The Wingham Advance-Times, 1940-04-11, Page 4PAGE FOUR n ARE TOPS IN POWER! From Vstv-Ton up t Full “Heuvy-Puty1’ line of Diesels Cab-Over-Engine Units from 2-Tons up ALMOST UNBELIEVABLE fGAS SAVINGS I • Never before have truck men felt so much power from a touch of the accelerator! GMC Trucks carry top loads in tess time—at less cost! Proof? See your GMC dealer today* GMC FEATURES l« Sturdy Conrirucilon, X Wflsw, Safer cabs. 3. Greater flexibility in traffic. 4, Saving* in Gas, Oil and upkeep, 3. Quicker starling. 7 See Local Dealer BEING lj cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c. lOSZtOE I I WINGHAM ADVANCK’TIMKS > A THESE WANT AD’S L AUCTION SALE of Household Ef­ fects will be held ou Howick St., Wroxeter, cn Thursday, April 18th, at 1-30 p.m. Miss May Davidson, Prop.; F. XV. Kemp, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE—Mrs. John E. El- lis will hold her sale of Farm Stock and Implements at 1 pmi. on Tues- « day, April Idtli. This sale was post­ poned from last week on account of road conditions. Terms, Cash, Geo. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. FOR SALE—No. 1 Erb an Oats, gov- . Sjument test 28*?©, 85c bus. Apply * "Joseph King, R.R. 2, Teeswater, Rhone $04r4 Wingham. FOR SALE—15 White Leghorn year­ ling hens. Laying. The 15 for $9.50. Petty Biggs. FOR SALE CHEAP—Child’s Spring coat, size 13, Cocoa brown velour. Hat and purse to match. Like new. Apply Advance-Times, GORRIE PROPERTY FOR SALE —Brick house, garage, bam, drilled wbll* two-fifths acre of land. Apply to Dr. CL C* Ramage, X’inefend, On­ tario. HOUSE FOR SALE-—Eight-roomed brick house, frunace and basement; large garden; excellent location. Apply Advance-Times. KIDNEY’S ARE CLEANSED and invigorated by using Rnmacaps. At regtear intervals, use Rtimacsps for yonr health's sake. McKibben's Drug Store. address by C. H, Hodge, editor of the Farmer’s Magazine, Toronto, on the occasion of a recent meeting of the Quebec Horticultural Federation, -in Montreal. The tojjid' was the beautify ; cation of farm homes in Ontario, and with the aid of coloured lantern slides the speaker described the transforma­ tion of the homes of those who ent-; cred competitions sponsored by his paper. Indeed, credit for the idea and , its realization belongs to Mr. Hodge, As Mr. Hodge expressed it, we owe to our children the enduring memory of an attractive; home, one that in af­ ter years they can recall with pleas­ ure and pride, and a child’s most im­ pressionable years are between 5 and 12, “With a Glance Backward/’ by the late, highly esteemed Dean E. A, Howes of Edmonton, records most entertainingly and picturesquely the; Scenes and events of his childhood in Ontario. ,Mr. Hodge showed how marvellous­ ly the appearance of a farm home can be improved by a little trimming and painting, by tidying up around it, giv­ ing some care to the lawn and espec­ ially by planting flowgrs. The other day the writer heard of a man who of­ fered a house for sale at $3000.00 and found no bidder. He then spent §40 on a paint job and sold the house eas­ ily for $4000.00. Painters of another colour may de­ plore the appearance of a-silo on the|ments show that it is possible to hold HL T. Thomson FLOUR, FEED & SEEDS Phone 133 We Deliver Cream of The West. Parity and Robin, Hood Flour----* $3.00 0 Canada, and Prairie Rope ________ _____ ______ $2j75 Screenings, ground and bagged -----, $23,00 per ton Also Full Line of Maple Leaf Milling Co. Feeds. — SALT SPECIAL -ir- Bulk - Per Ton ______ _ $10.00 Iodized Stock Salt, per cwt $1.00 Iodized Block Salt, 50 lbs.... 50c 50 lb, Sacks for Table hse 35c 14 lb. Sacks for Table use 25c 2 lb. Cartons Iodized ___ 10c or —----------------- 3 for 25c ................................. A held over would need to be ripe when threshed so that it would not heat in storage and the place in which it is stored would need to be perfectly