HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1940-07-18, Page 2nj: >< ••>>i.‘wduuiwimuwwiiWMiHNPuuuwJiim WINGHAM ADVANCB-TlMES Thursday, July 18th, 1940 A FiNISHFFQR EVERY SURFACE FOM SALK BY such gencrcus ccttedctatto to the r Ontario Juvctrilc Hockey Assoc. Clinton Ncus-Recovd. Has Long Vines Mr. George Beatty, tar more than forty years a storekeeper at Varr.a, has this yea*.’ a w, markable garden at his heme in the village. * A potato stalk, rcprc>entative of the whole crop v, hen warred this week was 26 tarri­ es in long:''. and bls garden peas are three feet F ’ength.—Beaicrth Huron Expositor. Lett 4’B*‘ Found on Grain Nt range a> it may scorn, as in the last Groat War. the letter ^FT is ap­ pearing on various grains. •Garnet Ad­ ams brctaght into .‘.his onice several haves of vCxtat in which was the im- p'Vssion of this letter. On the same Jay- we were informed by Lloyd Wal­ ker,x Munro, that the same letter ap* 'pearod on i-rata ia his fields. Since, wo have boa al of several other por- : sons finding shullar impressions on grain and on oak leaves. There is touch, teom tar cvmjettore as to the ‘ significance o-f this imusaal happening ’but it seems to be the hope that it intimates the success o; Britain in -M’dxll Adtvocate. Whtgham Adv&uce^Times IMbkshM at 5 WXNGHAM - ONTARIO- ; _ g- •" < i.rca.^x-j Subscription Ka:e *-■-*• One Year '.* “1 „’ ,1. Six. incr»to. $1^ ta advance ■■■./ To T. S A., $MT per year. , \? \ Tx Forcer. rawx $3.CT per year. ’,'4, >\ ,^,' '„.* Advoriishig races on application. ,7 AV'';! STOP AT NAILWAY CKO«SING§ Taring the pas: taw weeks we fcx*e noticed that scwm' ”hxs have been Ids; in taf-nay. etoto'.g occak-nts. This type of accident riieM,! be easy to ebtoinate, despite Oc tot that the death -tod at to’wny crossings is large. Ib ibis ctonm each yea? we have stressed rix tact that errs stxtod be eotapeKev; bx taw to s: railway* crossing. The haptwtanec of doing ‘this is demonstrated by the r«L mg that bus sxvttptr.'to ent- roe their drivers ur.d that to railway ctossings. 'Ntc-p. Listen' wtod bo a good ?"' with regard x- railway er this world of htisrie and are apt to think that ths is so important but this dots r ply to the parton who is a railway crossing IN TO THE FINISH Itt these vow -days we hear very 1’r- t!e of rite league od Na tons but there was one despatch, last week that Ltoxght this? -d?r*'rwt Oto0.r:..\;t: w. 'back to yvnd. T:o despatch, says that IRtmtarin nvr. v’.voc--1 ^-O' v’.r'.-’vir’-: from the 1 oa?.!^. The long’.x- ’•> vow- ttstu-b; a dead wo.rrbo", wst row. Not the tact that it failed caryc-t be bhsm- ■ed to the id-to np.w wh'c*‘'. it is ’FvrT- •ed. Apparently rt ‘s tx very large o-rd- <v.. j, ^.•,.r>??’ »to. tiers. There A *>.’