HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1940-06-20, Page 1'.Single Copies Five Cents WINGHAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 20th, 1940 Subscriptions $2.00 Pep Year
129 Blankets Sent From This Branch
The Wingham Branch of the Can
adian Red Cross has sent forward an-
■other shipment >of supplies: 72 pairs
•sox, 24 scarfs, 6 helmets, 6 pair knee
caps, 132 gauze and 180 khaki hand
kerchiefs, 84 T binders, 12 hampton
bed pads, ^6 pneumonia jackets, 48
surgical towels, 30 suits, pyjamas, 6
hospital bed gowns, 30 sheets, 192, pil
low cases, total value of material used
, The blankets which were so gener
ously donated in response to the urg
ent appeal, .were also shipped, numb
ering 129, of which 108 were from
Wingham, 13 from Whitechurch and
>8 from Bluevale. It was interesting to
note that most, of these blankets were
new, showing that people gave of
their best. To date there have been
■57,731 blankets sent from Canada, of'
which 24,863 were from Ontario.
About sixty members of the United
Church W.M.S. and Evening Auxil
iary availed themselves of the grac
ious invitation of Mrs. Wm. J. Scott
.and visited with her and her family.
The day, Friday, was perfect and the
temperature was just right for an out
ing such as this*
Mrs. W. J. Greer conducted the
meeting, Mrs. Willis read the scrip
ture lesson and Mrs. Anderson offer-
•ed prayer. Mrs. Gowans gave an in
teresting talk -on the churchs she had
visited in Florida and a painting “The
Feast of Belshazzer” she had seen.
Mrs. VanWyck gave a' reading
■“Learning to Drive a , Car”. Mrs.
Burgman, Supt. of the Baby Band,
presented a life membership io Lola
Isabel baby daughter of the hostess.
Mrs. Heisler sang a solo accompanied
Ly (Mrs. E. S. Copeland.
Miss B. Reynolds was asked to say
a few words and .addressing her re
marks directly ibo Mrs. J. F. Ander
son, told how greatly she would be
missed after leaving for Sarnia, and
presented her with .a Life member
ship pin and a copy of the study
Look for the year "The Stewardship
Life”. Mrs. Anderson made an approp
riate reply.
Mrs. Greer told of the -great loss
•sustained by, the societies own mis
sionary, Miss Caroline Welwood and
•an offering was itaken to be forwarded
lo> her. A letter from Mrs. LaRue
told of the good work being done
-with the money sent by one of the
■Sunday school classes.
At the conclusion of the meeting,
IMrs. Scott served a dainty lunch.
Has Scarlet Fever
Billy Galbraith, son of Mr. and Mrs.
W. A. Galbraith has contracted scar
let fever. We hope he has a speedy
Would Take Ten Children
Peter J. Bassel, Toronto restaurant
operator, husband of- the former Miss
Irene Scott, of Wingham, has offered
to care for ten refugee children from
.Lawn Social at Jamestown
There will.be a Lawn Social at
Jamestown -on Wednesday evening,
June 26th, under the auspices of the
Jamestown Patriotic Circle. Supper
will be served from 6 ito 8 p.m. A
.•play entitled “Taking the Count*’ will
be presented by the Young People of
Walton. There will be a draw for the
lucky tickets on a quilt.- Admission:
Adults 35c, children 15c. Proceeds for
patriotic work.
The last meeting of the season for
Section B. of the Wingham Wolf Cub
Pack was held Monday. To mark the
occasion Cub Master Rev. E. O. Gal-
• lagher invested the following boys as
full members of the Pack’: John Hud
son, Lorne West, Claire Hopper and
.Ronald Scott, and each was granted
his investiture button and duly receiv-
-ed by the pack,
' The following Cubs received first
year service stars: Bill Johnson, Bob
Kress, Donald Henderson, Billie Pol
lock, Bill Lockridge. Second year ser
vice stars were awarded to Jack Hen
derson, Harry Lloyd, Ernest Buck
man and Donald Hopper.
