HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1940-03-07, Page 4PAGE FOUR
x If cents a word pen insertion, with 4 minimum charge of 25c.
FARM FOR SALE—1Q0 acres,* Uh
miles from Bluevale; small down
payment, mortgage for balance. Ap- ply Advance-Times,'
FOR SALE—-Good working Mare,
, supposed to be in foal, about 1400 pounds. Apply Advance-Times.
roomed Brick House, good garden.
Apply Advance-Times.
FOR SALE—Dry Hard and Soft
Wood, also green hard wood.
Cooking Apples 75c bus, Carrots
35c basket. Wm. Field.
FOR. SALE—Two acres in Wingham
Town Plot, frame house and frame
barn on property. Must be sold to
close estate. Apply J. H. Crawford.
FOR SALE—One dark red Shorthorn
Bull calf, 11 months; also 1 good
thick smooth bay Gelding rising 3.
well broken. Apply James Forster’
R.R. 1, Lucknow; ph. 43rl2.
Robb, Hamilton, J, Wray, Scott.
Wingham: Goal, Wilson; def., Sell,
Weiss; centre, G. Johnson; wings, El
liott and Gorbutt; alt,, Hamilton, K.
Johnson, Biggs, Porter, Thompson,
Referee—G. Finkbqiner, Listowel.
1st Period
1. —Listowel, Bean -------------.... 5.06
2. —Wingham, Biggs (Hamilton) 5.40
3. —-Listowel, D. Wray —— 9.30
4. —Listowel, J. Jones ........................ 14.20
Penalties, Weiss, Jacques, Sell, J.
WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, March 7th, 1940
FOR SALE—Young Pigs and Shoats.
Apply G. N. Underwood, Wroxeter
2nd Period
5.—Wingham, K. J ohnson (Biggs)
6\—Wingham, G, Johnson (Weiss)
7. —Listowel, J. Jones ... 14.50
8. —Listowel, P. Jones ................ 17.05
9. —Listowel, Weber...—........ 17.40
Penalties—Sell, Weber/ Elliott, R.
ing on the face of a young woman or
girl thet condition injures the person
al appearance and may be very em
The cause is not definitely known
but is undoubtedly bound up in part
with the state of the glands of intern
al secretion. Certain ovarian tumours
and of the cortex of the drenal gland
may be associated' with hypertrichosis,
Among methods of treatment advised
for this condition is the use of x-rays,
but to be effective this method requir
es doses beyond the safe tolerance of
the skin. Dangerous sequelae are apt
to occur some time after such treat
ment. At present, all responsible per
sons are emphatic in saying that x-
rays should not be used for the re
moval of facial hair for cosmetic pur
poses . Safer methods are the bleach
ing of the hair with peroxide solution
to make them less conspicuous, re
moval by forceps, the use of an epil
ating wax and electrolysis. The latter,
which demands skill, is, if properly
done, a safe procedure, and removes
the hairs permanently. It takes a long
time and is painful, but what is a lit
tle pain if the woman’s beauty is re
FOR RENT—Over 300 Acres good
pasture land, water and shelter. Ap
ply Art Stapleton, R.R, 2, Wing
FOR SALE—-Small House on a cor
ner lot on Centre St. in the village
of Wroxeter. Apply to Mrs. Elsie
Paulin, Wroxeter.
FOR SALE—Tuxedo Suit, size 38,
new model, in excellent shape. Ap
ply Advance-Times.
3rd Period
10.—-Wingham, K. Johnson (Hamil
ton) ------------ -— 1.10
.11,—Wingham, Biggs (Hamilton) 4.30
12. —Wingham, Biggs ................5.30
13. —Wingham, Hamilton ...... 6.50
14. —-Listowel, Weber (Robb) ... 9.45
Penalties—G, Johnson, Bean, Weiss,
R. Jones.
FOR SALE—A brick veneered House
with barn and lot, located on Sand
erson St. in the village of Wroxeter.
Apply Wm. Tatterson, Orangeville.
ache, Lumbago are attacked at the
source by the cleansing and antisep
tic action of Rumacaps. McKib
bon’s Drug Store.
