HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1868-1-2, Page 3are
al Ywllr p376, • , ,s
Ib I f17.5W, 11WIVAl EAcrmlt l:t V I i.ot ,
Buctutt iwr,'e) d. CWTW .
rued conl,t, '1 MA dieded '
Strood • bluvud by W ill t,m'ric ill•
es I /alto, 'rhat the look' fur
Iwl A for IW)8. ►oe b,i
pookki•1 .lid 'list N' dols••.
,lrmi it
-noel._t sffeot. -
i' lr,o..,,,, dde)by Will IFat
_tro c,lSd'ern
and y r
n m thu T.wu Hall m, the and,
%rriud. Da
.ems. Dub- Ids
, _,, made by them from December 23, 1883. Be
ar inGuderiuhTuwnahip. The Council of Hay met inthe Town Hall po
I,a to Pr.duoe s crop of on the '23rd of Doccmbmr 1867 pursuant to be
We article hureapeakswuli for our climate. I a1 ournmont. Kit
As broom corn, will give a ft -turn of about to Reeve in the chair, and &full Council Ila
carmen to we would strongly advise present.
minutes of last indicting were read
our plant Aetna of It neat and appruvud,
The C4,rk read the Sy-Lw_Xp, Whin 86
-+-- dnimnY.# Ib0#k,M-t(.cuad, d L Yr Tum-
n.. _Por
. _....--.. .. Y
T■• ,.ty.d bull, That tie By-1,aw No. 34, now road I'm
hr kindly lent his splendid Fox's Ironclad M {F a0.ed. Carried. At,
piano for the coming o.wcert, and the nil- Th. ('leak read B,.Irw No. 35 for hold- 0
way people have given party to the sing- ing this tlumeipal Iiluctiuue for 184% tuthe Du
on frwut a distance. The affair promisee I Town Hall, when Wm Camck m oveol, Dec- (
to be unusually attractive, and we hope to I ended by Michael Kellar, That By -LAW 1.6
see a bumper Louse. N. thirty-five r now read be pused.-
()ne da 1&d week • aount loan Moved by Wm Carrick, Seconded by Yr
C} J ry ?.ells' That if,. Treasurer pay the sum of sy
.t use of our Gudsndt gruoarias , line dollar to Henry Bevuteun for plank
and isequird if the had any %Ir••n W. to cover a Culvert on Brunson live. --Car-
dASe for Sala Tied S
-'"' '- - --- -- Tho account of E Holmes of the Clinton SP
FLOGGED.-For breaking ship" in Us
wrch of whisk nn ChnrutmAs Sye, urin I Nrr Font, for eight dollen printing By -Law B0
s7, No. 34, wsa ordered to be paid Y
of the wamrn belonging to It. M. Gun- WILLIAM WILSON, p.
boat Cherub, lying at this {port, received Towtrship Clerk. B
three duan lAshes on Saturday last. The ..■ F
punishment was wikaermd, r usual, by the , jIINI07P ,, FI
whole crew. R
Mr.CameroDsa p • nsmber of The following aro the returns ofcomina- Ili
. y tionaLndelectn„nsbyaeelamation through- fi
ppreonintat members from the Msritim•; - C
1'rovicess have signified their intenties i out Sha Cuuntr, r far sa head from ;- T
to visit Goderieb coon. We shall ba glad Asurlsu.-Reeve, Wnn. Mallough, 1i'm. A
(• @s. them. Graham ; Deputy M. Dalton, Goo. Ann- C
_ drt,ng. O
0Pl Our salt men are pushing forward ' HAT. -Robert Brown reeve, James
the work of erecting derneks, petang op SmilLe deputy neve, Meson Got)dsr, Cos-
mrhinery, etc , with great spirit. iI•r• ; rick Turnbull, councillun, by actdama4on.
iag hu beet commenced by the Heron l[CKJL"/P.-for reeve Morn. Evac,
Cw an and Elhott deputy, Mesar. Ilaunah, Hays
P y• Horden, McGregor. Councillors, Masers. F
so Dae Lison, Fsq 'Sark of the Bell, J. Hays, 5luwbrmy, Malone, Goven- S
Peace, hu been eosfined to hie re@ideaa lock, Kerr and Elliott. PI
for soma di a set thro h illus r I TceaBONNITIL-reeve Gen. Sproat, and G
T P _ug I J. Duties, deputy Doig and Walker.
Sheriff McDonald has been ill for EAAT-WAWAxlsts.-fur reeve, Lancelot
Nethery, Hesickiah Helps, for councillors, P
some dals pet but we vin happy b bet' Gmu. McHay Henry Owawn, David Scott, B
that he is sow reeDverinS• - David McCartney Thomas Taylor. E
g Roe hest a .hiepend that .nom- Wavr WAWAROOR.-peeve, C. Groin, H
Johnston ; Deputy, E. Gaunt, Jim. Mal- if
itsectary dinner M Joseph WhiteMad to h. Cuunallon ngs e
Wm. Ctitmm/ Robt.
L• P„ is to come of Soon at Blyth. WLLSVn, W. Kinshen'Ja@. Hunter, D. Mo- T
1lwaisea. A
HAT OOUNQII.. I COLSORNIL-W. Young, reeve by anrL- G
• Minted of the proceedings.{ the Muni-' Moaau.-Meru, Brown and Kelly,
cipal Council of the Township A Hay, tet a the old neve and deputy by aeelttmat:on.
meeting held in the Town Hall, un Friday I OuDsalcs Tuwxntr.- m. Shephard
the:R)thofDec.,IW"'. 'reeve, Samuel Yulluck.,deiuty reeve, Ly
itobert Iinrwse R+q., Reeve, presiding. O'ha ratio e. Councillors,' Mews. Mo- •
rill •full Conan pr 1 , I Rae, U. Cox, D. Patton, G. Weston, J. I S
Wilkinson, H. Ford, R. Murphy, 0. Ful- C
minutes of last meeting wen read and ton, H. Steep. d
appro"d. By -LAW Cap. 34, real. RsArusTH.-Dr. Coleman rid S. G.
Mcaved by Mr. Zellr used seconded by McCaugheyl wen nomlaatrd for Reeve ;
Wittiam Carrick, That the balance of grant Jarvis, Str.,nghill, McDougall, and others
oar B.bwth Bose» dry lots between 12th and for Councillor.
1.lth eeao•selous, amoesting to (our dul- Traxstaar.-.ion. Meo"rreeve, by tu-
be Skil the sum ur lour dollars olamsuon, and the (oponngg are the nomi-
1sn. Ped nated councAllors, onnomill, Ili&. Eadie,
and thirty-sevun Casts to Image Boom As David Mndatt, John Gregory, Walter
road Cemerdrioleer. arri.d, Sf,'act, Peter F'sher.
Moved by With.= Ctuvick,seonndrd by Cuxrov.-For reeve Marro, W. W.
William Tnrnbtill, That Thomas J Wkiedon Farren, J. `dI lutehwd, fir. C. Snarl, Coun-
cillors Messrs. Steep, Doan, Stasebury,
be paid the sum of $100,50 for refigure on Sark, and Combe.
the Hay Onvel ra•rL--:&'teed. 2
Moved by Willies Carrick, deonnd-IbT
Mr. ZoW, That the amount of Joan (Taff , A NEW FENIAN DODGE.
for $1.7b, also the account of C L,ear, for I Ln.nox Doc. 27 (noun) -Mother of
X76.00 (or npanng r(md s w.pen bis { ad the•.' 6, ndt.h icon raKes which have char-
-e0arrted. artrnrwi the oleydetoma of the Fenian
Moved by James Rmillu+, encoded be Rn,thrral,sl has ant been )oerpetnted At (
We. m of $ll, That David Clarke tc frill Dublin. TeloVerns rocaived from there to
Ake sum art tween , ler chopping Ate., he d& 91 " the bBuwm articulars :-An o
atde 'Math between IoM 26 and 20 m the Y 8 i
itch coneerinn, aka that Th1vmAs Black- unusually lat7(r number of letters have
peen rect„tdy rece veditt the pletofbce at
Well be paid the sum of ee 3 f1x ditch Dubim daected, to prmum-at officuk, each
Ing oppsitA lots 16 between 3rd and 4th ,,f the+' lettl•rs -r to ddad with elPlrmnve I
oonoemu'me.--CrT . mStanals d.•etgtled to kill the person ad-
Mmrd by Jr SrrlmeI peeondrd by Mr. do^ . gevrrsl rA them esploded before
7eltar That the following t'c+imss f x their real nature Wr a•orrWaed, ]cot np
Gravel he pad, ns--Patnck Ford $3.fi0, to this time aro Munson he. been killed.
Wm lieu #5.87 C M'ow'er 0.4.60, (re.orgr floe of the Pnhoemem ri the city who re-
LoWe 03.51, C• iilelem 12 441, µ'int4undem ce,v1v1 one 1d these letters wade homhly
$1.00 ; also (; Thomson ditching $3,
Henry Grob repA n u. Town Hall 63.72. °dangled by Ne exploa,os whish 0 'are A
when he o nod it. it a sot knuWIR bow
---Carried. male od thew dangerous mauves have I
Mand by William Carrick, ..c, tded by mwn di.{rtched. l'*or,der&Lle eamte
Mr. Zeller, That the following acwnmts mnnt prevaia both in Dublin and elsewhere
for .hemp killed lh dogs be pad vin ; ( thr o knot the country on the dracovery
Nichok,m 04.001 V It oenler 12.60, John of s tae latest Freian outrage. The
14ortho o, $6,00, John Atrley 06.11(1, C. avthrmties ae actively investigating and
PchwartsentrulDoe four doll! s, R Swart will nn doubt probe the matter to the bot -
14 dollars, MstheW Lng tom.
amts, Jacob Milner threa d.iLrs and fifty I The Lnndnn rinses this morning hAs an
Cents._ -Carried. ,ditort&I saticale article on the Fenian
Moved b William carnek, serondedhy question. It says that no lar than 3t)-li" I
Mr Zellar,7t Mrs Chamberlain T e rehev- epeci&I abn"tahlea have been sworn m and
.id from the payment of one half her taxes, am now serving in Lnndnn. The writer
she being iH indigent circumstances - calls stUnuoD to the gave public danger, 1
Carried. and calln on the provincial cities and towns
Mmeol h William Carrick, seeondedby to emulate the precautionary meaanrea of
Mr 7.ellar,t Sha iu clwnt of W T Cox Sha metropolis.
for printing, amounting to 20 dollars, Aso I _.-.. _---
the account of Thom" J Mo.xhouee for l
stationary Re. ammmti ig to 5.35 doWrs f} on Saturday lent, Dr. Stuart of
bA paid _ Carried I Woodstock, came to ha death a i(fdenly.
Moved by William Carrick, necmdedby He lad Neem killing lingo, end carried a
Joe Rmillie, That the Council he rvrpon- butcher knife in his cost picket with the
Bible fur the (rymerit of • Kurve e'r to run handle down. On passin a corner be fell,
the side line between I.do 15 ant 16 from I &ted the point d the knife entered his
the 4th to the 7th cd-O"AO"&, and That:I body. He lived only • few hours.
David Want,. lie allowed to take the
timber for his use on rid p ortion of thr I HONSE MEDICINES.
road r remuneration for Chopping it .n. It is gratifying to knew that there in at
send Bering s winter road through the I leV1t ems which hall stood the test sad
sem^.-('arced. proved itsalf worthy the cinfidenice robe•
Moved by William Turnbull, &ecoode/ @ed in it ; we know of no other •rtlrte
by Mr &lir That Mr Jenisom he (prAidthe which lir provrd iso generally mume"ful,
sum of 15 doilars for work on Salrle line I or given each universal eataf"on ; we
ser Wile m's Crook, &Ian three dollen ere conbdent then 0 more of it used than
and seventy-Bve oanta r n adComnllriem- s11 othero mmbrned, ant' that it Wtll niti-
and worarrisrl. estely superoede All others can he no
b Darla 's Arabian Heave
dad It u 7
' k sewn 7 ouM.
W' 'the
CAmo d
m h 1 I
M ed
Mr 7.ellar, t the amount nn the I" rrR IR vmedy old Co„diti.m kledi/ane.e We
(`rorway •mn.nting to one handred dol -i advise &ll who rvgtin •nythiot tet tar•
hent &Ian in amount of forty dollen fur' kind to ggriSem it • trial -we know they Will
ggrraavelling and repairing side line West of I be satintted with the result
?nri,eh, be paid. --Lamed. Wmetn`dr the name and See that the
Mnvnd by Jr Srmllir, meocinded by Mt sigvnaturo of Hard tF (i1., it on each pack-
7.eU" That the drum of twenty-one dollar sr. .ysw Newortle, (Int.,
&ted f1hy ,into he granted to Crmaw•A 31,"Arup ,f f Canada Bold by All
(Sett, and clear a Snarl from lot 28 in the p•ipn.ton f w
bth orm,emm,,N to the North Boandart, Madimng dealers.
to be paid fox in Deexmber IM8.-(Irl` Never. be Ashamed of confessing your
nerd. one rod, for the wi."t m&r on earth
Moved b William Tnrnhnll, s@olMldM iP t of Nanny things, i m.'h that
by Jr Smillie, That the nim of four ASM- in i h ►n.Wa . •mere nothing in COM -
dead And eleven dollars b , pad to J o to whst h' dna n d know. But
(,Alpdash on •ex»ant of grating the rite P•^•petprehCwd very few are ignorant of the
M fans Zurich to Brunson line lad "" - I'facts of the ' Canadian Pain
ak"Mo the sum of four dollars to ihory vsy ' its a most con Sml rapid core
Rrown fox bu ilding ■ (7nlveu•t en wd lbae fD^dr )thee rbenmstarrll phinsy, cholic,
-f)"ed. (PminholeromorAvs,and.llnrmmdda-plaints.
Moved h) Mr Zaliar a.endn"IM by Bold m by All medicine defiers st 25 eU per
Turnhull, ;Tot the following .lane" aryl
ier has paidd,, via : Clerk and TroM^nr bottle. of ani I'» lmonic
undrea and ext] dollars, Aremar ' The SAlcacy BTJ
llur+, CollrrLIT Pity dollars, w5ars (n ceirtne amwhs, colds, and all
each, Tavern tupmc Renneivial defrects•wm -A ohoonug the
right rijlhM+1 I &micbd. Sas pasdre into S PTe verh, le
• ' LII' l
Asn T.M thlr t'nited RtaMm, whwro thaw mart' tetra
Nbeore Wa1ert ars known, th.] lleur it All Sep
tx,ntinn mad eehps" JI rivalry ; the d'-
(nr them has ,'ready inm lead f
twenty TAS'., nntit now the Amt
(ms bnndrod thnnrtrd Ms
t member. of the Inedi
Humhvs r admit Ih" the
t;em prdd.. ng
• prvwaemn
baby wr'e'n iu a ER1tUYS OF -moi
1•that ill"lidlyingthat
er A u"uu.m.• wh..e..,.dfar I.. wA,a x,re.a. STORE & DWELLINCs
I tbrt the father ii.wwy, P.."le'v . uwy. elm •u u..aw,.ur4oule_
I,ud.-on'... ,u A., Ill.."..re'd'o., w wail. p TO LET.