Special awards for the season were
made to Donald Henderson (Turk’s
Head): to Donald Hopper (Cub Ker
chief); and to Claire Hopper (Turk’s
’Head).. .
Robert Shortreed, of Walton, Named
■ President.
The 15th annual convention of (the
Huron County Association of Trustees
and Ratepayers was held in the Lib
rary Hall, Brussels, Thursday. The
president, R, H. Thompson,' Belgrave,
was in the chair, and Mrs. R. David
son, Dungannon, was secretary'.
M. H. Campbell, president of the
provincial association, speaking for the
department of education, said why
boards do iw>t acc'ept the services, of
fered is a problem to him, He dealt
with grants for transportation, for
which, if two or more schools co-op
erate in transporting of pupils to high
schools, a grant -of 60% of the cost
will be received from the department.
He told aiso of the grant of 30 per
cent which may be obtained for dent
al inspection from the department of
health if the board has the work done;
purchase of school supplies for child-*
ren, for which the department allows
a grant of 50 per cent, and reduced
rates at which the supplies may be ob
tained if purchased wholesale makes
the cost almost nil.
He could not see why the resolu
tion regarding school boards consult
ing inspectors before engaging a tea
cher was iturned down at the Toronto
Tribute Is Paid
J. M. Game, I.P.S., Bruce, paid tri
bute to the late Thornton Mustard, a
victim of the Athenia disaster, who
was guest speaker at a convention of
the Huron „ County trustees here in
E. C. Beacom, I.P.S. for South Hur
on, told of the progress made in his
inspectorate in which agriculture is
taught in every school. He spoke of
the project of reforestation undertak
en by a number of schools in his in
spectorate in which one acre of land
was purchased by the section for this
Election of officers resulted as fol
lows: Past President, R. H. Thomp
son, Belgrave; president, Robert
Shortreed, Walton; vice-president,
Rehben Goetz, Dashwood; secretary
treasurer, Mrs. R. Davidson, Dungan
non; committee, Lyle Hopper, Brus
sels, and Theodore Heber, Zurich.
And his Cascade Music .at the
Royal-T Thursday nights. Admission
50 cents. A dance you will enjoy.
Celebrated Golden Wedding
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Guest, Wadena,
Sask., former Wingham residents, re
cently celebrated their 50th wedding
anniversary. ,
School Board Make Presentation
At their meeting held last week the
members of the Public School Board
presented Rev. J. F. Anderson, who
has been their colleague on the board
for some time, with a key ring and an
initialed billfold.
To Teach at Listowel
-iMiss. Beatrice Joynt, who has been
on the staff of the public school here
for the past twelve years, has resigned
her position and will teach at Listowel
commencing with (the fall term. Miss
Joynt has been art instructor at the
school. On behalf of her friends, we
wish her much happiness and success..
Adjt. Goodale Being Married
Adjt. E. Goodale of'the Salvation
Army, left here last week for Essex.
She is being married to-day, Wednes
day, to Capt. H. McCombes, also an
Army officer. They will reside in
Montreal. Adjt. Goodale was a very
popular officer and will be greaitly
missed in this community where she
endeared herself to a host of friends.
St. Andrew’s W.M.S.
The regular mouthy meeting of St.
Andrew’s W.M.S. was held last week
with Mrs. D. Jiae presiding. Fallow
ing the opening exercises a season of
prayer for the success of our cause in
the war was led by Mrs. H. MacLean,
Mrs. E. Harrison, Mrs. Nicholson.
Mrs. J. Raby gave a Bible reading and
Miss F. Wilson Hie Glad Tidings
prayer. The report of the Presbyterial
held at Brusels, was given by (Mrs.
W. Hammond and Mrs. W. J. Hend
erson. Mrs. W. S. Mitchell gave the
dedicatory prayer. The topic “The In
dian Church Defined’’ was ably taken
by Mrs. Henderson. Mrs. Williams
sang a solo. A mission band rally for
this district ‘will be held in the church
here July 3rd with Miss Anna Me*
Kay, of Toronto, as guest speaker.
