HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1866-12-7, Page 4Interesting Items. H.; w akaYq fBm-et,Onar■r•liden. TM boats is the deeifL croedble •d owl's alk septation is to NOUN" w►at nal tartle m Y mod. Dom■etie Jugesinrs.- if ine who are al tram bluosu, up their bneoeuda, so" Tb&k-We know a mea w c'enr so" ►w follow tW be can tarn • deaf ear. The Is -).rt room is the world, the room for improvement. The, Snns of Tr,np,nnve, St Ibe emio.- r Iidlanai..'us, last week. decided to .dm.. kmgroee to membotobip-allunn,l them w orgaWmo d.viriuua of their own or juic the whit., d.rusumy at their option. Ltim t a yard of gold a1 12.000.000 wkich it us in round oum'wr% and , II ,in rr ,,".ad,,W in the world migbt dmribd into ingots, be tt.lai'wd in A rr'I.r t.N., ty{our fel Wquem Rod sixteen fact is gh The following or!er, verb dim, wanpec *ivied by . efoea[o I .Jrrt.trr "Si, :- My wife is dead rod warts to b. b'.r' .d tosne m"o.. At Wuurll'sek. 1'km•e was M it,, the h..al-►. file swim of my Lou other wirer- Let it ba d«p.' A gettenten Welling on his hutrher to Ord . sowth.nr f- d"sner, wsa eked If he would ban .•add!* of winnow. 'Wby,'a,id be sooal•1 it not he better w 6610 a Arid". r I en "Paid thcertainly err" a b*Iler eh&bee of,etuag a bit le my mouth? An .Awtrnsn dram-majnr mi now in Dr fruit looking fm .mploymin;t, whn. otmording 10 bis own story, h is been in the ane► for ocnateen yeas, taken pert in fifty wren battle•, been wwnd" twelve Ln.ea, 411-ak, foertree Ie0Ju.3.s, and plays ru thirty muni OW i,streaeeta. At o« time D tui.l Webster had a difficult ear ,o plead, Sod a verdict ,vm-ed aKaitul biscl.oal U« of the wtlnnas eame W him and acid :-•lir. Wohater, if 1 had thought we snouid have !wt thr rase, i mieht beatified a good[ drat more Ibis° I did ' , It's of no cooseque it -e,' replied the i toyer, the. Jury did Out believe a word yw said. A school for pon.ry is about Min, Swoblahed u. Mon,nu soder the Royal A, tillery oftoen. `Myeral guns are w be mounted iA tin school The new government shed ere - led Mood the wall O' the 00"muleut gar dm bat been filled with ammunition .ergo.6 Con carrag,w %ad other impedimenta Need by an army In the fie' -d. Tba &c4),.l as to be establaMd in the oW Sk.tut, nnk. hit. Ur ban almot. under the soprrv..nnt of Col. yal Pipiu. R,Artillery, and file offioem u1 the Royal Artiiler A camber tel men am now bgint up plat orms, u.d ,t u iuuudea to m.w.t a ,aridly of guns for the purpose of iastrect•ou-------- --- ---- STEAMER( f BONNIE,, J. G. PARSONS, Master, TIIB S-F..1mra "BONNIE" WILL, ■atil rirtber notice, discontinue the trip to Sarnia on Fridays ; and elan, eotil farther notice, will make one trip a -week to Raginaw, leawmg Godericb every Thund,y 5 look For-iculars and _.......a..w.-... SPIXIAL NOTICE ST111TMIEs Mimi IN kINIICH r cartel& iw.ow an «Rios t,Mw sat sin C.... or,, -..,d allow A.r IM Welt' rton« thea tiny w ub teMad fn.m the 94. C.IMn« Nurse, kkin .S w «reify tins Meana. Jamas tilewan a"d If,.bSrt Uurdae. an the only perwNn now t.t►a,rftwd to sell Us" from mfr useaerir .a tL,tw C«.tlea D. W. HEADLE, Ptopnetor. 25 May, 1866. .18 lyr 'BF %.4,,9ignvd, Areuts for the above tiune Weis• a,,• prcpa,sd to fill all order n Iheir hce, ami w they Saha their 80410- i­­ leo- I.,e.a pen•mnlly, ,Mir Patrons Rally rely upon .(that no Paine will be aplored to give amps, ,a I IU". ST EW A RT t GO RDU N. June lot. 1.::.-.. SHERIFFS SALE OF LANDS. 14.tt1.1026 of ) 131j1.nt.e.f t►raw wile Hurua end Ikure, y` Ii t 1's„dn,un, F,xp«.. to w..: Wad plan Fp.w sur mist. it- .vu.d on1 of Hou U-)-My'e . woly (:own w the LI.."Coo--- tel Hem. And Aroan sad Cort of Uomn.e I lea., tad t. me duwr,.d amines .be land. Wad te...-.te d Juweb 04 - Wit. .ilk. w.,e.t the Wok of 11 p,aw, C.sadc. Th.mm M. Yu Every +nil Ibwal ILnmb.11, Doer Enaal.tb ur.gs..d J.hs V. J-04, 1 Mea .rued and token to nerulwe all tin rqN. 'site. .rel ..serer .fib. ..it defeadaas. to old to tin .,..ill k.h of lot sumb.r there, Mr ,)rw.ea.r d.rret with floral Wr ters Hotel lhe,nnK., and pan .(1.4 umler wur, \art► High Street, -ilk Most, saw- ,hare v, oleo the worth half of td numberow ata , lareodoe arses, all In the t'dla{a W dw no..run •nd ('way of Bra.. At-, lar, ,amber .,ae .o the twet6b ronae.a•«, ed lou ....•eleven,.Ml lwelve.■ tin thuleenb ar.a- ,cr on w Je Tow..h.p d A&.g . . tet the and C.• dy of IOU— sob'. 1 lead. and lrn ret. 1 .hall "ler f.., pie at nn .tare m the L' .un H.wr, m the T,w. .N 4Z(A ch on Torsional, ,h• nrh seal. Jay w (kawnt.r way .l the b.u, "Of r"Iss,.(_Ibe ch.ck, .cur■. JUHN Mc DONAf.D, Sber.R H. k B. ` lath N .,.I ,16b6.k 1 w43 SHERIFF'S SALE OF LARDS. Untied Can", M) BY vtrtne of a writ 0, Huevn.nd Mr.. e, )l B Prrn For,oa I- w I. w.t : d Hr, M.r.ty'. Cw,n Qnwre•. Be". k. and to me J,-IwJ se..oast al- lead. e led..ad,eaa,nrm. d Witba.n Krouadll Rat the .u.t u1 Andrew -oTa, I bare .n.0ed &ail takes .n eir,"bon.11 the r.flht Ill,- e.d mrerees of the ted drfendanl ,. end h, 1 us. n.mbera, twe■ty in..d,wen,rlhr o,thesmth Cpervmwm d the Town.b,p,Of Arne ie the County of Brueso Nin" Land, *.d Teneomm. l 0 •II .ler fel sole at my a0tt:e to lAe Cart H.ur, to the Iowa olllode. •u'k ..a Tussah, thr Nineteenth day of Fabruar, at- lin hour of Twelive of I he elurk a.wn. JOHN MOM)NAI D. Fh*n2, H. dt B. 1h.ns'e (Hine. G•denrb. 