HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1940-05-02, Page 14 & WINGHAM, ONTAR, THURSDAY, MAY 2nd,: Single Copies Five Cents With Which Is Amalgamated The Gorrie Vidette and Wroxeter News. & fa*/ Subscriptions $2.00 Per Yew COOKING PORUM WELL ATTENDED . Interesting Demonstrations Given by Miss N. Hargan ------- ( Owing to the absence of Mr, A. C. . Hardy, of the sales promotion depart­ ment of Jthe Ontario Hydro, who was : in Owen Sound arranging a similar ’ demonstration, Ml*. Harold Hillier, an-' other member of the Hydro staff, con- • ducted the cooking forum in the Town Hall on Tuesday afternoon, There ■ was a splendid attendance and the audience was delighted with the inter- ■ esting demonstrations by Miss Nora , Hargan, well known Economist of the Hydro’s Homemaking Club. This iorum was sponsored by the Ontario . and local Hydro in co-operation with' local dealers. Lucky Winners The following were prize winners: Miss K, Pringle, bed lamp, donated "by A. J. Walker; Mrs. Fred L. David­ son, Buttermilk sherbet; Mrs; L. E. Buckman, Toaster, donated by Staint­ on’s Hardware; Mrs. W. J. Greer, ov- en dinner; Mrs. T.J. McLean, pyrex dish, donated by Machan Bros.; Mrs. ’’“H. Machan, steak dinner; Mrs. George •Olver, 1 carton of hydro lamps, don-’ ated by Wingham Utilities Commis­ sion; Miss M. McPherson, toaster, • donated by Peterson’s; Mrs. D. C. Na­ smith, cake; Mrs. Sam Tindall, toast­ er, donated by Rae’s Hardware; Mrs. Roger Oke, a carton of hydro lamps, •donated by Wingham Utilities Com­ mission. EXTENDED CALL TO HAILEYBURY PASTOR United Church Invited Rev. W. A. Beecrojt The members of the. United Church •■at a congregational meeting on Mon- ■day evening extended an unanimous invitation to Rev. W. A. Beecroft, B. A.., B.D., of Haileybury, to take over the pastorate Of the church at the end of the Conference year, June 30th, Mr. Beecroft conducted the services here oh Sunday, April 7th. He has ’■been pastor at Haileybury for the past nine years. He has a family -of two sons. a ■ It is expected that Mr. Beecroft will accept and take over his duties here ■the end of June. .Named District Superintendent Mr. William G; Porteous, of Luck­ mow, was elected District Superintend- cnt of Huron District No. 6 of Royal Arch Masons „at the annual meeting held in Hamilton last week. Lebanon Chapter of Wingham is in this dis­ trict. Oddfellows Held Euchre Twenty-five tables enjoyed the play at the Oddfellows’ Euchre held in the lodge rooms on’Monday evening. The -winners were: Ladies, 1st, Mrs. E. ■Greenwood, 2nd, M'rs. Harry Merk- ley; Gentlemen, 1st, Duncan Kennedy, '2nd, H .C. MacLean. Following the ■play lunch was served. TENNIS CLUB ANNUAL well^atteNded The Tennis Club had the best gath- •eting of its comparatively short ex­ istence to its annual meeting in the Town Hall on Friday evening. If such an enthusiastic gathering is any crit­ erion the racket ‘wielders are in for a great year. The courts are in good shape^and the nets will be put up on' May 1st. While night play will start immediately it was suggested that the players try and use them mainly on Monday, Wednesday and Friday till the warmer.weather sets in. An offic­ ial ppfehing'night will be held later On. It was also decided to put on at least two of the popular open-air carnivals on the courts, stick as the one held late last August. • While the club had a good year financially, there is still1 a large amount to be paid Off on the lighting system. Fees are expected to be much the same as last year, and members are requested to pay Same aS early as possible. The neW officers elected are: President-—Jack Herd. Vice Pres.—Doris Fells. Sec.-Treas.—Wilbur Tiffiirtb Membership Com.—Jack McKib­ ben, Mrs. J. R. M, Spittai, Mrs. W. W. Gurney, DeWitt Miller, Tournament Com.—Ken. Somers, Mary King, Lillian Fuller, Harley Crawford. Social Com,—Mrs. Don Nasmith, Marian Simpson, Betty ^Lloyd, Tom Simpson. BOYS’ BARLEY CLUB NOW OPERATING 4* * Sponsored by Turnberry Agricultural Society A Boys’ Barley Club has been or­ ganized by the Department of Agri­ culture and'is being sponsored by the Turnberry Agricultural Society. There will be thirty boys in the club, rang­ ing in age from 11 to 20. Each mem. ber is supplied with two bushels of Registered O.A.C. No. 21 seed. Judg­ ing will be on one acre of standing crop .and two bushels ofseed shown at Wingham Fair. There will also be meetings during the year and judging competitions, talks, motion pictures, etc. The officers of the club are; President—Charles Higgins, son of Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Higgins. Vice- Pres.