HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1940-07-25, Page 8PAGE EIGHT iv WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, July 25th, 1940 Show Starts at 8.00 p.m. except Saturday*, Saturday Night, Two Shows, at 7.45 and 9.45 p.m, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, July 25th, 26th, 27th MERLE OBERON RALPH RICHARDSON « --- In ----— “The Lion Has Wings Actual scenes of the Royal Air Force in action and the story of two people in love. Also “Musical” “Cartoon” “News” Matinee Saturday Afternoon at 2.30 p.m. Matinee Admission: Adults 20c, Children 10c. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, July 29, 30th1, 31st LESLIE HOWARD INGRID BERGMAN In “INTERMEZZO” A triangle situation created when a maestro of the violin falls in love with his daughters music teacher. Sewing ^nd Knitting. >Mr. and Mrs. McGuire, of Beach O’ Pines”,, are guests at the home of Miss Florence Fowler and her brother, Elmer. *- - Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Messer and daughter, of Toronto, are holidaying with Mr, and Mrs. Raymond Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Griffiths and son Fred, of Montreal, are spending their holidays at their summer home here, Mrs. Kressman, of Kitchener, is vis- I iting with her aunt, Mrs. W. S. Dav- ! idson. Miss L. Reedpof Detroit, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Fred Hollenbeck, Jack Wettlaufer, of Galt, spent Sun­ day with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Heislip and son, Jack, have returned to their home at Craighurst after a visit with her par­ ents, Mr., and Mrs. Robt. Shaw. Miss Genevieve Smith, of BrUce- field, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Smith. Mrs. J, W. Wettlaufer spent a few days recently with relatives at Kitch­ ener and Waterloo. Miss Dorothy Aitken is ’spending the holidays with her aunts, the Misis- es Aitken, at Beeton. Rev. S. Kerr, B.A., of Melville Church, Brussels, preached in Knox Presbyterian Church on Sunday. Rev. C. Tavener occupied -the pul­ pit in the United Church. Twelve young people of the congregation joined the church. FURS Save by buying from Matfufactqrer to Consumer. Repairing, Re-Styling, Re-Model- ing Highest Quality and Guar­ anteed Workmanship. Famous Fur Company Wingham Phone 204. Toronto WA3335 Received Nasty Cut Margaret Rolph suffered a accident at the home of her -----Also------- “MARCH OF TIME” “Edgar Kennedy Comedy” LIGHTERS & PIPES FRESH TOBACCOS And MAGAZINES — At — Omar Haselgrove’s Smoke Shoppe the study book “Moving Millions” dealing with Higher Christian Educa­ tion in India, covering the period from the beginning of the educational sys­ tem to leadership and the college and Christian 'education of women and girls which was the beginning of pro­ gress in India. The meeting was closed with singing "Forth in Thy Name O Lord I go” and a prayer re­ peated in unison. Mrs. painful daughter, Mrs. Laura Kirton,' when she fell, cutting her head quite badly. Mrs. Ro-lph is over eighty years of age and the accident l\as given her quite a shock. Miss Isabel McKinnon, of Kitchen­ er, was a visitor with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. McKinnon over the week-end. WHITECHURCH Bor- with Mr. BLUEVALE W. M. S. Had Fine Meeting Mrs. R. J. McLennon presided the monthly meeting of the W.M.S. ‘ at the United Church on Thursday afternoon and conducted the opening devotional period. Mrs. Joseph Breck­ enridge, the Temperance secretary, read an article on “Alcohol” and Mrs. C. Tavener spoke on Christian Stew­ ardship of our Time and Talent show­ ing that if they are not used they will rust and become useless. Mrs. Arth­ ur Shaw spoke on the chapter from at To Sell Tickets On Quilt The regular meeting of the Wo­ man’s Institute was held at the Or­ ange Hall on Wednesday afternoon. The president, Miss Jean Elliott, pre­ sided. Mrs. Stanley Gallaher, treas­ urer of the War Work Fund, reported cash on hand $54.40. Included in this amount