HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1940-08-22, Page 5Thursday, August, 22, 1940 mi LIL........ini........ iWLiiuiJillllin.lJKIIItlHiWIBMM^^ WINGHAM' ADVANCE-TIMES DRESSES SUITS—1 Only Suit $19.95 ... ... % Price $3.98 r JU •••• •• 4 House Furnishings $ Days SpecialsLingerie Specials for $ Days ■ “THE STORE WHERE LOWER PRICES PREVAIL” FOUNDATION GARMENTS % OFF CORSETS - CORSELETTES - LASTEX GIRDLES. Discontinued and brok- en lines ©f DeGant and D. & A. Foundation Garments priced from $1.00 to $6.50. All at exactly !4 off their regular selling 67c to $4.33. No Approvals, No Exchanges, No. Refunds. RAG MATS Hit and Miss Rag Mats made from clean cotton rages, siz 24x48. $ Days - 59c EachCompare These Prices GRAB RACKS Do not overlook, these racks as every article is really an outstanding Bargain. Be here early. Rack No. 1 50c BOYS’ SWIM TRUNKS <A11 wool Ba.thing Trunks for boys, drop stitch with reinforcements. Us­ ual 79c vdlue, sizes-24 to 34. y $ Days - 59c Specials In Staples For $ DaysREADY-TO-WEAR $ Day Values We want to Clear Our Ready-to-Weaf Stock Regardless of Price and Do It Now when you still can get many weeks wear out of these wearable values. Thursday Friday When we say you will stretch yoiir Dollars bn Dollar Days we are prepared to stand by what we say, as these prices will mean savings of at least 15 to 25% at To-day’s Replacement Prices. Buy and Save. Men’s Wear - $ Day Specials - Boys* Wear Covert Cloth Work Shirts This shirt is a winner when it comes to hard wear. Covert Cloth is made for the strenuous wear that farmers, mechanics and all workers give their shirts, usual $1.00 value $ Days - 89c Each Navy Drill Work Shirts One of the strongest and toughest work shirts we have seen at this price. It is thoroughly made and well cut. The main seams have double rows of stitching, shoulders have double yoke, usual 85c value. $ Days - 69c Each OVERALLS Mackay’s Mechanic Overalls are a genuine bargain as they are much stronger and" heavier than most makes usually selling ajt this low price. Col­ ors Blue and Black. $ Days - $1.49 Pair DUCK WORK PANTS Cottonade and Navy Duck Work Pants. They are cut in big roomy sizes that allow free body action in any position. Usual $1,69 Value.. $ Days - $1.39 Pair /MERINO’ WORK SOCKS You'll get a lot of comfort and ser­ vice from these sturdy ‘Merino’ Work Socks. Plain knit of natural color with white heels and toes. Usual 25c Value. $ Days - 19c Pair WOOL WORK SOCKS Men’s long-wearing work socks. Knit from all wool yams with rib ■ stitch that makes the sock fit better. A real bargain ajt this price. . $ Days - 3 Pairs $1.00 Penman’s Underwear Balbriggan Shirts ..............49c Each Balbriggan Drawers........49c Each Balbriggan Combinations 89c Suit Penman’s.71 Shirts .........89c Each Penman’s 71, Drawers ...89c Each Penman’s 71 Combs..,...-..$1.89 Suit BOYS’ TWEED SHORTS A good buy for junior. Well made of durable wool and cotton tweeds in neat grey patern with elastic at back. Would be ideal for starting back to school. $ Days - 89c Pair SWEATERS All JWool quality. ...A good look­ ing pullover with military collar and zipper closure. Close ribbed waist and cuffs. Get one now and have it ready to send him off to school at to-day’s price, they are really worth $1.59. $ Days - $1.29 Each Boys’ Navy Work Shirts You’ll get lots of wear from this strong shirt of tightly - woven Drill. The seams are well stitched and rein­ forced and they will give plenty of wear. $ Days - 49c Each BOYS’ COTTON SHORTS These are. real bargains, discontin­ ued and broken lines of Covert Cloth, Navy and Khaki Drill with elastic at back. Values up to 79c, $ Days - 49c Pair BOYS’ COMBINATIONS Buttonless type Underwear for the boy. Knit of fine Cotton in cross-ov­ er style' in the popular cream shade. Usual 45c value. . $ DaysJ - 39c Suit Low priced Wash Suits for such . ja fine .quality Broadcloth. Save on /these now' as they were selling right along at $1.00, sizes 2 to 6 •years. v "$’Days - 79c Suit l/2 PRICE DRESSES l/2 PRICE $8.95 Values ................................... Price $4.48 $6.95 Values...................................................... % Price $3.48 $3.95 Values................................................ % Price $1.98 $2.98 Values................................................................% Price $1.49 BE HERE EARLY FOR BEST CHOICE. ... .V2 PHce $9.98* SUMMER COATS 2 Only Coats $7.95...................................... MILLINERY VALUES — FELTS AND STRAWS Summer Hats, values to $2.98, for ................... 39c Rack No. 2 ... Rack No. 3 75 . $1.00 Rack No. 4 $1.29 JOIN WALKER’S KENWOOD LAY-A-WAY BLANKET CLUB Pay Only 50c Werekly Blankets most likely are due for a raise in price. Buy joining now you will have your Blanket-pair for when the cold weather comes. You will never miss the small payments. BUT DO IT NOW. ENGLISH BROADCLOTH This is a fine, closely woven wash­ able... Cotton Broadcloth., in a large range of light and dark shades suit­ able for many household needs, 36 inch. $ Days - 6 Yards $1.00 COLORFUL PRINTS These delightful ...cotton ...prints have been tested and proved fast to tubbing. Large range of light and dark shades, also checks, usual 29c value, 36 inch. $ Days - 4 Yards $1.00 UNBLEACHED COTTON Something out of the ordinary in value considering the, advancing pric-/ es. This is one item we will not be‘, able to duplicate in the future, 36 inch. ■ $ Days - 10 Yards $1.00 ' UNBLEACHED COTTON Be thrifty and make your own pill­ ow cases, linings, aprons, ironing board» covers, etc. Dependable for wear, easy to wash and bleach. 40 in. $ Days - 19c Yard ’ Unbleached Sheeting This unbleached sheeting is of ex­ tra heavy quality, closely woven and with a smooth finish that will bleach white with a few washings. Usual 45c value, 72 inch. $ Days 2% Yards $1.00 Bleached Sheeting A substantial weight in this fully Bleached Sheeting if you want to make sheets that will stand lots of wear. Do not miss this opportun­ ity to get your share. Usual 59c value. 72 inch. $ Days - 2% Yards $1.25 Printed Lingerie Crepe Dainty patterns printed in pretty colorings suitable for gowns, pyjamas, kimonos. Usual 29c value. $ Days - 4 Yards $1.00 SILK KNIT BLOOMERS Made from good quality rayon yarn ‘ with free running elastic at waist and ‘ knees.$ Days - 2 Pairs 45c Rayon Stripe - Satin’ Panties ' Serviceable knitted Rayon and Satin Panries. These are outstanding val­ ues that we cannot duplicate again. Values to 49c. $ Days - 3 Pairs $1.00 CREPE “ANGEL” SLIPS These slips have smartly embroid-i/ ered details, straight cut style, which ” go to make the “perfect slip”. Usual $1.29 value.$ Days - $1.00 ANGELSKIN SLIPS Out of the ordinary! Not only in value but quality too, made in bias-cut style with adjustable shoulder straps. Values to 69c. $ Days 59c - 2 for $1.10 SPECIAL TABLE LINGERIE Discontinued - odd sizes - broken lines. Gowns, Slips, Panties, Bloom­ ers, Vets, all at 20% Discount for quick clearance. Be here early for best choice. HANDKERCHIEFS Linen Weft Handkerchiefs, white with hemstitched hem. $ Days - 30c Doz. Cotton Crepe and Batiste Gowns These are lines that we have been selling right along at $1.00 - $1.19. While they last. $ Days - 89c, Each Clearance of Ankle Socks Low priced anklets of Rayon plait­ ed on Cotton with sturdy heels and toes, sizes 5 to 10’/j. $ Days Only Values to 19c... .2 pairs 25c Values to 29c.............19c pair BATHING SUITS Wool, Silk and Wool, Satin, etc. All Clearing Dess 25%. X1 Rayon. Homespun Drapery •A material we recommend for rich /looking drapes. The Rayon gives it a .distinctive sheen, 49 to 50 inches wide, Beige and Green. Usual 1.25 value. $ Days - 79c Yard LOW PRICED CHINTZ -For very little money you can bring /bright colors to your home decora­ tions with this pleasingly patterned dCotton Chintz. $ Days - 2 Yards 25c FRILLED CURTAINS Such dainty curtains made from .scrim with frilly ruffels of Marquis- iette, 23 inches wide, 2 1/6 yards long with tie backs. $ Days 59c Pr., 2 Prs. $1.15 WINDOW SHADES . Water Colored Shades .................69c Washable Window Shades .. ........49c Paper Window Shades --- 15c Colors Cream or Green. We are also agents^for Hees Venetian Shades Enquire for Prices. FRILLED CURTAINS Frilled Curtains that mean big sav­ ings. Made from fine quality Mar­ quisette, odd colors and broken lines. $1.59 Values..................