HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1940-06-06, Page 8PAGE EIGHT WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, June 6th, 1940 Show Starts at 8.00 p.m. except Saturday. Saturday Night, Two Shows, at 7.45 and 9.45 p.m. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, June 6th, 7th, Sth ----- SPECIAL ------ ■AiSs . SPENCER TRACY h with A NANCY RICHARD I KELLY • GREENE 9 and V WALTER BRENNAN J CHARLES COBURN Sir Cedric HARDWICKE HENRY HULL HENRY TRAVERS Directed by Henry King' Also “Disney Cartoon” and “News” Admission: Adults 35c, Children 20c. Matinee Saturday Afternoon at 2.30 p.m. Matinee Admission: Adults 25c, Children 15c. The ladies of the Women’s Institute 1 will serve a tea on Tuesday, June 11, in the Hall here, commencing at 2,00 p.m. in aid of the Red Cross Society, _ A .good program is being prepared with Rev. E. O. Gallagher, of Wing-1 ham, as guest speaker. All the ladies I of the community are cordially invit-I ed to come along and help this cause. ■ An urgent appeal for woollen blan- ■ kets has been received from the Red Cross, ajid a splendid response is ex­ pected. The ladies are putting on an-. other dance on June 12, in aid of the : Red Cross, with the Gully Jumpers ; and Cactus Mac supplying the music. [ Several car loads of ladies are plan­ ning to attend the District Annual meeting, which is being held at Pine River this Thursday. ,Mrs. Archie Clow has been under the doctor’s care during the past week. Mrs. Henry McGee had the misfor­ tune to slip and fall on the floor in her kitchen on Monday evening, break her left hip bone, She was en to Wingham Hospital, Mr, and Mrs, J. F. McLean Jack, and Miss Jean Welwood’ visited Sunday at the home of the former’s brother, Rev. E. McLean of Toronto, and Mrs. J. G. Gillespie and Jack vis­ ited with Miss Winnifred and Miss Olive Farrier in Toronto. Mr. Harold Sprung, of Londesboro, has been visiting at the home of his aunt, Mrs. Clarence Cox, during the past week. A pleasant evening was spent last Tuesday night at the Presbyterian Church here. Mr. Jas. Laidlaw acted as chairman for a short program, and then tyfr. Tom Wilson read an address to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Reid and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rintoul, newlyweds of this district, and Mr. Gordon McGee and Mr. Kenneth Laidlaw presented each couple^with an occasional chair as a remembrance from the congre­ gation. Each of the four thanked the people for their kindness and thought­ fulness. Lunch was served and a soc­ ial hour enjoyed by all. Mr. James Weir, of London, spent the week-end at the home of his ther, Mrs. J. F. Davidson. EYES EXAMINED— GLASSES FITTED— AT MODERATE PRICES. R. A. Reid R. 0. Eyesight Specialist Wingham Office ‘ At Williams’ Jewelry Store Every Wednesday Morning 9 to°noon. I W'K: iV and tak- and was Mrs. Whiteman of the Brick Church in Wawanosh. She brought a I report of the London Conference Branch W. M. S. meeting. The Bluevale President, Mrs. R. J. McLennon, presided. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, June 9th, 10th, 11th GRETA GARBO MELVYN DOUGLAS “NINOTCHKA”4 Garbo laughs in this romantic comedy, which satir­ izes life and love in the Soviets. Also “Cartoon” * u An Outstanding Opportunity One Only Grandfather Clock Splendid Movement. Satisfaction Guaranteed. WILLIAMS THE JEWELLER WHITECHURCH Born—On Thursday, May 23rd, in Wingham Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack McIntyre, of Langside, a son. The services in the Presbyterian Church were withdrawn on Sunday on account of anniversary services at Cal­ vin Church. Miss Catharine Mowbray left Mon­ day to help Mr. and Mrs. James Pol­ lock, of Pine River. Miss Genevieve Watt spent the week-end with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. W. J- Watt, of Toronto. Miss Pearl Creighton visited day with her aunt, Mrs. J. D. croft. Mrs. Albert Patterson visited last Saturday with Mrs. (Dr.) Patterson, of Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs.'