The Wingham Advance-Times, 1940-07-04, Page 2WVGKTWO WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, July 4 th, 1940 Wingham Advance-Times Published at WINGHAM - ONTARIO Subscription Rate — One Year $2.00 $ix mouths, $1.00 in advance To U. S. A., $2.50 per year. Foreign rate, $3.00 per year. Advertising rates on application. GERMANS BOMB UNDEFENDED ISLANDS Germany has served notice on Bri­ tain by her bombing and machine- gunning of the undefend Jersey and Guernsey that she does not intend to observe the rules of warfare. The Nazis, of course, are not noted for their humane actions. During the Great War the German atrocities startled the world and to-day they carry their ruthless killing into unde­ fended areas. In a raid on the Chan­ nel Islands, after they had been de­ clared demilitarized, the Nazi bomb­ ers swooped over the islands dropping bombs -and machine-gunning the help­ less. There are those who have not yet awakened to the fact that Ger­ many will do anything and everything to crush the British Empire. In the words of one of the prominent Eng­ lish statesmen which he uttered a few days ago “We will have ito get tough." The channel islands, had been evacu­ ated to a great extent at the time of the raid wounded 'larger. Or the would list of killed and have been much &** -RUSSIA TAKES A BIT The entry of Russia into a portion of Rumania, taking -over Bessarabia and Nonthern Bukovina, after King Carol and his government bowed >to the dictates of the Rusian Bear, was what a great many expected for some time. Russia timed this move very -expertly, when the Axis powers are busy warring on Britain. The prov­ ince of Bessarabia was a pant of Rus­ sia before the last war and Russia has never acknowledged the right of Ru­ mania to it. However, this move on the part of Russia may be the means -of setting aflame war in the Balkans. Hungary wants back that portion of ’Rumania she lost and Bulgaria is sit- ling like a vulture ready to pounce. Turkey will do all in her power to "keep control of the Dardanelles. Ger­ many does not want trouble in the1 Durham Corn Starch Prafwf St twrwKt Startfi Co. Ui D20 For Better Desserts (hon.) Sanderson, James; Scott, Nora; Shiell, Annie (hon.); Smith, Alma; Smith, Irlma; Smith, Ruby (hon.); Stoakley, James; Stokes, Mildred (hon.); Templeman, Fred; VanCamp, Jack; Walker Joyce (hon.); Wallace Florence; Wilson, Bruce (hon.); Young, Ernest Higgins, George; under Regulation 10, subsection 5, Brussels Centre Baeker, James Mac; Bell, Margaret; Bird, Ross (hon.); Black, Donald (hon.); Blake, Gordon; Bradshaw, idy, Audrieanne; Clark, Donald, Fis­ cher, Hartley; Gemmell, Douglas; Hull, Jean; Jardine, Dorothy; Jermyn, Melvin; Kellington, Bill (hon.); Kelly, James; Lawrie, Nora (hon.); Mac­ Donald, Mary (non.); McCall, Isabel (hon.); McDonald, Ruth (hon.); Mc­ Donald, Hazel; McLean, Mary (hon.); Nichol, Kenneth; Sellers, Clayton (hon,); Shaw, Charlie (hon.); Speir, Donald; Stephenson, Gordon; Stiles, Annie (hon.); Sullivan, William; Yuill, Laura. the same consideration in a Nazi court," said Crown Attorney Holmes at Goderich, in recommending (that Adolf Fangred, Hullett Township, na­ turalized in 1934, be given suspended sentence on a charge of failing to tturn his firearms, shotgun, and rifle, with shells and bullets, over to Canadian authorities. Balkans at present as a great deal of the war necessities she now requires so badly come from this district. Rus­ sia may not be satisfied with what she has already taken and if not, trouble will brew for sure in these pepper pot states, At present it is very difficult to forsee what will happen over this move of Russia. Germany in her greed does not like this Russian move but may have to take it for the time being at least TEACH THEM TO Wingham has a through it but it is SWIM river flowing surprising how many of our children do not know how to swim. Every person should have a knowledge of swimming and life-saving. It is difficult in a small town to afford instruction along these lines but something should be done about it. The river, when -the water is low, is not a very desirabl place to swim but it does afford an opportun­ ity for our younger generation to cool off in the hot weather. There are a number of younger people here who could teach swimming if they were or­ ganized for /this purpose and the cost would be