dry. The vitality of timothy seed in dry storage was well-retained until after the fourth year while red clover, al- sike and white clover showed little re­ duction in germinating power during the first three years. These experi- two battleships and two heavy cruisers inflicting ’“heavy damage." In Lon­ don the Admiralty said no battleships had bjsen hit but that two cruisers suffered very slight damage. Reuters News Agency, in a dispatch from Stockholm early Wednesday, said the Norwegian Parliament had named a committee of three members “with th’e aim of negotiating an ag­ reement with German authorities.” The committee was suggested by the Government of Premier Nygaarsvold, Reuters said. (The Norwegian Government ear­ lier denied, Stockholm said, a Nazi broadcast from Oslo that it had re­ signed. in favor of a Nazi-led cabinet.) The British have engaged the Ger­ mans and two. German ships were sunk. The British air force wag also busy over Oslo and at Bergen one cruiser was hit. An unidentified plane fell over Oslo. Powerful British units are ah sea and important naval conflicts may take place. BORN DURST—In Wingham General Hos­ pital, on Saturday, April Sth, to Mr. and Mrs. Philip Durst, Wroxeter, a son. berry, at the hour of two o’clock in the afternoon on Tuesday, the 16th, day of April, A.D. 3.940, the following valuable race horses: One thoroughbred Chesnut Mare, right years old, known as “Army Game'1. One thoroughbred Bay Mare, six years old, known as “Slim Salome". Terms of sale, Cash. Further par­ ticulars apply to the undersigned. THOS. FELLS. Auctioneer. W ROBT. CRUIKSHANK, Chattel Mortgagee. farm because, they say, it means no more pumpkins among the corn, and poets rave about the tumble-down shack somewhere. Byron said of It­ aly, “Thy very weeds are beautiful, thy wastes more rich than other clime’s fertility." But surely more beauty and charm attach to the home of peace and plenty. The Ontario Crop Improvement Association has for its slogan: “Bet­ ter rural conditions through crop im­ provement." It is a strange anomaly* that many a farmer who takes great pleasure and pride in his thriving field crops, cultivated and fertilized with consummate care, is indifferent to the immediate surroundings of the farm house. Thanks to Mr. Hodge, it may now be said that "the old order chang- eth, yielding place to new." MORTGAGE SALE Thursday, April 11th, 1940 You Will Thrill At The Very Sight of These .We predict that you will fall in love at first sight with these out- of-the-ordinary new print ensembles that have just arrived Be sure to Call and see them. They are the Season’s Newest. ... Smart Coats Purposely designed to accent your captivat­ ing feminine charm this spring — the smart styling of these fine fabrics is sure to please you. $12.95 to $21.50 We invite your inspection. H. E. Isard & Co. WHEN ONE DISH IS THE WHOLE MEALseed grain, clover and grass seed over a short period of years without seri­ ously injuring its germinating power. Grain and seed from the previous year’s crops may be of better quality and is frequently held over with a view to receiving better prices and as assurance .that good seed will be av­ ailable for seeding purposes.. In view of the information made available as a result of the above experiments it would appear that the farmers would be playing safe. However, in view of the very short time'and small expense involved, it is recommended that a representative sample of the bulk be germinated in order that one may be absolutely sure that seed capable of germinating and producing strong plants is shown. Seeds live longest in a dry ganary or other building. They live a shorter time in the soil. They die at an early j age when placed in a manure pile. I The kind of a coat or hull worn by j seeds has a more or less definite re­ hation to the length of their life per- ’ iod. PRINT NEW HAND­ BOOK ON DAIRY CATTLE FEEDING Valuabi'e war-time information for ev- ' ery dairy farmer issued by Ontario Feed Board through Ont. Dept, of Agriculture.CONTINUANCE To reach a port, we must sail, some­ times with the Avind and sometimes against it/-but we must sail, and not drift, nor lie at anchor.