—Charles Proctor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Proctor. Sec.-Treas.—Jack Currie, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Currie. Fleet Foot-*-The real summer shoe. 59c to $1.25 at Greer’s.^ BATTERY DANCE WAS A GALA PARTY Armouries Beautifully Decorated Willis Tipping and his band made a.hit at the 99th Battery dance held in the Armouries on Wednesday night. The auditorium was beautifully dec­ orated in a color*scheme of red, white and blue, pictures of the King and Queen and. flags. The decorations^ were arranged so that they .formed a ceiling and the walls were hung with streamers. The platform for the orch­ estra was tastefully arranged. The dance was well attended and -all report a most enjoyable time. This same or­ chestra will return here at the Arm­ ouries on May 6th, to meet, popular demand. ■ ■ I The Hardy Family Are back again at the Lyceum The­ atre this Thurs., Fri., Sat. in the spec­ ial picture ‘ ‘'JUDGE HARDY & SON.” Heads Walkerton Ball Club > Bert Williams, formerly of Wing­ ham, and brother of Ed. Williams, was named president of the Walker­ ton baseball club. Underwent Operation ' Mr. Alf. Mitchell underwent a seri­ ous operation in Toronto General Hospital on Friday. His, many friends wish him a speedy recovery. Attended Banquet at Sarnia • Rev. J. F. and Mrs. Anderson at­ tended a banquet at the United Church in Sarnia on Wednesday last week. This is the church of which Mr. And­ erson becomes pastor on July 1st. Entered Dramatic Contest The Huron Deanery Dramatic Fes­ tival will be held at Clinton on Thurs­ day evening of this week. Three plays are entered, from A.Y.P.A.’s at Gor- rie, Goderich and St. Paul’s Wingham. The last mentioned A.Y.P.A. hold the cup at the present time and will de­ fend it on Thursday. No Rabies As no new cases of rabies have de­ veloped here for the past month it is hoped and • predicted that there will be no more. The last case was early in April and it. was the first case to develop since late October. Dr. James McKague is of the opinion that, the disease has been stamped out here, which* will-be a fjne thing for sure* Came Fifth at Shoot The 99th Wingham Battery team placed fifth for military teams at the military and provincial indoor match­ es at ListOiwel on Saturday with 213 poiftts. The team .was Capt. R. S. Hetherington, Lietit. W. L. KresS and •Lieut, T. Oldfield. Lieut. T. W. Platt was third in the individual champion­ ship just three points behind the win­ ner, Capt. J. G. Kirk. Observed Rogation Sunday Rogation Sunday was specially ob­ served in St. Paul’s Church on Sunday when the hymns sung were all assoc­ iated with <the 'thoughts of spring time, the land, and the seed. Rev.' Mr. Gallagher spoke on the “Triumph of Divide Life’’, He described that life .is in the Spring time, and in the weather. The Rogation petitions for the land, the seed sown and the work of the farmers were offered, Members of the congregation from the rural parts had been invited to be present and the ser­ vice was dedicated td them. COUNCIL SET THE TAX RATE Rate Is The Same As Last Year At a special meeting of the, Coun­ cil held on Monday evening the tax rate was struck at 49 mills, on mo­ tion of Councillors Sturdy and Lloyd. The rate is made up as follows; - Public School 9.40 mills High School 5.54 mills County ...........4,05 mills Debenture —11,29 mills Direct relief... ,12 mills General .......18,61 mills or $10200.00 or 6000.00 or 4388.66 or 12227.67 or 130,00 or 20120.67 *49.0 mills or $53067.00 *—After deducting the one mill sub­ sidy, Applications were received from six places for permission to operate pin ball games. The necessary fees hav­ ing been paid, the following places were granted a license on motion of Councillors VanWyck and Evans. The places of business are: Ed. Williams, Omar Haselgrove, Mrs. W. Lee, P. McLeod, F, Sturdy, E. Forler. ■ Mayor