HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1940-07-18, Page 8PAGE EIGHT WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, July 18th, 1940
Show Starts at 8.00 p.rq. except Saturday.
Saturday Night, Two Shows, at 7.45 and 9.45 p.m.
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, July 18th, 19th, 20th
An historical western picture with the Indians led
by the famous India^i character Geronimo.
Also “Coat Tales” “Atlantic Patrol” “News”
Matinee Saturday Afternoon at 2.30 p.m. -
Matinee Admission: Adults 20c, Children 10c.
.................. ' " ' .......*Tn* •Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,” July 22, 23, 24
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Iv /DAR^Lv^..-2ANUCK^.'^Production .of. ;
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.From Bathing Beauties
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A 20th Century-Fox Picture
Also “Disney Cartoon” and “Traveltalk”
Admission: Adults 35c, Children 20c.
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Wingham Phone 204.
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Rev. W. J. and Mrs. Watt and fam
ily, of' Toronto, are spending, their
holidays at the home of Mr. Wm. Bar
bour. '<■.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold GoyeaU; Who
have been visiting at the home of her
sister, Mrs. Aldin Purdon, returned to
their home at Windsor on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Alec Coutts, Wing
ham, spent last week at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ross.
Mrs. B. S. Naylor has been improv
ing steadily during the past week.
She is now at the home of her sister,
Mrs. Wm. Fraser, Wingham,
Mr. Thos. Inglis, Barbara and
Smith, of Clifford, visited Thursday
last at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Curran and fam
ily, of Ashfield, spent Wednesday last
at the home of their son, Mr. James
Mr. and Mrs. Calvert Falconer and
family, of Blyth, spent Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Falconer.
Mrs. Sidney Ferguson, of London,
sipent a few days last week with her
mother, Mrs. Archie Clow.
Quite a number from here took' in
the Orange celebration at Southamp
Miss Winnifred Farrier is visiting
with Mr. and Mrs. Lome Johnston of
Cedar Valley.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Women’s Institute was held last Tues
day with 60 in attendance in the In
stitute Hall. The president, Mrs. Grain
Was in charge. The roll-call was an
swered by each naming a song or a
poem about a river. Mrs.. Russel
Gaunt was presented with a baby
plate and cup from the Institute. Miss-
Grace Richardson spoke on the mot
to, “Believe there is nothing too small
to do well.” Ang-us Mowbray sang,
‘‘There’ll always be an England”'-
Mrs. Thos. Gaunt gave two humour
ous readings,-Manners, and Indiges
tion.. . Miss Lois Burchill sang, The'
. x — PHONE 30 —
Specials For This Week
Bug Finish
Reg. 70c
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Motor Oil
No. 40 or 50 - .
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I $1-19
Railway Bum, and Give My Love to
Nellie Jack. Mrs. Harold Pollock gave
an interesting talk an,. Survey -of New
Books, and a. reminder of the best
books of other ;days. Miss Shirley
Qibsomsang, The Woodpeckers song.
Mrs. Cecil Falconer read, The Farmer
takes a photograph, and Mrs. Lo.tt
sang, Where the River Shanppn
Flows. At the close of the, meeting,-
Mrs, J. Pollock, president of the Red
Cross Society, gave a short talk, say
ing they had purchased more yarn
and flannelette, and that the society
were selling tickets on a pair of pil
lows and a quilt. The hostesses, Mrs.
T. Gaunt and Mrs. Robt. Ross serv
ed lunch and a social half hour was
enjoyed by all.
Miss Teresa Cackenette and her
sister Beatrice of Wingham and
brother Howard and Tom Wharton
of Langside, spent .the week-end at
Kitchener with their grandmother,
Mrs. Kloepher and their sister, Gent-’
rude. *
The W. M. S. of the United Church
have been invited to attend a special
meeting' at the United Church, St.
Helens this Wednesday and the reg
ular meeting is postponed to a later
Mr. and Mrs, Duncan MacGregor
and Margaret of Teeswater visited on
Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Jas,
MacGregor at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. T. H. Moore, her daughter, Mrs.
Jas. Moffat, formerly Kate MacGreg
or of River Course, Alta., is arriving
home this Wednesday to spend some
time with her mother and other rel
atives here.
’ Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Jacques and
baby of Sudbury, are visiting at the
home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Eli Jacques.
Little Shirley and Donald Gibson
of Niagara Falls, have been visiting
for the past two weeks with their
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Mc
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clarke of Am-
herstburg spent the week-end with
her father, Mr. Robt. Carrick.
We are pleased to report that Den
ton Moore passed his entrance exams.
His sister, Polleen of Toronto is vis
iting with her grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Johnston.
Miss Isabel Kennedy of Teeswater
is visiting at the home of her brother,
Mr. J. A. Kennedy of Culross.