Tied St. George Here 2-A11 but Lost
Round 4-2.
ers for the purchase of the proper
ty owned by Sarah Finnen being 15
acres of good pasture land in Turn-
■ berry together with 5 acres of land
in Lower Wingham on which there
is situated a house, barn and hen-
- house, will be received by the und
ersigned Up to and including March
16th. Lowest or any tender not ne
cessarily accepted.
Barrister, -
Wingham, Ontario.
CAMPBELL—-In loving memory of a
dear mother, Mrs. John Campbell, who passed on March 11th, 1939.
Dear Mother, you are not forgotten,
Though on earth you are no more,
Still in memory you are with us
As you always were before.
—Ever remembered by the Family.
First Game of Play-Downs Ends 7-7
The Young Lions held the speedy
Listowel Juveniles to a 7-7 tie here
on Thursday* night. A large crowd
was on hand and the noise they made
was proof of their enthusiasm. The
local lads staged a great comeback in
the final period when they scored four
goals to Listowel’s one. The game
was hotly contested and Referee Fink-
beiner handed out 12 penalties and
they might easily have been greater
In number. The game was delayed in
the second period when strong objec
tion was taken to the referee’s ruling.
Many went on the ice to join the talk
fest and their action rather marred the
Weiss was sent to the penalty box
before the game was long under way
and while he was away Bean scored.
Xn ten seconds Biggs tied it while)
Weiss was still on the bench, Lis-
towel made it 3-1 before the end of
the period on goals by D. Wray and
J» Jones,
The Lions went to work in the first
half of the second period and tied it
up with goals by K. Johnson and G.
Johnson, Llstowel went to town in
the balance of the period, J, Jones, P.
Jones and Weber scoring to make it
6-3 when the period closed.
The Lions scored four goals in a
row in the third period putting them
one up. The marksmen were, Ren.
Johnson, Biggs twice, and Hamilton.
All this scoring took place before 7
mintttes of the period had gone and it
looked indeed as if the Lions were on
their way to a sure win. Weiss was
again penalised and Weber scored be
fore he was back, There was still ten
minutes and fifteens seconds to go
and although both sides tried hard and
had lota of fine opportunities, the
game ended a tie 74. (
Listowel: Goal, Peach? def., R. Jon
es, Jacques? centre, Ream wings, F
Jones, J,' Jones} alt, Weber, IX Wray,
In a game here on Thursday night
the Bantams surprised the large num
ber of fans that were present with the
brand of hockey they displayed. The
kids are a battling gang and never
gave up for a second and would have
won without a doubt if they had been
ibetter shots. This was the return
game with St. George who won on
their home ice 2-0 and as this game
was a 2-all tie the lads from St.
George won the round 4-2.
The Wingham boys carried the play
for the majority of the game but could
not finish up their plays with goals.
They will develop and they are a very
game team of lads. The first period
ended with no score.
All the scoring was done in the se
cond period. Ed. Cardwell opened the
scoring for St. George and with the
round 3-0, it looked bad until Norman
Anderson and Bill Hilbert notched
goals for Wingham. With the round
3-2 it looked hopeful that the locals
would triumph as they were doing
well .but’ a lucky goal in the dying
minutes of the second period by
Schaeffer of St. George put the visit-
■ors up 4-2. McLeod stopped this shot
and fell to smother it. The bell went
and the puck was found in the net. It
is claimed that the bell went before
the puck entered the net but the re
feree ruled it a goal.
In the final period the St. George
team were on the defensive most of
the time but the local boys could not
net the disc and the round went to St.
St. George: goal, Dyment; def.,
Cardwell, Schaeffer; centre, Smith;
wings? Mulholland, Mason; alt., How
ell, Ellis.
Wingham: Goal, McLeod; def., Bell,
Lockridge; centre, Hilbert; wings, An
derson, Templeman; alt., Breen, Car
ter, Ernest, Kress, Wilson, Yeo.
Refree—P. Cardwell, St. George.
