HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1940-06-20, Page 8PAGE EIGHT WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, June 20th, 1940 Show Starts at 8.00 p.m. except Saturday. Saturday Night, Two Shows? at 7.45 and 9,45 p,m. Thursday? Friday, Saturday, June 20th, 21st, 22md SPECIAL Also “Disney Cartoon” and “News” Admission: Adults 35c, Children 20c Matinee Saturday Afternoon at 2.30 p.m. Matinee Admission: Adults 25c, Children 15c. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, June 24, 25, 26 BOB HOPE PAULETTE GODDARD “The Cat And The Canary” Prospective heirs gather in a dilapidated mansion to hear a will read. Murder, mystery and terror are supplied by a prowling cat. Also “Edgar Kennedy Comedy” “Traveltalk” “George Olsen” Baptist Church ELMER LONEY, Pastor. SUNDAY 7 P.M. Subject—Be of good cheer. Bible prophecy predicts “there will always be an England.” BAPTISMAL SERVICE. presided and also contributed a piano selction. The Scripture lesson was read by Carl Johnston and Rev. C. Tavener gave the address. BLUEVALE Young People Had Charge of Service The Y. P. U. of the United Church had Charge^of the Sunday evening ser­ vice. The young people have conduct- *ed one service each month since the first of the year and this was the ■closing meeting of the season. The ■president, Mr. William Blackmore Mr. Blackmore has tendered his resignation as public school .teacher here. He has been an active and val­ ued member in the Y; P. U. and will be greatly missed. Entertained Y. P. S. Rev. F. G. Fowler and Mrs. Fowler entertained members of the Y. P. S. of Knox Presbyterian Church on Monday, evening at the Manse as a closing feature of the season. Ar­ rangements were made to send a dele­ gate ,to‘ Kintail Camp. Miss Jean El­ liott was suggested. After a series of games and contests, the hostess serv­ ed delicious refreshments. Institute Had Interesting Meeting The Woman’s Institute enjoyed a meeting of interest on Thursday af- ternoon at the home of Mrs. J. J. El­ liott. The •meeting was in charge of tthe local leaders, Mrs. J. H. Smith and her .class “The’Darting Needles” Marjory Kerr and Helen Thomson, and Miss Jean Elliott’s “Sunbeam Club’’. Miss Flora McTavish, Evelyn Sharpin, Marguerite Heming, Mildred Henning, Viola Thacker, Jean Shar­ pin .and Shirley Dctman. “The Pro­ ject, Cottons May be Smant” was demonstrated by each girl exhibiting’ a dress with an explanation as to the kind of material, cost, etc. Miss Thacker spoke on .the Motto, A Stitch in Time Saves Nine, Mrs, J. Wick- stead representative to the District Annual, gave the report from that meeting and Miss Evelyn Sharpin gave an acount of the Girls’ Confer­ ence at Guelph, During the business, period the sum of nine dollars was voted to the local War work -fund. The roll call was answered by nam­ ing a weed I can pull every time I go into my garden, The round leaf Mallow was the most common and being a perbnnial it is'hard to get it under control. A duet, and trio by club members was a pleasant feature. At the close of the meeting after singing God Save the King, a dainty lunch was Served by the girls. Mrs. Smith and Miss Elliott with their classes of girls, attended Achievement Day in Clinton on Satur­ day. In the contest work, Miss Flora McTavish won the prize for making the best button hole. . Being vyell dressed and well groom­ ed. will be the fall project. Advised Doing Good At the morning service in Knox Presbyterian Church, Rev. F. G. Fowler in his talk to the children, advised doing good, and they would receive good in return. He used .the, echo as an example. In .his sermon he urged the combination of intelli­ gence with religion to meet the need of the church today. Jack Wettlaufer, Galt, Miss Marie Wettlaufer of Blyth and Mr.. R. Winters, Tillsonbur.g, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wettlaufer. «Mrs. Margaret Rolph