HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1940-08-29, Page 8PAGE EIGHT WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES * Show Starts at 8.00.p.m. exoopt Saturday, Saturday Night, Two Shows, at 7.45 and 9.45 p.m. Thursday, Friday, Saturday August 29, 30, 31 TYRONE POWER DOROTHY LAMOUR EDWARD ARNOLD “JOHNNY APOLLO” A melodrama showing that crime does not pay. Also “Miniature” and “News”. Matinee Saturday afternoon at 2.30 p.m. day at the home of her sister, Mrs. Fred Culbcrt of Listowel. Mr. Ken Wright of Englehart spent i last week with Mr. Harold Pollock, • and on Saturday he and Mr. and Mrs. [ Pollock and Miss Mildred McClen- jaghan were visitors in London. I Me and Mrs. Ernest Casemore and Lj family spent Sunday at the home of his sister, Mrs. Ed. Marsh of Wing- 1 ham Junction, Rev. and Mrs. G. O. Cox and Don- ' na, and his mother, Mrs, D. A. Cox * of Palmertson, and her mother, Mrs, Mac. Ross and Miss Olive Terrif 1 spent Thursday last in Toronto with . Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Parsons. Donald Parsons, who spent the summer holi- ’ days here, returned to his home in j Toronto with them. ] Mr. James Curran and Mr, Irwin I I out with Mr. the threshing Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, September 2, 3, 4 SPECIAL "'Vfk FAY BAINTER • GEORGE BANCROFT Virginia Wcidler ■ Eugena Pallotte TOM EDISON Also “Cartoon” “Novelty Subject” “Canada Carries On” Admission: Adults 35c. Children 20c. Two Shows “Labour Day” Night. c WHITECHURCH This community extends sympathy to Mrs, A. Emerson and family in their bereavement. Mr. Clarence McClenaghan is spending this week at Ryerson Camp. Miss Dorothy Stewart of Wingham spent a few days last week with Miss Mildred McClenaghan. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Goyeau of Leamington, Harold of Windsor and Arthur of Detroit, spent Sunday at WATCH REPAIRS For Satisfaction Have your Watch or Clock re­ paired at William’s Jewellery Official C.N.R. Watch Inspector the home of Mr. and Mrs. Aldin Pur- don. Billie Purdon, who has been with his grandparents for several weeks, returned home with them and Mrs. Purdon left with 'them to spend some time at Leamington. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brogden of In- gersol visited on Sunday at the home of her sister, Mrs. Fred Newman, and Donald, Barbara, Marilyn, Douglas and Betty, returned with >them for a week. Master Raymond Laidlaw of Kin­ loss spenF last week at the home of his aunt, Mrs. Jas. Falconer. Miss Stewart of Brussels is visiting with Mrs. A. Fox. Miss Nettie Sharpe, who was visiting there last week, re­ turned home to Hamilton on Satur­ day. Mrs. Harold Sparling spent the week-end in Toronto with her hus­ band, who is a patient at Christie St. Hospital. This community extends sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Waddell, whose week-old-son passed away last Mon­ day. Miss Lila Emerson is spending this week with her sister, Mrs. Haggitt of Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. Pratt and family of Stratford, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. R. Y. Carrick. Mr. and Mrs. Gen McClenaghan- Eileen and Fay and Irwin, spent Sun- raw This Week $30.00 In Prizes Saturday Night $10.00 For First Prize $10.00 For Second Prize 10 $1.00 Prizes The Following Are I WINGHAM BANK NITE STORES KING BROS. C, N. MERKLEY C. H. McAVOY J. MASON & SON ANDREW MITCHELL J. W. McKlBBON MacLEAN Lumber & Coal Co, MACHAN BROS. GEORGE OLVER PETERSONS’ D. RAE & SON JACK REAVIE SMITH’S GROCERY STAINTON’S HARDWARE C. TEMPLEMAN & SON TERVIT’S DAIRY WILLIAMS’ RESTAURANT FRANK WATSON ELMER WILKINSON GEORGE WILLIAMS WALKER STORE __ A. J, WALKER ------------ ; WILLIS SHOE STORE Lucky ticket with every 25 cents you spend at the above named stores. ARMITAGE’S BERT ARMSTRONG C. BONDIFRANK CASKANETTE FRED CARTER CAMPBELL’S GARAGE CRAWFORD’S GARAGE DOMINION STORE HARRY FRYFOGLE FOXTON’S LUNCH T. FIELD & CO. GREEN FRONT STORE T. H. GIBSON GREER’S SHOE STORE W. R. HAMILTON HANNA’S MEN COLBORNE LADIES’ SHOP HURON MOTORS W. A, HEUGHAN HYDRO SHOP IS ARD STORES MURRAY JOHNSON x? * I McClenaghan started Frqd Davidson with outfit this year, Mrs. Chas. Homuth, formerly Sarah Jane Davis, a cousin of <Mt. Harry i Godkin, passed away on Saturday at her home at Breslaw. Her husband, Rev. Mr, Homuth, of the Mennonite Brethern of Christ’s Church, survives. They formerly lived on the Homuth farm, now owned by Mr. John Webb. She was buried on Monday from Hes- peler to Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Toronto. Mr. James Weir of London spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davidson and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Gaunt and children of Marnoch visited there on Sunday. Mr. ad Mrs. James Elliott and Jean and Harold of Bluevale, also Albert Louttit of Wingham, spent Miss Ma-ria Louttit and Mr. and Mrs. Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Elliott.' Miss Jean Coulter R. N. of Bryon San., London, is spending her holi­ days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J, Coulter. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Currie and daughters with June, Irene, Stewart Everitt of Wingham, spent Sunday in Kincardine with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Searle. Mr. ad Mrs. Wallace Conn spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earle Caslick of Culross and Mrs. Will Conn is visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnston of Lucknow. Mr, Charlie Coulter, London, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alec Coulter. Mr. John Gillespie has been nursing a very sore hand during the past week, two abcesses formed on the back of the hand. Miss Eva Wilson of Palmerston is visiting this week at the home of her aunt, Mrs. J. F. McLean, and on Sun­ day she and Mr. and Mrs. McLean and Jack visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ira McLean of Brussels. Ira has been at fingal airport during the past few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Gillespie and Agnes, and Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Schol- tz, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Bert Reid of Listowel. Mrs. Brooks, Culross, has been visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Neil Robb of Stratford. Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Elliott of Bdue- vale visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lester Falconer. J Misses Muriel, Catharine and Shir- j ley Shaw of Toronto, spent th$ ! week-end at the home of their grand­ mother, Mrs. Jas. MacGregor. Miss Noreen Kilpatrick, Lucknow, is visiting this week with her grand- ' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson. ; Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Leggatt, Wingham, and Mr. and Mrs. Eli Jac- I' Ques, spent Sunday with the latter’s i-son, George Jacques at Preston, j This community extends sympathy i to Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor in the loss of their little fifteen month old daughter, Claiare. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Lott of Lon­ don, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Palmer of I Wroxeter, were visitors with Mr. and I Mrs. Walter Lott on Sunday. The Ladles Auxiliary of the Angli­ can Church, Wingham, met at the,, home of Mrs. Lance Grain on Wed­ nesday. Mr. and Mrs, George Harkness' were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Richardson. Mr. and Mrs. John Johnston, Mr. James Moore and his daughter, Col­ leen spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Chamney, and Mr. Moore and evening for * 0 SCHOOL DAYS And little feet feel like singing, too, when they­ ’re snugly and comfort­ ably fine,. boys and girls. Every style the young folks favor is included — and sizes for all. Fitted for super comfort and cor­ rect posture. $1.49 to $2.95 encased in these sturdy shoes for GREER’S “THE GOOD SHOE STORE” <■ Anniversary Sunday Next Rev. C. Tavener, and Mrs. Tavener have returned home after a two week vacation, Mr. Tavener conducted the regular services on Sunday in the United Church. Next Sunday the An­ niversary services will be observed in Bluevale United Church. Earl Moore of Brussels had charge of -the service in Knox Presbyterian Church and at Eadies. Rev. F, G. Fowler will preach next Sunday following a month's vacation. Ladies Groups Met Mrs. Archie Messer was the hostess this week for the monthly meeting of the double Group of the Ladies’ Aid of /Knex Presbyterian Church. Following the business session, the ladies were engaged in quilting. Re­ freshments were served’ and a social time enjoyed. Mr. and Mts. Arthur Shaw- spent the week-end in Toronto- and were LIGHTERS & PIPES FRESH TOBACCOS And MAGAZINES — At — Omar Haselgrove’s Smoke Shoppe $ I KIDDIES I going back to school | Spells J Clean Clothes | so mothers drop in s and see some real bar. gains in WASHERS and CLEANERS liis clcHighter Ie£t in tHc their home in Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Perdue