• J„wb stablttws .’x the ?er. ’-?'w Laly. Rr>s:y ord /wtan tiers tm.’c? t’w<e Lt T bpOr ■'•■'CT?.' is new tastog p’oro. They towto the toemto's ‘.c to togve to have •: peacetai woto and. ss ntohtors sub '■ s< ri * 'BIBB A VULNERABLE POINT The muck-tolkcd-cri hwastan -of Bri­ ttain is 'seed by the British people •fuFb a calm and detemittation that is iyycal of the race. The British are i slew to anger but when they are ■top at every ; hwMtsed—ktok out These talks on the nportanec of ’ BritFb. IsMs have been warned by ; their Frime MtaFtc? as to what may take place ar.d -they have sot about ' the task of detarse in that wonderful s-vtot that cventmdh won the wbr o: T$14-W1S. Britain it she is not com­ pletely prepared co meet the enemy N r.eariy w .mF cook &ty brings her ■ nearer to- that point. Thor-e is one sit-. too.vn taut make< proper defense very dto’ettlt s?.d tltat is the nentra'. atti- , ■ rude ri Eric. Tbb country by iotari.,!, ' ckc fx may. r.ovtta’s that kw u>.'j •Xtadv cun'toFto.,, W ft Js stad, n>: inF ... T , - , r* pos-.rion to oo*end horse.: agam*: 1 -..„ , t . *<- SV. «,V.»UV V,V'»V»V> »»■«.%,„..,2^. d .. A.y .....^ ;!te{ut.le bt was tvtaes:. . hew mam one or ssotenso > To fcj'kh Navy and the ■•thcr F G.s.y tori: as rvm>. c-tc.. r'oocd bv Brim ■it'd of e.Mtrto. the R."td A;-r T ^.xs.' '"’’Ts" G*'a^' >M?thc.-. thcri pu; l/Ftor T, be yso.' enemy ir Vr.k-ta to^ a o '‘toy ;;; T:’ Look and ?. -V “■? t>s- r.Sv b’.w.kv W<- •O.d u’fvr.ta ?;:• VP" ;w- . * pyxg trtauto io the late < rcy F. McCoy, who vliod la Godess- Gwh las; wook fo’dewing a short illness. ■ Ho was a high Gass officer,, fcarioss • j T the dwefcrge of his duty, but a man .mho Lad a syrntotbetic ntaierstandtag ■ p'-tat made him great in the'way ho p.mmiares v:c ■ |carried ent his sometimes very ditto ; present war.—r : | cud tasks. He served well and what J ■ j ere: a man do more I He had a f:ne cv- i Kincardine Organise Home Guard jerboas WTvscoton tact, he had always ‘ Orgawatton of a home guard at I proved hfcsrit a high type of ehvon. 'Kincardine va< carried oat last night ffo the bereaved family we extend sfc . w<re enrolled. Most of Co-0 sympathy. ? those who registered are members of I '■...■"v“"H The Canadian Legion. It is expected it ba expanded to a num-1 y ' NEWS i jerital sftrem.th of 200. " ? Triplet Calves ; Mr. D. F. Gargent. of Belwood, is j rhe owner o: a Hereford cow, which ■ gave birth to three fine heifer calves - a few weks ago. The calves are frilly I developed, :r. fine condition and are Moing well.—OraugeviHe Banner, j Arm Caught in Wringer i Mrs. W. J. Smyth, of Teeswater, suffered painful injury to her left arm. i "While doing her weekly wash, the un- ! fortunate lady had her arm drawn in- j to the wringer on her electric wash- • ing machine. Before -the power could bo shul off or the safety catch re- . leased the arm was draws: in to the elbow, and badly split and lacerated, Seatadth News. S s of the | niCTRTCT 1 1/Jm * 1XJ.X.Z * 1:£ I Turned Back at Border The stringent regulations bring ay-; plied in ■connec’.ion with entering the: I'nitcd States, were discovered by DrF Was. KtacKonrie of gown last week.. ’■Bin", a recent graduate of the Chi­ cago College of Osteopathy, had been holidaying at his home here prior to rotmmng to Chicago to commence ar. 1 sntorneship in the Chicago Osteopath- . But his ef­ forts to get across the border at Port * 5 •back with instructions as to record; SAVE uwuwu************ TIRES ON TIME NO MONEY DOWN! LOW IN PRICE HIGH IN QUALITY DRIVE IN ,1 and -.