1 krk fi v unbar, LbO. I .41 __ __- MO R T O A GE SA L E, \DER sod by inn.. of a rower of Sak UN c.nsatued to a Mongnge m..le fp U.ILwt Brown of the T.wnsntp of Hay. t, the Cm.ty of Huron .ad Prorieced Cuada, Tromae. Now et=2. of the And part. •d David Hotel Macho, .I the Towaah,p o b'anl.y, to the said ViAnty ad Pre,nee.uaq..m, ofthea "wary rd ..'Wire Iwvmg bey. aaa.t.oed br the and Deed Ilou,1 R.rhn•, end wW, r.., ywd, and let over b hn. a. Hugh l..v,•, a«,ter, .(,I, Town. even at o c fraizhl, apply to ,hip N Ilay..n 1be .kora-men),.Nsed Gway else GEO. RUMB iLL L CO. PrortRre. r.q..m. Deleat vats ban sold. The Dock, GAericb, JoI, 3. 1866. w231Y ,■ tin d« peyroeut of the rid mWrtrag., nee nd.ce bevrag b@a. ars« to ell pus.*& .■tawwd ' 1 the land• threvu e.wprmd I- lin art pre 'aa 4 ,. .9 m tel lot ......"we....ta«"we...n the e'lh mos of W and T.wn.b,p.4 Hy. ,.,etas.m by dresaswrc 1866 awn, free ■ane of ,.",and 1M weal MII u -1 SPRINUr1 A R R A N G_114 E N 7 S. kN rr«tMn la lbs kWfte th 'Y,nr•Mmea u(tb1 wnahby anu .p ,{Hay, cuoisn,na .da -M medntTbl'yacres dlad.w. all one hu al sere. be the tome maw nr Ira, well to now I7'y tin Voullrr. L,l ' ondaesgaM, try Puhl,e A.,-tsoa, -1 j H,4el, a th. VJl.ge d Z.ncb, m the Towmahq - u( Ii.y, on --r7 . GODERICH, BAYFIELD, Fridoy`the 14,hd.yofDPcem mitt AN11f POR'(` Et A 12. N 1 A . 1 e pat f*le. perm■ Slid be mYte 9«era on lindy o Sale., STEAMM BONNTE, iLOYE, we.THE I D.1d Tuer.h.p askllly, Nu"usher 12th JAMES O. PARSONS, MASTER, 1'66• .414 WiLL rpt as follows antil further notice. _ - _____ _ Leares Goderich (weath,r permitting) -i, every Mooda.). Wednesday and Fridayst two for RArrin. . (2) o'clock. P. M., ICEa NOTICE. $ ETURNING, - leave Sarnia every Tuesday, Thursday end J, LL thorn iodeblad to the tale Arm of R. d O atorda at 6 A. W. N•nsn in Gcdprieh at K.. P. f,tawart are Mashy a14.6d that screw 'hwy r apo Slush Rather is(16,ti Sts two P. calling,al t&r %laid each Sea Y Y• (a. h'sissy W Waned (. h.. are vain, wear" to rollerO toe., etc For freight or plow r aPPll to "unto or vale. will to .leant .n .m,. GEORGE RUMBALL L Co. JUHv'rTEWART, Godeneh a- HIIRACE HORTWC Or to W. B. CLARK, Agent, Godcnr►, N 411E 1120111, w24 Sarnis. 1 Gaderio►. MST 15th, 1866. w74 -- - -- - - -- Waggon aid Sleigh Making I ov, 6 Tag11'HF. Vndeni„ned would respectfully in the farmers rt Hurons sod Bruce aW the Public generally that he has com descend the above brines At Nib old stand St. Darid street, and having now on band an emlleot arort =*at of the beat material he to prepared to elloeute all orders in his line In a way which easnot fail to give aatiaf.ctson. Hawing had great experience in this 168WOMIN ad all work in bin shop being done under his peroral superintendence, be eon Tarrant every aniole made by him to be of L111,11, host quality, while tta tonus will be foaod very re"oltmb!a. Farmers give him a call I and mew for you reel woo. N. R. -Hones shoein.e and jobbing of all lladeetrietly attended to. LEWIS ELLIOTT. L Qedatieh, Dee., 27th, 1865. w49i for Sale cheap for Cashl THE pnmiswe nnw M•eupi•d he the ander Signed. in the V.Iinge of Maalandrltle, one quarter ofa mile from IM gait Wall. Vag &are and a quarter of land on the aide hill, bem,tilolly .itaaf„d, enmmandi sg. "a. of the River Maitland amt the harbor, and A comfortable college. l'h.re an tan well. tinfJ°Onl water. Also a Selection of chowstrap lrnsS. Far partieulam apply on flip nrwi■n to WK. S011F.1114, or at tin Signal opt". Godadeh, Joly 14, 1966. w'LSIf - WILLIAM':`? Vlctoda Organs and Melodeons IN ALL Tho nir►raaxT YT1104. IllaatrAW 00%loguee Free. ADDRAWN-N. A. Williom'o, Tnrsmse w W. T. Cog, RAI.. Goderioh, w►b 1117 ill 7 PIT eataloawea. eros PIANO FOR SAL*. . arm slam Posela, ►y roll•rd A C IWA •f I'MW" R"10"d. Imes bowed. rl&1 /basad, msM 00 purpow to wlsed blot john sse, with all the :alar i nprevem.afm Apply 1e JAMRS IMAn.1.. oai.vkt Del. 13th, 1846, call? - - ---- irs BALs of Lk rlDS " OW QK1 Ill dN a1 r..h Trimmest t T A 1 L O R I N G UaKdCwrloSd BT vine adIwewrlrr DR. .IOHNGON'S Ile.w ad W.ne )} Fan F40 (mad., COLO......-AL HOUSE . iN i Iii • To Wa. 1 w( tlw fll.jmlwY4:eter, ■eme a N, Orae and DLoeasary, Da'1011110 MIBMU01t1J7CaAftTtlAM[a Co .t d tin USrt CZ, two .1 Holmes ad arose r fOtlt, [1 far Ue M/wu *d w alo d„vetad ya,Wes 1M fee+ new i«c- No, 64 Uttle 119, Ja164 StRet "ry gwteo&ope.sn' h. boa .•Sour Welham /.Mowry W 0th d W Jd■m anWh Luvriw lasoleam Co. HSmd Ofoar , .ewout ynda■e• hctommeW.ud hm.W.@a t. tlwdu- Is byya a.a Rohwt Jlmionstag, I herr ams• Toseatu. Noo*^V$ • ddb NTRSALe t►ro .k,.* ,a "1'0 ►res Wl■w» e o~ Ml to d ad lake■ a savors.■ ed tin .:I lm* Sd . eII( 1 Prrr Cw[ y C9rvaw C.mPler,u+ br M1,le 1 b•ym, lohfwl d w aces rK..d.r re Nd w the am.e q.pfu! a444.o44. M Ds,arl.«t• ......Tailoring Outfitting Department j AWrr 19irws. y rAt )lle.i. ' ii e•w t«a a1QM ft»P,QIQnarf.r mr /a 1111 »h did anmbn lrws0 m .a the Ikkd a«- UIiU RUH Btt )r BA s CO., AjaaY. -- J m•w o i.ira r .4a eU Carryr,lf an hSineVY [M:l"ll ,•.