HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1940-02-29, Page 3i
Thursday, February 29,1940
For finer bread
And better cake
hene’er you bake
1 1 mip white super
| 2epps» ' '"
I 1 Mi cups Purity Flour
I 1 teaspoon baking
I powder
' METHOD: (1) Cream butter and sugar; add
beaten «gg« and beat for 3 minutes. (2) Sift
flour with baking powder, cocoa and salt twice,
and ndd, alternately, with milk to Mixture No. 1.
(3) Dissolve soda in a little warm water or, if
buttermilk is used, dissolve in buttermilk. (4)
Add vanilla and beat well. (S) Bskoin layer cake
tins in moderate oven of 325 degrees. Spread
frosting betweep layers and bn top of cake. Cocoa-
l " ” < ■ ■ ' * U8
I , i . -fl
3 tabjwpooni cocoa
M, tMCpoon salt
1 cup milker
. buttermilk
1 teaspoon coda-
1 teaspoon vanlilc
Best fpr allypttplidking
Russia May Go To Far Seas
Moscow The Russian public'was
warned to be prepared for possible
extension of .the war. On the Red
army’s 22nd anniversary all newspap
ers emphasized the strict urgency of
abiding 'by Joseph Stalin’s order that
the country be prepared for general
mobilization. G. I. Levchenko, vice-
naval commissar, warned in Pravda,
Communist party organ, that naval
war might be carried into waiters far
from Soviet Russia'.
Hepburn Denies Purge
Toronto — Persistent rumors, at
Queen's Park of an impending purge
of Cabinet members who have given
1 public backing to federal candidates
* in their home ridings were bluntly
denied by Premier Hepburn as having
not the' "slightest foundation” .of
that gave birth to forty-ofur pigs : of ten in .December, seventeen .in May j forty-four in all. Nine were raised on
within twelve months, having a litter | and. seventeen in October, totalling | the bottle.—Lucknow Sentinel.
tie of Montivideo, said Great Britain
had lost nearly 3,000 men in the ’’hard
and unrelenting” struggle at sea, and I
described the victory over the. Ger
man battleship Graf Spee as "almost i
a relief.” The first lord of the admir
alty spoke at the Guildhall, where the
seamen were banqueter after a great,
parade through London.
King and Queen Vjsited Beaver Club
London — The King and Queen
made a triumphant two-hour rpyal
tour of a "lilttie bit of Canada in Eng
land” as they inspected the magnifi
cent Beaver Club. 'Their Majesties
met and talked to scores of men while
they visited every room of the newly-
opened fiostel for the Canadian boys.
Its beauties and comforts were shown
the royal visitors by Hon. Vincent
Massey, Canadian high commissioner
in the United Kingdom.
Blame T.R.A.
London — Twelve persons were in
jured, two seriously, in two violent
explosions in London’s West End.
Police attributed the bombings to ithe
outlawed Irish Republican Army.
minister said he was speaking with
the authority and support ofv every
member of the Cabinet. He said: “If
after an appeal has been made (to the
country on our war effort and our pol
icies, we are not returned to power/ Wheat Board.
To Name Wheat Board
Advisory Committee
■ Gttawa — Trade Minister Euler
announced that the . Dominion Govern
ment has decided to appoint an ad
visory committee to the Canadian
those of us who are. elected, together
with our following, will not bct?ay
our parliamentary duty buit -will con
stitute His Majesty’s loyal Opposi
Britain Is Proof Says Manion
Edmonton — The present. National
Government of the United Kingdom
is the best possible argument for a
National Government in Canada, Con
servative Leader Manion said here.
■He took strong exception to a report
ed statement by Agriculture Minister
Gardiner that National. Government is
contrary to democracy and is attend
ed by scandals. He asserted that Bri
tain was the greatest and truest, dem
ocracy in the world. Tit was the mo
ther of parliaments and-no taint of
scandal had ever touched its pages.
• y ■ ’ ».
Sweden Refutes Russian Denial
Stockholm —"The Swedish foreign
office, commenting on a denial by
Tass, Soviet Russian News Agency,
that Russian planes had bombed the
Swedish frontier town of Pajala, de-
-------- /
Extend Reciprocal Agreement’s Time
Washington — The United States
House of Representatives gave the
administration its first great victory
of the congressional session with a
vote extending the reciprocal trade
agreements program for a period of
three years. Hull had fought for such
a program for years before he became
Secretary of .state in the Roosevelt . ..
