HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1940-06-06, Page 1WINGHAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 6th, 1940Single Copies Five Cents Subscriptions $2.00 Per Year
JPriaes Donated to Winners — Club
Donates $113,00 for the Red Cross
The final meeting of the season of
•the Wingham Bridge Club was held
•in the Masonic Hall on Wednesday
evening last week' with eleven and a
half tables present. The club enjoyed
a very successful year. It was decid
ed at the beginning of the season to
give to the Red Cross all receipts ex
cept the absolute expenses, in fact,
members of the club donated the priz
es for the regular play. The^sum of
‘$113,00 will be turned over to the Red
•Cross Society. •
Following the play a lunch was
served by the ladies of the club and
the prizes were presented to the win
ners of the play-off series. Mr. W.
H. French, the president, was in the
chair. The cup winners were Mrs. O,
Colborne and Mr. W. H. French, this
presentation was made by Mayor J.
H. Crawford. Miss Sara MacLean
•was second for the ladies and Mrs. A.
IE. VanStone, third. Mrs. W. H. War-
■am made this presentation. Reeve R.
.‘S, Hetherington presented men’s priz-
«es 'to Dr. George Ross who was sec
ond and Duncan Kennedy, third. •
Winners of Evening’s Play
The game for the evening was play-
-ed in two; sections, one section was
six tables and the other was five and
-•one-half tables. The winners were:
-Section 1, North and South: 1st, D.
Nasmith and C. Adams; 2nd, Mrs. G.
fRoss and D. Kennedy; 3rd, A. Lock
ridge and F. E. Madill; 4th, (Mrs. F. E.
Madill and Mrs. D. Nasmith; East and
’West: 1st, Miss Mary King and Mur-
,-ray Roberts; 2nd, Mrs. R. S. Hether-
' Hngton and Mrs. D. B, Porter; 3rd* J.
H. Crawford and W. W. Armstrong;
4th, Mrs, J. H. Crawford and W. H.'
Section 2: North and South, 1st,
Miss Sara MacLean and Mrs. C. B.
Armitage; 2nd and 3rd tied, Mrs. W.
-H. French and A. Forbes, W. Currie
and Dr. G. Ross; 4th, tMrs. W. H, Waram and 13. B. Porter; East and
"West: 1st, Mr. and Mrs. A. Wilson;
'2nd, Miss N. Dinsley and Miss Y. Me-.,
Pherson; 3rd, Mrs. A. E. VanStone
and Mrs. F. A. Parker; 4bh, Mrs.
W. Spry and R. S. Hetherington.
W, Wellwood received word Tues-
-■day from his* sister, Miss Caroline
"Wellwood, missionary at Chengtu,
■China, that she is safe and'in good
health. The hospital and nurses’ resi
dence at Chengtti were recently burn-
<ed and Miss Wellwood say-s that the
"fire started under her office where
'there is neither electric wiring nor
•.stove. Japanese bombing was blamed
for the conflagration. Friends here
.-are most happy to know Miss Well-
■wood is .safe and well. .
With Which Is Amalgamated The Corrie Vidette end Wroxeter News
Do you need protection? If so, see
Mrs. F. Vah Stone, agent for Fire In
surance, Car Insurance, Sun Life In
^Resigned Position
Miss Coldwell who has been teach
ing at the Junction School for the past
year, has resigned.
Robbery at Brussels
Harvey McLeilan who recently op
ened up a jewelry store at Brussels in
the shop recently vacated by H. L.
Jackson, had his store broken into on
Friday night and jewelry and money
estimated at $85 worth taken. Pro
vincial Constables Gardiner of Wing
ham, and McCoy, of Goderich, are in
vestigating. ’ >
Trustees and Ratepayers of Huron
County to Gather at Brussels
Plans afb .complete for a very inter
esting meeting of the Trustees and
Ratepayers of .Huron County in the
Library Hall, Brussels, at 1,30 p.m.
Thursday, June ISth^ The guest
speaker will be Mr, Norman Davies,
Inspector o'f Agricultural Classes,
Inspectors Beacom* Kinkead and
Game, Mr, Shearer, agricultural rep
resentative, Will be present. The work
of the School Trustees* and Ratepay
ers* Association will be outlined by
Mr, M. A. Campbell, provincial secre
tary of this association,
Teachers, trustees, ratepayers and
parents are .IftvitedktO attend.