•.as elfin r wawewech, b the P..of+Cew,fe.aN, je. =10=01 way d Hcvee, ' rai SSd teusmer& ► Ia6Nsfs C rl L111tef1, HK fiehseriher w fwform ►L Wane cQ •red thn hlte g000rally that he k«ps sMh raw Lw Rate Nay ,:swill the l:eun W'ee. 017 1'•611 1 iter lU R[ t[ II.LATR OF LON UCK,EDIN •d .np.111 •o■e hal drn-enar trNeemea I. th.'r.wu .foodwrrh,on Taedm a►r aw*Yt► NUR-TAaIFF UFFICS, EAOLAND, cu@atarlly oe heed the brgeal rariety noel bol ealeclau u li MrdYa t j 1.. Treatment b. amwat Com ■, ea A■d a.0 . MheTe•hl•.apw N■s. e.;.C.=;: Crhr la OaedYShr»n ■al, at L6, hour Twefee w rOR FIRE, L1FS AND MARINE. Ajl g]jsh Bootvh French. SVg18s OerIIlan TWeedJ)r .,.it$.I t . Tnetmat u! the romw- ossoob"gi tnNwete iysed.vta«.Y.11y.- a aa.h.. the ehrk Woos. v • . .,.it $.I. fair ■glee. M*■yyNresiper,enav M,n.ea•tuewnnyaty •.d.uoe...h0y.wtl*m.N.a, JOR14 MACDONALD I CArITAl, 11,000,000 aT&SLlae• IN THE COUNTIES. ALSO A LARGE VARIETY OF to Europe, at.d Ike Bnl's►Col..nt@a.eu& shim rmc,pallyarel-dareuesumn.aa kevl■g bra. iMrr/.lf l. C►ie(Umeee-7 Waterloo PI■ce, Losdo• tu,rdurmwu,r verrnmark.ble c urr.t Wad Is. (:*tw,,.«e of t Pnsetpe l rr.Wmbm.■ sib Sher .e'.(wefw.lJawte.,eb, Canadian Manufactured Goods fad8.e. err .bt ote I. the l,« .d Io, with hale- tuns,...►, Baro/ d, he f«rl.«I,aap t. 1101► (letolarr_t(ek, soW 77 King St., Manchester. F dM an wash, d pby m ournwpu■«d a wnY lin d,101T a PWWr l►al III ffS RA -U -vii NW CAori•tram-J. Tumli«°a Hibbert, sac-. ENGLISH FRENCH & GERMAN BROADCLOTHS mute.l.bnted m_., so,b. aid .sol,*.,d. a . Io'1'HTlra vela e - )Zs/ID. f Hou .MruJ,wawRl* Ie tin uewnuonto tel e ENGLISH, s Yhe*uhlWwu epanesM 'ua1 esa Y. tP.he O uge, Ur Reform Club, Inedua, CASSIMEIt EN & iK)1' SKINS, s,loedy and perfac[eww. Hurve.One.ad: of BY virtue e! • sons d and the Orap e, Urmsto&, wear Natbretar. Kr bya&"T0 Ts Tat 1FsAs -W lob■ .Went:.ak.00oer kl«sreel. HYr . •d Wer.. Floe /«w Imtad eet General Ajuewgw-Arthur Senate" ENGLISH A N D FRENCH BRAVER A N D P1WT OVFRI`UATINOIS i t udanWa.uetJo reek Tu sou t d ffer Ma,&,rt '• (:ets1 loo'. K.,tscde. will nwure ata ,cry eh.rt 'sere, SwIT-ItwN. Poen a{ that fled onsaum of tn..W; , M. A., formerly Fallow andY■dlesrias OV1tROOIATIItfG8 OF ALL OTHER DMISCRIPTIONS. ell.►oSnu4erdSldYNenuu D.aLty,Le.. offle'nurT, Awtod e. Brum ata t. now dan med .games the La..M ILelaler, (blown'• College, Cambridge. Having Secured the Movie" of 1Y Y.cea Vu, Tax. NoTw:ne-TMn m as •ad rrsealoataoi Joka Gelbrutk, at tin sow w Red Otaw (Do B. N. A., Oatarin Hall, 2 ..,I hs'Nt ones ouetmrl.d by b„y. M ahuol, ' Edward Kw.Wy, flown wood and MIS. n Charrk Street, Tomato. SKV IE't- QiY3Tt, Lien C7UroWW30 L wbi,b Severe so with ,bees 1. ....hand, Ike •aw.twnall.IrrKhl. OKI. Wad wrwem of the SCOTT L DEGRAD.4i. ' edecl+.(thus ryl pies— u Rawl d.pi.Narte, Said delr■Jsnt...ad to tot aumher lea, a the M is prepared to execute all ordr.m with promptitude, ■red in a style usurposeed b, any ores. produc me uNetly, Kc., hc. All who are 2.. 84343. ormod ewae,m» o0be Towwhip d Ams, to Manager■. B.N.A. KANE FACTURER In this PROVINCE• Cities reel emprti. Tr, him sod aW(y Jour- a■1NedsbuuWapplylu D, Juh san.mwwHl•hly bIVISION COURT the l•ou.ry of - - , other, Mab Wed ----a. CAPT. R THOMAS, ]tori« inspector. @alone. A perfect Of gs.r.ntrod sac *eery in.lson. and he wdlefect a speedy and Yerfecl cure, I.h.11 .4r far, MIS .t ■.y oats in the Gun GBG. RUMBALL, A Co., Agents. Coostucly on hand lin LAWIST STOCK ■ad LATEST STYLE& ill "- 0's9aea* or las ML . Ate. -11 is a THE FVU.0111NO ARE THE TIMW lwa rr►« Howse•intheuollod• Tuesday. .- wrlaneholy tart test lhouwad. tell ,:14.00 to FOR HOLDIPO THE DIVISION the et.h dr, w Febr»ry next, at tae h.ur of QUEEN FIRE i lN'E INSURANCE CO. Gentleman's Outfitting* o f Every Description I du. ..as I. the uad,llul .,,it' p , use COURTS 1N HCIHON AND twelve o1 this *(eek. .of mrn.rv. Dr. 1.1nsuals c'umpos.d ay rap .JRx MACDONALD, Capital Two Millions F trrlins. AMERICAN MUNYY t.keu at the highest rate. w.11tbo.mt,bly end•.ry Slid. a. as,sasoq m BRUCE FOR THE R1L +36drvAt. 4 e Ohas IL Archibald. .. .,m -la.l,b,Nuod. Romad,@a MAIN DER OF 7Hfi td►rif% (Aki , 0u lwar". ` Chis( UfBoe, QaS*e l.sar&De* DwldtOgn, lo,nm.d,d .■ aal}I 1. any add- 04ce boon YEAR f7'J Jstobr, kke. a .40 Liverpool. Oodarit:b, August 22°d, 1866. awl ram k .1111, aodinm f till 8. All rorsmn■m•• $EPTEMBLE. r asp ckx ADA Nance orrict, rsloR SCILDUSN, tiono.►ouW be a d. W. CloseJohnson,. F. Johnson, 10th Malvinas rCatiT.-Joy is..Ch■1011. BHEBI!!'P BAJ.3t OF LADIAIB. eeatatAL $4. Wile 81.1 slaw.. Mcalreal.C. B. fad do 144dae.Nmy It. 14.ai,eih, soNW: - - IIth do Thu,.J.y 20..Au 161111 Uartd C«nit.. of)) FTY .,low of ■ wnt d WILLIAM MULSON, Fnq., Cbairw•n, - '-- - _ 0th « All 4- .H ydold Hurua Wad l`I. } B F,wr1 F«,u wed er Tboma■, L)) Esq., Bon_ Jobe Young, Hes- -- -- 'Nh n us day tit- G.dor M. To sort . ) of Her Wj.esyh Coag ry Thomas, Esq., ,id Toreaoee, Iso W bas d fA- .(i'.d *aa Court {t.. (t.,td Cut.l @a d Homes .d a..w THE CONINERCIR U l d OL 1•.1..& .D» ■._. .ad to m. directed .guars tin lead• Said tee- I rile feJLKt-Molaoa'a Book. Local Adm. New Marble Works Fr OWER. mewl William McElroy , u the me a( JaM sen -]tern. Torranee L Morrit. Medical led Div. 4. Court Tkursd*y II..Kiwerdme. 1. 