jump: MaVgaret Connell, Norma Brown, Ann VanWyck; 7 ft., 1% in. High Jump: Helen Waiker, Norma.Brown. Evelyn Wilson; 4 ft., 7 in. Hurdles: Helen Walker, Norma Brown. 100-yd, Dash: Donna Buch­ anan, Helen Walker, Pauline Thom­ son. 75-yd. Dash; Helen Walker, Donna Buchanan, Norma Brown; Junior Girls Baseball Accuracy Throw: Dorothy Hamilton, Edna Jenkin^ Elizabeth Hare. Basketball Accuracy Throw: Lois Adams, Margaret jMacLean, Grace Parker. Running Broad Jump: Grace Parker, Dorothy Boyle, Mar­ jorie Falconer; 12 ft., 3 in. High Jump: Grace Parker, Lois Adams, Marjorie Kerr; 4 ft., 5 in. Standing Broad Jump: Grace Parker, Marjorie Falconer, Elizabeth Flare; 6 ft,, 5% in. Hurdles: Marjorie Kerr, Marie Lockridge, Grace Coulter. 100-yd. Dash: Dorothy Hamilton, Elizabeth Hare, Marjorie Kerr; 14 2|5 sec. 75-yd, Dash: Grace Parker, Dor­ othy Hamilton, Grace Coulter. Girls’ Inter-Form Relay: Grade X, Grade XI, Grade XII. Senior Boys 100 yds: G. Johnson, 10.3 sec. 220 yds., G. Johnson, 24.1 sec. Running Broad Jump: G. Johnson, D. Irwin, F. Johnston, 19 ft., 10 in. Standing Broad Jump: G, Johnston, D. Irwin, F. Johnston, 9 ft., 2 in. High Jump: K. Jackson, D. Irwin. G. Johnston, 5 ft., 1 in. Shot Put: D. Irwin,;G. Jolim* son, B. Burgman; 28 ft., 5 in. Pole Vault, G. Johnson, G. Keith; 9 Hop, Step and Jump: G. Johnson, Irwin; 32 ft., 11% in. 880 Open: Coulter, N. Higgins, W, Ramage min., 20 Sec. Intermediate Boys 100 yds:. J. Coulter, N. Higgins, Mundy, J. Stoakley. Running Broad Jump: G. Edgar, L. Mundy, F. Tem- pieman; 14 ft., 6% in. Standing Broad Jump: G. Edgar, D. Hoffman, F. Templeman; 7 ft., 10 in. High Jump: G. Edgar, L. Mundy, F. Templeman; 4 ft., 7 in. Shot Put: B. Galbraith, F. Templeman, D. Hoffman; 28 ft, 5 in. Pole Vault: F. Templeman, B. Wil­ son, D. Hoffman; 7 ft., 2 in. .Hop, Step and Jump: D. Hoffman, F. Tem­ pleman, B. Wilson; 27 ft., 3 in. BLYTH ft. D. J- 3 c. Proctor; 11 4|5 sec. 220 yds.: J. Coul­ ter. N. Higgins, C. Proctor; 27 sec. 440 yds.: J. Coulter; N. Higgins, C. Proctor; X min., 12 sec. Running Broad Jump: J. Coulter, N. Higgins, J, Rich; 15 ft., 3 in. Standing Broad Jump: J. Rich, D. Hastie, B. Beecroft, 8 ft., 1% in. High Jump: W. McClen- aghan, G. Thomson, F. Burke; 4 ft., 10 im Shot Put: J. Rimmer, J. Rich, ,B. Beecroft; 27 ft., 4 in. Pole Vault: D. Hastie, IL Beecroft, L Sanderson; 8 ft., 6 in. Hop, Step and Jump: N. Higgins, J. Coulter, C. Proctor; 30 ft,, 8 in. 90-yd. hurdles: J»> Coulter, J. Rich. K Beecroft, . .>fi .. jhttoiojr JEt’oya # 100 yds.; G. Edgar, McDowell, F., Templeman; 12 see, 220 yds.: G. Edgar, M, McDowell, J. Stoakley; 80 sec, 90-yd, hurdles: G. Edgar, L, Born—In Blyth, Monday, Sept. 23, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Phillips, a daughter. Mrs. M. Walsh is spending a few days with her son, Mr. Norman Walsh, of Belgrave. “Come, ye thankful people, come.” In response to this call, members and friends of Trinity Anglican Church, Blyth, gathered together on Sundav last, September 22nd, to give thanks to Almighty God for the fruits of har­ vest. Autumn flowers and the fruits of .the field were used to decorate the Church, and these, in their own way, testified to the bountiful harvest. Special hymns and chants were used at both the morning and evening ser­ vices. Miss Isabel Cuming, of Blyth, sang a beautiful prayer “O Lord, Bless This House, I pray.” Mr. Rich­ ard Roberts, of Wingham, was soloits at the evening service. Sang most effectively “I Heard Voice of Jesus. The choir offered anthem “O Give Thanks Unto Lord.” Mrs, Garfield Shoebottom and Mr. Ernest Leggett sang the solo parts in the anthem very acceptably. Miss Elizabeth Mills, Miss Alice Rog­ erson and Mrs. Fred Somers, of Tim­ mins, assisted with the music. The guest preacher at the evening ^ryi{$ was the Rev. Canon W. W. Judd; D.D.j of Toronto, General Secretary: of the'Council for Social Service, of ihT-jElutngluqf Eng­ land in Canada. Dr, remarks on the words ;s\Th.c.\yorldjs.. the field,0 “Jesus Christ died for the the He the the the black man as well as for the white;, for the Jew as well as for the Gentile’ We, as followers of Christ, must see in every bail a brother and then, and then only, will a new world order, based on the teaching of Jesus, come about,” he said in part. The Rector of Trinity Clinch, the ' Rev. R. M, Weekes, conducted the morning service and preached the ser­ mon. He look as his text the words of St. Paul to the Thessalonian Chris­ tians: “In everything, give thanks” His remarks can be summed up in the following sentence “If we are truly grateful to Almighty God for all His goodness to us, let us express it in * kindness to others; let us make it manifest in our daily conduct.” Splen­ did congregations were present at both services. Many earnest prayers were offered to God on behalf of England, our King and the British Empire. Fine weather for Blyth'Agricultural Fair brought out a fair crowd. The indoor entries'were not as numerous as usual on account of the wet sea­ son, but the quality was good, Mr. Frank Ben’ninger had a special dis­ play of vegetables. The display of Domestic Science and Needle-Work was excellent. Needle-poiht, pictures, pastel and steel engravings, oil paint­ ings and water colors were shown in the are exhibit. A large display of flowers attractively arranged in bas­ kets, potted plants. The Wingham Boy Scouts gave a splendid demon­ stration on First Aid. FURS Save by buying from Manufacturer to Consumer. Repairing, Re-Styling, Re-Model* mg Highest Quality and Guar­ anteed Workmanship. Famous Fur, Company •Wmsham iPhaili 204. ■ij ? , ■ • JJLLA .-Yortmto WassSs