HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1940-06-13, Page 1Single Copies Five Cents Subscriptions $2.00 Per Year vuiasunrjs! With Which Is Amalgamated The Gorrie Vidette and Wroxeter News. WINGHAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 13th, 1940 ■ . »* Justify FIELD DAY AT HAR­ RISTON JUNE 26th .Judging, Music and Other' Items Sponsored by Clydesdale Fanciers . At a meeting of Clydesdale fa'nciers from the counties of Bruce, Huron and Wellington, held in Harriston, it was decided to hold a Field Day on the farm of Donald Wilkinson, Har­ riston, on Wednesday, June 26th. The first field day for this section was held on this farm in 1939 and it was so successful it was felt that it should be repeated in 1940. The meeting decid­ ed that the Field Day .in 1941 would go to Huron County and in 1942 to Bruce County, A program of judging classes, mus­ ic and other -items is being prepared and all Clydesdale fanciers in West­ ern Ontario are invited. The meeting decided to use local horses in the de­ monstrations. The meeting was in charge of John 'Gilstorf, Vice-President of the On­ tario Clydesdale Club and also a dir­ ector for this portion of Ontario. 3 Big Nights of Dancing Tues., June 4th; Tues., June 11th; Tues., June 18th, at Cedar Crescent "Casino, Port Elgin. Willis Tipping .and his Cascade Rhythm Orchestra. Dancing 9 to 1. Admission 50c. & Engagement Announced Mr. and Mrs. William .nounce t,he engagement of ■ond eldest daughter, Mildred Jane, to Mr. George Carroll, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Carroll, Toronto, .marriage to take place in June. Field their sec­ an- The UNITED CHURCH W. M. S. MEETING The regular meeting of the United "Church Women’s Missionary Society was held in the ^Sunday School Room on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. (Rev.) Anderson had charge of the devotion- -al hour. The theme again .this month was a -continuation of Christian Stewardship. Mrs. Anderson gave a very interesting talk on this topic. She said that us­ ually when we thought of stewardship we thought in terms of money, but we should rather think' in terms of •talents, service and personality. Our personality is tihree-fold, mind, body •and spirit, and Mrs. Anderson urged .as a means to self development that we read and memorize portions of the Holy Scripture, be faithful in church .attendance and fervent in prayer. The Scripture was taken from St. Luke 11, verses 1 to 13, and was read by Mrs. Heisler. After a period of sil­ ent prayer Mrs. Field led audibly in prayers for our Church, our -W. M. S., our missionaries, especially for Miss Wellwood in China, and for ourselves that we may grow in Christian grace and character. Mrs. Greer presided for the busi­ ness portion of the meeting.. After the. reading of the minutes by Mrs. Coutts reports were given by the leaders of the work groups. These reports show­ ed that each group had a very satis­ factory account to give of the half- year just passed, , | The committee which had charge of the arrangements for the visit to the home of Mrs. Scott,, said it was decid­ ed to go Thursday, June 20th. It is hoped every member will take advant­ age of this outing. Anyone wishing to go, be at the church and 2 o’clock and transportation will be provided. A very interesting program is being prepared and tall who go will be as­ sured of a very pleasant afternoon. Mrs. Greer read several letters from those who had received goods fr.om the bales we sent tooths West. Some of these people had had no crops for ten years and the letters showed their appreciation for the efforts made to gather and send these goods. A let­ ter received from M.iss Wellwood, tell­ ing of the destruction of her .hospital, was also read. , A splendid display of the work done by the different missionary organiza­ tions vatid intended for the bale, was shown and much appreciated. Mrs. Greer closed the meeting with the reading of Ephesians 6, beginning at the 6th verse, and the singing of our National Anthem. The Scripture reading was very applicable to condi­ tions at the present time and had been quoted by Hon. R. B. Bennett, at the closing of an address given by him on behalf of