The June meeting of the Wingham
and District Ministerial Association
was held at Kintail, pn Monday, at the
Presbyterian Church Camp, with a
splendid attendance-of the members
and their wives. The meeting was in
charge of Rev, W. J. Raymer, presi
Following the general business of
the day, the association passed a res
olution of regret at the moving away
of Rev. W. J. Raymer to Rothsay, and
expressed its earnest appreciation of
his splendid services. Fitting refer
ence was also made concerning the
removal of Adjt. Goodale, who follow
ing her marriage, will go to Montreal,
At supper hour, on the spacious ver
anda of the camp dining-room, com
munity singing was enjoyed and Mrs.
Young rendered appropriate readings.
The association expressed its thanks
to Rev. C. H. and Mrs. McDonald for
their work in preparing the camp for
the happy occasion, one of the finest
meetings the association has known.
Several new members were present
and introduced to the assembly.
Under the supervision of the of
ficers of the Wingham Tennis Club,
the Junior members held a tourna
ment and election of officers on Tues
day afternoon.
There was a tournament drawn up
and played off. Following the tourn
ament, the members elected the fol
lowing officers:
President—Bruce Wilson.
Vice Pres.,—Dorothy Hamilton.
Membership Committee—Raymond
Bell, Grace Parker, Lois Adams, Jack
The Junior Tennis Club is a sep
arate organization, responsible to and
under the supervision of the Wingham
Tennis Club. Any boy or gir'l under
sixteen may become a member ,by
getting in touch with any of the above
executive. ,
Lithuanian Missionary to Speak
. Miss Laura Miswick, missionary
from Lithuania, who was there during
the invasion of Poland, will address a
public meeeing in the Baptist Church
on Friday night at 8 o’clock.
Special Picture at Lyceum Theatre
starring Spencer Tracey as Henry
Stanley, the New York Herald report
er, and Cedric Hardwicke as Dr. Dav
id Livingston, the sympathetic mis
Fractured Hip
When she fell at he?home.in East
Wawanosh on Munday Mrs. Henry
McGee fractured her hip. She was
taken to Wingham General Hospital
where the fracture was reduced. Mrs.
McGee is 79 years of age and her
friends are hoping that she makes a
speedy recovery.
Summary Day for the Hooked Rug
School Course, July 2nd
The regular monthly meeting of the
Women’s Institute was held in the
Town Hall on Thursday, May 30th,
the president presiding* A suiiitnsiry
day for the Hooked Rug short course
is to be on July 2nd at 2 p.m.
Mrs, E. Webster and ,Mrs. J. Hal
liday were delegates appointed to at
tend the District Annual meeting at
St Helens on May 31st. Two quilt
tops1 were donated and the Institute
are to quilt them for the Red Cross.
A duet by Misses Grace Hutcheson
and Eva Lediet* with Miss Phatr at
the piano, was much enjoyed. 'Mrs.
Bower gave a reading “My Mother’s
Apron Strings?*
The guest speaker. Mrs. J. F. And
erson, gave a Very instructive and in
teresting talk on “Ah Adventure in
Understanding,” She recorded her
own experience with some of these
New Canadians, in the West, in Kirk
land Lake, and in Toronto. These* she
said, became very good citizens, when
understood. -
A solo by Mrt; Hisler* with Mrs. G.
Davidson At the piano, was a pleasing
number. A reading was given by Mrs.
Stanley Hall On the life of Florence
Nigthingale. At the close of 'the .meet
ing a social half hour was enjoyed.
The hostesses for the day were: Mrs,
Jas. Isard, Mrs. D. Hutcheson* Mrs.
Reid and Mrs, J. Fells.
Pairs from Local Club Played
Match with Goderich. Club
Returning a visit from the Goderich
Bridge Club here last fall, ten pairs
from the Wingham Bridge Club went
to Goderich Monday evening and took
part in an inter-club match,
In the team of fours score Goderich
had a total of 54 points to Winigham’s
46, In the pairs reckoning on total
points, the clubs were very even with
Wingham having a one point margin,
Winners in the pairs were: North
and South; 1st, (Mr. and Mrs, Saund
ers of Goderich; 2nd, Miss MacNau-
ghton and P. F. Carey, Goderich; 3rd,
Mrs. W. H. French and Miss N. Dins-
ley; tied for 4th, Mrs, A. Graham and
Mrs. Hume, Goderich, and Mr. and
Mrs. Don Nasmith. East and West:
1st, Mrs. W. H. Waram and Mrs. A.
