HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1940-03-14, Page 3the $14> presumably from the man who had held him up. The letter was unsigned but there were initials on the back of the envelope. DRINK A TEA THAT IS Allies pass Germany London Great Britain and France passed Germany on the basis of num­ erical expansion of their air forces, Sir iVmgsley Wqod, secretary of state for air, declared in the House of Com­ mons. On vthe basis of quality, the Allies are far ahead. Britain’s produc­ tion -of aircraft was doubled during the past year and the quality of indi­ vidual models was improved. In ad­ dition great progress has been made in rearming many types, “I would sooner have 100 Wellingtons or 100 Spitfires or Hurricanes than a much larger number of their German count­ erparts,” the air minister declared. pos-e to your responsibility h making the Royal Canadian Air Force* the target of a bitter political contro­ versy. I am confirmed/’ said the min­ ister, "in the view that your motives were political by the fact that you coupled your original attack onz the administration of the air training school at St. Thomas with expressions of yoyr annoyance at criticism of thp ban placed on, the ‘March of Time’ film in Ontario, Premier Hepburn ac­ cused the defence minister of “welch­ ing” NO SURPRISES AT " THE NOMINATIONS (Continued from Page One) e year oi ofiipiai record they were The moment you taste Lipton’s, you in­ crease your tea enjoyment. You’ll forgot insipid teas. You’ll enjoy a pleasure ,., shared by millions throughout the world. For Lipton’s is always full-flavoured.,. a small leaf blend of the finest teas grown ... exhilarating, sustaining and refresh­ ing ... with a full-bodied richness that gives more satisfaction in every cupful. Buy Liptou’B today. Moro economical because its riohness provides inoro cups to the pound. RED ORANGE YELLOW /Lipton’sA LABEL LABEL LABEL \ Finest J t P P J All pound and half- r ■ pound packages of Lipton's Tea contain coupons whichyou pan save and exchange for beautiful Win. Rogers & Son Silverplnte.Write now for Pretni- umGiftBooktoThomasJ,Lipton Limited, Lipton Bldg., Toronto. Naval Gun Shoots 25 /Miles Paris — The French admiralty vealed its new battleship the Jean Bart will be equipped with guns with a range of more than 25 miles. The statement was ma^e in connection with a review of French naval activit­ ies since the war began, presented by Navy Minister Cesar Campindhi.' re- mines. She will remain in port here for the duration of the war. To Have Charges Investigated Torontd — Premier Hepburn prepared Zto have a. commission inves­ tigate his charges that “violent dis­ turbances” occurred at the St. Thom­ as air training base; charges that brought denials, from Defence Minis­ ter Rogers and two squadron leaders at the centre. The premier made the announcement after reading Mr. Rog­ ers had denied the charges and at the same time had invited Mr. Hep­ burn .to visit the school with news­ papermen and ask what questions he liked. ’ is X Nazis Distort Hepburn’s Charge London— British radio listeners heard the Nazis broadcasting in Eng­ lish distorted, versions of Premier Hepburn’s charge that a “violent dis­ turbance” took! place at the St. Thom­ as Air Training School of the Royal Canadian Air Force. Claim Canners’ Prices Too Low Toronto — Hon. P. M. Dewan, On­ tario minister- of agriculture, agreed with the Ontario Tomato Growers Committee that the price being offer­ ed by processors for tomatoes is too low. The suggested 1940 price is 32% cents per busheL Great Liner Sailed Atlantic New York -— The 85,000-ton. Brit­ ish liner Queen Elizabeth, biggest ves- el ever built, found shelter here-at the end of a spectacular zig-zag dash ac­ ross the North Atlantic. She arrived with no visible armament, but protect­ ed by a new cable hanging high above the water-line and designed to set up electrical impulses to nullify magnetic Found In Army DeWitt Smith, Jr., 19-year-old Maryland University student, sought by his family, was found by his fath­ er, Red Cross director at Washing­ ton,- in the ranks of the Essex Scot­ tish at Windsor where he had enlisted under the name of John Hare,. To Place Large Pane Orders _ Washington — Faced with the pos­ sibility, that '‘complete war” may be unleashed this spring, a British- French purchasing mission took steps to place rush orders for perhaps $1,- 000,000,000 worth of American-made warplanes. Will Fight Till Sureties Won Paris — Allied determination to prosecute the war until material guar­ antees are