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Semi-Weekly Signal, 1866-12-7, Page 3
i TUX IIABXETS. %rill Avoirllscautits. 1..,a to.. , - w-, -_ - - GaDalucu, Doe. 7, 1866. Fall ar "..:......61:45 1:52 Requisition Spring aY b•(u :..... ... 1:15 1 1:23 tau . ............... 0:36 < e:z5 'Irlollr ................ 6:0U 7:56 TO J08H T. DETLOR. ESQ , Harldy ................ 0:40 (es 0.42 Pill ......... •....... 0.46 5 0:511 HbeeP 4aou (w 5:Ou DsAR SIR, - We, the undnrsigne l Y044 V ID ........ 0:06 ((( Alto EI"cturd, of We Town of G,Aerieh, in 1144M(I t",&) ..... . 5:60 (d 6:too vh:w of thn vuluablo nrrvioos you lave lJutwr ........... ..... 0:14 /U Oilb rendered to the MuAeipxllty for the putt Poutoss....... ........ 0:40 m 0,50 two ycars, reop.otl'ully ask that you will M nod... ........ ..... 3.00 I'al 4 00 allow yourself to be uumluated to Mayor Hay, new ) ton ........ 8.00 (u, 9.00 F.g;(t , , ,, •, , , , , , ..... 010 (g u:a0 ,or the ensuing year, null in cuss of s non (' ft -,s , . t rot . •.. O:Ye (,6, ti test, we pl.:dKe our vote* u of inlluenee in Turkey....... .... t:an (iy 0:40 urdl•f to $-cure your triuni'phant return Putt...:....... .... 1 b6 (d 6100 .foo.McDo"uld,96cr,a\1wduch 51c]"Itisoo: Lu,dun, Lac. 1. lr,66. Was. Kay1' IJealy. Fail W heat, *I b.b superi•,r l GU p9 170 L. Shade ilo d,nir, J 1101, 11pring Wise-I,Ju. 1 25 l og,l 40 Knhl. (Iihth, •, 'I La F McLean Flour, per IOU lbs. . 3 25 (e 4 25 A.Illucl Visit, Da, ,i1'{-Onrdvo flutter ......... .. .... 0 16 64 0 1J JobnBe,•stoiller, Elie 111''Xty, Dressed hug., floor 10010.,.. 5 00 (u, 3 51) W. T. Cut, Arch UIek , o, Yeas ........ Jo,... ... 0 5:1 (,i 0 58 Juba Blake, K. H. Smith; Barley, ......do ..... .... 0 40 (lei U 4• A. Id Rus, J Y Elwood Oafs ......... dk,.... .... U 26 (a a tri J. R. Qu, dun, J.,,urr Qord nn tory . 0 00 (ale uu F. Jorda 1, Alexaodrr Waleson Hamilton, Lac. 4, 146G. Otto. Cott, Won Iicuball, Amber Wheat.............. 146ro150 W. Phelps. -W I) Q Oiallo t Mpriug P- treat. ............. 1 30 lr, 1 35 Ihas, Aadws, D Fer4ason, ilealry ............ ....... 045 W. 0 45 Was. Campbell, Oeu Jc.sup Uw................ .. U 30 (ra 03o Stark A'ht••ly, John Robertson Pese......... ........... 0 60 (p 0 62 Hugh (lardinnr, P Miaar. Puck per. 100 The ........ ...4 50 (iy 6 00 J. Y. R. Kirk, Charles W.11a, Toronto, Ike. 0, 1866. H. 'rrainr, m r, Robe Capbell, Hen;J Iforion, 11 -twit Well., .Fall wheat .............. 166 (u, 172 Ju. Mc. N. Bracke -Alar I . us o Bp iia do ...... ......... 1 40 U 00 nags, Jubq Pridh.m FIeM................... 67 30 (i 7.60 ,Neil 1,.iers,,, Juhrr'P....mnre 00" .................. 0 EO ( . 0 06 T. •thomiwow, J ... McHsrdy, jr. Itaelar,., U 43 (uq 050 g ry,,,misr v1'm. Huriaou, Pen'............ • • . •• ... 0 G6 (a; U fig J. . npby,. lkoj. nich"'t Montreal, We. 5, 1464. Eli W'irgl,ta, Woe M)bitroa, F1eer-Supar[er Extra..... 7 OS a 7 ib John Stewart i A (i -.en, E .tri.... ........... 7 65 R 7 76. R. Horton W's(.M' Namars Wheat-Cvnsala........... l 60 a 1621 lieorle Rumball D"Od MI K.1 Ono -Par 33 IM.......... 0 33 a 0 60 Ian Lewis Alfred Lickt„!d, Itarlew-Per 48.11»......... 0 55 a U 90 H Ila lehur•t Wm Hislop Asbei-Puts..:........... 5 65 0 5 61 Wm. Gardio•r Robit91 Ilya^p f do P.Arla. Brit ...... ... 7 30 a 7 50 M Mcl son Jdw me", Ch.asdo. Isle. 5, I,iG6. E !looker Da,;d .\dams, wheat ........ .. . 12 07 (r. 0 00 ltichn•d'iimmoru 1 10'au, (Jdvrv, (tore f. o.h.............. 0 94 (q 0 w4 1, W ()'do Jn1n MIKent', Call ................... 049 (,c '0 49 J111113Il/lrws Paler Umrick, New Turk, Ike, 5, 1966. Allan Marrly Peter Notion, Gold closed at 1'391 David Reid, Alex iia!, Floor-ea{wrfiue .......67 50 q 9 30 Js C'.aley e`. Sfmnnnn, •carr .... ..... . 9 65 (d 10 00 N. Doyle, D' Cu.M,r1;1. choice ..........1s 25 Gr It 15 Jose Luyl• M.',.I. MCQu.oru", \Y beat-Milraukee ... 2 00 '.r. 2 00 W $nyder, I:JN.u.I 1'aylur, 11 white Micbi tit 3 10 (i. S 12 L.chhn CN. pbtll W. A.thur, d fir U. Lewis, Ileu,y D.AJ. 11 - I 1' Retion i1muea Marlin, NCO 31lUlrt(SCIBt 1115. Lunt• MCLuart It. llortou. Mr., ... ,.w F T..u,tb Thol, Kidd, WHIG R9 ! IA HISKERS!I 1) Multhrrson, A. 1'raker. • aIle: McLeod W m. Storey, Dr. I.. u. Mo -tell' (',„•dr,,. the* --I--& btm- Matthew \Vatts James Ker, Mato,,.,w ;,.old. w.11 Lace W'h.-Lrner Mus -Hans M-r1o,n .1 A m Muriny, 1 •r4o• to l; n.w un ,be .au'd hen ,ace .r r►w;,Jamea Thnrbaro War. Sherman, acre, it.,,-- to lad. N..npk air 111-1 r"nt fire ,Ll h itain If ,etre Hort"ar I any one e(r ti •., mu, •1-1..e aw. n. Addreon Haww,1: C.., 'b series" to . h- V. Murdoch McAuldl 1),r A I mpbell, (Me lotus tallek stiles pro, l•aiJ.) w! J UrJer, John llnld..n. Jr. /?S *10-, 1 'a' TRC 97• Ju►u Lr Donald, Charles, Fioett}wr, 6"ory,I Kr'1(0.u tt .+too.OulrJMara Arrow A.$ry, T,-. 4-.-,,. I- he■r""I",e ry mnrh,.thr" •J".nw,) ;r Wm. M. Oreel, 6 I Ita-k, rn urn loci m Sharp). Lr .Idn, •. a Is, _j.% i.'wss C. !lion, 11 L Doyle, I{t old. f',..... •,,,...g r--'.111 bar"g tont-Alar l sem 1). Fraxr. U.l, tt••nlon efliMe b ar nWww t.,. ■Wd. lees"..... wail pleas M. Gibson. P )♦a(a, tby, ellen•&Z. 4edf.al r •." ' ( W•alt.r Ilick, Jae. Ru•.eiman, ' rot P, Cn APV 1N. .ra.I, . a1 b1.00VAI.aNew T. 1; I J. ti Mmelair. Ilenri, Co•wev, _ - - --• - -- - P. F.1Taliwr,- , Wn-,. Wnrhl, _ `CHROU-4 OF VOUTIL I lir. McD,ruJall, Ifni, r.mpl.ell, A 0"Wonon wit- -4rmA 1..1 yeaI. tletionsNames Juo. W'.I::aer, - J.,A. M.'A.r, Uri,W). Pr•.a.•ur.itreap..0a:10.rd.ct...f).•uon.IJ.v. Murk, Win Kr'.•, (.1w4.rrn,.a. -n iw ,M Mt.- ufssrm( hrooa-ly N. Poll'"•k, F. Gm. nth, ee.JGe.h.'rou w". .' -4a ,.. ,11,l a.et . r.,It _rue Jose. ( hoe, h W. if- If;, ohs, nAkw, Ihr ."11,3 r . dr b, .hl -'b hr .. used. Nu,- I Jai. Ilarrw Jas. GuleYa, saran wMuy m protest by tb^ eAr.nswr it eap,rrwrr. I Dar e.. d. -I, ) .,Wlr n, 11Tnt. Srymour, G M. Prtrat. 1„Ilbt 11.u1tn1'N Anlo he Ialur e. F 1 .a Iv. r•' _ M.Mc,sind0yrrw.