11cK«w, l bare mta ted taken to cannot. A,dpisor-Wm. SutMrland. Eon.. N I)., Iib M Fraley 13..Walk. oss lac■ ell the nth,, into ad own,aml.4 the rand J. _ ASSIIRANCE.. COMPANY. Polloek's Block, sorb du Tuesday Il .w.lnly. "0 ]nnw H. $orioglS, Ep. At1Ji• Ir 4 n, c S7 4.\ ab Tuesday 10.. 1'*gley. fp..Lat a and a k4 number mdse« m tin Sixth for-7loakas R Johnson, k sq. Rendewt - 1173( I1 ©AJA CJ J , t'!1'. 1:ISi 0t . Rh 40 we.Jue.Jyay 17 .ami.b mpeoe. rw-ern. of the r.. Op or Murry ■ t« u„dG ral Arena -M. Macken hul'EMBER. (;w.ty d Haw., owta,.ng vee hundred .ane, 8.ermra►r 19 AND :RO,LCOENRILL, LONDON, ENGLAND. fid o,,NW. L.a,, Its- ey 16.ranmrtb. which led..." leeewlosu l ahaK .do, for mt* tis Forbee, Feq. - Isle do Wedaedoy r1.Wroaster. .t mV o15w ,. the •'o.n Hones 1. the Tow• d Union, Buildings, 26 SL, Fraaeem Xavier loth M Tbur-Wy 3t.Cwatam. (:.dry.•► a. Toeda tin iw.aty-eioth day a( sltwel CAPITAL, (Fully Subscribed) - - - 1E^-,5W,OW Sterling. lot 4M Friday a.aadrrwr. J.awry ■cit, a the of d the da.:k, OEO. RUMBAU L Co.. Agents. ..oar IXVl6aTT.D ODER, a2,000,000 -DEPOSIT FLIED IN CANADA, $60,000. 6th els looday f,.Uum onaon. JOIIN MACDONALD, 7th M M«day de.e.yleM. . SMelll',a.at B. TM ►breve Companies take risk■ on the 6th M Today ll.duler. ahene's IJaw,aod.rieh, most favoar■Lle terms. FIRE DEPARTMENT. I%b Oetob,r 1010. - GEO. RUMBALL A Co. 7M duwRroia►*bl<pnnriple of the Cpmpeny ►w lrto this ntaWuhmea u! a equitable eluate• Cana .pre a 10 A. M. Godwrieh, 3rd Aril• 1866. w10 cat..., elarS.■S in all ea«. • ere...pm Pr Ih 1aatr to the r.(, ISAAC F. TOMB, SHERIFT'S BALE OF LANDS. 1 howcem which baa attended 1M L'.mpan,'. ,.permh.,ns he. hee...ch a filly to @aItoe lin 92tDepoly Judge H L Ii. .,.I-Ngu.neetpwi.t.s..(the D.na-lun.atso ha,.'cwlv,Jturxreudib.t,mm,r*more widely, Enteerd. Un:ted Coc RUes of TiIf vM.0 of a Writ w .pd vow.Ger loth. Cu,ad'an public. 11. .M. Johnaston DAN LIZARR, Huron • d Brute, B e..,. F.c..e -.it- PlkRYZCT SECURITY teed b iarBe 8nbwtibed Ca :tali Wad InYeeted - \1 ON EY TO LEND. I P clerk art the Pract. 1'u son: .aw•1 wt,•f Hrr M+)r.- MONUMExTB, HBAD31f NEA, Tab Pr,Nupl :4Neme.t of Clam.. The Doe,t.n and 0,.-1 Arrau, bung ile.Cornen [,row], en- tap*, Posta, Le ,Tombs, of every dMerip Guderich. 24th Ju'v. 1N66. w2T and ro .ae d.frereJ rn,sr the lade and .ane- THE HURON Q. ERIE Prrel ,u C°uuuarw, will elks • liberal and Iunnew-Lke vow ,,(.Ii qutesw■r -o0.ed b.(un item, tsor. and style of workma abip, furnished on ___. -- menu of J.hn M,Aulep,.1 the wit a W J4am R short n.tice and at the lowest prices. Lihe- D.rl.ng, I M.e ,,and .d taken .n exeo.t.,n all SAVINGS AND LOAN SOCIETY. LIFE DEPARTMENT. P A as T M N T . and singular 1L•t puerr■ or tract of land and S,Tbe Co.peey .fen terms to Ihnw deSineg Lde Aruran. a unnnp.Sied M any room Oit.•e. cul tedayVon meds for cook. All °tarn pnm.r.ntu.t,, lytng.nd beins ter tin T son- AThe above $ar.e,y ,. prepared 1st arks M,der.te Prem.mn-Pertea•t e ur.h-Erosumy of man.Semvot. tendmr to incnar IM auaw punctually attended to. il,e1(ns of Monte .h.p.l Cuh„m. , the C.unry of Bruce, cueta..• ADVANaF3S1 otth..e oa p■ne .p.o.g .,air, amour wb.Nn he per sons tet pr.ble are J.c.ib., mento, Lr.. m., h. aee1. at the .b.p. HURRAH FOR THE f flONT t mg by Y1mH*nremfnl one aundred acre. 0 , ON IMPROVED Cla.tw paid we mu■Ih .her pre .( I death Uodencb. Dec. 19, 1865. w4T syr land, be the war stun or Ins, end brig rom- And otht- advsouge•, wbe h may be.ren m tin Coa,peny'. I'riepwfus. p -de 1b,t nun.be„Ir .o..n the fife-th roe-! Farm p3rop4lt3lwty Morland WataAn de Coe, -..on T.woA.p.►l%.I-, In the Cuuatrl nN MOST ADVANTA(iFOU9 TEKMa. • 1 ----------- THE Sobacrilser h.vine opened oat is Me of 8ru.r, ado 1Vh,cb leaf. and tenemenu Gtnerul .'lg[Rfe fur Canada. A '°m1d• I The ace, Wf e0ecua • Lp& well be loud ppremier lately Sep[ _red bf }CLO. F. I .bell ober fol ale Oat n. d5w in the Coon I STEW ART, Cerlker Oi$a intoe Street, 7 much Walter that .t ot'ler 1locMea .1 a "Iter F■LD. rrya. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNER - Hour, is the Towe of l,dench, on 'rueday, eetun. Thr alenUoe of the &.rc.wrr n cdhd Sa'cI[lary. Market 'sere, silk •lull ar.rlml.a Of the r.ghthd■y of Jaeuary next, at the hour d to the feet, that k wtil re er„ the I.II..0 m.l d OFVICE, U6 ARU 357, aT. PAUL S IRELT, JtONTREAL. ,RIP, l Twelve of the clock.", the Lon., without any deduction being made for JOHN MACDONALD, aterer or,eymenta,e d -at.. a'a Imapsefor o/ A(411[lirt FAMILY GROCERIES, "*rim H. A• R. 4dvenrs. may t rs a d Mae ur Yearly. H. MUNRU, ONTR24L. T.C. LIYU.asff1, P. L. a. . \ OTR E I. hen by p•.n the, lbs Panm.mhat ahead'. O1fa•e, Gwderieh. t ' extending oyer. pen's" of from one w fifteen 1 ►en l.lure of g, mfl Iso . uce ■e. d. t- LIQUORS t71h Septewbar, Io66. { ttr36 )-ear. H.OARDINF.R A CO., A nt.for G,dench and l.ticknuw ; Win. Raeell, Kuswldtea 1 ),.boa ..1_d byd, a C1 ., ww,o. Lu .acre t►,.Jey d,Y .•Lai by mutual c.n,.s•1., • II Jebte .wok ,., ,M _ _ FOR FULL PARTICULA-111 APPLY TO Jamwwm, Walkrwa ad-Seuseen. M74 "W law nnerab,, .n w 1e sod I., .