HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1940-06-20, Page 3• Thursday, .June 20th, 1940 ,PAGE 'THREE'
there is an urgent need fur such units.
For Sale by
Queen Talks to French Women
London — The Queen, ip a broad-140
Britain Calls More Men
London — About 800,000 men 28
years of age registered for military
service Saturday. A similar number 29
years old will register June 22.
Followthe example of race drivers ,, .-men who
know tires. With them there is not any question
of which tire is safest. Qne tire—and only owe—
has the exclusive safety features to withstand pun
ishment of race track speeds—Firestone—the tire
that has been on the winning cars at Indianapolis
for 21consecutive years. Let us put Firestone ;
Champion tires on your car now- They cost no more*
Hur on. Motors Wingham
Want Full Power Over Industry
Ottawa — Virtually unlimited pdw-
ers to mobilize Canadian trade and in
dustry for war purposes are conferred
upon ithe Government in a bill given
first reading in the'House of Com
mons. Hon. C. D. Howe, minister of
munitions and supply, introduced the
bill which amends the act creating his
department. He .said it would-give him
as minister, “all the powers I could
think of,” to place Canadian industry
at the maximum of efficiency and ca
• *
officials, however, indicated that lack
of materials to be bought quickly was
much more of a problem to the Allies
than the availability of Gash for pay
Hepburn Has Pneumonia
St. Thomas,-— Premier M. F. Hep
burn has been ordered to remain in
bed by his personal physician, Dr. W.
H. Avery, of Toronto. The bronchial
condition from which he has been suf
fering for 10 days has developed into
brpnehial pneumonia in the right lung.
casj in French -to the women of
France, said that a “nation defended
by such men and joyed by such wo
men must sooner or later .attain. Vic
tory.. I who have always loved
France so warmly, share your suffer
ings today and feel it," Her Majesty
Order. Germans, Italians Listed
Ottawa All Italians and Germans
in Canada must register with, one of
the 2,700 registrars of enemy aliens
scattered throughout Canada, the Rdy-
al Canadian Mounted Police warned.
Turkey-German Trade Deal
Ankara—Turkey Isigned a pact with
Germany for 4he exchange of $14,-
009,000 worth of tobacco for machin
ery parts, but Turkish officials said
the treaty had the approval of their
Allies, Great Britain and France, and
represented no lessening of the alli
Prominent Italian In Detention
Ottawa — Regardless of the deten
tion of the president of the Dufferin
Shipbuilding Company in Toronto,
who is James Franceschini, contracts
for the construction of four mine
sweepers will go right ahead, (Muni
tions Minister, C. D. Howe informed
the House of Commons, A company
controlled .by the same individual has
contracts .for completion of airports.
Thia work will also proceed regardless
of internment operations.
White Hopse Answers Appeal
Washington — The White House,
commenting on Premier Reynaud’S
“,en wand final” appeal for United
States help, said, that "everything is
being done that possibly can be done.
Ralston Succeeds Rogers
Ottawa •— Hon, J. L. Ralston, pre
sent finance minister, has accepted the
portfolio of minister of national de
fence, Prime Minister Mackenzie King
announced in the House of Commons.
Netherlands Princess Near Ottawa
Montebello, Que, — A special train
bringing Princess Jluiana of the Ne
therlands and her two children to the
peaceful surroundings of the Lauren-
tian Mountain district arrived here
from Halifax, It is ait the Seigniory
Club, on the banks, of the Ottawa Riv
er, that the princess and her daugh
ters, Beatrix, 2*A years old, and Irene,
nine months .old, will await the arriv
al in Canada of the Earl of Athlone,
the new Governor-General, at whose
invitation they visited the Dominion,
Britain Opens War Chest
London — Official Britain coupled
a prediction of an immediate German
“peace offensive” with a declaration
that Allied and United States indust
ries would build up “a weight of arm
aments with which Hiltler will be quite
unable to compete.” Confronted with
the fall of Paris hard in the wake of
Italy’s entry, into the war as a foe of
the Allies, Britain flung-open its war
chest to make immediate purchases of
everything needed to prosecute the
. conflict. .
Short on Materials ''
Washington ■— United States offic
ials esfimalted that the British and
French Empires still have roughly
$7,000,000,000 of “quick assets” with
which‘\ they could purchase supplies
immediately in Ithe United States.