Application of rubber tires to farm
tractors will prove the most important
development in farm machinery pro
moted for many years, in the opinion
of Professor L. G. Heimpel,--Head of
the Agricultural Engineering Depart-,
ment, Macdonald College, Que.
Speaking before the 30th annual
meeting of the Ontario Plowmen’s
Association on “New Developments in
Farm Machinery”, Prof. Heimpel cit
ed as the basis of his prediction the
fact that “the rubber tire has made the
tractor a very much higher speed ma
chine. Most of them are now equip
ped with a fourth speed for roadwork,
by means of which speeds of from 10
to 16 or more miles per hour can be
secured at nominal engine speed.”
The Rubber-tired tractor will make
imperative the use of rubber-tired wa
gons, which will be brought much
closer to the ground. This will great
ly increase convenience and ease of
loading, and speed up all kinds of
farm haulage operations, according to
Prof. Heimpel. Nor will it entail the
scrapping of all wagon now in exist
ence. “Already I am in possession of
a bulletin describing the remodelling
of existing farm wagons by simply
clamping to the lower side of the axles
of those wagons the front axle of old
automobiles complete with wheels and
Many farmers are already putting
this improvement into practice, he
said. These included owners of heavy
spraying outfits who have mounted
their machines oh rubber to good ad
vantage. Growers near big cities are
buying used truck tires for this pur
Choose the best way of life, and ha
bit will soon make it pleasant for you.
* s»s * * ifs
A well-governed mind learns in
time to find pleasure in nothing but
the true and the just.—Amiel.
HowTo Relieve
Misery of Your
Massage throat,
chest, and back
with plenty of
Vicks VapoRub at bedtime. Then
spread a thick layer on chest and
cover with a warmed cloth.
VapoRub’s douWe action brings
double relief. It acts as a poultice
to penetrate the surface skin; and
its soothing medicinal vapors are
breathed direct to the irritated air
passages. 1Try it, to loosen phlegm—to
clear air passages—check pendency
to cough—ana also to relieve the
soreness of
chest muscles. < VAPO R U B
j ARU8A \
, A
. B R A Z I l>
-r z X/
J ** '"r*
The “neutrality zone” vaguely des
cribed around .the U.S. and South Am
erican republics, but never recognized
by billigerents, was violated twice on
the night of March 1st. Near Puerto
Rico the British ’freighter Southgate
was attacked by a submarine, and U.
S. naval vessels were sent to the res
cue. Off Aruba in the Dutch West
Indies' a German steamer, halted by
a British cruiser, was set afire by its
crew. Rumors were rife of. an im
pending battle off Uruguay, where a
Nazi pocket battleship and two sub
marines were reported.
thin slice of lemon. Cut rind from le
mon slice and sprinkle ever so light
ly with suit.
Shrimp Canape
Place a cleaned shrimp on a small
round cracker, Drop one-fourth tea
spoon stiff mayonnaise in .the centre
of the shrimp ring. Decorate with a
tiny spray of watercress, ,
One Minute Sandwich
One slice of white buttered bread
and one slice brown, Spread tliem
thinly with Boyrll, and sprinkle with
lemon juice, Add mustard and cress
or chopped lettuce, or a litt chutney.
Toast Bacon-Rolled Olives
- Take a thin layer of toast about five
inches long and an inch wide, wrap
this around a stuffed olive, then wrap
a narrow strip of cooked bacon around
this, and fasten together with a tooth
pick, Serve hot. ’
■ Quick (Spreads
Blend together 1 (3-oz.) package of
cream cheese, teaspoon’ parsley, 1
tablespoon mayonnaise ..and 1 tea
spoon chopped anchovies. Heap .on
rounds of toast, Makes 8 canapes.
* * *
Combine % cup pimiento cheese
with enough cream <tp spread and 1
tablespoon finely chopped ginger.
Spread on toast squares. Garnish with
bits Of crisp bacon.