—Oliver Wen- i dell Holmes. Energy will do anything that can be done in this world, and no talents, no circumstances, no opportunities will make a man without it—-Goethe. Slow wind also brings the ship io. harbor.—Swedish Proverb. hung sn a convenient spot m tae earn * * * near the feed bin. This ptarard con-1 OaJj. w,)o tans suggested meal .matures as «n L do ^n:?k ,y as. rules and nnmmeudattons fo^jQBire thc sK11 to d„ ditacalt jda.rywv.-sm m.lk . Wh—Sc’:-&:. ............. . „ . . _ lj It as pointed out by the Hon. P. M. jjto be sitoato a dwelling house* barn \ Dewanf Ont. Minister of Agriculture* s ’ Tile Ontario Feed’Board, through | the Ont. Dept, of Agriculture, has is-1 sued a 20-page handbook on ’‘The | Feeding and Management of Dairy ! Cattle/’ that can be obtained free of’ charge by Ontario farmers from the Agricultural Representative in his county or by writing direct to the Statistics and Publications Branch, Ont. Dept of Agriculture, Toronto. It would also be advisable to ask for the large convenient placard on Dairy Cattle Rations, which can be hung in a convenient spot in the barn One-dish meals save time, fuel, fla­ vour and motions — especially the motions of dishwashing. They are, at i the same time, thoroughly satisfying and nourishing, while containing all the necessities of a -well-balanced meal. The following recipe for “Meal Tic­ kets" is a particularly handy way of achieving that all-in-one simplicity. Baked apples with whipped dr plain cream make an ideal dessert and can be- cooked at the same time as the main dish. I Having several cans of Canadian fish such as salmon, or chicken haddie I always on hand, is an additional time | saver in preparing this dish, though j any left-over fish will do just as well. | Choose large potatoes. Bake in a) hot oven (450 F.) about 50 minutes, i Cut off top, scoop out potato, mash, I adding butter, salt and hot milk or I cream. Fill the potato shell with | creamed salmon or other Canadian fish. Over this place a layer of car­ rots, asparagus, or what have you. Then the well-seasoned mashed po-J tato in a mountain to top the whole! —a piece of butter atop this. Pop jj them into a 350’ F. oven to heat! through and to brown. | Serve on heated platter or Individ-1 ual dish garnished with parsley and * cold slaw if desired. * | The monthly meeting- of the Wo­ men’s Institute will be held on Friday and will be in charge of the junior Homemakers. Mrs. Franklin Bainton- is Leader of the group. Mr. Gordon Elliott was in Toronto- on business this week. The Agricultural Society are hold- Private Hall is engaged in The trans­ port unit. Rev. Janies Abrey, of. Stratford, vis­ ited Mr. and .Mrs. James AVatt Mon­ day. ■ Mrs. John Bryant is visiting her parents, Mr.-and Mrs. John Mains, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Powell were in London bn Friday. We are sorry | ing a dance on Friday evening in the to report Mr; Powell is not enjoying»Memorial Hall. Music by Blyth Orch- the best of health. - ’ estra. Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale there- will be offered for sale by Pub­ lic Auction m the Office of R. S. He- tlierington, K.C., Wingham, Ontario, on Saturday, April 20th, 1940, at 2 p.m., the following valuable real es­ tate being farm property in the Town­ ship’" of East Wawanosh being more particularly described as follows: All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being m the Township of East Wawanosh in the County of Huron and. Province of Ontario and bring composed of the East half of! Los, Number Thirty-two (32) in rheg Fifth Concession of the ^aid Towm-| ship