and May and Jim, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, David Chamney. BLUEVALE Injured While Harvesting Oats Mr, John Nicholson, B, Line, Turn- j berry, met with an unfortunate ac­ cident at his home on Saturday after­ noon. He was drawing in oats, and when entering 'the barn the whiffle- trees broke and Me Michelson was dragged off the load, and fell to the barn floor. He suffered some broken ribs, a fractured collar bone and it is feared concussion, He was rushed to Wingham to the doctor and is a pat- (ient in the General Hospital. Reg* $114.50 washers re­ duced to $89.50 Royalaire tank type va­ cuum cleaner and all attachments Reg* $89.50 only $59.50 For a limited time only So hurry. Radio and Electrical Service Phone 157 Wingham mum - . guests at the marriage of their neice, Miss Helen Bernice Johnston, daugh­ ter of Mr, and Mrs, Fred Johnston, to Mr. Roland Wilfred Lewis, The marriage took pljace in High Park United Church on Saturday, \ Week-end visitors with Miss Duff and Mrs,’ M. L, Aitken included, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Field of Teeswater, Mr. and Mrs. Gerrond Duff and daughter Jane of Welland, and Mr., Donald Street of Hollen, Mrs, M. L, Aitken and Miss Dor­ othy Aitken spent a day recently in St. Marys. Miss Aitken has been en­ gaged as teacher in the primary de­ partment of the public school at St. Marys. Mr. and Mrs. iMilton McVittie of Flint, Michigan, are visiting with Mr, and Mrs. W. S. Davidson and other relatives, Mr. and Mrs, S. Rolph and daugh­ ter, Detroit, Mr, and Mrs. R. Alridge, Lois and David of Fordwich, spent Sunday at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Mann. Roy Mooney who has spent the summer vacation at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Smith, has returned to his home in Toronto to fe-enter school. Mr. and Mrs. R. F, Garniss spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Neil B. McEachern at Mount Forest. Mrs. Ross Button is a patient in the Listowel Memorial Hospital. iMiss Maxine Cowan of Wingham visited with her cousin, Miss Helen Elliott. Mrs. Stanley Darling is visiting her mother at Harriston. ’ ’ Miss Colclough of Goderich is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Allan Larder. Miss Isabel McKinnon of Kitchener is holidaying at the home of her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. McKinnon. Russel Barnard has accepted a pos­ ition at Howson’s mill, Wingham and commenced duties this week. . Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ramsay have as their guests their daughter, Mrs. Alan F. iMeiklejohn and Mary Ellen of Kingston. Lieut. Meiklejohn, who is signalling officer for the Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry Highlanders, was- their guest this week-end. School Opens Tuesday Next Tlie Bluevale Public School will open on Tuesday, September 3rd. Mr; Duncan Stewart of Stratford been engaged as teacher. re- has BELGRAVE Girls had Charge of Institute Meeting The girls of the Belgrave Women’s Institute were in charge of the Aug­ ust meeting of the branch and- a large attendance of members and visitors gathered at the home of Miss- Helen Yuill Tuesday afternoon for the meet­ ing. Mrs. N. Keating, the president, was in the chair. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and ad­ opted. Several conveners gave’ sug­ gestions of what work could be done individually in each activity such as an objective for each month’In war work; the use of more milk and early registering were some mentioned. It was decided to, distribute patches for quilts to be made by different groups. The roll call, “A new idea- in sewing or baking,” A penny fine for failure to respond, was well' responded to. War work was also reported. Mrs. O. G. Anderson spoke on the Feder­ ation of Agriculture and asked all to study this problem. Miss Helen Yuill was asked to take charge of the social . program. A paper on current events I was- given by Myrtle- Yuill. A vocal 1 duet by Marjorie and! Marlene Mac- , Kenzie was much enjoyed. Miss Beryl ; Cunningham, gave a very instructive i address on “Salt,” telling where it is I found, some customs in its use- in ; other countries and ages. Several practical uses of salt were also given. Elaine Walsh favored with a piano solo which was much appreciated by , the girls of the? Institute and a social : time enjoyed. Miss Mary VanCamp of Exeter, visited 'with relatives here. Quite a number from here visited the Belgrave members