kept down to practically no­ thing. We believe -that some organiza­ tion .could take this idea up and make a success of it. HIGH SCHOOL ENTRANCE EXAMS. Wingham Centre Allen, Evelyn (hon.); Allen, Orwell; Anderson, Norman (hon.); Angus, Lillian (hon.); Appleby, Bernice; Armstrong, Jane; Bennett, Mabie (hon.); Campbell, Donald; Campbell, Hugh; Cantelon, Evelyn (hon.); Carr, Helen; Copeland, George (hon.); Coulter, Grace (hon.); Cunningham, Kenneth; Darling, Donald; Dunkin, Mabelle (hon.); Edgar, Shirley; Els­ ton, Edwin; Elston, James; Evans, Muriel; Everick, Lauretta; Fitzpatrick, Edward; Gardner, Lorne; Golley, James; Haines, Wilfred; Hamilton, Dorothy i (hon.); Caroline; Stanley; Johnston, June (hon.); Krueger, Mar­ jorie; Leaver, Jean (hon.); Lewis, Jack; Lockridge, Marie; Manning, William; MacLeod, Jean; McGuire, Ruth (hon.); Mellor, Madelon; Miller, Ernest (hon.); Netherv, (hon.); Hare, Elizabeth Hastings, Ross; Higgins, Hoffman, Donald; Hopper, Irwin, Gwendolyn (hon.); WINGHAM HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION RESULTS — MIDDLE AND LOWER SCHOOL The following students have suc­ cessfully passed from Grade IX to Grade X. First Class Honours: William Hen­ ry; William Galbraith, Lois Kelly. Second Class Honours: Beth Brydg- es; John Rich; Donald Hastie; Harry Wettlaufer; Jean Norman, Mildred Fitzpatrick; Frances Brophy; Dorothy Wade; William McClenaghan; Grace Parker (Math.). Third Class Honours: Craig Arm­ strong, Ruth Harris, Glenn Wylie: Kenneth Allin, Norma Brown, Paul­ ine Thomson, Frank Burke, Ramage, Douglas Fry. Pass: Margaret MacLean, Edgar, Jack McLaughlin, Powell, Jack Day, Lois (Math.), Lorraine Brown, Mundy, Gerald Cruickshank. Subjeots in brackets to be written supplemental in the Fall. The following students are promot­ ed from Grade X to XI. First Class Honours: Isabel Zinn. Second Class Honours, Grace Hing- Wilfred George Edward Bateson Lloyd ston, Jean McKague, James Coulter, Helen Thomson, Bern.a Yule, Olive Casemore, Louise Coultes, Norman Higgins, Third Class Honours: Shirley Charaney, Isabel Scott (Math.), Jo­ seph Falconer (Latin), Norman Fry. Pass; Eileen Dark, George Thom­ son (French), Jean Northorp, Eric Schaitte, Ellen Bailey, George Lloyd, Delbert Ewing, Evelyn Scott, Alba Shiell (Math.), Margaret Haines (French). Subject in brackets to be written as supplemental in the fall. Commercial Class Results: First Class Honours: Mary Julia Preston. Second Class Honours: Jack Bowers, Verna Thompson, Edna Hogg, Richard Roberts. Third Class Honours: Jean Wehvood, Vivian Mac- Lean. Pass: Kathleen Willits, Norm­ an Boyle. Suppiementals: Muriel Lane (Bookkeeping); Rhoda Robert­ son (Bookkeeping); Verna Casemore (Business Correspondence, Spelling). GRADE XI JC Ci Child of 3 Underwent Operation Donald J., ithe 3 year old son of Dr. and Mrs. J. A. McDonald, Ripley, underwent an operation for the remov­ al of a ruptured appendix in the Tor­ onto General Hospital at an early hour on Wednesday morning. Latest re­ ports state he is making favourable progress.—^Ripley Express, Body of Infant Found on Culrpss Sideroad An act of criminal shamefulness was disclosed when ithe remains of a pre­ mature were found on what is known as the Stobo sideroad, just one mile and a half west of Teeswater. The discovery was made by Russell Sew­ ers of Culross, who was driving from the 6th to the 4th concession. He at once notified Chief Morden of Tees­ water, and Coroner M. H. Gillies. lit is believed the little body was left on the sider-oad about Saturday night or early Sunday. Dr. Gillies stated it as a premature at about five months. — Teswater News. Connell, Margaret ..------------ ----—----------- Edgar, Frances------------------------------------ Gannett, Betty------------------------------------ Hamilton, Clarence---------------- -------------- Johnston, Fleming _--------------------------- Lloyd, Louise-------------------------------------- McGuire, Lois------------------------------------ Mundy, Norman---------------------------------- Moir, Ada ------------------------------------- Norman, Bernice ------------------ -------------— Procter, Charles----------------------------------- * Stewart, Dorothy----------------------------— Ste. Marie, Raphael------------------------------- Underwood, Jean ....