HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1940-08-22, Page 8PAGE EIGHT WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday> August, 22, 1940 iWr M 85w11 T> Show Starts at 8.00 pan. except Satq.rd^y^? Saturday Night, Two Shows, at 745 and 9.45 p.m. Thursday, Fri,day, Saturday, August, 22, 23, 24 Special BMI HU ILCHNICOLOR DON, ? . ANDREA . AL .AMEC.HE-LEEDS • JQLSON Also “Cartoon” “News­ reel Cameraman” “News” Children 10cAdmission: Adults 35c Matinee Saturday afternoon at 2.30 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, August 26, 27, 28 ANN SOTHERN FRANCHOT TONE — In “Fast and Furious” A dealer in rare books finds himself turning detect-? ive to save his life. Also “Crime does not pay” “Traveltalk” “Sport” last week at the home of Mr. John Beecroft. Mr. and Mrs. A, D. Taylor and Kenneth and Joe Arthur, and her sis­ ter, Mrs. Carter, all from Mo,, visited for a week at “ the home of his sister, Mr?. Leask McGee and Friday -last to spend a few days at Niagara. Miss Mildred Moore visited for a few days last week at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Thos, Hockley of PreSr ton. Mr. David Beecroft of New York City, visited last week a.t the home of his sister, Mrs. Henry McGee and brother, Mr, John Beecroft and with E. Wawanosh and Wingham relatives. Miss Nellie Sharpe of Flamilton is visiting with Mrs, Fox. Mr, and Mrs. Jack McIntyre and Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Falconer and Athol Purdon, spent Wednesday at Calendon and the men were in Tor­ onto. Mrs. James Snowden and her niece, Miss Beatrice McQuillan of St. Helens left on Tuesday to spend two weeks with relatives at Hamilton and Grims­ by. Donald and Betty Gillespie are spending this week with .their grand­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hodgins of Kinlough. Mrs. H. H. Sparling and Douglas and Marie spent the week-end Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Browning of cardine. Mr. and Mrs, Mac Ross and O. Terriff and Donald Parsons, and Rev. and Mrs. G. O. Cox and daugh­ ter Donna, spent Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Cox of Palm­ erston. Mr. Earle Cox of iMetachewan, also visited there with his parents. Mr. Donald Finlayson and John and Sarabelle of Lochalsh, visited on Sun­ day with his aunt, Mrs. Jas. Mac­ Gregor. Mr. Gear, Agricultural represent­ ative for Bruce County, was in this community, on Friday inspecting the home gardens of the Home gardening and Canning Club, the members of which are, Leader, Grace Richardson, Assistant, Agnes Gillespie and Eileen McClenaghan, Agnes Martin, Mary Caution, Mildred Moore, Ardyss with Kin- Miss ( COLBORNE Ladies’ Shop 20% DISCOUNT _-ON — COATS DRESSES HATS SALE OF Pullovers WHITECHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Hank Kruger of De­ troit were visiting recently with her mother, Mrs. Dave Gillies. ,Miss Lilian Patterson of Ayr, spent the past week at the home of her brother, Mr. F. McK. Paterson. Miss Tillie and Mr. George Alex­ ander of St. Helens, spent Tuesday at the home of Mrs. A. Fox. . Don’t forget the E. Wawanosh pic­ nic that is being held at the 10th bridge on Wednesday, August 28th. A good program is .being prepared with special speakers and musical numbers and races, and a baby show for the afternoon, and a dance there in the evening. Everyone welcome to come along and bring a picnic basket. Mrs. Clarence Russel and son Clar­ ence of Waubaushene, spent last week with her mother, Mrs. Jas. MacGregor and other relatives in this district. Born—on Tuesday, August 13 at Fordyce, to Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Barbour, a daughter. Miss McMullen of Petrolia, spent All wool popular shades, Sizes 14 to 40. Regular $2.95, for now, also Mr. and Mrs, Wallace Conn spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hutchison of Wingham. Mrs. Sam Hunter of Vancouver and her niece, Miss Irene Stewart, of Winnipeg, spent the week-end at the home of the former*? sister, Mr?. Bzra Welwood, ' • "v *' Archie Purdon spent last week with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Anderson of St. Helens. Miss Veronica .St. Marie R, N. and Mr. Bruce Savage of Brantford, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James .St. Marie. Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Curran of Ash­ field, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Jas; Curran. Misses Jean McKague and . Jean Burchill of Turnberry are visiting this ‘week with their aunt, Mrs. Lance Grain. Miss Louise Coultes of Belgrave is spending a few days this week with Miss Cecilia St, Marie and Miss Mur­ iel Patterson of Kapuskasing visited there last week. Mr. and Mrs. Aldin Purdon and Leroy Goyeau visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ab. Cameron of Ash­ field. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rintoul of Lucknow ,spent Sunday with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Purdon. Angus Falconer met with a nasty accident on Saturday last when he jumped from .a swing in .the park in Wingham. He landed with both hands doubled under and strained the lig­ aments of each wrist. A pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Gilles­ pie on Tuesday last, when the young people from both the local churches met and gathered around a camp fire with Miss Velma Scott as leader.- The following program was much enjoyed, Miss Agnes Robertson gave the med­ itation talk' on, Fri'ends, the choosing, the necessity and the obligation of friends. Jas. Richardson led in prayer. Elroy Laidlaw gave a reading and Jean Welwood also gave a reading on friends. Mrs. Mowbray gave a hum­ orous reading, (Should Women Pro­ pose. Ruby Coftn sang to her own accompaniment on the guitar, and Miss Susan Carrick played several numbers on the accordion. Mrs. Har­ old Sparling led in a sing-song of patriotic and old time songs and rounds, Mr. Harold Pollock led in the games during the recreation period and all enjoyed the weiners and buns and coffee. A vote of thanks was ten­ dered the host and hostess and ithe National Anthem brought the meeting to a close. The congregation of the Presbyter­ ian church held a meeting in the church on Monday night with Mr. Tom Wilson in pharge. Dawson Craig read the Scripture lesson and Mrs. Albert Patterson led in prayer. Mrs. Conn gave a talk on, By their fruits < ye shall know them. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Purdon of W. Wawanosh were then called to the front and Miss Vel­ ma Scott read an address and Mr. Tom . Wilson presented the young couple with an Aladdin lamp. Both thanked the church people for their kindness and thoughtfulness. Miss Bertha Mackay sang, Juanita and Lass O’ Mine, and Velma Scott gave two readings from Robert Service Read­ ings. Tom Wilson had charge of the games during the recreation period., Lunch was served and a social time enjoyed by all. FOR YOUR HOME It Will Pay You to Buy Now for Fall. Flannelette — heavy quality in smart stripes, .. *.............................................25c, 29c yard White Flannelette — 27 in, wide.......7 yards $1,00 Fancy Tea Towels..............,....................39c Lach Towelling — John S. Brown’s Pure Linen — we still have a supply of-all linen Tow-, elling in many attractive patterns....... ... priced at 29c to 50c yard ........ 29c, 33c, 43c yd, Fri.,, Sat., ..............19c yd. ...................89c Turkish Towelling ., Wabasso Broadcloth — Thurs., only, reg. 22c Wabasso Prints, special 5 yd. ends Wabasso Pillow Cotton Thurs., Fri., Sat... reg.39c to 49c, .......35c to 45c L...................59c .. 