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Jl'Hting xde<rie4 risks Automobile, Fire* IJlato Glass lbirglary,
Fnblic Uabllity* and oilier general imnmtm Head Ollice, Toronto.
WinghBni Advance-Times
Published Ut
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of th e i
WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, Sept. 5th, 1940
Tit Circumstances
make farmers
good risks for
automobile htsur*
nnce, and our
Irilot policies give
the farmer the ad-
vantage of lower
rates—-and we give
him extra*good,
extra* fast service.
ged a considerable distance, before
Stewart Robertson, railway employee,
wav able extricate him.
Mr. Brown had his right arm brok
en in several places, and the index
linger of his left hand was severed,
and«he was badly bruised and shaken
Fractured Leg
Audrey Lohr, eight-year-old daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Russel l.ohr,
in the past decade. The pair were
remanded to jail for sentence.
Lawyer Quit Murder Case
AVith all witnesses
court stage set for
hearing at Goderich
Indian, charged with
of James Kilpatrick
Lynx Kids Sheep
What ;s described a> a huge lynx
i> p-.ey.ng -upon the sheep tolds ot.
Lumtrs on t-.;e Kmeardme luglmajs-
three males west of Walkeitem
Mr. Russed Hutton recently lost
three valuable lambs from his flock,
which uere allowed the run of pasture
land next to the bash lot.
' This is the tit>t ijnx sighted
these parts fot many years and the!
‘deimen of the forest is thought to
have wandered from the Greenockj
•swamp to this section where the well-,
st sacked fawn yards provide easy be-*
gotten meals for the big pussy. — j
Walkerton Hee:aid-Times. *
BU1LBE R$ O F . GO O D Qdri A RM \1:M P L E jw E NT 5 SINCE 1847
Uelfri win tAe.dcuf'
present and the
the preliminary
of Sant Dodge,
the axe murder
on June 7 last,
there was an unexpected hitch in the
proceedings. Fraftk Donnelly, defense,
counsel, announced that because he
Gowanstown, sustained a fracture of 1could not see eye to eye with the
the left leg when she fell from a barn i prisoner on the conduct of the case
window Sunday' afternoon. She re-jhe was withdrawing- Dodge will ap-|
cdvvd treatment at the hospital, re-’pear September 12.
turning home Tuesday. — ListoweH
Banner. i Hensail Lady Gets
j The announcement has been made ’
’that Miss Maigaret MacLaren, oil
| Heusall has been appointed proies.wr i
•’of history at W aterloo College, to I
succeed Irion ssor Hannah Marie |
Haug, who has resigned. Miss Mac-I
Laron is a graduate of the Vniversity |
of Western Ontario,>3 .ondon, and got
her Master of Ails degree from the'
Vnhersity of Toronto.
Indies Complete Motor Course
Twenty Seaforth young ladies prov
ed that driving anything with four
wheels and an engine on it was mere
child’s play for them. They were
members of the motor mechanics
course which has been in progress at
Daly's Garage for a number of weeks.
W ednesday was test day and the class
proved its ability to handle cars,
trucks or tractors. The tests were,
conducted at Agricultural Dark and|
included tests m general driving rules
’ by Chief Hehnar Snell and a written
I examination. — Seaforth Huron Ex-
| positor.
.; Tfee-ln-O:m Apple
■ -On Thursday, while Melville Reu-
nick-, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley
Resnick, was at
his father,
Goderich Cot Given Command
Id.-Goh A, F. Sturdy has been ap- xv^
printed. company commander of Ko. <Wbx which has attracted much in
ti Canadian Training Ventre, with tosest, Three apples are grown firmly
the rank of major, and will be station
ed at Woodstock.
Col. Sturdy left for London on
Monday to take a refresher course at
Wolseley barracks, and will be ready
to start instruction to trainees at
Woodstock on October 3.
1 Kincardine Creamery Robbed
j IMiee. recovered a ear in Toronto
i Wednesday afternoon used in a break-
hn at Kincardine Creamery early in
* the morning, bat there was no trace
; of the five passengers or the safe con-
taming $450 in cash and $1,500 in
; checks taken from the creamery.
, The break-in, made through a win-
\iow, was discovered by employees
; coming to work early in the morning.
’ The safe had been carried away and
i .| orgamocr of i
- Rand, is leavir..
| direct the Che-
j which he was bandmaster a quarter'
j of a century ago.
, Mr. Wright had previously three
times been leader of the Chesley
. Band. He left there in 1916. He was
i bandmaster of the Bruce 159th Battal-
; ion Band, C.E.F., in the last war.