The regular meeting of the Lions’
Club took the form of a Ladies’ Night
and was held at the Alps Golf Club.
President Fred Spry introduced the
guest speaker of the evening, Rev. J.
F, Anderson, who spoke on the Brit;
ish Empire. Elis address was mdst
timely and interesting. The president
introduced the new officers for 1940-
41, and W, A. Galbraith took over
the meeting when patriotic songs were
featured with Bob Spittai leading the
singing. Elal MacLean introduced Mr.
Bob Morehead, of Palmerston, who
entertained with impersonations and
comic skits. The meeting closed with
the National Anthem.
On Thursday evening sixteen girl
friends of Miss Eva Rintoul, bri*de-to-
be of this month, gathered at the
home of Miss Phyllis Johns, in her
honour; Following an evening of
games Miss Rintoul was presented'
with a beautiful modernistic walnut
end table,. after' which a social time
was spent over the tea cups.
Another gathering was'held on Fri
day evening in Miss Rintoul’s honour
when Mrs. R. Eldon McKinney, of
Toronto, entertained at the home of
Mrs. W. W. Gurney. During the ev
ening among other interesting things
a scrap book was made and presented
to Miss Rintoul.
Dance at Powell’s School
On Friday, June 21s,t. In aid of the
Red Cross. Admission 25c. Lunch.
On Trip to Pacific Coast
Mr. S. S. Campbell, C.P.R. ticket
agent, and’Mrs. Campbell, left on Fri
day for a month’s trip through the
Canadian West to the Pacific coast.
Mr. P. Caesar, of Medonte, is reliev
ing Mr. Campbell. •
Underwent Operation
Marvin Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Brown, Shuter St., underwent an
operation in Wingham ^General Hos
pital, on Wednesday evening, for the
removal of a ruptured appendix. His*
many friends wish him a speedy .re
Engagement Announcement
Mr. Raymond R. Redmond, East
Wawanosh, announces the engage
ment of his niece, Miss Grace Marie
Redmond, to Mr. William Patrick
O’Malley, Toronto; the marriage .to
take place at Sacred Heart Church,
St. Augustine on June 26th.
Legion Auxiliary Donate
The Ladies’ Auxiliary to the Wing
ham Legion donated $30 toward the
purchase of an ambulance which the
various .auxiliaries are donating to the
government. They also gave tile Red
Cross a pair of blankets, this being in
addition to their regular donation.
Anniversary Services and
Garden Party
Anniversary services will be observ
ed in Knox Presbyterian Church,
Bluevale, on Sunday, June 23rd, at 11
a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Rev. A. Hunter
Palmer, D.D., of Palmerston, will be
the guest speaker. Special music. The
Male Choir ,of St. Andrew’s Presby
terian Church, Wingham, will have
charge of the music at (the evening
service. The Anniversary Garden Par
ty will be held at the Church.on Tues
day evening, June 25th. A cold meat
supper served from six to eight. Mac-
Duff Copeland, Scotland’s most versa
tile entertainer, and Kenneth Duff,
brilliant London violinist, will supply
the programme. Admission, adult® 35
cents, children 25c.
W. C. T. U.
The June meeting of ithe W. C. T.
U.- was held at the home of Mrs. J.
Kelly Friday afternoon with the pres
ident, Mrs. A.,E. Lloyd, in the chair.
Mrs. R. J. Tindall offered prayer and
Miss Lewis read a JJsalm. Mrs. Lloyd
led in prayer and- Miss Hoover sang
a sold, The clip, sheet was reviewed.
Short readings were given by Mrs.
Lloyd and Mrs. Tindall. It was de
cided to purchase hymn books and
some literature on smoking. Mrs.
Loney, Mrs. Gemmil, Miss Bolt, Mrs.
