HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1940-06-27, Page 8f PAGE EIGHT WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Show Starts at 8,00 p.m. except Saturday. Saturday Night, Two Shows, at 7.45 and 9.45 p.m, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, June 27th, 28th, 29th THE MARX BROTHERS KENNY BAKER FLORENCE RICE ‘. In ‘At The Circus*, You’ve never been to the circus until you’ve gone with the Marx’Brothers. Also “Crime Does Rot ^ay” and “News” 4 ■Matinee Saturday Afternoon at 2.30 p.m. Matinee Admission : Adults, 20c, Children 10c. — SPECIAL MICHE’ PICTURE July 1st, 2nd, 3rd | ‘‘Sport Subject” S»v>£ Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Also “Walt Disney Cartoon” Admission, Adults 35c Children 20c. WHITECHURCH Miss Pauline Inglis spent last week- -ehd with her sister in Toronto and re­ turned on Saturday with Mr, and Mrs. Sim, who spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Inglis, Mr. Carman Farrier, who has taught in S.S. No. 1, Turnberry, for the .past three years, has accepted a position in Glenannan School, No. 3, Turnberry. Miss Annie Kennedy is under the (doctor’s care at her home here. Born—Briday, June 21st, in Wing- .ham. General Hospital, to Mr. and .Mrs. Angus Kennedy (nee Marie Ho­ gan, of Ashfield), of Con. 1, Culross, .-a daughter. Mrs. Phillip Hogan, of Ashfield, -spent last week with her daughter, Mrs. Kennedy. Donald Watt spent the week-end at Belgrave at the home of his uncle, Mr. Harry McCienaghan. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gaunt and Har­ old, and Miss Mildred McCienaghan, visited one day last week with relativ­ es at Stratford. ’ Mrs. Alec Reid, who has spent the past few months at Brantford with Mr. and Mrs. Russel Reid, arrived here with them on Friday to spend a few weeks at her home here. Mr., and Mrs. Gordon Mackay and children, of Wiingham, spent Sunday at the home of tMr. and Mrs. Aldin Purdon, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Goyeau and children, of Windsor, also visited there over the week-end. Mrs. Jas. MacGregor has been un­ der .the Doctor’s care and is now at 1) ,.. 39c up ... 75c Shower-Proof Jackets 3.75 to 5.75 Thursday. June 27 th. 1940 Ascdt Ties .... the home of her daughter, Mrs. T. H. Moore, The Y.P.U. of W UriW Chbrch presented their pla’y ’Mbhey; Money, Money** t'o alfhli’h'ill oh Wednesday . evehihgahW this Tuesday even- 1 j/iWedfed’-il again at Madn tosh Church and on Thursday evening, at St. Helens’ garden party. Miss Gene­ vieve Watt gave two readings,1 Master Douglas Sparling sarigUbd- fween acts. Mrs. Andrew Kirk, who has been at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J., D. Beecroft, left on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Kirk >to spend some time at Detroit and Birmingham, Mich. Mr, and Mrs. Calvin Robinson, of Tilsonburg, attended the Purdon-Mc- Quillan wedding on Saturday and vis­ ited with relatives in E. Wawanosh, Rev, H. Wilson, of Auburn, will give the address at the Preparatory service in the United 'Church Friday evening. Sacrament service will be held on Sunday, service at 9.45 a.m. Mr. W. J. Currie, of E. Wawanosh, suffered a severe heart attack Satur­ day last, Mrs. W. J. Currie has been in bed for almost a year suffering from two strokes. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Henderson and children, of Lucknow, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Moore, Don’t forget the .strawberry festival being held on the lawn by the Insti­ tute Hall on Tuesday, July 2nd, in aid of the Red Cross Society. A good programme is being prepared. Miss Eleanor Sprung, of Londes- boro, is visiting this week with her aunt, Mrs. Clarence Cox, Mrs. Harry Cooper and son, Ted­ dy, who have been visiting with her parents, Rev. and (Mrs. J. Pollock, at the manse, returned to her home with her father on Friday. The regular weekly meeting of the Young. People of the Presbyterian Church was held on Monday evening with Miss Velma Scott in charge. Kenneth Laidlaw read the Scripture lesson, and Mrs. Johnston Conn led in the meditation talk, speaking on one of the parables. Dawson Craig led in prayer. Rev. J. Pollock gave his final talk in the series, speaking on, The Value and