HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1940-08-22, Page 4PAGE FOUR WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES ■Thursday, August, 22, 1940! ISARD’S Men’s Wear Casual smartness with an individ­ uality that marks distinctive fab­ rics and distinguished tailoring— that’s a big order, but you’ll find it perfectly exemplified in each of these unusal summer suits. ., Two Pants Wide Assortments of Mixtures, Tones and Styles ! !. ...m.-nmuo. ARE YOU THE MAN? — Watkins ‘Dealer (between 25 and 55 years, with car), needed immediately to hand out FREE Soap in nearby Rural Route and supply established demand for Everyday Necessities, including Spices, Extracts, Baking .Powder, Toilet Preparations. Clean- ; sers, Medicines, Fly Spray, Miner- , alized Stock and Poultry Tonics. 72 . year reputation. 10,000 dealers. Must be satisfied with $30.00 week­ ly at start. Selling experience un­ necessary. Farm experience help­ ful. Credit furnished right , parties. Write immediately, The J. R. Wat­ kins Company, Montreal, Que., Dept. 0-W-2. ■ .EXPERIENCED ‘ GIRL — wants Jxpusework in town. Apply Advance­ s’ Times, . ' ' son” McIntosh Raynard of the Town­ ship of Ashfield made an assignment on the 16th. day'of August, 1940; and' that’ the first meeting of creditors will be held' at the Town Hall, Wingham, Ont. on the: 27th day of August, 1940 at the hour of 10.00/in .the forenoon T.o' vote thereat proofs of claims and proxies must be -filed with me prior thereto. . Those having claims against the •estate must file same with the under­ signed . before . distribution is made; otherwise the proceeds of the estate will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, without regard to claims not ,'filed. Ddted at Fordwich this 17th day of August, 1940. ' ' • • Fordwich, Ontario. 1 E. A. Corbett, - i ; p ■’ Official Receiver. JF. W. KEMP, Listowel—Monuments and Monumental Work. 100 monu­ ments from which to choose. Auc- „ lion Sales conducted. Phone 38 o’$ r 121, Listoweli ; ‘ ------------1 ............•- ■ FOR SALE—Hawaiian Guitar outfit. ■; * Complete, in good condition. Apply ! Advance-Times. by Mrs. John Cook.'The children took their part in the program, Piano in­ strumental by Edith Cook. Recitation by Gerald McDowell, Duet joy Violet and Edith Cook. Solo by Shirley Rad­ ford. .A very interesting letter from Mrs. (Rev.) Longley of China was read by Mrs. Douglas Campbell The president, Mrs. Wm. McVittie took charge of the business meeting, Lunch was served by the group and candy and oranges to the children, The of­ fering for baby band was $3.00 Miss Bernice Ford and Mrs. J. E. Ford of Comber were week-end visit­ ors with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Camp­ bell, .Mrs. Ford is staying for a longer visit. We are sorry to report .Miss Annie Harrison who makes her home with Mr. and Mrs, Fred J. Cook, is under the Dr’s care and not improving as her many friends would like, Mrs,. Bradford of Goderich, visited last week with Miss Minnie Snell. We are glad to report Mr. T. H. Taylor is somewhat improved after having suffered two strokes last week. We wish him a speedy recovery. The regular Thursday evening pray­ er service was conducted by Mrs. Jas. McGill with Mrs. Frank1 Campbell reading the Scripture lesson. Short readings were read by Mrs. R. Vin­ cent, Mr. Jas. McGill, (Mrs. Jno. Bu­ chanan, Miss May Mason. Mrs. Jas. McGill and Mr. Jno. Buchanan. Sev­ eral lead ih prayer and Gospel hymns were sung. About 18 were present for the meeting. Visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Cook were: Mrs. Jno, Scott. Mrs. Wm. Scott, Mr. and |Mrs. Walter Scott and son Allan, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coultes, Donald and Clif­ ford, Mrs. Jno. Mason and Miss Ag­ nes Mason,. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Cook and family and Mr. Jno. Coultes. Miss Winnifred Campbell, who was a week-end visitor with her parents, returned to Comber for a few weeks visit. Mr. and (Mrs.. Lloyd Walden were Goderich visiters on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Snell and family were Goderich'visitor on Sun­ day. Mr. and Mrs. J. D.'Elsely and Mr. Ellis Elsley visited on Saturday with Mrs. Jno. Ellis. Mr. Ellis Elsley has enlisted and was leaving on Sunday for London to go into training. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wightman -and family visited on Sunday with Mrs. Wightman’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mathers of Lucknow. The Y. P. U. had charge of the service on Sunday which was held at 7.30. Mr. Harvey McDowell, the president, presided at the service. Mr. Ray Vincent lead in prayer. Miss Mil­ dred Thornton reading the Scripture leSSOfl. Mr, C. McClenaghan of White­ church was the guest speaker taking as his subject “Christian Youth, vers­ ed on the passage, “Seek Ye the Kingdom of God.” Meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction. Miss Alethea Malcom of New York is visiting her a-unt, Mrs. Jno Ellis and cousin, Miss Mary Ellis. Visitors last Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Norman McDowell were, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wilkins, .Miss Vera Wilkins of Goderich. Mr. Harold Wil-^ kins of London and Miss Muriel Mickle of Sudbury, Mr. Mackie of Mildmay and his men are busy finishing up the work on Mr. Howard Campbell’s barn put­ ting in cement floors and water troughs. Miss Elsie Cook of Belgrave is at present with her aunt, .Mrs. Fred J. WATCH REPAIRS For Satisfaction Have your Watch or Clock re­ paired at William’s Jewellery Official C.N.R. Watch Inspector Cook. It was with regret that this com­ munity learned of Mr. and Mrs, Tel­ ford Cook’s car accident at Wingham. Mrs. Harvey Cook and two children were also occupants. Mr. Jack Boyle of St. Augustine being the unfortun­ ate one to crash into Mr. Cook’s car. causing considerable damage with shock and bruises to the occupants. It is very fortunate .the accident was not more serious. A McDowell family gathering con­ sisting of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mc­ Dowell and family. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin. McDowell and family, Mr. and Mrs. Alva McDowell and family, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Walden, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Walden all of Westfield. Mr. and Mrs. Bent Vincent of Belgrave. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Taylor and Mrs. Pheobe Taylor of Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kershaw, of Goderich, were at Goderich on Sunday to meet their cousins, Mrs. Robinson nee (Miss Pearl McKellar), Mrs. Will Dennison and Mr. and Mrs. Percy McKellar of Saginaw, Michigan, who came over to Goderich .for the, day. Forty-two sat down to a picnic lunch at one o’clock'. The afternoon' was spent in a social gathering and all too soon the Mich­ igan friends »had to wend their homeward^ ■?, < Mr. Walter Olsen of Petawawa, was a week-end guest with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wallace. Mr. Elmer Aitken of Toronto is enjoying,„his holidays at the. horn? pf Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Elliotts •• Miss Delight Reid, Messrs Allan and Vernon Reid also Lloyd Taylor, spent Sunday in London with their aunt, Mrs. Arnold Bain, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lincoln also Mr. and iMrs. Harry Brown and Shirley, spent Sunday with friends in St, Jacobs and Elmira, Mr. and Mrs, Percy Gray and two children, Alfred and Patricia of Tor­ onto, spent Saturday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Metcalfe. The many friends of Mrs, Wm. Haugh will be sorry to learn that she had the -misfortune to fall and frac­ ture her arm. Mr. Alex Corrigan left on Sunday for London where he will be in training for the next few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clouse of Ethel and Mr. and Mrs. David Breckenridge of Wroxeter, visited one day recently with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Breckenridge, BELGRAVE Mrs. T. J. Brydges is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Louis Hayes and family in Ellyria, Ohio. Gunners John Leitch, Sam Pletch, Jas. R. Coultes and Clifton Walsh, members of the 99th Battery, oR. C. A. are in training Camp at Carling Heights, London, where the unit is in camp till September 2nd. Mr. and Mrs. R. Yule and Berna are enjoying a two weeks hoilday. Albert Maddock who is in training at Camp Petawawa, was a visitor over the week-end with friends here. Mr. W. M. Kerr is relieving agent at the C.N.R. station during R. Yule’s absence. MOLESWORTH way GLENANNAN • — ■ Miss Elva Metcalfe R. N. of Brook­ lyn, N. Y., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John (Metcalfe. LIGHTERS & PIPES FRESHTOBACCOS And MAGAZINES ' * ;-r — At — Mrs. Joyce and grandson, Kenneth Poag of Toronto, were recent visitors with the former’s sister, Mrs. Minnie Felkar. Mr. Robert Mitchell has accepted a position at Port Albert