is, personal donations $6.50, donation from. Kirton’s School Sec­ tion, $29.21, proceeds of Minstrel Show and booth. $25.17. All accounts are paid to date. Ways and means for raising more funds were discussed. Mr. Charles Elliott has donated a Dresden Plate quilt, tickets are being sold and when the draw is made the proceeds will be used for Red Cross SI To Be Awarded By WINGHAM BANK NITE STORES his sister, Mrs. W. R, Wilkinson, of Doherty and Gwen, of Guelph, Mr- Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Gillespie. Mr, Earle McLean and his bride/of Listowel, who were married July 13th by his uncle, Rev. John McLean, of Toronto, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. F, and on Sunday all visited Beach with Mr. and Mrs, $, and family, of Walkerton, | Mrs. W. A. Gibson, of Niagara Falls, ■ spent a day this week with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. McLean, and their children, Donald and Shirley, who have been visiting here, Mr, Ira McLean and family, of were also week-end visitors at Bruce Beach, McLean, at Bruce H. Cross Mr, and and Mrs. Wilson Woods, of Dundas, Mrs. Alex. Woods and John Gammie. Mr. Lloyd Woods has left for his home in Melfort, Sask., after a month’s-visit with relatives here. -Rev. G. A. and Mrs. Barnard and Miss Winnie Bafnard were week-end guests with Fordwich friends. " There will be no services in the United Church next Sunday, You are invited to the Annual Com­ munity picnic sponsored by the. Wo­ men’s Institute to ge held at Kincar­ dine on Friday next, Please note that the August meet­ ing of the Women’s Institute will be held on Friday, August 2nd, instead of Thursday. Roll Call, “My Hobby.” Subject—Education, in charge of Mrs, Lome Woods, Program Committee: Mrs. Buchanan, Mrs, Stuart. Hostess­ es: Mrs, A, Gaunt, Mrs. A. H -atchison. Mrs. Midsummer Curtain Sale Fix up your home Look at these Smashing JULY VALUES. FRILLED CURTAINS - with tie backs, 2% yds. long. Ivory, Cream, reg. 69 2 prs.....................1.00 and Mrs. Brussels, here and Mr. Frank Henry, who passed away a year ago, Miss Dorothy’ Holland of Kitchen­ er, and little Miss Smith, of Listowel, are visiting with their aunt, Mrs, Geo. Garton. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coultes and family spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Coultes, of E. Wawanosh, and Mr. and Mrs. John Gaunt and children visited with Mr, and Mrs. Norman Coultes. Mr. McCleary, of Toronto, preach­ ed a splendid sermon Sunday in the United Church here in the interests of the Bible .Society. This congregation are holding their picnic at the 10th bridge on Tuesday, July 30. All are welcome to bring their lunch and come along, The W. M. S, of the Presbyterian Church are holding their summer soc­ ial meeting at the home of Mrs, Al­ bert McQuillan on Thursday, July 25. Mrs. MacLean, of Wingham, has been invited to give the report of the Pro­ vincial W.iM.S. meeting held at Tor­ onto, and Langside and Calvin ladies have also been .invited to attend. Lunch will be served and a social half hour given. Mr. Harris Purdon spent Sunday at Tilosnburg with Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Torrance Guest and daughter, Sheila, of Ripley, spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coultes. Miss Mabel and Mr. Bert Reid, of Ashfield, spent Sunday with (Mr. and Mrs. Albert Patterson. Miss Agnes Wilson, R.N., who spent last week with her mother, Mrs. Jas. Wilson, returned to her position in Whitby, on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Jacques and little son left on Saturday for their home at Sudbury after visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Jacques. Mrs-, Robert Phillips, of Goderich, spent a few days last week with Mr. and. Mrs. W. R. Farrier. Jack Paterson, of Detroit, is visiting -with his grandfather, Mr. F. (McK. Paterson. The young people of the Presbyter­ ian Church held their midsummer soc­ ial evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Johnston