8 yards $1.00 76 In. Wabasso Sheeting, Bleached 36 In.. Factory Cotton ........... Standard Shirting — Heavy, colour fast ma­ terial .........t..............................................s29c Fancy Cretonnes — 36 Inch ....4 yards $1.00 Special Prices are for Aug. 22, 23 and 24 Only. - Save Money by Shopping on These Days. The president, Mrs. R. J. McLennon presided, read the scripture lesson and conducted the business. Special prayers were offered gy Mrs. George Thornton, Mrs. Edward Johnston and Mrs. Robert Shaw, .fol-, lowed by; the Lord’s Prayer In unison. Mrs.’ Joseph Breckenridge, the Temperance Secretary, read a piece entitled “Is alcohol o food”. Mrs. Robert Shaw had charge of ,the chap­ ter from the Study Book, which dealt with “Higher Education in India”' under the following heads. “The im­ portance of Women Colleges,” “The Influence of Christian ’Institutes,” “The desire for Christianity” ahd the “Student Christian Movement.” T.he meeting -closed with singing the hymn “Take Time to be Holy.” daughter Barbara of Toronto, were recent visitors with the doctor’s par­ ents, Mr. and Mr,s. Arthur Shaw. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hutcheson have returned to Toronto after spend­ ing. the summer "at the Sanderson home here. Mr. and Mrs. John Geddes of Bel­ grave, spent Sunday with Mrs. Mary Robertson and Miss Fraser. Brown, Catharine Movvbray. Oil Mon- ,1 day. Miss Flora Durnin, the county i coach, gave a tomato canning demon­ stration to these girls at the home ■ of Mrs. J. G. Gillespie. Mr. Will Scott and daughter, Mar- i ville of Kinlough and Mr. and Mrs. , Albert Patterson, spent Wednesday ; last at New Hamburg. : Mrs. Alex Morrison of Guelph re- i turned to her home on Sunday, after i visiting her.sister, Mrs. Jas. Forester 1 for the past; two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Reid of Brant- ■ ford, spent a few days last week with his mother, Mrs. Alec Reid. .Mckenzie Mowbray and Kenneth Laidlaw are working at Port Albert . at the airport. 1 The young people of the Presby­ terian Church had charge of the ser­ vices at the three appointments on Sunday, Miss Velma Scott, president, was in charge and also led in prayer. ' Mr. Dawson Craig read the Scripture lesson and Miss Janet Robertson had the topic on Nehemia. The regular monthly 'meeting of the Womens Institute was held on Tuesday last with the president, Mrs. L. Grain in 'the chair, after the open­ ing exercises' the following program was given: Community singing. The Institute Rally song. Mrs. Jas. Fal­ coner gave a very interesting and in­ structive talk on the motto, It is a thousand times easier to contract a new habit, than to get rid of an old one, Six children sang, There’ll al­ ways be an England. Genevieve, Watt gave a reading, Papa and the Boy. Miss Ruby Conn sang, Home on the Range, to her own accompaniment on ■the guitar. Eileen McClenaghan gave a reading, The patchwork quilt. Cur­ rie Burchill sang, O Johnny. Mrs. R. Ross had charge of a very interesting demonstration, School Lunches, em­ phasizing the need of milk and the right foods to make children grow healthy. The ladies are selling tickets on a quilt and a pair of pjjlows for the Red Cross. The National Anthem closed the meeting. Mrs. Gowdy of Wroxeter visited on Friday with her sister, Mrs. Brooks and Miss Ramsey, of London, and Mrs. Elliott of Calgary, also visited with their aunt( Mrs. Brooks that day. i iMr. and Mrs. Gordon Scott of Rip­ ley and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Conn visited on Sunday with Mrs. Scotts parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hill. Mr. Hill was celebrating his seventy-seO- ond birthday on Sunday, Mr. Walter Ferguson, Culross, spent Sunday at the