______ __ _________— VanCamp, Norma _____________ ________Walker, Helen ------------------------------------ Wilson, Evelyn------------------------------------ McClenaghan, Mildred_________________ * —• Passed in Grade X Latin, first class standing. GRADE XII 2 2 1 4 3 4 4 1 4 4 1 4 1 4 4 2 3 1 4 4 ■ 4 2 4 4 2 4 4 1 1 2 2 1 1 4 3 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 4 1 4 1 4 4 3 4 4 2 4 4 o c cy 4 4 1 4 1 1 2 2 4 4 1 4 3 2 Are You Still Pioneering? LIKE log houses, iron pumps and outside sanitary accommodation are relics of pioneering days. They are out-of-date, inconvenient, unhealthy — and your family should not have to put up with them. Running water under pressure enables you to replace such antiquated arrangements with a Modern EMCO Bath­ room, and up-to-date kitchen and laundry fa­ cilities. An up-to-date DURO Water Kinloss Man Guilty on Four Counts A fracas in a Kinloss township home ithat Provincial Officer McClev- is of Walkerton was attempting to search for stolen goods on ithe even­ ing of Thursday, June 13th, had as its aftermath a session in .Magistrate Walker’s weekly court, when Frank Baechler, a saw miller of the Black Horse district, pleaded guilty to two counts, ’that of assaluting a police of­ ficer in the performance of his duties and that .of resisting arrest. On two charges of theft of a car pump, wat­ ering can and some wrenches, the ac­ cused pleaded not guilty, but was sub­ sequently convicted and remanded .to the county jail for sentence, Frida}', on all four counts. His wife, Mary Baechler, was found guilty <on a charge of obstructing Constable McClevis while attempting Jo arrest her hus­ band and sentence was deferred. — Walkerton Herald-Times, Brussels Councilor Enlists Harry Bowler who has been a mem­ ber of the local council for the past three years, left Brussels Monday for Stratford to commence his training as member of the machine gun unit there.—Brussels Post. will furnish all the water necessary for these home improvements and it will also supply running water to barns and other buildings where required. The Duro Special System, capacity 250 gals, per hour, complete with 25 gal. Galvan­ ized Tank and 25 or 60 cycle Motor costs only For a lovely bathroom, as illustrated, the EMCO Built-in Bath, Shower, Toilet and Eavatory with trimmings costs only........... (Soil and iron pipe and fittings pxtra) Other Complete Bathroom equipment as low as $86,00 136.00 83.90 Can be purchased under our Easy Payment Plan or the Home Improvement Loan Act. Machan Bros Wingham ' DURO SPECIAL Can also be supplied for Gasoline Engine operation EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO., LTD. London Hamilton ’ Toronto Sudbury Winnipeg Vancouver 240 1 H 1 ji ■ 0 Evacuated Children for Exeter Mr. Reg. Moffatt. has received a cable from England that his two niec­ es, Mary and anet Moffatt, now sta­ tioned at Hong Kong, are on their way to Canada accompanied by their aunt. The <two girls have been attend­ ing an officers’ school in England and for the duration of the war will make their home with Mr. and Mrs. Moffatt. —Exeter Times-Advocate. ■S3ci E (5 c < 4 >>-g u O ** us < •s E ai c to c X o <O E 6 4 2 4 2 1 2 4 2 4 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 4 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 e. o O u r* and Bruce Beach. If instituted, this service would provide collection of garbage twice weekly during July and August.—Lucknow Sentinel. street5 K 4 1 4 3 o c <y u 2 2 3 1 2 4 u 2 4 2 *4 2 4 No Brakes — Fractured Collar Bone Jos. Schurter, of Formosa, formerly of this village, Sustained a fractured collar bone this week. He was riding his bicycle down a steep grade in that village, and having no brakes, the ma­ chine got out of control. The rider was thrown forcibly ito the cement pavement, resulting in the collar bone injury.—Mildmay Gazette. 3 4 3 2 1 4 _ . T [Benedict, Noreen----—Shirley] Burgman, William____ > Coultes, Mabel---------- Darling, Agnes —------ Edgar, Evelyn----------- Fothergill, Myrtle------ Harrison, Irlma -------- Hogg, Grace------------- Homuth, Margaret----_. Irwin, June___«™..____ Irwin, Richard —------- Jackson, .Kenneth — Knox, Eileen------------- Lamb, Isabel------------- Loney, Elgin------------- McClenaghan, Edith —_ Ross, Donald —....— Thompson, Helen------- McLaughlin, Keith -__ Elliott, Lois_________ McKibbon, Mary E.__ Robertson, Smith „.