Miss Lorna McClenaghan of Glen
coe and Doris of Wingham, spent .the
week-end with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Ben McClenaghan.
Little Miss Elsie Patterson of Au
burn is visiting with her aunt, Mrs.
M’rs. Clarence Cox.
Mrs. Cecil Wheeler and Mary of
Morris, spent Sunday with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson. ■
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Deacon and
Gertrude' of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs.
Raymond Finnigan and children of
Crewe, and Misses Audrey and Shir
ley Colby of Whitby, were visitors
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil
Chamney over the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnston and
her sister, Mrs. Bradnock of Goder
ich, spent Sunday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Chamney.
Harvey Scott, of Langside, shot
down three wolves, last week. This,
makes ten* that he has killed this,
Mr, and Mrs. McGinty and family,
of Stratford, spent Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs,. Victor Emer
Mr, and Mrs. Robert Stewart and
family spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Percy Vincent, of. Auburn.
Mr. Jas. Weir, of London, Mr. and
Mrs.. Edgar Gaunt and hcildren, of
Marnoch, visited on Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred" Davidson.
Mrs. Jas. Straughan, who has been
visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Jas.
Laidlaw, returned to Goderich this
week to attend .the Straughan picnic
there on Wednesday.
Spoke on “Temperance”
Mr. F. L. Lewi's, of To-roh'to, a rep
resentative of the Ontario Temper
ance Federation, spoke at the regular
I service* in Knox Presbyterian Chunch
Ion Sunday morning. He based his
[message on the word "Forward”, com
paring the work of the Federation to,
Moses leading the children of Israel,
the obstacles by the way and final vic*,
tory. Rev. S. Kerr, of Melville,
Church, Brussels, will preach at BlUe-
vale and Eadies next Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Abridge and two
children, of Fordwich, were Sunday
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. Maph.
Mr. and (Mrs. Robert Shaw, Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Hieslip and son, Jack,
and Miss Martha Fraser, spent Sun-
1 day with Mr. and Mrs. J. Geddfcs, at
Mrs. Pearl Kaine, of Gorrie, wajPa<
recent visitor with her cousiti, Mrs..
I Arthur Shaw.
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Wettlaufet and
tyro . daughters of Waterloo, were
Sunday visitors with Mr. and (Mrs. J.
W. Wettlaufer.
Mrs. Charles Winslade and - son,
Harry, Mr, and Mrs. Neil & McdE^ch-
ern, Lpuise and Gilbert, of Mt, Forest,
genii''Sunday wiUSM?’;- M"
Garnissj Louise and Gilbert are stay
ing for a longer visit. WW/X
Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. McEwen
spent the week-end with Dougal Stra
chan- and his sister, Mrs, Yeomans,
near Brussels.
t ^MOand Mrs. Wgar*McMichael and
’daughter, Alice, oFT-oronto, spent this
■$pek with Miwand Mrs. William Mc
Michael and other relatives.
i Miss Martha Armstrong, Windsor,
spent a few days with Mr, and Mrs.
1 Willard Armstrong.
Rev. J. B. and Mrs. Townend have
commenced . their vacation and will
spend the next four weeks at the cot
tage at"Point Clark. /
Mrs, C. R, Coultes and Mabel spent
Friday with Mrs. Fred Reid, Varna.
The services at Brick and Belgrave
United Churches will be in charge of
the Young People’s Society of Brick
Church pn Sunday, July 12st.
Mr. 'and Mrs. A. G. Smith and
daughter, Edythe, of Toronto, were
callers over the week-end with friends
in Wingham and Belgrave.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Jordan and Miss
Freda attended a family re-union at
Stratford last week.
Mfs. Wm. Bryant, of Blyth, spent
a few days with her sister, Mrs. J. A.
Brandon. 0
Mr. Geddas Forsyth left Tuesday
morning on his return trip to his home
in Regina,
Jordan Family Held Re-Union
The thirteenth annual Jordan- re
union was held, at “Woodview Farm,”
the home of E. G. Holliday, one mile
west of Stratford, last Wednesday.
Seventy-four representatives of the
family were in attendance. The pres
ident, Eddie Mallion, presided. The
afternoon was spent in sports held on
the lawn, .conducted by Bob Jordan
and his committee. One of the high
lights ifor the children was the pea
nut scramble.
The following officers were elected
for 1941: hon. pres., Sam Jordan;
president, Milton Jordan; vice pres.,
Will Jordan; sec., .Miss Bessie Jord-
'an; -treas., John Jordan; sports com
mittee, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jordan, of
Belgrave, Mr. and Mrs. John Jordan,
Brusels. The reunion next year will
be held in Mitchell at the home of the
new president. Guests were present
from Toronto, Weston, Guelph, Brus
sels, Clintoh, Seaforth, Mitchell, Seb-
ringvil-le, Stratford, Carlingford and
0 -• -----T------
Mrs. Phoebe Taylor, of Blyth,
ited on Wednesday at the home of her
daughter, Mi;s. Albert Walsh.