the Red Cross work, on the radio, only a short time ago. Don’t forget to come With Us to the home of Mrs, Scott Thursday, June 26th. SCOUTS ATTENDED DISTRICT SERVICE 350 Rovers, Scouts, Cubs, Girl Guides and Brownies Gathered at Mitchell Headed by Commissioner J. R. M. Spittai, Scout Masters C. Deans, J, Preston, Benson Hamilton and Cub Master E, Q. Gallagher, 25 scouts and cubs of the local .organization attend­ ed the Huron District church parade and service at Mitchell Sunday even­ ing. The service was held in the Main Street United Church. The address was given by Ontario Scout Field Commissioner C. V, Munn, of London, who based his remarks on the Three Scout Laws. Troops were presents from Exeter, Seaforth, Goderich, Wingham, Clin­ ton,^Listowel, Milverton and Mitchell. DECORATION SERVICE SUNDAY, JUNE 16th Rev. F. G. Fowler Will Be Guest Speaker Maitland Lodge, No. 119, I.O.O.F., will hold their annual decoration ser­ vice Sunday next, June 16th. The guest speaker will be Bro. Rev. F. G. Fowler, of Bluevale. The members will leave the lodge room at 3 o’clock, driving to Cemetery corner. St. And­ rew’s male chorus will render two sel­ ections and lead in the singing. Brethren of the Order, I.O.O.F., are cordially invited -to attend. Read Greer’s Ad.—It will pay you. Legion to Meet June 17th A meeting of the Wingham Branch of the Canadian Legion will be held at the Armouries at 8 p.m. on Mon­ day,' June 17th. All members are urg­ ed to be present. School Fair Dates Two school fairs will be held in <this district this year. Gorrie School Fair for Howick and district will be held on Thursday, Sept. 12th and Bel­ grave School Fair, the largest school fair in the province, will' be held on Thursday, Sept. 19th, Play at Whitechurch June 19th The Whitechurch Y.P.U, is present­ ing a 3-act Comedy Drama “Money, Money, Money” in the Institute Hall, Whitechurch, on June 19th, at 8.15 p.m. Admission 25c and 15c. Anyone wishing to secure this play for future engagements should get in touch with Clarence McClenaghan. ’ Garden Party at Bluevale Under the auspices of the,United Church, Bluevale, a Garden Party will be held on Tuesday, June 18th. Cold Meat Supper served at the Church from 6 to 8, followed by the play, “Back Again Home Town” portrayed by the Belgrave Young People’s Un­ ion. Admission 35c and 20c, Awards To Be Presented Sunday On Sunday morning, June 16th, St. Paul’s Church, members of the Church Boys’ League will receive Crests and Badges, won through the past season. Members of the Order of the Morning Star will be presented with second year service awards, and two members of the Sunday School by Post, who .have passed the Sunday School examinations, will receive cer­ tificates. Cow Killed by Car An accident occurred, on Sunday night on the third concession of Mor­ ris Township when a car driven by Louis Curty struck a cattle beast own­ ed by Nelson Higgins. According to information given the police a herd of cattle, owned by Higgins, broke out onto the road. The driver of the car noticed them on the side of the road, but figured they would not try to pass. One did, however, and was killed. It was valued ot approximate­ ly $85.00. Holy Name Raly at St. Augustine More than 400 memberfs of the Holy Name Society of Goderich, Kings­ bridge, St Augustine, Wingham, Brussels and Lucknow' renewed their pledges at St Augustine Roman Cath­ olic Church. The pledge was -given by Rev. J. F. Paquette, of Sacred Heart Church, Wirigham. Rev. J. R, Quig­ ley, of St Joseph’s Church, Kings­ bridge, Officiated at the holy hour dur­ ing which the blessed, sacrament was exposed. Present in the sanctuary were Rev. Fathers Nagel and'Fallon, of St, Peter’s Church ill Goderich, and Rev. E. J. McMahbn, of St. Augustine. Rev. F. Ereiburger, C.it and director of London, was the special speaker, in CHURCH FILLED FOR FLOWER SERVICE The annual flower Sunday and an-> niversary of the Sunday School of Wingham United, Church was held on Sunday morning, the church being fill­ ed to overflowing. The front of the church represented a garden with ■trees, grass, trellises and arbors, which was filled with flowers carried by the children in the floral procession, dur­ ing