,h•e n'. a eo"e.e t u. r.npd,.nd dod,rl'..'u r. OF
:'w `' "•N ""'•JY iy w4fcb "• -wet, W. a. In Yarna'iu the ToWnthiD of Stanley/
{il _•■r__ _ .0 des wn in[ ,. p'• I by o. N..n,..r. 'ay. n.. a ' j _
HKIt '1'8. h.ur..uaa as I,H /e .wn Y are. •Ymr btlo bee will is
_ JO N N a, 00 MiN. v7 w - ` - j V.ohan o g in" a l r
THIS lk. _ sty. _ cberbe girl .N.. ran,►. lJreJ'' wRJ r■ll G14
No. 30, 1867. '- - _
' t , wcup« =wl+c tam . (Ser
.SO ATB - -
at in dwd,,•1 W be lit now
Qopdra,cH, (4 LCO n rvon•,NO E, BCT TRUE• - q cS• u .'f i."1 ou ..b ti
_ _ (.4 1.42 W. r .•1, eld ,,u1l.aiuuth. t'u„ad rlu. F -S + we. rwu n►, u tb• tat•r••[u
1 du L• n e'er.n. h,n eC17Arl.a 10■ +++ • ^ /iid47 y t" 1•N",Pill ")rv'.w M I
in dbeat.. ... T:UO s r•'.y ,.uee:,ddry XI6e X:)I1M ri .~ T " L.CUR Tuna rAO.,Dy'J .tleTa.
n ,
O 3£;I
our 6:00 '4 U:{{ ,1d,y ar'nn ,.11•.o,g fes.. w r Aw' Mr' ir,iri m Lige Facto.
ts................... 0:40 (, 0:66 „dgr.t ,a.u.. a,nngon--wdd. A 1.11.,. .,,,,, . (9 pnpareJ to take eootnela to eiek.
r 0:60 weu.lwoll, 1
As • ••.. ............. 0:60 T/1Ua, f'.CHAPe1AN, 1 or Sink sod. fin-auh, Sall Wella Dn the Land
CHRIS cS PRESENTS ahorreel notice and moat liberal term. From
ray ................ 0:00 35 ------- sat O,ouwer. .,N.. Tork JOHN MCP ha lila
tato•[,........ ..,,. 0:30 0. "-- - - H E R S O N, ir oxmnieace, he sen Kilo meet
ttsr.........,.• .. O:IY O. WH1flnJW I W Hig1YY88 11 , BEGg to alasone. to the puh'le ,bet he ie (sat"factory nferenc" or •erurit). Parties
($ U:l{ Dr. L. U. Hovis' (.•a s[Luw Ar iD/ now propend• with new sod impro•ad I waa'•up Wella •ask or furnished oomplat■. QNDfiR PUWeft OF ,y
)n• • • -• •• • •.....,. 1:00 for to t•. w•• loco..' h ar«tea •tib, will Ked it to their adr"IaKe to a I Ad -
J, nes jl ton...... •„ /:00 fry 1000 .4 wdl force dna,do.d, r Ates amain naekiuery, In tarn out bis saperior' dry PPY• GAG&
r _ I b t. grow o. the .uwlArat f.ra• .r 'lion .Pee in larger qu.utitxs than hitherto, and
(drea•) 60 O:UUis, •'t( ks.r•n to brit. 8.m le for tri.1 s,nl I"firO
solwakdood.................•.0: 0:zb ,,,..)o„ed.w• w-•t• pP n VERY LOW PRI MPS, hopes to FI•e th, A.me Satisfaction that bis MILHg 1FALY$, BT Vint» Ora Tow„ Drs,
unit...... L.i4 . O:VV nvu Jr Cu, 78 1■ eu S .!)W .. Adrue.. attrudrd hu rfforts u to the ternL Gttd.ri•h 0.
(,. s 11or,p,e dintde by Th,.
'1611, awl..... 6:00 6:50 (Nu Irlt■n ukeu uulrag pnyatd.) - P P Nov. 22, I!Mi7. Evan of Ike T
Theee &zw hale gau,rd • w;d a &d N4
ekoss .............. 0:'20 ( 0125
'keys .............•. vis C:do
les . 0 45 0.65
saes .............:. o,2b (,o 0:35
cite .. . u: 5 (q) 0:20
ioderich Salt, wholesale• f.o.b, per. bbl
b i at the works, L.Go.
Minton Markets.
spesbl T.Legods bac the Ilan,. BwraL)
Clition, toe. 30. 1867. Noon.
all WLeat........... SIA5 4 1:70
ring do .............. 1:50 (4 1:53
u .................. 0:45 (, j 0:49
rley ................1 96 1:00
of ...... I....... 0:40 0:06
r ...... ........... 0:60 0:62
oil ... ... ...... 0:tb 40:16
RR• .................. 0:14 0:00
our ................. 7:00 ('y 7:60
.y .................. 8:00 (d 9:00
oud ....... .......... f 00 ('4 0:00
Jell ......... ..... 6:50 (4 6:75
ref per 100 IM ....... 6:60 ( 5.00
hdckeos pis pair ........0:'J5 (t 0.00
urkevs .............. 0:40 (d 0:00
pples .... ...........0.60 (4 000
'Wings .............. 0:05 (m 0.04
err ............... 0:30 (4 0:00
Du per pair .........0:40 ('4 0:60
Seelforth Markets.
epsesl Tele,Om w It.- Signal,
Seafurth, Dec. 30, 1867, Noon.
Fe Wheat .. ............ 1:60 (- 1:65
pen j Wb eat.............. 1:43 (Sea 1:43
our .................. 7:00 (41 -7:00
ata ............ .........0:47 0:48
ase .................... 0:66 0:62
Arley ................... 0:95 ci 0:95
otator ............... 0:40 (D, 0:40
utter .................. 0:14 ( 0:14
Ret ................... 6:15 0:16
&I .................... 8.50 d 9:00
-d _0 .................... 6:•`,0 4 0:00
end .................... 2:06 (,5 2:60
hitker .............. 0: 6 (sy 0:00
urkgs ................ O:io @ 0:45
PPI" .................. 0:60 ( 0:60
air ............... 0:25 (,4 0.10
pressed Hop ............ 6:40 (3 6.50
--'- -- IIliARILIIID' ------
Th•.J,.r,■er, \ante, I—- r.. I,dd 1st hrllh m
.w.'eke by. p V,knot. nm.dy..11er hw'mg a.,
.r•A fon•rdr.l yeer. with Asw•ere lm„ wr.cll.h. wed
e., d d do.a... C.n .d " -w .. ' m• I•, ma,
snow' h hu l:aowwira. IM mane lir rare.
T..II ^wA, d re o. 6. 111 .and . -Pr .4 the p,•.-
en,*,nwrJ ofrbap).."h,b.dlr.d,lu.0 Wrpr'_
'ucrRe■n .dd u.%_ •,^AerrneWaid,,BS1i -lou"f-
C"."e,wit .iirdooa .,ant [-so Ad -!-o -. 'Me. - I
M,.dle.ut'erose'...nieuy IAe lut-not-"dyu
Ke, the•'6,ct.d. oarepr.ad drwd%d . -hili h-
d w I,r ill ralua l...nd \e h.pe ter .ud-nr
W,IrII 0, `k,•r I ..d , N it will t-. Ik.me.Olh,Og, sold
1\ ue rld,uy Ilii,, -too.. Pass. by ,.,am owl
wlldpW ddrwRev. P D WA RD A. IN IIAO'r.
',u■ ".Sea "..r. r... New Yeah
A Family Sl.their,,-y.`llatld4vora4ykaewo
furtho pa.t tan yag r...ar.e •ha6 is m 'all.
i.dauce to give p•rouoot .Af`of wIs um ly
used, ewd We have .ever know., tog:• aur
of d,eru•Ihruoa when tea direction• have beim
•rep, -rye tollowed, bu ea the contrary all am
drl,gbted with no oprrat,.ae, sad .peak lin tae
bighs.l qrm. of .n T,nme sad Magical pacts,
h u w„ tonl•rlf . reput-tion, u a blood pun-
§ a, sn,mo.. M.n_ to Loa", u"a„rpos•e,l m the
lou o,y,ddn•d, 1preporawn•. It''them tell.
to rasa D;aprp.s, L.6er CoOphn.,•, I"diwir•
tag, Roll m', n It HeOderh,, K,dn•y Com-
plAu,ts, A,l.l Neal . b Phthowc or Ad►.6A, and
,-I.,.. to t ifd snooty the Ayew. deb..udd
by .uderuN el,d Jd' Sae.
Ian -a.-&[ and widen"( ..,rise In ransg
•a"..,Ww, n proal, Coasts, D,plhrna
psis• a IM aw4Jlonr end back. seunlsu,tooth
arbe, Menm.hc andreber pelh. s any pen r
the 1. dy wed from w&.te•er esu.., hese [Ives ,
a plge• dA eve,y hol.rhold and u Lae •uprrmd-
,a, .II other prellergu.,na .f the kind.
It r.I-u.d",eel sad prompt r,mely t.r
Sen• KID1aag 6 us, CM1Al.dme,
V,.la. Mu
rroM Hero, cosi ppw, 1st the wmAr►, LhAr6wa,
l.nulere morbo•, H''7,uue L\MW.Lhole,S law. -
tum, Ilyraterv, Jac.
Pnce ugly Si cen'. ppr'r h,dtle.
No wean&.. C. W.
f6enrr"I Asset I. Canada-
il?--old ie rM",rb by Parker At cable .ad
F. Joed..l G.rdbner Ar. Co. H.,Acid; I.m..
Hrstbnm, Rodger .1WO PR-k.rd, !-dieter; J.H.
, embr, Wow dt J.bb, t:i;cdur; s-.rol, lurk-
ww; k: ti"Ideow. 1 -to tar. sad ab 11 n -.6e
- __ -_
_ Perry Dmerist Pal° si111erd'
In this town, on Monday the 30th knot.,, -
t the residence of the briar's mother, Esat I we c:ip tke f.11owing from the Provideisce
treat, by the Rev. W. H. Poole, a«,rp , General Adreytiser
. Rolde t•un, to Mor Elizabeth, turd I o At tbt. seseon of the year widen ebolee"
Slighter of the lata Geurge Mdaltneil, j chillers morbus, dysteotery, and other kin
Ah of G.dmnch. drrd complaints art sun to p e,ail,er•r))body
should M liberally @applied with Perry Ds•u'
BIRTH. Veee.Able Pain Killer. I. mea (raring
bane, whether it be for a dors escunion or
On the 24th, inst., the wife of James a trip to Furore, @hntld be in a position to
Thompson, Ear{{., Tea:her, Central School Place their hands m, it is • moment'• warn
lAodertcb, of a daughter. log. many diraseA in incident to tbe rmmrr
---- _ -DIED. _-- -_- mm the, ehiel4 ill prove fetal If not im
mediately checked, eao be promptly cored
At Goderich, Ont., on Saturday Dec. by ons or iso dos" of the Palo Killer. UO
28th, 1007, Jana Belton, wife of Capt. J. Poore than one .cession been we hag■ nlie•-
Y. S. Kirk, aged 37 years. ad of intrase sulTermg by the lineal IF ar of
the above n.mrd prvpantioo. "
In Goderich, on Saturday morning, Dec. Sold hr All Drug[ista, groom, and medi
Lt, JAous Z. PArer, &god 21 years and cime dealers.
3 months. PERRY DAVIS A SON.
At Port S&nilac in the state of Michigan Proprietors.
on the 1311 cost., at the residence of his 110 3m 380 St. Paul street MoatrNl.
eon -in-law, Mr. Jarvis Watson, Richards -
' dewurth aero. Ifo wr fathero( Richard H1 OffiETI ING
'corge, and Welham Aldgwarth of the 1
Township of Goderich and one of the That Everybody Needs•
ldest settlers, ( -_-
j ARmF.R91 YCeh►nical Professional Men
DEOEMBffiR a Merchants I Do you want, for yoursel-
W hat i4 the healthy, wnrld[7 man's ank i nes, your sons, or these in vosr employ that
inn T Wealth, Wealth, Kraltb. And knowledge that will enable Tom, or them,
shat the poor invalid's T H,slth. ilealth, to Carr? flit business systematically and safe
He■It►. 'T a trta, gold is dross compared Ie, and without the annnynee and expense
with health. Take Care of it, but if ono of wiling upon Dome 1• Idmb of the Lew,'
hsea already lost it from dimaa(, of the who will charge you Five or Ten Dollars ler
rhroot, Lases, (weer, Kidneys, or Direstiye his half bar's am of the pen? Stich a
)rg•rs, Ac., nmesstwr tba. then hr never knowlydre as will enebl• you in it*# Ro
teen wm,,,w,o a mFdicins that e.uld to Decorate accoS+t of your ronirts and earn
way Compete with di• Gmet dhoobnoters riendinrbvo. your gains and your losses on
Qamrely for the radiesl can of thou dossers. year crops, ynor msntifactores, ter your mock
In trad-T So that by knowing each day
THE 411E►T ENGL199 MENEDI •wetly the stall of your •?wire, too may by
_ a proper management of them, avoid loss",
SiR JAMES CLARKR'S fioaneial embarrassment, and bankrwpter,
Celebrated Female Pills. and aro that sh.uld you soddenly be called
Prr red Jrin aprescription a 4it J. a+ey lir Death, o those
ata• can without
pd Aj I • difficulty or Tor, to those yea ,can
Olarke, D.,PAysrrian F..rtraordinr ry he apeedily and sa,{dmctnrily ruled up? if
to eke Queen• you deem much a knowledge desirable, you
Th om,olosbl- nuv(n•ne Is ■nkilinr t' the tall' in •few mnoths, ■nth t •small ex
run of All -her p•minl and do nsemuD di meed, poor, ebuin it at
., which the female renNituuon 0 .tih)s i. It T 11 E I, O N i) O N
m.i•1en,M •II ediesw •nJ rcmcrbw •II obaru• .mu,
and •speedy r... may he rehod *R. CoIIlInerei'1 College.
I it peemhorly .noted, 1 acid, In a "no, time, No similar institaiinn is prepared to impart
bring on the m.nthly,&w nod with regulari y. .urh a
LnehhodUe,pnre%erDddtlM0ePrsu -6ev- THOROUGHLY
,rnment Momp of Ureat Witaio to Preened t 00 a-
e'*Practical Knowledge
T%... Pi1fe,4-dd.m A,rwlsn Avfi'.ek during As this. None ivaro g-nerally endo, -ed ane
tA. FIN31 TIMES MO,V1'rf3 f Prsg
^wiser, As rA,w two Carr to AnwI a Afiee-r• sustained by theme whose npnnron should
nset,A.rwt.wpdA•r riwv tAquer 0. have weigght with all el"e.s of onewty and
In ell ,.m• of Nrrv.t. mold Spina p.lertmna, none In Btiiiah America hu so many Btu
Pool. In the PA,k and IdOM, Fgnru• on .light dont, in s,tendmnct. Please rod for air
mo'''on, Pf"taonn"ter llesrt, "Too Senn ted cater. Addnas
Wh,ted thew• PJI. will er«•t a Senn whet ■II
other ;Pass Mee faded; and rhlwesl "power• a)'. W•ITON I?t4
felrcmedy, d. nM roam iron. rCl, n•1, ant'. Principal. L. l'. G..
m."Y, ter a.vthing hartftil to torr ems none. London• Ontario.
Full d'nrnon. in the S"enphkt ad ,end ,sell Doo, 6,. 1866: •3
prksee, whoh wh1;ld M rs.ef..ty 1 "roved.
Huls agent f.o the tinned Mata an, Cased•., -------_.- --- _. -. -- -
N - B. -01.M and an pod0,e slam e, agrl.grd
to soye.. Aaehenr'l agent w,tl dR».. a bock'. tin.- REAL ESTATE
ude,eg Atty ail' fiT -turnRTH mail:
flultryecP a I YMAx,
Nrwc•atle, G. W.,gener•I iN
agent for Cen•de
Ser Sold is Uadeneh by Pvker , Cattle and
F. J,wd.n I @eldln,r at Cn. Ileyl Ad; J•mes CLINTON.
i%,.1hamt Roeednlle; J. PIlsdertij killer 1 J.11.
I .Mbr, tVadth Ac Jeble0haloo,A c.rd, Luck- WiLLM sold A7 Public Aeciinn. at 1
..\tel E. Hleke.o.limfan\, and vll Medicros CLINTON H(l1 Rl in the Village n
L%"WIM +Segs. I v
Clinton, by
GJ K, TRUEYAN, Auctioneer
W AYoe W0RM IAIZEN""' an @ nrrlam sed Friday, @6 3rd day of JanuarT. 1868
eek remedy for Trotms in Chdbinn and Adetts.