of East Wawauosh containing one hundred. acres of land more or<i less. ij Up-on tine said premises there is said j t_ — _ ---------- -------- -----.wewam. v»4iu. w. ** -iiNAZIS TAKE DENMARK[EN- WOMEN! HERE’S WHAT^uamfty of bush feuA Property as to.” agncmmrm war-smie i. YOUA SEEN WAITING FOR!"the near vicinity of church and school;>Ontario are not confined*to mcreas-| PART OF NORWAY A STEADY INCOME - financial1' and in all is a desirable piece of prep-’jed swine production, but include als©| - security for life -guaranteed , * cheese and powdered milk. To step-| Surprise Move by Germany ‘TER^ O? ^AL£:T« per cert, de-? of sll„e a™d„CK- mJ “* °1T y MEN - WOMEN! HERE’S WHAT own. Inquire TODAY without ob­ ligator. THE FAMS LEX PRO-' DUCTS COMPANY* 570 St. Qem- , eat* Montreal. P0S5: rt <I“r31ay days. The property as s©id sub- i cattle must be ted wisely and the tar-j Icgt to a reserved Md. j’ . “ " s- For further particulars apply to the uses if ne is to prefit. undersigned, __ i! -----------ji.a4C.«i a<-wvjr A SidcritPr f jt the Mertgagee, XX'anuhasn, Oratorio. THOS. FELLS. Aucrinweer* Supply Ministry Set Up A minis try of Supply to handle al! j war purchases was created by the Do­ minion Cabinet and Hon. C. D. Howe named to head the new department. For the time being at least, Mr. Howe j- will continue to be Minister of Trans- ji port as well. Wallace R. Campbell, $ chairman, and the other members of> toe War Supply Board will continue- in the same posts. This difference in' the new set-up, it was explained byj Prime Minister Mackenzie King, feij that the department will have powers" that the board did not have, such, for ’■ instance, as examining into and or-S] ganfeing the industrial resources of jj. Canada which directly or indirectly :i FIRST SIX WEEKS COUNT BIG With CHICKS Don’t gamble with your chicks the first six weeks of their life- Feed Pioneer Chick Mash and be sure. It contains the body-building elements includ­ ing the essential vitamins and minerals that young chicks must have in order to thrive and grow. Come in for our free booklet - "Healthy Chicks” ' Local Dealers A. C. ADAMS H. F. McGEE X L. Webb, Pioneer Feeds Representative. j| Adolf Hitler’s army streamed into 'I inter sratsst kiiow feeu values and tSieir w Denmark and Norway by fend, sea s , uses if o© is to profit. .. S seized the capitals ©f Copen- ji ji The handbook on ‘■‘Feeding a354^f|hagesi and Oslo, created a Nazi-led | _____ > Managemrat ©f Dairy Cartie” is Bn Norway and extend-J jge31* Hollenbeck and daughters ©rt toe press and o&ntems valuable wartime “pwleOW’ ©f the'! Palmerston, spent Sunday with Mr’li ■war-tone feedtog infereuaten for Third Reich to the kingdoms ©f 3,->a^ Mr< MeCfen-J* I M everyone dr its pages, deal-; Dac<s ^000.000!} Mr. H^raald Rdbertsan speitt a con- 4uvii-4, iveawecmser is ds as KtAw.inA tog 3S ®aes with toe sanp^rtaUt fon-l! w i .. .* store ^ycrar jars with samer; NO 1 ICE IV CREDITORS; damentals feeding dairy 1 may contribute to the prorisi'L'rf’ EXILED GERMAN CROESUS FLEES TO FRANCE NOXX" XVITH THE APPROACH M $,J HETHERINGTON, K.G summer toe amrtfes are rampaut. - - . . . » Out advice ss to yuac© y*w vaSueJ ■ fer gaments ha storage where . tbey are vreterteJ agsuusi rise m-wth ' Lmac* aU ’* fesured agaaust fore and „ Remember st ds as im^rtasat'1 - i ' .*/ _O _ care as that with wb'kh yea gsurdi- as© them XX’e a!s^ rcstvSe, repair rewdOaud make far garments wasisara sare ©r; ________IL® &!^AA4MAY HOLD SEED GRAIN! feam yBtoae 2114; T^rerato phsme XXA 33Sa. -—l—j All persvns having claims against I t’re ©state Isabella XX'ifean fete of; wftb th© important fora-1| isr XVvfte for yew c<w mw* MORRIS ii munitions and supply. IH Frate 'Tihyssesb, sRultinsillfomatre Ger- Mr. XWliasft Lycra, GN.TL age®!