which Dorothy Hamilton sang, “We’re Marching to Zion.” Front each side of the garden, floral stair-cases led to the gallery, at the end of each was a floral arch the entrance to a bower of evergreen, all symbolizing the ascent to everlasting life. Large baskets of flowers and evergreen trees decorated the entrances and body of the church to which was added the melody of singing birds. The mu­ sic wa.s led by a choir of sixty child­ ren, all in white surplices, who sung several choruses. It was mainly a children’s service, the congregation was welcomed by little Barbara Stain­ ton and Clare Hopper recited the Scripture, Matt. 6: 25-34. A song, ’’Forget- Me-Nots" by Jean and Joan Irwin; a selection, “Gifts Given to Thee,” by Floyd Jenkins; a motion song ’Bob-O-Link” by junior mem­ bers of the “Remember, Ross, were service. The special speaker was Miss Jean Ernst, of Detroit, who gave an illust­ rated talk on the spiritual life of the child, past, present and future. A lad­ ies’ trio from Toronto added to the music with two number “He Has Won Me By His Grace”- and “Higher Ground”. The service closed with the choir singing “Bless Us As We Go.” $20,00 BANK NITE DRAW PRIZE WON BY MRS, W, A. HEUGHAN Remember You Get a Lucky Ticket With Every 25c Spent at Wingham Bank Nite Stores. $27.00 Will Be Drawn For Saturday Night at 9.30 O’clock. HON, N. ROGERS DIES IN PLANE CRASH All Canada was stunned on Mon­ day when word was received that Hon. Norman Rogers, National Defence Minister, was killed in a plane crash near Newtonville, Ont,, as he was be­ ing flown to Toronto to give a talk to the Empire Club, Three others met death in the accident. They were: Flying Officer John James Cotter, of E. WAWANOSH LAD WAS BADLY BURNED Alvin Currie Had Leg Scorched by Gasoline Fire, PATRIOTIC SOCIETY WAS FORMED HERE Mr, W, H. French Was Elected President, school, and a recitation, God Is Love” by Mary interesting parts of the STILL TIME TO DONATE BLANKETS In view of the serious situations which have developed during the past few days, the local Red Cross are ex­ tending the time for receiving blank­ ets until Saturday, June 15th. They realize that there are many in the town and surrounding country who have not yet given, and who will now be anxious to contribute their small share to alleviate the suffering of our wounded soldiers in the hospitals, and to add a little comfort to the homeless refugees. The need is great, will all who can give a blanket leave them at the Red Cross rooms or with the Town Clerk by Saturday of this week. Blankets must be wool and in goo'd condition, any size or color. Shipped Horses to France Mr. J. J. Fryfogle shipped two car­ load of horses to France last week. The horses weighed 1150 to 1400 lbs. It is quite some time since that many horses went from Wingham in one shipment. Engagement Announced Mr. and Mrs. Edward Small an­ nounce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Beverley Muriel, to Charles Thomas Davidson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davidson, of Brussels, the marriage to take place the latter part of June. Huron Old Boys’ Annual Picnic The Huron Old Boys’ Association and The Huron County Junioi* Assoc­ iation are holding their Anual Picnic at Exhibition Park, west of the Hor­ ticultural Building, on Wednesday, June 19th. All Huronites add their friends are invited. An interesting sports program has been arranged. Basket supper at six. Tea, coffee, milk and ice cream will be supplied. BENSON HAMILTON IS TRANSFERRED Ken Johnson Joins Dominion Bank Staff Mr. Benson Hamilton, of the Do­ minion Bank Staff, will leave for the Gravenhur&t branch after two weeks vacation; Red Johnson, Son of Mr. and Mrs, Murray Johnson, has been taken on the staff as junior clerk. Benson has been a useful citizen. He took a great interest in Boy Scout work and for the past few years has been a Scout Master. He was also a valuable member of the band and was treasurer of this organization. An ac­ tive member of St. Andrew’s West­ minster Guild, lie is a past president of the Guild. Benson will be greatly missed here ahd on behalf of the Citi­ zens of this community’we wish him every success. . There is excitement aplenty