and com­ menced his duties on Saturday. Ladies of the iMolesworth Patriotic Society-met on Friday ■ afternoon in the Hall and packed the following articles for shipment to headquarters of the Salvation Army, for refugees: 25 small sweaters; 3 boys wool suits; 4 boys sweaters, 14 years; 2 pr. wool bloomers; 1 girls wool dress; 4 girls wool suits; 11 girls flannelette slips; 4 ladies cotton dresses. For soldiers: 14 pair socks; 4 scarfs; 2 sweaters; 2 quilts; 1 used blanket; 4 suits of pyjamas. WINGHAM BANK NITE STORES $25 In Prizes This Week $10.00 For First Prize $5.00 For Second Prize 10 Other Cash Prizes Lucky Tickets given with every 25 cents spent at the Stores that display Bank Nite Banners. Draw made at 9.15 o’clock every Saturday Evening jat the Town Hall. Who will be, the winners of these Cash Prizes this week? They will be Wingham Bank Nite Store Shoppers. < ' IT PAYS TO SHOP AT Wingham Bank Nite Stores Watch for the Bank Nite Store Banners. . ■ ■ i' I I < I ■ •:-iNgems to a boil, add cinpamon drops and sirup in sherbet glasses. Top with and simmer until candyt has melted. ................. — Pour sirup over pineapple gems. Cool and then place fruit in a covered con­ tainer in thewifeffigefat'or -Until thor- oughly chilled. To serve, place fruit coconut which has been toasted to a. golden brown in the oven. Yield: 4 servings. Prices effective Thursday, Friday, Saturday MAKING NEW LAWNSOmar Haselgrove’s Smoke. Shoppe CARD OF THANKS J-■ ■ _ ____ _ _ , Mrs. Andrew Scott and family wish >tQ. thank kind friends and neighbours f0f the sincere sympathy shown them during their recent sad bereavement. Special thanks for the floral tributes also to Rev. W. J. Rayner and to Dr. A. F. Thaler for his kind services. Ontario Provincial Police AN APPEAL FOR ARMS YOUR SEWING MACHINE repair­ ed to perfect sewing at your home. Phone 227. .............................. ............ WANTED — Furnished room With uwr ^thout board, Apply Advance- T Timesi __ NOTICE TO CREDITORS FOR SALE—Frame 7 room house, Modern conveniences, ( on Frances Street. Apply Ed. Williams FOR SALE—7 large Pekin Ducks at $4.00. Percy Biggs. MEN WANTED — 570 St. Clement, Montreal, Can. Would you like to work? FAMILEX . offers you a clientele and protection in your ter­ ritory! 900 dealers from Halifax to Vancouver. ______ FOR SALE—Double house. Reason­ able price. Handy to school and Main St. Apply F. J. Mooney. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late John D. MacLean take this opportunity to ex­ press their appreciation of the friends and neighbours for thefr kindness dur­ ing their recent bereavement, and es­ pecially 'the staff of the Wingham General Hospital and Rev. F. G. Fow­ ler, and to those who sent floral trib­ utes. WESTFIELD FURS £ Save by buying from Manufacturer to Consumer. Repairing, Re-Styling, Re-Model­ ing Highest Quality and Guar­ anteed Workmanship. Famous Fur Company Wingham Phone 204. ~ Toronto WA3335 Late August or ..early September is the best time to sow seed for the new lawn. Preliminary preparation, how­ ever,’ calls for proper fertilizing of the soil, especially the building up of the phosphate supply. This mineral sub­ stance stimulates root growth, thus permitting the plants to establish themselves strongly before winter sets in. . : ■ As soon as the area is properly lev­ elled, or if possible a week to ten days before seeding, a complete high phos­ phate fertilizer, such as 2-16-6 or 2- 12-6, should be applied at the rate of 20 to 25 lbs. per 1000 sq. ft. (10x100) and well mixed with the upper 2JA inches of soil. Firm Ripe Bananas . Sweet Juicy Oranges . Large Lemons . . 3 lbs. 25c .. Doz. 29c 3 for 10c Each 5c ROOMERS WANTED — In home close to school, all conveniences. Apply Mrs. W. C. Armstrong. ROOMERS WANTED — good loca­ tion. Apply Mrs. H. Aitchison. ■STRAYED—on S. H. Lot 39, Con­ cession 10, East Wawanosh, a steer, Owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses. The Farmer’s Creditors Arrangement Act, 1934 Notice to creditors of first meeting ■following assignment in the matter of the bankruptcy of Nelson McIntosh Raynard, debtor. 