---- - Is Your House DISTRICT SAFE AFTER DARK? • Lighted windows warn prowlers away. Always leave a few lamps burning when you leave your home for the evening. Remem­ ber, a bright light for sixteen hours costs, only Id at Hydro rates. (jet them at Shop Put 100-Watt Lqtnps in Kifthen, Living-Room, Basement HYDRO SHOP Phone 156 Whigham 5 "HrifUiHmintittuuniitinHiiiHftmiHiittihttiiiiiiiiiiiuuiiiZ Fire at Poultry Plant What might have been a very seri­ ous fire Started in the poultry plant of the Canada Packers. The wax re­ claimer became overheated and burst into flames. Mr. Frank Dixon at­ tempted to put it out, but it spread too rapidly and he called ithe fire bri­ gade which responded promptly and succeeded in keeping the fire from spreading. — Clinton News-Record. Mumps Mumps and holidays arrived almost simultaneously in Seaforth this year and as a result five students and one teacher of the Seaforth public school, will spend the first week or so of their holidays under the doctor’s cafe. The minor epidemic first made its appear­ ance at the Collegiate. In all, there are some six cases in town.—-Seaforth Huron Expositor. Finds Horse Dead Robert Rutledge, farmer of ,West Wawkandsh, found one of his valuable work horses dead in ithe field Thurs­ day morning. It is believed the ani- 4 3 3 4 2 2 3 1 1 4 3 2 4 4 3 1 1 4 2 3 4 4 4 2 4 4 2 2 4 4 3 1 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 1 4 4 3 4 mal jumped on a stake in the field. Toronto Men Arrested in Grey Apprehended by police after an ob- serveant resident of Grey township, Huron county, saw two men riding on red .bicycles, John and Hugh Cann­ ing, brothers, of Toronto, are being held in police cells at Stratford charg­ ed with breaking and entering the home of W. Eckert, Fullarton town­ ship. It was said (that they had in their possession articles described as those missing from the Eckert home and the bicycles which they were rid­ ing were said to have tallied with a description of bicycles stolen from the Eckert farm Tuesday night* Charged with Reckless Driving A. Garon, of Clinton, was commit­ ted for trial Pn an indictable charge Of reckless driving arising out of a motor ■accident on highway No. 4, just South of Clinton, on March 23 last, in Which Frank Fingland, K.C., Clinton lawet, was seriously injured. Garon, who pleaded trial By judge and jury, was bailed in the sum of $1,000. The case had been hanging fire pending re­ covery of Mr. Fingland, who entered court on crutches and gave his evi­ dence Seated on a chair. I Failed to Turn in Guns “We do not want to treat you as I am sure you would be treated in your nativecountry, Germany — lam quite sure a Dritish subject would not get Lucknow Councillor Called Up Herb McQuillin, who signed up for military service in the capacity of a blacksmith, received a call to London on Tuesday morning for medical ex­ amination and returned home that ev­ ening with instructions to report at London this morning (Thursday). — Lucknow Sentinel. Garbage Collection for Lake Resorts Huron Township Council is calling for tenders for ithe collection of gar­ bage at Point Clark, Blair’s Grove Blyth Lads Enlist Five local boys this week passed medical examinaitions for entrance in­ to the Elgin Regiment, now recruiting at Goderich. Their names are: Thos. Cole, Bert Elliott, Frank Kechnie, Jack McNall and Ed. Johnston. — Blyth Standard. Black Out electrical storm put' the out of commission and Exeter Has A severe local hydro Exeter suffered a blackout for an ev­ ening. High itension wires were brought down in front of the residence of Mrs. Thomas Harvey and for a few minutes the wires blazed on Andrew Old Boys Cash for Red Cross At a meeting .inthe town hall mem­ bers of the Seaforth Old Boys’ Reun­ ion Association turned over ithe bal­ ance of the association’s funds, am­ ounting to $147.22, to -the Seaforth branch of the Red Cross Society. The money represents the amount on hand fallowing the 1924 reunion. CANADA’S NEW GOVERNOR-GENERAL SWORN IN AT OTTAWA B J Their Excellencies the Earl and (depart after the "swearing in” Countess of Athlone, acknowledge the [ mony. Immediately in the rear of Her Royal Salute from the steps of the ■ Excellency, the Countess of Athlone parliament buildings in Ottawa as they is Prime Minister King, while to the cere- RIGHT is Hon. Raoul Dandurand, government teader in the Senate,