Conn on Monday. Miss Velma. Scott, president, was in charge of the. short program. Miss Hazel McBurney i-ead the Scripture lesson, and Mr. Jas.. Wilson had charge of the meditation period. Miss Agnes Rob­ ertson: gave- an interesting talk on the topic, John the Baptist, Christ’s Bap­ tism, and Christ’s Temptation. All enjoyed the outdor meeting and gam­ es were playing during the recreation period. Lunch was served and a soc­ ial time- enjoyed by all. Mr. And’y Hamilton, who came from Saskatchewan, and is now train­ ing at St. Thomas, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. John Gillespie. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gillespie and BELGRAVE Institute Held Splendid Meeting The Belgrave Women’s Institute met at the home of Mrs. Albert Vin­ cent, 9th line East Wawanosh. Mrs, N. Keating conducted the meeting. The minutes of the previous meeting were adopted., A letter from Dr. J.no. T. Phair, Chief Medical Officer of Health of Ontario, was read, asking for co-operation in the enrolment of nurses for emergency work. It was decided to give donations of flannel­ ette to complete the Red Cross quilts. War work! done by members was also reported. The roll call was responded to with “One law. I would like to have changed.”. Mrs. Leslie Vincent play­ ed a piano solo which was much en­ joyed. The address was given by Mrs. O. G. Anderson in which she impress­ ed the fact that women had a part in making laws from the electing of a school board to a share in election of the Dominion Government and also that women’s influence could be brought out a great deal more if ev­ eryone would share their responsibil­ ity as a citizen. The isinging of the National Anthem closed the meeting- after which a ten cent tea was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. R. J. Scott,. Mrs. A. Scott and Mrs. J. E. McCallum. The next meeting will be in charge of the Girls of the Institute and will be held at the home of Miss Miss Helen Yuill. E, J, Thom. I 9 JAMESTOWN A number from this vicinity attend­ ed the. Patriotic meeting in Wingham on Sunday. Mrs. Cecil Payne and sons, Harvey and Scott, of Toronto, are holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Bernice Payne. Born—On Thursday, July 18th, to Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Savage (nee Ef.fie Mighton),-a daughter. Congrat­ ulations. Mr. and Mrs. James Clarke and family, of Grey, were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs., Sandy Johnston. Miss Vera Willis is spending her vacation with her sister, Mrs. Russell Hall, of Palmerston. Miss Gertrude Payne, of Hanover, spent the week-end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Edgar, of Wingham, also Mr. and Mrs. D. Breckenridge, of Wroxeter, were Sun­ day guests with Mr. and Mrs. Selah Breckenridge. NET CURTAINS 2% yds, long. This week-end 2 prs. .. ................1.50 Special Sale of Odd lines of Rayon and Tuscan Nets at HALE PRICE. BEDSPREADS - - long wearing crinkle cot­ ton ....................1.59 Chenille Spreads 3.95 Rayon Breakfast Cloths 54 in.......................49c MORRIS and Mrs. George Peacock of KING’S Mr. Ottawa, are spending their holidays with his parents, 1st line. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Robertson visited on Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davidson. We are sorry to hear Mrs. Davidson, has not been well and hope she will soon be better. Miss Pearl Mathers visited for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. 