•i' KeHHl Shi l!l Whll? • PATHFINDER gives you Goodyear centre-traction tread ., * . twin protector cord plies for longer tire life , , » new Supertwist cord for blowout protection ! See it today! We have it! TAKE WEEKS TO PAY! /ry 4 money saw BEATS 'EM All FOR BIC VALUE AT A ROCK-BOTTOM PRICE f Murray Johnson WINGHAM, ONT.! Fined for Possession of Guns i William Srephan. Paul ftarieuka i and Jan Sadkm were fined SS&.2D, j ;$2S.S0 and $13.50. respectively, in ■ ■Chesky pokes court by 'Magistrate F. J W. Walker for" • failure to tarn over igttns in their possession under the1 Canada Terence Reguktaons Act. ^e- ire. required. Bill expects he may be i i y ■ Cut Shoulder With Scythe s Nwmar. Wilton, seventeen years te l tago. of teshawa. who is visit tn*, at the JSeVen Days for Brunk Driving home ot hrs grandparents, Mr. and ■ ^-'as<es of beer, satd by accused . xirs. Fred V. Htov. in CarncK. was the Si> have been ‘we'd snared mr.” otcv- . .victim of a peculiar mishap, h <toed the weteiug of Cblita-d Thom: or..: 1 p<?.rs the young chap wa> assisting in ' haying riptoatams when, in some nun- jtal for sevir. days tar drunk drw- . „ - * sng. •raising actetanrs. including the| was wielding came intc .*..*«*«•»>♦ ___ __ •_-____ k Ifc ietashwtekv. Tire Wade sank.:s ^.ortoc ©f W ofc to tern in tbs 7 ''te^ng season, Ytatetmte £. DonaM ' •close. Gmhh *aM he weuSd tore imposed a I -stiffer sentence. The accident happen- ■. :*sa& ar. the Bmsris-Listowel rate. w. Grey, w. the night M Itamtm-.m tey. At ri meeting M the ratepayers held. •— ------ town telk Luckm-w. hX iBtatn •' Wa&erton Council Issues Writ was &vp?:nted by acctamuti.v. Tte "A at ken on Cccmcil has caused the vacancy cm the Village tc be issued a writ against the Wcs»- Cx’.rck cat:<te b» the resign stem fe 'em As-wxmce Camtpany of Ttocm • '■'i?rb.’ri McC*-t-to. wte jxned to.tc reewer certain mmics smder to. aktemgh the Tribe got rid cf same, Rcval Car.adtar. i'ngw.ecrs Ccrys. tewv.js: rs cf a tete issued during a pretty dumb fessfell afield. This has tortr. M fetee of a termer town c'ferk. been happening toe- mfesn of late, the Lost Money Returned to tevrn® ' Cterics McNab, by the stowc cam- h, sea-san uw betag weE under way, to “’tee heard a tat of trice things 'psmy wfnch idemmrite to corpora- gtesmcauldtes^state alasge order <af atettt Exeter, rxw 1 knew every a® tetest fess thrxsgfe riefalcattass • etab spirit samd Sgte Nkri a very big M them :<■ be true' stef a gentemat W tfe treasSfer. The amtmm Haim- jijssmS witnessed to Hmass' dfec©®- tram tetato afm temg^a k?K «Fte vx stated m to writ, as to terms. terife that te fed fest fended feck'te ‘brmd was in facce ewer s period ota Bll Gwsw&s dad a goad «ab ss to ■ bita. Tfee genrksas tmd Iris wife fed |taQttte tar to Braves, nut allowing a • parked toir car sn Jeter St. m fem I |hit tar ifee timings ate sevmte of to ; te tea Stator's tste fea wstod c.ver J -CbStato-- |Bte Ste* seven hits wto or to taint- . ’tv W. £. MtoBettols tar tanto; Sfsw a* to riktar