HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1940-09-12, Page 3Thursday, Sept, 12 th, 1940 WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES
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Wqygand Sent to Africa
Vichy, France — Chief of State Pe
tain appointed a,new Cabinet for un
occupied France and sent Gen. Max
ima Weygand, former commander-in-
chief of the Allied armies, to take
charge of the situation arising from
separation of some of France's col
onies from the homeland., Petain, ‘re
taining the premiership, will preside
at meetings restricted to the inner;
Cabinet of eight.
ish-American exchange of destroyers
and defence bases will enable the Un
ited States to “take danger by the
throat whilst it is still hundreds of
miles away.” Nevertheless, he ex
pressed his boundless confidence that
the Third Reich “will pass away as
swiftly—perhaps more , swiftly—than
did Napoleon’s army, although, of
corpse, without any of its glitter and
at least 300,000 between-the ages of
21 and 27 will be available to fill all
military draft requirements during the
next year.
Advance Income Tax Payments
Ottawa -«■ Advance payments of in
come tax on 1940 income will be glad
ly received by income tax inspectors
of the national revenue department,
it was disclosed. Although payment
of income ta.x» is not due until April
30th,next year, advance payments in
part or- in whole will provide the Gov
ernment with additional tax-free mon
ey with which to carry on the war,
No U.S, Bases in Canada
The United States is not securing
bases in Canada as was first' reported.
Canada is not asking for any in the
states. The Joint Defence Board thus
has nothing to do with the United
States leases in Newfoundland, Ber
muda, Trinidad or -any other British
possessions 'outside of Canada, the
plans which are being developed in
volve the strengthening of defences
in this, country in a number of ways
but the projects exceed consideration
of physcial defensive construction.
The Bank of Canada is authorized by the Minister of Finance to announce
the offering of a loan to be issued for cash in the following terms:
Michael Now Rumania’s King
Bucharest — King Carol II sur
rendered to demands of Rumania’s
new military dictatorship and abdi
cated in favor of his 18-year-old son,
Michael, who immediately was pro
claimed his successor as figurehead
monarch. Michael’s first act was to
sign over fujl dictatorial powers to
Gen. Ion Antonescu, the iron-willed
army leader who had assumed sup
reme power only 24 hours before.
Gen. Antonescu issued an order that
the Rumanian army must take an oath
'of allegiance to King Michael at once.
Carol is now in Switzerland.
Princess Helen Returned to Rumania
One of the first acts performed by
King Michael, of Rumania, on regain
ing the throne, was to send for his
exiled mother, Princess Helen, divorc
ed wife of Carol.. She returned im
mediately to Bucharest by plane^
Churchill Confident
London—Prime Minister Churchill
declared in Parliament that the Brit
First Ships in U.S. Trade
Reach Canada
An East Coast Canadian Port —
The United States’ exchange of “ov
er-age” but serviceable destroyers for
British aid and .naval base sites be
came a tangible fact as a group of the
vessels, steamed ;nto this port and
British tars went aboard tet man them.
Japs Given indo-China Path
Hbng Kong — A preliminary, basic
agreement giving Japan right-of-way
in French Indo-China for a -backdoor
attack on China in an effort to wind
up the three-year-old war was report
ed by authoritative neutral quarters
in Hanoi.
3 Per Cent Bonds due October 1,1952
Callable on or after October 1,1949
1 1
~ 71722
I m
Paper Box Companies Fined
Toronto ■— Nineteen Ontario paper
box companies and one. individual
were found guilty of combining in
restraint of trade in a judgment issued
here by Justice J. A- Hope of the Sup
reme Court of Ontario and fines rang
ing from $10,000 to $2,500 were im
Million Men Available
; Toronto — Hon. J. G. Gardiner,
federal agriculture minister and min
ister of national war services, said in
anaddress here .that nearly-complete
information from the recent national
registration of Canadian adults shows
more than 1,000,000 single men be
tween the ages of 19 and 45 of whom
Plan U.S. Base at Bermuda
Hamilton, Bermuda — The 10,000-
ton United States cruiser St.* Louis
steamed into Hamilton harbor with
defence experts aboard, signaling' the
opening action to establish U. S. bas
es on British possessions. The United
States experts are here to study the
possibilities of establishing a defence
base in Bermuda for the protection
of the Western Hemisphere. Similar
naval and air bases will be established
at points in the British West Indies
and Newfoundland, also leased«by Bri
tain to the United States.