-A. It is a well-htiUwl end meda"belYY .6rt At Twelve o'cleek, noon, under Power o
that on, grca'ein,adrfith .daring otolLn is 0410 contained in a eartais Mortgage mal
Iran Warns awe.,,irniot to kilo., d.voy III- b) Be,,, Ram.ell Read, formerly of the sai
portend npe the mmd• m Monts ill, .w"I'vely Villag. of Clinton, Hotel hoop'', Marin
.((•'wale .orb .g ihro rh'Mrrn. Av aro &odr. dole the ninth day ter Augrl, 186', (WO -1
end on^,•"teed,R9 the gmpinns And true "nse
of Ih. ddrw.tbeu••.e M chndrrn 0.641 to having boon msde in the due p"In A th'ra
coved from esOTgO•n, Furrow -en Women: Ot) the fnitowmg iAnAs and flm.=
-TM6drn-inganeewofills very A'""o"'I" In lbw Vdlagw of Clinto", trim. enmpn
e.s,pb,wia .Rd dwarra wAirh An rniCedl Ay of LnU na0lrre 123 Ard 224 on 1Glt•nbar
,Imo : r voovNM .ppwtdv,emac,urA ,dilnm- 9trry contsrning coral\.' wn. bek Ser
Awl', eB,ag'e, b,esI h. no""' weans Al tAe
s.,e.,,nrd,ng rd the teed h dun., atwp, hAd.•Ae And Lets numbers 166, 1ST, 266 and 769 0
ef,he hilly, -de f-tio"At m,mv .Sad., .d Prieema Street, Containing together on
A mt,0sa'ruvnl.." Ls; pw,m is thr bnd end ileo. uf
wwdach, ongo,et n"o, fA itl-0. lndet.hRg. rlrA li DWELLING ELLINd I'I0 8E
Ann,hl• IAdw4em..e,le. spool•, In hod draggle,
sed • grOAr w•dtns --a .1, 111- - (Now ^cenried by tM Res, Y,. Caraiiehea
TM7 Aro pminohe and dr ,-rlm,nw.r.4 m ibe And the building knew, se The
,bold-dna.'illi tb..-nam. th-oll 'y .'thc.t
pm e„d'n„eyle„1T rl",rr the rnmR• A -Ill , F R E H Y A 8 0 N 8r HALL
} y Amna away will Un •rasenttr .1 •'hn,niMer-
nv,.,1'.m,e(%i-whareapleorat^albam, -•• And now p•rlty.Pewpi.4 by
/M Clisse
is .be er at a►or trerm Moviladoee. nrsrr'mar Rcbnnl .ted the Melaka Cos
as lir fined aea eootefas the me•mmM negne-
Oae., w o cath esmewdr.
r Ion .f N.anvne a LrrAw,NdWgaleUrarr, D^^ D
.M eoA IM ado %.y.t0ors . The seemed no which the said prvmism s
N. N_A.k Rite Iiw4,rwpo8 t>riw Lid"C- Inwood, end all a,t►se partln.lare had
sad take se ^alder. Ilene is Oe■nNh h hrYrr s{tiooe of sato qlay be ked be applying
a cattle @ad F. Jed"S 44a damn • "'Ploy" QhSm H. HALE PUN a IVIS rN In
/ e'b t ,.Are sdeatYm, adseevNb) J. I•wkard, tOHN DAVISON. anndteH
t"or,I J. H."oa . Walls kJoe►•Chomn
•f 2-1=1".1.1s.
te.ard 1.@ss•w t'F Ssro."4 s..A. ,, d.1 Veader"s w,vefter.
Ua d /aissw 08a1em. w0 i Oars she 2, , 1TU, 1007. ardON
TJatil the dA of Salo. a dd of tlm mid *-I everyt u,
re Sad ew•m,aotM •term.
RVRR IMPORTAT) debts with the eeHls.■Sg and va0ek.n Ser
•^^ l.tiaj thoret1 W! be ;aero"ted at tile A60udmks, D. f. low. of M.S W41.1m•.
. e pro own of G0d,1P•:,b .
■ ill r t h
• ( t roil ho
Po ant Llur LI 0,
1 [ oil f 11
shit Braes. uron. of the Ant Parr •
` tsmember the shop: Caner of %aterloo I Y ( ( L)! Yar F..ert. hts wi* (ter the per
Signal O 1 f/(gypp And l,ighlbowe streets f( y, ^ tit
On ,in, her dower), of for earned •
•-4l■ ( •Wvrich, Line. 2, 1867, w45tf Ontarioa V Nuroo District Building,,%... y -
Nat, (default buying hero bedo
-_ _ _- THE endersieged wd •Oceiv. 9e.1.d Tes ars payment tMnof) will fit so'd
1 lir lbw'rrocnua O" 9011 er„ck on the (roam• the 261h dad of NovemD•r,
a L 4 up to (be !2 ill rM cloak, ntaD, at Ike Ake
°r`"'°` "'' Adjourned Stile tTH o>• JANUARY, 18;8 f)eorge M, t'rusman, ,llwrkt,
tbe lwwvd'A •-.,.Ad ,dr•nona,n b.6oAkv, Tanen of Goderieb, the tea.00n',
R"rltlo Desljsy A. '19 ty dee cora rh4t is to sal, lot nu bar thirty
OF Uederiuk, Deo. 11, l66'f"' Pf•- m o,
Work BO><ear C /_-_____ . { - - Town of Or,derieh, is the Cuanif of
Tea ('addle@y LANDS F01 TAXFIS. SQ It LA ted Is WAimdmauunmtnt oat q•a
Is Salt Lands • known at uma'Vraar Lew; Olsw, lo: u.
'Spine Machr. OT10E is honky given that a number of of $ala. r, ,
Corem"dot Mood, Ae lots which wen onsuld at the late style •: M. C CA IE.,tali j
d Lead. for Taxes, be.d in 10th and Ilth Su:ialot for Yurts ea.
Bur wood, ins4, wdl be again 'fr'e'ed for sale o0
Mahogany, The abuse sale 'r postponed until Friday.
Walnut (Thursday, the 30th January, 1468, 27thday of December, at ram• time aqd
Hungarian Ash, 11 at the Court Hoose is the 7 own of Goder. plains.
limit other Fancy Woods, a the Leh, a 2 p. m., when the aa,d lou will be Ouderieh, Now. 29, 1867. we5td
sold for say Sem which can De reafited for The above sale is f.rtber I odtpoted out I
SIGNAL OFPIC& them. Sa'uriay the 41h, of J, -u-,, 1888.
'rhe unsold lands comprises lets i■ 1p"It MALE,
7'cwAship of Albemarle. .
Vit. I- S. wha. I N PARCELS'aWLS
1' '• Kincardine.
ElECTR0-PLATED WARE ! ,, PortAlber
•' " Port Albert to Trp of Aakaeld. RANGING TROY USPAmYstrr or YANllrs ♦!rU nxHousv,
" Ainley•i,ts Gray.
" Stimmi r do Hay -2 T 0 5 ACRES" ! QTT1wA. 19th Noesmber, I*1o7.
-Warranted to wear equal M silver- 1b' ,b yemmrr Hill " Hu1er4 * y--
Vary Substantial and appropriate Christmas d' - Bayfield i1 Stanley PUBLIO NOT1030
Presented ,r 11 Harrorsey 11 Tock•realth LAND IMMEDIATELY
1• o Zrcaud do Tuilrerry n stager Oltlx THAT ♦lJ.
A Choice Assortment i 1. 4. Blyth do E Wswanesb CUM'M U N IC AT I O N S
Al the Signal Office. 1. '• Invo•may o Arno ADJOINING RELATING TO
I. Bsl.el..A ' Carrick
u o Port Elgin " Sau,"n T3?3'E T iOHTHU11SKS, LIGHTSHIPS, RIQ
-- -- - --- H . i1 Pert Brace 11 Bruce +'1 teals, Beseoea, Bunrs, R•,ulation of
H , a. MAIL, i1 Bruce Present Salt Pell Harban. Enquiry into Genese of Wrveka,
♦ LAiIOa A•AORTI[xb'f r A. M. ROSS, Provision thpots aid Belief of Shipwr,clud
Trea+anr, Co. koros. ! Seems", Marine Hospitals, shipoing OfHo".
BOG -OAK JEWKLLERy ! County Treasurer's Officr, J AT TISCt Pilot boats, River Pollee, lnslre. lir
Oodsnch, Dec. 111h 1867- w471 p 9 ji ( &uamtiosu, Grouting Certificates Vewlf S■
newest .:•ie•, just ,mp.rled, And ---- - -- "-- - G oduieh Railvil Station) potencyun snit Onuting ,Aciof racial
J.W. JOHNSTON'S smanoy s. Maters, Matto, Ac. ; Provincial
For sale Cheap, Apply to 9leamve enc of N Crstt soaneeted with
improvement of Navigation, and Yantisse
At toe Igual Office. - SII. 0. CAMERON. Idabjrets peanlly for Canada, should be
Goderleh, Nov. tri, 1967. w45,f '• DLPAATU93T OF °ARI•x AND rt@H[alwa,
_ -_ Martme Branch,
--- - - orrAWA
Protection, oast nod And Development of
i Steam Engines for gale. Sep 9••, Cort Seth inland Fisheries, iR-
Jut opened at the New Photograph G a I I ere T Promspectiotion
of Fish hod Fish Oil•, and Gagrral
WO le Horse Power Engivse mad Ilei'• 1 Promotios of Fbhen Luterwts, fon Canadty
SIGNAL OFFICE. i Sen nearly new, by Baskett, fur late s►auld be Addns••d-
IN WATSON'$ BLOCK. very cheap. Apply to „o[r&arsewxT orwaass Aso risssaties,
Bacnas, BAaeaa A STReat, F(,Aeries BraacA,
liver the Glasgow Hoar, when he hr Looking. OTA PA'
• fitted op his rooms, in ►b most &pproprists Nov. 28, 1867. 045 2W P. MITCHELL
STERLING GOLD' Ab'D SILVER maonar, to s[ecal• pis/aree in every 8171• _ m r Mmiatev of Marine ¢ FisAeries.
knee to it.R.-Old
aro g g A LT Y IZ A uA 17 0 tK 1 Doe. t, 1967. ode 20 Ism
PEN C L (iA S S N. B. -Old rictus,•. roeh sa I1. •erre• - - --- - _
II twpss oh stem eypaa.'y ,nor Septoto nob.' A RARE CIiANCE
Nr. Jobseloa eordully ,.•kilo t\• rddse HE subscriber offers for eels • vleable
and GeaQessas of Uollorieh and surrounding ire•ol ro rt near the resent Sell roe AST PdrawS oar reason Wusetxe TO
xwwesy Dnto,s, P P• J
clrutry•to well i0 M ilandville, comrrlemg urea FlaVh the b0r119 of Lht Dkagafa0n Well
At 011ie GIGIVAL OF/ICE. a w Cive Nim a Trial I acne of laud.
As to whether be is worthy of patrouKe. Oedwneb p. a, Tbrs ie ON
Ilia pnmirs a dew derrionk tad
J. W. JOHNSTON. Goderich, New. 29, 1847. 046 e■` ice boar. The well u took Me feet,
Goderleh, D". 10. 1867. w46.3m and Woll piped. Any parson .Shing to lea"
Tills NF.WF.9r PATTERNA IN _ the said well, shall here it on very naso• -
Ivory and Rubber 0,odds f$AwwL0(3M. SALT TERRITORY able norma. or wen a teg mil« ..alk lir
Goderleh. For wrticdan spPp1 to
Chains, BrooeheTs, ']'HE Subscriber .ill pev the highest mar- n0 ACRS! low Evt of I'• nemod'o sail Dungannon
Aso ket price for Bold Havelock, Ash And G Hkek.MWA1ed u. moth •des Olin. Rn1. _Dee. 21, 1867, w4611m_
Cherry Raw Loss delivered at hi Hills or ve.y tuck. Also, Lau A end T, Hao,e H, Farm
-• -
Ft+\ CY BACK CON[38 I on Ike Lake Shen. rewaekdp of ,faley.e,d tan l acres of gaau, F a r m f o r Sale
1 K COMBS SAMUEL PLATT. eviscrij gohnrr of Iliy T. in the 0th a'r,neewg,our
Goderich, Dee. 23, 1867, w48 w'y',AtbcelJ, ATHItly9'"WEATIIEKALD, CHEAP FOR CASH.
At the SIGNAL OFF'ICIE. T (;ad'r.eb'
Nov. m, 1667, w{4 TH K gnus! half or lot 1, in (14 gtk Fon.
SsTnAYrn Inlo "."..71.11--1.1
he p"m1g,e f . ., in. he.. wn 11 _ 1
t ono 1, tl.evrir► Sep, .trill I"• to item ,grad a'iJ S. D., of Aebaeld, Cuetaininj 100 serve
.hold, w..•, ..,.a a erg" ole Tol..w.'r soodgwd. .ante or logs, with shoot 80 serve of clearing
A LARGE STOCK OF`dwpr°•`p1OY•"r.rr•'w"••••^di.b•Am .- Salt Territory in Port I O !
will HALL and fare buildinc. This lot a subject to A
D-. Tn. leer. we0 lir' mortgage of $900, at 10 per cent, interest
ran. kms $400 cash,
hod has cttool ewers to
he r having vis Power that Term. $f 00 orb, subject to eortKSsa
no•Id M applied in si•ki+K A 5011 on lbe tot.
Well in two &'love Village, would give D. SBADY GOODiNG.
' parties me orpnrteoity o1 using said power, Barrister.
CHURCH SERVICES, E A 8 T M A N 18 and wosid also lake •hart• t" the eaterpries Goderich, ,10th Jell, 1867. w281r
PATEN*I' COMBINED Hoed can be bed at a low 6gen. IDply •
&C., &C., FOOT IIST0V30 for further A GOOD 0$ANCE1
In ivory, Morocco. and Tartan Bindings, AND LANTERN. Pool Albert, Noi. fa, IK7, w4M FOR A RLACS;S3l1fT11-
jast receired at the -- - -
SICNAL OFFICE. ITS USES: To Salt Speculators I rA+1'1=111.14 "' "Ice'' 't
1 a with 11 er1M R ^w. e.ra. lir
TIRAT-rot WARMTH. •est+. '1 VIII • d•1'' e K
IR con or Aa"n minute. anrr, the lamp ts b: T y ) ` ,t 1q
- the movl to nioe,y wenn, and ,Ar0.it pot 'n • 1JA 1 lJ I1 O11 LEe eO"'b' dwty irid,•h"rrRm'.ne kutWgwl' Awa
ruliwr mr ele,wA n wdl keep tM key rem Lru Wy bg..lwa rrbard me "1",►rhnl.r dna-me. .f halt
w.rdn white r'd•"Rg env Adm•.re ; ter ,1 pr'l un- =1 ta.n I• aaOat 17 verb d Roto dame w OW
der ane 1", 1..hnrcle it wilt keep them rerferlry i H R andereijned offers for sa16 about fear Pnwlw .etch sour be arf„1 for lrnag pgAnrt
New Games, .arm dnnng •en're• I lir n IroetAed wit► ,.Id + srres of land in Gollerick, whfc6 a ad \•M "'ether a ""t o•, Apply u
feet in .Ale- ur edt;g mom, the t*ool 811ivw will elirshly &denied far salt wnrke, being .0 the Hew Dr 1667 1114x7YIIlvROt
.tight, In Bet mo'r'e rid of lost trouble; .r n hank of the River Maid•od and a4jninlsj tM
your hands get and
while wa•elhng, open did. K. leek. A • short switch. fhlt IFNAC11 RH V ANTE d.