pespfe way rtete wirimy ate fsr extra teteth. ss ...... •j WO? tota te misste a rail te trilfe itotafe* to toy vton psper totoss teases. Waiiy Hstoringtto »3so teH. Gtwes, c 'tegfctastog ^53. Ifc. to stjto** i«K to tost of wf^fesifer, poftoS tar Satoswt, sad |Ctoke, It • Nits. Lmara Harvey her way tows? • *toy »»t»i« ®r fess »f » nmtety ate Jwhto fe was »& $mtt iwmfe, marstg- -Mdlosy lb «. tec dtotar picked to taD ©5 triSsMr. Alger 'Ntdtto sf WritogMte fe toatos. BotoBbtek tf —« sistosrieg i ttifetoitod te rs cswtoy wmttly- Ipftafess tomste fet tw© apfece ate |W« Gr-oves. p *. .«* »■ ' rri-Wk. Tki-iH. .*• *>*w*» ' ?%* '.': .i^«£.'w3L !._>vu* •■'**'*■»** * 2 .an hard we were «itto ^«ri- J The Tribe’s taste »m .came ta the ■ Totes held up a month before his cfttry to _ . the States is normitted. A classmate TOM- <wrtMM4 ;!.c .1iffic0!W _ C”.c .■■■" "-c.'is.'<r?;s wc-m.' . p ’s;F?v t'-ot it tnay J ? ?c '.i T'-'rcn,. c'f ^*?.ce by the nr. r.ttack rr. Al\ chance tv w “<n’ ■‘-F rre.^tt .hres c.F. v..F ■ at the •«e dc-e~ ?ec -■: tt.xttb’c-.’. •*<”'d. S; A §FLFNt>ID OFFICIAL FASSFS vc'vcM rentlss an cctr part ?t wc ndth. ctltars at tins time. 't ..tb.xrt the Nt te-yto ’T cCVCV, 'i'*S''’7''I'..<wr'ri '.tri? "to^. px'-wte rime is the rr •“< ter,- fsr '■’tec ;v ::N.'s xx'te r to v.cr riat Ss S-' Lucknow Sentine?. Appointed to Lwknaw Council < WWt-c Wfe&m w«o. WWte W*y AlWS’Se*** 4Lk»!ST& r CmT OwW wT *WWW* * Wfc -***** ** If ,liMllU'--fejt. -Sb high county constable of Huron Co. ’men on bases in the first two tarings M. Thompson, 3b Final and fitting tribute was paid to .utane. Hanover tied the scare on an Krueger, 2b .him on Friday aftemoou by his m- J unearned run in the fifth. Whtaaghby 'Magwood, ss------ ! fades in fche police force from all over «opened with a single and moved up •Wilcox, lb------- ‘Huron County and Western Ontario-on a passed ball. Hetherington fouled ? Willoughby, rf Jand by citizens generally. The remains ?• to Xiergarth, but Beeves beat out ‘Hetherington, p _ vrere shipad on the afternocm train toFUn infield' roller. ‘Willoughby '~ ■; Campbellfard where on 'Sunday after- ’ trapped off third but Boh Groves oiste Rnsrefeffiwrirt. wte was sF h®” ,*«“ «** »3ace : f church servRe. ;< I ! 1 1 1 I 1 s 2 .3 14 1 0 0 3 1 © 3 1 2 1 0 2 0 0 £ 4 4 4 4 3 ■3was ‘ :oss- a ^ed rise ball into left-field, the runner ‘ scoring. The bad news came in the third. Murray Thompson opening with a single and then stealing second. Af- per Krueger had filed to Cooke, Mag- |wood singled to the same territory J scoring Thompson and taking second himself on the throw-in, Wilcox beat out an infield caller, moving Mngwtod !c- third, but the latter was thrown out at the plate or Will xrohby's , Wilcox raking 'Hetherisgrtsm singled to right ; Wlkta-x and Ito-ves singled 2; bn-tli mimers who by th: ? 1 T ‘ “ .feri the razaredge of a scyto which he was wielding came too contact of a vw. Had tore not fee® HURON'S FAIL ", w?:h hta left shoulder. The blade saak. ■ s ^.artfegc of hdp an the ferm is the THE BITOVS ;wch fete tha sfesh and mete a gasK * ' ■ _ - -* iwinch 'repaired ten Ttkchos tc Ta'kertan HerakbTbnes. Lose -Onpurrmrities at Hanove-, Snore 5-1, The Wtaghasn Hurons lost a goad ; *y && cement their hold an ” secjte place by lasing t& a weak Han- over club in iL,------ - .