is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. J. Curtis. Mrs. Curtis and Margaret, Mrs. Rolph, Mrs. Laura Kirton and Eldon Kirton,, spent Sunday with Mr. and M,rs. Harold 'Procter in Mo'rris. Mrs. Robert Nicholson is visiting friends in Toronto. the weatherman, poured, rain down all day and evening and no doubt lcepxt the attendance down considerably. A splendid cold meat supper AVas serv­ ed. in the basement of 'the church- Following the supper the church audi­ torium was filled to capacity for a splendid program with Rev. J . B. Townend as chairman. The program •consisted of vocal solos by Donald Robb of Atwood,, readings by Mrs, VanWyck of ’Wingham, the Wesit- field Male quartette with Alva, John and Will McDowell and Maitland Henry as members and Mrs. Will Mc­ Dowell as pianist. The Blyth orches­ tra also provided music, vocal duets by Helen Baker and Margaret Garn- iss of Brussels who were accompan­ ied by Miss Mary Davidson. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Stonehouse have left on a trip to Vancouver, B. C., where they will visit with their son, Dr. and Mrs, Gordon Stonehouse. Miss Stella Nethery who teaches ■in Saskatoon, Sask,, has returned home for the summer vacation. Master Russel Kelly, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kelly, 4th Morris is recovering in St, Joseph’s Hospital, London, after undergoing an operation for mastoids. , . , SUMMER Wingham Patriotic Association THE ASSOCIATION WILL ENDEAVOR TO— 1. Promote a spirit of Patriotic Service^ 2. To keep a record of all soldiers who enlist, 3. To co-operate in every way possible with exist­ ing organizations in serving the needs of sold­ iers and their dependents. 4. To co-operate in matters of home defense. / The area of activities of this association is Wingham and the territory served by the Rural Mail routes from Wingham Post Office. , Lists of members will be published. The objective is every citizen a member. YOUR HELP IS NEEDED NOW BELGRAVE Memorial Service Sunday The Annual Memorial Service will be held in Sunshine Cemetery at 2.30 next Sunday afternoon. Rev. H. Kerr of Brussels will give the address, with other local ministers assisting. The Blyth band will be in attendance. Table Dedicated to Late Peter W. Scott The auditorium of the United. Ghurch was well filled on Sunday' morning last. A special feature of the service was the unveiling of a Com­ munion 'I able dedicated to the mem­ ory of the late Mr. Peter W. Scotit. Mr. Scott had a life long'association with the Knox Church congregation. He joined the church by profession of faith in 1885, was elected to the Ses­ sion in 1914 and was made Clerk of Session in 1925. For some years he was Bible Class Teacher and occas­ ionally conducted, the service of wor­ ship on' Sunday morning. Mr. Scoitt took keen interest in all form of Church activity and was an earnest believer m and a leader of the church union movement. The Communion Table was donat­ ed by his son, Mr. D. C. Scott of Dearborn, Michigan, U. S. A., and is of quarter cut oak in lovely design. The table was unveiled and accept­ ed on behalf of the Congregation by Mr. Tohn T. CouLtes, member of Ses­ sion and personal friend of Mr. Scott for many years, and Mr. Jas. Michie, who succeeded Mr. BcOtt a's Clerk of Session and had been associated with him. in church work fo,r many year. The table was formally dedicated to the Glory of God and in memory of Peter W. Scott by Rev. J. B. ToWinend, who preached a sermon on “The Significance of Memorials.” In addition to Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Scott of Dearborn, (the following im­ mediate relatives were present: Mr. and Mrs, Wm. E. Scott, Mr. David Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Scott and family, Mrs. John ’E, Fells, Wirtgham, Mr, and Mrs. Mills and family of Me- Killop,.Mrs. Pr W. Scott was confin-- ed to bed through illness arid was