E. VanStone; 2nd, Miss Sara Mac-
Lean and Duncan Kennedy; 3rd, Mrs.
P. F. Carey and Frank Donnelly, God
erich; 4th, iMrs. R. S. Hetherington
and W. W. Armstrong.
Three fours were tied for first place
— Mrs. O. Colborne and W. H.
French, Mrs. D. B. Porter and Clare
Adams; D. Mooney and Mrs. Hayes,
Mrs. Graham and Mrs. Hume, Goder
ich; Mrs. Carey and Frank Donnelly,
Miss MacNaughton and P. F. Carey,
Goderich; 4th, Miss N. Dinsley and
Mrs. W. H. French, Mrs. R. S. Heth
erington and W. W. Armstrong.
Three “Goderich and one Wingham
teams were tied for 5th, 6th, 7th and
8th positions.
W. A. Galbraith Chosen President
At the regular meeting of the Lions
Club here in the Brunswick Hotel on
Friday evening the following were el
ected officers for the ensuing year:
I. P.> Pres.—Fred W. Spry.
President—W. A. Galbraith.
1st Vice Pres.—H, C. MacLean.
2nd Vice Pres.—R. S. Hetherington.
3rd Vice Pres.—W. S. Hall.
Treasurer—W. H., French.
Secretary—W. ■ Tiffin.
Tail Twister—J. R. M. Spittai.
Lion Tamer—J. W. Bushfield.
Joins Canada Airways
Mr. Lloyd Henderson, son of
W. James Henderson, Wingham Junc
tion, who is a student at Toronto Uni
versity, has accepted a position with
Canada Airways at Lethbridge.
3 Big Nights of Dancing
Tues., June 4th; Tues., June
Tues., June 18th, at Cedar Crescent
Casino, Port Elgin. Willis ‘ Tipping
and his Cascade Rhythm Orchestra.
Dancing 9 to 1. Admission 50c. .
No Central League Team
It has bebn decided by the execu
tive of the Baseball Club that they
will not enter a team in the Central
League this year. The schedule for
this league as originally drawn up in
cluded the Wingham gang.
Won Shield for Shooting
Mr, Elwell Webster has received
word that he has been awarded a
shield in the- Dominion Marksmen’s
competition. Elwell had a score of
5988 out of a possible 6000. Shooting
for this award one had to shoot from
three positions, prone, sitting and off
hand. This is the fourth member of
the Wingham Rifle Club to win a
shield, the others are, Frank Sturdy,
George Mason and Malcolm McCam
Opening Home Game on Saturday
With Southampton
Omar Haselgrove will lead his Ind
ians info the battle for their opening
home game of the season at 3.30 p.m.
Saturday. This tussle will be with
Southampton and* as this time is
strengthened with some Port Elgin
players, they should be a strong ag
gregation. The local club are round
ing into shape and the fans should Seq
a snappy game.
Start the season off right by turn
ing out for this game. You will enjoy
yourself and the club will greatly ap
preciate your support,
The Hurons to-day (Wednesday)
are playing at Owen Sound and on
Wednesday next week ate billed to
play At Southampton, ,
Increased Crowd Showed Great Int
erest at Draw Saturday Night
First Prize Not Claimed, $20.00 for
First Prize This Week,
That Bank Nite in Wingham is
creating plenty of excitement, was
amply demonstrated Saturday night
at the second Bank Nite draw. Prior
to the draw at 9.30 at the Town Hall
people assembled to see if they were
among the lucky winners of the $31
that was on for last week. Boy, oh,
boy, this week the prizes total $38.00,
$20.00 for first prize. Who will be
the lucky winners this week?
Last Week’s Winners
1st prize: $10.00 not claimed which
makes this prize $2Q.OO for this week;
2nd prize, $5.00; Mrs. Alex Bryans,
Belgrave; 3rd prize, $1.00, Dr. J. An
derson, Brussels; 4th, $2.00, Mrs. Fred
Porter, R.R. 2, Wingham; 5th, $2.00,
not claimed, will be $3.00 next week;
6th, $1.00, Mrs. M. H. Elliott, R.R. 1,
Wingham; 7th, $1.00, Mrs. Alex. Bry-
*ans, Belgrave; 8th, $2.00, Mrs. Chas.