`ant L. vs- BHERIFF'88ALE OF LAltI)3. S POLLOCK ee,.tli,dsnc►j .d r) ela .fl. u.1 1hr OF ALL EfNDS, uvasdo.unt.ewl) BY •.revs of two wnt a a Hewn and Bruer, 1S D F"I Yaau .sad not To salt: of Her Msjoety'0 Coaaty Court .fib. Umavil Consume of Hero. and Brace avill-med,rrtwd.Kaur the lead. .d tea. memo N Thomas leakte auks son's of M.ludm McDl ,d. Thome Gt nen, Job■ skew■, Jobe 1. M.X,.sw ■nd Willrm F. Murray 1 be,. mired end taken .w .xe,wi ■ all tin rt4bt, Itle sod .ntenio a{ the rd defe.- doRt re sad to hA Dumb" lone .n Ibis lh.r toroth eamr ootoo M if. Tuw■eh,p dare, .s the 4,00 y d Huron, a tmosmw we hundred soreo re,re or I.r, wbrb Mala ■d le»rmt. I shall .err (or mt. at my .6..a the Conn Hovey in the Town d OOder.rh, « Teody the sets day d February next, a the hour r{Tww1 r .I the sln,ck, as,.' JOHN MACDONALD, SAw+/. Al. * S. pen P• office, Ondersch. . ntnd W, 18Btl. i W39 HEMLOCK BARK WANTED. TfiF subaoriber wants 1000 cords cf Hem- lock Bark, for which the highest morkel p.soe will be paid in cosh on delivery at his freed at the Dock. s W. M. SAVAGE. WOOL I WOOL I WOOL I THF mut•scriber is prepared to pay the 1 higkeet market price; for uv quantity a wool. .151 FOR SALE. 80 ACRES of Lot xo.32, Fut Lake Road, Rev. FIRST • IIATE LAND I. Termowy.applll to IwNALD STTTHF,RLAND, on the premise/, or M. C. CAMERON, Ooderiea.' %derieh. AMil30th.1664. w14 -ti 12PORT'NT NOTICE IjY c1)F.8RQUENCEortha drmlb.f Mr. M. M W.a ,uue.th.t.w.«..herelofooerarntd ,n stn.'s r t►„ Deme sod Wyle of lobt. Runciman & Co., allot be elated na w Mfon tin LST DAY OFAPRIL ,1865 AIIparnennI I t.lM a►owoera.re Y.rw y notified that all nnle.and book aeeousteover due an 1 he I st day of FEB'Y next, rill M►odd to flavor A.hritor lot odhsltoa T►..,.ch es head will be .old C.(3 W [6`( IZ CAPJII. OR SHORT CRFDIT, I coaa•t..1 a hrRa.wo'-tme.1.(Plowt►s, Cutl- ,eto O.Ila,_wm JllrewC anon. THRESHING MACHINES Pd-a*h.adaopr-keulve,-egg" end Popo I,re., looking, Parlor d Box Stoves, A flood "".old -61.4 s TB71M-3M3W Z'tAIN$7 adalolof .ebmeryl.";.wn.adl,•w-M,II•. All p•mes rrqu,ring 1M an.,. ,article. would Os wet; 10 -It .nl ngreN the -lark at neem say well g.1 berg,.&.. R. RUNr1.(AN. .-e- farer.mQn to the *have, K. a.netmaa will o prepared to c•.rry, on the m..0ern1 I`Hi, 111JFDO ll i OI)NI)HY d.,nt, ,I for the .,-t.oe of ■II libel• r Ms rhin.ey a* n.cat..od will net LOR1 CQIrT>R16At. t terLRIRBNTt1 1.yen&ad^aesI°f.,onr o, ■ab1orotn.I.rCA8H , acerb modat cwflw46 t0oewk• h .l Ire .11.1. 16140 FOR SALE. Ed(/^q p and 9 rens K, re the to wochtp a d 8tulee efli per•ero, ra-l/A r•yw de wnb me,1y p.n.r of list f .a t« Otb e»., W. D.. laharlo tt pleasant sed f6 Tow• tae le I..Aaru,h,p.e. o2OIa each u* .ewwdb. Ap- e. to ,Hoa wtAT9s 111 A In ------- 1, I" mt rumWen"le r tie Ap Ir to $• C. CAatl ON• Adella► a. 1g. DAVIS M-4111114. , ,, 1A NAl FACTURKS. AND DEALFK IN lyl Above. Ploegh.ad C.asmge of everydo• or qq ;6o,Cop,rt mad Skeet Ina Wer.,at the Y"tstStove Depot, Market square, Ude- rteS. GOAL OIL, - WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 13-Con1 Oil urn-J . A:e.,Are. Old IroR,Cor per. Mer. K.C. ov w'I emkiap and aMopaba .kilo ,n -Zein■ac• 2711 OLD STORY I. still oa thetr.ek and well paean ill tin b+nld- tog a arewet orceped anal has ono .bop I. eumpletd. He hereby return h.0 isi■ecre taut• In the fn.nd* and r.Stm"n w►o Mee for f4 yore* Ir de,l their nstom to hie &loop, .■A hopeeatJlt.wenias,-:oo&.-. Will. STORY. Coderieh. Aa6wat I. 1066. we" COLONIAL HOUSE THF. Subscriber always keSps the larges, variety end beat Stock of HOISERY (E GLOVES I IN 'rHR COUNTIES. CHAS, E. ARCHIBALD. Godwdck, Aogatt 32od, 1846 s.103 0"8V TO LOAMO PROF AND LOAN COMPANY OF UPPER CANADA be"fhtsdm for invention" ou the wearily of an""M town and farm property, Seel w oleo prepared to pembnw good mortpgns. The nm of insereM on levet it Sigh per e«L No communion ebwlod ad ezpn reduced. TM loare are rally for fin years, but con be .rade payable in y«ply or MH-ywly inralln«u J "wird by Beirmore". A deposit of $10 required with each oppli cation. For farther particulars apply at the Com pany'■ nfl in Kingston, to News. Su Warta WAsita. BA"iwsra, or to, G. M. TaUtRIAN, Goderich. Oetober, 161h, 19". w391m COLONIAIJ HOUSE I IID CI0VE8 ! RID CLOVER Jooephinr\, Aletmoder's, Jonvis's, DwaMw IALM bre►s L Aleaendras in -14M, black sed colors. The largest Stock in the Comatims. CHAS. M. ARCHIBALD. Oeds aft. Aartat fled. loss. awl as NOTIQ$. AU. pomm bow --a aeaas MS"W tbetnb.sad seww b,ama• a.mwr*r wew ma0to boM iA h « w kworww tin md/s r Im wmryMewet p. rl )dsb$W le1MrYesaammaa wA nue so ,way theow•anut ..,.sets der of Iso. m a bebre lin roe asaaW. A Z"IT 9es w.wna w. tr.►. ss, 1t ( J T/w+" 16 A URI and VSlua1-1 fur tee NosMy a Godwits ted I Shoea.p are to nd prccrm l., It. tb. war"1 CL0TH1116 Godairck.C.w.. 1x66. w13 w,ilelmh alitwa. Ibyfr, by wb.m ,Lc .+acs l ( - - --- w.IIlrwIijus BOOTS & SHOES . To G}et a First-Clusftl Article of UaeJ a uud.r"•h, that 24L dry tel Septam her Take Notice. SAMCF.I, POLLOCK, Esq, late Dspaty D Sherif ►« been appointed ofRcisl Arigw " under the insolvent Act of 18" for the Ucited Counties of HOmn and Brace. aW Office in Cameron's Blook, King. ston Macer. rebruwv 2011h. 1866., RON - WELL NEIGHBOK how do you get along with your plowing this wet weather I Why, I have thrown aside a good plow that cost 24 dollars, it was like plowing with a log, and went to Searle A Davis' and bought a steel plow for sixteen dollars ; now I have nes trouble in plowing ; my horaea go right along, it cleans so nice ; they are real thistle cutters I A I.ASOT ASOORTIRMT 07 MTOV3111163I OVER 30 KiNDS. 