Heads Chesley Band
Sergt. Bandmaster G. J. Wright,
:e London Citizen's
the city :o
,v Citiceifs
return to
Band, of
A1’bmr Gillespie's
he found a freak’ drawers in. the office -rifled.
By Harry J, Boyle
A. G. Murray, who with his brother,
I.essHe, operates the creamery, said
together, somewhat after the form of ] that there was a larger amount of
a clover—leaf, and are suspended from
the one stem. We did not learn the
-name of the variety. — Orangeville
: Banner.
Failed To -Register* Remanded
; John Flakhohn of Mildmay, who a
month ago was fined $7LT5 and sent-
cash than usual in the safe.
With oil the anxious watching and waiting
that precedes the ripening of a crop, the
harvest itself seems to descend with ’’Blitz
krieg” speed.
And once on, speed Is the essence of
success-—for delay may be costly to the
Heavy crops in down and tangled condi*
tian give rise to problems in harvesting
methods and equipment operations and
throw excessive strains on much worn parts
of aid, reliable machines.
It is then that the farmer appreciates the
real value of farm machine service as
rendered by Massey-Harris.
Competent men with experience in field
problems and service that takes years
to acquire, and a system that provides
for the ready availability of parts for
any of its machines, no matter how old,
so as to avoid costly delays, are what
have earned for Massey-Harristhe enviable
reputation which it has long enjoyed as—
Incubator Baby Dies
The prematurcly-bofti daughter of onced to two mouths in jail for fail-
Ml\ and Mrs. Edward Tanner of «re to surrender firearms possessed
Fden Grove, winch was ushered into, by an oiler., again appeared in Mag-
this world on the nineteenth day of istrate Walker’s police court at
register as an enemy alien under the
Defence of Canada Regulations. He
was remanded. — Hanover Tost.
July, succumbed at the Brace County ’ Walkerton.
The infant, which at birth tipped
the scales at only two pounds and
one ounce, was the smallest child
bom at the local institution. —
Walkerton Herald-Times.
Lucknow Factory May Start Work I
Indications are that the local fnrui-j
tare factory, now known as The Bell
Aircraft Corporation, Limited, will |
shortly commence operations. ?i
The plant has been idle for a J
lengthy period and some months ago |
negotiations were completed whereby I
st became the property of this Air-|
craft Corporation. This past weelc :d
arged with failure to u,xtple cf workmen have been engaged,
elemdug up the plant. — Lucknow-
“Harvest Help”
He was thin and pale . . . but as
he assured me , . . quite "wiry” when
I met 1dm at the station. It was late
evening and the tram had pulled out
leaving the station platform in dusk
iness, and his face was blurred and
indistant from the shaded, green. light
pouring out from the operators desk.
There was something in his voice
though . , - an eagerness as it he was
on some, new adventure.
*‘I was kiuda anxious to get out
■on a farm", be said, “‘and that’s why
I wrote to see it you wanted help
for the harvest. Fve never been on a
■ farm before but I'll sure do mv best.
■You don't need to bother about wag-
jes. I -got quite an appetite and it's
I going to take a lot to feed me. Aunt
Tiverton Girls Champs I Martha said I'd eat more than I was
Ripley -Red's t&ree-year reign as- j worth. Rut I'll try my best. I’m not
titleholders in the South Bruce Giris'} afraid -of work,'"
Softball League came to an abrupt I The old car rattled a little along
" i
■^’You're not mad because I'm small
.are you”,, he ventured timidly.
i ''Son”, I said in all sincerity”, Gut
] here on the farm we don’t base every-
* thing on sine. Same of the best farm
ers of the district a~e little men. It’s
not year sire or your ■experience . . .
‘ but rather whether you want to work
hc-r not rates you with us.”
i He sighed in a sort of relieved way
; and went 'back to staring, out the car
j window until we tu
laneway and came n
•eTow rectangle
en door. He h
?ea his small b:
ayed bark as Mrs.
Dragged By Train
Roy Brown, of Falmerstom was
severely injured when he walked be-
tw'cen the ears of a moving freight
ria in a: the C. X. R. station Tim
extra freight from Kincardine was
just pulling into the station, the en
gine and four ears haxnng passed
when he walked between two of the1
ea-s of the slowly moving train. He;
was ’mrled oadbed. and drag-'
■ttoh when Tiverton Alacs took the < the toad then
i third and deciding game of the finals from the dash
jby a decisive 2^-2 scone. .jhsusl
j -------- l&flk
j Gender Given a Month 1 trees
Ccnvsctod of dangerous driving
■craar.dod for sentence, Robert Gorier,
7, East Wawauosh youth, was sent-
need to 30 days in jail. Accused was
he -driver of the car in which hi
school chum, Archie Alason, same, agx
and in. the pale 2-
I could see him arm-
cut at the shadoww
tanmhc-nsc-s and the
A stack
not be a'
■» years,
■i I
xdvssrimh brass, faced
with Hew mmhlsms w22 tto&et; bo see
newest asschmsty, sad lemm BaWifo
Is Your House
and also
d. It was six
soeod m a
‘>ad COUp:
County Home Cornmittee
‘he County Homo co
mtj Cotmon mc-t at
nJ:o and decided to build a new
'he present ;<ne is iocat-
barn turn tl.ss place «s
stabling accomodation
mre-bred herd or Short-
t buds tip. The new con-
and be bird: under the
gangway of the barn.