Authority^of the Bible. This series on the Bible and Christ­ ian Life has been very interesting and instructive. Miss Janet Craig had charge of the topic “Friendship” and, stressed the great need of friendship among the peoples of the world at .the present time. Miss Velma Scott gave a talk on the National Anthem. Mrs. Johnston Conn had charge of the re­ creation period that followed and af­ ter several contests, all enjoyed a spelling match, girls vs. boys, with the girls winning by a small margin. The National Anthem brought the meeting to a close. Miss Mary Weir, Reg. N., who has been visiting at the home of her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs.Tred Davidson, for the past few weeks, left on Monday to visit friends in New York City be­ fore resuming her^ world at Mt. Mac­ Gregor, N.Y. Last week, her friend, Miss Dorothy Carter, Reg.N., of Tor­ onto, visited with her here. Other vis­ itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Davidson during the past week were, Mr. Jas/ Weir of London, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Inglis and little son, of Clif­ ford, and Mr. and Mrs. McIlwain and daughter, Minnie, of Fordwich. (Holding forth the Word of Light) ELMER LONEY, Pastor. (Set for the Defence of the Special Serviced Wn'day, 7 p,m. The A.B.C, of Prophecy, Nebu­ chadnezzar’s Great Image. . Are the Times of the Gentiles Ending? -Does the Bible mock us with the signs of the times or are they reliable guides? served to the lar^e crowd. Mr. Hil- pbornt, of Blyth, was present and ad- pressed the gathering on Red Cross ^qtiyitjes, A pi&np duet by Velma ly^heelej’ ‘4nd.Elaine' Walsh and • a were also enjoyed'. Th^lBilelG4ealized $3J.5O for the Red Cross Funds. Plans are completed for an open air concert to be held at the home of Jno. McGill on July 2nd when the Happy Cousins will present the program, A dance will follow the concert. The Red Cross Society wish to ac­ knowledge the receipt of $13,60 from the Literary Society at Ciirrie’s School. AU Welcome.(Mrs. V. Altcheson, of Sudbury, is visiting' her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N, Walsh and her brothers, Harold and Cameron. Step Out on July 1st week-end in these smart Sport Outfits, Ankle Sox 25c to 59c pr, Shorts - Navy, White .... Denim Playsuits (striped shirt with plain slacks).......................2.95 Slacks - Rose, Blue, Navy 1,00 - 2.95 Sloppy Joe Cardigans, fleece-lined ...... 1.49: EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED- AT MODERATE PRICES. R. A. Reid R. 0 Eyesight Specialist Wingham Office At Williams’ Jewelry Store Every Wednesday Morning 9 to noon. Chesley and Owen Sound. Sunday visitors with Mr, and Wm. Robertson were,. Mr. and Walter Jeffery, of Morris, Mrs. John Robinson, of Kincai&ine, also Mr. and Mrs. Milvert Sellers, of. Wroxeter. j Mrs. Mrs. .BELGRAVE Bride and Groom Honored A large number of friends and rela­ tives gathered in the Foresters’ Hall Wednesday night in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Vincent. Many useful and pretty gifts were presented to the young couple, thanked wishes, dancing ladies. __Leslie replied and all for their gifts and good The evening was spent in and lunch was served by the t Teachers Engaged Miss Mina Bryans, of Brussels, has been engaged to teach in the Belgrave School wHW the new term commenc­ es in Sep limber. Dorothy Golley of. Wingham'is .'chosen as teacher in No, 5, Morris, and Miss E. Wallace at No. 8, East Wawanosh. Memorial Service July 7th The annual Memorial Service will be held at Brandon Cemetery Sunday afternoon, July 7th, at 3.30, o’clock. This service ds held under the leader­ ship of the Women’s. Institute and the three local Churches. DONNYBROOK / Cotton crew, sweaters, .4 colors 75c yy;.................. Martha Washington cottons 1.50 to 3.95 JsShower Proof Jackets <.,, 3,95, 4,50- ■*-* * i Meny|Wnkle Sox . Arr.o^jSport Shirts . 