•, 11'k• iAl•s Dawsne.e Ger 1, tt, ? -i Was Your 1' v \ \J .r Lid TO CON"UMPT8V ,- 7• d :L..he.O_ L.ru'c :rest. earl d. n ❑'..n a I'rhee aobenwe, •7 h s K V oelll•rF, few wear b, • ,11 ..y.r --d). .1 r hots., ..I.1 Iran Piper, 1VM S.JOl, .rolls",.._, work _ ralanrtll.ru._.W;CaptrMufntnb, ,sea,, A. 1 . .. r .1.....a..., n.., - , 1 ,...n.,A ,..r-. - 7.,.1 -I . Iar.n q.N M,. 14, ,. n,aawa .i,.„ (it. a -I. rtnwdir. th .t .,-.- To John 1Kacdollu'il, Ecq pro., .A a wit. -I. trey no S.O. 1 na i r' •.• '. • +-r he,. ill w n. I. " e..r. ,o .l, lass• .I i..n,Ae 'r.. zr.d other Electors of ry." 4th•. I.. ,rale •... A...g a t' $.-it.,L..esr,..l ".,-.Art the Tcsen of Goder_ch: =o-r...,. ,., ,.. u, ti ramie. and lo . Io n, .. rata.., y. o11 -.tit aa., t 'o.•r nr., twat• •. I -I. LF. )11:\ §.__r, Ise"a..ripo 'ata.."I '.'.. .., . w,u pi`.a'"wa%mM. I tl►. tDA. Iv u.+m. ARar LnYingLnd tht huuor of your wirL..a - Ms.r.,.N.wV-11s. c-,nfdimc• for the last two years, it i, Eytgv J)oeT oars so. -That is .:i Pah ,o,y Wratifying to rcaive from you a 6a4either uarJ the art"de tiepaelvea r',uihitiott Pao lirgoly sud nspiclably w e ad rot eQaael ►Mn asrd by othen ■,' riFned, r St i nes your roof ii u, d support .'lad IMt olmonly 6t to j&_L en o I, therefore, in see.Mince with our sen lmnMtw Mfi epMit Mal m-EhrVyif Ara y )Sian lles,c Ucm_•dy' is bopri6r to anfthlug • wi.Sce, again , Tr mya, It all a Can,111,1. afthoo kL,d btr/tefore oral Dresent'In os I for your Auffriges, for the offircof 11ny r for awzhs. Gilder Thick Wood, trrl all dis ! - 4 .ease• wl.&,h sect the W'1nd of hones. As If ckrtra Fro nrinrcd, I wi1LCr Mier• b stCoviditidu M,•dicine 1t list no eysel ;_titers, is n,l4hiae is it wfYeh ease injure s ho.A'• ( discharge the datica ur the olL:e to tLe -bethir a ck or Weil-sor need the Lore be brat Of my nbility. !rept fr,rm rertaq while using It;II u Jost abs anode .bieh all wbe OWa botsu.)eywre, I hayC the Lcnor to In:, MA wh.ch they sbNld bay@ eoestlif"ly do C'wlrenrn, k-nd. Kafae"*r th• a -me. and sae tint the Your, Ae., ahtnstn-e of Hurd of Co. G on -each rukaA. T! ay p g• , , / Vnrfhrnj ;Liman. Newcastle, C. W., JOHN •'JIIJ:'iMP- rr ropprieton for thi Crnalis. Sold low al! b ,T',,ine dealers. Wt I !M; _ -_ _..-_ _-- _ Acts ,Adrtrtifitments I ecru. T©'VdillAM8, Plsq., ' Sla,-%V$ the undersi:ned islwAonof&* Tows of tiaierieh, resspettft i rr1{11••14 ITA% ills will allow y+omel(te Ile I is, bSp lja: ots fur M.ynr, !or thh0 eaawny year, ry667 With respect, W. oubocnLs ourselves, Yours, truly, (SiJeed ) I-Awin CliA2.rd, D Cuaeren, W. (1, Rk1nh. M.ilml,a Nteho:son, 'i. a.Trw•ona's Wes. Starts, Chew. E Rubinson, J. P. Sicl.ean, 1), C. Strath«,, olmn"St. Sellers, Ifenry R.Id, AI':x. Monmo. root■ usci••y►sa, five. I.sunoud 1` (lea. Grew, 'Win. Sh,.d, r, Nuel, Di.utupp J eul, "* • v,Y,llrr, )..Mrs S.,uude,as WW. S.$p#IrLury, I. McFartan•', 3.0. Bu(han", Luke ELard Juhn )!.tell Iv. J. Jrh„olon, ill "s. a rale+man, Ileery Mclksrmut, ffutb 9Is"' John Mileletl, William 1)uncnn, baotyel 1's,auwd, J. 1'J .lftlllslpp, C. Sinclair W. T. IN.$", Wm Nvs, Ali.J.7ksighl, John TkfelfPws}}, Ustoa 111io&Is Edwsrf T' mhlrt5n, W'iNiann Wi:lirms, lubu R. Dark, J:icuee Addison, Jame. D •u(t:daoo, nta"s Marlin, J"bol Ilr,d"1" WW. W'ollaaa, A" Mtllr, Joe, r.. John Butter, JamnAndrew@, .I )Ia'lin Amann, rbuvllr Jt.hu o yrs Isaac \er'tau, 't. Lamwtiag, Jam--$ Sk;mminga, isor,re Marry, tWn-!d Campbell, John P .r ... W'u1, M"'If. ",snot HichaM Ferby, R.J1ar4 mollrian, It. W. 1(in.hsO, JAn..8 4, III, Alfred Collins, J.An No,ru• Hubert Thommm, Daniel Cautibell John Taylor, • T6 MCI! CliUuld, W. G) SIMM G. Al: Trurman;aIld Arts, iiENTLE31L\ : After due c•or.sideralinu r cordially so- cept your proposiliwn dr allow o)aelf to hr •tit in \uwivatio" f„r Sls)er, Tor the euau pug year. . Aad rentb'utrn, I sin"rely th.nk ycu fol the c"Miidenre Frio place in me b,,7y your r.• quest. And. if alerted, t shall (as (trees for ill. hurt':. F,a alw.ys tio,w) do all in my pnwrr for the inleteota of ri.de,ich. A..d you awy de,read on n, this# 11 stet ted, I will 1u Ihr• Ino.1 of ,try .hihlr, dieeh:,r;r,• ILs dutir. Ind mu•,ta"I IL,- J,-nity of to, Llbc•. I remuit, genfews,., With "or., , Y. u,a, t, Ar, (11111A'I01'IliiIt t ItI8B. Salt Well Privilege ! FOR SALES. TGE vel-Mie-(lo,I..".[, a .phed,d sf,k prod•••• 10 law Mks of tae NAfeand I,,-,. w,thtn a kw bol... lard ant. of the web n"W ur,kr Int: ..Irrw,.M, .,.it 0, ore 1., the tre,I .•t I: C. T. Il..'w.v. 1. -dome Nwey . Ir. all tra""tR I'll," .tO,r Mar YlbW. fits. is oue s Mr Iw4t pf w.11 fm t. lip hey .a Ike y wi f ly.:40 ■ k•:1111e a.tY olwra0. App 1 tart ii , . '.S DOWN fly±L(,P. Galrni h. N'. -v. 2i.;%V... • .w','.6;n, ' _ aooro e_.... _ - __._. _.- . _. ____ _ - - rour ^ Mee's Shorf Catechist to L JOHNbON, lll'0IvaL act of 00' O tW9rwas il14"" Hopaa SerAiglJuwaawe, I /a the matter of uhartes bwye, do ,six,,. - MAN4MMANTLESIn be Committed to r"en/ory ) A11 1NO given his Ru mos a Thurou lr eewt. r H' I 3 WWI';.. W11re tu'h.,nry re.1re u m. ev • I.AGkIg, ruell tn'im rte to thole B , t O ee.w a16r W w „am.d rRrlr ar. da• u,rw,w•.f::,retr;raa41r .,z R 'r A' THE WLere can ynn ubt-w the beat Musintm srishing ' I:1, .stall m .o In,..1,,wnd a !.-►,w1I1sI r GOOD 'PROTfIGxIPU three k'ybraSR mal at Twa.. . .. CuurwisAwe,mi.Y treesJ1►.,sitel,aidvlora.ndth.wk1So m• A: the 1,,,,doo t'umm•rrialColl,•g••. IlhatlherWill find -,t to th•-ir Ad,•a11tA a lo,:u•tar•,Mue.emarSrwatd!M;. dlrwr14e1aww1/e 7 ..a a,. 7'•wu•am W TI ureLYfr etre l ser Its.' 6'g ii'Lrry cru, .,u ,rl. •• r wu,se :5 p^r caul !!vw him • cull. 1Iaviug serure,J the"rvirn c I" 14 u,y toluol'. Le Ile came Ful- 1 i . (of Ige. D Y. Geos, of B Itf In, w hew repo ' o Mtoeed•.1 A / .1 hembalal Meer rhesp.rll:u.,tny.hereehre C, Fl.IT■w'a.-tliW err-wnhm•,- hil At Ttrr1...:,Jyu t'd,U•,r,V1A1 Guild,;•. Ilrtiuy ssslr.e ly.VYblieLedat ao artist iR bis tt1f1,,.,,,,.,,ee.,.tLmwtu haYN•'dE P 0 I U profession, be cAn fuf"..b b. nt oro Ca. W hole Ira twiw r mwy IrscMn ampler- photography of Ct ery Sljle 1 C)(wtSl Aa,1tu-. br 11 1 M It . rd as in say Otb'r Ilusl"va& Schuo! ori !Irithh 'pmt: tote:tr:er'.t Jl s. ( .Slow , knot to to lire art, wn'n suerd tela { _. - MO$ ,-AVM066«- I Ameries f - - ,.