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• > Record Crowd In Attendance
News and Gorrie Vidette
Thursday, February 29, 1940
R, J, Deachman, Liberal candidate
:in this riding will celebrate his 36th
advent to the public platform in Gor«
Tie next Monday night. He made his
first’ political speech with the late Dr.
Peter Macdonald at Gorrie in the
campaign of 1904.
"That ” said Mr, Deachman, yes
terday, “was my maiden effort.* The
issues then were .different but, the
principles were the same. In every
public discussion the object is to sep
arate a problem into its component
parts, bring it down to its.fundament
als, then decision becomes a relative
ly simple matter,”
The meeting on Monday next at
Gorrie will be thrown open for dis
cussion — everyone will be permitted
to take part.
The annual Community' Carnival
held in Gorrie on Wednesday night,
last week, was again a decided suc
cess, with a larger crowd than for
years in attendance? Ideal’ weather
• conditions made the ice perfect and
skaters of all ages enjoyed skating to
vthe music,, before and after the* judg
The judging goh under way with
Mrs. Ball,. Mrs. J. Cathers and E. W.
Whitfield acting as judges, who found
it quite difficult in many of the class-,,
es to pick the winners, there being a
large number ,of contestants, all
worthy, of mention.
The prize-winhers were as follows:
youngest sk'ater, Eleanor Stephens;
National costume, Alvin Moffat, Miss
Keith; acrobatic clown, Clarence
Sparling 1st, 2nd, K. Edgar and S.
Higgins; comic girl, 14 and under,
Mildred Farrish, Eleanor Stephens;
• comic hoys under 14, Bobby Steph
ens, Mack Hutchison; fancy dressed
lady, Jean Sangster, Dorothy Jardine;
juvenile skater, under 10, Calvin Mof
fat, Maxine Bolton (both 1st); couple,
lady and gent, Iris Dickson, Bent El
liott; couple representing farmer and
wife, 1st, Phyllis Hemingway and
Emily Heinmiller; 2nd, Calvin and
Jean Moffat; child race, 9 and under,
Bill Nay, Maxine Bolton; boys’ race,
12 and under, Bob Nay, Weldon
Hambly; girls’ race, 12 and under,
Margaret Moffat, Doris Galbraith;
ladies’ race, Reta Gallaway, Iris Dick
son; gents’ race, Bill Filsinger; boys’
race, 15 and under, Weldon Hambly,
Walter Hemingway; couple race, 1st,
Reta Gallaway and Bill Filsinger; 2nd
Betty Edwards and Archie Irwin.
Prizes for all were presented
the ring manager, Karl Neill.
sent, Leonard King who is in Eng
land, and Thomas McLennan, who is
in hospital.' Major Earl Corbett took-
charge of the program which opened
with a piano d-uet by Misses Jean Hei-
bein and Phyllis Hemingway, and imi
tations by Lome King. . Following a
piano duet by Misses Eleanor Carson
and Phyllis Hemingway, little Maxine
Bolton did-a lap dance and Miss Jan
et Watson gave a reading. .John Neil
son was called upon for a vocal sol'o
and he sang very beautifully “My
Task" and as an encore two old fav
ourite Scottish songs. iMiss Yvonne
Denny then did a tap dance, followed
by a short period of community sing
ing under the leadership of Miss Jean
Sparling. Miss Bernice Day favored
with a solo. After a short address by
Mr. Harry Hastie each one with the
exception of John Neilson, was pre
sented with a handsome wrist watch,
John’s gift being a signet ring, as he
had previously been given a wrist
watch. The gifts were presented by
Messrs. Carb Gregg, E. W. Whitfield,
K. Hueston, T. A. Roberts, G. Under
wood and Gordon Edgar, and John
Neilson very ably replied on behalf of
the recipients. At the close of the pro-
tgram dancing was enjoyed for’ a few
crack detachmen of the Argyll
Sutherland Highlanders from
at 8 p.m., on
Monday, March 4th
R. t Deachman.
Gorrie TownHall Crowded to Capac
ity for Presentations
On Friday evening last the Town
ship Hall, Gorrie, was crowded, to ca-‘
. pacity when popple gathered from
Gorrie, Fordwich and the surrounding
country in honour of ’ the boys who
have enlisted in the present war,
namely Leonard King, John Neilson,
Thomas Ritchie, Archie Mitchel, Wil
fred Keighley, William Townsend,
Thomas McLennan and Sydney
Creek. Two of the number were ab-
Creek - Campbell
The marriage of Araminta Jennie,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.r J. Camp
bell, 725 Downine street, and Lance-
Corporal Sidney Creek of the Perth
Regiment, son of the late, Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Creek, of Devonshire,
England, was quietly solemnized at.