won from ‘Germany pro­ tecting Europe against future aggres­ sion was understood authoritatively to have been impressed upon Sumner Welles, President Roosevelt’s fact- finding envoy, during a two-hour meeting with Premier Daladier. Uphold Palestine Laws London — Prime Minister Cham­ berlain’s Government defeated the first motion of censure it has faced in the House of Commons since the war with Germany began a little more than six months ago. By a vote of 292 to 129 the House upheld the Gov­ ernment in its contention that new Palestine laws restricting Jewish land purchases constitute a wartime neces­ sity to keep disorder from spreading through most of - the strategically- placed Arab r world. last $1,220,000,000, Despite this wonder­ ful record the Conservatives say the Liberals are destroying Canada. Ev­ ery time the Liberals form the Gov­ ernment there is progress and pros­ perity, the speaker declared. Under Conservatives, the speaker said, there was retrovision, gloom, darkness, fail­ ure but under Liberals expansion of trade. You should not turn this busi­ ness over to amateurs at this present time, Mr. Deachman said, better to leave it with King and his experienc- j ed men. Mr.- Cardiff has said the price of hogs is not satisfactory to farmers but the • speaker said in 1932 they were $4.66 per hundred and $5.54 ini 1933 but the average for 1939 was $8.94. Last year there were 35,688,600 hogs in the Dominion but this year 47,696,- 000, so the farmers fegl there is a mar­ ket under Liberal government. AbbuU 300,000 head of cattle were shipped to the United States last year,’ the speaker said. The cattle go under treaty on quota basis and this can be applied to hogs coming into Canada.* This is done by mutual agreement when it is necessary. Mr. Cardiff has said the man who represented you has no property in Huron and pays no taxes here. But the speaker said, Mr. Cardiff’s paying of taxes does not give him the right to stand in the House of Commons and vote against your cattle going to the United States. Mr. Cardiff would have voted twice in the last four years against reciprocity if he had been there. The Liberal party has given free access to raw materials, the speaker said, The importation of hogs from the United States is very rare. Th‘e Government cancelled the draw-back and adopted a quota to stop this im­ portation doing Canadian farmers any harm. In regard to agricultural im­ plement, he asked Mr. Cardiff if he would make the* tariff the same* as it was in 1932-33! Mr. Cardiff will not say he will" oppose reciprocity with the United States, the speaker said. .The Conservatives, he charged, were going to carry on an election campaign in the House of Commons Hold-Up Man Returns Money Toronto — A confidence-stricken hold-up man returned $14 he had ta­ ken from Louis Tsararoff in a hold­ up at the latter’s restaurant. Tsarar- Premier Charged1 with Dual Role Charlottetown — The people of. Canada are beginning to realize there are two Mackenzie Kings, Conserva­ tive Leader Manion told a rally of;so Mr. King dissolved parliament to Prince Edward Island supporters. Be- get an expression of opinion from the fore more f erflowedf the Strand Theatre, many coming in on three special trains, Dr. Manion described the prime minister as an idealist and progressive when out of power, a politician and reac­ tionary in power. Fully Equipped Says Ralston Kingston — Hon. J. L. Ralston, federal minister of finance, disclosed that the First Canadian Overseas Di­ vision went to England with a full outfit of light and heavy machine guns, 18-pounder field guns and med­ ium guns, in addition to rifles and personal equipment. Answering Op­ position criticism directed at the equipment of troops now in England, the minister for the first time made public the quantity of arms sent with the Canadian troops. . acknowledg'.*6 • - ccon°my value o 1 drive a and above ENGINEERS have GOOD REASONS for choosing the FORD V-8! Among them: En&‘“e«s „ ^Cotl Vancouver, ’ a /'driving ® ‘hr. book £« “9 out, V ta\ks a Huron Motors sW‘e tcasons’ tatlce _ ar*ce’ ZXrteuauce . L the «e«g course Eord CMS- V-8 cry5 FORD CARS ARE MADE IN CANADA 88,000 Canadian workers and dependants benefit because the Ford car is made in this country. When you buy a Ford, more of your money stays in Canada. FORD SALES AND SERVICE than 2,000 persons who 6V- i people and will be given1'strength by :he Strand Theatre, many ti.o nunnip nr New Brunswick Premier Quits Fredericton — The retirement of .Premier A. A. Dysart1 was announc­ ed. He will