HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1940-08-01, Page 5Thursday, August 1st, 1940 WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES PAGE FIVE 1: DRESSES CHIFFON The very quality we have been selling at $3.95 all season. It’s usually so hard .to find dresses that keep ' you cool and fresh-look­ ing but this Spectacular Sale brings you genuine British American, exclu- ? . sive pattern Sheers at the lowest price of the sea­ son. They’re cool to wear coot to look a-t and they, come in beautiful1 floral and conventional, * printed designs. ’ «•? Sale of Better Dresses - $4.95 This is another rare value as we were selling these . presses right along at $6.95. So be hdrfe "early for • best choice.’Sizes 13 to 44/’ • x i I 7 1 . *'■ t ■ Sax 4 BEMBERG ......:.."""Ct...."T?'1' ‘CREPE DRESSES t Mr. and Mrs, R, A. Spotton took a week-end motor trip to North Bay, and saw the Quints at Callendar* , Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Bryce, near jees$yater, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gershom Johnston on Sunday last. Rev. E, O, and Mrs, Gallagher and family are leaving this week for a va­ cation at Big Bay Point near Barrie. Miss Fairy Fells, of London, and Miss. Leota Werner,, of .Hagersyille, visited at the former’s home here over the week-end. Mr, and Mrs, Chester Pugh, Dr, and Mrs, Orr, also Mr, B. Wilson, Lon­ don, visited with Miss Lottie Jenkins the past week. Mrs. W, W* Armstrong returned home on Friday from • a vacation at Stoney Lake. Craig is at Camp Pine Crest, Muskoka, iMrs. Bennington, of Middlefield Ohio, Mrs. Caspell, of Cleveland, O., are, spending some week with their brother, Philip James. Mr. and Mrs. James Holloway, of Long Island, N.Y,, w(ho have been vis­ iting here for the past two weeks, have left for their home. Mr. George Boyle Jr., of jMt. Ver­ non, New York City, is spending his vacation at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Boyle. Miss Leah Robertson has returned to Toronto after visiting for the past month with her parents,- Mr. and Mrs. Alex Robertson, Patrick Street, Miss Jessie Murray left on Monday morning for Saskatoon, Sask., where she will Visit with her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. John Pringle and family. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Robertson and son Billie, who have been holi­ daying at the home of the former’s parents, have returned to' Toronto. Miss Peggy Taylor, of Toronto, is visiting with, Miss Marjorie French, who last week returned from a vaca­ tion at Camp Oconto, Sharbot Lake. •Mrs. A. B. Hillegas, of New York arid her mother, Mrs. W. A. McLarty, of St. Thomas, visiter at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. McGee on Friday of last week. Mrs. J. Arnott and daughters, Hel­ en and Gloria, and son, Dick, of St. Marys, also Stewart Williamson, of Toronto, are spending holidays at the home of Mrs. W., Williamson., ■ iMiss Ariel Johnston, also Master Jackie Johnston, are spending their holidays with their brother and sis­ ter, Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Johnston and Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Smith, 'Sudbury. Mr. and Mrs.. Jas. Jt. Macey spent tlie week-end with Mrs. .Macey’s un­ cle, Mr. Philip E. James. Sunday guests .at the same hame were Mr. and Mrs. R. Campbell, -of Granbrook. " Mrs. Stewart .'Smith .and 'Son, Don­ ald Stewart, of Sudbury, left for home last week after visiting ’.the .past month with her parents, Mr. .and Mrs. Ger- shom Johnston and -other relatives in. East. Wawanosh. Mr. and Mrs. Jack iMnGibbon, of Stratford, were week-end iguests with her parents, Mr. and 2ilrs. Harry Browne. Other visitors with them were: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McGib.bon and two daughters, of Guelph. brothers, Annie at home; Mrs. Rob- bert W, (Minnie) Shields, of Palm­ erston;. George W., Alfred M* and