* Jas. Henderson and Isabel, of Wingham, spent Saturday With his attnt, Mrs. Wm. Dawson. Anniversary visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John McGee on Sunday were: Mr. Will Scott and his daught­ er, Miss Marville, of Kinlough, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dawson, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Simpson, of Langside, Mr. and Sun- Bee- Mrs. Albert Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. Harry McGee, of Wingham. The W.M.S. of the United Church held teas at the home of Mrs. Robt. Purdon last Wednesday and at the home of Mrs. Victor Emerson on Tuesday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Casemore and family spent Sunday at the home of his sister, Mrs. Peter Watson, of W. Wawanosh. ■ Miss Myrtle Yuill spent the week­ end with Miss Mildred McClenaghan. Mr. and Mrs. Keiswater celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary of their wedding on May 24th. This commun­ ity extends best wishes for many more J years of wedded happiness, j . Mr. Scott Patterson, of Detroit, i spent the week-end with his father, I Mr. F. McK. Paterson. Mr. and Mrs. Fraser, ,k of Ripley, spent Friday at the home of their dau­ ghter, Mrs. Harold Pollock. Anniversary services will be held in the United Church here next Sunday. Services will be conducted by Rev. J. C. Nicholson, of Ripley, at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. ( The ladies of the Women’s Institute realized over $27 from the dance in the Hall on Friday night. They in­ tend to instal the hydro in the near future. The Gully Jumpers supplied splendid music for dancing. Dr. spent home Wm. his sisters, Mrs. Wheeler of Morris, and Mrs. Kilpatrick, of Lucknow, and with Dr. and Mrs. Harold Robinson, of Walkerton. Aq earnest appeal for woollen blan­ kets for wounded soldiers has been sent to all people in all communities. The need is urgent and the Red Cross asks each family .to contribute. Mrs. J. D. Beecroft spent last week with her parents, (Mr. and Mrs. And­ rew Kirk, of Seaforth, and Mr. Kirk passed away on Saturday morning. The funeral was held on Monday af­ ternoon to' Wingham Cemetery. Ii Wilfred Robinson, of Dryden, a few days last week at the of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robinson, and all visited with Free Wallpaper < Last Week’s Winners: Wallpaper Winner Paint Winner Mrs. Albert Vincent Mrs. Harold Procter Just arrived the newest in bedroom papers, lovely Sun-Tested chintz pattern, by special arrangement with the manufacturer, Reg. 30c — for 15c per roll, for this week only. make seven different types of Paint. We will glady advise you just what is correct for your paint job. WILKINSON’S WALLPAPER SHOP Now is the time to order your Summer Suit. Cool Tropicals, free and easy Sport Slacks, smart Jac­ kets will be be the important part of your wardrobe through the summer months, Choose your material from a big selection of Cords, Gabardines, Flannels and Tropicals. . ‘ 1 8 Rev. F. G. Fowler and Mrs. Fowler attended the Annual picnic for the ministers of the Ministerial Assoc, at Kintail Camp on Monday afternoon. Ladies of the 4th concesison of Turnberry, met at the home of Mrs. Warde Sharpin on Tuesday to work on the quilt for which tickets being sold. Proceeds to be used war I mo- work, BELGRAVE BLUEVALE Cir- reg- Girls’ Group Held Meeting The Steady and True Mission cle of the United Church held the ular meeting on Saturday afternoon at the home of. Miss Alba Shiell. Miss Shiell read Psalm 8 as the Scripture lesson and all- repeated the Lord's Prayer in unison. Miss Helen Thom­ son read a fine* piece on “How to Budget on Time.” Mrs. Tavener urg­ ed the girls to prepare all they pos­ sibly could for the missionary bale al­ so for refugees. Mrs. Tavener report­ ed parts of the Presbyterial W.M.S. which were of special interest to Mis­ sion Bands. Refreshments were serv­ ed and a social time enjoyed.. Miss Cosens, of Toronto, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Tavener. J. Wesley Beattie and daughters, Ethel and Florence, of Seaforth, spent Sunday with their cousins, Mr, and Mrs. R. F. Garniss.. Mr. and Mrs. George Donaldson and a friend, Mrs. Walsh, Toronto,, spent the week-end at the Sanderson home here. Mrs. Alex. Moffatt has returned, 'to- her home here after spending six months with her friend,.'Mrs. Faggen,, at Leamington. Mrs. Pridham, of Harriston, is visit­ ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wal­ ter S. Davidson. Mr. and Mrs. S. Rolph and daugh­ ter, Detroit, were recent visitors with Mrs. Rolph’s parents, iMr. and Mrs. W. Mann. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McKinney,, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bosman and Gordon- Messer were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Archie MlcKinney, at Leamington. Jack Lillow is a patient in Wingham General Hospital where he underwent an operation for appendicitis. Institute to Meet June 13th The regular meeting of the Wom­ an’s Institute will be held on Thurs­ day, June 13th at the home of Mrs. James Elliott, 4th concession, Turn­ berry. Roll Calk A weed .1 should pull every time I go into my Garden. Report of District Annual at Gorrie by Mrs. J. Wickstead. Report of Girls’ Confer­ ence at Guelph by a delegate. Motto, A stitch in time saves hine. The club girls under the leadership of Mrs. J. H. Smith and Miss Jean Elliott Will demonstrate their project. Cottons May be Smart. Lunch will be served by members of the classes. Visitors welcome. are for To Preach At Varna Next Sunday Rev. J. B. Townend will go to Varna to'conduct Anniver­ sary Services at Blake’s Church. In his absence, Rev. J. R. Peters, a for­ mer pastor in Belgrave, will conduct the services in Brick and Belgrave Churches. Mr. Peters was minister of the Methodist Circuit about 19 years ago, at that time the circuit included Brick, Sunshine and Belgrave church­ es. ------------- The local Young People’s Dramatic Group presented its play “Back Again Home Town’’ at Smith’s Hill Tues­ day oight. Mrs. N. Keating, Mrs. J. C. Proc­ ter, Mrs. R. J. McKenzie, Mrs. R. W. HASEEGROVE’S LONDON STYLE jPIPE The pipe without an equal. 50c Omar Haselgrove’s Smoke Shoppe Jackets . . $18.15 Slacks . . . $7.50 < Tropical Suits $23.50 Jackets $16.50 Slacks $7.00 Procter, of the Belgrave Women’s In­ stitute, attended the District Annual meeting in St. Helens on Friday. Men are busy working on the fifth line at Anderson’s bridge’where they are grading and widening the road. The road* has been closed to traffic. A communication from the Mission­ ary and. Maintenace Headquarters of the United Church has been received by the Belgrave charge (Belgrave and East Wawanosh),, which read as fol­ lows : April 23rd, 1940 Dear Mr. Townend: On examining the final returns for 1939,. I was greatly pleased to see that Belgrave charge has made, for the past three years, an increase in contri­ butions to the Missionary and Main­ tenace Fund. This is a remarkable achievement and worthy of high praise. Please ac­ cept for your yourself and kindly con­ vey to your people, the hearty con­ gratulations- and the sincere thanks of our Promotion Committee. Cordially yours, Geo. A. Williams. daughters of Dublin visited over the week-end with his father, Mr. George Mathers. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Math­ ers and daughters visited with Mr. T. Mathers and family and sister’s on Sunday afternoon. iMr. Robt Shaw preached on Sunday at Ebenezer and Bluevale United Churches. Rev. C. Tavener and Mr. George Thompson attended the United church conference at London last week. Rev. C. Tavener remained there till Mon­ day. Miss Viola Mathers spent the week­ end in Toronto wit hher sister Pearl. Mrs. Melville Mathers and Arnold and Miss Adeline Mathers visited last Tuesday with her mother and aunt and Mrs. Mathers and son spent part of a day with Mr. Mrs. Walter Woods and Bro. iMr. Walter Forest has bought- a house in Walton. Mr. and Mrs. For­ est are going to move there shortly. ASHFIELD y z / T DONNYBRQOK Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Robinson and family were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Pattison, Wingham. Mr. Graham Chamney, Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Chamney, of Wingham, spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Chamney. Those from St. Augustine who at­ tended the Institute District -Annual at St. Helens on Friday were: Mrs. Fred Moss, Miss J. I. McAllister, Mrs. Dave Chamney and Misses Mary Car­ rol and Noreen Kinahan. 