Crawford reported that a complaint had been received that the C.P.R. yards at the weigh scales had been locked up. As the town paid an annual fee to lease the ground for the weigh scales, he read a copy of a let­ ter sent to .the. District Superintend­ ent of the C.P.R. The matter of presenting tokens to the soldiers leaving Wingham was dis­ cussed aid laid over until the next regular meeting. Relief Stops May 1st On 'mdtion#of Councillors Wilkin­ son and VanWyck, it was decided that all direct relief and meals to trans­ ients, be cut off on May 1st. * Mr. George Moir made an offer to the town to continue residing in the house he* now. occupies. This offer was refused. Coun. Evans reported a complaint from-Walker Stores of cars parking in front of the window at the side and it was agreed that a sign be* erected at this point. The matter of erecting a street light east of Carling Terrace and Victoria St. intersection was discussed. Com­ plaints had been received from rate- I zfpayers as to the darkness at this point. Council agreed that instructions be given to have a street light placed at this point. The matter of exhaust fumes from the engine at Canada Packers plant being a nuisance was mentioned, also the constant blocking of the sidewalk by .trucks and farmers’ wagons, was discussed. These matters were referr­ ed to Coun. Sturdy for his attention. It was agreed that the Clerk be in­ structed to write a letter to the Busi­ ness Men’s Association, asking how the matter of securing a suitable barn was progressing. CITIZENS’ BAND ELECTS OFFICERS Wingham Citizens’ Band held their annual meeting in the Band Hall on Monday evening when the following officers were elected: President—Cecil Cook. Vice Pres.—Gordon Leggatt. Sec.-Treas.—Benson Hamilton. Band Leader—G. A. Schatee. Property Com.—L. Buckman, C. Hamilton, B. Hickey. LARGE CONGREGA­ TIONS AT CITY MISSION Special Services Being Conducted by Evangelist C. A. Berry The Revival Services now in prog­ ress at the City Mission, Wingham, which are being Conducted by Evang­ elist C. A. Berry, were well attended Sunday. The Evangelist delivered two itime- ly and powerful sermons. The mes­ sage in the afternoon was to Christ­ ians, “The' Christian’s Secret Path”, basing his remarks on' Job 28:7, the speaker said there is only one way of becoming a Christian, that is receiving Christ as personal Saviour, He stated that this path is sacrificial, supernat­ ural, sure, Supplied, simple, separated, righteous, peaceful, merciful, truthful and shining. At 7 o’clock the subject was “The Great White Throne Judgment” from the Book of Revelation. The Mixed Quartette composed of Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Coleman, Mrs. Eg- gerty and Mr. Toman, from the M- S. C. Church, New Dundee, brought special messages in song at both ser­ vices. HURON PRESBYTERIAL ANNUAL MEETING Officers Elected ~ Encouraging Re­ ports Received The personalities’ of our boys and girls are the greatest wealth of our country. What are we doing to con­ serve this power?.- This was a chal­ lenge thrown out by Miss Mabel Car­ roll, guest speaker at the fourteenth annual meeting of Huron Presbyterial of the United Church held at North­ side Church, Seaforth, on April 23rd. An exceptionally large number of delegates and visitors attended this meeting which was presided over at both sessions by the president, Mrs. R. E. MacKenzie, Seaforth. At the morning session Mrs. H, V. Work­ man, Seaforth, and Mrs. McFalls, of j Centralia, led the period of worship, theme of which was “Loyalty to Christ in a Time of War.” Mrs. Workman pointed' out that the only way we can be more loyal is if we can say in our, hearts “Have Thine own^way, Lord.” Miss Minnie Savage, of Seaforth, extended a hearty welcome which was replied to by Miss Je£n Murray, of Hensail. (Continued on Page Seven) FRIDAY NIGHT IS PUBLIC SCHOOL OPEN NIGHT Parents and Others Interested Invited To See Pupils’ Work The annual Public School open night will be held on Friday night of this week and all parents of students or any others who are interested, are invited to attend. Visitors will be es­ corted throughout the building by the pupils. Each room will have interest­ ing displays of work done by the pup­ ils. This