Kelly gave readings. A duet was rend
ered by the Misses Phippen, and (Miss
Louise Kelly gave a recitation. A
short prayer was offered .by each of
the fourteen ladies present that Di
vine guidance be given to our leaders
of the nation and those of the Allies
during this time of stress.
Society Is Away To A Good Start
A membership drive for the newly
formed Wingham Patriotic Society got
under way Saturday and latest reports
show an 'enrolment of a large num
ber already (392). .
This society is not a money raising
organization, but /it is hoped that ev
ery citizen of Wingham will avail
themselves of the opportunity to join.
The membership fee is modes, 25c,
which will be used for the exclusive
benefit of our soldiers.
The society has .as its object the re
cording and contacting of. all service
men from Wingham and the immedi
ate vicinity, district served by Wing
ham rural routes, the stimulating of
patriotic zeal and effort, neutralizing
aniti-British or defeatist ideas.
The membership committee state
their immediate -objective is 1,000
members, and with the full co-opera
tion of all, this objective can be reach
ed. f" ,
The work being undertaken by the
Patriotic Association wall not in any
way conflict with the work of exist
ing service organisations, such as the
Red Cross Society, bu$ the Associa
tion will put forth every effort to as
sist these organizations in every way
they can. ,
The Hurons will renew their battles
with the Meaford Knights a-t the
Town Park Saturday afternoon.
These teams had' a great series for
the championship last fall. This-game
should be even better. Be on hand to
see this fast game.
Annual Garden Party
Will be held at McIntosh United
Church, Tuesday, June 25th. Straw
berry supper served from six to eight.
Programme by The Whitechurch Y.
P. U. presenting the three act comedy
“Money, Money, Money”. Admission
35 cents and 20 cents.
Institute to Meet June 27th
The regular meeting of the Wo
men’s Institute will be held in the
Council Chamber at 2.30 p.m. Thurs
day, June 27th. Roll Call—Sugges
tions for Money Making. Report of
the District Annual meeting will be
■given. Hostesses: Mrs. J. West, Mrs.
C, Martin, Mrs. V. Sanderson, Mrs.
J. Halliday.
Took Post Graduate Work
Mr. F. ,.F. Homuth, Optometrist,
has returned to his home in Harriston
after having spent some time taking a
Post Graduate course in Optometry
at Toronto University and the On
tario College of Optometry. The prin
ciple subjects covered on the course
were recognition of Ocular Diseases,
’ Psychology, Treatment of Myopia and
Presbyopia, Campimetry and Motor
ists Vision Tests.
Over $1,000,000 To Be Spent
An expenditure of more than $1,-
000,000 to establish an. air navigators’
school under the air training scheme
at Port Albert, was announced by Air
Minister Power in the House of Com
In addition, $42,100 has been set
aside for development of the Huron
County airport, just north of Goder
ich, for military purposes.
At the Fort Albert site, $304,800 has
been provided for the establishment
of the air field and $700,000 allotted
for the buildings and equipment there.
It, was learned that the air training
board selected 800 acres in Ashfield
Township, near the lakeside village of
Port Albert as the site of the new
This level piece of property is now
Occupied by eight farms, and is under
option to- the Government. The site
was first scouted by Leigh Creighton,
a veteran aviator, during a visit to ithe
Sky Harbor airport, Goderich, last
July. There is a drop of only two feet
in the entire 800 acres, which is en
tirely clear of bush.
The site is bounded on the west by
Hie Blue Water Highway, on the
north-by the 4th concession of Ash
field, on the east by the first side road
and on the south by the Nine Mile
River. The land in the area comprises
the Richardson, Stevenson, Dickson,
McGee, McKenzie, Mays and McMil
lan farms,
Gathering Will Be Held at Clinton
Sunday Neat **
Under the auspices of the Council
of the County of Huron a County Pat
riotic Mass Meeting will be held in
the Agricultural Park, Clinton, at 2,30
p.m., on Sunday next, June 23rd.