These assets include gold, cash de
posits and American securities. The
-Bombed Nazi Ship
London — The admiralty announc
ed Ithat an airplane of the fleet air
arm scored a hit with a “heavy bomb”
on the German battleship Scharnhorsit
in Trondheim Fjord, . Norway, early
Pledges France Full Support
Ottawa — Plqdgii|g the “unwaver
ing support” iof-Canada in the present
struggle, Prime Minister Mackenzie
King told the Cornmons “I believe I
can say <to Premier Reynaud of France
that the resources of the whole Am
erican continent will be' thrown' in on
the side of the Allies.” The prime
minister made his declaration ‘after
putting, on the House record a' copy
of Winston- Churchill’s pledge to
$52,000,000 for Air Training
Ottawa — In a comprehensive prog
ress report on the physicaPsicle of the
British Commonwealth air training
plan, Air Minister Power' told the
House of Commops it is proposed to
spend immediately some $52,000,0’00
on the training project.
Would Divide Mediterranean
Rome — Italy laid a wide new mine
belt around Sicily with the apparent
intention of cutting the Mediterranean
in half. It is less than 100 miles from
Sicily across the Mediterranean to
French African Tunisia. Roughly half
way lies ithe Italian Island of Pantel-
Everyday Necessity
France Needs Clouds of Planes
Tours, France — Premier Pau-1 Rey-
naud made a “final” appeal Thursday
might to President Roosevelt for
“clouds” of aircraft and challenged
Americans to “declare themselves ag
ainst- Nazi Germany. We know what
a high place ideals hold in the life of
the great American people,” he ^aid
in a broadcast to his country while
,ihe German invaders struck down on
both sides of Paris, later entering the
great capitol city.*. ✓ ■ _____
Hepburn Urges Civil Guard Units
St. Thomas — Premier M. F. Hep
burn ignored cniticismi from Ottawa
of his warning of possible invasion
from enemy aliens in the United Stat
es,; and again urged Ontario munici
palities to speed up the preparation
of. civil guard units, declaring that
Russia Takes Lithuania
London — The Moscow radio an
nounced that Lithuania had accepted
a Soviet ultimatum in which the Rus
sian government claimed the right to
occupy Lithuanian territory “with suf
ficient forces.” The broadcast was
heard shortly after a report was re
ceived of the resignation of Premier
Antanas Merkys and his Nationalist
Union Lithuanian cabinet.
in Kitchen, Laundry,
Bathroom and Barns
ADURO Pressure Water System will furnish an ample supply of water under
pressure to all parts of your home* and farm. Without running water*
sanitary conveniences and modem facilities, so essential to health and happi** '
ness, are not available to your family..
The cost of EMCO Bathroom, Kitchen and Laundry fixtures and fittings is
very reasonable and can he spread over a period of time under our Easy
Payment Plan. ,
EMCO products are modernly finished, of high quality, and -will give year*
of satisfactory service. *
A THREE-PIECE EMCO BATHROOM—Tub on Legs, Toilet and Wall
Lavatory with all Trimmings can be purchased for as little as.....................$83.90* '
(Soil and iron pipe and fittings extra)
THE DURO SPECIAL PUMP, shown above! has a capacity of 250
gals, per hour. With 25 gal. Galvanized Tank and 25 or 60 cycle
Motor, it costs only..............'.................................................. $86.0$
Save up to
20% on
Premiums with
• In many communities fire insurance premiums
are reduced as much as 20% when Brantford
Asphalt Slates are used to give added protection
from fire- Secure peace of mind as well as lowered
1 costs by specifying Brantford Roofing.
Our experience during thirty-five years of satis
factory service to customers throughout Canada
has enabled us to produce products of quality
especially designed for Canadian requirements*
You can rely upon Brantford Asphalt Roofing to
give you long> satisfactory and economical service*
This famous roofing comes in many beautiful
colour combinations that will add value and
distinction to your home.
Ask yottr Brantford Roofing dealer to show you
some of the many attractive colour combinations.
Brantford Poofs
Brantford Ropfing Company, Limited
(Continued from Page Two),
of venue; the County of Welland re
garding licensing bakers ’outside the
county; the Township of Howick pro
testing the cut of mill Provincial
subsidy and the reduction in road ex
penditures in Howick,of $2,000.