is a splendid opportunity to see the class of work that is beifg ac­ complished under the new courses of study. This, is the third annual show­ ing by the pupils at the school, the at; tendafice“'eacir year has been greater and the trustees and teachers are look­ ing forward to another record attend­ ance this year. Work Boots — For Comfort and Wear $2.00 to $4.00. .Greer’s Shoe Store. TWO CAR ACCIDENTS HERE LAST WEEK Two accidents took place near Wingham last week, one to the north and one to the south. On Friday night as Arch. Robertson was .coming onto the highway at the 12th 'of East Wa- wanosh, his car and one driven by John J. Donnelley, of Detroit, collid­ ed. Both cars were damaged. Donnel­ ley had some ribs injured and Char­ les Desmond, who was riding with him, had to have three or fotir stitches to close a wound. The other accident happened'Thurs­ day affernoon when a car driven by Hugh Carruthers struck a car driven by MrFWilliam J. Campbell, of Cul- ross. This happened on highway No, 4, north* of town. Mr. Campbell was given quite a shaking up. Both cars were damaged. Bazaar and Sale of Baking The Home Economics classes of the Wingham Public School are holding a Bazaar and Sale of Home Made Bak­ ing and Tea, on Saturday, May 11th, in the Council Chamber. Proceeds for Red Cross. . • , . Won Beautiful Afghan The lucky winner of the lovely af- ghan Which was raffled by the Ladies’ Auxiliary tq the Legion, Was W. T. Silick, of Teeswater. The draw was made at the Bingo the ladies held Fri­ day evening. The afghan was made by Mrs. Herbert Campbell and donat­ ed by her to the Auxiliary. GOLF CLUB FEES NOW REDUCED With the weather taking on more suttimery’feeling the golfers are shin­ ing up their clubs, getting ready for the season’s play. Members will not pay as much for the privilege of pounding the old pill this year as fees have been reduced. Yearly fees are now: Men $17.00} Ladies $8,00; school children $5,00 each. The green fees remain the same, 50c per day and on­ ly 4 green fees ate allowed against a* membership. Socialtniemberships are $2.00 per person, INSTITUTE HELD ANNUAL MEETING ‘ Officers and Committees Named The April meeting of the Women’s Institute was held in the Council Chamber on Thursday, April 25th, with the president, Mrs. W. J. Hend­ erson, in the chair. As this was the annual meeting, reports of the secre­ tary-treasurer, the auditors, and the various committee convenors were presented and accepted. The roll call was answered by the payment of fees. A solo by Mrs.- W. McCool, “One Fleeting Hour” 'and one by Miss Bar­ bara Roberts, “If You Wish Upon a Star”, both accompanied by Miss Cora Phair at the piano, were much enjoy­ ed. An address by Mrs. E. S. Lewis on the subject, “Perennials, Plants and Flowers”, was,interesting, instruc­ tive, and full of valuable and timely information. • Mrs. Oster, the District President, was present, and gave a short talk on Institute Work, after which she. pre­ sided at the election of officers. The following were elected to office for the ensuing year: Hon. Pres.—Miss Margaret Ander­ son. President—Mrs. W. J. Henderson. 1st Vice-Pres.—Mrs. W. S. Hall. 2nd Vice-Pres.—Mrs. J. H. Craw­ ford. Sec.-Treas.—Mrs. C. Allin. District Director—Mrs. J. West. Branch Directors—Mrs. Halliday, Mrs. Hammond, Mrs. Webster. Pianist—Mrs. G. Williams, Miss K. Pringle. Auditors—Mrs. G. Williams, Mrs. Kerr. Convenors of Standing Committees: Legislation—Mrs. Peter King, Mrs. W. J. Henderson. Education—Mrs. E. Webster. . Home Economics—Mrs. M. Bell. Peace and International Relation­ ship—Mrs. Bower. • Health and Child Welfare—Mrs. J. H. Crawford. Agriculture and Canadian Indust­ ries—Mrs. R. E. Laidlaw. Community Activities and Relief— Mrs. W. H. Fraser, Mrs. A. Coutts. Canadianization—Mrs. W. S. Hall. Press Reporter—Miss K. Pringle. BLYTH MAN NAMED D.D.G.M The district meeting of Wingham District No. 9, I.O.O.F., was held in Teeswater on Tuesday night when the following were elected to office: D.D.G.M.