Cabinert:. Arguing^ that a revival of I dared investigation showed definitely
that the .bombers were Russian. It
Was said also that fragments of Rus
sian-made bombs were found in the
world trade depended principally on
the elimination of such trades barriers
as high tariffs.
King Ministers Boycott Manion
Ottawa — Prime Minister Macken
zie King declared that neither he nor
his Cabinet colleagues would eniter the
national government Canservative
Leader Manion proposes to form if he
is given a majority of supporters in
the general election. In his third
broadcast address of the campaign,
the prime minister said he wanted his
party’s position made clear "so that
there will be no mistaken in the minds
either of the people or of Dr. Manion
concerning our position?’ .The prime
Norway Proposes Arbitration
Oslo — Authoritative sources, said
that the Norwegian Government
would propose to Britain that the Alt
mark incident be settled by arbitra
tion if the two countries fail to reach
an agreement shortly, No details of
the arbitration plan were disclosed
pending further negotiations.- •
Churchill Pays Tribute to Sailors ,
London — Winston Churchill, pay
ing tribute to 760 veterans of the bat-
Plaxton Quits
Toronto—Heckling that had threat
ened to disturb a Liberal rally here
for A. Roebuck, Liberal candidate in'
Trinity riding, Was halted when Hon.
C. D. Howe, minister of transport, an
nounced at the outset of liis address
that Hugh Plaxton "rebel”' Liberal
candidate and niember'in-the last Par
liament, has resigned from the cam-'
paign. \
Ontario Budget Passed House
The Ontario Legislature ’ on . a
straight party vote of 57 to 21, voted
approval of Premier Mitchell F. Hep
burn’s budget, Clashes between Col.
George A. Drew, Conservative leader,,
and- the premier, marked the conclus
ion of the four-day debate. The for
mer charged tlfe'Government with ex-,
travagance and claimed the adminis
tration had no approval from the peo
ples as a whole for the increased’tax
Blocking Arctic District .
Kirkenes, Norway — An undeter
mined number of jBritish warships 'are
lying off Finland’s Petsamo district
and Russia’s ^.rctice coast near Mur
mansk, it was learned definitely here.
It was believed that tlite ships., were
placed in the area to prevent German
vessels from using Norwegian terri
torial waters in trade with Russia.
Quality Farm Products Necessary
Toronto — Hon.,P. M. Dewan, On
tario agriculture minister, in ’an ad
dress before the Ontario Good Roads
.Association, ^warned farmers that if
they hope to retain the present larg
er markets, for bacon and cheese in
Great Britain after the war, they must
be particularly vigilant in producing
and exporting highest quality produce.-
Tribute to Tweedsmuir
London — The empire honored the
memory of the late Lord Tweedsmuir
at a service iti Westminster Abbey
that was richly impressive for its sim
plicity. Upwards of 1,000 persons,
ranging from a representative of ithe
King and the prime minister himself
to a few humble alms seekers,' filled
the pews and the age-worn transept
seats for the service, the origin
which is rooted in antiquity.
AT AKE plans early this year to harvest a bumper crop of smooth,
•EVA clean, high-quality potatoes. Good seed is the first require*
ment for an excellent crop . *. because only good seed will grow
vigorous plants, plants that cairi withstand most of the serious
diseases common to potatoes.
Canadian Certified^Seed Potatoes are good seed potatoes. By
planting them, many of the losses due to disease will be avoided ...
higher-quality, cleaner, smoother, mote, uniform potatoes than
those-grown from ordinary seed stock will be produced.
So, this season, harvest finer potatoes —“ and more of them. Plant Can
adian Certified Seed. Grow potatoes that will grade Canada No. 1.
Canadian Certified’Seed Potatoes are available in all Standard
varieties. Be sure to Select the variety most suitable for your
locality!. Ask the local District Government Inspector, Plant Pro
tection Division, for fill! information and list of nearest distributors.
Food.supplies are important in wartime -“■*
This year, plant and raise only the best.
Troops Received Queen’s Gift
Aldersho^ — Lieut.-Colonel
Thompson, commanding officer of the
Toronto Scottish, • had good reason
for listing a visit of the'postman as a
momentous and memorable event.