• Inds d.rr .ad y„u won
And a site• hila o eg de T
New Puzzles, warm them ,n two millotes j could he sent Fastword by rail or to like A TnerA.r h.ldu` • or •w•wd wlir eerelAeOrw
2,D -FOR LIGHT. I wharf for shipment. Thr proprrty a olei.d L1 ;, nnhool Rrrtgn Nn d C*I= ♦pWy om
Dissected Maps While travelling at night d it a dark you will to tile wall now ainUng end about lee •rite Jhaahry s lees, At hhh uses• adaetiem wilt be reg
have a Lantern I. alone, you', tea way 1 if vote 7 etAtlq ea's'y, • 7••as -A
ea 1ft"ZI
1$zQw, t Q. (nest with •n a1-r,dem yd's wt %.vin A 4 •^torn from the fames. C.oderich Salt Nnrks. This ALK2. 1lALUfT KAge vr
• i' one of the most desirable Iota "a- in the D.mmillar p. w Dee. Trot, IM. .4rd'
•Insde ht In ►,Ip v kin oct.0 ronbie 1 and .Mn P _ _
yno e. -m, \oma a Rt•At with torr. warn had market, and intending operators should exam
I . TRAT1D, Rin at oor aaasM. Hsam of
In Endless Variety! awagty ter \^.' not to Inhve them in Ue cold! ,Ino it with.at A,Isy. .ele. tla V Mmaer Wt, •red W wbas
III yon sN • IigM-rAe hese one wnA you -And trot 'titulars a 1 l^ te."te w,oOtM did tits Aghr wr ro ,ge sY e,llt
AT Sews n 0 .o prolertrA Ina von cony rover N . In a PD a") pwrn0 [I•Iq ooq` lof. wtim ane iti11W so He
p 1'OHN HY i3O r. td M nRAWy "w.rdW.
bay aeaw eW R wit ea, sei the man as Ars. rwa.•sry - J. B. try LLt,t lta
Mi eLl OrM40o0$ gal, -row SAVINtf. G.A.rieh. noe.nrh ter teles'. Sen•
it will ave year he" •ndl 1.-t Dem.uOering ISeptwg'bar 30, 1867. w36.30•1p _
. - - - ------ --- ,h,b,n,rrosl,whirb you have.nut,nandp.in- ------ - RTRATHD, Cams um tbprembw sae0edpd
fully e,dord,d I• the p -a. And Aar- it will fell lit is 701 I. 0""Aska mar Arai M
m.. ..e n.m tee«,rpraed MA ,e1b .ted big SALT TERRITORY x.n.h.r arm rad and .tea. ev - ewes. .
T ? r r dwells• ", yon Mvr \0A ,o grapple w, Ili," iso =" .- "t^•ta 1M°tr•t1 MB •Rry•e•• •rod tyle
1/]? 1a lJ U ll`J best. it wdl "••e v.w tk.w• .tA. •^d ,Spree,,. t 0 lossFH WRITZi.T.
/ h•v,wg to •ter at .very nnhl,r %.,A* end ..Sem FOR SALE Oft LEASE. e.+
_.rW Dee. keel
Ise WtpJL
while lrA•ell n end tel Mnn nn wet .seA
1N THR h t s sorry _ --- --- ---
errruion, I. ex p'r'e ynor he r• tw he bill" 11`141N 1110yard .I tha p"sest Uodenti, l+eleset. Sw prsmbN sr cls "edgnf[oM W r
,old and 1t will cove 4. ibis lro^,g, eM at, , Hume mhd. le Nevembs, lest A N0( Ones With
1 r SAIL N'.rk•. Ase, •
New Patent Bindings, penes t.arm a I.nlrrn ev,ry de M ; for Seco' welb nn her tied
TA, o..w eu w ti
7 ,A• Waw 00th 1iwedi ,e wide efrA. ".wr AM4• F A R M [ N G L A N D f3 Pre.l■a arevnr ►.d pv10A • tR«r. t
Hawn.' or h1op e■d'Aw a h/w cos"atest is dhoti looelo Arp 1 t AS RiW,w°tTItLT
ndiol, i,A1T FOR TRARi, Lore, or belooet 1h1 (tea'ilea l m be olid. JOHN I% ." inNDOr, a. , ,v ' D•" 1Nl lr@7 w4s.t_
Tt,rr coat be rnn'\0abd el It H.nlw•ro 81nrag Mehotl." Oanerir\ 'ST ATHD into res prandes, of JM a tet
A Large assortment, at lin ferirh, Clunnn And r esfunA, and At lM G"hard k.IM bee.. IN6, w4ea q T cos" r'wtea B D OdlersA aide 'Ad ay
pr'•rmle Mem ,hmus\owl thoCov my of Heron. p.n M ser. tae% a md ala Was•temtg. ,, gee • ass
f atrrodm Aark(talhlly Inde pr!i c",sgt tthe P1tiCE),$4.60. - -- ---------- ,wgew Arne, tree ••r•B aWs,•.m= T\•W mew.
Q y/ Jul l/Y Is OFF301. ll Y .5.0 Apmis Wanted In every T.Irnsh'p to oke and BALT WELL BORING1. rte, so" Pro^ srgmb Mr P --
All 'orders. A Itlienl e„mmtr'w0 .gored Irw AAaan aVwl'Oa
@eery Stow and 1•aetage .,lot ` H K unJrraian.d bodge to ananssee that he 0•dmeAk, Dee. 14, 1PR. 74k.ar
Yormr,h,rpa ,Salam apply (pset".W to 1 sdl end.rtakt the h6vin of &alt wells
J. W. TOSOatMlArootw, .be he. b.Ilghi Ata g `tarstub m.,wmr..tw. JTi-I 6
i the Night to monafbetsw sed w11 to llarem pAerith on his own adroan6 R1a ,0e•Irm- Orel T •A aY
f ('-"I- 'kill. MORRIMON, Th. Ad -S.,xwv Mirgit/ IaPT'm'IerOs
. loseledb, N.v. It IM7, well, Sox 4, Goderiea, and o•b.ha0
d I OFl • --------------- 1lr'.1, iIIIT. W46if e„dwtrada ,IMM. . wd.m•.
R -.- _.•_.•^ - ---- -- ♦ T aTHfR uta 1N 4seah/ara st are og►
jjyt C1 Insolvent Aft of 1684. Sen S►LT oPF,tATORfs. gTMa,r,l„s.l4216tT W D- nook•,'. saAN
KnIck-Knack s, -- wbawsowbb 016- . T ,.m. Sea
o ie the Connty l7ea,l of tit• County of Hbrwa. 1►a d In por tN01 Ning r RRood or sato, od W ^ +e m Tr••,T y 'l 1r e
••d adder
All perfectly Now and Fresh, _ T end in {rrlRel working nedwr, for sale boomAw K *an Nim.,
to IAe matter of Ja4k Stemsvf, ob"p. Particutsn at this once. - -_ _ _ .
A, AT TUR SIGNAL UFFi08. ea labfeeat. Doe. 2, 1Nat[t, r p g W48m r q,gfslabe(ami teseweess2ar (Y yial,f_s4 We
^ P of t e Asia ftolatinn of Ilaid (hike, WENT FOO - i MN, r1L Sea M"anier•(1r 1*1 1' ',gM_Bw• -r"-'1M1 '
• - .1 of the sided Pier instant.
. aandd (n vas Or°,ns. yaw 1 1 we.
3ra da of Dee.mwr ies(anL and are @vAAr LANTERN COMBINED 1
TICM LARGF3M!r of A.clor R'nafle, RwIaIPa1 Judge of the -- p},4TsoOpa 66"Ili.RA-CUse. b^
f) AND bonnesAlo wean, bearing dam the lath day idado by O. R. MORTIMOIN t`d slmkr+wh ,des WMI. are• AftsTglasluyreymisa•s
1 of Doeambar last"% will he @old fh p.bh, LIbTOWSL. war gawamasMsm N 11M// 1 ioM/6m{. 1
M U E1 T C (r M P L L T E ,•adeno at ,hes roof"*mr, of Mr, e"'r M FARM JfVtd1 SL1LrA
Treaare, aeetie...v, i• las Towe of Gwd- Stw 1 G D1i18 8eelerieie
ARRORT11SIfT OM .risk, is the Ctnely of He,-, at soar, me 1 • ' r
rt the Iwsnogatb day of J"wry Mil, ,?p ►y+H M • A LQA 4H.N A RT7c l.6 time be" was- IN A to ' I ■ Bt►
Christmas Pres"nts dAhts Z.
to Lha seam, 1 by a wuwtk•r "' ct li ke •Ad bum P. `i/
m M \ t N r r•srwsar'ed■rOaM
n .y of Mr. G••da*.7,
NOW ON VIEW 1 +• .
N my Stale., RemiMb ng(gO1rA @.a + aM.ro+@
At fhe 610N AL OMLVAv D•mf Ula frau y '''wtb ltilr+t ..kt.ltt hM... to >L.a.
f$WI I 116•, 9101, Nt/. d tll rM , war. uR 1". -ow.
I delve Se% am.
epsesl Tele,Om w It.- Signal,
Seafurth, Dec. 30, 1867, Noon.
Fe Wheat .. ............ 1:60 (- 1:65
pen j Wb eat.............. 1:43 (Sea 1:43
our .................. 7:00 (41 -7:00
ata ............ .........0:47 0:48
ase .................... 0:66 0:62
Arley ................... 0:95 ci 0:95
otator ............... 0:40 (D, 0:40
utter .................. 0:14 ( 0:14
Ret ................... 6:15 0:16
&I .................... 8.50 d 9:00
-d _0 .................... 6:•`,0 4 0:00
end .................... 2:06 (,5 2:60
hitker .............. 0: 6 (sy 0:00
urkgs ................ O:io @ 0:45
PPI" .................. 0:60 ( 0:60
air ............... 0:25 (,4 0.10
pressed Hop ............ 6:40 (3 6.50
--'- -- IIliARILIIID' ------
Th•.J,.r,■er, \ante, I—- r.. I,dd 1st hrllh m
.w.'eke by. p V,knot. nm.dy..11er hw'mg a.,
.r•A fon•rdr.l yeer. with Asw•ere lm„ wr.cll.h. wed
e., d d do.a... C.n .d " -w .. ' m• I•, ma,
snow' h hu l:aowwira. IM mane lir rare.
T..II ^wA, d re o. 6. 111 .and . -Pr .4 the p,•.-
en,*,nwrJ ofrbap).."h,b.dlr.d,lu.0 Wrpr'_
'ucrRe■n .dd u.%_ •,^AerrneWaid,,BS1i -lou"f-
C"."e,wit .iirdooa .,ant [-so Ad -!-o -. 'Me. - I
M,.dle.ut'erose'...nieuy IAe lut-not-"dyu
Ke, the•'6,ct.d. oarepr.ad drwd%d . -hili h-
d w I,r ill ralua l...nd \e h.pe ter .ud-nr
W,IrII 0, `k,•r I ..d , N it will t-. Ik.me.Olh,Og, sold
1\ ue rld,uy Ilii,, -too.. Pass. by ,.,am owl
wlldpW ddrwRev. P D WA RD A. IN IIAO'r.
',u■ ".Sea "..r. r... New Yeah
A Family Sl.their,,-y.`llatld4vora4ykaewo
furtho pa.t tan yag r...ar.e •ha6 is m 'all.
i.dauce to give p•rouoot .Af`of wIs um ly
used, ewd We have .ever know., tog:• aur
of d,eru•Ihruoa when tea direction• have beim
•rep, -rye tollowed, bu ea the contrary all am
drl,gbted with no oprrat,.ae, sad .peak lin tae
bighs.l qrm. of .n T,nme sad Magical pacts,
h u w„ tonl•rlf . reput-tion, u a blood pun-
§ a, sn,mo.. M.n_ to Loa", u"a„rpos•e,l m the
lou o,y,ddn•d, 1preporawn•. It''them tell.
to rasa D;aprp.s, L.6er CoOphn.,•, I"diwir•
tag, Roll m', n It HeOderh,, K,dn•y Com-
plAu,ts, A,l.l Neal . b Phthowc or Ad►.6A, and
,-I.,.. to t ifd snooty the Ayew. deb..udd
by .uderuN el,d Jd' Sae.
Ian -a.-&[ and widen"( ..,rise In ransg
•a"..,Ww, n proal, Coasts, D,plhrna
psis• a IM aw4Jlonr end back. seunlsu,tooth
arbe, Menm.hc andreber pelh. s any pen r
the 1. dy wed from w&.te•er esu.., hese [Ives ,
a plge• dA eve,y hol.rhold and u Lae •uprrmd-
,a, .II other prellergu.,na .f the kind.
It r.I-u.d",eel sad prompt r,mely t.r
Sen• KID1aag 6 us, CM1Al.dme,
V,.la. Mu
rroM Hero, cosi ppw, 1st the wmAr►, LhAr6wa,
l.nulere morbo•, H''7,uue L\MW.Lhole,S law. -
tum, Ilyraterv, Jac.
Pnce ugly Si cen'. ppr'r h,dtle.
No wean&.. C. W.
f6enrr"I Asset I. Canada-
il?--old ie rM",rb by Parker At cable .ad
F. Joed..l G.rdbner Ar. Co. H.,Acid; I.m..
Hrstbnm, Rodger .1WO PR-k.rd, !-dieter; J.H.
, embr, Wow dt J.bb, t:i;cdur; s-.rol, lurk-
ww; k: ti"Ideow. 1 -to tar. sad ab 11 n -.6e
- __ -_
_ Perry Dmerist Pal° si111erd'
In this town, on Monday the 30th knot.,, -
t the residence of the briar's mother, Esat I we c:ip tke f.11owing from the Provideisce
treat, by the Rev. W. H. Poole, a«,rp , General Adreytiser
. Rolde t•un, to Mor Elizabeth, turd I o At tbt. seseon of the year widen ebolee"
Slighter of the lata Geurge Mdaltneil, j chillers morbus, dysteotery, and other kin
Ah of G.dmnch. drrd complaints art sun to p e,ail,er•r))body
should M liberally @applied with Perry Ds•u'
BIRTH. Veee.Able Pain Killer. I. mea (raring
bane, whether it be for a dors escunion or
On the 24th, inst., the wife of James a trip to Furore, @hntld be in a position to
Thompson, Ear{{., Tea:her, Central School Place their hands m, it is • moment'• warn
lAodertcb, of a daughter. log. many diraseA in incident to tbe rmmrr
---- _ -DIED. _-- -_- mm the, ehiel4 ill prove fetal If not im
mediately checked, eao be promptly cored
At Goderich, Ont., on Saturday Dec. by ons or iso dos" of the Palo Killer. UO
28th, 1007, Jana Belton, wife of Capt. J. Poore than one .cession been we hag■ nlie•-
Y. S. Kirk, aged 37 years. ad of intrase sulTermg by the lineal IF ar of
the above n.mrd prvpantioo. "
In Goderich, on Saturday morning, Dec. Sold hr All Drug[ista, groom, and medi
Lt, JAous Z. PArer, &god 21 years and cime dealers.
3 months. PERRY DAVIS A SON.