0 The W.M.S. are holding their meet­ ing- in the Church on Thursday, June 13th. Mrs. W. P. Crozier, of Crewe, will be present to give her report of the Conference Branch of W. M. S. Members of Auburn, Westfield and Crewe Auxiliaries are invited. I BLYTH WE HAVE NEVER SOLD A LOW-PRICED SHOE THAT WEARS AS LONG AS THE GOODRICH CAMPUS A suede leather upper which is soft and pliable, but will hold its shape surprisingly well ... A crepe sole of proven durability . . . The features of the Campus shoes are combined to give you a . . . Wealth of wear in every pair. Men’s and Boys’ whole sizes only. Mr. Ross Robinson of Port Elgin spent the week-end with Mr. Norman I Sinclair. ' I A number of Ladies attended the annual meeting of West Huron Wom­ en’s Institute held at St. Helens on Friday. Mr. John Clark of Brussels was in town on business on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. James Watt of Toron­ to and Rev. James Abery of Strat­ ford were visitors with the formers parents, Mr. and Mrs. James. Watt Sr. Mr. Eddie Johnston and several other young men left on Monday to enlist for the King and Country on the home front. Mrs. Bernard Hall received word of the death of her uncle, Mr. Andrew Kirk of Seaforth. Interment took place on Monday at Wingham.' .Mr. and Mrs. Roland Boyle of Calgary also Miss Dorothy Boyle are visiting their parents, Rev. A. M. and Mrs. Boyle. Mr. and Mrs. John Magee, Mrs. Robert Magee Visited Mr. W. H. Haney, Wingham on Monday. Mr. Haney met with an accident while on duty in the planning mill. Monday evening is a Court of Re­ vision fbr the Village of Blyth with the Reeve and all the members of the Council present over 87 appealanbs against the hew assessment slips is­ sued on the basis of the Mogg and Quillan valuation. Unable to deal with all the appeals the Court adjourned till Thursday evening. Campbell Grant K. C. of Walkerton is engaged to look after the interests Of the appealants. Mr. Les. Alton, near Carolw, spent the week-end with his brother, Mr. R. Alton and Mrs. Alton, near Belfast. We extend our sincere sympathy to the relatives of Mrs. Charlie MacDon- agh, who passed away last Sunday, in her 62nd year. The funeral was held from the home of her son, John, on Tuesday afterndon, to Greenhill Cem­ etery. The pall-bearers were: Messrs. Fred Topp,' Toronto; George Topp, London; Bill Champion, Gordon Smillie, Toronto; Elmer Farrish, Gor- rie, and Lome Farrish, Courey’s Cor­ ners. * Baptist Church ELMER LONEY, Pastor, SUNDAY SERVICES: 11 a.m.—The Gideons, 7 p.m.—Have .we reached the time of the end in God’s plan of the ages? The Kingdom that shall never be destroyed. ALL WELCOME. PROMPT DELIVERYPHONE 161 NEWPORT With Premium I SUNNY SPAIN PLAIN FLUFFS___....... 14-oz. Pkg. 25c |----------- — “ “ “ FOUR O’CLOCK BLACK TEA......... 69c lb. OLIVES ... 17'/2-Oz. Bottle-29c AYLMERI GOLDEN CORN.......10c Tin GLASS FRUIT BOWL Concentrated Supersuds Bf"‘h 25c THRIFT BULK , SOAP FLAKES .... 3 Lbs. 25c ODEX ANTISEPTIC TOILET SOAP ... .... 6c Cake MAGIC WHITE BLEACH ................. 10c Bottle MAPLE LEAF TOILET SOAP 5 Cakes 23c $2.00 to $2.95 MORRIS Monarch Sweet Mixed MIXED PICKLES 27 oz. bottle Had Women’s Groups as Guests The W. M. S. of the United church had for guests at a special meeting in the Sunday school room on Tuesday afternon^ members from Corrie, Wroxeter, Belgrave and Ebenezer societies, Each auxiliary contributed numbers toward the programme, The guest speaker for the afternooti Goodrich SUMMER FOOTWEAR T... GREER'S “The Good Shoe Store” Mr. and Mrs. Chas Bosman spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Ar­ chie McKinney and family and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Bosman and family at Leamington. Mr. Wilfred McEwen, Mr, and Mrs. Smith and Mrs, Wm. Fryfogle, spent the week-end with \Mf\ and Mrs. Alex McEwen, 1st line, Mr, Cecil Agar and Miss V. Agar of Stratford visited with their tmcle and atmfs and cottsin*s, 2nd line and took in the play at Browntown on Friday night. Mr. and Mrs, Wilbert Mathers and MAPLE LEAF NO. 4 PEAS 10c Tift green Giant toMato JUICE 20-oz. Tin, 2 For 17c PICAKE SHORTENING 2 Lbs. 25c GRAPEFRUIT JUICE ------ -----50-Oz. Tin 25c YORK Good Quality BOLOGNA ,..17c lb. Maple Leaf SKINLESS WEINERS YORK ALL PORK SAUSAGE ... 25c Lb. .. 19c Lb. SWEET JUICY I CALIFORNIA CHOICE • ORANGES ...—30c Doz, I LEMONS 5 for 10c Your Salads Taste Better When Made With Smith’s Fresh, Green Vegetables,