in Wingham every Saturday night when the Bank Nite Draw is made. Re­ member that every 25c you spend at a Wingham Bank Nite store you re­ ceive a lucky ticket. Buy at Wing­ ham Bank Nite Stores and be a cash winner. Winners Last Week 1st, $20.00, Mrs. W. A. Heughan, 'Wingham; 2nd, $5.00, Mrs. Geo. R, Scott, Wingham; 3rd, $1,00, Bob Chit­ tick; 4t'n, $1.00, Telford Cook, Bel­ grave; Sth, $3.00, Elmer Wilkinson, Wingham; 6th, $1.00, Fred Lott, Wingham; 7th, $1.00 not called, 7th prize will be $2.00 this week; 8th, $1.00, Art Scott, Belgrave; 9th, $1.00, Mrs. Milt Sellers, Wroxeter; 10th, $1.00, Anna Chittick, Wingham; 11th, $1.00, Paul Hastings, R.R. 4, Wing­ ham; 12th, $1.00 Mrs. Leslie Bryce. A draw will also be made for a 13th prize of $1.00. This prize was not drawn the first night and has not yet been claimed. Who will be lucky 13 Saturday night? $27.00 in Cash Prizes This Week The prizes for this week are, 1st, $10.00; 2nd, $5.00; 3rd $1.00; 4th, $1.00; 5th, $1,00; 6th, $11)0; 7th, $2.00; 8th, $1.00; 9t,h, $1.00; 10th, $1.00; 11th, $1.00; 12th, $1.00; 13th, $1.00. Thir­ teen cash prizes this Saturday night. Who will be the lucky winners? Buy at Wingham Bank Nite Stores and be a I While playing in his grandfather’s gravel pit on Thursday, Alvin Currie, 13-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs’. Geo, Currie, East Wawanosh, had his leg severely burned. He was playing about the pit and threw some gasoline on a fire, mistaking for oil, so that a mosquito smudge would form, The gasoline blazed up so quickly that the boy could not get away from the blaze quickly enough with the result his leg was burned badly from the knee to the ankle. Dr. W. A. McICib- bon treated the wound and the boy is getting .along nicely at .his parents’ home. MASONIC LODGE TO ATTEND SERVICE Masons to Attend United Church in a Body Sunday Evening winner, i ; Must Be In Wingham To Win The holders of the numbers that are drawn must be present at the draw, which is made at the town Hall at 9,30 o’clock, Saturday night, to win a prize, or it may be claimed up to 12.00 midnight, the nite of the draw, at Mason’s. The lucky numbers will be posted on five bulletin boards along main street following the draw. Be A Winner Shop at Wingham Bank Nite Stores for best values and get a lucky ticket with .every 25 cents you spend. Hon. Norman Rogers Halifax; Aircraftsman Oscar David Brownfield, Big River, Sask.; Air­ craftsman James Edward Nesbitt, of Saskatoon. Evidence indicated all four were killed instantly. Eyewitnesses told of hearing the machine pass over the dis­ trict with motors roaring. It was fly­ ing low, the pilot apparently following a railway line. Suddenly it nosedived into a thick­ et, snapping three limbs as it went. One witness, looking from a gasoline station on a highway nearby, said the machine disappeared behind a hill. Al­ most immediately flames sprang up above the trees. It was announced that Air Minist­ er Power would be acting minister of national defence until the Cabinet va­ cancy is filled. On Sunday evening next, June 16th, the members of Wingham Lodge A. F. & A.M. No. 286, G.R.C., will at­ tend divine service in the United Church. The brethren will assemble at the lodge and parade from there to the church. White Shoes — For the whitest Whites, and newest styles, call at Greer’s Shoe Store. HERB. FULLER LEADS DEANERY A.Y.P.A. HAND IN SOLDIERS’ NAMES AT ONCE Patriotic Society to Enlist Members The Patriotic Society require the names of all men who have enlisted from Wingham and the area served by Wingham Post Office. Dr. R. C. Redmond is the chairman of the com­ mittee. Please give this matter im­ mediate attention. The society formed a membership committee with Fred W. Spry as chairman. The fees for members Will be 25c. Join at once. Do not wait to be asked. Preached at St. Paul’s Rev. J. A. Roberts, of Milestone, Saskatchewan, in the diocese of Qu’- Appelle, was the gue&t preacher in St. Paul’s Church Sunday. Rev. Roberts is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Rob­ erts. Form Red Cross Sewing Club The Altar Society of the Sacred Heart Church have organized a Red Cross Sewing Club. The first meeting was held on Thursday at the home of the President, Mrs. Chris. Newman Jr. with a good attendance. All the ladies of the parish are urged to attend these meetings as the sewing is urgent. HIGHLAND LIGHT INFANTRY ARE NOW RECRUITING The Highland Light Infantry of Canada,- under the command of Lt.