Smith, Belgrave; 9th, $2.00J Mrs. Art
Stapleton, R.R. 2, Wingham; 10th,
$2.00, Miss I. (MacLeod, Wingham;
11th, $1.00, Miss Alberta Walker,
Wingham; 12th, $1.00, D, B. Porter,
$20.00 for First Prize
The prizes for this week will be —
1st, $20.00; 2nd, $5.00; 3rd, $1.00; 4th,
$1.00; 5th, $3.00; 6th, $1.00; 7th, $1.00;
8th, $1.00; 9th, $1.00; 10th, $1.00; 11th,
$1.00; 12th, $1,00. A draw will be
made for a 13th prize of $1.00 as this
prize was not drawn the first' night
and was not claimed Saturday night.
Never Less Than $25.00
For every 25c you spend at a Wing
ham Bank Nite store you will receive
a ticket. This ticket has two parts
numbered alike. If your number is
drawn at the Town Hall at 9.30 Sat
urday night you will receive one of
the cash awards as listed above.
Remember, you keep one half of the
’ticket, the other half of your ticket
you may desposit in the store where
you make your purchase or any of the
Bank Nite stores or in the box at the
North door of the Town Hall on Sat
urday evenings up to 9.15.
There is always $25 in the pot for
the draw but if any prize is not claim
ed it will carry over to the following
Saturday until it is won.
Must Be In Wingham to Win
The holders of the numbers that are
drawn must be present at the draw to
win their prize or claim it at Mason’s
up to 12.00 midnight, Saturday night,
the lucky numbers will be posted on
five bulletin boards along Main Street
following the draw.
Fractured Ribs
While working at MacLean Plan
ing Mill on Thursday, Mr. W. H.
Haney fractured two ribs, He was
tightening a part of a machine when
the wrench slipped and he fell against
it, cracking his ribs.
Hospital Auxiliary Raised $204.85
The returns for the Marathon
Bridge and Euchre which was spon
sored by the Ladies’ Auxiliary to the
Wingham Hospital have been com
pleted. The project proved a great
success' both socially and financially.
There were 31 tables each month for
six months, 124 players, and each
player was hostess to one table dur
ing the period. The whole schedule
was worked out at the beginning and
ho two played together more than
once. At the end of the period, the
total scores were taken and prizes
awarded. Several ladies also gave af
ternoon teas and the total amount
realized was $204.85. The auxiliary
plans to carry the same idea through
the coming fall and winter months.
A presentation was made to Adj, E.
Goodale in the Salvation Army Hall
Oh Tuesday evening last week by
members and friends of the Salvation
Army. The Home League, Women’s
Branch of the Corps, presented her
with a lovely “Mirapack** travelling
case and the Young People and
friends gave her a silver sandwich
The Ministerial Association
were present and presented her
a beautiful cake plate,
The Adj. is leaving soon to be
tied to Caph H, McCoombs, the wed
ding to take place In Essex,
West Huron Institute Name Officers
at Annual Meeting.
The District annual meeting of the
West Huron Women’s Institute was
held at St. Helens on Friday. The
morning session opened with the sing
ing of the Institute Ode and Scripture
reading by Mrs. Ball, of St. Helens.
The morning session was confined
to business, with reports from secre
taries and convenors of standing com
mittees as follows: Canadianization,
by Mrs, C. Young, Goderich; Legisla
tion, Miss Brigham, Clinton; Educa
tion, Mrs. D. Phillips, St. Helens;
Home Economics, Mrs. C. Coultes,
Belgrave; Health and Child Welfare,
Mrs. P. Manning, Londesborp; Agri
culture, Mrs. B. Hall, Bly th; Histori
cal Research, Miss McAllister; Peace
Education and International Relation
ship, Mrs. T. Bower; Community Ac
tivities and Relief, Mrs. B. Roach;
Publicity, Mrs. R. J. Phillips, Auburn;
Convenor^ of War Work, Mrs. Mc
Gregor, Kintail. Mrs. Menzie, Lon-
desboro, favored with a solo.
The St. Helens Branch served din
ner to around 150 ladies. iMrs. Barn
ard, of St-. Helens, welcomed the lad
ies and Mrs. W. H, Henderson, of
Wingham. gave the reply. After din
ner Mrs. Menzie, of Londesboro, led
in community singing, after which
Miss V. Cambridge conducted the
ection of officers.
(Continued On Page Four)
United Church Will Hold Annual
Flower Service Sunday Morning
That very impressive children’s ser
vice the annual Flower Service will
be held at the United Church Sunday
morning next. A children’s choir will
lead in the service of praise and young
members'of the Sunday School will
take part. The special speaker for the
occasion will be Miss Jean Ernst, of
Detroit. Miss Ernst is well known
here as she summers at' Bruce beach
and visits quite often in Wingham.