--------- At the LnuJon Commercial College. A L JE3 -u Air 8 I IhlOivellt let rf I SA aril Info& M r u4tutai•bawl nen, c %Iwry Ju Sludeats 'I'i"TS on hand rey Cheap. e J. C. DATLO$ t I}t► 1: 11f1i 41•tl' O1'K\EU A S1:\S LU I' U, F.C9UI0\• i M. R.- O d AMhr,n"•,.0 still D4yc-rr•u I Re1"!r qee the Parrott th.rewlth li-ol.,1I ho•fnreb -- ride NI Inl!es. I typ. ird t" Thntn ruplu. CQCY 'gra\IiIM ndt/rivab fit aCommrrh the cxtl",,!pw.r A••rre4,Oct.!".,t1t66_wl)'•a: .sa 10^t' a '`r'Ir' ' (:OL'U]'$uIf tbaV t Ladies' Hata, [Silk, Velvet and. Flush], I fi dl ' Vests, Where esu Jolt Bu] thn bcrrt t ..cher of , `raAYtV1Tt.Ii--Rl,.y .f unnr the rn•n,.' ono of the Galled trJ t:.164W6 nt llver" La 9i rKnitt9d e• , I J raw W Ikor.u' a -Eller. Lw 2J. fi h e..ew. ,n , ('uunfie• of 11sru0 ( lad He lice. l' „rru ` 1.. , Penm rush ip in Lr, wh Au 1.•ri.h b wu.l.,p r•rlwh/w a for t. •' Laaies Fluted Collars. Y a• dor -a . At the Lgr'Jun Cumme. irrl Cu!a;,e. nJ a,•J rh tr hen. r. r•nA wfntn tLu r, r:•'.1' 1' )w I/a walb, of S.'wn,! C'un(eha,as hsalavtrr: r , "ce •old{.t ertwl4•I p'ib•/ wia•.1 won rnq - \ M'•nd.r, 168 twrul cut► Jay tf.Nvy► C.1c ucw st) ,Cs o. Falls, including 'uafaGJ ;nil GrcuaJiue. alatu, es liR nes I rf au this, where do Ibe1 r,.tw s ,.•alr I g.1ro; .Ark with amt' %Ise. I ( ) k : tart Paul q-dy pet- bate firs, la -rest numbi•r or -ludtrU? on tL. hhd V,mrwr4, Mot .to hes. h a,L Any on. Iwr.,"t, hoot u a 110,11 !' U1)plr of /wla• I -M.• •end CmfA li,t a Iti-i a wades tkb . Why1 ufsoarse at file L)uJnu Cummer ''.,.;.."o 16.1.ili laW W t.- r.",.ra'y w-. 1. .a,,I Art.. r ew,auy rewYldrd. S,CUULL C'ANTELON. D R E S S G O O D S 1 i,l here a. -S11L3 w'i).Lt-X. IrJh Y,! -+r 34th, IlilAi. %41 lata 11'U1fK A M(k CF.. Where have they lie IN et aceomwwl,tlo« S' lire re for Itwlveilf. for such a number of students? rrr I).trJ at (l.1,.. h, t:.'e 191h Jar orriPlrlt,ln! . At the LucJua Ciwnly • al (:,,rr:r. •J< AGHER WANTED. , A. U. It -so. -_ r_ I&Mirlrlr- `lrANA!). se elorl-.Ir-a .caber 4r V..wa . _...r,.. ...- ..v----^._ --waw whn,a Masi ruu aildnoss Bir Circular sad `y 'L&.knt oil r"- (;I.y ,tall AleKdlup• at 1NSULVEN 1' ACT UP 11664E Other iufontTnho„ t Worse A. 1)011.. se n Yo -W 0 IW Januar: I 8 o m e C h o I o e C o l O r s iii \ 111 • W JON rag e.'al. AJ I y oll,.tits, 11„ iw, -A or,n. %lonext. all I Ir Irr matron of R, Irl 1.,I.fa In ,c m nu} t Wruu•. p.,. 0110, IIIc 1ita4 IJw mo4,r• seal. ell i TIiL ('nd eon , i row lea• !vent rn nwJiNi Priori du Lnwdvw C'om rnrrt: i,tt C'o/fi e. 0 -me tw•l.W,awb gad elrti, a .star V. 1 tb,t lr• he. ,!Ade ca A.•,6,. m.ut of hu p' r ( alar'.■..• too-vailron. 1M.:. w1431 .Notate Sold self., tit. u.I.tr the ■1-e Art, to me rC Lwdou, C, W --`--- ___ . _.- - Iota hws.•n'gald A..ig,•?I uW,hry aro mourn M Y 1 S C L U ri ii a T[)F. (iUDFRIt:H COSI \ll'.ItC1AL AND tafwtnti ser, .noun tole mumbo fr••m,audsr A feW '1'l2ousand Dollars : w.rh tern ry"n.. s t "),"g the -VI. r Ia.y . N\T11EV TfiAL.ACADF.MY, MR J.A huLl.4 b0',auJ las VA"..4it; acd ,truatr•. true - Mc66LLA11, PR1`401" ll, isafiHi fwd Silk Wt -I, 10'JIvio al '.n e'.rt rn fur+rd mYrn al ' Nati or," hr, ; ,,,, wholly •Kenai an,ler Nath, the Cul!e;e and Ibr et mo hrntsebra ser - .horn jai-..,. ..nota nut l- Ill-. 9!00. I with fit. v.vrMn is -kpp(t r(.ueb rh*fM. •I to, bi rd at lM foes, w buirricb M Ila Laa.alj JEW OPf_AWD A LAXE C ANFITr OF taoght thurviu u in the C"Ilere iself. D. s-huw o(a)Ill I.+a• I of florets, loss Isla day of FuvenYhwr. A. hj Q _-__ _ L M.Innlrr, W'. -•t rt., I Wolrn.•h. I,tia, .449w . F INIt1-11 G'd.ri.I!, (,,,k N•vca'te" Is+ili. .4411' i r01ISAc M(`XME 5AMIYET,PO LLO 'If. Puheduf. fur ltsl+, ul. Cfeifd Asagrei CLOTHS to the R$topayerll• ST. _1TiilR1NE_ NURSERIES., Eros uitt-nt kat of 1sr-i anst AL'l( Ameit:e WIIEI1EASitisrgpJ;e,,tthntrnrd,datea Farmers Bi6ware1 Ihrreof. for MunicifMl t4'rnn, knd alt int, -.s fur --- , theegnirgt v-art-huublp•.ytb..ir lairs ou Julhemshrvwri(bardV&:i,'nr,anin", r. or brtore t:ry Glh 1)-,u' I lr r neat, rte tub 'j Ilf+ is m nMi^a rr'w Resta♦ former Trete NTT T,A,h. I( the .nwlmrny vItt"A in mer d _ 1 .(JOSEPH TOLING. w -a.• ha t,iM tables B Ae. iprrre n/•bes•Mat• Of hr ufw.ra-aRm•d We are now re :iri:,e a" aJJili mal nock of Acribef wou'd Let of Ih.,u note to pat off life ,... I,--. IM prrlvibee that h, was an IR'• d wlJre..I, uwJ r 1M •,wDw1.aM• cl the Shure cit I payaNtlt till the I:ul d:ry, Y he txp.M rllMiR Ike-: Nurwn••a He w not at ,kcviad to Ise•}I • f ,,;tl ud.•1 b.e NM ve the Coun K..u.u, to tow . ' the wlw!r in w tiny. Ln order to acuiJ run: urea there rucarrieP.aall p•.t r. Luy"'g !r . Trw•n of •1u,lara•k, oe To Way ilit- Iw.dOb oar/ General Dry Goods and Groceries! (union or'!iel punnenenl the sabaefib,•r will he will out (rr Ibest !owed Sun' u• , u.e,.t' I of 31am1, WRl at Iwrner --h- t o,,--,-. 0111' Irr W hu •- r e-rn tiny for the nett two weak. L• Jr. its 4VL%. ,sshe, ullr stUiW„Iedr.( Ike wr.d ,n9'Jre•i. W tat. L'atlwrulr,, Tis ileo. 1Ma' w i atW tt't.N wwwber veers. road 0O.t ".M .( Which we cul and do wll ch",,er that any uLl- I o sc to ]'own. At timid, a quantity of from 9 ,•Vc h a. m. Ii,l 4 p, .n. and it -- - -- - - _--- --- !J wmlwe rr(hI 1% the • aU 0011 astnw. K. L' • ,sex:'•c:•'t that the Itutepaver. wia goven. Mtunllvlpal NOtlfaee d .he T••wn,hlp r4 ('o:bura.•. a,W Gout+v •a thctusrlre- aca,.din fly. Ihrion. tuatanca( In u9 .•rr►.w.ir•d and After% r 4 G A. 11o'KAY, .rna.mn,ew I. al. wile the b'n'dtres. Ihe.eud Co n a d f 4a n Cottoii Yam w Battilhe ` it Lit li is MIJI•r •,ren /o the, Mumr,par I . owd teowu sol tb• Yan,u.nr pvm. Collector. \ Elw (•nolthe Town•h,p "1 Ilan, iurot a . p, d.l:fa'K: Gtderich, ::0th N .w., i 6fi, ,a -!t .-ties w51 .1. I. W w Ike F 0 VIII a the I' UtA,.,.t.l-.0 n.r hat H. A H. 1.ga,te r1' %Wli-b .. w.J T-,wnrh r. on Mord.,y, + i SABBATH r _ ._ ..- __ ,br Iwrat c -north J.1'.A 1 r,.. usher Avoif,.l 1 .n, Crha1 ...h. rills N (46v. .!I! + ►J l ) :1 I'Ii S[i OOL .a tLr purvwv vt r.-in.tu•r.