Prominent speakers will be present
to discuss war'subjects. The object
of the meeting is to encourage and
assist the Government to extend its
war effort, Duncan Kennedy, of town,
is on the committee to arrange speak
ers* and H. C, MacLean is a member
of the publicity committee,
A very large number of the mem
bers of Wingham Lodge, A.F. & A.M.
No. 286, G.R.C., attended the annual
Divine Service on Sunday evening
which was held in the United Church.
It was one of the largest turn-outs
that the lodge has had in some time.
Rev. J. F. Anderson chose for his
text “Up from the darkness to the
light,” Genesis 1, verse 3. The Scrip
ture reading was Acts 9: 1-22. The
choir rendered two anthems “The
Splendors of Thy Glory, Lord” and
“Let There Be Light.” Mr. Bert Cul-
limore sang “The Lord’s Prayer” as
a solo.
Services of Intercession
Are being held in St. Paul's Church
each day, except Saturday, from five
Until five-twenty o’clock in the after
“Balalaika” Showing at Lyceum
This Thurs., Fri., Sat., the Lyceum
Theatre presents the ’ special picture
“BALALAIKA” starring Nelson Ed
dy and Ilona Massey.
Early Strawberries
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jensen picked
lucious ripe strawberries in their
garden on Sunday. This is early for
such fruit in this district.
Baseball Draw Postponed
Due to circumstances over which
the baseball club have no control the
club draw has been postponed until
the Meaford game July 20th.
To Attend Grand Lodge
Mr. John P. McKibbon will attend
(the annual meeting of the I.O.O.F.
Grand Lodge which is being held in
Guelph, Thursday and Friday.
Tried to Enlist
Don Rich, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben
Rich, and Wm. Fitzpatrick, son -of Mr.
and Mrs. Ed. Fitzpatrick? failed to get
into the army. Botth boys were turn
ed down as medically unfit for Al
Graduated from Bruce Hospital
Seven young women comprised the
graduation class of the Bruce County
ad the special exercises held at the
town hall, Walkerton. It was the last
graduating class from this institution
as henceforth, according to provincial
regulations, no more training classes
will be held and only graduate nurses
will be on the staff of ithe hospital.
The graduating class of 1940 com
prised Misses Helen C. Collins, of
Ripley; Margaret A. Edgar, of Wrox-
eter; Elizabeth K. McKenzie, of Luck
now; Edith E. McGill, of Paisley;
Nellie M. Fyfe, of Harriston; Eliz
abeth Ward, of Kemble; Ruth L.
Hoffman and Stella M. Finlayson, of
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Hingston and
family were week-end visitors wit|h
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George
' The annual Home Helpers meeting
of the Goforth Auxiliary of St. And
rew’s Presbyterian Church was held
in the Sunday School rooms Monday
afternoon. The ladies quilted crib
quilts for the layette after which a pot
luck supper was served.
The regular monthly mertihg was
held following the supper. In the ab
sence of the president, Mrs. H. Bate
man, 1st vice president, occupied the
chair. The Scripture reading was tak
en by Mrs. W. W. Gurney and Miss
D. Lloyd led in prayer. a A report of
the Provincial meeting held in April
at Toronto, was given by Mrs. Ken*
neth MacLean. Mrs.- Nelson Pickell
gave a piano solo atid ithe dedicatory
prayer was taken by Mrs. Calvert.
The topic “The Goforths of China”
was taken by Mrs, Geo, Stott, _
$10.00 For Both First and Second
The cash prizes for the Wingham
Bank Nite draw at the Town Hall,
9.30 p.m,, on Saturday night, amount
to 3$3.00 -— First prize is $10.00 and
the second prize is ithe same amount,
$10,00, Imagine, two first prizes for
.one night, Other prizes are: 3rd,
$1.00; 4th, $2.00; 5th, $1.00; 6th, $2,00;
7, 8, 9, IQ, 11, 12 and 13th prizes $1.00
each. Who will be the lucky winners
this week?