* * *
Combine 1 (3-oz.) package of cream !
cheese with enough ' chili sauce to f
moisten. Serve on crisp potato chips. I
* * ’K ‘ j
Combine roquefort cheese and
French dressing to a spreading con- :
sistency. Season with chopped chives. I
Serve on crisp crackers, (
* $ * ‘I
Shred 1 cup of. lobster or crabmeat, j
combine with 3 tablespoons butter,
and rub to a smooth paste. Serve on
toast squares. Garnish with capers.
Meat Spreads
Add 2 chopped hard-cooked eggs to
1 cup of devilled ham -and 1 table
spoon, horseradish. Spread on toast
rounds and garnish with watercress.
* *
Combine % cup’ chopped chicken
livers with 2 chopped hard-cooked
eggs, 1 teaspoon minced onion and
seasonings. Mix with cream to a i
spreading consistency, spread on crisp
crackers and garnish with parsley
Pineapple Waffles ,
One and three-quarters cups flour,
1 tablespoon sugar, % teaspoon salt,
2 eggs, % cup milk, 3 teaspoons bak
ing powder, to % cup crushed and
drained pineapple.
1 Mix and sift dry ingredients. Add
milk to beaten eggs. Combine all in
gredients. Preheat iron for 8 minutes
and bake batter for minutes.
The Voters Must Choose
By R. J, Deachman
Liberal Candidate for North Huron.
Speaking in Niagara Falls a few days ago Dr, Manion said,
"We profited from the British Market as
a result of the Empire trade conference,
but Mr. King destroyed many of the pre
ferences we got at that rime and we are
suffering from the effects of that policy
The emphasized part of that
Statements is false.
Why did Dr. Manion make.it?
He did not make it merely
because it was false. 'He made
it because he did not know any
better, Mr. Cardiff admits that
he does not understand figures.
Neither does Dr. Manion,
In the last four years of Lib
eral rule total Canadian exports
increased 50% over the level of
the previous four year period of
Conservative rule. Exports to
the United Kingdom went up
over 50%, while exports to the
United States increased 66%,
The figures are for the calendar year in each case. Is there in these
facts the slightest support for the statement quoted above from the
.Leader of the Opposition?
I challenge Dr, Manion or any other persons to show four
years which reveal a,sharper increase in exports over the previous
four years.
Then how did we suffer? Did we suffer from an increase in
exports? Every nation tries to increase its exports. The Manion- •
Cardiff statement is "false”. It is calculated to deceive.
Imports increased also. Here are total imports into Canada
during the four years of Liberal policy and the preceding four years
pf Conservative policy.
Imports into Canada
1932 — ’35 inclusive under Conservative rule ..........$1,917,000,000
T936 — ’39 inclusive under Liberal rule........................$2,872,000,000
Did the increase in imports destroy Canadian industry? That
is the type of argument the average protectionist makes. It is a
wild misconception.. Employment is always’ at its highest levels
when imports are greatest. The record of workers engaged in indus- *
try for 1939, is almost 300,000 greater than in 1935. Months must,
elapse before the figures for value of manufactured products are
complete for 1939, but between 1935 and .1938 the production of
manufactured goods ^increased more than in any other similar per
iod in Canadian history. Here are the figures available to- anybody
from official sources.'
Value Canadian Manufacturing Production
. 1935 .................. $2,653,900,000
1938 ______________........$3,322,400,000
Increase ....----L...— $ 668,500,000
Will Mr. Cardiff answer this challenge? 'Will Dr; Manion?
ening, then add 1 cup grated, nippy
cheese. Add’enough water to make a
soft dough. Roll out thin, cut in fin
ger lengths, and bake in a hot oven
until a golden brown. Serve with sal
ad. ",
i Caviar and Cheese Canapes
Shape cream cheese into tiny balls.
Roll in caviar until completely cov
ered and put on small round butter
If you use crackers of various shap
es and sizes, you can add delightful
variety to the assortment.
Anchovy Rings
Place thin slice of hard-cooked egg
on buttered whole wheat crackers. In
the centre of the egg slice place an
anchovy ring and put a line of anch
ovy parsley around anchovy.
Lemon Cheese
One-half pound butter, 1 pound su
gar, 3 lemons, 4 eggs.