1.1J10 A LARGE STOCI OF TINWARE On k•od. Sign of irons Twat Kettle, SAGE LINE, CLINTON. !EA=IA ! DAVIS. Clinton. Rapt l0, lean. wl9 LANDS FOR SALE. `Yolk 4611s. w reasonable Sent. teat 10 staid I1 C /. %R TewmWp d14 a«a'►. Oew,y . Raw. ole lase -.ft. se *.m. cosh. 41 .Aemd oa tin twr Isla. The land OR Mr.ran wwa-webered end Ilmhwmd. No bwMi.ts Ahoks.l7 sod ts, sore. a, &swnr,p df:"rich, M .awe owb, esu 100 Oio tad an bks Iwa. Isosy ann ova r+fwa bled -(rbc, Mrdwed ead4oYs W mwirMW Mf Mows W see Somata. Will be ROOM ee0anle or tevu., t. mr « obseem• A1ady se TWM. JOHNgTOfO, 40 WA.MlIstMeloadmosaw. sees. " too IDs, I bbk. f W. 0.814AR90N.,, he., La.. Le w56?.$Paz 3.LAMURfINE. would respretfall) solieita4skare ofPSMe WINTER CLOTH INGS - _ _ , or Pro , TF.Rl1S CASH, or Produce taken in a:- cbange. WHO WANTS A HOKE 1 Call .reel compare FriorS before purchasing GO TO elee.hrre. 1 TH9 rut LnwING TLIXASLt rRPrsaTT John Douglas. Gederich, 20.h Aoltat, 1866. w30 Logan's Woolen f aetory Store i6 the d for bbd on thebm most GodrricYl ! is .fere" for ale, on the mot reasonable When you will find s large and varied stock of Fulled Cloths and Sminetts. Tweeds in great term, viz: 1. L)1 902, \orlh etnef, adjoining th variety. Wraleyon Methodist Church, in (fode,irf. White, Plain, Grey, Striped and Checked Winceys, 2. Lots I". and 13 on the corner of West I3Y EXPREI%Sy S A grant variety of all wool home-made checked 8annehs, one yard wide; Flewi.e and Wellington Streets. On 13 there is a WHITE, (TREY, SCARLET & FANCY FLANNELS. ga rr ew ts end Bent site for a A 1,')T OF FIRST CLASS BLANKETS, EIGH r TO NINE POUNDS PER PAiEL hotel 1 Stocking Yarn, Fine Fingering Yarn, Fleecy and 3 'x''13 on rtfrane.e ,.Uw, epos which then u • Lrfle frame h. ua, so ar Berlin Wools, all in endless vanety, ranged u to 1 on th .due or o families. • 4. L01 UI On the corner of E..a and Together with a rhoice Assortment of Figin streets, upon which then is a small I rame honme rc and a good ohard. f aclorf Coltons, Hollands, Prints, Alpacas, Impoited Wiricies, Park :at 14 " x," in the Town ship of (iaderieh, eonuinit 10 ►res of e■ Dress Oo(Z, Read made Shirts and Drawers; Mens' and Childress' Socks and Stockings oellea land. Upon this lot there is , r Ready p eellr0t Two Story Brick Holme. Fnme Barn in great variety. "- A call is sol;cited. and outhuildings. Also, a good bewiny 1i h Woolen Favor THOMAS LOCAN. orchard of ehoiee fail FRESH O Y 8 T E 8 8 S T • Store, Fact Street, g} This to one of the best situation for a loth September, 1866. 1 W12 private rnitlenew in the town. sonlol.SSALS ADD 291`16111, 6. AN EXCELLFNT FARM -I l7aerve. BY THE KEG CAN OR OOUNT Lw 97 and 13, ad)',.ining into, one fronting LOBSTER. SARDINES, ou the Heron Road, and the other ou the AND CI.AMR. O .den . 40 nion, a the Townshipdec of FRESH LEMONS, ORANGES, BATES, Grdeneh. 40 aero steered and soder cult: 11' FI E 4 A N A I )I A •.lion, upon which there is it trick dwelling boos,, from, faro and Cocoanuts, Figs, Crapes. Permanent BuRding & Savings SS'OClety A LARGE ORCHARD. &C., ko., kis., at E- BIN C3 HAM'*[, 'rhA farm is acrd S miles fan OoeSrseh. IS PRLPARED TO YAKS and 7 from 1' n, it Y ood rolling land, Went o4e of Markd Al0ea ills well-watrr.d. Wed has a nod ravel road on Uidrrieh, Noo.30.IOt0. nwt0 ADVANCES 01►r APP ono REALS ESTATE I ton . .. of it. g - ____ - _ - Fortares sod ronditinne of ale apps to SiTUATE IN WMTF.RN CANADA, GEORCEWMAHOV ON THE FOLLOWING FAVORABLE TERMS: Goderieh, Ilth.ouly, 1866. ,vUlf p n Store, Ametot r.gnired to rode* ose► 14100 dy..ma is ::::...::::: 5 ; 10 ye. . 15 yon". 6roLYry aM Frorisioll St ltOf 1lIffanbs. nalf-ye• 0 6d0 THS' R I D G ' PRUPFR Y ya.able yearly ............. ................. .. 78.bs 16.4+ 17JN Iwr» at Pn'V'M „mate n1c' fur f, 4, t. h .t If yeah, I 1 I J HA ViNG .voted and fitted op the Raton TM above I"a"In.»u le. !ode • AuYms Fund, wh'sh nays ,6 the Pnnape), a well a the, Inrerer , F O $ 8 Al L B ill I•al ueeopsed b A. F. B Ina lbs of the loss., .o the at the exprnl. ,e d the teem a,•ed..P.e, the debt us entrvt)- wiped net. Th. fall 'bow* bW1 i ' .., .,,be bas u dea.aed, ted e. payment usrrqu M Wim thv usd n/ thr hall-yvv 'r rrSr. THE KFAIDENCE OF THE LAi E JOHN nasi' I an 0ow pfepared w frfsb F m t. my be ..k to wlv«,v, *"'swerves is .80.ved 1Mrefur • or the m„ngga.pp n.7 o ps"I"- families with ed f,ll stony trmetbe te.rwwadww•.%on"Plawetr'« RX .Em.Jr99rl(/C'TLI XOD GALT, Greeerie* aDd Pro♦I*lets` HEATH. ►m eutbr mlortealfm, apply po paan au Hi8 s Mantif■Ily situated o HOR. ACE HORTO NLL ESQ. T p'ea'ty which 1 shall Sell at the Lo.sot Cools poria, Lppnissr to tboi SOClety, „odgneh. site the Tewa Of f3edertea, on the J. HERBERT MARON. North Bank •f the Flour and Feed RIVER MAITLAND k"pt conmanily on hand A*be-fyour afro Sseatuy and Trwerer, Toronto. m A ahem of y0erp11 patronage will he lhsck Goderiek, fifth Owl., 1866. w3Stw14 and on the Rooke of look, rlur..o. it em.