At Port S&nilac in the state of Michigan Proprietors.
on the 1311 cost., at the residence of his 110 3m 380 St. Paul street MoatrNl.
eon -in-law, Mr. Jarvis Watson, Richards -
' dewurth aero. Ifo wr fathero( Richard H1 OffiETI ING
'corge, and Welham Aldgwarth of the 1
Township of Goderich and one of the That Everybody Needs•
ldest settlers, ( -_-
j ARmF.R91 YCeh►nical Professional Men
DEOEMBffiR a Merchants I Do you want, for yoursel-
W hat i4 the healthy, wnrld[7 man's ank i nes, your sons, or these in vosr employ that
inn T Wealth, Wealth, Kraltb. And knowledge that will enable Tom, or them,
shat the poor invalid's T H,slth. ilealth, to Carr? flit business systematically and safe
He■It►. 'T a trta, gold is dross compared Ie, and without the annnynee and expense
with health. Take Care of it, but if ono of wiling upon Dome 1• Idmb of the Lew,'
hsea already lost it from dimaa(, of the who will charge you Five or Ten Dollars ler
rhroot, Lases, (weer, Kidneys, or Direstiye his half bar's am of the pen? Stich a
)rg•rs, Ac., nmesstwr tba. then hr never knowlydre as will enebl• you in it*# Ro
teen wm,,,w,o a mFdicins that e.uld to Decorate accoS+t of your ronirts and earn
way Compete with di• Gmet dhoobnoters riendinrbvo. your gains and your losses on
Qamrely for the radiesl can of thou dossers. year crops, ynor msntifactores, ter your mock
In trad-T So that by knowing each day
THE 411E►T ENGL199 MENEDI •wetly the stall of your •?wire, too may by
_ a proper management of them, avoid loss",
SiR JAMES CLARKR'S fioaneial embarrassment, and bankrwpter,
Celebrated Female Pills. and aro that sh.uld you soddenly be called
Prr red Jrin aprescription a 4it J. a+ey lir Death, o those
ata• can without
pd Aj I • difficulty or Tor, to those yea ,can
Olarke, D.,PAysrrian F..rtraordinr ry he apeedily and sa,{dmctnrily ruled up? if
to eke Queen• you deem much a knowledge desirable, you
Th om,olosbl- nuv(n•ne Is ■nkilinr t' the tall' in •few mnoths, ■nth t •small ex
run of All -her p•minl and do nsemuD di meed, poor, ebuin it at
., which the female renNituuon 0 .tih)s i. It T 11 E I, O N i) O N
m.i•1en,M •II ediesw •nJ rcmcrbw •II obaru• .mu,
and •speedy r... may he rehod *R. CoIIlInerei'1 College.
I it peemhorly .noted, 1 acid, In a "no, time, No similar institaiinn is prepared to impart
bring on the m.nthly,&w nod with regulari y. .urh a
LnehhodUe,pnre%erDddtlM0ePrsu -6ev- THOROUGHLY
,rnment Momp of Ureat Witaio to Preened t 00 a-
e'*Practical Knowledge
T%... Pi1fe,4-dd.m A,rwlsn Avfi'.ek during As this. None ivaro g-nerally endo, -ed ane
tA. FIN31 TIMES MO,V1'rf3 f Prsg
^wiser, As rA,w two Carr to AnwI a Afiee-r• sustained by theme whose npnnron should
nset,A.rwt.wpdA•r riwv tAquer 0. have weigght with all el"e.s of onewty and
In ell ,.m• of Nrrv.t. mold Spina p.lertmna, none In Btiiiah America hu so many Btu
Pool. In the PA,k and IdOM, Fgnru• on .light dont, in s,tendmnct. Please rod for air
mo'''on, Pf"taonn"ter llesrt, "Too Senn ted cater. Addnas
Wh,ted thew• PJI. will er«•t a Senn whet ■II
other ;Pass Mee faded; and rhlwesl "power• a)'. W•ITON I?t4
felrcmedy, d. nM roam iron. rCl, n•1, ant'. Principal. L. l'. G..
m."Y, ter a.vthing hartftil to torr ems none. London• Ontario.
Full d'nrnon. in the S"enphkt ad ,end ,sell Doo, 6,. 1866: •3
prksee, whoh wh1;ld M rs.ef..ty 1 "roved.
Huls agent f.o the tinned Mata an, Cased•., -------_.- --- _. -. -- -
N - B. -01.M and an pod0,e slam e, agrl.grd
to soye.. Aaehenr'l agent w,tl dR».. a bock'. tin.- REAL ESTATE
ude,eg Atty ail' fiT -turnRTH mail:
flultryecP a I YMAx,
Nrwc•atle, G. W.,gener•I iN
agent for Cen•de
Ser Sold is Uadeneh by Pvker , Cattle and
F. J,wd.n I @eldln,r at Cn. Ileyl Ad; J•mes CLINTON.
i%,.1hamt Roeednlle; J. PIlsdertij killer 1 J.11.
I .Mbr, tVadth Ac Jeble0haloo,A c.rd, Luck- WiLLM sold A7 Public Aeciinn. at 1
..\tel E. Hleke.o.limfan\, and vll Medicros CLINTON H(l1 Rl in the Village n
L%"WIM +Segs. I v
Clinton, by
GJ K, TRUEYAN, Auctioneer
W AYoe W0RM IAIZEN""' an @ nrrlam sed Friday, @6 3rd day of JanuarT. 1868
eek remedy for Trotms in Chdbinn and Adetts.
-A. It is a well-htiUwl end meda"belYY .6rt At Twelve o'cleek, noon, under Power o
that on, grca'ein,adrfith .daring otolLn is 0410 contained in a eartais Mortgage mal
Iran Warns awe.,,irniot to kilo., d.voy III- b) Be,,, Ram.ell Read, formerly of the sai
portend npe the mmd• m Monts ill, .w"I'vely Villag. of Clinton, Hotel hoop'', Marin
.((•'wale .orb .g ihro rh'Mrrn. Av aro &odr. dole the ninth day ter Augrl, 186', (WO -1
end on^,•"teed,R9 the gmpinns And true "nse
of Ih. ddrw.tbeu••.e M chndrrn 0.641 to having boon msde in the due p"In A th'ra
coved from esOTgO•n, Furrow -en Women: Ot) the fnitowmg iAnAs and flm.=
-TM6drn-inganeewofills very A'""o"'I" In lbw Vdlagw of Clinto", trim. enmpn
e.s,pb,wia .Rd dwarra wAirh An rniCedl Ay of LnU na0lrre 123 Ard 224 on 1Glt•nbar
,Imo : r voovNM .ppwtdv,emac,urA ,dilnm- 9trry contsrning coral\.' wn. bek Ser
Awl', eB,ag'e, b,esI h. no""' weans Al tAe
s.,e.,,nrd,ng rd the teed h dun., atwp, hAd.•Ae And Lets numbers 166, 1ST, 266 and 769 0
ef,he hilly, -de f-tio"At m,mv .Sad., .d Prieema Street, Containing together on
A mt,0sa'ruvnl.." Ls; pw,m is thr bnd end ileo. uf
wwdach, ongo,et n"o, fA itl-0. lndet.hRg. rlrA li DWELLING ELLINd I'I0 8E
Ann,hl• IAdw4em..e,le. spool•, In hod draggle,
sed • grOAr w•dtns --a .1, 111- - (Now ^cenried by tM Res, Y,. Caraiiehea
TM7 Aro pminohe and dr ,-rlm,nw.r.4 m ibe And the building knew, se The
,bold-dna.'illi tb..-nam. th-oll 'y .'thc.t
pm e„d'n„eyle„1T rl",rr the rnmR• A -Ill , F R E H Y A 8 0 N 8r HALL
} y Amna away will Un •rasenttr .1 •'hn,niMer-
nv,.,1'.m,e(%i-whareapleorat^albam, -•• And now p•rlty.Pewpi.4 by
/M Clisse
is .be er at a►or trerm Moviladoee. nrsrr'mar Rcbnnl .ted the Melaka Cos
as lir fined aea eootefas the me•mmM negne-
Oae., w o cath esmewdr.
r Ion .f N.anvne a LrrAw,NdWgaleUrarr, D^^ D
.M eoA IM ado %.y.t0ors . The seemed no which the said prvmism s
N. N_A.k Rite Iiw4,rwpo8 t>riw Lid"C- Inwood, end all a,t►se partln.lare had
sad take se ^alder. Ilene is Oe■nNh h hrYrr s{tiooe of sato qlay be ked be applying
a cattle @ad F. Jed"S 44a damn • "'Ploy" QhSm H. HALE PUN a IVIS rN In
/ e'b t ,.Are sdeatYm, adseevNb) J. I•wkard, tOHN DAVISON. anndteH
t"or,I J. H."oa . Walls kJoe►•Chomn
•f 2-1=1".1.1s.
te.ard 1.@ss•w t'F Ssro."4 s..A. ,, d.1 Veader"s w,vefter.
Ua d /aissw 08a1em. w0 i Oars she 2, , 1TU, 1007. ardON
TJatil the dA of Salo. a dd of tlm mid *-I everyt u,
re Sad ew•m,aotM •term.
RVRR IMPORTAT) debts with the eeHls.■Sg and va0ek.n Ser
•^^ l.tiaj thoret1 W! be ;aero"ted at tile A60udmks, D. f. low. of M.S W41.1m•.
. e pro own of G0d,1P•:,b .
■ ill r t h
• ( t roil ho
Po ant Llur LI 0,
1 [ oil f 11
shit Braes. uron. of the Ant Parr •
` tsmember the shop: Caner of %aterloo I Y ( ( L)! Yar F..ert. hts wi* (ter the per
Signal O 1 f/(gypp And l,ighlbowe streets f( y, ^ tit
On ,in, her dower), of for earned •
•-4l■ ( •Wvrich, Line. 2, 1867, w45tf Ontarioa V Nuroo District Building,,%... y -
Nat, (default buying hero bedo
-_ _ _- THE endersieged wd •Oceiv. 9e.1.d Tes ars payment tMnof) will fit so'd
1 lir lbw'rrocnua O" 9011 er„ck on the (roam• the 261h dad of NovemD•r,
a L 4 up to (be !2 ill rM cloak, ntaD, at Ike Ake
°r`"'°` "'' Adjourned Stile tTH o>• JANUARY, 18;8 f)eorge M, t'rusman, ,llwrkt,
tbe lwwvd'A •-.,.Ad ,dr•nona,n b.6oAkv, Tanen of Goderieb, the tea.00n',
R"rltlo Desljsy A. '19 ty dee cora rh4t is to sal, lot nu bar thirty
OF Uederiuk, Deo. 11, l66'f"' Pf•- m o,
Work BO><ear C /_-_____ . { - - Town of Or,derieh, is the Cuanif of
Tea ('addle@y LANDS F01 TAXFIS. SQ It LA ted Is WAimdmauunmtnt oat q•a
Is Salt Lands • known at uma'Vraar Lew; Olsw, lo: u.
'Spine Machr. OT10E is honky given that a number of of $ala. r, ,
Corem"dot Mood, Ae lots which wen onsuld at the late style •: M. C CA IE.,tali j
d Lead. for Taxes, be.d in 10th and Ilth Su:ialot for Yurts ea.
Bur wood, ins4, wdl be again 'fr'e'ed for sale o0
Mahogany, The abuse sale 'r postponed until Friday.
Walnut (Thursday, the 30th January, 1468, 27thday of December, at ram• time aqd
Hungarian Ash, 11 at the Court Hoose is the 7 own of Goder. plains.
limit other Fancy Woods, a the Leh, a 2 p. m., when the aa,d lou will be Ouderieh, Now. 29, 1867. we5td
sold for say Sem which can De reafited for The above sale is f.rtber I odtpoted out I
SIGNAL OFPIC& them. Sa'uriay the 41h, of J, -u-,, 1888.
'rhe unsold lands comprises lets i■ 1p"It MALE,
7'cwAship of Albemarle. .
Vit. I- S. wha. I N PARCELS'aWLS
1' '• Kincardine.
ElECTR0-PLATED WARE ! ,, PortAlber
•' " Port Albert to Trp of Aakaeld. RANGING TROY USPAmYstrr or YANllrs ♦!rU nxHousv,
" Ainley•i,ts Gray.
" Stimmi r do Hay -2 T 0 5 ACRES" ! QTT1wA. 19th Noesmber, I*1o7.
-Warranted to wear equal M silver- 1b' ,b yemmrr Hill " Hu1er4 * y--
Vary Substantial and appropriate Christmas d' - Bayfield i1 Stanley PUBLIO NOT1030
Presented ,r 11 Harrorsey 11 Tock•realth LAND IMMEDIATELY
1• o Zrcaud do Tuilrerry n stager Oltlx THAT ♦lJ.
A Choice Assortment i 1. 4. Blyth do E Wswanesb CUM'M U N IC AT I O N S
Al the Signal Office. 1. '• Invo•may o Arno ADJOINING RELATING TO
I. Bsl.el..A ' Carrick
u o Port Elgin " Sau,"n T3?3'E T iOHTHU11SKS, LIGHTSHIPS, RIQ
-- -- - --- H . i1 Pert Brace 11 Bruce +'1 teals, Beseoea, Bunrs, R•,ulation of
H , a. MAIL, i1 Bruce Present Salt Pell Harban. Enquiry into Genese of Wrveka,
♦ LAiIOa A•AORTI[xb'f r A. M. ROSS, Provision thpots aid Belief of Shipwr,clud
Trea+anr, Co. koros. ! Seems", Marine Hospitals, shipoing OfHo".
BOG -OAK JEWKLLERy ! County Treasurer's Officr, J AT TISCt Pilot boats, River Pollee, lnslre. lir
Oodsnch, Dec. 111h 1867- w471 p 9 ji ( &uamtiosu, Grouting Certificates Vewlf S■
newest .:•ie•, just ,mp.rled, And ---- - -- "-- - G oduieh Railvil Station) potencyun snit Onuting ,Aciof racial
J.W. JOHNSTON'S smanoy s. Maters, Matto, Ac. ; Provincial
For sale Cheap, Apply to 9leamve enc of N Crstt soaneeted with
improvement of Navigation, and Yantisse
At toe Igual Office. - SII. 0. CAMERON. Idabjrets peanlly for Canada, should be
Goderleh, Nov. tri, 1967. w45,f '• DLPAATU93T OF °ARI•x AND rt@H[alwa,
_ -_ Martme Branch,
--- - - orrAWA
Protection, oast nod And Development of
i Steam Engines for gale. Sep 9••, Cort Seth inland Fisheries, iR-
Jut opened at the New Photograph G a I I ere T Promspectiotion
of Fish hod Fish Oil•, and Gagrral
WO le Horse Power Engivse mad Ilei'• 1 Promotios of Fbhen Luterwts, fon Canadty
SIGNAL OFFICE. i Sen nearly new, by Baskett, fur late s►auld be Addns••d-
IN WATSON'$ BLOCK. very cheap. Apply to „o[r&arsewxT orwaass Aso risssaties,
Bacnas, BAaeaa A STReat, F(,Aeries BraacA,
liver the Glasgow Hoar, when he hr Looking. OTA PA'
• fitted op his rooms, in ►b most &pproprists Nov. 28, 1867. 045 2W P. MITCHELL
STERLING GOLD' Ab'D SILVER maonar, to s[ecal• pis/aree in every 8171• _ m r Mmiatev of Marine ¢ FisAeries.
knee to it.R.-Old
aro g g A LT Y IZ A uA 17 0 tK 1 Doe. t, 1967. ode 20 Ism
PEN C L (iA S S N. B. -Old rictus,•. roeh sa I1. •erre• - - --- - _
II twpss oh stem eypaa.'y ,nor Septoto nob.' A RARE CIiANCE
Nr. Jobseloa eordully ,.•kilo t\• rddse HE subscriber offers for eels • vleable
and GeaQessas of Uollorieh and surrounding ire•ol ro rt near the resent Sell roe AST PdrawS oar reason Wusetxe TO
xwwesy Dnto,s, P P• J
clrutry•to well i0 M ilandville, comrrlemg urea FlaVh the b0r119 of Lht Dkagafa0n Well
At 011ie GIGIVAL OF/ICE. a w Cive Nim a Trial I acne of laud.
As to whether be is worthy of patrouKe. Oedwneb p. a, Tbrs ie ON
Ilia pnmirs a dew derrionk tad
J. W. JOHNSTON. Goderich, New. 29, 1847. 046 e■` ice boar. The well u took Me feet,
Goderleh, D". 10. 1867. w46.3m and Woll piped. Any parson .Shing to lea"
Tills NF.WF.9r PATTERNA IN _ the said well, shall here it on very naso• -
Ivory and Rubber 0,odds f$AwwL0(3M. SALT TERRITORY able norma. or wen a teg mil« ..alk lir
Goderleh. For wrticdan spPp1 to
Chains, BrooeheTs, ']'HE Subscriber .ill pev the highest mar- n0 ACRS! low Evt of I'• nemod'o sail Dungannon
Aso ket price for Bold Havelock, Ash And G Hkek.MWA1ed u. moth •des Olin. Rn1. _Dee. 21, 1867, w4611m_
Cherry Raw Loss delivered at hi Hills or ve.y tuck. Also, Lau A end T, Hao,e H, Farm
-• -
Ft+\ CY BACK CON[38 I on Ike Lake Shen. rewaekdp of ,faley.e,d tan l acres of gaau, F a r m f o r Sale
1 K COMBS SAMUEL PLATT. eviscrij gohnrr of Iliy T. in the 0th a'r,neewg,our
Goderich, Dee. 23, 1867, w48 w'y',AtbcelJ, ATHItly9'"WEATIIEKALD, CHEAP FOR CASH.