Jan/es S., of town. 1 Rey, Kenneth MacLean, her min­ ister, conducted the funeral service at her late residence Friday afternoon, The pallb&^rX jverp: Gepyge Ir­ win, Alex. Chittick, Geo. Wilson, D6hald; -Raej Thomas Bower. Burial took place in Wingham Cem­ etery. $■ r You’ll be sure to‘ find some­ thing on this rack of dresses of Bemberg Crepe in printed floral designs ’ on white grounds and every , one is a regular $2.98 value. ' \ Walker Stores, Limited “The Store Where Lower Prices Prevail” Josephine St. WINGHAM Phone 36 LOCAL AND PERSONAL Miss Wilma Breen returned Sunday from a week’s Visit in Muskoka.- Rev. W. A. and Mrs. Beecroft leave this week for a holiday at Muskoka. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Kennedy left oh Tuesday for a vacation at How- ROUNDTRIP Bargain Fares AUGUST 2 - 3 WINGHAM TO TORONTO.........$3.05 Hamilton ....... $3.05 Belleville 4....... $5.90 Chatham . $7.55 , London .$5.90 Oshawa ............. Peterboro ...».. Smith’s Falls .. * Welland ......... ~ . ■ and other points. Going—Trains, after 5.10 p.m.Aug* 2 ... -All trains Aug. 3, ,Return Yifriit—Up td Atttlttt 5 ’ Consttit Agerits—‘•ProcufeHahdbill. Canadian Pacific 1 > . $3.90 . $5.00 , $8.25 $5.0# denvale. Mrs. Della Avery, of Toronto is vis­ iting with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Peebles. Miss Irene Davies, of Toronto, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Bush, Centre St. Miss' Kathleen Ivy, of Cochrane, visited oVer the week-end with Mrs. J. E. Fells. Mrs. E. Zeigler,” of Kitchener, spent last week with her mother, Mrs. W. Williamson. Miss Beatrice Graham was in hos­ pital last week for “observation but is now at home. Mrs. F. A. Parker and family have returned from Point Clark where they spent a vacation. James Arnott, Jr., of St. Marys, spent last week5'at' th6 -hothe of Mrs. W. Williamson. , Mr* and Mrs. Hugh Carmichael re* turned on Monday*. ffom a vacation spent at Londcui., Miss L* McNeil and Miss (Margaret Wallade, of London, are visitors at St* Paul’s Rectory this week, • Mrs. U. A. McCall has* returned; home after spendiiig the months in Hamill dp ■ arid Delhi* * Miss Margar’e^Burcfilll/'Wingham^ the week-end with Lois and jW ’J'dhh'S'toh, Bast Wawanosh. QBITUARY Mrs. Robert Groves There passed away .at Cortland Hospital, Cortland, New York, July 14th, a former resident of Wingham in the person of Mary .Addie Smith, beloved wife of Robert Groves. Mrs. Groves had been in poor health for some time. She was born in Hruon Township, County of Bruce, and when a young girl, came with her parents and brothers to Lower Wingham. Forty-five years ago she married her bereft husband and lived in Lower Wingham until fifteen years ago when with he rhusband and family, moved to Freeville, New York. She leaves to mourn her passing besides her. husband, two sons Alvin and Milton, and two grandchildren, all of Freeville, also two brothers, Mortimer Smith, of McLean, N, Y., and Edwin Smith, of this town. The funeral from the home on July 17th, was largely attended and servic­ es were conducted by her pastor of the Methodist Church ,Freeville, of which she was a member. Burial was in Willow Glen Cemetery, Dryden, N.Y. Isabell W. Carr Following an illness of over a year of heart trouble, iMiss Isabell Wishart Carr passed on at her late residence, John Street, oh Wednesday, July 24th. Miss Carr had spent practically her entire life in Wingham as she came here with her parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. James Carr, from Caledonia, aS a child of A few months, except for 'a feW years when the family lived in Clinton. Miss Carr was known for her kindly disposition and in years gone by Was very thoughtful toward child* ren Whom she knew* She was a mem­ ber jbf St* Andrew’s Presbyterian liUtffbli (br 'ftdm'y ybAVs.,’ 1K' fSctj' lidt’^ffiliatioh with this church Wris: lo‘h# Standing that she Wa§ one