- fully meeirrd and faithfully attended tn. ,urs 31 7-10 urea of L,Rd stun oo lea fuses Wad Liaaors, Crockery with DwPllinq Horse, Outhouses Stables. and Clasawafe r Lc., with I•rre Garden, Vinery ted OreMrd 1 ase] Geode, HURON FThe he do Luna rendta he, ry tlI of Oak RE., Ant/easy i srallaeal, .red tin tends ng under, Cherry, r. T Le tekwkeat riotr .«r The Grounds are in ,try good order. Them / . -yN are three never failinT Springs of pen water ke., &e 8' CD " 11111 Am .Ili C:3 WX no, on tin Prope,ty The Situation for a private Q 0 A Z O I Me I . residence connot be S■rpared to the Prue- ince.AND For terms apps to Barrnister, COAL OIL LAMP 8. Hos. U site FTo ,routo, D. FEROUS01•. or D. SHADF. OOODiNO, P. S. -Geed, will w deli"nd In any I Jae - Barrister, Gedorieh. part of the town. Goderieb. 6th July. Ih66. sw90t Goderin►. Fmb.2od. 1M4. sw46 - --- I R. RUNCIMAN & Cb., Manufacturers of Grist and Flouring Mills Circular, Iilulav and Sasli Saw -stills. STIR I a ZAIGMU A '18'01LEM TI311r►&13III7NfJ 1v1<ACIIIINEEle SEPERATOR3 W HORSE POWZA Vowing and :gaping Yachtnas, Wood SaWs, Z. TZV.LW43olta, c A,_WC;1, 3p7A:>VC S,XWN9 rl."Nanfngsmod•,SdIflaeksitM"workdan0inanestandgMksctfslmumeq N koastiagaof ear desmf/fioe mode to Rader Also, all kinds of maebi"" Manfred 02 short Wien. Alargastoehol QO MG, PARLOUR ABD BOX On is Alwayseehand,SaarItt'd WaTen&RdPipsisnwwt. As°errpetdeeaeoft►eabovesire aft►eRol kid, we weasel «lieiton inspect" of only RbRk kRibre oltmwboru, r Rae epriag Ito -k 9 at the Iowa" reen awofl.w awdame 1« 4w er y ptevdCrudl4 Otd"*W,Rro".06=,"dfjtlkirAtefeeohw bake he6sLeege. G4lderf".Omeber.11 " ' "-- `- e'wtf GODFRIuti -- 0 • FOR SALE. T01 r1 I-Ima i D 'aa 4 ,. .9 m I.., onto, enwpylrty re r li 064" -me seana, and bme eery v•na do.kw oe enact fon fe, • wea.0 CC Ei f= 0 F :;i%U .4 10 Qnttly M., Lrnk, L,l E 0 1 W _ . -IVIN 4. v ry 0- i .^ i M. Hlk wwb.evltev bac a -I« ~.food the AOwry A action ffi 6 1V 7 [ TJLlre 1 1MlAF0 I BALL'S 0 H i 0. COMBINED C w €-1 a Z ' Mas.+ -i, BAWYNS OF HAl[ILTON. LUFIM-1 like w' [ S arlif.am mat s•U. x3 - a Few.., ,1.,@W ogre a tg`0104 Iow ,1X H . Ey 1 . ,0- , a SHM w `$gAAE 1 I Oyi 0"0 04I A Q t iAa.0 0 N Take Notice. SAMCF.I, POLLOCK, Esq, late Dspaty D Sherif ►« been appointed ofRcisl Arigw " under the insolvent Act of 18" for the Ucited Counties of HOmn and Brace. aW Office in Cameron's Blook, King. ston Macer. rebruwv 2011h. 1866., RON - WELL NEIGHBOK how do you get along with your plowing this wet weather I Why, I have thrown aside a good plow that cost 24 dollars, it was like plowing with a log, and went to Searle A Davis' and bought a steel plow for sixteen dollars ; now I have nes trouble in plowing ; my horaea go right along, it cleans so nice ; they are real thistle cutters I A I.ASOT ASOORTIRMT 07 MTOV3111163I OVER 30 KiNDS. 1.1J10 A LARGE STOCI OF TINWARE On k•od. Sign of irons Twat Kettle, SAGE LINE, CLINTON. !EA=IA ! DAVIS. Clinton. Rapt l0, lean. wl9 LANDS FOR SALE. `Yolk 4611s. w reasonable Sent. teat 10 staid I1 C /. %R TewmWp d14 a«a'►. Oew,y . Raw. ole lase -.ft. se *.m. cosh. 41 .Aemd oa tin twr Isla. The land OR Mr.ran wwa-webered end Ilmhwmd. No bwMi.ts Ahoks.l7 sod ts, sore. a, &swnr,p df:"rich, M .awe owb, esu 100 Oio tad an bks Iwa. Isosy ann ova r+fwa bled -(rbc, Mrdwed ead4oYs W mwirMW Mf Mows W see Somata. Will be ROOM ee0anle or tevu., t. mr « obseem• A1ady se TWM. JOHNgTOfO, 40 WA.MlIstMeloadmosaw. sees. " too IDs, I bbk. f W. 0.814AR90N.,, he., La.. Le w56?.$Paz 3.LAMURfINE. would respretfall) solieita4skare ofPSMe WINTER CLOTH INGS - _ _ , or Pro , TF.Rl1S CASH, or Produce taken in a:- cbange. WHO WANTS A HOKE 1 Call .reel compare FriorS before purchasing GO TO elee.hrre. 1 TH9 rut LnwING TLIXASLt rRPrsaTT John Douglas. Gederich, 20.h Aoltat, 1866. w30 Logan's Woolen f aetory Store i6 the d for bbd on thebm most GodrricYl ! is .fere" for ale, on the mot reasonable When you will find s large and varied stock of Fulled Cloths and Sminetts. Tweeds in great term, viz: 1. L)1 902, \orlh etnef, adjoining th variety. Wraleyon Methodist Church, in (fode,irf. White, Plain, Grey, Striped and Checked Winceys, 2. Lots I". and 13 on the corner of West I3Y EXPREI%Sy S A grant variety of all wool home-made checked 8annehs, one yard wide; Flewi.e and Wellington Streets. On 13 there is a WHITE, (TREY, SCARLET & FANCY FLANNELS. ga rr ew ts end Bent site for a A 1,')T OF FIRST CLASS BLANKETS, EIGH r TO NINE POUNDS PER PAiEL hotel 1 Stocking Yarn, Fine Fingering Yarn, Fleecy and 3 'x''13 on rtfrane.e ,.Uw, epos which then u • Lrfle frame h. ua, so ar Berlin Wools, all in endless vanety, ranged u to 1 on th .due or o families. • 4. L01 UI On the corner of E..a and Together with a rhoice Assortment of Figin streets, upon which then is a small I rame honme rc and a good ohard. f aclorf Coltons, Hollands, Prints, Alpacas, Impoited Wiricies, Park :at 14 " x," in the Town ship of (iaderieh, eonuinit 10 ►res of e■ Dress Oo(Z, Read made Shirts and Drawers; Mens' and Childress' Socks and Stockings oellea land. Upon this lot there is , r Ready p eellr0t Two Story Brick Holme. Fnme Barn in great variety. "- A call is sol;cited. and outhuildings. Also, a good bewiny 1i h Woolen Favor THOMAS LOCAN. orchard of ehoiee fail FRESH O Y 8 T E 8 8 S T • Store, Fact Street, g} This to one of the best situation for a loth September, 1866. 