hottie of Mr. .attd Mrs. Jas, Richardson. Mr, and Mrs. Calvert Falconer and family, of Blyth, spent Sunday with his father, Mr. George Falconer and at the home of, Mr. attd Mrs. Jack fiutchill. * '>■ ■> < Me arid Sirs/ Will Cdnn and their I family and Mr. and Mrs. Hardie Simp-* son and daughters of Tees-water, Mr, I and Mrs, Stewart Scott and children of Kinloss, Mr. and Mrs, Johnson Conn and Ruby and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnston and*Bobby, of Ltick* With — And his - TWO FLOOR SHOWS AFTERNOON FROLIC WINGHAM TWO BIG DANCES Lions- Red Cross LABOR DAY PARADE ' CONTESTS GAMES - SOFTBALL ‘ Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Brinker, their son Aaron and his wife of Sandusky, Mich., visited with friends in .the vill­ age on Sunday. /Mrs. McKee of . Montreal is with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Curtis. Miss Duff and Miss Dorothy Ait­ ken visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Blake Duff at Welland. Dr. Arthur Shaw, Mrs. Shaw and EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED— AT MODERATE PRICES. R. A. Reid R. 0. Eyesight Specialist Wingham Office At Williams’ Jewelry Store Every Wednesday Morning 9 to noon. 2 Dances and Floor Shows RUSS CREIGHTON Canadian Mountaineers — With — 5 ACT FLOOR SHOW PARADE (GOOD PRIZES) See Bills For Events Followed by / SOFTBALL at the PARK Two Outstanding Toronto Teams Admission to Park 25c Admission to Arena 15c Proceeds equally divided between Wingham Red Cross and Wingham Lions Club. PHONE 161 PROMPT DELIVERY JAMESTOWN Mrs. Holt is spending a few days with her sistbr, Mrs. Cutt at Goderich. Wm. Park's of the St. Thomas Aair- force and Mrs. Parks, called on Sun­ day at Robert McDonalds. Mr. Bernice Payne is enjoying a few days with his daughter, Mrs. Fowler at Chesley. Miss Mary Jacklin was a recent visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ward Gray. The ladies of the Jamestown Pat­ riotic Circle, gathered last Thursday as usual to do sewing, quilting etc. At tliis meeting a Patriotic Tea was served by four of the ladies, Mrs. Mc­ Farlane Sr., Mrs. Dennis, Mrs. Frain, and Mildred Turnbull. There were about thirty ladies and a number of children partook of the dainty lunch. The proceeds of the tea amounted to $7.85, One of the features of the after­ noon was the drawing of the lucky ticket for the quilt. The lucky one happened to be Mrs. Dick Jacklin, who received the quilt. The meeting came to a close by singing “God save the King.” Mrs. Kerr, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Prttdhatti, and ' children, also Mrs. Green of Toronto, spent Thursday at the home of Mr* and Mrs. Robert McDonald. , BLUEVALE Temperhnce Th^me of Meeting i The monthly "itieetitig of the W.M; ’S. of the United Church whs held at the church on Thursday afternoon. 14-CUT RUBBER RINGS ..... 5c Doz. FOR JAMS AND JELLIES CERTO .....:............ 25c Bottle F HEAVY ZINC RINGS ................. 27c Doz. SPIRIT OR BLENDED VINEGAR ................. gallon 39c Garden Path Choice Quality UNGRADED PEAS 16 oz. tin 10c AYLMER TOMATO JUICE ......... 11c 26-Oz. Tin MIRACLE WHIP SAND­ WICH SPREAD 19c 8-oz. Jar MIRACLE WHIP SALAD DRESSING .... 49c 32-oz. Jar CLOVER LEAF RED COHOE SALMON 31c tall Tin Tip Top Choice Quality GOLDEN BANTAM CORN 20 oz. tin 10c PALMOLIVE TOILET SOAP ... 4 Cakes 23c GIANT SIZE SUPERSUDS..............35c Box MAPLE LEAF PURE LARD....... FOUR O’CLOCK BLACK TEA.............69c Lb. York All Pork SAUSAGE........................ York Good Quality BOLOGNA Macaroni and Cheese Loaf..................... 20c Lb. . 17c Lb. 29c Lb. SWEET JUICY ORANGES .................30c Doz. 1 SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT......... 4 for 25c Be Sure To Get Your Bank Nite Tickets For The Cash Prizes.