be succeeded by Attorn­ ey-General J. B. McNair. The prem­ ier’s resignation from the Legislature also was announced. He has held a Kent County seat since 1917. Ill health is given as the reason for re­ tirement. « King Says Manion Twists Facts Ottawa — Prime Minister Macken­ zie King denied charges that failure of the Dominion Gdvernment to co- operate with the United Kingdom in affording air trainihg facilities in Can­ ada early in. 1938 had delayed agree­ ment on the Commonwealth air train­ ing plan and retarded development of Canadian aircraft manufacture. In a 15-minutes address over a national network of the Canadian Broadcast­ ing Corportion, the prime minister Said Conservative Leader Manion and his associates had “misrepresented” facts which Were Well known eo Dr. Manion and were a matter of public record. Rogers Wired Hepburn Ottawa — Defence Minister Rogers Said in a telegram to Premier Hep- the people or defeated. The people are the source of stren­ gth of democracy and we go to them to let them decide who will carry on, the speaker declared. We will give you a victory grander and bigger than before, be said. L. E. Cardiff We are in the midst of a terrible war and. we are also in the midst of a needless election, Mrr Cardiff said in opening his address. We are fighting a war against appression — a war for the principles of freedom and democ­ racy and there should .be no flinching in the effort put forth to bring that war to a successful conclusion. Win­ ning the war is one defeinite objective of you and I, the speaker said. Mr. Cardiff said he had received word from Dr. Manion to stop cam­ paigning after war broke out. He al­ so said that Mr. Deachman did not do anything for the Goderich Airport until his hand was forced. He asked why only 11,000 cattle shipped to the United States this year so far while list year there were 35,000. I believe, he said, our people who are fair-minded but they will find it hard to understand why Mr. King should call Parliament, at a consider­ able expense, and a considerable in­ convenience to many, and then promptly dissolve it. The fact is, that the people of this country have ,been denied the right to investigate fully the war record .of the government. Mr. King, he stated, had never called into consultation one leader of the Op­ position. He must now take the full responsibility for the conditions as they exist, the speaker declared. Can Mr. Deachman or any other Liberal defend the King government’s record of the last four years, he ask­ ed? The Government granted $188,- 000,000 for defences but when war broke out we were hopelessly equip­ ped, with not sufficient shoes, cloth­ ing or equipment for our soldiers. He said, a few coast guns had been installed and a gun shed built in Wingham that was not necessary. The first year of the war will cost the Can­ adian people 500 millions of dollars, the speaker said, and he expressed the opinion that no one party or group of I men should have control of such great expenditures. He challenged the Government on the Bren Gun con­ tract. He said the Canadian army are very short of all equipment. He said there was not a 25-lb. howitzer gun in Canada. Mr. King, he said, is asking for a vote in the,dark, he has shut off all information, locked away the files and forced an election at a time ‘when we should have national Unity and nation­ al government. Why did not Mr. King present his war effort to Parlia­ ment, hd asked. Mr, Cardiff claimed the Canadian dollar had shrung to 80c and he could not see atty pros­ perity in these figtires. He stated he was opposed to the St. Lawrence Waterway Plan which was part of the King government plan. If I am elected to represent this rid­ ing of North Huron you will always find me in my place when Parliament is in session. I will be a full time man ready at all times to answer calls from the riding. It will bt my pur­ pose to look after the interest of Hur- on North for all, regardless of polit-. ical affiliation. <My knowledge of mtift- icipal affairs in Huron gave me a knowledge not acquired in any other way. I leave it with you to give me a chance to serve you and I hope you will not disappointed. I will not fail MASTER HAND USES / LX LIMITED-IF ■eg You’re in a quandary: your .wife has left the baby with you and. you’ve forgotten the exact time she told you to give him his next “bottle”# How to get in touch with her imme­ diately?, Why, by tele­ phone of course! The telephone is a great time and trouble saver in any heme, and the cost is just a few cents a day*