—Bert Gray, Blyth. Warden—Carl Deans, Wingham. Secretary—W. H. Haney. Do you need protection? If so, see Mrs. F. VanStone, agent for Fire In­ surance, Car Insurance, Sun Life In­ surance. Prevent Smut Formaldehyde, Government Stand­ ard, 25c lb., also “Ceresan” in lb. and 5-lb. cans, at McKibbon’s Drug Store. Half Holidays Now in Force This week the first half holiday is being observed for this season. Wed­ nesday afternoon will be a holiday for the summer months as usual. Please note the Post Office will close Wed­ nesday ‘after 3 p.m., observing the half holiday from that hour on. CONTEST PROGRAM MUCH ENJOYED Scotch and Irish Sides Presented A Good Program Under the auspices of the Ladies’ Aid Society of St. Andrew’s Church, a competition program was held in the Sunday School room Of the church on Thursday evening, The first part of the program was Scotch numbers with Rev. Kenneth MacLean introducing the numbers and giving a short talk on Scotland. This program consisted of a piano solo, Mr. H. V. Pym; solos, Miss Myra MacDonald; violin solos, Miss Mary King; reading, Miss V. Bell; solo, Mr, A. M. Forbes. The Irish sides were introduced by Rev. E. O. Gallagher who spoke on Ire­ land. This program was, piano solo, Mr, H. V, Pym; solo, Mr. Jack Rea- vie; reading, Miss Watt; selection,. Mr. C. N. Merkley;^ mouth organ Selection, Mr. Pennington; reading, Miss Doug­ las; duet, Mrs. W. B. McQool and Miss. Sara MacLean". The judges, Mr. George Northwood ahd Mr. W. Hammond, were divided bri Which side was the winner, So the Contest was declared a draw. PLANS MADE FOR DISTRICT MEETING East Huron Institute to Meet at Gor- rie May 30th. The Directorate of the East Huron District Women’s institute met in the Church Hall, Fordwich, on Friday af­ ternoon. Seven local Institutes were represented out of eight. The presi­ dent, Mrs. Harold-.Speir, presided. Plans were made and the program ■arranged for the district .annual to be held at Gorrie on May 30th, Miss V. Bainbridge, from the Department in Toronto, and Miss Flora Durnin, County Coach for Junior Girls’ Pro­ jects, will be present at the meeting. The executive for next year was nom­ inated. At the close of the meeting, mem­ bers of the Fordwich Institute served a dainty lunch. Sisman’s Scampers — for the whole family—Real values at Greer’s. FREE SHOW WAS WELLATTENDED Fishing Rod As Door Prize Won by Miss P. Densmore There was a splendid attendance at the free showing of motion pictures in the Town Hall on Tuesday evening, under the auspices of the Fish and Game Club. Mr. E. M. Snell, athe president, was in the chair and Mr. W. S. Hall, principal of the High School, gave a talk on "Conservation of Streams and Forests.” The pictures, which were supplied by the Canadian National Railway, through their local agent, Mr. W. F. Burgman, were very interesting and instructive. All told, eight’ reels were shown and they in­ cluded pictures from Nova Scotia to Jasper Park. Many fine hunting and fishing scenes were among those shown. A lucky draw was held for a fish­ ing rod which was won "by Miss P. Densmore, of town. These films were also shown to the pupils of the High and Public Schools. Another Chimney Fire There was a rather stubborn chim­ ney fire at the home of Mrs. W. Hen­ derson, near the Foundry, Wednesday noon. Little or no damage was done. Ladies’ Auxiliary Held Bingo The Bingo held by the Ladies’ Aux­ iliary to the Legion on Friday night was well attended, the proceeds will be used for war work. Attended Conference in London Mrs. E. O. Gallagher, Mrs. W. M. 'Connell, Mrs. L, Lamb and Mrs. Ern­ est Greenaway attended the Diocesan W. A. Conference held last week in London. Notice to Red Cross Workers Until further notice the Red Cross Rooms will be open on Tuesday after­ noons only. Will all the 'women make an effort to be there every Tuesday so that the work may be k'ept up. To Observe Ascension Thursday, May 2nd is the commem­ oration of the Ascension of Our Lord, and is known as Holy Thursday. The Holy Communion will be celebrated in St. Paul’s Church at 9.30 o’clock. Farmers, Notice Hear Don Lerch, life long experi­ ence in raising and judging hogs', talk on the profit side of raising hogs, in the Council Chambers, Wingham, Saturday evening, May 4th, at 8.30 o’clock. Vjsited Blyth Lodge Twenty-six members of Maitland Lodge attended a> meeting of the Blyth Oddfellows on Wednesday ev­ ening last week. The Maitland degree team” exemplified the third degree. A social time was held following