- Col, J. A, McIntosh, is being mobil­ ized in Bruce, Perth, Wellington and Waterloo. Young men of good character desiring to enlist in this unit should present themselves for inter­ view as soon as they cotiventiently can to the recruiting officer of the regi­ ment at Stratford, Kitchener or Galt Men when selected and medically fit, will proceed for preliminary training to .the barracks at Stratford. This is thought to be a time when young Canadians must rally to the’ de­ fense of Canada and the Empire. The Deanery A.Y.P.A. meeting at Goderich last week; held a most suc­ cessful rally, with an unusually large number of young people in attendance. The meeting adopted a resolution of the nominating committee, calling for the appointment of the following new executive: President—Herb. Fuller, Wingham. Vice Pres.—Miss Winters, Clinton. Sec.—Miss M5 Calder, Goderich. Treas.—-Robt. Paulin, Wroxeter. The annual picnic is to be held Goderich on July 10th. County Council This Week The Huron County Council is meet­ ing this week. We will have a report of the proceedings in our next issue. Small Fire The fire brigade had a call to a small fire at Wm. Hutton’s resi­ dence on Frances St. Saturday morn* ing. The brigade quickly had the blaze extinguished. Won Fourth Prize ” ' The Wingham Bowling Club was represented at the Goderich doubles on Wednesday by three pairs. A. M. Crawford and W. A. Miller won, fourth prize. : Attending Convention Dr. R. L. Stewart, Medical Officer of Health, is attending the Ontario Health Officers’ Association annual meeting in Toronto Thursday and Fri­ day this week. Received Degree Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Underwood were in Toronto on Thursday attend­ ing Convocation when their daughter, Ailein, received the degree of Bach­ elor of Household Science. A representative group of citizens gathered at the Council Chambers on Thursday night at the call of ths Mayor and Council and the result of this meeting was -the formation of a, Wingham Patriotic Association whose duty it will be to look after the wel­ fare of those who enlist, promote a. war consciousness among our citizens,., see that soldiers are suitably rememb­ ered and keep a record of all those; who join the army. The following were elected officerst Hon. Pres.—Mayor J. H. Crawford. President-—W. H. French. Vice Pres.—F. W. Spry. Secretary—-Gordon Kidd. Asst. Sec.-—W, W, Armstrong, Treas,—G, E. Northwood. Committee—Mrs. A. E. VanStone, Mrs. W. M. Connell, Major Kenneth Weaver, Dr, R. C. Redmond. Suggestions were requested by the president when he took the chair and the executive will take under advise­ ment besides the duties named above the holding of religious and prayer meetings, the visiting of families of departed soldiers and other patriotic endeavours. Resolutions Passed The following resolutions were passed dealing with the war effort and citizens of enemy origin. 1. That we, the Wingham Patriotic Society, do hereby endorse a resolu­ tion of the Wingham Legion that call­ ing upon the Government to take im­ mediate steps to conscript the man, power, wealth, national resources, business, industrial and other institu­ tions so that we may carry on our share of the war effort with the full vigor of our nation and that a copy of this statement be sent to the Prime Minister and our member of the Do­ minion Parliament. ..J 2. That we, the Wingham Patriotic society, do hereby endorse a resolution of the Wingham Legion urging the Government to register all citizens of enemy origin who have acquired Brit­ ish citizenship by naturalization and to give constituted authority the pp\Yj er to deal with such citizens in the same manner as unnaturalized aliens are dealt with if there is reason to be­ lieve that they are connected with en­ emy activity or sympathetic to the enemy aims and purposes, and that a copy of the above be sent to the Prime Minister and to our member of