the Presbyterian,Church at four-thir
ty o’clock Wednesday afternoon. The
bride wore a lovely frock .of Qheen’s
blue crepe-back satin and a corsage
of red roses and fern. She was attend
ed by Mrs. O. Bateman, wearing a
dress of poudre blue chucker spun
rayon and her corsage was of pink
roses and fern. Private C. Cameron
•was groomsman. A wedding dinner
ft ’
Hamilton, under Major G. V. Raynor,
put on a convincing demonstration of
effective machine-gun support for ad
vancing infantry at the Long Branch
ranges . To show visiting infantry of
ficers how the machine-gunners could
be trusted in an advance, Mayor Ray
nor wanted to walk across the range
while his men fired over his head,
mowing down theoretical enemy
troops in front. Staff officers overrul
ed him. The machine-gunners used
the water of Lake Ontario to demon
strate effectiveness of cross-fire. The
officers watched from the shelter of
an embankment. Signal rockets
(RIGHT), bursting high overhead as
they watched machine-gun bullets
strike 100 yards in front of them, add
ed to .the discomfiture of infantry of
ficers watching the machine-gun de
monstration. To show their accuracy,
balloons were set up on the range to
represent kneeling and standing men,
and the gunners sent their coverig fire
and the gunners sent their covering
fire overhead.
Hupher, having come for the funeral
of the late Robert Hupher.
The mid-week Lenten service of St.
James Anglican Church was held on
Tuesday of last week at the home of
Mr. "jacklin when Rev. J. L. Ball
spoke on the subject “Troubles of the
A number from Wroxeter were suc
cessful in winning prizes at a most
successful Carnival held in Gorrie last
parents, which was attractively dec
orated. with pink and white streamers.
After a honeymoon in Gorrie they
will reside in Stratford. For travell
ing the bride'wore a coat in dubonnet
shade with black accessories.—Strat
ford Beacon-Herald.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. MacDonald, of
Molesworth,, visited on Saturday'with
the .latter’s sister, Mrs. Archie Miller
and Mr. Miller.
Lance-Corporal and Mrs. Sidney
was served at the home ,of the bride’s Creek spent a few days last week at
w ID IT'D Al
R. I. Deachman, Liberal Candidate
Rev. Wm. Matheson
—~ In the ------
Town Hall, Gorrie
QUESTION PERIOD At the close of the addresses
the meeting will he thrown open for questions. "Corrie
prepared to take part in this portion of the program.
—— Everybody Welcome ——
North Huron Liberal Association.
the home .of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Earl.
The Institute dance which was an
nounced at the Township Hall here
on Friday night for March 29th, li^is
been changed to'March 25th or Easter
Monday night. Kindly keep this date
in mind. The proceeds will be donat
ed to the Red Cross.
Mr. and Mrs. Merkley and two
children, of Salem, visited on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Shera.
Mrs. R. Grainger .is visiting relativ
es in Toronto. .
. Mrs. Robinson, of Toronto, is vis
iting with her daughter, Mrs. Ball and
Rev? J. L.‘ Ball.
Mr. Kenneth Underwood spent
Thursday of last week in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. MacDonald, of
Molesworth, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Mac-
Lean, Brussels, and Mr. Frank Earls,
Wroxeter, were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. W. C. King on Friday last.
We extend congratulations to Mr.
and Mrs. Samuel Ferguson who cele
brate the 62nd anniversary of their
wedding on Wed., Feb. 28th.
Mr. Jack Newton is in London for
a few days this week.
Mrs. Dowdell and daughter, Aud
rey, of Toronto, spent a few days last
week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Hyndman.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Marshall and
baby son were recent visitors at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Curie*, Belmore.
Mrs. Neilson was a, week-end visit
or at the home of Mr. Reuben Hard
ing and Miss Esther Harding of Ford-
Mr. Lloyd Gathers, of Listowel,
visited one day last week with his par
ents, Mr, and Mrs. David Gathers.
Rev. H. N. Watt is continuing the
Series of addresses on "God’s Eternal
Flan” and the subject on Sunday
morning. March 3rd, will be "I Am
The Way.” In the evening lantern
slides on China will be showh. '* ,
„ At the mid-week Lenten service at
the Rectory on Wednesday, Feb. 28.
Rev. Jf. L. Rail will give an address
on “The Church In England.” On
Sunday, March 3rd, the series of ser
mons on “The Seven Deadly Sins”
will be continued when Rev. Ball will
preach on “Gluttony and Lust.”
Library Board Names Officers
The Library Board was well pleas
ed With fthe Secretary’s report at the
annual meeting. A larger number of
books had been loaned in 1939 than
for the three preceding years. Con
sidering that the fees are only 50c a
year and many join only for the win
ter months, we did very well financ
ially. ’ All
Mrs. Geo.
Strong to
Township Library Board, lit will bo
of interest to the public to. know that
our librarians give their services free.
officers were re-elected.