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Robertson,
of Copper Cliff, were recent guests at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. William
Mr, and Mrs. Douglas Campbell at
tended the funeral on Thursday of the
latter’s aunt, .the late Mrs. Mary As
quith, of Benmiller..
Miss K. McGill and Miss Ruth
thery visited last week with Mr.
Mrs. A. Nethery, of Sarnia.
Mr. Walter .Mason was a Toronto
visitor on Saturday-
In last week’s paper ari item read
that Miss Dorothy Govier had suc
cessfully passed her entrance. This
For Satisfaction
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If you need
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Breakfast Sets.^
ask for John S. Brown’s
Shamrock Linens
Sold ill Wingham at
item should have read that Miss Dor
othy McVittie had passed.
Misses Minnie and Elsie Snell, of
London, spent the week-end with Mr.
and Mrs. Elwin Taylor and other
Miss Lois Elsley, of Molesworth,
visited on Friday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. W. F. Campbell.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer McDougal and
son, Jack, of Auburn, were guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Campbell.
• The July meeting of the W. M. S.
was held at the Church on Wednes
day, July lO.th, with 20 present. The
devotional programme was in charge
of Mrs. R. Vincent’s group, with Mrs.
Albert Walsh leading. The meeting
opened with hymn “For the beauty of
the earth” followed with prayer by
Mrs. Walsh. The ‘ Scripture lesson
read by Mrs. N. Radford, was from
Psalm 107. Readings were given by
Mrs. Elwin Taylor on “Be of good
Cheer”, TA Prayer” by Mrs. R. Vin
cent, “What is the Greatest Work of
All?” by Mrs. A. Walsh. This was
followed by a season of prayer by
Mrs. Stanley Cook, Mrs. Norman Mc
Dowell, Mrs. J. Buchanan, Mrs. Fred
J. Cook, Mrs. Elwin Taylor, Mrs. W.
McDowell, Mrs. Charles Smith, Mrs.
Alva McDowell, Mrs. R. Vincent. Pi
ano solo was rendered by Mrs. Wm.
McDowell. The 1st chapter in the
new study book on “The Stewardship
of Life” was given by Miss Lottie
Young, of Londesboro, which was
much enjoyed. Mrs. Stanley Cook
and Mrs. Fred J. Cook rendered a
duet. This par.t .of the meeting closed
with prayer by. Mrs. F. Campbell. The
president, Mrs. McVittie was in
charge of .the business. Miss Winni
fred Campbell’s name was added to
the list of officers as assistant sec’y-
treas. Arrangements were made for
W.M.S. Sunday to be held Augusit 11.
It was decided to have a men’s choir.
Mrs. R. Vincent closed the meeting
with prayer.
Mrs. J. E. Elis visited'on Thurs
day with her sister, Mrs. Mary Grif
fin of Wingham.
iMiss Phyllis Cook visited last week
with- her cousins, Misess Elsie, ’and
Annie Cook of Belgrave.
Mrs. Walter Mason spent Thurs
day with her mother, Mrs. Clow of
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McVittie and
family were Ripley visitors on Sun
Masters Bobby and Ronald Jenning
of Windsor and Gar.th Mc’Clinchy of
cc at,??"1
Auburn are holidaying with
grandparetns, Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. John iGear of Waterloo
the week-end at his home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Kechnie of
near Blyth, visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs., Walter- Cook.
Mr, and Mrs. Howard Campbell
ahd family were guests on Sunday at
the home of Mr, and Mrs. A, E. John
ston of West Watvanosh.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Killough and Miss
Mabel of DuiigAttrion, Miss Eva Kill-
1 oUgh of Toronto aud Master Jimmy
I of Walton, visited on Sunday with
j Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McDowell and Mr.
and Mrs, Alva McDowelL
Mr, and Mr;s. Charles Smith and
I son Gordon, wefe week-end Visitors
at Brussels.
| Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Brooks nBnd
■ T^onwrsMstted &st.
a-t;;the,«hpme-of Mr. and Mils.
Mauricb Boshtam
Mt atid Mrs. t)onaidi Clark and Mt*.
Colih Clatk of Ottawa are guests at
the home of the formers sister, Mrs.
ell- nMr. rfftrs? 8e?t Vincent of Bel-
■ ‘g^ve visited on Thursday with Mr.
•ap’d Mrs./Wm,. McDowell. ,
Guests on Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs.- Maurice Bosman were;
Mr. and Mrs. Neal Robb of Stratford;
Messrs Orval Robb and. Jack Bos
man of St. Marys; Gordon Bosman
and Mr, Cleghorn .pf Bluevale; Mrs.