At the SIGNAL OFF'ICIE. T (;ad'r.eb'
Nov. m, 1667, w{4 TH K gnus! half or lot 1, in (14 gtk Fon.
SsTnAYrn Inlo "."..71.11--1.1
he p"m1g,e f . ., in. he.. wn 11 _ 1
t ono 1, tl.evrir► Sep, .trill I"• to item ,grad a'iJ S. D., of Aebaeld, Cuetaininj 100 serve
.hold, w..•, ..,.a a erg" ole Tol..w.'r soodgwd. .ante or logs, with shoot 80 serve of clearing
A LARGE STOCK OF`dwpr°•`p1OY•"r.rr•'w"••••^di.b•Am .- Salt Territory in Port I O !
will HALL and fare buildinc. This lot a subject to A
D-. Tn. leer. we0 lir' mortgage of $900, at 10 per cent, interest
ran. kms $400 cash,
hod has cttool ewers to
he r having vis Power that Term. $f 00 orb, subject to eortKSsa
no•Id M applied in si•ki+K A 5011 on lbe tot.
Well in two &'love Village, would give D. SBADY GOODiNG.
' parties me orpnrteoity o1 using said power, Barrister.
CHURCH SERVICES, E A 8 T M A N 18 and wosid also lake •hart• t" the eaterpries Goderich, ,10th Jell, 1867. w281r
PATEN*I' COMBINED Hoed can be bed at a low 6gen. IDply •
&C., &C., FOOT IIST0V30 for further A GOOD 0$ANCE1
In ivory, Morocco. and Tartan Bindings, AND LANTERN. Pool Albert, Noi. fa, IK7, w4M FOR A RLACS;S3l1fT11-
jast receired at the -- - -
SICNAL OFFICE. ITS USES: To Salt Speculators I rA+1'1=111.14 "' "Ice'' 't
1 a with 11 er1M R ^w. e.ra. lir
TIRAT-rot WARMTH. •est+. '1 VIII • d•1'' e K
IR con or Aa"n minute. anrr, the lamp ts b: T y ) ` ,t 1q
- the movl to nioe,y wenn, and ,Ar0.it pot 'n • 1JA 1 lJ I1 O11 LEe eO"'b' dwty irid,•h"rrRm'.ne kutWgwl' Awa
ruliwr mr ele,wA n wdl keep tM key rem Lru Wy bg..lwa rrbard me "1",►rhnl.r dna-me. .f halt
w.rdn white r'd•"Rg env Adm•.re ; ter ,1 pr'l un- =1 ta.n I• aaOat 17 verb d Roto dame w OW
der ane 1", 1..hnrcle it wilt keep them rerferlry i H R andereijned offers for sa16 about fear Pnwlw .etch sour be arf„1 for lrnag pgAnrt
New Games, .arm dnnng •en're• I lir n IroetAed wit► ,.Id + srres of land in Gollerick, whfc6 a ad \•M "'ether a ""t o•, Apply u
feet in .Ale- ur edt;g mom, the t*ool 811ivw will elirshly &denied far salt wnrke, being .0 the Hew Dr 1667 1114x7YIIlvROt
.tight, In Bet mo'r'e rid of lost trouble; .r n hank of the River Maid•od and a4jninlsj tM
your hands get and
while wa•elhng, open did. K. leek. A • short switch. fhlt IFNAC11 RH V ANTE d.
• Inds d.rr .ad y„u won
And a site• hila o eg de T
New Puzzles, warm them ,n two millotes j could he sent Fastword by rail or to like A TnerA.r h.ldu` • or •w•wd wlir eerelAeOrw
2,D -FOR LIGHT. I wharf for shipment. Thr proprrty a olei.d L1 ;, nnhool Rrrtgn Nn d C*I= ♦pWy om
Dissected Maps While travelling at night d it a dark you will to tile wall now ainUng end about lee •rite Jhaahry s lees, At hhh uses• adaetiem wilt be reg
have a Lantern I. alone, you', tea way 1 if vote 7 etAtlq ea's'y, • 7••as -A
ea 1ft"ZI
1$zQw, t Q. (nest with •n a1-r,dem yd's wt %.vin A 4 •^torn from the fames. C.oderich Salt Nnrks. This ALK2. 1lALUfT KAge vr
• i' one of the most desirable Iota "a- in the D.mmillar p. w Dee. Trot, IM. .4rd'
•Insde ht In ►,Ip v kin oct.0 ronbie 1 and .Mn P _ _
yno e. -m, \oma a Rt•At with torr. warn had market, and intending operators should exam
I . TRAT1D, Rin at oor aaasM. Hsam of
In Endless Variety! awagty ter \^.' not to Inhve them in Ue cold! ,Ino it with.at A,Isy. .ele. tla V Mmaer Wt, •red W wbas
III yon sN • IigM-rAe hese one wnA you -And trot 'titulars a 1 l^ te."te w,oOtM did tits Aghr wr ro ,ge sY e,llt
AT Sews n 0 .o prolertrA Ina von cony rover N . In a PD a") pwrn0 [I•Iq ooq` lof. wtim ane iti11W so He
p 1'OHN HY i3O r. td M nRAWy "w.rdW.
bay aeaw eW R wit ea, sei the man as Ars. rwa.•sry - J. B. try LLt,t lta
Mi eLl OrM40o0$ gal, -row SAVINtf. G.A.rieh. noe.nrh ter teles'. Sen•
it will ave year he" •ndl 1.-t Dem.uOering ISeptwg'bar 30, 1867. w36.30•1p _
. - - - ------ --- ,h,b,n,rrosl,whirb you have.nut,nandp.in- ------ - RTRATHD, Cams um tbprembw sae0edpd
fully e,dord,d I• the p -a. And Aar- it will fell lit is 701 I. 0""Aska mar Arai M
m.. ..e n.m tee«,rpraed MA ,e1b .ted big SALT TERRITORY x.n.h.r arm rad and .tea. ev - ewes. .
T ? r r dwells• ", yon Mvr \0A ,o grapple w, Ili," iso =" .- "t^•ta 1M°tr•t1 MB •Rry•e•• •rod tyle
1/]? 1a lJ U ll`J best. it wdl "••e v.w tk.w• .tA. •^d ,Spree,,. t 0 lossFH WRITZi.T.
/ h•v,wg to •ter at .very nnhl,r %.,A* end ..Sem FOR SALE Oft LEASE. e.+
_.rW Dee. keel
Ise WtpJL
while lrA•ell n end tel Mnn nn wet .seA
1N THR h t s sorry _ --- --- ---
errruion, I. ex p'r'e ynor he r• tw he bill" 11`141N 1110yard .I tha p"sest Uodenti, l+eleset. Sw prsmbN sr cls "edgnf[oM W r
,old and 1t will cove 4. ibis lro^,g, eM at, , Hume mhd. le Nevembs, lest A N0( Ones With
1 r SAIL N'.rk•. Ase, •
New Patent Bindings, penes t.arm a I.nlrrn ev,ry de M ; for Seco' welb nn her tied
TA, o..w eu w ti
7 ,A• Waw 00th 1iwedi ,e wide efrA. ".wr AM4• F A R M [ N G L A N D f3 Pre.l■a arevnr ►.d pv10A • tR«r. t
Hawn.' or h1op e■d'Aw a h/w cos"atest is dhoti looelo Arp 1 t AS RiW,w°tTItLT
ndiol, i,A1T FOR TRARi, Lore, or belooet 1h1 (tea'ilea l m be olid. JOHN I% ." inNDOr, a. , ,v ' D•" 1Nl lr@7 w4s.t_
Tt,rr coat be rnn'\0abd el It H.nlw•ro 81nrag Mehotl." Oanerir\ 'ST ATHD into res prandes, of JM a tet
A Large assortment, at lin ferirh, Clunnn And r esfunA, and At lM G"hard k.IM bee.. IN6, w4ea q T cos" r'wtea B D OdlersA aide 'Ad ay
pr'•rmle Mem ,hmus\owl thoCov my of Heron. p.n M ser. tae% a md ala Was•temtg. ,, gee • ass
f atrrodm Aark(talhlly Inde pr!i c",sgt tthe P1tiCE),$4.60. - -- ---------- ,wgew Arne, tree ••r•B aWs,•.m= T\•W mew.
Q y/ Jul l/Y Is OFF301. ll Y .5.0 Apmis Wanted In every T.Irnsh'p to oke and BALT WELL BORING1. rte, so" Pro^ srgmb Mr P --
All 'orders. A Itlienl e„mmtr'w0 .gored Irw AAaan aVwl'Oa
@eery Stow and 1•aetage .,lot ` H K unJrraian.d bodge to ananssee that he 0•dmeAk, Dee. 14, 1PR. 74k.ar
Yormr,h,rpa ,Salam apply (pset".W to 1 sdl end.rtakt the h6vin of &alt wells
J. W. TOSOatMlArootw, .be he. b.Ilghi Ata g `tarstub m.,wmr..tw. JTi-I 6
i the Night to monafbetsw sed w11 to llarem pAerith on his own adroan6 R1a ,0e•Irm- Orel T •A aY
f ('-"I- 'kill. MORRIMON, Th. Ad -S.,xwv Mirgit/ IaPT'm'IerOs
. loseledb, N.v. It IM7, well, Sox 4, Goderiea, and o•b.ha0
d I OFl • --------------- 1lr'.1, iIIIT. W46if e„dwtrada ,IMM. . wd.m•.
R -.- _.•_.•^ - ---- -- ♦ T aTHfR uta 1N 4seah/ara st are og►
jjyt C1 Insolvent Aft of 1684. Sen S►LT oPF,tATORfs. gTMa,r,l„s.l4216tT W D- nook•,'. saAN
KnIck-Knack s, -- wbawsowbb 016- . T ,.m. Sea
o ie the Connty l7ea,l of tit• County of Hbrwa. 1►a d In por tN01 Ning r RRood or sato, od W ^ +e m Tr••,T y 'l 1r e
••d adder
All perfectly Now and Fresh, _ T end in {rrlRel working nedwr, for sale boomAw K *an Nim.,
to IAe matter of Ja4k Stemsvf, ob"p. Particutsn at this once. - -_ _ _ .
A, AT TUR SIGNAL UFFi08. ea labfeeat. Doe. 2, 1Nat[t, r p g W48m r q,gfslabe(ami teseweess2ar (Y yial,f_s4 We
^ P of t e Asia ftolatinn of Ilaid (hike, WENT FOO - i MN, r1L Sea M"anier•(1r 1*1 1' ',gM_Bw• -r"-'1M1 '
• - .1 of the sided Pier instant.
. aandd (n vas Or°,ns. yaw 1 1 we.
3ra da of Dee.mwr ies(anL and are @vAAr LANTERN COMBINED 1
TICM LARGF3M!r of A.clor R'nafle, RwIaIPa1 Judge of the -- p},4TsoOpa 66"Ili.RA-CUse. b^
f) AND bonnesAlo wean, bearing dam the lath day idado by O. R. MORTIMOIN t`d slmkr+wh ,des WMI. are• AftsTglasluyreymisa•s
1 of Doeambar last"% will he @old fh p.bh, LIbTOWSL. war gawamasMsm N 11M// 1 ioM/6m{. 1
M U E1 T C (r M P L L T E ,•adeno at ,hes roof"*mr, of Mr, e"'r M FARM JfVtd1 SL1LrA
Treaare, aeetie...v, i• las Towe of Gwd- Stw 1 G D1i18 8eelerieie
ARRORT11SIfT OM .risk, is the Ctnely of He,-, at soar, me 1 • ' r
rt the Iwsnogatb day of J"wry Mil, ,?p ►y+H M • A LQA 4H.N A RT7c l.6 time be" was- IN A to ' I ■ Bt►
Christmas Pres"nts dAhts Z.
to Lha seam, 1 by a wuwtk•r "' ct li ke •Ad bum P. `i/
m M \ t N r r•srwsar'ed■rOaM
n .y of Mr. G••da*.7,
NOW ON VIEW 1 +• .
N my Stale., RemiMb ng(gO1rA @.a + aM.ro+@
At fhe 610N AL OMLVAv D•mf Ula frau y '''wtb ltilr+t ..kt.ltt hM... to >L.a.
f$WI I 116•, 9101, Nt/. d tll rM , war. uR 1". -ow.
I delve Se% am.
Th•.J,.r,■er, \ante, I—- r.. I,dd 1st hrllh m
.w.'eke by. p V,knot. nm.dy..11er hw'mg a.,
.r•A fon•rdr.l yeer. with Asw•ere lm„ wr.cll.h. wed
e., d d do.a... C.n .d " -w .. ' m• I•, ma,
snow' h hu l:aowwira. IM mane lir rare.
T..II ^wA, d re o. 6. 111 .and . -Pr .4 the p,•.-
en,*,nwrJ ofrbap).."h,b.dlr.d,lu.0 Wrpr'_
'ucrRe■n .dd u.%_ •,^AerrneWaid,,BS1i -lou"f-
C"."e,wit .iirdooa .,ant [-so Ad -!-o -. 'Me. - I
M,.dle.ut'erose'...nieuy IAe lut-not-"dyu
Ke, the•'6,ct.d. oarepr.ad drwd%d . -hili h-
d w I,r ill ralua l...nd \e h.pe ter .ud-nr
W,IrII 0, `k,•r I ..d , N it will t-. Ik.me.Olh,Og, sold
1\ ue rld,uy Ilii,, -too.. Pass. by ,.,am owl
wlldpW ddrwRev. P D WA RD A. IN IIAO'r.
',u■ ".Sea "..r. r... New Yeah
A Family Sl.their,,-y.`llatld4vora4ykaewo
furtho pa.t tan yag r...ar.e •ha6 is m 'all.
i.dauce to give p•rouoot .Af`of wIs um ly
used, ewd We have .ever know., tog:• aur
of d,eru•Ihruoa when tea direction• have beim
•rep, -rye tollowed, bu ea the contrary all am
drl,gbted with no oprrat,.ae, sad .peak lin tae
bighs.l qrm. of .n T,nme sad Magical pacts,
h u w„ tonl•rlf . reput-tion, u a blood pun-
§ a, sn,mo.. M.n_ to Loa", u"a„rpos•e,l m the
lou o,y,ddn•d, 1preporawn•. It''them tell.
to rasa D;aprp.s, L.6er CoOphn.,•, I"diwir•
tag, Roll m', n It HeOderh,, K,dn•y Com-
plAu,ts, A,l.l Neal . b Phthowc or Ad►.6A, and
,-I.,.. to t ifd snooty the Ayew. deb..udd
by .uderuN el,d Jd' Sae.
Ian -a.-&[ and widen"( ..,rise In ransg
•a"..,Ww, n proal, Coasts, D,plhrna
psis• a IM aw4Jlonr end back. seunlsu,tooth
arbe, Menm.hc andreber pelh. s any pen r
the 1. dy wed from w&.te•er esu.., hese [Ives ,
a plge• dA eve,y hol.rhold and u Lae •uprrmd-
,a, .II other prellergu.,na .f the kind.
It r.I-u.d",eel sad prompt r,mely t.r
Sen• KID1aag 6 us, CM1Al.dme,
V,.la. Mu
rroM Hero, cosi ppw, 1st the wmAr►, LhAr6wa,
l.nulere morbo•, H''7,uue L\MW.Lhole,S law. -
tum, Ilyraterv, Jac.
Pnce ugly Si cen'. ppr'r h,dtle.