1.50 to 2,50 PennW^s, cotton and Terry ’• ki - ; Shirts 89c to 1,50 Mr. and Mrs. J‘. C. Robinson and daughter, Irene, attended the Doerr re-union at Stratford on Saturday. Mrs. J. H. Mills has returned to her home in Goderich after visiting with friends in this vicinity. Mrs. Elwin Chamney, of Wingham,■ spent last week at the home of Mr. R. Chamney. Mrs. Geo. Naylor is spending this week with her sister, Mrs, J. H. Mills in Goderich. Mr. John Armstrong, of London, spent last week with his brother, Mr. Wm. Armstrong. Congratulations are extended to (Miss Jean Campbell, who has received her diploma after taking a commerc­ ial course at the G.C.I. and to Miss Mildred Jones who passed her ent­ rance on her year’s work. A very pleasant time was spent on Friday evening at the home of Mr. W. A. Campbell when a large number of friends _and neighbors gathered in honor of their daughter, Miss Mar­ jorie in view of her approaching mar­ riage.’ During the evening commun­ ity singing was enjoyed and after an address- read by Miss Margaret Jeff­ erson, Marjorie was presented with a miscellaneous shower. The bride-to- be was assisted in opening the gifts by her sister, Miss Jean and in a few well chosen words voiced her thanks and appreciation. The July meeting of the Women’s Institute will be held on the ’first Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Dav­ id Chamney; Subject, Education; Leader, Miss Noreen Kinahan; Roll Call, My Pet Proverb; Current Ev­ ents, Mrs. Gus Kinahan; Hostesses: Mrs. Gordon Naylor, Mrs. 1 Chamney, Miss Ruth Robinson Miss Slacks ~ - Cottons and Tropicals 1,95 to 5.95 White Wool Sweaters ..... 2.50 <• sleeveless styles .. 1.00, 2.50 KING’S Jumper assisted, by .Cactus Mac. Pro­ ceeds for patriotic purposes. The weekly meeting of t'he Calvin Young People’s Union was held with the president, E. W. Rice, in chareg. The Scripture Jesspa, was read by Dick Weatherhead and Mrs. Ball gave the topic on “Open Windows.” It is requested that all articles for the layettes for the Red Cross be handed in.by Thursday. Donations of cash or clothing will be gladly receiv­ ed, but-.if.second-hand articles are .to be used, -they ..must, be clean and in good repair. . Pujrdon, youngest son of Mr. and M,rs. J. C. Purdon, .both of West Wawa­ nosh. The bride looked lovely in a street-length gown of for.get-me-not blue sheer with white felt hat and white accessories and carrying a bou­ quet of Butterfly roses, Marguerites and fern. She was attended by her sister, Miss Beatrice McQuillin gown­ ed in dove rose sheer and wearing a corsage bouquet of roses and orange blossoms. Mr. Harris Purdon was his brother's attendant. The ceremony was witnessed by the immediate fam­ ilies. of the bridal couple, who return­ ed to the bride’s home where a dainty buffet luncheon was served by Mrs. Fred McQuillin and Miss Dorothy Aitken,' of Bluevale.. Later the bride donned for travelling a printed sheer gown' and matching green coat, and amid showers of confetti they left on a motor trip to Windsor and other points. On their .return they will re­ side on the groom’s farm, on Con. 9, West Wawanosh. Red Cross Work Displayed The Red Cross Society held a very successful program on Friday after­ noon in the Foresters’ Hall. There was a large display of work consist­ ing of quilts, Red Cross garments and knitted articles and also relief articles of clothing. °A ten cent tea was also , 30c lb.'WATCH $1.75 each REPAIRS$1.25, $1.50 each BLUEVALE For Satisfaction FURS Have your Watch or Clock re­ paired *at William’s Jewellery Official C.N.R. Watch Inspector Lavina McBurney. MORRIS Scythe Blades t i ST. HELENS Garden Fatty ’this Thursday evening. ToVf forget the Institute dance on Friday evening. Music by the Gulley STAINTON HARDWARE PHONE 30 Hay Time Needs Hay Fork Rope, Manilla, Blue Cross Brand, %-Inch................... 6% cents a foot Hay Loader Rope Scythe Snaths . . . Scythe Stones Pitchforks . . . 10c, 30c, 40c, 60c, 98c ........