of its oldt- eSt members. Surviving1 are two sisters and three BORN McINNIS —In Wingham General Hospital, on Saturday, July 27th, to Mrs. Leona McInnis, Acme, Sask,, a Son. O’MALLEY—In Wingham General Hospital, on Tuesday, July 23rd, to Mri and Mrs. Thomas O’Malley, E. Wawanosh, a son. RAUM—In Toronto, on Friday, July 26th, to Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Raum, of Toronto (nee Gleniia Spotton), a son, WHEELER—In Wingham General Hospital, on Saturday, July 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wheeler, Turn­ berry, a son, WESTFIELD Mrs. Jasper McBHeri of “Goderich, visited last, week with her sister, Mrs. Gordon Snell. . Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barkley of Echo Bay and Mrs. Barkley..and Mrs. Fitz­ gerald of Dungannon visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Campbell. Miss Luella Taylor'spent last week with her cousin, Miss Eileen Walsh. The Westfield Sunday School held a successful picnic by the River Bank in Mr. Earl Wightman’s Grove last Tuesday. The afternoon was spent in playing games and bathing in the riv­ er. Results of the races were: Kiddies 3 to 5, about a dozen taking part and all given a treat of ice cream. Girls 5 to 8, Shirley Radford, Violet Cook. Boys 8 to 12, ^Victor Campbell, John Wilson. Girls 8 to 12, Margaret Lock- woqd, Ruth Wilson. ;■ Girls 12 to 15, Dorothy McVittie. Doreen Vincent. Boys 12 to 15, Ralph. Rodgers, Arnold Cook. Ladies Race, Mrs. Earl Cald­ well. Men’s race, Alvin Wightman. Three leged race,. Arnold Cook, Bill Buchanan. Kicking slipper, Mrs. Chas. Smith. Longest jump, Alvin Wight­ man. A basket lunch .was served after which a ball game between Married men and single men was played. Also a ladies and men’s game. Both games brought much merriement for the on­ lookers as well as those who 'took part. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Maitland Henry arril Mr. and Mrs. Alva McDowell with their fam­ lies took in the Fruit Grower’s Ass­ ociation Picnic held at Sloancrest Farm near Porter’s Hill in Goderich Township, last Wednesday. A number from this vicinity 'took in the Red Cross doings at Auburn on Wednesday night and report a good' time. Mr. Herman Lindsay held the lucky number for the Red Cross <quilt.. Miss Annie Clark of Saskatoon is visiting her sister, Mrs. Marvin Mc­ Dowell. A successful work bee was held <on. Friday at the Westfield church to lev­ el up the road side in front of the church. The men gathered with their teams, scrapers and shovels .and work­ ed with a will to accomplish the .task set before them, and when finished had made a right good job. The men went home wondering why the im­ provement hand not been made years ago. Miss Margaret Lockwood of Clin­ ton is visiting her cousin, Miss Mil­ dred Carter. And oddity of the vegetable world grows on potatoes plants *in Mr. F. Campbell’s garden. Clusters which look like small tomatoes are formed on the potatoe blossom. Several pota- I toe plants bear these tomatoe-like ■ clusters. Others have seen the same in their garden. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Campbell and 'son Donald, and Mr. Bill French, mot­ ored to Kitchener on Sunday, Mrs, Campbell remaining to visit her dau­ ghter, Mrs. Arthur Spiegelberg of that city. Mr. Ed. McGill expects to go to London this week to take a position. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Campbell visit­ ed with Mrs. J. Tamblyn of Londes- boro on Sunday* Miss Jean Campbell was a week-end visitor with Miss Annetta Stewart of Dungannon. Mr. and Mrs* Elwood Stackhouse of London, Mrs. Wes, Stackhouse of Brucefield and Mr. and Mrs. Forest McKeller of Midland, Mich., with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wightman last week.. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Crozier of Crew, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Campbell on Monday. * Mr. and Mrs, J. D. Elsley of Moles- worth, with Mrs. J, E. Ellis last Fri­ day. Miss Lois Elsley returned home after several weeks visit with Mrs. Ellis. The sympathy of this community goes out to Mr, and Mrs, Walter Mason and family in the sad death of their eldest son Archie, caused by a car accident Sunday night. The acci­ dent occurred near the farm of Mr, Orton Stubbs. It is reported a tire came off and caused the 'occupants of the car, Archie Mason and Bob. Govier to be thrown out, The car turn­ ing over and pinning Archie beneath causing his death, Boib Govier escaped with a few cuts and scratches. ' MORRIS We are sorry to hear Mr. Anson Shaw has been sick? again and hope he will soon be better again. Miss Viola Mathers visited on Sun­ day with her sister Pearl and Mr. and Mrs, Jas. iMoses.and sons. Mr. and Mrs. Sparling Johnston and boys, visited on Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Peacock and sons, 1st Line. Mr. and Mrs. Alex McEwen visit­ ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. McEwen at Moles worth. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Johnston and baby, spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Souch and family, 2nd Line. We are sorry to hear iMiss Lenore Hamlton is sick and hope she will soon be better again. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Gray and fam­ ily, visited on Sunday afternon with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jacklin and family. The farmers are busy cutting fall wheat and report is a good crop. "’’■Mrs.” Jas. Moses and sons, Miss Pearl Mathers visited on Friday after­ noon with their uncles aunts and cousin’s on the 1st Line. DONNYBROOK The W.M.S. will meet on Thursday, Aug. 8th, at the home of Mrs. Chris­ tina Jefferson, Mrs. W. A. Campbell will have charge of the programme and the chapter in the study book will Ibe taken by Miss Elaine Bamford. Every lady in the congregation is cor­ dially invited. The St. Augustine Women’s Insti­ tute will meet on Wednesday, Aug. 7, at the.home of Mrs. John Raymond, the programme will be in charge of Miss Mae Redmond. Subject, Health. Roll Call—Don’t for the sick room. Current Events, Miss B. Boyle. Host­ esses, Miss M. A. Brophey, Mrs. Jno. Thompson, Miss J. I. McAllister and Miss Lucy Thompson. Mrs. Cunningham and son, Wallace, of Toronto, are visiting at the home o‘f her brother, Mr. Geo. Wallace. Miss Donna Armstrong is visiting at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Mary .’Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Mills and family, of Detroit, visited on Sunday with Donnybrook friends, Miss Grace remaining for a longer visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Robinson. Mrs. W. A. Campbell is spending this week at Kitchener with her dau­ ghter, Mrs. Arthur Spiegleburg and Mrs. Speigleburg. Mr. and Mrs. Orville McClinchey and family and Mr. Stephenson, of Varna, were Sunday visitors at the home of "Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Roginson. Miss Annetta Stewart, Dungannon, is the guest of her friend, Miss Jean Campbell, this week. Three Days Specials ..... '' i.i. j...ii, ......Ji Thursday, Friday,. Saturday Mabob Coffee, as good as your favorite brand 45c lb. Tomato Juice, reg. 12c Now 10c Corned Beef............. 15p Olives, 17% oz. .... 25c - Clover Leaf Salmon 27c (Fancy Red). Halfs 15c Aylmer Peas .. 2 for 21c .Qqld’n Bantam Corn 10$ Pork & Beans, Aylmer or Clark’s........ .. 3 for 25c McClaren’s Peanut Bub I Campbell’s Tomato ter, large 25 oz. jar . 25c | Soup....................10c ...................... ....... . .. ' ■ . ............................................................. Campbell’s Soup - Chicken with Rice, also Vegetable ........................................2 for 23c Specials on all Fruits and Vegetables REDPATH SUGAR SPECIAL - 3 DAYS ONLY For every dollar spent in our store you may buy One Hundred Pounds of Sugar for $6.50 or 10 lbs. of Sugar for 67c (sugar not included). Do not miss this opportunity as the Fruit Sea* son is here and we anticipate sugar prices will be higher. 