------ ------- day. Fafcurt to hit with tnen fc scar­ ing posstfews was the big drawback. :hs tatter town Wteues- -to--1*' I j a Totals ______ _ 32 5 7 27 16 3 R. H. E. Winpham — 10D W? D9D—1 e 4 Have ver — 093 '014 Ofc—a 7 3 "W. Greves & H. Groves; He'ht—r.g- and Godfrey. Runs batted in. Xiergarth, Mag- wood. Hetherington, Deeres: two- base :.:t. W'. Groves; saarifirt j Somers 2; stolen bases, M. Thon.: op-eri Small. Beeves. James, Meltar: *e cron..,, hasps, 'Wingham 3. Hanover 5: corms . b’e-p’ays. Krueger to Marwoe cormc I WEc'-x; Smith to James io Mt ime had ‘ smack :c bv Groves. 2, fev Hethe reached second and third. Neither i:.,n g. bases on balls, am Gmv Hub had any good scoring chances hi j off Hetherington X Tmtares the toumtamg frames. Bill Groves'|Thompson and Snvder. Time—- long double to left being the onh | threatening gesture. ’ ‘ 1 Lost Chance Wingham— patties* 2b | toners. cf i Keirganh, Sb tot ^rrivtag tetne she , B- ■Ctof Ntory a»C to bits of her 51 ® t^3®Ci f«s& ’Mted tom fetter. } Wtata shc’tmmsd to er ';to bs&d wc we curi-Ths Tribes lose m wae ia W J Totals «. K Motto Gto^ery to gtoriemanmta ^*‘ Mw^Kwklm ‘‘ mnmg ©a hits, by^ James jand Hanover— hrs tota were there ato were fcaTpy-f, ‘ - - ■*.......- w..... -*- - - «... . «. *. to retoto tow ffioxtey ferk.—-Exeter : Oifsto-*Mil’ter4ett Sma. Tataes-Ad!v<*tate, *.«-^..~ f .CrmstaHe Masses AWtalta^ fe Bbar J WW te®ss tfetaag&bst We® Wtw Tsthtat^ feretoswashtota Srfto ®a stotoT by o fess* was tafcat ta> fess- .Gta^taate F. tssie'j &r Krnsswitas trita ®-S5 ©ttasrito tee Wtto andfetoseg. His tostotik attoto^^T afewm Sas: trass a asats r- tte 'sgrttadL A vsa? ^geto1 ysss ss;t®ri? tgysgto *© Stave cta&s ifirycta fri hsrsc 5,‘k.L a ■■ b r® -by ss tetas«£ ej tyrdts-fl its fee haG testa ssiste* hrfe weks,. He xxtgs torigM; ’’ ria tto xrsy *g «r.yvri*y ano yg ■«?> e» ted feGkteg w a ta,5'“s. tE«ss*r to tota-vr wter^te itad toto tritfevat wars- j Ctoto H.totey- Testa is to'teg A otto of Mato, text.. Ttoy •i taTsstoc totetto rf' a *vkp tst?e&$* stav £. Stetey t*ss .a tofgtaa of toe tots: to testate At ':tate'.tetate^Tto ‘)fca* Wte «tob te ws ssstey jtotetate tote*- a* Lto totaritoto "toritoteaW toittete, to utaTsJ gtey 'itowte te Ttatota' ttm Otete, Ttetos to teto toteta ttetot yKi*s.J Itoto teip ritetertoes at ifate .^lis to yea?* ftt eig |»d iteBfe fm' te”toJteteto i*. toBteta to'Ntatom Oa-ij o. This is to:ftetetoto totteMtr teto tdttthiig i' «»e 'ritat ste- O. A. C te? m -to ua*3pv b-'wcht c bxt re tom iP The Sun :Keirgarth arostte a sacrifice by Sum- ; tottay ferkZ-Exetar ' Osfec.—Mtltertea Sum rMt^etter to Trite Mt tor Fills, It R, H.PoA. E.A.B. S4 1 0 © 3 4 1 feg. ■--» n, sn ;a i .•*s**t. SAWES A.k R, H.FoA. R 4 0 0 10© A Sleek w* gsftMttthit ^taftr. <m*i;w<s?to of Cmdian tnfet 5$ AlGarish .sow y«f» m Be oiUf St w tat Mb Mt for ttetaowr. Mt'tMwZ * »XS TiTF. TFs*.FP t5n.