Winners Last Week
1st, $10.00, Mrs. Walter Wood, R,
R. 1, Wingham; 2nd, $5.00, not called
for; 3rd, $1.00, Mrs, Harry Angus,
Wingham; 4th, $1.00, not called for;
Sth, $1.00, Mrs. F. Sturdy; 6th, $1.00,
not called for; 7th, $2,00, West Haugh
R.R. 1, Wingham; 8th, $1,00, Mrs, Art
Scott, Belgrave; 9th, $1.00, Louise
Deyell, Wingham; 10th, $1.00, Bob
Gibson, Wroxeter; 11th, $1.00, (Mrs.
Ffank Stamper, Bluevale; 12th, $1.00,
Miss Inez Finlay, Wroxeter; 13th,
$1.00, not called for.
Where to Shop to Win
C. Merkley, F. Caskinette; J. Reav-
ie, W. A. Heughan, H. Fryfogle, F.
Carter, T. Field & Co., Percy Stain
ton, C. H. McAvoy, Petersons’, Huron
Motors, King Bros., Greer’s, Domin
ion Store, Isard’s, Mason & Son,
Smith’s Grocery, J. W. McKibbon’s,
Hydro Shop, Rae & Son, Machan
Bros., Green Front, Geo. Olver, A. J.
Walker. T. H. Gibson, Hanna’s Lad
ies Store; Hanna’s Men’s Store; Wil
lis Shoe Store, Walker Stores, Foxton
Dairy, Tervitt’s Dairy, W. R. Hamil
ton, E. Williams, A. iMitchell, E. Wil
kinson, A. M. Crawford, Armitages’,
C. Templeman, M. Johnsop, R.-Camp
bell, Bert Armstrong, Frank Watson,
MacLean Lumber & Coal Co.
At a meeting of the Evening Aux
iliary of .the United Church held at
the home of Miss Blanche Bennett
on Tuesday evening, Rev. J. F. And
erson was presented with two novel
vojtimes, novel in that each page con
tained a favorite passage of poetry
or verse of a member of the congre
gation and their signature. Mr. Ander
son was delighted and will in future
years be in a position to visit Wing
ham by turning the pages of these
books. ,
Garden Party June 21st
At Ebenezer Church, Browntown.
Cold Mead spuper followed by the 3-
act play “Taking The Count” by the
Walton Young People. Admission 35
cents and 25 cents.
Engagement Announced
Mr. and Mrs. 1. J. McManus, Nor-
anda, Quebec, announce the engage-,
ment of their daughter, Mary Eliza
beth Genevieve, to Joseph Henry Ev
ans, B.Sc., Cadillac, Quebec, only son
of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Evans, Wing
ham, Ontario. The marriage will take
■place early in July.
Play at Whitechurch June 19th
The Whitechurch Y.P.U. is present
ing a 3-act Comedy Drama “Money,
Money, Money” in the Institute Hall,
Whitechurch, on June 19th, at 8.15
p.m. Admission 25c and 15c, Anyone
wishing to secure this play for-future
engagements should get in touch with
Clarence McClenaghan.
Former Wingham Vet Accepted
Bert Williams, of Walkerton, left to
join the Veterans’ Home Guard. Bert
is a former Winghamite, a brother of
Ed. Williams. He, with some other
Veterans from Walkerton, were exam
ined for the home guard but all were
turned down but Shortly after Bert
got word to report. None of the local
vets who were examined passed the
Junior W. A. Meet at Goderich
The Junior W. A., and Church Boys’
League of St. Paul’s, Wingham, at
tended a very successful Q Deanery
Conference held at Goderich on Sat
urday last, opening with a service of
worship in St. George’s Church. In
the parish hall a splendid program
was given with each branch contrib
uting, St, Paul’s Jr, W. A. offering a
splendid world missionary call exem
plified through a brief play. Miss
Brown, of Goderich, gave an illustrat
ed talk on “Heroes of the Lonely
Trail,” Following votes of apprecia
tion, Rev. E. O. Gallagher and Rev.