not able to be present, Mrs. Collins of Sarnia (Anne Scott) is reentjerating after a serious operation and was un­ able to 'Undertake the long journey, ,A Communiqn Set In Silver' PlatiS was presented to the church some yeans ago'by members of the Scott family in memory of »their parents, wile* were pioneer settlers in the dis­ trict and outstanding leaders1 in church work locally. The garden party held by the Unit­ ed church on’ Wednesday night last 1 week was quite succesful although WESTFIELD . ' Mrs. GoVier, of Auburn, visited at the home of her son, Mr. W. Govier. Mrs. A. Walper, of Auburn, spent a few days at the home of her niece, Mrs. Douglas Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Taylor were Wingham visitors on Thursday. Mrs.' Wm. Walden is spending a few days at the home of her daugh­ ter, Mrs. Sid McClinchey, Auburn. Mr. Gordon Bosman, of Morris Township, and Miss Mabel Bosman, of Goderich, visited on Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Bus­ man. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Campbell and children visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Johnston, W. Wawa- nosh. Several from this vicinity attended the Red Cross quilting at Auburn on Tuesday when seven ,quilts were quilt­ ed. Mr. Norman Rodger has returned to Northern Ontario. Mr. Glenn McGill, of Hamilton, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. McGill. Misses Minnie and Elsie Snell, of London, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McDowell and Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Taylor. Mj\ and Mrs. Norman Carter and Miss Joyce,' of Seaforth, Mrs. Alice Tyerman, of Leamington, were guests on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Campbell. Wedding bells are ringing in this vicinity. A Prayer Circle was formed at Westfield last Thursday evening and will be held each Thursday night at 8.15 o’clock. lit is hoped that during the present crisis every one in the community will be present. Miss Grace Redmond, of Linwood, spent the week-end. with Reeve R. WATCH REPAIRS For Satisfaction Have your Watch or Clock re­ paired at William’s Jewellery Official C,N.R. Watch Inspector FURS Save by buying from Manufacturer to Consumer, Repairing? Re-Styling, Re-Model­ ing Highest Quality and Guar­ anteed Workmanship. Famous Fur Company Wingham Phone 204. Toronto WA3335 HASELGROVE’S LONDON STYLE PIPE The pipe without an equal, 50c Omar Haselgrove’s Smoke Shoppe Crisp Voiles Cool Wash Crepes Smart Cottons Sheers - Figured and Plain 1 •' ** * Get your Summer Dresses now, .when you have a big stock to choose from,' You will feel just twice as comfortable and smart bp hot days in one of these new frocks. Wash Dresses $2.95 to $6.50 SHEERS - $6.95 Up = KING’S - Redmond, t » Mrs. J. D. Elsley and Mr. Ellis Els- ley, of near Listowel, visited last week with Mrs. J. E. Ellis. _ Dr. LeRoy Hiles and Mrs. Hiles and Miss Alice Hiles, Reg.N., Lon­ don, were guests of Mr. W. H. Gamp­ bell. Mr. Howard Campbell has let the contract ito Mr. Macke, of Mildmay, to enlarge his barn. At present the mason workers are busy at the cem­ ent work. S.S. No. 16, Est Wawanosh held their annual school picnic at Harbour Park, Goderich, on June 13th. There were about 100 present. The after­ noon was spent in games and running­ races.' under (the supervision of the games committee with Nelson Patter­ son as Convenor. The result of the races were as follows: Ghildren -under 6, Helen Gwyn, Ross Gwyn, Norma M-cCleinchey, Donald Shultz, Fred Drust, Kenneth Patterson, Lois Tay­ lor; girls 6 to 9, Jewel McClinchey, Elaine Johnston, Joyce Taylor; -boys 6 to 9, Carman Gwyn, Bill Patterson, John Killough; girls 9 to 13, Dorothy McVittie, Eileen McClinchey, Roberta McVittie; boys 9 to 13. Bill McClin­ chey, Frank Nesbitt, Eddie Nicholson ;■ young ladies, Mary Nesbit, Eva Vin­ cent, Margaret Nesbit; married ladies, Mrs. Alfred