Denominations of Bearer Bonds: $100, $500, $1,000
Present 177 Ambulances
Toronto — Hon. James Duncan,
Canada’s deputy minister of defense
for. air, said that “nothing, is too good
for the young men of the Royal Can
adian Air Force who will be going ov
erseas in a few months.” Mr. Duncan
spoke at a ceremony in front of the
Canadian Red Cross Society exhibit
on the C.N.E. grounds, representing
the Dominion Government at the pre
sentation of 177 ambulances by the
Canadian Red Cross Society to the
British Red Cross Society, the Royal
Canadian Army Medical Corps Over
seas and the Royal Canadian Air
Force, empire training scheme divi
•A $
Issue Price: 98,75% and accrued interest
Yielding 3,125% to maturity
• The proceeds will be used by the Government to finance expenditures for war purposes.
Payment is to be made in full against delivery of interim certificates on or after October 1,1940.
Principal and interest will be payable in lawful money of Canada. Interest will be payable
without charge semi-annually at any branch in Canada of any chartered bank. The Bonds will
be dated October 1,1940.
7 • In accordance with the announcement made by the Minister of Finance on 'August 18,
1940, the Bank of Canada has been f urther authorized to announce that applications will be
received to convert Dominion of Canada 4^% Bonds due September 1, 1940, which have not
yet been presented for payment, into an equal par value of additional bonds of the above issue.
The 4%% Bonds accepted for conversion (with final coupon detached) will be valued at 100.25%
and the resultant cash adjustment in favour of the applicant will be made at the time of
delivery of the. new Bonds, on or after October 1,1940.
Cash, subscriptions and conversion applications may be made through any approved in
vestment dealer or stock broker or through any branch in Canada of any chartered bank, from
whom copies of the official prospectus containing complete details of the issue may be
Are You Still Pioneering?
LIKE log houses, iron pumps and outside sanitary
accommodation are relics of pioneering days.
They' are out-of-date, inconvenient, unhealthy — and
your family should not have to put up with them.
Running water under
pfessure enables you to
replace such antiquated
arrangements with a
Modern EMCO Bath
room, and up-to-date
kitchen and laundry fa
cilities. An up-to-date
DURO Water
will furnish all the, water necessary for these home '
improvements and it will also supply running water
to barns and other buildings where required.
' The Duro Special System, capacity 250
gals, per hour, complete with 25 gal. Galvan
ized Tank and 25 or 60 cycle Motor costs only
For a lovely bathroom, as illustrated, the
EMCO Built-in Bath, Shower, Toilet and
Lavatory with trimmings costs only............
(Soil and iron pipe ahd fittings extra)
Other Complete Bathroom equipment as
low as
Can be purchased under our
Easy Payment Plan or the •
Home Improvement Loan Act.
For Sale bv
Can al«o be supplied__ __ __ , I tor
Gaioline Engine operation
London HsthllteW Toronto Sudbury
Winnipeg Vancouver «
British Pound Italian Islands
. Somewher'C In The Mediterranean
— Britain’s powerful fleet and air
force, operating in , what Italy pre
tends to call “our sea”, have carried
the war with bomb and shell to the
Italian stronghold of the Dodecanese
Islands'. Cruisers and destroyers
bombarded the hilly Island of
panto,^southwest of Rhodes.
300 U.S. Tanks for Canada
Washington , — Canada probably
will obtain several hundred United
States army tanks of the last war for
’use in training the new armored units
at Camp Borden, Ont., it was learned.
If is understood the agreement is al-’
most completed and that it might in
volve as many as 300 tanks, consider
ed Obsolete by the American army
but which would prove valuable at
Camp Borden, where the new armor
ed brigade of the Canadian Active
Service Force is being organized by
Col. F. F. Worthington.
“We Can Stand It”—Churchill
London—Prime Minister Churchill
declared from the very midst of the.