A. C, Calder gave brief addresses and
a lunch was served on the rectory
I grounds.
I.O.O.F, Out In Full Force For*This
Special Service
A large number of the members
Maitland Lodge, I.O.O.F. and visiting
breathren, also many citizens, attend
ed the Oddfellows' decoration service
at the Cemetery on Sunday afternoon*
The service was in charge of Bro. Carl
Dean with Bro. Andrew Shiell as-
Following the reading of itlie names
of the departed brethren by Bro, Wm,
Young, each grave was decorated with
a potted plant, The male chorus of
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church
sang two numbers “The Lord Is My
Shepherd” and “Steal Away.” A very
impressive address was given by Rev,
Bro. F. G. Fowler of Bluevale.
The service was concluded with the
hymn “God be with you till we mee.t
again”, prayer by the chaplain and
“God Save the King.”
Miss L. Hoover, who has been a,
deaconess at the City Mission here
for (the past year and a half,-is leaving
for the Port Hope Mission on Friday.
On Tuesday evening members and ad
herents of the City Mission gathered
at the Mission and presented her with
a comb, brush and mirror set. Miss
Hoover has endeared herself to many
in this community and on their behalf
we wish her continued success in her
Miss Hazel Bunyan, of Petr.olia„
will /take over Miss Hoover’s duties;,
here this week.
Scott Family Re-Union
The annual Scott family re-union
will be held at Pike Lake, near Har
riston, on Saturday, this week, June
22nd. •
To Teach at Junction School
Miss Marie King, of Brussels, has
been engaged to teach at the Wing
ham Junction School, replacing Miss
Norma Caldwell who resigned.
City Mission Services
Miss M. L. Hood, returned Mission
ary from Nigeria, West Africa, gave
an illustrated address in the Young
People’s meeting at the City Mission
Thursday night. This address was
very interesting and helpful. The ser
vices at the City Mission were well
attended Sunday. At 3 p.in. Rev. R.,
Beech, of Pt. Elgin, gave a very
searching message on the subject of
“Forgetting God.” In the evening ser
vice Miss L. Hoover gave her fare
well address.
Sunday evening at St. Paul’s Angli
can Church, the rector, Rev. E. O.
Gallagher, made awards to several or
ganizations. Following the Children's
address, members of the Order of the.
Morning Star were presented with
■service stars. For two years attend
ance at morning worship: Mary Forb
es, Helen Forbes, Jean Town, Patsy
Gallagher, Barbara McKay, Allan
McKay, Lionel Gallagher, George
Awards for eighteen months: Jac
queline Currie, Gwen Baker, John
Armitage, Wilbert Hart, David Hart..
Awards for part of first year: Mavis-
and Iris Newell.
Ernest Miller was presented with,
the Robert Raikes diploma for success
in examinations for 1939 of the Sun
day School by Post, and Donald Mill
er received the awards for two years*’
successful work.
Presentation® were made by Mr.
Gordon Kidd, Sunday School Super
The rector then called for the.
Church Boys’ League to come to the
chancel steps, Wilbert Hart, Allan
Wild, Ross Johnson and Maitland
Breen were received into membership
■and given their cards and pins. Allan
Wild and Wilbert Hart received the
C.B.L, crest, and then John Armitage,
George Town, Lionel Gallagher ahd
Allan McKay were presented with the
missionary badge earned through suc
cessful study and tesit in the book of
study for 1939. These four boys wrote;
the Dominion examinations.
The junior W, A. awards were
made to members achieving regularity
in attendace at meetings, and active
work. These awards were made to,
Gloria Swanson, (Mary Forbes, Mary
Lu Connell, Gwen Baker, Helen Forb*
es, Helen Sturdly, Barbara McKay*
Patricia Gallagher,