Nesbit, Mrs. Lloyd Mill­ er; men’s* race, Thomas Jardine, Wor­ thy Fowler; sack race, Eddie Nichol­ son, Carman Gwyn; coat race, Dor­ othy Anderson and Worthy Fowler; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jardine; team­ ster race, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jar­ dine, Dorothy Anderson and Worthy Fowler; mabazine race, Mrs. A. Nes­ bit and Carl Govier, M,r. and Mrs. T. Jardine. Lunch was served in the pa­ vilion under the direction of the lunch committee. A' generous serving of ice cream was Supplied by the Trustees, Everett Taylor, Alfred Nesbit and Thomas Jardine. The ladies of the Westfield W.M.S. met on Thursday with the Auburn and Crewe W.M.S. ladies at Donny­ brook where Mrs. Wm. Crozier gave the report of the Branch Conference meeting recently held rtt London. Scripture lesson was read by Mis-s Margaret Jefferson. Solos were rend-1 ered. by Mrs. Rivett of Crewe, Mrs. Fred Platzer, of Auburn and Winni- fred Campbell of Westfield, Mrs. Hil­ liard Jefferson, of Donnybrook. Miss­ es Ila and Betty Craig, of Auburn, rendered a duet. Mrs. W. A. Camp­ bell led in prayer. A very interesting letter was read by Mrs. Wm. Mc­ Dowell from Mrs. (Rev.) Robt. Lon- ley, of China. At tjhe close of the meeting lunch was served by the Don­ nybrook ladies. Mr. T. Kernick, of Bly.th, is assist­ ing Mr. W. F. Campbell in shingling his house.Mr. Glenn JMcGill, Mr. and Mrs. Jas, McGill arid Mrs. R. Vincent are Muskoka visitors this week. ST. HELENS Mr. W. & McManus, South Bend? Ind., and their daughter, Mrs. Theo. Graverson, of Bremner, .IndL, were irC- tertt visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Arch, AnderSoti. "Mr. Robert -McOuiHin, of Sudbury, is spending his vacation at his home here. Rev. G. A. and Mrs. Barnard and Miss Winnie ate visitors in London. Mrs. D. Todd left on Monday f-or a visit ’tvkft relatives at Pelgeoft, Mich. During the summer months the ser­ vices in the United Church will com­ mence at 11.15 a.m. Members of the Y.P.U. were guests- of the Whitechurch Union on Monday evening. The regular meeting of the Y.P.U. was held Sunday evening with E. W. Rice in the chair. Isohel Miller read .the Scripture lesson and <the topic on “Interesting People” was taken by E. W. Rice. With proceeds for patriotic purpos­ T es, an At Home under the auspices of the Women’s Institute is being plan­ ned for Friday, June 28, with music by the Gulley Jumpers and Cactus Mac. The- annual Garden Party under the auspices of the Uriited Church is be­ ing held o.n Thursday evening. Juw.^ 27^. Whitechurch Dramatic Societ^K will present their play “Money, Mon­ ey, Money; Just 2 More Lucky DRAW NITES Wallpaper Wiriner — Mrs. Walter Woods. Paint Winner — Mrs. Charles Keating. Jjri&une Paints are always a Specialty. See our many color schemes before you paint your house this year. We have the largest stock of Wallpaper of ariy Western Ontario town. You will be pleased with the Suri-Tested styles and colors. n PHONE 161 PROMPT DELIVERY ALLEN’S APPLE JUICE ... 20-oz. Tin 10c giant Size Palmolive SOAP......................3 Cakes 25c I 25c Pkg. 10c Tbi 69c lb. 30c Doz. SWEET JUICY ORANGES ...__ CALIFORNIA CHOICE LEMONS * 4 tor 10c .MAPLE LEAF NO. 4 PEAS ......... FOUR O’CLOCK BLACK TEA.... ’Smith’s is a Bank Nile Store w. Shop Here and get you tickets tot the Saturday Night Cash Prize Draw, TIP TOP TOMATO ' JUICE ........ 3 20-oz. Tins 27c SUPERSUDS WITH BOWL PICAKE SHORTENING 2 Lbs. 25c ROSE BRAND BAK- ING POWDER ...... 17c 1-lb. tin NEW POTATOES..... . 6 lbs. 25c CHOICE CAULIFLOWER .... 10c Head Ti"* lUC WILKINSON’S WALLPAPER SHOP SHOP AT Smith’s Economy Food Store Special Miracle Whip Salad Dressing V 49c ’V 33c 8j“ 19c DALTON’S O.K. . ' | DALTON’S BISON* JELLY POWDERS 5 for 25c I COFFEE Special Tip Top Golden Bantam Corn - Maple Leaf LUXURY MEAT LOAF ..... 38c lb. YORK PURE PORK SAUSAGE . ............19c lb.