Battle of Britain that no matter'how
Hitler multiplies his air raids, “we
can stand it,” and expressed his deep
satisfaction with what he termed the
eastern advance of the United States
armed frontier. Mr. Churchill reveal
ed that the effective strength of the
Royal Navy’s fleet in the Eastern
Mediterranean was almost doubled a
few days ago.
U.S. Warns Japs ’
Washington—State Secretary Cor
dell Hull gave Japan new notice of
the United States Government’s coti-s
cern over the security of French In-
To Share Cost of Guests Pupils
Toronto The province Will pay
half the cost of additional teachers’
salaries found necessary due to enrol
ment of British war guests, Hon. Dr.
Duncan McArthur, minister of educa
tion, announced.
More Canadian Troops
Reach England
A .North British Port A fresh
The Minister of Finance reserves the right to allot cash subscriptions in full or in part.
The lists for cash subscriptions and conversion applications will open at the Bank of
Canada, Ottawa, at 9 a.m., E.D.T., on Monday, September 9, 1940, and may be closed at any
time at the discretion of the Minister of Finance, with or without notice.
Ottawa, September 6, 1940.
contingent of Canadian troops—sever
al thousand .strong — has arrived in
Britain to join the Canadian already
here, ready to take their part in the
Battle for Britain,
cloaked in secrecy.
knew that the already large Canadian
troop concentration in Britain was be-
Jng swelled by several thousand addi
The arrival was
Only • officials
Dr. G. E. Rogers Deputy Minister
Toronto — Dr. George F. Rogers,
chief inspector of secondary education
in Ontario,' was appointed deputy
minister of education. The post was
left vacant by elevation of Dr. Duncan
McArthur to the Ontario Cabinet fol
lowing the death recently of Hon. Dr.
Leonard S. Simpson, minister of edu
cation since 1934. He vas principal
at Seaforth for 12 years.
Hitler Threatens
Berlin — Hitler, with a generally
successful year behind him but an un
predictable winter ahead, spoke tp
Britons with a threat that his bomb
ers Will “erase” English cities to av
enge night raids by' the Royal Air
A horizohtal ’strip of white cloth
on the front Of the air force blue field
service cap of the Royal Canadian Air
Force will distinguish Pilots, Air Ob
servers and Wireless Operator Air
Gunners in training under the British
Commonwealth Air Training Plan.
The white distinguishing strips Will
be issued to aircrew students in train
ing when they arrive at the Initial
Training school's from the Manning
Depots, where they receive their Uni
forms, learn drill and are generally
initiated into the Air Force life.
Students recently arrived from the
United Kingdom already are wearing
the distinctive white "peaks” on the
front of their wedge caps, and Canad
ian students will soon follow suit.
Upon completion of their 'training
period, those students provisionally
selected for commissioned rank will
be issued white armbands to be worn
on the left sleeve of tunic and great
Carriers for the first pamphlet
raids on Germany started from Can
ada during the first Great War. At
that time the leaflets travelled in small
rubber balloons which were inflated
with hydrogen and when the wind
was right were released where they
the safe and efficient operation of air
transportation and weather prediction.
to be
would float over German territory.
There they would rise to great
heights, says an article in the August
issue of C-I-L Oval, until they
%nd let the leaflets flutter down
read by curious Germans over
areas. '
Like worthy old soldiers,
Canadian-made balloons have passed
on those early duties to others and
have been promoted to new important
work. Today they explore the weath-
e’r of the upper air for the benefit of
their mighty winged successors. They
chart safe airways for civil fliers, and,
as targets, sharpen the sting of fight
ing fliers and anti-aircraft gunners.
Each day these useful indicators are
released from weather stations and
airports across Canada to determine
the height of clouds, the ceiling to the
airforce and civil flyer, wind direction,
velocity and other data important to
Horse plowmen who figure they are
pretty good in sod will be looking for
ward to their Branch matches to take
a fling at the $10.00 prize SiXLADA
TEA is offering for the best plowed
land in sod, using horses.
Winners of the event in every
Branch in Ontario will be permitted
to plow in the SALADA SPECIAL
at the "INTERNATIONAL” where
the prizes should attract plowmen
from all over the Province. First two
winners will be awarded gold and sil
ver medals and an extensive trip in.
the Spring, and the next twelve —
Cash prizes from $25,00 to $5.00.