* by Mrs. Ly©u, spesft a few day* Torcsfio ibis week. Mr. Frank Ptewett, ©f Hasirilton, was as tew® ©a Mwday caJttfeg on friends" * nm steri taatrnsfe jri L* Switzerland, whose rule ofAto In hi cirty Helical refugees is Wrember/iS4^rted to toe' ST " Bnight HING CAHOnEHBE PREVENTED W SBV W MW W Ml WiWF Your child's coding at night— caused by throat "tidde" <r it* i&atiGD, toouth bteathsE< or a be preveutod by pfeirtyof Wfc VapoRub at bed­ time. VapcRub’s swift pootoice- atsd-vapor action loorens. ph&gto, retoes imtatto, dears air pas- wi fewil to flee, to Sfcftartiftd list Ls Mwetnto. is' " " :■ sftass waqjfesfeg were reparted, by the, has father an Bluevale. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Harris and;! sons, of Drayton, visited, ora Sunday with her parents, also Mr. and Mrs./j Sparling- Johnston and family* Mr* John YYetllauter left Monday morning for Guelph to train as a toe-1 chanic. jl Mr. Richard Johnston spent a con- ;j pie ©f days last week with Air. and I^Mrs. Cooper Nethety and daughter, of Belgrave. Miss Jean Turvey, Blyth, is risst--j hag with her parents. Miss Isabel McKinnon, WaterW*, spent the week-end with her parents ! at Slnevate. SW » . . » lj----------------- ------------------------------ - ---------------------- ~ W«U*jrS<S.Si«S »WC<G. «IWJ(- iUWC , XSSJSS FOR SEVERAL YEARS .’j German high mmsaand to have drop- s} ; A.D. are safif-’! -------- ;J?-ed heavy btoabs “several times" ©a Ceuuty <af Him®* Spi&ster, deceased, wte died cm cr Urn.: :Lx:__L -L.L day ©f Jashaty. A.D. are safif-;: -5 ted tojreud to J. H. Crawford, Wing- ■ Experiments, show so serious fojuryi to germmafing .power, states J. D.jst? srsKivraw vi- S w85<E1^ au writfog. ■! Agg XXuJfe H. btort, Be..grave,after toe said toirteeutou ,..1rtrtTK.......................... .. .......... , ........ day ®f April, toe assets ©f toe said! 'ivvwn ika i wffiSS Im? ........ .. ......... !>etutor sM tow have sarire. . i!wfodt has been, held ever ©n she form■ WANTED TO ftUY—S®aI8 cottage,;1 DATED ut Waughat® this rwenitetoj!for w® years ©r htore tatay fee found;; S <* <* A^- WANTED TO RENT—m ®r a^’tesfotrix will be distributed amongst. WANTED TO DUY—Fusal callage,, hbrtat six w®s fo grr4 ondftfonJi Apply Advaftce-Taam. WANTED—-Aft exp-erienred girl for;; bwsewerk, one wev cats sfe«p esti <My <4 Morto/AD IM * J. H CRAWFORD* W&bc&asn. Onfetrib. for toe Exectttort ture.>! The answer to the qtaesta©® regard- j '(iit Ottawa aua at eKperisaeint starisres| ha Ututoil Ssaits, Englas^ Dee-1 ^erereaBae the vfsMaty of the,’! CARD OF THANKS The fosrifev ©f she fete Mrs. Jfefoa take this ®$pmofiS8y e.x- pressfog sww npp-eriatfotn to theft ncfobb.res a®d friends for toeft AT rrv *yrm'*y ’ seeds ef cereals* etovers atsd tawlhy, dc.AU I I CUlai UK th jiwben stored sn dry swtMe fet differ*! FOR FARM HOMES. periods ©f rime, says Mae- | Lead* seed expere tfe. Oftft* DepL] of Agritultwe* TffiW&M®. - Wheat sand toley retaitte-d Jhrir vi* taBy afew wtapjafteid fer Sw years j .after harvest Oats showed Bate Bss of viilAW’ otaStll after the tri-a^ yeast the ©tsr easily <4ays,M The tjertn- of the wheat was ” -. r U J“. ■ at the end ef &e iifteenth year itoaftet ihesamehm^h-drtae mt ths dtsldht^i. tase of fong agD. y still gave a. fairiy high ttrittStototv This was probably d«e io tW titm of She oat halt G^iStt Wdb >jd The line fem Ths®as! Hod# *T wwisW* I reereffiber th© W-ertt 1 was Marts'8’, and anther S WtUtara Cbww# “Be ft a weak- . ftess, ft deserves sens® praise* we Isve AUCTION SALE wife in Swiizerland, whose rule of BklA > JoW* Ph wl Unde* and by virtue ej toe powers trenfomed in at certain Mortgage dated' tfee 12th day of May* .i.R 193$, there writt be offered fee Mie by poUfc ascy tfon at L®t M, GramdMi M Ttos»*: tjash a cfowd in the bforts. ■<M taws urifo cherish toe memory of These lines occurred so toe -present writer as U Iftfcwed to a remria&fe The Red Cross Fririr’y are Mldhgr a supper Tocsdar eremag fc Msmor- hl W. . 1 Mrsi. 'B. Kali rtcrired a cable her hasbxnd, s&saewbere m Eughral .........