She is a member of the teaching fac
ulty in Detroit.
Veterans Unfit for Service
Wingham and district had a quota
of four veterans for the home guard.
The four went to London on Sunday
for examination and all were turned
down as medically unfit.
Deanery A.Y.P.A. Meeting*
Huron Deanery A.Y.P.A. is holding
its annual Rally at Goderich, on Wed
nesday this week. A number of mem
bers from St. Paul’s, Wingham, Under
the leadership’ of Mr. Herb. Fuller,
will be in attendance. A splendid pro
gramme has been arranged.
Rumours and Rumours
Druing the past few weeks there
have Been many tales of fifth column
activities or some such thing in this
community. People who hear any
such rumours should report same to
the authorities at once and give as lit
tle prominence to such tales as poss
ible until 'they are investigated.
Legion Draw Made Friday
At the Legion Bingo, on Friday ev
ening, which was well attended, the
draw for the Legion’s lucky prizes
was made by Reeve R. S. Hethering
ton. The winners were: J. Yabbee,
Teeswater, a suit of clothes, with tic
ket No. 662; George H. Scott, Wing
ham, a pair of shoes, with ticket No.
1681; Mrs. C. W. Cerson, Teeswater,
a hat, with ticket No. 532.
At the regular choir practice of
St Andrew’s Presbyterian church held
last week hte following officers were
President—Mr, Wm< Hammond,
1st. Vice-Pres.,—Mr, G. North
Sec’y-Treas.,—Harry Posliff. •
Attendance sec’y,—‘Mrs, W, H.
Press Sec’y,,—(Miss E. Carr.
Music Committee ■— G. Pickell*
Lloyd* G, MacLean, I Harrison*
W. Hammond,
Gown Committee Lois Bateson,
Murdean Simpson, Mrs. W.
Social Committee — G. Leggatt,
„ J, McKague, Mrs, Williams,
Mary Simpson* Leila Leggatt
Urgent Appeal Received by Local
Branch ,
The local branch of the Red Cross
Society has received from Headquart
ers an urgent request for new and used
blankets to be sent oversea? for hos
pital use and for refugees from devas
tated countries. This appeal is for
woollen blankets, not flannelette or
quilts of any kind. The woollen blan
kets may be new or used, that is, not
stained, torn, moth-eaten or thread
Blankets Must Be Clean
Blankets of any size or color, single
or double, will be acceptable. This ap
peal , is urgent for immediate action.
The society are hoping for a good re
sponse to this appeal,
Blankets may be left at Red Cross
rooms or with the Town Clerk.
The Red Cross work rooms are op
en Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs
day afternoons and also on Tuesday
evening from 7.30. The ladies are urg
ed to come to the work room and
work, or work may be taken home.
Additional Ground Taken Over
In a very short time work will com
mence at Sky Harbour, Goderich, to
improve the runways and erect build
ings so that this field may be used as
a preliminary training field under the
Commonwealth Air Training scheme.
Additional ground at this point has
been purchased by the County and
leased to the Government at $1 per
year. About 200 acres have been ac
Although no official word has as
yet been received, it is expected that
an announcement will be made at
headquarters very soon that the op
tions on a location near Port Albert
have been taken up by the Govern
ment on which to establish another
air field under the same scheme.
Live Stock Spray and Fly Spray
for sale at Reavie’s Service Station,
Heads Veterans’ Group
Rev. J. F. Anderson, pastor of the
local United Church, was elected
president of the newly-organized vet
erans’ club of the London Conference
of the United Church,
Suffered Concussion
While riding his bicycle down, Main
Street on Saturday evening Mr. Gor
don Yoe bumped into the rear of a
car that was parked in front of H.
Thomson’s Feed Store and was
thrown heavily to the pavement. He
was taken to Wingham Hospital and
is still confined there suffering from
a concussion.
County Live Stock Judging Competi
tion Will Be Held Near Clinton
The Huron County Livestock Judg
ing Competition is being held in the
Clinton district on Saturday, June 15.