$1.19 $7.98 Values..................$1.49 $2.98 Values..................$2.19 Walker Stores, Limited TELEPHONE 36 '----------------- ------------- White Flannelette What a value and what an op­ portunity to be thrifty when you can buy this extra quality “Velva” Finish Flannelette at such a low price. Usual 19c value. 35 inch. $ pays - 6 Yards $1.00 WHITE FLANNELETTE Baby’s comfort is of the utmost im­ portance* Every mother likes our lovely/ soft?, “Velva” Finish White Flette jri this popular width, 27 inch. $ Days - 8 Yards $1.00 DARK TERRY TOWELS ’ -'An economy price on handy towels to have in the kitchen. Firmly woven ? TTWi£h'dainty- colored stripes and fring- . edjqnds. Usual 15c value. Size 16 x 32/ 1 . Light Check Towels Here’s another inexpensive Cot- 'ton Terry Towel which you will eft joy using and which is decorat- ' ive with its fancy over checks and stripe borders. Usual 29c value, 20 x 40. .... ... $ Days - 2 for 45c JUMBO BLANKETS Perfect warmth and sleeping com­ fort in these lovely soft warm flannel­ ette blankets, extra large and single whipped. Usual $2.79 value. Size 70 x 90. $ Days - - $2.19 Pair WOOL VALUES You want to be here early for this special offer in discontinued broken lines, odd shades in wool including Beehive Wool String. Values to 25c. $ Days - 2 for 25c FLOOR COVERING We have a complete stock of Print­ ed Linoleum, Gold Seal Congoleum, Rexoleum and Rexfelt. Printed Linoleum, 4 yards wide $4.29 Gold Seal Congoleum, 3 yds wide 1.98 Rexoleum................ 2 yards wide 65c Rexfelt....................2 yards wide 55c Oil Cloth, 2 yards wide, usual value '$1.30, special $ Days .......97c yard Rayon and Cotton Checked Table Cloths A novelty cloth of smart appearance in silky effect, sizes about 52 x 52. Colors Red, Green, Gold Blue. $ Days - 37c Each Wiogliam JOSEPHINE STREET four daughter, Laurence, Bert and Donald of town, Leonard of Plenty, Sask., Clara of Windsor, Violet of Toronto, and Pearl and Jean of De­ troit. also one sister, Mrs, Eup’hemia MacLean of Detroit. The funeral service was held at R. A. Currie’s Funeral Parlours on Fri­ day' afternoon and was conducted by I Rev. F. G. Fowler. Interment was made in the Wingham Cemetery. The pallbearers were: Angus McKinnon, Alex Robertson, John Falconer, Wm. Casemorc, Peter Gowans and D. Led- iet. I Beach. Miss Muriel is returning this week to her duties as a nurse ,at Tor­ onto East General Hospital. Mr. Garnet Rushdeau, Mr., Wm. Garton, Mr. Geo. Garton of Learning­ ton and Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Gamb­ le and children of Clinton, spent Sun­ day with Mr, and Mrs. Marvin Smith. Mr, and Mrs. W. T. Crulckshank, Bud and Lois, visited for ten days with their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. James Elliott, Sault Ste. Marie. Miss Nellie Cruickshahk accompanied them, she is a sister of Mrs, Elliott. | death occurred at noon hour same day. theI were: ‘Mrs. John McLean, • Miss R. Dinsley and the Misses Sara and Agnes MacLean. Mr. George Dalgliesh of the Bell Telephone Co., Mrs. Dalgliesh and Joyce are spending their holidays in Northern Ontario. (MrS. Wm. Garton, Jean and Shirley returned home on Sunday after spend­ ing the past few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Smith. Guests over the week-end with Miss R. Taylor were: Mr. and Mrs. E. Rob­ bins, Betty, Harry also Mrs. Robert I FoWler all of Toronto. , Mrs. Geo. Phippen has returned from visiting her brothers at South- woodsly. Her nephdw, Elmer Shrigley of Sarnia/returned with her, Rev. and Mrs. G. I. Campbell visit-. edJrLutiOwn for a few<days Ta&t week ot ''t'heiits^ewrft Ottawa weti aftCompanied by Mrs. R, D. Mason and Miss Ann Farber. ‘ ‘ » i' Mrs, Geo. Williams and daughter, Muriel, spent last week at Bruce Mrs. Cenclair Phippen. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Armstrong returned on Sunday from a itwo weeks motor trip through Quebec. Mr. Earl Carl of Winnipeg is visit­ ing with his aunts, Mrs. Cenclair Phippen and (Mrs. Tyndall Ritchie. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Winfield of De­ troit, Visited for a few days'last.week with Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Davidson. Misses Minnie and Florence Barber are on a two weeks'vacation to Tor­ onto, Montreal, Quebec, and Ottawa. Mrs. C. Taylor and Mrs. J.'O."Hab- kirk enjoyed a wCekl.etf^5 fflriitSe oh Georgian Bay leaving*front Owen Sound. •”Mr. and Mrs. fieri? Joftei of Al- | gona, who are now on their honey­ moon, visited with Mr: • and Mrs. Harry Hopper. .Misses ftorothy Elliott/,,' Arhnifei Pie*rc6, Mildred Stewart ^and^dff®^ Elliott, spent last 'week 'in^con‘a,ge,| at Fort Elgin, *‘< LOCAL AND PERSONAL Dr. Elmer Aitken of Toronto \was a visitor in town. Mrs. Olive Beattie is spending a few weeks in Ingersol. Mrs. Thos. Torrance and son, Tom­ my, are spending this week at Mills- koka Lakes. Mrs. J. Ft, Crawford is visiting with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. Brown,' Woodstock. MisseS Ada and Dorothy Phippen and Melvin returned from two weeks camp at;' Stayher.Miss' Lois BurchilJ returned home Mondayaftef a months visit with her •ister in Guelph, Caph and Mrs. W. J. Adams are on X motor, trip through Northern and pastern Onta/io.Mrs. OlU6'.^fidtpPSon;,,of Listowel ................WWMfejfe UIVI 11IK IV1H I Miss ^ildredri^hippep/jf Lbttcfo'h is 1 at fort juigiij, • Visiting 1 s- ICT&i SALEM OBITUARY John D. MacLean The death decurred aboutThe death dccurrfed about one o’clock Oh Wednesday afternoon, Aug­ ust 14th, in the Wingham General Hospital of John th MacLean. The late Mr, MacLean was in his 82nd ye&r apd was born lit the Township of 'Culrp'sfi; fle is survived by his wife of Windsor, Ontario, four sons and BORN I J NEWMAN—In Wingham, bn day, August 19th, 1940, to Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Newman, a daughter;Iv DENNIS—tn Wingham Genferai Hos- pitM/ Oft Thursday, August 8th,, to ‘ Mr; and Mrs; Russell Dennis, a son, David Russell* The infants death Mon- and Mrs. Richard Bennett of Sound are at present .visiting ! the former’s mother, Mrs. Edwin Ben­ nett. Mr, Lloyd Weir has returned to his duties at St. John, N. B., after spend* ing his vacation with his parents, .Mr, and Mrs. W. E. Weir, Rev. Mr, Brace occupied the pulpit her last Sunday. Rev. Mr. Watt Will preach here next Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Palmer called on .the former’s mother, Mrs, Rich­ ard, Pajlftier of Wroxeter last Sunday ■ev^hiftg.^ aiai * - -• Miss iva Gallaher of Lorraqm spent a couple of days recently^Wlth/heri patents, Mr. and Mts. A.' E/ Gai&neL Mt. and Mrs. W. Mildred Dane and Mr, Edgar Dane Mr. Parry of the 14th of Howick, spent one evening last week W. E. Weir. Congratulations Kenneth Bennett, last Saturday at . ,......... bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Gathers. The bride was fortnerly, Mis.s Lila Gathers. They left for a short honeymoon trip to Amberley BeXth/ On their return .they will reside Oil the 'groom’s .farm. . / 7 • .Visitors with Mr. and iMrs./J. Gowdy last week were: Mrs. Edgar Elliott of Calgary, Alta., Miss A. E. Ramsay of London, Mr. E, Gibsoil of North Battleford, Sask., Mrs. R. Callum of Mount Forest and H. G. Gibson of Wingham. with Mr. and Mrs. to Mr. and Mrs. who were married .the home of the Tod Few Visitors Housewife—'Look here, Jane. iS covered ‘with dust/ * has rn in it lately. Me Mrs. This