• a herr,, Lal rr 1 rail- - 471A N c ..*es. ( - w4ild . Itia•"e. sal 'rbme ('-,-0-.. ha e'r r.,.,..", __ .".- 1 - r S E V E R A L P I L C E M O P T , fe.e,athl'orax a poll W'1i .%W", Jac s.4ow Is'ilflvesl Arta 186 t ail A■esltseNa D FL _ I LIBR r1 I I L M-1 1. .nK ,.,I til the iILIsod p.' a l-st)"iiw(t4e f _11IPLTS . . FLOOR UIIJ CLOTHS! LIBRAMES r , W'ILLI IM 1ClLPGV, Collum, ori I`firv... In "o'd n illi. Ol l-fl'ka C runty ..f It. . iCmt.dcan, oo m Hur1-n • L - fowu.Iup r:rH( • ,and Mn,rr. 11ay. ^' \, I , 'ora, .Ind A FULL SUPPLY OF LADES' & aENZ3' FU$3, - O\ F.:slteruf.IL,Ii k,R.loy,, .,... o'n. 'ERY Lirgi- 1 VFr dad. usel.rI' Allo ly O'.1"tud-.1 ArcDrpnrttt noW Cheap! Cheap! Cheap! (T t.rot'd,.,•:...',I i'fl,l{,yj.l,.,,, n„ f,alp.r,1 Cheap.,,,," old 1 .ora f:rr • rrrh:,rase Sell., Ihr •old Ac . w hand, cunluining Ir(xn 4 f: JRMr,1 1t H• ;4A We beg to ano"unee the xrrrival of sn'ersl cues of Ip 50 Yultanes, • " j .I ht t4, eJ 'Met'adeM•j. l i Strome? -s( a1 yyjYss s) a). 4 pfyt HEAMMLLY ILLUSTEATEDI Goder cti Boot Shop Factorll NtJr,rw, H E A D Y SI$ • w.DE - vOT 1► I 1 7 % I INib. I,nh. ro. flu,.- :4 .alar lend, A. foo i!-t'Rti !Y J 66 wJOles , BTBON(3LY BOUND, i.NS(UNENT .AVT OF tMi Great Bar( ains in Pilot and Beaver Overcoats. I and suffered of rale+ that cannot be SAMUEL FUME I -as eu hand anJ keeps 1. 4s, ('r",+y (nun I( the Cth d t', -snow. tit JOHN O. DETLOR & Co. nederxold in the 1lroviul c, at the CONSTANTLY MANUFACTURING H"r•"'8113 K In t.le a.rtt,•r tit N ,vi.in Itutwrta. on mad.ent. ': b, Vottmb•: 3;'. ir;c. , w16 t t1caT sTYt.t ,or S I GN A I. OFFICE: Pr:.,,n.L.,nNr'", .y(i th.n)- LAWW', 616N 1S', •'CH1LLtiENi Va.-It...-I, .til [ ftra A -r .O.weary, . . Ilaron *.d It'-fts A - D• `iw,7, dee u."I", ._.__r__ . _.. __ /.a ju ti,t : lc w.vl::oi,or a *Ili appliti baro AJwler t M°1 Cuuri ,or • y, long. under Ibe rs■1 Arlt ' - ---- STORE-, rHE NOTED CHEAP CASH STORE-, LM _NAC a R Q g Cjn } Boots and Shoes e fl"•rJ .la„1.!lun 1 ., ,".....torr IICn. . wt t" WILLIAM KUPAftlk: U-1.44 .1, s - - _ _ He also Leena o,.e til the irrr;ra storks + I ,(Imported Wort m 7. w,, all of Which f r; d COUN" 7 TIES COUNCIL 1' IIHERE an m.ny (so pnwd) Cheap Cub S:orca in GudericLr but the 1 ublic Moly rest a..r, e. tLat I::e Canadian Alrna' l _tic s Jalrrm'nrd to roll :n ehwr " any boll x m the bade, r,. (.11 ' L tray SANIk.I IrlSl;. I + .;`.'. - w`e lr, ■ r TO LEASE ] h., Counr it "I It . '' • r t ., ' ' T G L A ,S G H 0 U S r I: - 10 to Siieel hurun toed. O'd•,ich \oy. 19 IAff. .43 t1' 11 a■ULD 111 Huron & Bruce, .0 i'Lc FAriCh4wpCita►Storrs, will ever maintain ill proud position of pre emurucIto WLicb at•."" under ttw former mriagement, a, rise Lot and I SALT TERRITORY HE TOLL GATES ON l'fiE T wi'l.reii (laleshb on i4 CHEAPEST SPOT IN TOWN " -- , U":ern h. 1". tib, 11" - V, MAJ (• _ SKOTESISKATES1 9lortsen mt.wSl Tlslt- 110110-- CI:ATLy in terra earl- te, M Ihr ■i;n of ) N'orm•L•sargm ser.•■ },"11.11,11".11"IJ tbe'1'+dlrM-, . yy yy .t[ r! r•yy y (t y y 6n.W,w,r'e m 1:111Mm% %ai AM b T 4 '7 T T i Y "r T bole,. and twuw.•b,..yy f«t tea ..n i1. GAC1,1N" Ar CO. one the ,-, ,, c"p.rtam of nh.+l.•n1 .r,l'ol .t.a+k •t w•y eAn;Annle Gine 1t rIS F,or I ,.rat (baler"L, DT. 1, Ih69. sen J..'e•. ,vena- ata nd. rnr Ise t•..d.e•p) a•prrw.l up' "at. a4,.4..A r..r. uu, ora AJA NADI IN PAIN UL+TIWYEIi, i u,•r...nr .(j1 yjr Mthly ,hr ymM/r fee t, ..-----,__- WINa,rrre/tea'(ril rr61)e (' I Oliver TERRITORY j Aa k nmdv Med'a.nr, iI r wall :ed .* theay ,. nr „'.• ntI( ` .T 1 L R O11rY hats thous. mb li.,m mne .a the lredrtm w. M. rt,. W. -Toe t46•w1nR y J k■owe. x l ars Awnnn..,•.>sr.rrua. ywr+.n ....In.-.. • load 4rwLColugkn, Golds. neve 1 wkirh •O,. or ,. by 1m_,,, ; ,.1111-1 np;.••N.. • I- . Inter, ('r■mp. ,a 1,11-fl-le11, ".",.urw,ur,.•.K.,,. r Me.,h,n,.lu,e1 rukuyl■I e n,b.e,I)._M1.rr,it..•elarra fMrse.sAw.lt,oWnelety an.r.tde.p .,,_' Of FOR SALE, OR LEAs[, Ata, Trgay `card-. Fru -i hole, that k.sy •nA(oth, inleamrte, 1t1l Ore,rrnw-r+ur, - Ptl anular 6•; pair. m rhe t,ta•f 1 tr,A .',; u.u,we, A.9ta•, ACs. a' rrr. f.,utn,pas. trrmhl...r•. ,•"'el•• #mhpeslM.n law /ITHIN ISO yard. ,{ the prr,I•nt Cadent The GAN.A, .,f PAIN DR'•T KOTRK Alga •nrwo, rnghtfal drew(. u'd• gr■d-I reeug ewq Of ran111V,,,k.. Ale- ffew bee■ kolhr■ tn.yubl.e b,r a length o: time. Ji ea rh b F A. A DI I \ G L A :N D 8 1 ser nit •.'11 mentor W41,I 1' shin .19 w&,..t ue.t ,1 .Wall ".#,. nawfa,hg( "+ ..."he w,m, ^ "w r. 1111. til to th■Ilnr,,lh A plytn lo e ly "o , M4 to 1r ;w I- e e O.ra or e'hM ,,,,,"""` ly d..,n, +M atm.• h--rberrhl .1,"ur sw.yy - .n,lf , WIND"" .. a,malr alerg, tai r►e bol t.F•r mww• ■ wi1Me -114 16. -.-II . aetwln.... •u p Cr.b r Ii.1 , ooll ca".1toluwstwei' ioa w the d,r•W..'s• list,- .np,romnf cuttamr. - u m t.e urs W ,w. r I-- :'ulydur. U'A,rrich. been= LJlr we,1 t hu1 111 the eaatrery, All mmi. . li,.k n} hp, I ,1t Orr., I ;a1Kp r w4inf ■rS dell/hsd Sub 4. up'Y ,. " ,,d .peke , Lr K. so *4..W.n. use W:-•, L. ...".0- n. ADJQ,eJ AJ1ED a7Liaa11i1 8 A tn. b.aba■1 ler.■ ill as r.rt t u,,I mpg.cAl at. I Kr.r.... a 1.,a... Nrwron., C. 1% .4. '• ,hr to -IA. w N, N 'Also rota HtMYwwr' erAt L=lege. }•^d Or We ape.k from r[y ertenre a title rAAna, het- rola an. -her. 11 Aoki by ay 1kr ,k.Iplru W flud.r_ r rise tested n th--gloly. and Irterel"le ,hoar who Ah and.edleWe n •rrrvwh_. wl„41" Lands.( for. Taxes• an •arena( fn na ser or Ibe r'ndf(Ialeb for • . -Inch n i• reeowca I l ivy depeoJ apt. its __---_ _. rT HE min■ n t g kas unwld old grain be offer 't i AtA:-. r .gn 11•'mdy. 1 k 1 be we e@'I. acv d 4M C.rwl.aK pun d Wr.alr .n /Ar Crn,rt Hone, m IM 711 , n Lmlru,wr b nuns, in. d1SSaass (r wkleL it ,. THE GREAT ENGLiSH REMEDY -, moirr,rh on I... ed.y,Ihe 4rbdeyM blseembr, rv:umnteadwd..ad me wundrrful -N, - n nye- ■esti, at the hour W Twelve 1dir, , 4 soda. 1 ng the tenuntt dal a. of Hhrunul„n1, a. 1 n, .4bernd••Ulllre, r:Ialert(-fy retiavwg Nenfor-1R+et.u,nnulle.t to■hglT SiR .IAMi:S ('I,.11{li I':1 :0th\nv. IMe. w41 !hair is Ibe hat rt re u.