the work in the lodge room. Underwent Appendix Operation Miss Mary Cruiksnank, daughter of Mr. ahd Mrs. Benson Cruikshank, un­ derwent an operation at Ann Harbor, Mich., on Friday, Mary is attending callege there. Mr. and Mrs. Cruik­ shank left on Saturday .morning for Ann Harbor. Attended Banquet at London Commemorating the 60th Anniver­ sary of the Bell Telephone Company on Monday, gatherings were held by telephone personal at various points throughout Canada. These gatherings were linked together by radio. The banquet for this part of Ontario was held at London and was attended by Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Carmichael. CONFERENCE HELD IN ST. PAUL’S CHURCH Anglican Sunday School Workers Gathered Here on Saturday The Deanery of Huron, Sunday School Conference was held in St. Paul’s Church, Wingham, on Satur­ day last, opening with a service of worship conducted by Rev, R. M, Weekes, at 9.30 a.m. Rev, A, C, Cald­ er gave an address on the Conference theme “What does the Bible mean to me?” Senior study groups were conducted1 by Dr. R. V. D, Hurford and Junior groups by Rev. John Ball. The Young People’s Conference *was led by Rev, A, H. O’Neill, while the Conference for Sunday School teachers was dir­ ected by Rev. Dr. Rogers of the Board of Religious Education. In the afternoon an illustrated ad­ dress was given by Rev, E. O, Gal­ lagher concerning Christian Signs and Symbols. At three o’clock the confer­ ence met for a business session under the chairmanship of Rev. John Gra­ ham. Delegates were present from all the points in the deanery, close to a hund­ red being in attendance at the group conference. The Conference itself had been postponed from Easter week. The • staiff of St. Paul’s Sunday School prepared the noon-hour lunch­ eon, at which time Mr. C. A. Roberts, warden of the church, welcomed the delegates. FOUND POSTCARD DATED DEC. 1881 Whitechurch Postmaster Finds Old. Card When he was doing some rumaging around prior to some spring office cleaning, Mr." J. F. McLean, postmast­ er at Whitechurch, found a 1-cent postcard addressed to Alex Malcolm, Ulster, and dated December 31, 1881. By the way, Whitechurch used to be called Ulster. The card was from the West Wawanosh Mutual Fire Insur­ ance Co, and was a notification of the company’s annual meeting to be held Jan. 17th, 1882. Mr. McLean is sending the card to the officials oif the company that they may have it put away as a souvenir. That this card should turn up at this time is quite a coincidence. Special Services At City Mission conducted by Mr. C. A. Berry, continue until next Sun­ day."' Bethany Mixed Trio, of Kitch­ ener, on Sunday, services 3 and 7. Sunday School 2 p.m. Want Homes For Children The Children’s Aid Society of Hur­ on County is seeking good homes for boys ranging in age as follows: one child of one month, one of 3 years, two of 2 years, four of 9 years, and two of 12 years. Any party wishing to take a boy apply to H. T. Edwards, Goderich, Ontario. BALL TEAM HAS ITS FIRST PRACTICE Should Have A Good Club Again This . • Year Manager Omar Haselgrove had the Hurons out for their first practice of. the season on Saturday afternoon. The diamond was tin good condition, but the players need, plenty of tossing the old pill around. Omar had the boys on their toes but did not push them along so there would not be too many sore arms and lame backs. The club has lost Dick Doran who was playing manager last year, also Malcolm McCammon, left fielder. Dick is up north and Mac is in Lon­ don. They have, however, a few new faces to bolster up the club. Jack Cook, Len Nicols, Clare Neirgarth, C. Campbell were all newcomes who were on deck. The ‘first three are in­ fielders and the latter fielder and pit- qher. It is expected that the club will be stronger or at least as strong as last year. In any event, the fans can get ready for plenty of excitement again this year. A Cehtral League team will be op­ erated again this year, the gang here did well last year. Earl Wild and S< Cowan were added to the ball club executive to look after this club’s in­ terest. Young Sill Groves should be ready for Bruce league this year, and with Bridgeford, Peterson and Chalmers, the club should be good In this de* partment.