of the Battery at Carling Heights on day. MORRIS 99th Sun- am PAIN! Thursday, August 29, 1940 GREEN An Approved Paint Your guarantee of excellent Quality Paint made by the Famous Canada Varnish Co., Ltd. WE HAVE 100 GALLONS TO SELL NOW AT ONLY Per Gallon COLOR — YOU HAVE YOUR OWN CHOICE Stainton’s Hardware Bi sary Service on Sunday at 11a.m. and 7,30 p.m. Rev. F. Gilbert of Walton shall be the special speaker. The choir of the church shall render special music for the occasion. Miss Margaret Coulter of White­ church spent the week-end with R. H. and Mrs. McKinnon. Rev. C. and Mrs. Tavener arrived home on Friday after spending two weeks holidays at Mirimachi Beach. Mrs. Ross Button was operated- on in Listowel on Saturday. We are glad to report she is making favorable pro­ gress. Russell Barnard has secured a posi­ tion in Howson and Howson mill. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Fortune, also Mrs. Woods spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Melville Mathers. .Miss Rhoda Robertson left for Tor­ onto to take a commercial course. Sorry to report the illness of'Mrs. Alex McEwen and hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. Wilbert Mathers of Dublin has resumed his duties at the station aftei- six weeks illness. Geo-.. Johnston and. Wilson Thorn­ ton, were home on Sunday fur a few hours from camp at London. Miss- Mossie Milligan returned to Toronto on Tuesday after spending her holidays with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. McClellan. Mr. and Mrs. John Cathers and children visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Reid and Allan, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Stapleton, Wingham. Mrs. Angus Stewart of Wingham spent a couple of days last week with her daughter, Mrs. Rich. Jeffrays. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wylie, Frances and Jimmie, spent Sunday... with the the latter’s parents, Mr. and^j^ Mrs. John Metcalfe. 'W7' The Red Cross Dance which was held on Friday evening was a decided success. Master Gordon James being the Lucky winner for the quilt. Two other prizes being given, Mr. Leslie Bryce and Miss Bernice Appleby be­ ing the lucky winners. Miss Dorothy Dunkin spent last week with Miss Kathleen Cathers at Gorrie. GLENANNAN Rev. H. Miller of. Blenheim visited one day recently with his sister, Mrs. Wm. Breckenridge. Mrs. Robert Muir spent last week visiting with Mrs. Wm. Haugh. R’ev. John Hutton of Underwood is visiting at the home of his brother- in-law, Mr. Wm. Campbell and with other relatives. spent Mrs. EYES EXAMINED— GLASSES FITTED— AT MODERATE PRICES. R. A. Reid R. 0 Eyesight Specialist Wingham Office At Williams’ Jewelry Store Every Wednesday Morning 9 to noon. PHONE 161 PROMPT DELIVERY SHOP AT ALLEN’S APPLE JUICE ............... 8-oz. tin 5c NEW CLOVER HONEY................4 lb. pail 50c BLUE BOY COFFEE ...................... 39c lb. DAVIE’S EASY SPREAD CHEESE...........17c «/2 lb. pkg. . Special Miracle Whip VINEGAR .. Gallon .. 39c• • Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Shaw the week-end with Dr. and Shaw and took in the exhibition. A. D. Smith with Toronto friends. Roy Mooney returned home after spending his holidays in Bluevale. Mr. . and Mrs. Dunbar of Ethel spent Sunday with Robt. J. and Mrs. McClennan. Miss Margaret Robertson of Brus­ sels spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Kerney, Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Sparling also Mr. and Mrs, Everett Sparling of Gorrie with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. John­ ston. Miss Mabel Coultes returned to Toronto after Spending het holidays with her mother. Miss Elizabeth Robertson of Tor­ onto, spent the week-end With 'her patents. \I Bluevale United Church Anniver- 14-CUT RUBBER I HEAVY ZINCRINGS .. ............. 3 dozen 15c 1 RINGS............27c dozen XXX Blended or Spirit SALAD DRESSING SWANDOWN CAKE FLOUR ...... 27c pkg, IODIZED OR PLAIN SALT .............. 8c 2-lb. box t 19c 49c CALUMET BAKING POWDER...........19c 12-oz. tin WHOLE MIXED PICKLING SPICE ... 29c lb. York Pure Pork Sausage ..... Dumarts Chicken Roll.............. Macaroni and Cheese Loaf ..... Peameal Cottage Rolls ........ ........ ..................., ............... ,..., . , . ........... .................... .............. SWEET JUICY ORANGES ______ ... 20c Lb. ..,, 35c Lb. 29c Lb* 25c Lb. A i large firm 30c lb. I CABBAGE Be Sure To Get Your Bank Nite Tickets For The Saturday Night Draw. Cash Prizes. 2 heads 15c