+d,w fu, thear r mpie.nt-. Celebrated Female Pills. . -r Hallow are rear: in from Medlr,ae Dr-Irn in !'re red (row n pr.arnpf)rM of Sir .l. The S1,-0 is further a'tjw,irned atilt Tblua ■11 para of the ii-sno y Mr "-.I I wpplree, uJ Prr anal Irt.fyug ors., l e u.rl-ersl aotn(aeaun A CJ1 rke,A U.,l hyyxlrinn f:.rf raordinarr day, the 20tlo day of Dneetohlr, instant. g,.ro,.• \ toefAe Queen. JOHN MA( n)NALU, TM Cae.dre fain Demo7or sets tub on ,-- "►rang H, k A. p,7.nmed.m. relief. All.ed,c.;.ed.slen keep Thremvelu■hlr mal-ri" 1A unfn.Lns ,a the MhlriR'S 019cr, I. It. rnyrruas nnMr and orae it I mod no larmly tare of As `toe@ pRillml rnd daagern is d,sea (loderieh, I)ee 4,1966 will be -0-vt it SAol enc- trrug it. b, wMeh Ihd fi.male rrogAamma is sut*'M dl. rn .MY R)rani. pot a,ll e. .,relrwlestNtt-viond F,• u"rr.11,OWANR"i - All urdero ah,)Uld he HJIt In LYMAN, and ..[-,Iy grave carry Le rolled .,n A pTIO N SAL£ 1 n.wna.11a,C. W.. TO MARRIED LADIES u OF owl. by Agent for Ca Cattle - to ys g on Thely •-116 D Paul, . s Gt'M"t'l Irma, amt in Cn,lineir by Parks( Aa' -1 I J SAA bung to The ca"nod, p. e old,, I y"the {1 (iardinet b Co„ R•rfw'd 1 JameA F-, n trwde, pnir One lh,llar, M•nn the Oay. rA*MMI A=.Ibi J R.hard, K -ler; 1. H. •rn.,enl stamp.forestMntaintu4lrervaleeaa- CotslAe.Chn,on; Poo -M, Lsehsuwl E411,ekwtn, trnr,ta. Adjolulftg life Villago of 13a)firld I rlawS , sod at. lydlrind DoWra. v7x (lAl7Tie)M. _ 7%... Piffr.Aow/d Mor M antra bej /,alwriw( SALT TERRITORY ran pat" Tif"'J's Mott' lJ, M Prey (;. !1'7 ? R 71 1 Jl , `( wry, M filter SIN I.rr Io An rR res Mirror. rug((, ser .e 04 m6., tress faest.,v safe U Hotel U. I*It.0 IIT A'AIioA . P►Ilnek's 20 ACRBS OF SALT TERRITORY In ail 1erv,Mrr ..I r4puw AAr,none, Hotel m the illage nAr 6.•!d, nn to loves, @itualyd .n and uljacenl 10 Pems in the Met and tNmbs, Fglre" OP dyM ..,1. wo,a .ter`` Ick 6 lh•}{I'ren Id'ilea and Just out of the roe -noon, V.1cor.r;rtse of Ike Ilsert, fifteen" sort '1'lltoim], tile'I>glitliy nl lfeeAlbr,l8b6 l-While, Ili~ RI. Wit e0ba•t ■ r -re whoa all a,plmenJof st .00 rrloek,t P. m., no en 0 a► ,IR., 4 d front' 4 nes thea me-na a -we Riled ; •o-1 atth..wh • pewee - A& "- - - Llliy I•/" a •"t4 til r.m•dy• do not ■.,•ts 1 im-..•nbwnes.:war do"i ov",d vary rl. nh'y a'lua'r ( earl lob mvra_hna_. M".V,„r.nylhmg hunftJ t., r r. na'tothon. Loin, aAj"inutgkbe tntsge lock'ltsky4[I el Allld7 .J + ran +Inset'". MIM /wRrtdrwt @r@I,M well th.. i,gmwli. vir,nity of ullnck g [Intel SIT. EATRERALT), Pre face, wh„h .lo-ld M'•uMSuy pew-olved. 1 so ma Lo",Arm fe0kd f 6,J. Ageklfwibeuarte,l."Iel"And Can■od} No 2 in B:wk N 7J acres. to ,,r `A O b JIM doslf`k Mtehoste1, N.Y. Itr(w. 1966 ' 5 a0s re ns p .Isere., e.•d.a•4 3 is I I O o1 In ai whtkd•hatl beam A11rTaaaN w4a10 M em- ' 3 in 1( t0 (C PTH ATR•. 1 ver MMI. 9 IM.,ng fitly Pft for return mall. This is *vows e►aaee tn. NNw Itanlaelww .wq t'Yl*g6 feu sol1 r1 . &-**± NU prow hallo C, - W 1 w i In thin %,;FT 'Iu.a of McAlMr wfth rr 6Ar tieA Irr 1 ■ • ►^%W maw +`wt 13t, seent Imre tt annsda. A ^ f ImIca tNroa. M the Will will he atoll at on M nearly White, wnh a I.jAt M elsak ■^'} heal. ♦MA in n"doNd h ftirker 4s Culla ani allele rsr see* witbaul rawrve. Any w►n 11 h 1',0 me Ik- . )- wweYsr will I lime lm R. )mdae(, (ksedlaer s Ga e..F.-I ; J H. Iwo o dairy l.lrs++rf «.d will N made esraam katbeM Rr(4=V, na I 1 ;;;IsM,lsetrr ; 1 H. own Oa ties of 8alw. Cut,(J'U (MIN4ITLWAS" t tial!` Lettnns;E.Hr lj Gndaricl•, Noe ", Ief". w4At4 fi'dleneh, Nile Mrs 1%", 1- • THOS, GRIF 1ITH & CO., HAVING UPF,\F.D THF.IG.W110IT"ALB WAREHUC9Ei O. 39 i RON It STREET, TORONI-0, NOw OFFER FOR SAL11 11 '1` 1: L to, 3 C ,nate, Half Chests and Caddies, Young [lys ins, O,lnrnwile,s, imrerials. Twanksys, Jalt(1 Y -ung Hyson, Uncolored Japans, Contour, loaefhiAeos, Offerlt PfUse dnd &"led &lwi Pekoe. ._." ... --11e43V?A N1;; l . HLAs Porto Rice, H,1•. Nov- 2. 2 1'-3 a, d 3 Yellow ite6'neJ, C ri AW X and A, Dry tr.tibe and Ground. I '' fl ,. B.C. Ise Uuayre, Rio, leve ind ''M ,ol!!ch'11 ar d. RAasled sed Qrottad• . I ,p lora I;.*, / I 1 ACC_,0 Ley, 8 t3ww. to.. ('*&It" Source, Twig,, and Wrk sad Dngkr 1.211i•., belong old Vtr`Irw very fight abi Hntoo sed 11.If Agree. New and (md Vnleo-ne Houle., )lox, -, I Rnty, atA I noir• New hove, .n, N. t. Nm. .,•. H." J and i I.mAon J.airn, 1),"LlotrPill IAWIStwest rand layers. (vyrfronore Kepa" I Kaoneldorb. Womv-I 1'e i x,,, P..n fisi-inn ll,- -I, Pai - rhlrrant•. (naw .nA nor( E' .err File., P+wwwh 4cee..''ar.MM.nA g!roM ore,Unn .lsnim •edCwros1)iNM. Yr1/ s1h Cr liaod Prates (tnY ftot.a H"ses .ml k,an- Pu one R0i-1n,r, Itag+ •"False 1 14,..r- rd•hn 3oA 11ke0 Yd Valwels ♦ rued,..."I..ad I'MAI .. ' AV i N•1:R1 Nps. HhIM. Qr- CRAM and(k•tsew:, Sea ,tem:e'., I)Aha.M' and (,O1uv's Cnrt., 1'r.unn'., Doll word m h C.'a, Camp, 140" do c...• I ores 4 Co.1l., al! esti fief'j,n mhrrrNa, H'#rgufklr w bevor► Powe of vnear star., rthel".•nes, Clarets, M'ar] ,- a m, 111 u k . 13' tv, A N 13 1 i•: 44 : Hh,It, 1.1 C.A. l nd C}se. )l.nAl•.. Itina4my'q olod, artistry S (we, Jules Rohn h Carol 1 rhW,hpm k 04%, a ad•, broo.le. Mis I q '1Q O R M 1'i pen.hrw. Janata 1tom. HAM and ColF, .,•RI., Itself. IlaUad at d eoM b'. (Nd Tom (it^.wnnv Ile' rush,>ar ,n'. and IWO M Beuteb R'hl.kma,UrOrAlJ old Aye.. MAK, Modrds'CJ1dy ori m.0 W h,rk,es. ,&M. 1A. 13bXt1rJMMLls. ebect.e 4:643. 1 ShiaUmkwew' wonar. Blow,NA Ye■4er's Ah, Cas.d,an K.nhng I n'. Ala. and rlwier, CEO Bernard's (linter W'nr. v0%t 4-•11 `;.•h,arra'. Franc++lAeoenn. Co"I' le, he,ble. ' 4OQBt'M9 WITH A LAR(IR ST01'R OF R'r. L,wr I Poop, tirlmnnt ..A Fm or C-Al fhnloe RIM, Fit ani teJ+ee Klee, pter,•h . vat opt• rw1►MAld apeyPllla !ww •wi1 's ltis Aedey EaaW e9t1 CpeduR t:heer, P,r III M. .',aYI al s , "CtAsse Atha reekwe" Pilatfcled and OaUdei, Salt M tMlJs,s,, Sloerwnw, all Yawl, «u'. ...... 