1 fried eggs . . . steaming, fragrant like torpedo boats’. . . and he’ll be
-tea . . . and his eyes lighted up as he 'amazed and thrilled by the morning
.'slipped into the chair. There was jreveille sounded by Ethiopia
' something about the hungriness of | champion black rooster from
’that bay that made a strange feeling jridge-pole of the barm,
t swell up inside of me. 3 He’ll come to like the farm
“Da . . - do . . . you have stuff: and we hope, . . . us - . . and
jlo eat like this all the time,” he said < go back to the city, his education
’.as Mrs. Phil edged a pitcher of milk '■ about this country of curs tremend-
, closer io his plate. jcrnsly increased . . . and with freckles
1 Perhaps he won’t be such a help ! and tan on his cheeks . . . and his
;whh the farm work. Mavbe he'll be!belt edged out another notch or so.
. m the way . . . and I wouldn't be ! Somehow, we're not regretting at
surprised if I could do the work fasier • Lazy Meadows that we have ‘’‘Harvest
,myself. But I have a strange idea help” from the city.
'that we’ll never think of it in that
He's small . . but he's wiry . . .
and he’s fiercely jealous of his stand
ing as a man .. . but he’s also hungry.
He pushed away from the table and
Yivmk'ed pale-cheeked grin a> he said,
‘‘G.’-sh, I nm>: of ale a l.ri. I'll have
to work pretty hard t*> make up for
all I ea
tind what
rm really
ver chickens in their
chard . . . .lucks wad-
re brisk, mornmg air.
h in the dewy grass
: Watching the Trwns-Canada Air
Lines plane fly west just after dark
■ every night, residents of North Tor
onto have recently taken to wonder
ing: ‘"Why does the pilot switch his
lights off and on three limesr” Was
, it some new angle of operations
' procedure? Had it anything to do with
weather or the war? The answer Is
simple, according to T.C.A The pilot
is simply talking to his wife. Just
flashing her a wink, or, it y:u like,
' tossing her a kiss from aloft.
> Lighted warn stftwfeftte W«
ASwys to <fe« lamps Wtdsi& when ym
ieWfe yWfr bcmc fW -evening. Berccw!-
fe, a bright Bgbi 3«r rixtowr. bcm. costs
-only 1« £ydto
Ifoms Clftrfe Cmhas Tree
Akx. McFwen. cferk of Morris, loss
cc-r.trm cd his tsn? wtos the brakes
mded :o work -£v.rrg rbwr. the bril
b*ke fct Amherij'. xnd urashed
trbe. Idrs. bJcBwen itms sev-
dxksn fend her raerr.. Isabel
y. cri Trirc-ntci. twwi fe sr&Ip
|wc>»d wfcibh Ibfed pcvdwdy.,
'.! ••■ •---. --
jjAMuat Rcsriururri Keeper
j The T’ wt .rd Riidr.y hnfl s* £
1 ntglt ’br-uutisp .sf the> ntxufe
; tt'.'p ri'in Thari ’tittrs? feriad is
I'R.rrri/rih.nr our:
1 The :uv* Ripriy ?essflt:ftts pk
ip rb-osrig a
rits 'Which thsy rtjrg
w the s*ori;S,
JArriwtiril n -Ghmese niswrwt keepe
’riosa his phist’ femes? fri
jfe tfpm v’lffigErs > tfe-sh ».
j Tctfeg iu tiit .A>
,ri..xYft:ey X W. Yrebfeft s&ftl ws a
>i can? tsfe co ItiasQ in Smjzs
taking « ftmr of tfi OhttMb mtMBcs. jMorn IMn W ■em'ltyoefe SV a™*
plants;, Siis thb sBrnll cd AthW is Sast ,‘^T
tutted here M M impertod * StEmStsfi $Sxa*4 Mhicb ''Welcomed tb HamShan by
&& e wtd as BjJOb -tsm ft ^«acitee **
:S /