1 W12 private rnitlenew in the town. sonlol.SSALS ADD 291`16111, 6. AN EXCELLFNT FARM -I l7aerve. BY THE KEG CAN OR OOUNT Lw 97 and 13, ad)',.ining into, one fronting LOBSTER. SARDINES, ou the Heron Road, and the other ou the AND CI.AMR. O .den . 40 nion, a the Townshipdec of FRESH LEMONS, ORANGES, BATES, Grdeneh. 40 aero steered and soder cult: 11' FI E 4 A N A I )I A •.lion, upon which there is it trick dwelling boos,, from, faro and Cocoanuts, Figs, Crapes. Permanent BuRding & Savings SS'OClety A LARGE ORCHARD. &C., ko., kis., at E- BIN C3 HAM'*[, 'rhA farm is acrd S miles fan OoeSrseh. IS PRLPARED TO YAKS and 7 from 1' n, it Y ood rolling land, Went o4e of Markd Al0ea ills well-watrr.d. Wed has a nod ravel road on Uidrrieh, Noo.30.IOt0. nwt0 ADVANCES 01►r APP ono REALS ESTATE I ton . .. of it. g - ____ - _ - Fortares sod ronditinne of ale apps to SiTUATE IN WMTF.RN CANADA, GEORCEWMAHOV ON THE FOLLOWING FAVORABLE TERMS: Goderieh, Ilth.ouly, 1866. ,vUlf p n Store, Ametot r.gnired to rode* ose► 14100 dy..ma is ::::...::::: 5 ; 10 ye. . 15 yon". 6roLYry aM Frorisioll St ltOf 1lIffanbs. nalf-ye• 0 6d0 THS' R I D G ' PRUPFR Y ya.able yearly ............. ................. .. 78.bs 16.4+ 17JN Iwr» at Pn'V'M „mate n1c' fur f, 4, t. h .t If yeah, I 1 I J HA ViNG .voted and fitted op the Raton TM above I"a"In.»u le. !ode • AuYms Fund, wh'sh nays ,6 the Pnnape), a well a the, Inrerer , F O $ 8 Al L B ill I•al ueeopsed b A. F. B Ina lbs of the loss., .o the at the exprnl. ,e d the teem a,•ed..P.e, the debt us entrvt)- wiped net. Th. fall 'bow* bW1 i ' .., .,,be bas u dea.aed, ted e. payment usrrqu M Wim thv usd n/ thr hall-yvv 'r rrSr. THE KFAIDENCE OF THE LAi E JOHN nasi' I an 0ow pfepared w frfsb F m t. my be ..k to wlv«,v, *"'swerves is .80.ved 1Mrefur • or the m„ngga.pp n.7 o ps"I"- families with ed f,ll stony trmetbe te.rwwadww•.%on"Plawetr'« RX .Em.Jr99rl(/C'TLI XOD GALT, Greeerie* aDd Pro♦I*lets` HEATH. ►m eutbr mlortealfm, apply po paan au Hi8 s Mantif■Ily situated o HOR. ACE HORTO NLL ESQ. T p'ea'ty which 1 shall Sell at the Lo.sot Cools poria, Lppnissr to tboi SOClety, „odgneh. site the Tewa Of f3edertea, on the J. HERBERT MARON. North Bank •f the Flour and Feed RIVER MAITLAND k"pt conmanily on hand A*be-fyour afro Sseatuy and Trwerer, Toronto. m A ahem of y0erp11 patronage will he lhsck Goderiek, fifth Owl., 1866. w3Stw14 and on the Rooke of look, rlur..o. it em.- fully meeirrd and faithfully attended tn. ,urs 31 7-10 urea of L,Rd stun oo lea fuses Wad Liaaors, Crockery with DwPllinq Horse, Outhouses Stables. and Clasawafe r Lc., with I•rre Garden, Vinery ted OreMrd 1 ase] Geode, HURON FThe he do Luna rendta he, ry tlI of Oak RE., Ant/easy i srallaeal, .red tin tends ng under, Cherry, r. T Le tekwkeat riotr .«r The Grounds are in ,try good order. Them / . -yN are three never failinT Springs of pen water ke., &e 8' CD " 11111 Am .Ili C:3 WX no, on tin Prope,ty The Situation for a private Q 0 A Z O I Me I . residence connot be S■rpared to the Prue- ince.AND For terms apps to Barrnister, COAL OIL LAMP 8. Hos. U site FTo ,routo, D. FEROUS01•. or D. SHADF. OOODiNO, P. S. -Geed, will w deli"nd In any I Jae - Barrister, Gedorieh. part of the town. Goderieb. 6th July. Ih66. sw90t Goderin►. Fmb.2od. 1M4. sw46 - --- I R. RUNCIMAN & Cb., Manufacturers of Grist and Flouring Mills Circular, Iilulav and Sasli Saw -stills. STIR I a ZAIGMU A '18'01LEM TI311r►&13III7NfJ 1v1<ACIIIINEEle SEPERATOR3 W HORSE POWZA Vowing and :gaping Yachtnas, Wood SaWs, Z. TZV.LW43olta, c A,_WC;1, 3p7A:>VC S,XWN9 rl."Nanfngsmod•,SdIflaeksitM"workdan0inanestandgMksctfslmumeq N koastiagaof ear desmf/fioe mode to Rader Also, all kinds of maebi"" Manfred 02 short Wien. Alargastoehol QO MG, PARLOUR ABD BOX On is Alwayseehand,SaarItt'd WaTen&RdPipsisnwwt. As°errpetdeeaeoft►eabovesire aft►eRol kid, we weasel «lieiton inspect" of only RbRk kRibre oltmwboru, r Rae epriag Ito -k 9 at the Iowa" reen awofl.w awdame 1« 4w er y ptevdCrudl4 Otd"*W,Rro".06=,"dfjtlkirAtefeeohw bake he6sLeege. G4lderf".Omeber.11 " ' "-- `- e'wtf GODFRIuti -- WAGON L CARRIAGEr FOR SALE. Lo" 1 o" Kce. 4146, M4, M. 670 manias Nass. ret»h no M. O''o,/w'a Crvwewt to aM I-Ima Town 04Cdorkb. Tbr .bn.e 1.14* err heewti- rally ..(card, enmm.ndi.6 both a anet and I.., onto, enwpylrty re r li 064" -me seana, and bme eery v•na do.kw oe enact fon fe, • wea.0 1ee1 priynte vies I m. For "and follows m,r• ply direel to IM ►p,eepp,rSo JOMK A C6LLAKDiR, 10 Qnttly M., Lrnk, iwrTON A 313 xx t• O a O Jr 7 • Ue ea HURACR IfWfdS•11sed• a'sg., Ouawlab. U,4e 11x. 10th April. IkIt TIf&%bow",wadd.:Rareeeto Ibrptwle _ . -IVIN 4. efMneo• *ad Ism- IMI be So. an heel apw""C k. t M•go • romn,eie., w►nh wlllbe earl" I".p carred ,. L l Jo .artier hood ev 11 No apseeedrnNl. M Aad ad sur sate Shea 1seep. & , Hlk wwb.evltev bac a -I« ~.food the AOwry A action ffi 6 1V 7 [ TJLlre 1 1MlAF0 I BALL'S 0 H i 0. COMBINED 1 E A L E REAPER AND MOWER, JJ j1 j`1 S, MANCFACTUIIRD R lta a BAWYNS OF HAl[ILTON. LUFIM-1 like w' [ S arlif.am mat s•U. N IM Mem/ saw m Jos, rABeNoles, ♦Xi '*T" MURK- & Wt, eanl l«.) Xe. Few.., ,1.,@W ogre