1 NOTICE is hereby given that Neb Mrs. Jas. McGill was a Benmiller visitor last week. ,Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Taylor and family of Wheatley visited last Tues­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Taylor. Mr. W. H. Campbell spent a few days last week with his daughter, Mrs. Wm. Crozier of Crew. Mr. Bert Brown of Rockwood was a we?k-end yisi^pr with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Campbell. ' * ”* The W< M. S. meeting was held on Wednesday, August 14th under the leadership of Mrs. Fred J. Cook, baby band leader and her. assistant, Mrs. Wm. McDowell, also Mrs. Cooke, W. M. S. group. There were 22 members present, 11 baby band members pres­ ent and 4 visitors. The hymns used for the meeting were childrens hymns. Mrs. Frank Campbell led in prayer. There were two reading on baby band given by Mrs. Norman Radford and Mrs. Wm. McDowell, also a reading UPPER SCHOOL EXAMS RESULTS HEAT FORGETTE^S By Betty Barclay J W o N w Persons willing tt> loan firearms to the Province of Ontario, in accordance with, the appeal recently published, may deposit such fire­ arms with a Provincial Police Officer at the following address: , THOS. W. OLDFIELD, Court House, Goderich. • „ District Inspe^tori Ontario Provincial Poliee. Bateson, John F........................- Benedict, Noreen A.................. Bowers, John L......................... Boyle, Norman F.........-.......— Burgamn, G. William.............- Coultes, Mabel I........................ Darling, H. Agnes ....... .......... D'arling, J. Isabel ......-............ Elliott, Lois, E. R..................... Finlayson, Anna ................. ..... . Forester, Jean E........................ Fothergill, Myrtle E.................... Hamilton, W. James ................. Homuth, Margaret (M........— I twin, Richard J. .......—•• Jackson, Kenneth I* ............----— Loney, Elgin M.............-......... . McClenaghan, Edith McGill, Kathleen N------------ McKibbon, Mary E..................... McLaughlin, Muir Marsh, Margaret I................ Nethery, M. Ruth .......... Parker, Patrica M................... Posliff, Harry A, Rae, Elizabeth S..... . Reid, Scott C. Roberts, Richard J. Robertsdn, Rhoda C. 'KqberJlon,, ^ojss, ibotiaid JL Thompson, Helen. A. bb 4 go<u0 2 bo o P-l 2 s <u £ 4 4 u (J "C 4 4 4 4 4 3 2 4 2 August 7, 1940. 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 4 4 1 1 i 2 1 4 • "1 4 4 4 2 4 2 4 4 2 3 2 2 4 4 3 4 2 4 2 4 4 4 1 i 8 2 3 2 1 4 2 4 4 2 2 2 2 1 4 4 1 1 4 4 4., 2 8 2 4 1 1 2 2 8 rtW'”1 2 * 2 als 3 D s’. 4 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 2 4 3 2 4 4 4 . L W and over; 2. .86%*Wl & W-65^; ■«- E. C-Eng. Comp.; L.-Eng/Liter.; L. A.-Lat, Amj L C.-Lat, Cbmp. F, A.-Fretich Authors; R C.-French ! > ■ < ‘ 4. .50%*59%. •r •A supply of canned Hawaiian pine­ apple gems—those spoon-size chunks of luscious fruit cut across the grain of the pineapple to release’ best tex­ ture and flavor—served well-chilled and right from the can make a zestful dessert for August days. Try them also in these attractive easy to pre­ pare variations; Lime Ring with Pineapple Gems 1 package lime flavored gelatin /I 14-oz. can Hawaiian pineapple gems Sirup drained from pineapple and water to make 1 pt. cup irradiated evaporated milk, chilled tablespoon lemon juice sprigs of mint " Powdered sugar Dissolve gelatin, sirup drained from pineapple gems and water “which has been heated. When gelatin begins to set, whip milk until very stiff. Add lemon juice and fold into gelatin. Pour into a ring mold which has been rinsed with iold water. Put in a cold place until set. When ready to serve, unmold on a cold platter, Fill center with well-Chilled arid thoroughly drained pineapple gems, Garnish with sprigs of mint which have been-dipped in powdered sugar to make edges fros­ ty* Yield: 8 servings,. Pink Ladyvv < t-r ,<z. , 1 ’ 14-oz. can: Hawaiian .->pincapple > Jsgenofif ... . U cinnamon drops , % cup moist canned coconut Rriiig sirup poured from pineapple Bartlett Pears................3 for 10c White Pickling Onions .... Large Pepper Squash .... 2 lbs. 25c . Each 10c Fleischmann’s Yeast .... Whole Mixed Pickling Spice ... lb. 25c Heavy Zinc Rings Cake 4c Doz. 25c Ontario Cooking Onions........... Seedless Grapefruit . .. Crisp Head Lettuce.......... c 3 lbs. 10c 5 for 25c 2 for 15c Bunch 10c Large Basket Potatoes . . Fresh Blueberries..........lb. 15c No. 1 Tomatoes . . Fresh Daily .. 29c Red or White Rubber Rings *. Doz. 6c For Good Jam Certo............Bottle 25c Mild Cheese . lb. 19c CROWN SEALERS Small, doz.................... 99c Medium, doz,......................-.1.15 . Large, doz-----------.........------.1.55 I HANDY AMMONIA, pkg. COMFORT SOAP, bar ...........5c SUPRPRISE SOAP, 10 bars 49c PALMOLIVE SOAP, cake.....6c ;......6c Spirit or Blended VINEGAR PFION1E 17® .......n '!s 1 FREE-DEIayERt J *