Brooks anj Mrs. Lester
Teeswater. \
j The farmers are^busy
hay is going in, in,-very
and is a very’good'crop-
Mr, ■ and’- «Mrs. Stanley Sibthorpe
and childr^land Mis’s Ada Stack
house of Blyth, visited’on Sunday at
the home* lot<Mr.< and Mrs. Wm. Mc
Mr. 'and' ,?Pb’ Good and Miss
Norma Of GSderich;' Mr. and Mrs,
Wellington .«Go,od •« and Master Ray
Stewart .of/^ubufp -were guests on
Sunday at tbp, home of Mr. and Mrs.
Douglas Cajiip^ell.
Mr. and ,Mr;sWj,lHenry .Mathers, Mr.
and Mrs. phari^.e..lMa,thers of Luck
pt... «*• —r
Falconer of
good shape,
now visited §ih|%i^'day at the home of
Mr. and M^7 Wightman.
Mrs/. Geo: McKay and family and
Mr. Laurie .of1'/Goderich were guests
on Sunday.'Atjih^’.home of Mr, and
Mrs. Albert Campbell."
Mr. Wm.-'Armstrong of the Soo.
is visiting his'' cp’usi'ns, (Messrs Bob.'
and Jack Armtsorng.
"Miss Nor•■McKay of Goderich is
spending ithe week-end with her friend
Miss Jean Campbell.
theThose out4 of the village for
holiday: Lorrie Ewans and family;
Norm. Baiers and family. Some took
in the .celebration at.Harriston, others
went berry picking.
The marriage of Mr. Edward Mc-
Grogan only son’of the late Wm. and
Kathrine McGrogan to Miss Norma
Egan of Toronto, was solemnized at
St. Brigids Church, Toronto, June-10.
As Ed was an old Belmore boy, we
all join in extending congratulations.
A shower to the newly Weds, Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Nichol, was
held Thursday evening at the 'home
of the brides parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. Bennett of London is a visitor
at the home of her sister, Mrs. John
Mr. Gordon Mulvey and George
Mundell have secured work at Camp
A strenuous piece of work has
been under taken in cutting (town
Harry Mulvey’s Hill, widening the
road to the village, and still people
are getting killed every day.
Mr. John Weiler of Toronto was a
visitor among friends the past week.
Mr. Weiler before moving to Wing
ham worked the Ellen Jeffray farm
for 18 years. By, his honest and up-,
right dealings mad^ many friends and
had few enemies,
Mrs. Arthur Fitch, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Doubledee '.and little daughter,
also Minnie Jeffray spent Sunday ev-
From big fluffy Blan
kets down to smart
Ankle Socks, wool pla^s
an important part in ev
ery home,
A real investment now
is a wool coverlet,
Fancy Checks ..., 5,95
Plain Colours.......6.50
Reversible’s......... 9.75
White (Pairs .... 12,50
See our big stock of
O.V. Blankets.
Knitting Yarns
Wheeling .... 40c skein
Scotch Fingering 50c ■”
Monarch Dove . 20c ball
Monarch Down 35c ”
The$e yarns are avail
able in khaki, grey, hea
ther, Air Force blue, as
well as a variety of light
er shades in the fine
For all military pat
terns see the new Mon
arch Men’s Book - 10c.
ening at Carl Fitches. Miss Mary and
Hannah Stokes at Omar’s on the 10th.
But where was Jenny.
Mrs. Fred Doubledee, Mrs... Harry
Mulvey, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Metcalf,
the Adam Darling family, M. Jef fray
were among those who attended the
funeral of the car victims at Gorri$
on Tuesday.
are featured
at our store
For Speedy Service
PICKLES....... . 23c 37-Oz. Jar
BLACK TEA ...69c lb.
JUICE................50 oz. Tin 25c
Special Value
DATES-----------------2 lbs. 25c
FLAKES ...______3 Pkgs. 25c
SERVIETTES 80’s, 2 pkgs. 25c
Holder Free!
39c lb.
BUTTER..................2 lbs. 25c
BRAN FLAKES___10c pkg.
WAX PAPER ... 25c 100-ft. roll
6 ROLLS 87c
NO. 4 PEAS ......... 10c 16-oz. tin I CORN ....... 10c 16-oz. tin
York All Pork SAUSAGE .......
Maple Leaf LUXURY LOAF ....
York Good Quality BOLOGNA ..
DRESSING ............ 49c 32-oz. jar
Cohoe SALMON 17 c small tin
20c lb,
............. 38c lb.
17c lb.
CHEESE.... 17c '/rib. pkg.
OLIVES 29c 17'/ro2. jar
fruits and vegtables alwaysfresh.