$1.10 and $1.35 Wilkinson’s Draw Winners Last Week; Wallpaper Winner — Mrs. Chas* Coultes. Paint Winner — Mrs. Cecil Wbeeler* For Smooth, Coforful Beauty use Paints aid! Enamels, they blend perfectly with the NEW SHADES of Sun-Tested Wallpapers. Cecil and WEDDINGS Anniversary Services Well Attended Although weather conditions were very unfavorable, there was a good at­ tendance at the anniversary services held in Knox Presbyterian Church on Sunday. The Rev. A. Hunter Palmer, D.D., of Palmerston, was the guest speaker and delivered two forceful ser­ mons. In the morning he spoke from the text “In my father’s house are many mansions, If it were not so I would have told you;” and at the ev­ ening service his subject was “Why does God allow war?” ; Rev. C. Tavener, pastor of the’vtJn- ited/’.Church, assisted at’ the evening service, reading the Scripture ,and leading in prayer. Special music •’was rendered by <the choir at the morning service and in the evening the Male Choir of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Wingham, supplied the music under the director of Mr. Harold Vic­ tor Pym. Floral decorations made a pleasing setting for the service. iMrs. Geo. H. Coulter, Morris, spent last week in Toronto with relatives. She was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Neil Hamilton, Gilbert Plains, Man., Miss Marjory Hamilton, New West­ minster, /B.C., and Miss Maude Ham­ ilton, of Wingham. Mr. T. K. Powell is a “visitor, with his son, Rev- Frank Powell, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Peter McIntosh, Mr. and Mrs. Rarold Norman, Vern and Jackie, of Kincardine, were visitors at the .home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Abra­ ham on Sunday? Mr. and Mrs. Melville Mathers and baby, Arnold, spent the week-end with friends at Hamilton. Air. Victor Haines spent Sunday in London with Mrs. Haines and Helen. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Henry, Lis- ,towel, spent the week-end at the home of Conrad Goll. Mrs. A. MacDonald and son, Roy, of Toronto, were vitstors at the home, of Mr. and Mrs. James Campbell last week. P iir d on~~c Q uilli n St. Peter’s' ChuYch, Lucknow, the scene of an Interesting event at noon on " Saturd.a'W’ when the rector, Rev. A.’'AZ'Malo'riey, united in mar­ riage Mildred Anna McQuillin, young­ est daughter of thejate Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McQiullin and William Robert1 was PROMPT DELIVERY,PHONE 161 Smith’s Economy Food Store 3 Boxes 21c 5 TIP TOP .TOMATO JUICE ...1..... 3 20-oz. Tins 27c SWAN t MATCHED p FOR JAMS AND JELLIES CERTO............:......25c Bottle 14-CUT RUBBERI RINGS.................... 3 Pkgs. 15c Special — Salad Dressing Miracle Whip 19c V 33c V 49c * Second Red Cross Shipment The second shipment of supplies, by the women workers, of this vicinity was delivered to the Red Cross Soc­ iety at Wiftgham, namely, 19 suits py­ jamas, 12 pneumonia jackets, 6 T bin­ ders, 6 baby shirts,TS pairs socks,; 12 blankets have been doubted from,'the locality. ‘ ’ Rev, C< Tavener, pastor of tlib Unit­ ed Church, and Mrs, Tavener, visWd at Huffman Corners, Hear Chatham, When Mr» Tavener officiated >at tile ffiarriago of .Miss Mabel Watts, dau- hhd Mrs. Joseph Watts Jr, and. Mr/Reginald- Snobelin. Mr, and Mrs/AllarP’Rantsay visit­ ed for a few days with Friends at Tara, Save by buying from Manufacturer to Consumer. Repairing, Re-Styling, Re-Model­ ing Highest Quality and Guar­ anteed Workmanship. Famous Fur Company Wingham Phone 204. ’ # Toronto WA3335 HASELGROVE’S LONDON STYLE ‘-RIPE''’'‘ The pi^ewithout an equal. 50c Omar Haselgrove’s Smoke Shoppe The July meeting of the Women’s Institute will be held in the Commun­ ity Hall on Thursday afternoon^ July 4th, when Mrs. Oster, of Blyth, the District President, will be the guest speaker. Roll Call, “A Joke I Have Heard of Read.” Miss ^Dorothy Aitken, Bluevale, Mr. adn Mrs. Calvin RobirisOn, Port Bur­ well and Mr. Robert McQuillin, Sud­ bury, Mr. Charles McQuillin, Zurich, were among those who attended the Purdon « McQuillin wedding Satur­ day. Mrs. Jas. McFarlane, Jamestown, was a week-end visitor with her dau­ ghter, Mrs, Gordon McPherson. This week’s shipment to the Red Cross included 6 pair socks, 4 dozen khaki handkerchiefs, 3 blankets and a quahtity.,of Jeatherand'felt.’ i| french Drip COFFEE.'u........ • I FOUR O’CLOCK 49c lb. I BLACK TEA ..........69c lb. Special -4. Beautiful Tumbler FREE SALAD A TEA 38 c *31“ 40c QUAKER PUFFED WHEAT..............2 Pkgs, 17c TIP FOP : GOLDEN CdRN .......10c Tin POST’S BRAN FLAKES ........... 10c Pkg. MAPLE LEAF NO. 4 PEAS York Pure PORK SAUSAGE Maple Leaf SKINLESS WEINERS SWEET JUICY OEANGES..................... IMPORT EG NEW POTATOES 10c CHOICE 30c dozl DEMONS...4 for 10c A t HpME-GROWR 6 lbs. 25c NEW CABBAGE 2 Heads 15c FREjH JjOCAL STRAWBERRI£S BA(LY j