1A'Ml';t I sadHw,rie, email, 19fejtpn T rM, f,Asl i.h, ttrcm k W Cnnad,an P ... gar, ".1aL, l6ee-d vV.ne corks, Homs, HHhellerrrNr, Crew Taney, fa4, Sod Gorda, Day and Martin'. and L-whsA b,-, king, got. Ara. A L'4 O mks.8S1M,m. liiu. 1 14mest snit LaM:d a ! a►4 11sa++nr, IMO and Kae Mwbwol, Table C.AA■I big% 111fnnp's ble" A -d an+r0 R.S..4 1l'se•s anti Flow Mk. Sala A)Knls in ,'f nrontn, for 1lt W A Will 1!efeehted DMma BlslltleSd. The sib" NI ll kniArAd m, ,.aphewlnihe Ilii d nortowd 46mk Awes offered to Townes-, Slid toad I a m low in, Caw• or on Oberst is me for aPprored POft . Tf} •SO VRG f i11TABITCTQRB TO. ".Woo,, fsea *ft.", Nall. w iLLLSTRiTED LON;ONALY.INAC 9 Tuesday the IN d it Tf Dec. 1.0 C' ' r 0 R 1867. (; )(ul) 4"(l(Jl) UxxEAY !. 11 ,.X, - w'rif fie Int by .♦uctiun for 160 low IWT Ili ((i .click PE1F Ii Ah \H9UN, We soe just meenins our second surply of • -_ ir, r .,;. G.w1,.+irll, 2>; -b \o . 1..1. ' a f s 'l• til C It F 0 It 'I'll l; S 1J S O N RL.1(i )V:e r„ - ---- __ Orr. F01'11711 I'VITLY 11P MISS M. M. TAYLOR Ladies Hats and Millinery Goods ! I.- . ..h. -.r, Bl""... .,era twr ,,,ar nrY. I"'be ...Vu4,". torn "„t, 1 M r: .Rf.ew!w.1., , orr tSIII rprLT 11F 1M.,k tf.at• ; and .. jr. f rising tow. thank• Wr13 '.0 ` T `' 1 O "r , j ` lI v '• Ibr. liberal palf...r.'r n tin' I.I. h I. u: uh- .{A, I,.wl .d I." pr r.,t rt v9. 0,141, reahprilWs a , - hn,.r. r.rwlr .( file 1..(e.t .tvl... u. III Mi,loare) Uw,L. 6,ta her a M6 hrfurr 00- havertbrewbere. gv '! D. k E R tit JR., 1t iL C O • • ■ , U":ern h. 1". tib, 11" - V, MAJ p 6:"jow Ho,1sr, ^-aid Nov. 1nGG. , +.1 _ SKOTESISKATES1 9lortsen mt.wSl Tlslt- 110110-- CI:ATLy in terra earl- te, M Ihr ■i;n of ) N'orm•L•sargm ser.•■ },"11.11,11".11"IJ tbe'1'+dlrM-, . yy yy .t[ r! r•yy y (t y y 6n.W,w,r'e m 1:111Mm% %ai AM b T 4 '7 T T i Y "r T bole,. and twuw.•b,..yy f«t tea ..n i1. GAC1,1N" Ar CO. one the ,-, ,, c"p.rtam of nh.+l.•n1 .r,l'ol .t.a+k •t w•y eAn;Annle Gine 1t rIS F,or I ,.rat (baler"L, DT. 1, Ih69. sen J..'e•. ,vena- ata nd. rnr Ise t•..d.e•p) a•prrw.l up' "at. a4,.4..A r..r. uu, ora AJA NADI IN PAIN UL+TIWYEIi, i u,•r...nr .(j1 yjr Mthly ,hr ymM/r fee t, ..-----,__- WINa,rrre/tea'(ril rr61)e (' I Oliver TERRITORY j Aa k nmdv Med'a.nr, iI r wall :ed .* theay ,. nr „'.• ntI( ` .T 1 L R O11rY hats thous. mb li.,m mne .a the lredrtm w. M. rt,. W. -Toe t46•w1nR y J k■owe. x l ars Awnnn..,•.>sr.rrua. ywr+.n ....In.-.. • load 4rwLColugkn, Golds. neve 1 wkirh •O,. or ,. by 1m_,,, ; ,.1111-1 np;.••N.. • I- . Inter, ('r■mp. ,a 1,11-fl-le11, ".",.urw,ur,.•.K.,,. r Me.,h,n,.lu,e1 rukuyl■I e n,b.e,I)._M1.rr,it..•elarra fMrse.sAw.lt,oWnelety an.r.tde.p .,,_' Of FOR SALE, OR LEAs[, Ata, Trgay `card-. Fru -i hole, that k.sy •nA(oth, inleamrte, 1t1l Ore,rrnw-r+ur, - Ptl anular 6•; pair. m rhe t,ta•f 1 tr,A .',; u.u,we, A.9ta•, ACs. a' rrr. f.,utn,pas. trrmhl...r•. ,•"'el•• #mhpeslM.n law /ITHIN ISO yard. ,{ the prr,I•nt Cadent The GAN.A, .,f PAIN DR'•T KOTRK Alga •nrwo, rnghtfal drew(. u'd• gr■d-I reeug ewq Of ran111V,,,k.. Ale- ffew bee■ kolhr■ tn.yubl.e b,r a length o: time. Ji ea rh b F A. A DI I \ G L A :N D 8 1 ser nit •.'11 mentor W41,I 1' shin .19 w&,..t ue.t ,1 .Wall ".#,. nawfa,hg( "+ ..."he w,m, ^ "w r. 1111. til to th■Ilnr,,lh A plytn lo e ly "o , M4 to 1r ;w I- e e O.ra or e'hM ,,,,,"""` ly d..,n, +M atm.• h--rberrhl .1,"ur sw.yy - .n,lf , WIND"" .. a,malr alerg, tai r►e bol t.F•r mww• ■ wi1Me -114 16. -.-II . aetwln.... •u p Cr.b r Ii.1 , ooll ca".1toluwstwei' ioa w the d,r•W..'s• list,- .np,romnf cuttamr. - u m t.e urs W ,w. r I-- :'ulydur. U'A,rrich. been= LJlr we,1 t hu1 111 the eaatrery, All mmi. . li,.k n} hp, I ,1t Orr., I ;a1Kp r w4inf ■rS dell/hsd Sub 4. up'Y ,. " ,,d .peke , Lr K. so *4..W.n. use W:-•, L. ...".0- n. ADJQ,eJ AJ1ED a7Liaa11i1 8 A tn. b.aba■1 ler.■ ill as r.rt t u,,I mpg.cAl at. I Kr.r.... a 1.,a... Nrwron., C. 1% .4. '• ,hr to -IA. w N, N 'Also rota HtMYwwr' erAt L=lege. }•^d Or We ape.k from r[y ertenre a title rAAna, het- rola an. -her. 11 Aoki by ay 1kr ,k.Iplru W flud.r_ r rise tested n th--gloly. and Irterel"le ,hoar who Ah and.edleWe n •rrrvwh_. wl„41" Lands.( for. Taxes• an •arena( fn na ser or Ibe r'ndf(Ialeb for • . -Inch n i• reeowca I l ivy depeoJ apt. its __---_ _. rT HE min■ n t g kas unwld old grain be offer 't i AtA:-. r .gn 11•'mdy. 1 k 1 be we e@'I. acv d 4M C.rwl.aK pun d Wr.alr .n /Ar Crn,rt Hone, m IM 711 , n Lmlru,wr b nuns, in. d1SSaass (r wkleL it ,. THE GREAT ENGLiSH REMEDY -, moirr,rh on I... ed.y,Ihe 4rbdeyM blseembr, rv:umnteadwd..ad me wundrrful -N, - n nye- ■esti, at the hour W Twelve 1dir, , 4 soda. 1 ng the tenuntt dal a. of Hhrunul„n1, a. 1 n, .4bernd••Ulllre, r:Ialert(-fy retiavwg Nenfor-1R+et.u,nnulle.t to■hglT SiR .IAMi:S ('I,.11{li I':1 :0th\nv. IMe. w41 !hair is Ibe hat rt re u.+d,w fu, thear r mpie.nt-. Celebrated Female Pills. . -r Hallow are rear: in from Medlr,ae Dr-Irn in !'re red (row n pr.arnpf)rM of Sir .l. The S1,-0 is further a'tjw,irned atilt Tblua ■11 para of the ii-sno y Mr "-.I I wpplree, uJ Prr anal Irt.fyug ors., l e u.rl-ersl aotn(aeaun A CJ1 rke,A U.,l hyyxlrinn f:.rf raordinarr day, the 20tlo day of Dneetohlr, instant. g,.ro,.• \ toefAe Queen. JOHN MA( n)NALU, TM Cae.dre fain Demo7or sets tub on ,-- "►rang H, k A. p,7.nmed.m. relief. All.ed,c.;.ed.slen keep Thremvelu■hlr mal-ri" 1A unfn.Lns ,a the MhlriR'S 019cr, I. It. rnyrruas nnMr and orae it I mod no larmly tare of As `toe@ pRillml rnd daagern is d,sea (loderieh, I)ee 4,1966 will be -0-vt it SAol enc- trrug it. b, wMeh Ihd fi.male rrogAamma is sut*'M dl. rn .MY R)rani. pot a,ll e. .,relrwlestNtt-viond F,• u"rr.11,OWANR"i - All urdero ah,)Uld he HJIt In LYMAN, and ..[-,Iy grave carry Le rolled .,n A pTIO N SAL£ 1 n.wna.11a,C. W.. TO MARRIED LADIES u OF owl. by Agent for Ca Cattle - to ys g on Thely •-116 D Paul, . s Gt'M"t'l Irma, amt in Cn,lineir by Parks( Aa' -1 I J SAA bung to The ca"nod, p. e old,, I y"the {1 (iardinet b Co„ R•rfw'd 1 JameA F-, n trwde, pnir One lh,llar, M•nn the Oay. rA*MMI A=.Ibi J R.hard, K -ler; 1. H. •rn.,enl stamp.forestMntaintu4lrervaleeaa- CotslAe.Chn,on; Poo -M, Lsehsuwl E411,ekwtn, trnr,ta. Adjolulftg life Villago of 13a)firld I rlawS , sod at. lydlrind DoWra. v7x (lAl7Tie)M. _ 7%... Piffr.Aow/d Mor M antra bej /,alwriw( SALT TERRITORY ran pat" Tif"'J's Mott' lJ, M Prey (;. !1'7 ? R 71 1 Jl , `( wry, M filter SIN I.rr Io An rR res Mirror. rug((, ser .e 04 m6., tress faest.,v safe U Hotel U. I*It.0 IIT A'AIioA . P►Ilnek's 20 ACRBS OF SALT TERRITORY In ail 1erv,Mrr ..I r4puw AAr,none, Hotel m the illage nAr 6.