No wean&.. C. W.
f6enrr"I Asset I. Canada-
il?--old ie rM",rb by Parker At cable .ad
F. Joed..l G.rdbner Ar. Co. H.,Acid; I.m..
Hrstbnm, Rodger .1WO PR-k.rd, !-dieter; J.H.
, embr, Wow dt J.bb, t:i;cdur; s-.rol, lurk-
ww; k: ti"Ideow. 1 -to tar. sad ab 11 n -.6e
- __ -_
_ Perry Dmerist Pal° si111erd'
In this town, on Monday the 30th knot.,, -
t the residence of the briar's mother, Esat I we c:ip tke f.11owing from the Provideisce
treat, by the Rev. W. H. Poole, a«,rp , General Adreytiser
. Rolde t•un, to Mor Elizabeth, turd I o At tbt. seseon of the year widen ebolee"
Slighter of the lata Geurge Mdaltneil, j chillers morbus, dysteotery, and other kin
Ah of G.dmnch. drrd complaints art sun to p e,ail,er•r))body
should M liberally @applied with Perry Ds•u'
BIRTH. Veee.Able Pain Killer. I. mea (raring
bane, whether it be for a dors escunion or
On the 24th, inst., the wife of James a trip to Furore, @hntld be in a position to
Thompson, Ear{{., Tea:her, Central School Place their hands m, it is • moment'• warn
lAodertcb, of a daughter. log. many diraseA in incident to tbe rmmrr
---- _ -DIED. _-- -_- mm the, ehiel4 ill prove fetal If not im
mediately checked, eao be promptly cored
At Goderich, Ont., on Saturday Dec. by ons or iso dos" of the Palo Killer. UO
28th, 1007, Jana Belton, wife of Capt. J. Poore than one .cession been we hag■ nlie•-
Y. S. Kirk, aged 37 years. ad of intrase sulTermg by the lineal IF ar of
the above n.mrd prvpantioo. "
In Goderich, on Saturday morning, Dec. Sold hr All Drug[ista, groom, and medi
Lt, JAous Z. PArer, &god 21 years and cime dealers.
3 months. PERRY DAVIS A SON.
At Port S&nilac in the state of Michigan Proprietors.
on the 1311 cost., at the residence of his 110 3m 380 St. Paul street MoatrNl.
eon -in-law, Mr. Jarvis Watson, Richards -
' dewurth aero. Ifo wr fathero( Richard H1 OffiETI ING
'corge, and Welham Aldgwarth of the 1
Township of Goderich and one of the That Everybody Needs•
ldest settlers, ( -_-
j ARmF.R91 YCeh►nical Professional Men
DEOEMBffiR a Merchants I Do you want, for yoursel-
W hat i4 the healthy, wnrld[7 man's ank i nes, your sons, or these in vosr employ that
inn T Wealth, Wealth, Kraltb. And knowledge that will enable Tom, or them,
shat the poor invalid's T H,slth. ilealth, to Carr? flit business systematically and safe
He■It►. 'T a trta, gold is dross compared Ie, and without the annnynee and expense
with health. Take Care of it, but if ono of wiling upon Dome 1• Idmb of the Lew,'
hsea already lost it from dimaa(, of the who will charge you Five or Ten Dollars ler
rhroot, Lases, (weer, Kidneys, or Direstiye his half bar's am of the pen? Stich a
)rg•rs, Ac., nmesstwr tba. then hr never knowlydre as will enebl• you in it*# Ro
teen wm,,,w,o a mFdicins that e.uld to Decorate accoS+t of your ronirts and earn
way Compete with di• Gmet dhoobnoters riendinrbvo. your gains and your losses on
Qamrely for the radiesl can of thou dossers. year crops, ynor msntifactores, ter your mock
In trad-T So that by knowing each day
THE 411E►T ENGL199 MENEDI •wetly the stall of your •?wire, too may by
_ a proper management of them, avoid loss",
SiR JAMES CLARKR'S fioaneial embarrassment, and bankrwpter,
Celebrated Female Pills. and aro that sh.uld you soddenly be called
Prr red Jrin aprescription a 4it J. a+ey lir Death, o those
ata• can without
pd Aj I • difficulty or Tor, to those yea ,can
Olarke, D.,PAysrrian F..rtraordinr ry he apeedily and sa,{dmctnrily ruled up? if
to eke Queen• you deem much a knowledge desirable, you
Th om,olosbl- nuv(n•ne Is ■nkilinr t' the tall' in •few mnoths, ■nth t •small ex
run of All -her p•minl and do nsemuD di meed, poor, ebuin it at
., which the female renNituuon 0 .tih)s i. It T 11 E I, O N i) O N
m.i•1en,M •II ediesw •nJ rcmcrbw •II obaru• .mu,
and •speedy r... may he rehod *R. CoIIlInerei'1 College.
I it peemhorly .noted, 1 acid, In a "no, time, No similar institaiinn is prepared to impart
bring on the m.nthly,&w nod with regulari y. .urh a
LnehhodUe,pnre%erDddtlM0ePrsu -6ev- THOROUGHLY
,rnment Momp of Ureat Witaio to Preened t 00 a-
e'*Practical Knowledge
T%... Pi1fe,4-dd.m A,rwlsn Avfi'.ek during As this. None ivaro g-nerally endo, -ed ane
tA. FIN31 TIMES MO,V1'rf3 f Prsg
^wiser, As rA,w two Carr to AnwI a Afiee-r• sustained by theme whose npnnron should
nset,A.rwt.wpdA•r riwv tAquer 0. have weigght with all el"e.s of onewty and
In ell ,.m• of Nrrv.t. mold Spina p.lertmna, none In Btiiiah America hu so many Btu
Pool. In the PA,k and IdOM, Fgnru• on .light dont, in s,tendmnct. Please rod for air
mo'''on, Pf"taonn"ter llesrt, "Too Senn ted cater. Addnas
Wh,ted thew• PJI. will er«•t a Senn whet ■II
other ;Pass Mee faded; and rhlwesl "power• a)'. W•ITON I?t4
felrcmedy, d. nM roam iron. rCl, n•1, ant'. Principal. L. l'. G..
m."Y, ter a.vthing hartftil to torr ems none. London• Ontario.
Full d'nrnon. in the S"enphkt ad ,end ,sell Doo, 6,. 1866: •3
prksee, whoh wh1;ld M rs.ef..ty 1 "roved.
Huls agent f.o the tinned Mata an, Cased•., -------_.- --- _. -. -- -
N - B. -01.M and an pod0,e slam e, agrl.grd
to soye.. Aaehenr'l agent w,tl dR».. a bock'. tin.- REAL ESTATE
ude,eg Atty ail' fiT -turnRTH mail:
flultryecP a I YMAx,
Nrwc•atle, G. W.,gener•I iN
agent for Cen•de
Ser Sold is Uadeneh by Pvker , Cattle and
F. J,wd.n I @eldln,r at Cn. Ileyl Ad; J•mes CLINTON.
i%,.1hamt Roeednlle; J. PIlsdertij killer 1 J.11.
I .Mbr, tVadth Ac Jeble0haloo,A c.rd, Luck- WiLLM sold A7 Public Aeciinn. at 1
..\tel E. Hleke.o.limfan\, and vll Medicros CLINTON H(l1 Rl in the Village n
L%"WIM +Segs. I v
Clinton, by
GJ K, TRUEYAN, Auctioneer
W AYoe W0RM IAIZEN""' an @ nrrlam sed Friday, @6 3rd day of JanuarT. 1868
eek remedy for Trotms in Chdbinn and Adetts.
-A. It is a well-htiUwl end meda"belYY .6rt At Twelve o'cleek, noon, under Power o
that on, grca'ein,adrfith .daring otolLn is 0410 contained in a eartais Mortgage mal
Iran Warns awe.,,irniot to kilo., d.voy III- b) Be,,, Ram.ell Read, formerly of the sai
portend npe the mmd• m Monts ill, .w"I'vely Villag. of Clinton, Hotel hoop'', Marin
.((•'wale .orb .g ihro rh'Mrrn. Av aro &odr. dole the ninth day ter Augrl, 186', (WO -1
end on^,•"teed,R9 the gmpinns And true "nse
of Ih. ddrw.tbeu••.e M chndrrn 0.641 to having boon msde in the due p"In A th'ra
coved from esOTgO•n, Furrow -en Women: Ot) the fnitowmg iAnAs and flm.=
-TM6drn-inganeewofills very A'""o"'I" In lbw Vdlagw of Clinto", trim. enmpn
e.s,pb,wia .Rd dwarra wAirh An rniCedl Ay of LnU na0lrre 123 Ard 224 on 1Glt•nbar
,Imo : r voovNM .ppwtdv,emac,urA ,dilnm- 9trry contsrning coral\.' wn. bek Ser
Awl', eB,ag'e, b,esI h. no""' weans Al tAe
s.,e.,,nrd,ng rd the teed h dun., atwp, hAd.•Ae And Lets numbers 166, 1ST, 266 and 769 0
ef,he hilly, -de f-tio"At m,mv .Sad., .d Prieema Street, Containing together on
A mt,0sa'ruvnl.." Ls; pw,m is thr bnd end ileo. uf
wwdach, ongo,et n"o, fA itl-0. lndet.hRg. rlrA li DWELLING ELLINd I'I0 8E
Ann,hl• IAdw4em..e,le. spool•, In hod draggle,
sed • grOAr w•dtns --a .1, 111- - (Now ^cenried by tM Res, Y,. Caraiiehea
TM7 Aro pminohe and dr ,-rlm,nw.r.4 m ibe And the building knew, se The
,bold-dna.'illi tb..-nam. th-oll 'y .'thc.t
pm e„d'n„eyle„1T rl",rr the rnmR• A -Ill , F R E H Y A 8 0 N 8r HALL
} y Amna away will Un •rasenttr .1 •'hn,niMer-
nv,.,1'.m,e(%i-whareapleorat^albam, -•• And now p•rlty.Pewpi.4 by
/M Clisse
is .be er at a►or trerm Moviladoee. nrsrr'mar Rcbnnl .ted the Melaka Cos
as lir fined aea eootefas the me•mmM negne-
Oae., w o cath esmewdr.
r Ion .f N.anvne a LrrAw,NdWgaleUrarr, D^^ D
.M eoA IM ado %.y.t0ors . The seemed no which the said prvmism s
N. N_A.k Rite Iiw4,rwpo8 t>riw Lid"C- Inwood, end all a,t►se partln.lare had
sad take se ^alder. Ilene is Oe■nNh h hrYrr s{tiooe of sato qlay be ked be applying
a cattle @ad F. Jed"S 44a damn • "'Ploy" QhSm H. HALE PUN a IVIS rN In
/ e'b t ,.Are sdeatYm, adseevNb) J. I•wkard, tOHN DAVISON. anndteH
t"or,I J. H."oa . Walls kJoe►•Chomn
•f 2-1=1".1.1s.
te.ard 1.@ss•w t'F Ssro."4 s..A. ,, d.1 Veader"s w,vefter.
Ua d /aissw 08a1em. w0 i Oars she 2, , 1TU, 1007. ardON
TJatil the dA of Salo. a dd of tlm mid *-I everyt u,
re Sad ew•m,aotM •term.
RVRR IMPORTAT) debts with the eeHls.■Sg and va0ek.n Ser
•^^ l.tiaj thoret1 W! be ;aero"ted at tile A60udmks, D. f. low. of M.S W41.1m•.
. e pro own of G0d,1P•:,b .
■ ill r t h
• ( t roil ho
Po ant Llur LI 0,
1 [ oil f 11
shit Braes. uron. of the Ant Parr •
` tsmember the shop: Caner of %aterloo I Y ( ( L)! Yar F..ert. hts wi* (ter the per
Signal O 1 f/(gypp And l,ighlbowe streets f( y, ^ tit
On ,in, her dower), of for earned •
•-4l■ ( •Wvrich, Line. 2, 1867, w45tf Ontarioa V Nuroo District Building,,%... y -
Nat, (default buying hero bedo
-_ _ _- THE endersieged wd •Oceiv. 9e.1.d Tes ars payment tMnof) will fit so'd
1 lir lbw'rrocnua O" 9011 er„ck on the (roam• the 261h dad of NovemD•r,
a L 4 up to (be !2 ill rM cloak, ntaD, at Ike Ake
°r`"'°` "'' Adjourned Stile tTH o>• JANUARY, 18;8 f)eorge M, t'rusman, ,llwrkt,
tbe lwwvd'A •-.,.Ad ,dr•nona,n b.6oAkv, Tanen of Goderieb, the tea.00n',
R"rltlo Desljsy A. '19 ty dee cora rh4t is to sal, lot nu bar thirty
OF Uederiuk, Deo. 11, l66'f"' Pf•- m o,
Work BO><ear C /_-_____ . { - - Town of Or,derieh, is the Cuanif of
Tea ('addle@y LANDS F01 TAXFIS. SQ It LA ted Is WAimdmauunmtnt oat q•a
Is Salt Lands • known at uma'Vraar Lew; Olsw, lo: u.
'Spine Machr. OT10E is honky given that a number of of $ala. r, ,
Corem"dot Mood, Ae lots which wen onsuld at the late style •: M. C CA IE.,tali j
d Lead. for Taxes, be.d in 10th and Ilth Su:ialot for Yurts ea.
Bur wood, ins4, wdl be again 'fr'e'ed for sale o0
Mahogany, The abuse sale 'r postponed until Friday.
Walnut (Thursday, the 30th January, 1468, 27thday of December, at ram• time aqd
Hungarian Ash, 11 at the Court Hoose is the 7 own of Goder. plains.
limit other Fancy Woods, a the Leh, a 2 p. m., when the aa,d lou will be Ouderieh, Now. 29, 1867. we5td
sold for say Sem which can De reafited for The above sale is f.rtber I odtpoted out I
SIGNAL OFPIC& them. Sa'uriay the 41h, of J, -u-,, 1888.
'rhe unsold lands comprises lets i■ 1p"It MALE,
7'cwAship of Albemarle. .
Vit. I- S. wha. I N PARCELS'aWLS
1' '• Kincardine.
ElECTR0-PLATED WARE ! ,, PortAlber
•' " Port Albert to Trp of Aakaeld. RANGING TROY USPAmYstrr or YANllrs ♦!rU nxHousv,
" Ainley•i,ts Gray.
" Stimmi r do Hay -2 T 0 5 ACRES" ! QTT1wA. 19th Noesmber, I*1o7.
-Warranted to wear equal M silver- 1b' ,b yemmrr Hill " Hu1er4 * y--
Vary Substantial and appropriate Christmas d' - Bayfield i1 Stanley PUBLIO NOT1030
Presented ,r 11 Harrorsey 11 Tock•realth LAND IMMEDIATELY
1• o Zrcaud do Tuilrerry n stager Oltlx THAT ♦lJ.
A Choice Assortment i 1. 4. Blyth do E Wswanesb CUM'M U N IC AT I O N S
Al the Signal Office. 1. '• Invo•may o Arno ADJOINING RELATING TO
I. Bsl.el..A ' Carrick
u o Port Elgin " Sau,"n T3?3'E T iOHTHU11SKS, LIGHTSHIPS, RIQ
-- -- - --- H . i1 Pert Brace 11 Bruce +'1 teals, Beseoea, Bunrs, R•,ulation of
H , a. MAIL, i1 Bruce Present Salt Pell Harban. Enquiry into Genese of Wrveka,
♦ LAiIOa A•AORTI[xb'f r A. M. ROSS, Provision thpots aid Belief of Shipwr,clud
Trea+anr, Co. koros. ! Seems", Marine Hospitals, shipoing OfHo".