'Robert Warwick and her sister, Viola. ' We are glad1 to hear Mr. Wm. Els­ ton is getting ‘better and hope for a speedy recovery: Mr. and Mrs. Melville Mathers and son, Arnold, Mr. Henry and Miss Ann Mathers, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Mathers and Mrs. Wil­ bert Mathers, and' went to Stratford Hospital to see Mr. Wilbert Mothers who has been .sick there. We are glad to hear Mr. Chas. Fot*- rest is getting better again. Glad to hear Mr. Wesley Jermyn is home and able to be up and around Mr. Harold Sparling, of Camp den, spent the week-end here Mrs. Sparling and his children, and Mrs. Ed. Browning and Lilian, of Kincardine, visited with him here, al­ so at ithe home of Mr. and Mrs. T. H.. Moore. Quite a number from here attended the W.M.S. meeting at St. Helens on Wednesday when Hackett’s and Zion ladies were present and also helped with ithe program. Miss Genevieve Watt gave two readings, and Misses Agnes Gillespie and May Carrick sang . a duet. Mrs. Barnard gave a splendid talk on a former Canadian missionary Susan Carrick, who went with her husband to Thibet. Donald Parsons, of Toronto, is spending his holidays with his grand­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mac Ross. Mr; and Mrs. Robert Purdon, Mar­ jorie and Archie-, visited on Sunday at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Gor­ don Rintoul, of Lucknow. Marjorie stayed to, spend a few days there.. Mrs. Alt Mitchell, of Wingham, spent the week-end’ at the home of her sister, Mrs. John Purdon. Mr. and Mrs. Will McMillan, Mr. and Mrs. Ber.t McMillan, of Alpena, Mich., and Mr. Donald Finlayson, of Lochalsh, visited several times last week with their aunt, Mrs. MacGregor and other relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Henry and son, Ross, of Belfast, spent Wednesday at the home of her sister, Mrs. Robert Purdon. Mr. and Mrs. James Purdon spent Sunday at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Calvin Robinson, of Tilsonburg. Born—On Thursday, July 18th, at Pont Burwell, to Mr.- and Mrs. Geo. Robinson, (nee Islay Stewart), a son. Mr. and Mrs. Ar.chie Steele, Kin­ cardine, visited c-ne day last week at the home of his aunt, Mrs. Jas. Cor­ nelius. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Beecroft spent Sunday with friends at Seaforth and Londesboro. Her mother, Mrs. Kirk, returned with them, after spending a few weeks in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs; Chas. Gillespie, Don­ ald and Betty, of St. Thomas, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Gillespie and other re­ latives here at Kinlough. Miss Amelia Lever, of London, spent the week-end wiith her brother, Mr. Chas. Lever. • Mr. and Mrs. Jack McIntyre and family, of Langside, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Cecil Falconer, and Angus returned with them to spend a holiday there. Mr. Jack Pollock, who has been in training at London, spent the week­ end With his parents, Rev. and Mrs. ’ J. Pollock, at the manse. Mrs. J. Burke, of Port McNichol, is visiting relatives here. Grain Club Met A very interesting meeting was held at the farm of C. R. Coultes on Fri­ day afternoon. This meeting was ar­ ranged by Jas. C. Shearer and while it was arranged in particular for the members of’ the- Barley Club sponsor­ ed by the Wingham- Agricultural So­ ciety, this meeting was open to all farmers to- attend,, but owing to the busy haying operations the attendance was not large-. Jas. C. Shearer acted as chairman and' called on R. J. Cur­ rie, President of the Wingham Agri­ cultural Society and C. R. Coultes for a few words. Mr., Shearer announced that this was the largest Grain Club in the county and that there are ten. Dr. G. Pl. McCrostie, head of the field husbandry department of the O.A.C., Guelph, was introduced and .gave a very instructive talk on grain. Prof. H. B. Bell, Chemistry department O. A.C., followed with a splendid talk p4n fertilizers,, giving, their value and uses. Those were were in attendance gath­ ered a great deal of useful informa­ tion. PHONE 161 •1 T Careful DEVELOPING PRINTING ENLARGING are featured at our store J. MASON & SON For Speedy Service * again. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wickstead, Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Jefferson and dau­ ghter, of Holyrood, Mr. and Mrs. J. Marshall, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Smith and daughter. WITHIN j & YOUR ’ J BUDGET. A PROMPT DELIVERY Bl WATCH Young-People Conducted Services The services at Brick and Belgrave United Church were taken by Brick Young People’s Society on Sunday. Several’ members took part in the ser­ vices. The address, on Stewardship, was given -by George Taylor. The youn-g- people also formed the choir and sang an .anthem. The service next Sunday will be in charge of the Triple- V Bible Class, of Belgrave United Church. . > 14-CUT RUBBER RINGS ..............._...5 Pkgs. 25c COCO-COLA 6-Bottle Carton HEAVY ZINC RINGS ......................, 27c Dozen FOR JAMS AND JELLIES CERTO -------------- 25c BottleREPAIRS.t------ 25cSATURDAY NIGHT THIS WEEK $20.00 For First Prize $5.00 For Second Prize 10 Other Cash Prizes Who Will Be A Winner? LUCKY TICKETSWHERE TO GET ■i i s KING BROS. C. N. MERKLEY C. H. McAVOY J. MASON & SON ANDREW MITCHELL J. W. McKIBBON MacLEAN Lumber & Coal Co. MACHAN BROS. GEORGE OLVER PETERSONS’ D, RAE & SON JACK REAVIE SMITH’S GROCERY STAINTON’S HARDWARE C. TEMPLEMAN & SON TERVIT’S DAIRY WILLIAMS’ RESTAURANT FRANK WATSON s, ELMER WILKINSON GEORGE WILLIAMS WALKER STORE A. J. WALKER --------- ' WILLIS SHOE STORE Lucky ticket with every 25 cents you spend at the above named stores. ARMITAGE’S BERT ARMSTRONG C. BONDI FRANK CASKANETTE FRED CARTER CAMPBELL’S GARAGE CRAWFORD’S GARAGE DOMINION STORE j. HARRY fryfogle FOXTON’S LUNCH T. FIELD & CO. GREEN FRONT STORE T. H. GIBSON GREER’S SHOE STORE W. R. HAMILTON _ HANNA’S MEN SHOP HANNA’S LADIES’ SHOP HURON MOTORS W. A. HEUGHAN HYDRO SHOP ISARD STORES MURRAY JOHNSON Mr. and Mrs. John Moffatt and son, of Teeswater, Mr. and iMrs. Peter Moffatt, of Holyrood, and Mrs. Cfaik and Miss Olive Terriff, of Teeswater, were visitors with Mrs. Jas. Moffatt, who arrived home from River Course, Alta., last week. A beautiful basket of lilies and del­ phiniums were placed in the United Church on Sunday by Mrs. Hinde, of Wingham, in memory of her father, 0 mt For Satisfaction Have your Watch or Clock re­ paired at William’s Jewellery Official C.N.R. Watch inspector EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED- AT MODERATE PRICES. R. A. Reid R. 0. _• -------------------------- Eyesight Specialist Wingham Office At Williams* Jewelry Store Every Wednesday Homing 9 to noon. Mr. and Mrs. H. Patterson and daughter, of Fergus, were Sunday vis­ itors with Mrs. J. A. Brandon. I Dwight, Creighton and Willa Reid, of London, were callers on Belgrave, Wingham and district friends, on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Yule and daughter, Verna, were visitors over the week­ end with Triends In Mount Forest. ST. HELENS The July meeting of the W. M. S. took the form of a social meeting with members of the WhiteChurch and Ashfiield Circuit Societies as guests. Mrs. W. I. Miller presided over the splendid gathering. The program con­ sisted. of a reading “W. F, M. S.” by Mrs. Kirkland of Ashfield, a duet by Miss Carrick and Miss Agues Gilles­ pie, of Whitechurch, a duet by Misses Melda and Winnie Lane, of Ashfield, readings by Miss Genevieve Watt, of Whitechurch. Mrs. Barnard in her in­ teresting way, told the story of Dr. Susie Rhinehart, a pioneer missionary to Thibet, ant social tea cups. Recent guests with Mrs. R. ‘J. Woods included, Mt. and Mrs. Wm. Iced Tea Glass FREE Salada Tea. 38c 40c MIRACLE WHIP SALAD I MIRACLE WHIP SAND-DRESSING ...- 32-oz. Jar 49c I WICH SPREAD 8-oz Jar 19c •£&NEW Dispenser At the conclusion & pleas- hour was spent over the 28c HOLDER FREE PAPER TOWELS 6 Rolls 87c WHITE SERVIETTES ......... 2 Pkgs. 25c MAPLE LEAF PURE LARD.............. 10c Lb. PICAKE SHORTENING.......2 lbs. 25c York Good Quality BOLOGNA............17c Lb. Malpe Leaf LUXURY LOAF....................38c Lb. MACARONI AND CHEESE LOAF ........ 27c SEEDLES GRAPEFRUIT...... 4 for 25c FIRM GREEN CABBAGE...........__...... 5 Head CALIFORNIA CHOICE LEMONS .- 4 for 10c SWEET JUICY ORANGES ................... SOc Doz. Fresh’ Home-grown Field Tomatoes Arriving Daily