•!d, nn to loves, @itualyd .n and uljacenl 10 Pems in the Met and tNmbs, Fglre" OP dyM ..,1. wo,a .ter`` Ick 6 lh•}{I'ren Id'ilea and Just out of the roe -noon, V.1cor.r;rtse of Ike Ilsert, fifteen" sort '1'lltoim], tile'I>glitliy nl lfeeAlbr,l8b6 l-While, Ili~ RI. Wit e0ba•t ■ r -re whoa all a,plmenJof st .00 rrloek,t P. m., no en 0 a► ,IR., 4 d front' 4 nes thea me-na a -we Riled ; •o-1 atth..wh • pewee - A& "- - - Llliy I•/" a •"t4 til r.m•dy• do not ■.,•ts 1 im-..•nbwnes.:war do"i ov",d vary rl. nh'y a'lua'r ( earl lob mvra_hna_. M".V,„r.nylhmg hunftJ t., r r. na'tothon. Loin, aAj"inutgkbe tntsge lock'ltsky4[I el Allld7 .J + ran +Inset'". MIM /wRrtdrwt @r@I,M well th.. i,gmwli. vir,nity of ullnck g [Intel SIT. EATRERALT), Pre face, wh„h .lo-ld M'•uMSuy pew-olved. 1 so ma Lo",Arm fe0kd f 6,J. Ageklfwibeuarte,l."Iel"And Can■od} No 2 in B:wk N 7J acres. to ,,r `A O b JIM doslf`k Mtehoste1, N.Y. Itr(w. 1966 ' 5 a0s re ns p .Isere., e.•d.a•4 3 is I I O o1 In ai whtkd•hatl beam A11rTaaaN w4a10 M em- ' 3 in 1( t0 (C PTH ATR•. 1 ver MMI. 9 IM.,ng fitly Pft for return mall. This is *vows e►aaee tn. NNw Itanlaelww .wq t'Yl*g6 feu sol1 r1 . &-**± NU prow hallo C, - W 1 w i In thin %,;FT 'Iu.a of McAlMr wfth rr 6Ar tieA Irr 1 ■ • ►^%W maw +`wt 13t, seent Imre tt annsda. A ^ f ImIca tNroa. M the Will will he atoll at on M nearly White, wnh a I.jAt M elsak ■^'} heal. ♦MA in n"doNd h ftirker 4s Culla ani allele rsr see* witbaul rawrve. Any w►n 11 h 1',0 me Ik- . )- wweYsr will I lime lm R. )mdae(, (ksedlaer s Ga e..F.-I ; J H. Iwo o dairy l.lrs++rf «.d will N made esraam katbeM Rr(4=V, na I 1 ;;;IsM,lsetrr ; 1 H. own Oa ties of 8alw. Cut,(J'U (MIN4ITLWAS" t tial!` Lettnns;E.Hr lj Gndaricl•, Noe ", Ief". w4At4 fi'dleneh, Nile Mrs 1%", 1- • THOS, GRIF 1ITH & CO., HAVING UPF,\F.D THF.IG.W110IT"ALB WAREHUC9Ei O. 39 i RON It STREET, TORONI-0, NOw OFFER FOR SAL11 11 '1` 1: L to, 3 C ,nate, Half Chests and Caddies, Young [lys ins, O,lnrnwile,s, imrerials. Twanksys, Jalt(1 Y -ung Hyson, Uncolored Japans, Contour, loaefhiAeos, Offerlt PfUse dnd &"led &lwi Pekoe. ._." ... --11e43V?A N1;; l . HLAs Porto Rice, H,1•. Nov- 2. 2 1'-3 a, d 3 Yellow ite6'neJ, C ri AW X and A, Dry tr.tibe and Ground. I '' fl ,. B.C. Ise Uuayre, Rio, leve ind ''M ,ol!!ch'11 ar d. RAasled sed Qrottad• . I ,p lora I;.*, / I 1 ACC_,0 Ley, 8 t3ww. to.. ('*&It" Source, Twig,, and Wrk sad Dngkr 1.211i•., belong old Vtr`Irw very fight abi Hntoo sed 11.If Agree. New and (md Vnleo-ne Houle., )lox, -, I Rnty, atA I noir• New hove, .n, N. t. Nm. .,•. H." J and i I.mAon J.airn, 1),"LlotrPill IAWIStwest rand layers. (vyrfronore Kepa" I Kaoneldorb. Womv-I 1'e i x,,, P..n fisi-inn ll,- -I, Pai - rhlrrant•. (naw .nA nor( E' .err File., P+wwwh 4cee..''ar.MM.nA g!roM ore,Unn .lsnim •edCwros1)iNM. Yr1/ s1h Cr liaod Prates (tnY ftot.a H"ses .ml k,an- Pu one R0i-1n,r, Itag+ •"False 1 14,..r- rd•hn 3oA 11ke0 Yd Valwels ♦ rued,..."I..ad I'MAI .. ' AV i N•1:R1 Nps. HhIM. Qr- CRAM and(k•tsew:, Sea ,tem:e'., I)Aha.M' and (,O1uv's Cnrt., 1'r.unn'., Doll word m h C.'a, Camp, 140" do c...• I ores 4 Co.1l., al! esti fief'j,n mhrrrNa, H'#rgufklr w bevor► Powe of vnear star., rthel".•nes, Clarets, M'ar] ,- a m, 111 u k . 13' tv, A N 13 1 i•: 44 : Hh,It, 1.1 C.A. l nd C}se. )l.nAl•.. Itina4my'q olod, artistry S (we, Jules Rohn h Carol 1 rhW,hpm k 04%, a ad•, broo.le. Mis I q '1Q O R M 1'i pen.hrw. Janata 1tom. HAM and ColF, .,•RI., Itself. IlaUad at d eoM b'. (Nd Tom (it^.wnnv Ile' rush,>ar ,n'. and IWO M Beuteb R'hl.kma,UrOrAlJ old Aye.. MAK, Modrds'CJ1dy ori m.0 W h,rk,es. ,&M. 1A. 13bXt1rJMMLls. ebect.e 4:643. 1 ShiaUmkwew' wonar. Blow,NA Ye■4er's Ah, Cas.d,an K.nhng I n'. Ala. and rlwier, CEO Bernard's (linter W'nr. v0%t 4-•11 `;.•h,arra'. Franc++lAeoenn. Co"I' le, he,ble. ' 4OQBt'M9 WITH A LAR(IR ST01'R OF R'r. L,wr I Poop, tirlmnnt ..A Fm or C-Al fhnloe RIM, Fit ani teJ+ee Klee, pter,•h . vat opt• rw1►MAld apeyPllla !ww •wi1 's ltis Aedey EaaW e9t1 CpeduR t:heer, P,r III M. .',aYI al s , "CtAsse Atha reekwe" Pilatfcled and OaUdei, Salt M tMlJs,s,, Sloerwnw, all Yawl, «u'. ...... 1A'Ml';t I sadHw,rie, email, 19fejtpn T rM, f,Asl i.h, ttrcm k W Cnnad,an P ... gar, ".1aL, l6ee-d vV.ne corks, Homs, HHhellerrrNr, Crew Taney, fa4, Sod Gorda, Day and Martin'. and L-whsA b,-, king, got. Ara. A L'4 O mks.8S1M,m. liiu. 1 14mest snit LaM:d a ! a►4 11sa++nr, IMO and Kae Mwbwol, Table C.AA■I big% 111fnnp's ble" A -d an+r0 R.S..4 1l'se•s anti Flow Mk. Sala A)Knls in ,'f nrontn, for 1lt W A Will 1!efeehted DMma BlslltleSd. The sib" NI ll kniArAd m, ,.aphewlnihe Ilii d nortowd 46mk Awes offered to Townes-, Slid toad I a m low in, Caw• or on Oberst is me for aPprored POft . Tf} •SO VRG f i11TABITCTQRB TO. ".Woo,, fsea *ft.", Nall. w iLLLSTRiTED LON;ONALY.INAC ' AND County of 8uron . WATER POWER. ,GRAVEL ROADS r 0 R 1867. IMIP (tradition O the b,-aly cit .- ...1.4.1It 1 Ihm tte Alae m•'w roe wrnaa man! .f hare _ - w'rif fie Int by .♦uctiun for 160 low IWT Ili ((i .click ' Q a s s e 11' s THE uhescallefa attar Wfarick t ea,s 110"ei at i on 1 I Therloilt,T atti-mo.io, the 20-h D"m- SALT TE.t11$iTORY AN D A NkVER a LAYER RA:SIN8 b.'li, 11". r I L L U ST E, A T E ' M A I+14 C FAILING WATER PoWEit Nath lase•• .nlhlt hrnisb two free. i este „I: • t t 1 In A. ,wr.,1n nr rmupanY .r" x n,ya'f yell , lid the s_ea arca ty 1. }Le taro and the rat- ten,huf tnrri. !•h -nun, Trml. r-Aust"wnh', rar 11'337. i rotANfaa• til erYdltwia. f.tio 11611$ ,I4IC of th G iflorioSall lYel t 1'01111-', i-11: I,.l.rs %ill be given on the - -- I JNw } etre, -h:ef► nes ,u Lil 1.ptr„ •n. 1+1A.• ilit,., fir,• «rd Urie(.Na r: r0 to ewr L E S L I =' S I.I.-Itin., Ill. rafr 111 S"ty ,art. 1.rJ.1. 