4 -s ‘. 1,000 Baskets No. 1 Tomatoes...............69c Basket C. BONDI & SON PHONE 207 Get Your Bank Nite Tickets Here. Picnic Held The Mission Band of the United Church enjoyed their annual picnic ori the church lawn on Thursday after­ noon. There were 26 children present. After a short programme all enjoyed games, followed by refreshiqepts sery-< ed by the parents. Dr. and Mrs. Vernon De Boissiere and son, Walter, of Montreal, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Griffith and son, Fred, at the Sanderson home. Mayor Thomas E. Henry and Mrs. Henry, of Stratford, were guests at the same home on Sunday. Miss Mae Davidson is^with Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Davidson. Henry Fowler, Miss Hilda and Birk of London, are holidaying with Miss Florence Fowler and Elmer. Miss Nancy J. Fowler, of Colum- ..b.us, Ohio, is spending this week with her parents, Rev. F. G. and Mrs. Fow­ ler, at the Presbyterian Manse. Mrs. Fred Marsh and daughter, Gladys, Mrs. Robert Marsh and two children, of Woodstock, are visiting Mrs. Ina Lockhart and ’Miss Agnes Thomas. Mrs. Eliza Bravenor, of Toronto, is visiting with Mrs. Arthur Shaw and other- relatives. ” Mrs. James Breckenridge, Helen and Donald, are visiting her parents, at Brantford. Jack McKee, of Montreal, is spend­ ing his holidays at the home of his ■aunt, Mrs. Laura Kirton. Russel McKinney, of Toronto, is. holidaying with relatives here. . Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lott and Mrs. Gladding, of Toronto, visited Miss Duff and Mrs. Aitken. Two $10. Bank Nite Prize This Week FURS Save by buying from Manufacturer ‘ to Consumer. Repairing* Re-Styling, Re-Model­ ing Highest Quality and Guar­ anteed Workmanship. Famous Fur Company Wmgham Phone ,204; . •■•’*■•”■ Torbfttb WASOSfil BLUEVALE Spoke On CKNX Rev. C. Tavener preached in the United Church on Sunday morning us­ ing the text "Take a Little Honey With You.’’ Mr. Tavener conducted The Church of the Air*’ service over CKNX on Monday morning. Mr. Jack Wick- stead contributed a solo and Mrs. W. J. Johnston was the accompanist. Former Cranbrook Minister to Preach Rev. F. G. Fowler occupied the pul­ pit in Knox Presbyterian Church and preached from the text "Inasmuch as ye have done It unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” Rev. W. A. Williams, formerly^ of Cranbrook and Ethel, will conduct the service at Bluevale and Eadies next Sunday, while Mr. Fowler is enjoying his vacation. ‘ Remembered on 79th Birthday ■ \;On Monday, July 29th, Mrs. Rob­ ert Musgrove celebrated her 79th birthday at the horite of Mrs* Miltofi Smith and familyt 2nd con. ^Morris* The Woman’s AssqciatiQi^O^ tYie Um Red Church' remembered her ' on' tlie occasion , widi flowers. Mrs. Mus-' grove sintered a fractured hip some ffiontfts iago arid has made <dite a sat­ is JaetOry recovery* $32. In Prizes Saturday Night $10.00 For First Prize $10.00 For Second Prize 10 Other Cash Prizes The Following Are WINGHAM BANK NITE STORES ARMITAGE’S BERT ARMSTRONG C. BONDI FRANK CASKANETTE FRED CARTER CAMPBELL’S GARAGE CRAWFORD’S GARAGE DOMINION STORE HARRY FRYFOGLE FOXTON’S LUNCH T. FIELD & CO. GREEN FRONT STORE T. H* GIBSON GREER’S SHOE STORE W. R. HAMILTON HANNA’S MEN SHOP HANNA’S LADIES’ SHOP HURON MOTORS W* A. HEUGHAN HYDRO SHOP isard Stores MURRAY JOHNSON KING bros. C..N* MERKLEY C. H. McAVOY J. MASON & SON ANDREW MITCHELL J. W. McKIBBON MadLEAN Lumber & Coal Co. MACHAN BROS. GEORGE OLVER PETERSONS’ D, RAE & SON JACK REAVIE smith’s grocery STAINTON’S HARDWARE C.JTEMPLEMAN & SON TERVIT’S DAIRY WILLIAMS’ RESTAURANT FRANK WATSON ELMER WILKINSON GEORGE WILLIAMS WALKER STORE A. J* WALKER^ WILLIS SHOE STORE Lucky ticket with every 25 Ce4im above named stJIhl