Offers Hospital for Refugee Children
Dr. Alexander Moir generously of
fered his hospital near Hensail to the
County Council Thursday morning for
one year, for use as a shelter for re-1
fugee children, free of rent, also his
medical services gratis for the same
length of time. The offer was left in
the hands of the Children’s Shelter
The institution, he said, would care
for from twenty to twenty-five"child-
ren. He suggested that four paid help
ers would be necesasry, namely a good
housekeeper, a trained nurse, a cook
and a man of all work. Helpers for
the children would be voluntary work
ers. The staff and children can all be
accommodated in the building,
The County Home committee was
authorized to purchase 50 acres of
land adjacent to the county home pro
perty at $40 an acre. Up to this time
property across the highway has been
rented, half of which is tillable. The
price of the new property is $2,000.
The revision of the County Home
bylaw was ..read. It had not been re
vised since 1907. The number of mem
bers on the County Home committee
is changed from five to three mem
bers. Another change is that inmates
possessed of personal property shall
be charged $4 a week instead of $1.
Checking Subversive Activities
In answer to the question by Reeve
Trewartha, “What is being expected
of a municipality regarding subversive
activities?” Provincial Constable .Mc
Coy told the council that it is up to
everyone to report such to the police.
He said to keep eyes and ears open,
and let the police know of any sus
picion. The police are properly equip
ped for any emergency and he is sat
isfied with the present number. He
would suggest the police ill towns and
villages be “on their toes.” They can
help the Provincial and County police
a lot by doing so.
All constables’ fees received by
county constables arc to be returned
to the county treasurer. This action
was authorized in an amendment to
the existing bylaw adjusting constab
les’ salaries and allowances.
The agricultural committee will ait-
tend the Provincial plowing match
this' fall.
Gamble-Weir—That the road be
tween Howick and Wallace townships
be examined by the Good Roads Coin
mission, and if Perth county council
decides to assume their share of ithfc
road as a county road, that it be taken
over under the county roads system.
This was referred to the -good roads
Duncan-Turner — That a resolution
of .sympathy be sent to Mrs. James
Bowman in the death of her husband,
a former reeve of Morris and warden,
whose public spirited services are
gratefully remembered. Carried.
A motion to Reeves Tuckey and
.Bowman, that the Children’s Shelter
committee be appointed a committee
to aid .the Dominion Govermi/ent in
handling refugee children, they to con
sult the warden’s committee concern
ing expenditures, was adopted.
In honor of the King’s birthday, the
session was opened with “God Save
the King” and a half-holiday declared
for Thursday afternoon.
To Build Repair Shop
The county road commission Friday
was authorized to purchase hotel pro
perty in Auburn, comprising hotel
building, and stables on gne acre of
land for $3,000. The buildings are <to
be used for paint shop, storage and
office. A repair shop will be built. As
the locality is ideal for the purpose, it
was considered good business to pur
chase it.
The commission’s recommendation
that the road north of Gorrie and the
road north of Zurich be replaced on
the county road system was accepted.
The total estimated expenditures for
1940 by the roads commission for con
struction were set at $56,700; for ma
chinery, $20,000; superintendence, $5,-
000; maintenance, $173,235.53.
The property committee was em
powered to ask for tenders for a steel
flag pole for the court house park; and
the purchase of coal was left with that
The Huron Ratepayers and Trust-
ees’ Association represented by Bert j
Thompson, past president, and Mrs.
R. Davidson, requested a grant of $50.;
On the recommendation of the educa-!
tion committee the grant was refused !
after Considerable debate. '
A grant of $50 requested by Inspec
tor Game for display of school child.-
ren’s work at the C.N.E. was author>-
ized. No action was taken on the. re
quest for grant by Huron Fruit Grow
ers’ Association; nor $500 to* the Sea
forth collegiate for the teaching, of ag
The Children’s Shelter Committee*
reported that the Children’s Aid offic
er has now been moved to the Shelter,
where a room has been equipped for
the purpose.
There are at present 16 child pro
tection cases; 27 unmarried parents
cases, and 58 children in care. Four
children are in the Shelter, four in
boarding houses, eight -under adoption
probation, eight in wage homes, 32 in*
free homes, one in a correction insti
tution, and the whereabouts of one are'
unknown. These children are visited’
at least twice a year and if necessary
more often.
(Continued on Page Six)
With the sole purpose of spreading all that remains is Crumbling wreck- the Nazi bombers poured a deadly
terror among civilians, Nazi bombers age. This town had ho military ob-
blasted this open French town until jectives of any kind, but nevertheless, j bombs upon it.
rain of high explosives and incendiary