This annual event is open to farmer’s
sons 26 years of age and under. Two
classes of the following types of live
stock will be judged, heavy horses,
beef cattle, dairy cattle,- sheep and
swine. Oral reasons will be taken -by
the following officials:
George Gear, Agricultural Repre
sentative* Bruce County;
T. S. Cooper, Agriculeural Represen
tative, Grey County.;
R, E. White, Agricultural Representa
tive, Perth County;
A. H. Martin, Ontario Department of
Agriculture* Toronto;
R. S. (McKercher, Dublin, Ontario;
W. L. Whyte, Seaforth, Ontario.
The prize money has been donated
by the Huron County Council and is
divided into sections as follows:
Section 1 — Beginners — Those who
have never judged before.
Section 2 —• Seniors —- Experienced
young men.
Section 3 — Members of the 1940
Junior Clubs in Huron.
Section 4 —*> Members of the Short
Courses iti Agriculture held at Dun
gannon apd Belgrave*.
The competition is under the direc
tion of J. C. Shearer, Agricultural Re
presentative, Clinton, aud all young
men in Huron County are invited to
participate. The day should be both
Interesting and instructive.
East Huron District Women’s Insti
tute Held 38th Annual Meeting
The 38th annual meeting of the
East Huron District Women's Insti
tute was held on Thursday, May 30th,
in the Township Hall, Gorrie* with
two session, both well attended with,
representatives from the eight local
(Institutes. '
The President, Mrs. J. Harold Spier,
presided. After singing the Opening
Ode and before repeating the Lord’s
Prayer in unison, a two-minute season
of silent prayer was observed for our
soldiers, sailors and airmen.
The secretary-treasurer’s report
showed that all local Institutes had
paid the Federation fees of 10c per
member and 5c per member for the
support of the district. $5.00 was paid
toward the expenses of the Area Con
vention, also the expenses of a dele
gate to Guelph. Balarice on hand $51.-
06. The total balance on hand in the
local Institutes, $87.82.
Some of the suggestions from the
convenors of standing committees
were: Study the health pamphlets and
guard your health; a. better knowledge
of garden pests and 'how to destroy
them; also a study of soy bean pro
ducts. Current Events are taking a
greater place in the meetings gener
ally followed by discussions.
Miss Durnin, Home Economics
Coach, told of the progress being
made in the Junior Girls’ projects. At
the first achievement day there were
two attended and last year there were
fifty in attendance.
Mrs. Wardlaw gave some of the
high lights of the Area Convention.
She compared each delegate to a link
in a long chain and urged that each
local Institute send a delegate to en
joy friendly intercourse and receive
inspiration and help. Miss Bambridge
from the Institutes’ Branch in Toron
to, presented the co-operative program
in Home Economics, asking “What
can we do that will be of the greatest
benefit at this time?” and explained,
how the different projects could be
applied to war time measures.
Mrs. Milligan, of Clifford, the pro-
(Continued On Page Four)
And HiSf’ Cascade Musi? ft?
Roval-T. Thursday nights. Admissioti'
50 cents. A dance you will enjoy.
Had Heart Attack
Mr. Henry Howard suffered a heart
attack on Thursday last week-. We
are pleased to report that he is much
Attending Convention
Mr. George R. Scott, Prudential
Life Agent, it attending a convention
of agents at the Royal York Hotel,
Toronto, this week.
Attended Centenary Celebration
Rev. E. M. Loney attended the
Centenary celebration of the Arkona
Baptist Church on Monday and pre
sented greetings from the Middlesex-
Labmton Association of Baptist
Sewing Handkerchiefs
For Soldiers
The sewing classes at the Public
school are doing Red Cross work as
their part in Wingham’s war effort.
These girls are hemming handker
chiefs for soldiers for the local so
ciety. During the past week they have
completed work on 5% dozen hand
kerchiefs. The students are carrying
on this activity in order that the lad
ies of the Red Cross may confine
their efforts to more difficult sewing.
This is certainly a splendid contribu
The following United Church
changes in this district have been ap
proved by the conferences held at
London and Guelph.
Rev. R. C. ropeland goes from Ex
eter to Gorrie, and Rev. Harold Watt
from Gorrie to Malahtde; Rev. C. L,
Lewis of Kirton* goes to Brussels, and
Rev, H. J. Mahoney* of Brussels, goes
to Stratford (Parkview); Rev. J» F,
Andersoh* of Wingham, to St. Paul’s,
Sarnia. The appointment of Rev. W*
A. Beecroft* from Haileybury to
Wingham was not confirmed pending
the meeting of the Toronto Confer*
ence. Lev. W. D. Clark goes to Bel*
more and’ Rev. W« J. Raymer of Bel
more goes to Rothsay.