BOG -OAK JEWKLLERy ! County Treasurer's Officr, J AT TISCt Pilot boats, River Pollee, lnslre. lir
Oodsnch, Dec. 111h 1867- w471 p 9 ji ( &uamtiosu, Grouting Certificates Vewlf S■
newest .:•ie•, just ,mp.rled, And ---- - -- "-- - G oduieh Railvil Station) potencyun snit Onuting ,Aciof racial
J.W. JOHNSTON'S smanoy s. Maters, Matto, Ac. ; Provincial
For sale Cheap, Apply to 9leamve enc of N Crstt soaneeted with
improvement of Navigation, and Yantisse
At toe Igual Office. - SII. 0. CAMERON. Idabjrets peanlly for Canada, should be
Goderleh, Nov. tri, 1967. w45,f '• DLPAATU93T OF °ARI•x AND rt@H[alwa,
_ -_ Martme Branch,
--- - - orrAWA
Protection, oast nod And Development of
i Steam Engines for gale. Sep 9••, Cort Seth inland Fisheries, iR-
Jut opened at the New Photograph G a I I ere T Promspectiotion
of Fish hod Fish Oil•, and Gagrral
WO le Horse Power Engivse mad Ilei'• 1 Promotios of Fbhen Luterwts, fon Canadty
SIGNAL OFFICE. i Sen nearly new, by Baskett, fur late s►auld be Addns••d-
IN WATSON'$ BLOCK. very cheap. Apply to „o[r&arsewxT orwaass Aso risssaties,
Bacnas, BAaeaa A STReat, F(,Aeries BraacA,
liver the Glasgow Hoar, when he hr Looking. OTA PA'
• fitted op his rooms, in ►b most &pproprists Nov. 28, 1867. 045 2W P. MITCHELL
STERLING GOLD' Ab'D SILVER maonar, to s[ecal• pis/aree in every 8171• _ m r Mmiatev of Marine ¢ FisAeries.
knee to it.R.-Old
aro g g A LT Y IZ A uA 17 0 tK 1 Doe. t, 1967. ode 20 Ism
PEN C L (iA S S N. B. -Old rictus,•. roeh sa I1. •erre• - - --- - _
II twpss oh stem eypaa.'y ,nor Septoto nob.' A RARE CIiANCE
Nr. Jobseloa eordully ,.•kilo t\• rddse HE subscriber offers for eels • vleable
and GeaQessas of Uollorieh and surrounding ire•ol ro rt near the resent Sell roe AST PdrawS oar reason Wusetxe TO
xwwesy Dnto,s, P P• J
clrutry•to well i0 M ilandville, comrrlemg urea FlaVh the b0r119 of Lht Dkagafa0n Well
At 011ie GIGIVAL OF/ICE. a w Cive Nim a Trial I acne of laud.
As to whether be is worthy of patrouKe. Oedwneb p. a, Tbrs ie ON
Ilia pnmirs a dew derrionk tad
J. W. JOHNSTON. Goderich, New. 29, 1847. 046 e■` ice boar. The well u took Me feet,
Goderleh, D". 10. 1867. w46.3m and Woll piped. Any parson .Shing to lea"
Tills NF.WF.9r PATTERNA IN _ the said well, shall here it on very naso• -
Ivory and Rubber 0,odds f$AwwL0(3M. SALT TERRITORY able norma. or wen a teg mil« ..alk lir
Goderleh. For wrticdan spPp1 to
Chains, BrooeheTs, ']'HE Subscriber .ill pev the highest mar- n0 ACRS! low Evt of I'• nemod'o sail Dungannon
Aso ket price for Bold Havelock, Ash And G Hkek.MWA1ed u. moth •des Olin. Rn1. _Dee. 21, 1867, w4611m_
Cherry Raw Loss delivered at hi Hills or ve.y tuck. Also, Lau A end T, Hao,e H, Farm
-• -
Ft+\ CY BACK CON[38 I on Ike Lake Shen. rewaekdp of ,faley.e,d tan l acres of gaau, F a r m f o r Sale
1 K COMBS SAMUEL PLATT. eviscrij gohnrr of Iliy T. in the 0th a'r,neewg,our
Goderich, Dee. 23, 1867, w48 w'y',AtbcelJ, ATHItly9'"WEATIIEKALD, CHEAP FOR CASH.
At the SIGNAL OFF'ICIE. T (;ad'r.eb'
Nov. m, 1667, w{4 TH K gnus! half or lot 1, in (14 gtk Fon.
SsTnAYrn Inlo "."..71.11--1.1
he p"m1g,e f . ., in. he.. wn 11 _ 1
t ono 1, tl.evrir► Sep, .trill I"• to item ,grad a'iJ S. D., of Aebaeld, Cuetaininj 100 serve
.hold, w..•, ..,.a a erg" ole Tol..w.'r soodgwd. .ante or logs, with shoot 80 serve of clearing
A LARGE STOCK OF`dwpr°•`p1OY•"r.rr•'w"••••^di.b•Am .- Salt Territory in Port I O !
will HALL and fare buildinc. This lot a subject to A
D-. Tn. leer. we0 lir' mortgage of $900, at 10 per cent, interest
ran. kms $400 cash,
hod has cttool ewers to
he r having vis Power that Term. $f 00 orb, subject to eortKSsa
no•Id M applied in si•ki+K A 5011 on lbe tot.
Well in two &'love Village, would give D. SBADY GOODiNG.
' parties me orpnrteoity o1 using said power, Barrister.
CHURCH SERVICES, E A 8 T M A N 18 and wosid also lake •hart• t" the eaterpries Goderich, ,10th Jell, 1867. w281r
PATEN*I' COMBINED Hoed can be bed at a low 6gen. IDply •
&C., &C., FOOT IIST0V30 for further A GOOD 0$ANCE1
In ivory, Morocco. and Tartan Bindings, AND LANTERN. Pool Albert, Noi. fa, IK7, w4M FOR A RLACS;S3l1fT11-
jast receired at the -- - -
SICNAL OFFICE. ITS USES: To Salt Speculators I rA+1'1=111.14 "' "Ice'' 't
1 a with 11 er1M R ^w. e.ra. lir
TIRAT-rot WARMTH. •est+. '1 VIII • d•1'' e K
IR con or Aa"n minute. anrr, the lamp ts b: T y ) ` ,t 1q
- the movl to nioe,y wenn, and ,Ar0.it pot 'n • 1JA 1 lJ I1 O11 LEe eO"'b' dwty irid,•h"rrRm'.ne kutWgwl' Awa
ruliwr mr ele,wA n wdl keep tM key rem Lru Wy bg..lwa rrbard me "1",►rhnl.r dna-me. .f halt
w.rdn white r'd•"Rg env Adm•.re ; ter ,1 pr'l un- =1 ta.n I• aaOat 17 verb d Roto dame w OW
der ane 1", 1..hnrcle it wilt keep them rerferlry i H R andereijned offers for sa16 about fear Pnwlw .etch sour be arf„1 for lrnag pgAnrt
New Games, .arm dnnng •en're• I lir n IroetAed wit► ,.Id + srres of land in Gollerick, whfc6 a ad \•M "'ether a ""t o•, Apply u
feet in .Ale- ur edt;g mom, the t*ool 811ivw will elirshly &denied far salt wnrke, being .0 the Hew Dr 1667 1114x7YIIlvROt
.tight, In Bet mo'r'e rid of lost trouble; .r n hank of the River Maid•od and a4jninlsj tM
your hands get and
while wa•elhng, open did. K. leek. A • short switch. fhlt IFNAC11 RH V ANTE d.
• Inds d.rr .ad y„u won
And a site• hila o eg de T
New Puzzles, warm them ,n two millotes j could he sent Fastword by rail or to like A TnerA.r h.ldu` • or •w•wd wlir eerelAeOrw
2,D -FOR LIGHT. I wharf for shipment. Thr proprrty a olei.d L1 ;, nnhool Rrrtgn Nn d C*I= ♦pWy om
Dissected Maps While travelling at night d it a dark you will to tile wall now ainUng end about lee •rite Jhaahry s lees, At hhh uses• adaetiem wilt be reg
have a Lantern I. alone, you', tea way 1 if vote 7 etAtlq ea's'y, • 7••as -A
ea 1ft"ZI
1$zQw, t Q. (nest with •n a1-r,dem yd's wt %.vin A 4 •^torn from the fames. C.oderich Salt Nnrks. This ALK2. 1lALUfT KAge vr
• i' one of the most desirable Iota "a- in the D.mmillar p. w Dee. Trot, IM. .4rd'
•Insde ht In ►,Ip v kin oct.0 ronbie 1 and .Mn P _ _
yno e. -m, \oma a Rt•At with torr. warn had market, and intending operators should exam
I . TRAT1D, Rin at oor aaasM. Hsam of
In Endless Variety! awagty ter \^.' not to Inhve them in Ue cold! ,Ino it with.at A,Isy. .ele. tla V Mmaer Wt, •red W wbas
III yon sN • IigM-rAe hese one wnA you -And trot 'titulars a 1 l^ te."te w,oOtM did tits Aghr wr ro ,ge sY e,llt
AT Sews n 0 .o prolertrA Ina von cony rover N . In a PD a") pwrn0 [I•Iq ooq` lof. wtim ane iti11W so He
p 1'OHN HY i3O r. td M nRAWy "w.rdW.
bay aeaw eW R wit ea, sei the man as Ars. rwa.•sry - J. B. try LLt,t lta
Mi eLl OrM40o0$ gal, -row SAVINtf. G.A.rieh. noe.nrh ter teles'. Sen•
it will ave year he" •ndl 1.-t Dem.uOering ISeptwg'bar 30, 1867. w36.30•1p _
. - - - ------ --- ,h,b,n,rrosl,whirb you have.nut,nandp.in- ------ - RTRATHD, Cams um tbprembw sae0edpd
fully e,dord,d I• the p -a. And Aar- it will fell lit is 701 I. 0""Aska mar Arai M
m.. ..e n.m tee«,rpraed MA ,e1b .ted big SALT TERRITORY x.n.h.r arm rad and .tea. ev - ewes. .
T ? r r dwells• ", yon Mvr \0A ,o grapple w, Ili," iso =" .- "t^•ta 1M°tr•t1 MB •Rry•e•• •rod tyle
1/]? 1a lJ U ll`J best. it wdl "••e v.w tk.w• .tA. •^d ,Spree,,. t 0 lossFH WRITZi.T.
/ h•v,wg to •ter at .very nnhl,r %.,A* end ..Sem FOR SALE Oft LEASE. e.+
_.rW Dee. keel
Ise WtpJL
while lrA•ell n end tel Mnn nn wet .seA
1N THR h t s sorry _ --- --- ---
errruion, I. ex p'r'e ynor he r• tw he bill" 11`141N 1110yard .I tha p"sest Uodenti, l+eleset. Sw prsmbN sr cls "edgnf[oM W r
,old and 1t will cove 4. ibis lro^,g, eM at, , Hume mhd. le Nevembs, lest A N0( Ones With
1 r SAIL N'.rk•. Ase, •
New Patent Bindings, penes t.arm a I.nlrrn ev,ry de M ; for Seco' welb nn her tied
TA, o..w eu w ti
7 ,A• Waw 00th 1iwedi ,e wide efrA. ".wr AM4• F A R M [ N G L A N D f3 Pre.l■a arevnr ►.d pv10A • tR«r. t
Hawn.' or h1op e■d'Aw a h/w cos"atest is dhoti looelo Arp 1 t AS RiW,w°tTItLT
ndiol, i,A1T FOR TRARi, Lore, or belooet 1h1 (tea'ilea l m be olid. JOHN I% ." inNDOr, a. , ,v ' D•" 1Nl lr@7 w4s.t_
Tt,rr coat be rnn'\0abd el It H.nlw•ro 81nrag Mehotl." Oanerir\ 'ST ATHD into res prandes, of JM a tet
A Large assortment, at lin ferirh, Clunnn And r esfunA, and At lM G"hard k.IM bee.. IN6, w4ea q T cos" r'wtea B D OdlersA aide 'Ad ay
pr'•rmle Mem ,hmus\owl thoCov my of Heron. p.n M ser. tae% a md ala Was•temtg. ,, gee • ass
f atrrodm Aark(talhlly Inde pr!i c",sgt tthe P1tiCE),$4.60. - -- ---------- ,wgew Arne, tree ••r•B aWs,•.m= T\•W mew.
Q y/ Jul l/Y Is OFF301. ll Y .5.0 Apmis Wanted In every T.Irnsh'p to oke and BALT WELL BORING1. rte, so" Pro^ srgmb Mr P --
All 'orders. A Itlienl e„mmtr'w0 .gored Irw AAaan aVwl'Oa
@eery Stow and 1•aetage .,lot ` H K unJrraian.d bodge to ananssee that he 0•dmeAk, Dee. 14, 1PR. 74k.ar
Yormr,h,rpa ,Salam apply (pset".W to 1 sdl end.rtakt the h6vin of &alt wells
J. W. TOSOatMlArootw, .be he. b.Ilghi Ata g `tarstub m.,wmr..tw. JTi-I 6
i the Night to monafbetsw sed w11 to llarem pAerith on his own adroan6 R1a ,0e•Irm- Orel T •A aY
f ('-"I- 'kill. MORRIMON, Th. Ad -S.,xwv Mirgit/ IaPT'm'IerOs
. loseledb, N.v. It IM7, well, Sox 4, Goderiea, and o•b.ha0
d I OFl • --------------- 1lr'.1, iIIIT. W46if e„dwtrada ,IMM. . wd.m•.
R -.- _.•_.•^ - ---- -- ♦ T aTHfR uta 1N 4seah/ara st are og►
jjyt C1 Insolvent Aft of 1684. Sen S►LT oPF,tATORfs. gTMa,r,l„s.l4216tT W D- nook•,'. saAN
KnIck-Knack s, -- wbawsowbb 016- . T ,.m. Sea
o ie the Connty l7ea,l of tit• County of Hbrwa. 1►a d In por tN01 Ning r RRood or sato, od W ^ +e m Tr••,T y 'l 1r e
••d adder
All perfectly Now and Fresh, _ T end in {rrlRel working nedwr, for sale boomAw K *an Nim.,
to IAe matter of Ja4k Stemsvf, ob"p. Particutsn at this once. - -_ _ _ .
A, AT TUR SIGNAL UFFi08. ea labfeeat. Doe. 2, 1Nat[t, r p g W48m r q,gfslabe(ami teseweess2ar (Y yial,f_s4 We
^ P of t e Asia ftolatinn of Ilaid (hike, WENT FOO - i MN, r1L Sea M"anier•(1r 1*1 1' ',gM_Bw• -r"-'1M1 '
• - .1 of the sided Pier instant.
. aandd (n vas Or°,ns. yaw 1 1 we.
3ra da of Dee.mwr ies(anL and are @vAAr LANTERN COMBINED 1
TICM LARGF3M!r of A.clor R'nafle, RwIaIPa1 Judge of the -- p},4TsoOpa 66"Ili.RA-CUse. b^
f) AND bonnesAlo wean, bearing dam the lath day idado by O. R. MORTIMOIN t`d slmkr+wh ,des WMI. are• AftsTglasluyreymisa•s
1 of Doeambar last"% will he @old fh p.bh, LIbTOWSL. war gawamasMsm N 11M// 1 ioM/6m{. 1
M U E1 T C (r M P L L T E ,•adeno at ,hes roof"*mr, of Mr, e"'r M FARM JfVtd1 SL1LrA
Treaare, aeetie...v, i• las Towe of Gwd- Stw 1 G D1i18 8eelerieie
ARRORT11SIfT OM .risk, is the Ctnely of He,-, at soar, me 1 • ' r
rt the Iwsnogatb day of J"wry Mil, ,?p ►y+H M • A LQA 4H.N A RT7c l.6 time be" was- IN A to ' I ■ Bt►
Christmas Pres"nts dAhts Z.
to Lha seam, 1 by a wuwtk•r "' ct li ke •Ad bum P. `i/
m M \ t N r r•srwsar'ed■rOaM
n .y of Mr. G••da*.7,
NOW ON VIEW 1 +• .
N my Stale., RemiMb ng(gO1rA @.a + aM.ro+@
At fhe 610N AL OMLVAv D•mf Ula frau y '''wtb ltilr+t ..kt.ltt hM... to >L.a.
f$WI I 116•, 9101, Nt/. d tll rM , war. uR 1". -ow.
I delve Se% am.