Method: Melt butter, add sugar,
1 stirring until dissolved, then put in
lemon juice, also grated rind. Stir
well, beat eggs and pour in slowly,
stirring all the time until it comes to
a boil. This is nice for tarts or jelly
roll, and will keep for some time.
Pineapple Cheese Stars v
Cut small triangles of pineapple.
Place five on a buttered cracker in the
Shape of a star. Place a small cheese
ball in the -centre. Sprinkle well with
Devilled Egg Canape
.Chop finely a number of hard-cook
ed eggs. Add finely chopped parsley,
minced sweet pickle and enough may
onnaise to make a thick paste. Spread
over crisp crackers and decorate with
tiny crescents and stars cut from pi
Why 'do these men misrepresent the facts? Is there another of the
group of unhappy warriors who will attempt to answer it?
Dr., Manion’s Niagara Falls speech was devoted largely to
farmers. It was mainly a tariff, argument. He seemed to forget for
a moment the .contention of Mr. MacPherson that tariffs do not
matter. Mr. Cardiff suggests that this should not be discussed, —
tell it to Messrs. Manion and MacPherson!
At his Niagara, Falls meeting Dr, Manion said:
“Farmers are suffering because they got too
low a price for the things they produced and
paid too high a price for the things they had
to buy”,
• . • ; • <#
In the 1930 campaign Mr. Bennett proposed to remedy this
condition. He said: , ’
“Farmers, I will make tariffs fight for you”.
. And the result?* The tariff turned its guns against the far
mer — it will do it again. The price of farm products between 1932
and 1935 averaged 55% of the 1926 level — from 1936 to 1939 in
clusive, under Liberal rule, its average was 74%. In other words
you received in 1926 $1.00 for farm products for which from 1932
, to 1936 inclusive you received only 55 cents. Under Liberal rule you
received over 74 cents — an increase .of 35%, Dr. Manion knows
wihat is wrong, He has stated it .clearly in the statement quoted
above. He refuses to apply the remedies -5- the Liberals have ap
plied the remedy — it is working but limited by the threat of war
during the last two years.
Judgement is necessary in decisions of statesmen. Even with
the figures available Dr. Manion does not know how to proceed.
. The pages of economic history are filled with the evidence — the
only thing tariffs can do for farmers is to destroy their market.
But if Dr. Manion lacks judgement on these matters how
could he be expected to direct the organization of a great war ef
fort? Do his wild and erratic statements indicate the temperament
necessary for calm and reasoned judgements on great issues? From
whence would come his Cabinet? He is supposed to conscript men
from other,,walks of life to serve under him. I.t takes more than, a
•desire to^enter a Cabinet to make a minister;
The present government offers men of ability, training and
wide experience. Io throw these men out and bring in.others, now
unknown, in the midst of a war would be a tragedy.
Vote Liberal. The people of Canada will never attempt to
swap horses crossing a dangerous stream.
North Huron Liberal Association.
If you suffer from rheumatic or
neuritis pain try this simple inexpens
ive home recipe. Get a package of
. druggist Mix it with a quart of wat
er, add the juice’ of 4 lemons. It’s
easy. No trouble at all and pleasant.
You need only 2 tablespoonfuls two
times a day. Often within 48 hours—
sometimes overnight—splendid results
are obtained. If the pains do not
quickly leave and if you do not feel
cost you nothing to try as it is sold
by your druggist under an absolute
'guarantee of money back, if it does
not help you. RU-EX PRESCRIP-,
TlON is for sale and recommended
by McKibbon’s Drug Store.
When you are entertaining you will
want to lend your menu distinction by
serving unusual a$d delicious appetiz
ers. They need not be elaborate but
should be both eye filling and appe
tite provoking.
As these tidbits are finger foods,
the small sizes of'.crackers and bread
cut small enough to make but a single
bite are most appropriate. Remember
the variety is the spice of the canape
There*may be variety, in the base,
such as bread (sauted or toasted),
crackers and potato chips. For vari
ety in the spreads choose from among
tasty popular ingredients, Such as an
chovies, caviar, cheeSe, bacons, olives
and eggs, and add as well, some un
expected flavors, such as baked beans,
asparagus tips and so forth. A vari
ety of shapes, decoration and garnish
also adds to the attractiveness of the
tray, and a pastry tube is a useful de
vice in making the finishing touches.