the Dominion Parliament. at Local Group to Attend Meeting The Church Boys' League and Jun­ ior Auxiliary of St, Paul’s Church will attend the Deanery Conference in Goderich on Saturday. George Towne is the president of the C.B.L. and Mary Forbes, president of the Junior W.A. Salem Garden Party June 19th The Annual Garden Party of Salem United Church will be held on the church lawn on Wednesday evening, June 19th. A cold meat supper will be served from 6 to 8 o’clock, after which a play will be presented by the Young People of Drew, entitled “Calm Yourself.” Admission, Adults 35c, Children 20c. Farm Boys Released from School The Junior forms at the High School finish writing their examina­ tions this week. The boys who live on farms and whose work was such that they could be recommended on their year’s work were allowed to leave school on Monday as there is a shortage of labour for farm work. Bowling Started Last Week The pleasant pastime of bowling got under way here last week when a number were at the greens on Wed­ nesday. On Friday afternoon the lad­ ies had a jitney and had supper at the club house. A mixed jitney to open the season was planned for Friday ening but was cancelled due to clement weather. EDUCATIONAL GROUP TO MEET JUNE 13th Trustees and Ratepayers of Huron County to G^her at Brussels ev- in- Plans are complete for a very inter­ esting meeting of the Trustees and Ratepayers of Huron County in the Library Hall, Brussels, at 1.30 p.m. Thursday, June 13th. The guest speaker will be Mr. Norman Davies, Inspector of Agricultural Classes. Inspectors Beacom, Kinkead and Game, Mr. Shearer, agricultural rep­ resentative, will be present. The work of the School Trustees’ and Ratepay­ ers’ Association will be outlined by Mr. M. A. Campbell, provincial secre­ tary of this association. Teachers, trustees, ratepayers and parents are invited to attend. WINGHAM MASONS NAME OFFICERS Election Held Last Week At the regular meeting of Wingham Lodge A.F. & A.M. No. 286 G.R.C., held last week the following officers were elected: I. P.M.—-Walter VanWyck, W.M.—A. B. Mitchell. S.W.—R. S. Hetherington. J. W.—A. J. Walken Chaplaih“Alex. Reid. Treas.—-W. A. Galbraith. Sec.—H. L. Sherbondy. S.D.—j. A. Young. J.D.—J. H. Crawford. I. G.—J. R. M. Spittai. S.S.—W. C. Adams. J. S.—W. S. Halt Tyler—Fred Carter. Auditors—W, G. Hamilton and Geo. Williams. The installation of the above offic­ ers will be held at the next regular meeting of the lodge. Injuries Fatal to Mildmay Man The injuries received by Francis Schmaltz, of Mildmay, in a motor ac­ cident Friday night near Elmwood, proved fatal. The young man passed away at a Toronto hospital Sunday night. Medical examination revealed that he had suffered a broken neck in three places' and a broken back. The lower part of his body was paralyzed. He was an outstanding athlete iu the district and played on football and hockey teams in Mildmay and Walk­ erton, Italy Joins Germany Italy joined Germany Monday in war against Great Britain and France. Premier Mussolini made the announ­ cement to Fascists gathered through­ out Italy. Mussolini’s announcement of the long-deferred decision from his balcony above Black Shirted thous­ ands packed in the square, and to mil­ lions at loud-speakers over the king­ dom came only as a partial surprise. It long had beeti anticipated. The It­ alian war aim as outlined by Musso­ lini is control of the Mediterranean by Italy, WILLIS TIPPING And his Cascade Music at the Royal-T Thursday nights. Admission 50 cents. A dance you will enjoy. MILTON BALL CLUB HERE SATURDAY Fans Should See A Fast, Snappi- Game. I Wingham baseball fans are in for a treat on Saturday afternoon, when j the Milton baseball team take on the Hurons in the Town Park, here, at 3.30 o’clock. The Milton team are a much travelled club and have a repu­ tation as an aggressive, hard-hitting gang. They were most anxious to get into the Inter-County League this year but the application was turned down, and the Miltonites are sure they were kept out of this grouping as they were greatly feared. They sure pack a lot of confidence, so be on hand to see tlxis swell game. Game gets under way at 3.30. Be there with the crowd.