Mr. Roy Strong; Treas.,
King; Sec., Miss B. M.c-
Mrs. W. King and Mr. R.
be Gorrie’s members of
Red Cross News
The Red Cross Women’s Commit
tee will use the Library as their dis
tributing centre and will have repre
sentatives there during Library hours
for this purpose, Saturdays 3 to 5 and
8 to 10 o’clock.
and Mrs. Neil Carr, Whigham,Mr.
were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs.
H. Waller.
Quite a number from Wroxeter and
community attended the dance at Gor
rie on Friday night when nine boys
who have enlisted were presented
with wrist watches.
Mrs. Dickson, Toronto, is a guest
at the home of Mrs. Philip Durst and
Mr. Durst.
Mrs. MacDernald, also Mrs'. Vernon
MacDonald and family are moving in
to Wroxeter from the farm and will
at the
or at the home of her sister, Mrs. R.
the Douglas residence.
Tenant, Toronto,
home of Mr, and
Hart, of Windsor,
Is a visitor
Mrs. Irwin
was a visit*
Lantern Slides Enjoyed
The Missionary group of the Y.P.U.
with Stuart Musgrove as convener,
took charge of Monday evening’s
meeting when 38 members and- visit
ors were present. The meeting was
opened by singing the hymn “In
Christ -there is no East or West.” Al-
lister Green led in prayer which was
followed by the Lord’s Prayer in uni
son. The Scripture lesson, taken from
Matthew 28: 16-20, was read by Stuart
Musgrove. Weldon Hambly read the
society's Journal which was interest
ing as well as amusing. The School
Girls’ Choir were present and contrib
uted a well loved chorus “Way Down
Upon the Swanee River” by Stephen
Foster. Slides on Ireland were shown
Mrs. I. R. Campbell giving the ad
dress. The meeting closed with the
singing of the hymn “O Lamb of God
still keep me” and the repeating of the
Mizpah benediction. A period of gam
es and contests wefe enjoyed.
- —■- I
March Programme “Health”
The March meeting of the Women’.-
Institute will be held at the home o,
Mrs, J. Adams on Thursday, March
Sth, 3 p.m. Current Events will be
taken by Mrs. J. J. Allen. Roll Call-
A Health Building Habit. Address on
Health by Dr. I. P. Campbell. Dem
onstration, Bandaging, Mrs. Kane.
ed a generous box of new shoes for
the bale recently sent to Northern On
tario. The following officers were in
stalled and will carry on the society
for 1940: President, Frances Wylie;
Vice Pres., Margaret Moffat; Sec’y.,
Mary Meahan; Treas., Lulu Gibson;
World Friend Sec., Mae Durst; Her
alds: China, Alberta Howe; Japan.
Agnes Wearring; India, Rhea Durnin;
Africa, June Waller; Canada, Lois
Hambly; pianist, Sybil Grant; Lead
er, Mrs. A. J. Sanderson; Assistant,
Mrs. A. M. Grant. A letter was read
from Miss Brown, from a Northern
Ontario Mission Field. The Leader
told an interesting story. The hymn.
“Jesus, tender Shepherd”'and the Miz
pah benediction brought the meeting
to a close. >
Walter McMichael
The.funeral of the late Walter Mc
Michael, Guelph, was held on the ar
rival of the 2.12 train .here on Monday
with Rev. A. M. Grant in charge. The
late Mr. McMichael was well known
here having lived in Fordwich many
years.' He had been in failing health
for some years and passed away on
Thursday in Guelph General Hospital.
His wife, a son and daughter survive.
Funeral services were held at his
late residence in Guelph Sunday af
ternoon. Interment was made in the
family plot, Wroxeter Cemetery.
Woman’s Association
The February meeting of the W. A.
was held in the church school room
Monday afternoon when 15 were pre
sent. The president,. Mrs. W. T. Mac-
Lean was in the chair. “Take time to
b.e holy” was the opening hymn. Mrs.
Stocks read the 19th Psalm. The af
ternoon was spent quilting and a Pot
Luck supper enjoyed at tlje close.'
Mission Band .
The February meeting of the Mis
sion Band United Church was held on
Thursday at 4 p.m. in the Church
school room with a splendid attend
ance. The meeting opened with quiet
music by Margaret Moffat, The new
president, Frances Wylie, had charge
of the meeting and opened with the
hymn “I love to tell the story” follow
ed by the Call to Worship. "Suffer
the little children to come unto me
and forbid them not for of such is
the Kingdom of Heaven.” Following
the singing of "God sees the little
sparrow fall” the Lord’s Prayer was
repeated in unison. The Scripture les
son was read by Frances Wylie and
taken from Luke 11:1-12. During the
business period a vote of thanks was
tendered Mrs. R. J. Rann who donat-
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