Rice-Cheese “Salomes”
To make these little rice tempters
(which may be stuffed with cooked or
canned shrimp, anchovy paste and
crisp bacon, as well as cheese) you
WOtk a cup of snappy cheese into lit
tle balls not over a half inch in diam
eter. Spread lightly with mustard; roll
in salted, cooked rice. (For this pur
pose do not fluff or steam rice after
boiling, foe you want grains to adhere
closely together,) Rod cheese-stuffed
rice balls in your hands to make a
compact ball, then drop in deep fat
and fry until brown, Serve hot.
Cheese Straws
Sift well 1U cups flour with X tea
spoon salt and teaspoon cayeene
pepper. Rub in 3 tablespoons short-1
Continued from Page One)
Alex. Forsythe by letter requested
raise in wages. Moved by Coun.
VanWyck and Johnson that Alex.
Forsythe be paid at the rate of 35c
an. hour, Carried.
Reeve Hetherington reported the
belfry of the town hall in bad condi
tion and property, committee were in
structed to look into this matter,
Coum VanWyck' said the Township
of Hullett has accepted the responsi
bility for the bill for the fire truck go
ing to Londesboro but they were tak
ing the matter Up with the insuijhnce
Companies before payment was made.
The new light has been installed on
the fire truck.
Coun, Sturdy asked if Wingham
was receiving a reduction in insurance
rates and he was informed that a re
duction took effect Feb- 26th,
The matter of lifting the quarantine
on dogs was discussed but no action
was taken as no word had been re
ceived from the Department at Ot- j
tawa as yet
The matter of having a suitable
building by-law was brought up by
the Mayor and it was decided to find
out what by-laws of this nature other
towns had.
The agreement for hearing the Ar
mouries has been received from the
department of defence. This was pre
viously signed by Council
Won Lost Tied
On Friday, the Hawk's and
played the semi-final game
play-off, the Hawks winning 3-2.
In the final on Saturday, the Eag
les defeated the Hawks by a score of
Eagles .
of the
winning the championship
The skin surface of the body with
the exception of the palms of the
hands and the soles of the feet and
the dorsal surfaces of the terminal
phalanges of the fingers and toes is
provided with long or short hairs, The
scalp, eyebrows, axilla, pubis, lower
part of the faee< of adult males, have
normally thick and long hairs, whilst
the rest of the body has lanugo, or
fine hairs. An abnormal increase In
the and length of the hair is call
ed hypertrichosis or hirsuties. Occurr-
Sardine Canape
Split small sardines in half, placing
each half diagonally on a cracker
which has been oeveted with a paper
Ask your neighbors what Bray
Chicks did for them. Then see
me for prices and delivery dates.
Wingham Ontario
Mr. Jack Gorbutt wrote Cotyicil
claiming damages for a broken ankle
received by his wife when she fell on
the sidewalk on Victoria Street early
in February. The insurance company
is investigating this matter.
The auditors report was tabled and
oh motion of,Courts. Lloyd and Wil
kinson it was referred to the finance
committee to be received. 1
Mayor Crawford reported that the
Minister of Highways has informed
'the Qood Roads convention that all
townships reduce their capital expend
iture by 16% this year. He also stat
ed that no permanent work would be
done on the highways this year, only
maintenance would be carried on. Ths
government are getting'ready a three-
year road plan to be put into effect
after the war to help the employment
Reeve Hetherington said he had at
tended tx special meeting of the Coun
ty Council last week at which the
Council agreed to lease Sky Harbour
to the government for *$1 pef year*
They would erect the necessary build*
mgs and runways to carry on elem-
entary training, The cost to the coun-
ty ynli be about $9,000 he said, and’
this amount will be deducted Jfrom the
read committee estimates so that the-
rate would not be raised*