76_1167% k n he -,;u.,.....: . tL.t A p.,!, h Irma the U. time 4flbab :rein, olid feud .acLnut to NSli d 'r. "RARRM NEW CQRRI 11`INSOLVENI' M. R wI.• tr-strt a.%tothe b.ta.wf. Thr efi1.b, 1 Illustrates Alm anf[ c y • 'a" G. , 1i. ., I 1r 1„ u only rL sew lit h.h• t. ::.\Y, , Yb. wh,.epee rt.rell p"dndrent (',.. A ilel'1•yw: -T d IV Wt )' '0 1; 1 G bernn as),i•h „•d• Illi• -1 C:i:Iko.1, \oeell)kt, ",I, iSud. • w*3kd 11111 .11rr.,.'Y . p,M► will flet .I• -. - AO NVION & 9X- H. .,•#J!bv odho.or Tknt T'jam" I)•Jara, hon. -_ Y- ` •-_ _--- _ --__.a _. - __.___ . . uvatnA ortl.•.r), t.,cx can be•.•We,ucsl. I 4. A. L }: 0. the rd.t teak. I C 11 A X t F. It i 1 rah p 'I" Ilk, pnW.r are Meek► r,# bulge► pare nlsr. splay hr Ir,trr r pe r-' -^'-- wa ly lot Pau 1'u opr.et ". w tors }ill tav,NY t'l-a, 1 t'r `Ir AM tX. f,,, .r ser.} r-o,d uMrr-folk it 7 ii 111 ? i5 :1 1111719 J7 AI.M. i Palo, all „ I.r d_Ie.i Ihrodrr.lhday"f toslta- rta:A rear• now ' ..ux AIF'.44Re -A1 11 1; k VANEVC11Y. I1ro.emover ., pr•d ,y ,n INN l' e H 1 1.,T,yelly tor• Upper for 181,7, 5 centro cT•tI, nr ^,Oce r Pr IK O'drrr•h. Noy. IS'tr 1 4 nil. `►nM- „; - CRRMIo. She„ i o rw 1 inn 1 vey r 1 Lnul R, r nJsnu sla.nna rbaren,Q end ul era are Ise! . dosall;' dr 113.50 p r ¢11,1111. -.- - -------- --- sold ,,tv.R Oe atoll tie 4rM bR fry Pn1as M1rh.m Ile Mr. --- - ' - - " , J. no, h Heine, Au, -t, -*l '. 21 the ("'n'ne-01 0011111. -'I'll Ina .ppw- A - H yp° . .mi T },./ .-I L;Hiir of tie+M Iitle.ef L•.tente, Mats; of MO • • ! Pocket Diaries ! . UN iMI'It0Vr,U F.AI{dIS, - AT 8 PEh CENT ! Coastat:4«w.w i Wedtlerfllay, the is ii fifty of V,1ir,mbilr; I EVI'lli' SI'l,E, SHAVE & QUALITY +-1 no,- Lome to Invest in 'town Penpal), A. p:; 1,411/: ,a tw-il"Is . . l'r 11, ri". - the Gd= I..Man,r .I"1y. elle re in r,), en amt ."'g -don, Is OF J. B. UUI(D Ns . , I Ihdt irenRF rop'"i irm tra.t ur to ... evil prrntuo. NIWYad, 1)1@r surf beidir M shit Tv.,.4np u( • RarFntvr, &C., (ion (-rich. 6twh.,1. Itw coun1Y w 1).roy tatty Pruvm'e ,1111 Offioe avid Potsket Mario$ Uodericb.".M.Is.L4)lii, aw3AA h C-orde lNW.,t,lq I•} At.wt•.rinn.rm Is, rN/ftF Alone " /e .,r k•-. _ _ _ _" 'IPIJ(rkI di'4a+tiA I,l1a. watlNwl M•eka'r.eaR'6,off.1 fore m•n.11er r O r 1867. Ir 1w/duey to'7' isua, AY4vi NWi ... 1.6 IS the h„rrll V.11- tion Nt 1M Said I 36 Different Styles. 3j ii w ore JIpr,11 7.1, t.@t,.h n•t)esYf/d1t• aU nae ter.1 :16A three OF veryrsssonAMetotes. Atppij tit ,1ua-teronl,r ion.: rrave#YntN `I`r arowelt Very low for Cash, i ." 11.1. Toth% 11 e .,'awtl±10Wrol r,1,«e.i are will .; aa. R TI'h.eereeLa•rewd,41M,t•y ,At III,- ' SIGNAL' OFFICES .. (;nAbVn/a► Filneb. tenYlrl:p,rsO_ .i ihle wuwtu twa4o rbc/lamltq•. w14.•wr(a,Alreees. Gootorieh, Nor. 1611., 1BG6. Ooderlb9:9th?th. I 11 w5U 1F• /iwynSe: Ar"",I,l.dr H..k... anKte,rla d•1bs b,l-o"' __ -__ .-_ . ' pn-hor N• ,"• 'IF, -MI Ina -thin lose sea Ihr.-ort, este "ern• . -t /T.I. ARRIVED T`S WrrI K ----..= _-- * t .p, SALE. OR SALig. of ..'s, 1 herr w dl . m up.e, Jr.- M 1111 IM-#vn o, O.A frothily dAlRrs. 1M PIS:.,i! wii( W a illrrty 4-1. ,, 11 1 c to In .Ahrr P,01"Warw life .b.'Vis alt of dole Pal CHEAP CASH STOREMeduatd12 IJOT Vin, 16. 3,d cnh. R-wamrsh, el,elprio , M ,hr rl.on,Peg .trnd:t.,%i of sJla of Iii C4ur1 int Ar,eres, i act •. cleareA. The Lind i 1'h•n.-ants God. F"thent,,etlhrnw'll s .nJuioa.•twM W04, e , ' Ooll.0IoroA nah, onl .,,. de tolC oft R3adnhh'n trrrhoi'fr„ e:wb, apply I. Aado t t Alan, Itwynn•r A' I1U1h9, N V N _ Ill J. 11,MORDU11, ESQ r TA44 r'^'Sin. -ml,( e,tMdHr.trn.Trrrenhr.lM4twr•. M 4 A 1".. h \Ir -.r•, C1.IMIrN. L MWvN, "re; LAYER RAISINS, tit i.1 CAMPAIUNE, IlArywr:.ef, •hrl M the e4rw• MIK"I' eke(' i "TF,a N i•, W \oro•. 25, 1866. wNt1: let the Griot. (S,bad) U. oleo 4k}. ft abler a tl,ucl,e. Mk yyrr { ; R. RAISINPi D.drI 21st Nnvrmlwr, t"da, lin-It IN, Tor -m-, r. BOXES NEW _ . _ ___ . __. --. tN5OLVL•Nr ACT 01' 1861. ALI'VED d, klntorr lot Whole, AevIr.'t the 2nnd.•1 or ilk Salt, w44td CHOICE RAISISo In the matter of W111nm wad"worlb, an IoM,,. It BOXi-S NI:W ver 1. RAISI10 IMIP (tradition O the b,-aly cit .- ...1.4.1It 1 Ihm tte Alae m•'w roe wrnaa man! .f hare VALENCIA 1•Ile eMl . grata. (ladle IA! e6,we A<1, 1.. tNl. Ike QUARTER Rr 1C 1':, ,,, site mq Ibey an nerd w 'wtdepi/!Md 4•gp•e froin date, a LAYER RA:SIN8 Io tnnthe this Isre-I1 row. willns wo ovistIhe.r,IA.111.. "pari ring ,he ren'djr liters I .huh(. It saw. end Ihr "I. rc' „f it: w none. the TAM +he whofe sltew.4 itoirh Lias ,;I.A .041.-a ; r-n h ale r;DM3 RAISINS! 1w,nnnto anl,gDolled al tee To-- W GMI.h .n The I;o ro!nhalenunre , states 905 dy of Noer•mlxr, A. D• . n -- low. W431w TO aiil r i :, 11, 4 r MOON S A .1 "4ta9flJK, Pohrowsfatll.ehn► " •• (**A Aftllg "RARRM NEW CQRRI 11`INSOLVENI' ACT OF 1864. i' TIP, A n() V F: At I In The matter .( Richard Tseetwea, lin rm'ol"sat PRlrf:S ITAU TO BEAT. rtA".:- rst the rl I"N. v1w"" - AO NVION & 9X- H. R (lnnb,n, l:•q :arr,.rrr, wW .1 met. m %olmeh," rewlq. IM lwlnly. Gndrrirk. 0,•t. 23. i,166. wit • the Tow. ,u e,gtlh day of nor ler .arum• at e' -w, 1 rah p 'I" Ilk, pnW.r are Meek► o'llork. s u Ter lbw {"ddn eawmCase .,, 'ra'a r- +. em1 ler .Mattie w tM aeras of" RSt&O I rt t his" ter day Olken rip t 7 dark bprwr Apposed Iv bele been aR4•t, pe,ierepy L,.Irf Of r..,*. h, In the (tenwry at igaria, neYa: no eeseAr r 77 f rr -i-.4 to fim MTM A. I.N. pte,eeI a Irevf w-and'•k. %'in swny wwa•w1•e'. Ie(' I h. 4t LLe•,. N A "PT. W147" 'MS ^lits ( e. , I AL11 nee l:. --1'i BJf"... '- - 94th •4•^ CJ AUCTION SAIA, or FAM.JIG L A N D S Ca M. TRUEMAN I9 Instructed by tie is M,,;fiaty Oct., Torola: to, to sell M A«tone N W(dacsib) the 19it 6$ st MC..196G; .4 hie alt Pinstlme. 0e1ae1 , . u 600% I" lellewtan stb"w i•'ARM1146 IJANIM , . fwing Ito rMidea otlh- IW Proftiewr WhM81'11 EAT A T L. Loot Nn. 42, r,n. Norah Tows P - eel 16 I In, NO. 7, 7m1 ren+. W. n. A~J. i. ,1.f Let ,.to. 1, 6th ow W. D. ee boa. Ms,0 11h,n. 1, Pik 11h,1) r 11 T.rms of Sale. a" b•N d the n0'i"" ,,".1 rah, before• ie A sawelka hA 2.y) ,r pale. o GodetieF, NON. 23x1, ISA•. "M _So