Called from his busy round of activ
ities by the postie, he found a huge
parcel deposited at his feet. Col.
Thompson hurriedly unwrapped the
bundle and to his surprise he discov
ered it was a gift to* the officers and
men from Queen Elizabeth, who -is
colonel-in-chief of the regiment,
Look for thlc certification tagon thebag or container
—-the only way of bcing surc of
gettirig Canadian CrrtP
ped Seed Potatoes.
Examine it
District Inspector, Seed Potato Certification,
c/o Horticultural Department, Ontario Agri#
cultural College. Guelph, Ont. ■/”
Agricultural Supplies Board *
Honourable James G. Gardiner,
Equipping Fishing Craft
London — First stories of how Bri
tain’s hitherto helpless fisheremen are
righting back the Nazi air threat over
their trawlers were told when it was
revealed that fishing craft are being
equipped with antiraircraft weapons.
Germany Challenges Rumania’s Ban
Bucharest •**» Germany challenged
Rumania’s ban on shipment of high
test aviation gasoline to the Reich by
deciding to send her ace economic ne
gotiator,, Dr. Karl Clodius, to Buch
arest to insist Upon full delivery of
her 1940 quota, it was learned author
Enthrone Boy as Dalai Lama
New Delhi Behind the great gold
and jewel-studded gates of the Fotala
» /
—most famed of all Tibetan palaces
—the six-year-old Ling-Er.gh La-Mu-
Tah-Chu was enthroned as the four
teenth Dalai Lama, spiritual arfd tem
poral ruler of the country at the top
of the world. The child, selected by
the portents of heaven and taken from
the humble dwelling of a Chinese pea
sant in Kokonor, was born, it is said,
at the exact moment on December 17,
1933, when the thirteenth Dalai Lama
drew his last breath.
Canadian Air Squadron In England
The aerial co-operation arm of the
Canadian Active Service Force’s First
Division, 414 strong, landed in Eng
land Sunday. It was No. 110 Squad
ron, known formerly as the City of
Toronto Squadron but which now re
presents all part of the Dominion. The
flyers have dubbed themselves "Croil’s
Cossacks” in honour of Vice-Marshal
George M. Croil, Canada’s chief of the
air staff. The commander, Squadron
^Leader Wilbur VanVliet, of Winni
peg, said'on’landing that "what is ex
pected of us we know we can do,” and
later told newsmen "we are proud to
be the first squadron to come over
Russians Lose 100,000 Men
Helsinki — Nearly a month of ithe
Red army’s great February offensive
has brought the Hammer and' Sickle
banner within a few miles “of Viipuri,
Finland’s second city, and severely
battered the .Mannerheim Line of de
fence fortifications. Experts claim
this attack on ithe Karelian Isthmus
has cost the Russians 100,000 men.
Fight to the Finish
Birmingham — Prime Minister
Chamberlain ruled out any peace with
the Nazi Government on Saturday as
incapable of guaranteeing future sec
urity of Europe and pledged Great
Britain to fight to the finish to win
independence for the Czechs and the
Best Liberals to Join Manion
Winnipeg Right now there are
"a number of the best Liberals” ready
to join in the formation of a national
government, Conservative leader Man
ion announced Saturday. Prime Min
ister Mackenzie King could tell the
.country he and his Cabinet would not
enter a national government, Dr. Man
ion said, but they had not been asked.
Some Hog
Lloyd Hildfcd of Bervie has a sow
’fcTA I®*
ofc Ifcfc- fc'
5 Sx vuw
Right in their own training quart
ers, these gunners and other person
nel of the 53rd Battery, R.C.A., arc
demolishing 24 square mil.es of coun
try. That is, they’re doing it 'theoret
ically, with villages, roads, rivers,
tanks and enemy laid out in detail on
the sand table (TOP). Keen-evcd ob
servers give the position to be shell
ed; orders ate relayed to the gunners
(BOTTOMS and ithe guns arc (the
oretically) fired. The spot where the
"shell” hit is marked by a piece of
cotton on a wire, and the results re-
layed to the command position else
where in the building. It’s excellent
training in this weather, says Lieut,
j. F. Brennan, who directs operations
under Mayor T. M, Medland.